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Margarita Perilla

Maria del Mar Zuluaga

Oil Spill Accidents

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Exxon Valdez Accident close to Mexico Comparison Bibliografy


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Place: Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska Date: March 20, 1989. In route from Valdez, Alaska to Los Angeles. Impact : Experts believe that 1,000 sea otters died; 100,000 birds died,

including 250 eagles and more tan 30 killer whales. Cause: The Vessel was traveling outside normal shipping lanes

trying to avoid ice, besides the captain, Joseph Hazelwood, admited that he had been drinking before the ship left port. Altough a test demonstrate that it was blood on Hazelwood bloods. He had to pay $50,000 fine and perform 1,000 hours of community service.

How fast the oil spilled: “Oil had drenched or spattered at least 1,200 miles of shoreline” (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.)

How many oil & Tanks ? The Exxon Valdez spilled close to 10.9 million gallon of its 53 million gallon of its crude oil. Eight of the eleven tanks on board damaged. The oil will eventually impact approxiamtely 1.100 miles of non-continuous coastline in Alaska, making it one of the most castastrofic accidents in the story.

Exxon Valdez

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Exxon Valdez

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Place: Spread across the gulf of Mexico. Date: April 20 of 2010. Impact: “As the encroachment of oil into coastal zones appears

imminent, primary concerns include potential impacts to 20 coastal national wildlife refuges within the possible trajectory of the spill”. (Tom McKenzie) It has been found thousands of dead birds.

Eleven platform workers are missing, injuring other 17. Cause: An oil well leak at the Mexico's gulf. How fast the oil spilled? It has reachest 1.550 km, and the oil

continues to spread. It has been found in Louisiana, and recently in Misissipi and Alabama.

How many oil? They have estimate 5,000 barrels as much as 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day.

Some activities to stop the oil leak: They have used underwater robotic vehicles and some other technologic objects etc. to gather all the oil.

Mexicos Accident

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Exxon Valdez Mexicos Accident

It was on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska

Spread across the gulf of Mexico.

On March 24, 1989. On April 20, 2010.

Impact: Experts believe that 1,000 sea otters died; 100,000 birds died, including 250 eagles and more tan 30 killer whales.

“As the encroachment of oil into coastal zones appears imminent, primary concerns include potential impacts to 20 coastal national wildlife refuges within the possible trajectory of the spill”. (Tom McKenzie) It has been found thousands of dead birds.

Cause:The Vessel was traveling outside normal shipping lanes trying to avoid ice, besides the captain, Joseph Hazelwood, admited that he had been drinking before the ship left port. Altough a test demonstrate that it was blood on Hazelwood bloods. He had to pay $50,000 fine and perform 1,000 hours of community service.

An oil well leak at the Mexico's gulf.

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Resources Encarta 2009. http://

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