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December 2014

Dear Supporters, Friends and Family,

It’s time to get this newsletter out to all of you to wish you a very Merry Christmas. I want to thank you all for the support in prayers and finances this year. It seems too early to see the end of the year coming up, doesn’t it?

On July 7th, I bought a newer car. I had been driving Audrey’s and it was 16 years old. The computer parts of it were going bad. I bought a Honda Airwave which is like a sleet station wagon. A friend found it for me. I asked him to find me a good car with room for passengers for no more than $6,000.00 and he found me a good one. Since I could only afford $3,000.00, I asked the Center board if it would be okay for the Center to pay half. They thought the Center should pay it all, but I declined their generosity. The car came to about $5,800.00. Four of us drove it to this year’s All Japan Christian Convention in August so the roomy space came in handy. It took 10 hours, 45 minutes to drive up.

Bro. Ando has moved into a group home about 20 minutes away. I have been trying to become his legal guardian but the court said I couldn’t, so a lawyer is now his guardian. I still visit him once a week and will see to any needs he might have. He is happy where he is which is an answer to prayer.

A powerful typhoon was to come straight over us on Sunday, August 10th, so we canceled church. We ended up with just a little rain and wind, but other places were badly hit. If it had hit as it was supposed to, having no service would have been good.

A friend of Miss Daynise Holloway, Mr. Gary Snavely, came to visit us. He held a short workshop on preaching on September 20th. It was good to meet him.

I went to the Immigration Office in Okayama City in October to extend my visa. It needs extending every three years. At the same time, I applied for a permanent visa so I won’t have to do it any more.

November 2nd and 3rd was Osaka Bible Seminary’s annual Tane Maki Kai. Eight of us from here attended, which is a record for us. Four of us went in my car, three went in Bro. Sugiyama’s car and one took the bus. The meeting was very good. It was good to see friends there.

Saturday, November 22nd, the Center hosted our annual Carry-In Lunch. We had 21 students, Christians and friends show up. The 21st man arrived 15 minutes before we started putting things away. (Grin). It’s a great time to meet

251-1 Yunogo, Mimasaka Shi, Okayama Ken 707-0062 JapanKeith Summers, missionary

email: [email protected] A. Sands, forwarding agent

197 Crawford St., Fredericksburg, OH 44627

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and just chat as we eat. We had 4 newcomers, two adult students and two invited friends, and they seemed to have enjoyed themselves.

December is busy as usual. The 10th, the class at Misuzusou will decorate cookies for the residents and staff there so I’ll be baking cookies for that, taking 200 cookies. We’ll decorate only 100 of them as doing all 200 is a bit much for the students. The other hundred will be undecorated. The home will serve them with lunch, I believe.

I have 5 children’s parties to plan: one on the 18th, three on the 22nd and one on the 20th. The preschool children’s will be the most involved. I plan on having them decorate their own cookies. (Grin) Potential disaster but potential fun also. The older children will be content with cookies and cake and a simple gift.

The 19th, we are having our first Christmas Evening evangelistic meeting here at the Center. We’ll sing carols, Bro. Sugiyama will have a short message and Sis. Honda will sing. She is a professional singer and has been on TV. She is also Bro. Sugiyama’s relative. He asked if she could come and she agreed.

The 23rd we will have caroling at the Valentine Hotel for an hour.The 24th, the town of Yunogo will host its annual Christmas program with hot chocolate, antique music box music,

a hand bell choir, group carols and an explanation of the real meaning of Christmas. They asked me to lead the three carols and to tell the audience the true meaning of Christmas. I will bake cookies for the townspeople to give out as a gift to those who attend.

There have been additions of new students. One lady has joined our Friday night adult class so now there are 6 adults. And one pre-school boy has joined the Monday afternoon class so now I’ve 7 of them. They are a challenge. (Grin) One boy does well if things are loud and active. If things get quiet, he falls asleep. (Grin)

Sis. Suruga passed away on Thursday, December 4th. Her family aren’t Christians but they asked me to handle the wake and funeral programs as Christian. I was glad to do it for them.

I don’t know how many Christmas cards I’ll be able to do as things are busy but if I don’t get one to all of you, please know that I’m thinking of you, thanking God for you, and wishing that you will be blessed this Christmas season.

In Christ,


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