
Oil Analysis Implementation StrategyJ. Mike Weiksner

BSME - Auburn University - 197825 Years in Industry (EMO)Hold Certifications in Vibration & Oil AnalysisMember of the ICML Advisory Board, STLEProctor & Gamble, Kimberly Clark, E.I. DuPontWestinghouse Savannah River Co. (currently)

(803)557-6352 [email protected]

Oil Analysis can have a major impact within amaintenance organization. Not only can youreduce maintenance cost and machinedowntime, but if implemented meticulously,maintenance and operations personnel willdevelop a passion for continuousimprovement. Learn through an 11 stepstrategy how to implement an Oil Analysisprogram that will improve equipmentreliability and enhance your PredictiveMaintenance Program.

Step 1. Evaluate your lubrication practices.

• Are you currently performing time or meterdirected activities?

• Do you know how many types of oil are used atyour facilities and if your oils are stored anddispensed properly?

• Do you understand the differences between thetypes of oil and greases used at your facilities?

• Are you currently using an off site oil analysislab and if so, can you interpret the reports?

Step 2. Utilize Maintenance Optimization to determine“best practices” and for justifying maintenance programchanges.

• This step allows you to assess your overallmaintenance practices for a given machine,perform a cost analysis to calculate the savings forprogram implementation, and document atechnical baseline for the actions that are taken.

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Step 3. Select or obtain volunteer maintenancepersonnel to support the lubrication program.

• The key to this step is in findingmaintenance personnel who have agenuine interest in improving maintenanceand who will want to work/learn using acomputer. Although preferred,maintenance personnel do not necessarilyneed oil or lubrication experience.

Step 4. Send all of your oil program personnel to oil analysistraining and educate them in lubrication fundamentals.Permit and encourage certification for those who desire it.

• Learn about oil and lubrication, bring in theindustry experts

• Learn about proper sampling techniques andpractices

• Learn about oil contamination, the sources, thetypes and affects

• Learn about oil tests and testing instruments• Investigate multiple companies who supply oil

analysis equipment• Visit an oil analysis lab

Step 5. Purchase some oil analysis equipment.

• Provides relatively fast, consistent and repeatableresults.

• Includes software that has ability to plot andtrend data, set and generate alarms, customizeand generate reports, and can be networked

• Basic tests would include particle count(contamination index), wear particle count,viscosity change and moisture presence.

• Base lab instruments and test equipment on thetype of machines/oil to be monitored.

Step 6. Select a location for setting up the oilanalysis instruments and for the testing/processing ofoil samples.

• Should have sufficient space for growth and beseparate from other technologies.

• Need to purchase oil sample bottles and some labsample processing equipment (i.e. sample shaker)

Step 7. Analyze and baseline several machine oil reservoirsfor contamination,viscosity change and the presence ofmoisture. Run these same tests on stored lubricants.

• Practice and develop your skills in testing• Discuss the tests and what you find with those

involved in the program, and with experiencedmaintenance personnel

• Think about how the machine operates and themachine operating conditions

Step 8. Set machine target cleanliness levels and purchaseportable filtration equipment/components. Establish thepractice of oil analysis and filtering on as many reservoirs aspossible.

• Filtration of oil within reservoirs will achievetarget cleanliness faster and more effectivelythen draining and replacing the oil, or, draining,flushing the reservoir and replacing the oil.Furthermore, filtering significantly reduceswaste oil generation and disposal costs.

• Control moisture infiltration

Step 9. Utilize oil testing to make programmaticmaintenance changes, and changes to your lubricationpractices.

• Eliminate time directed maintenance activitiesand extend overhaul schedules. Change oil onlywhen the condition of the oil no longer meets themachine requirements.

• Consolidate your oils and reduce inventories• Set up oil dispensing facilities to ensure clean oil

used in equipment• Reduce waste oil generation through filtering• Consolidate multiple facility oil programs,

testing and off site contracts

Step 10. Trend and track oil relatedequipment failures. Document savings anduse to justify additional lab equipment.Consider the benefits of purchasing advancedoil analysis equipment such as Ferrogrammaking equipment and a FT-IR. As analternative to the investment of additionallaboratory equipment, consider utilizing anoff site oil analysis lab to confirm internaltests and perform root cause exception testing.

No. 1 Supply Pump, 285-H

Outboard Bearing, No. 1Supply Pump 285-HOctober 2001

Step 11. Establish ongoing training,education of plant personnel andrevisions/upgrades to lab hardware andsoftware. Rotate maintenance personneland other PDM personnel into the oilanalysis program.

How Does Oil Analysis Increase theEffectiveness of Your Condition MonitoringProgram ?

• Energy consumption and operating temperatures can bereduced

• Improves analysis capability of journal bearings• Can optimize data collection by collecting samples at the same

time (ie vibration monitoring)• Helps to discern between contamination, oil degradation and

machine wear• Complements ultrasonic analyses• Improves application of lubricants and can extend a oil useful

life• Keeps lubricant suppliers in check and control of machine

lubrication• Is a Proactive Tool [ie Spike Energy(gSe), Motor Current]

providing the analyst with early diagnostic information

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