Page 1: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

should Includethe registrant'sown Identificationnumber or acompleted employmentregisterform with the appropriate feeattached. Forms were sent to all members of the AACR In thefall of 1993. They were also printed In the First Announcementof the AnnualMeetingand inthe December 1 (1993), December15 (1993), January 1 (1994), and January 15 (1994) issues ofCancerResearch.

Advertisementsfrom all current participants in the Employment Register will also appear In the September 1 and November1, 1994issuesof CancerResearch.

man tumors. Experience in molecular biology andprotein chemistry preferred. AvailableJan. 1994.$27,000to $36,000depending on experience. Contact Dr. Nai-KongV. Cheung, Department of Pediatncs,Mem.Sloan-KetteringCancerCntr.,NYC,NY10021. 212-639-8401.209P Postdoctoral inCarcinogenesis/MolecularorCellularBiology.COnduCtresearch on roleof proteinKinase C in human melanocytafmelanomagrowthand regulation. Avail. Sept. 1994. $25,000. Contact:Frank L. Meyskens, Jr., M.D.,UCIClinicalCancerCenter, 101 CityDrive,S., Orange, CA92668.210P Postdoctoral research position for Ph.D. inbiochemistry, molecular biology, pharmacology orrelated field to study either polyarnine metabolism orDNA repair. Studies on the role of ornithine decarboxylase in cell transformation and repair of alkylatedDNAin resistanceto alkylatingagents. Available May 1994. *23,000-27.000. Contact Dr.k E.Pegg, Dept. Cell. Mol. Physiol., Penn State Univ.CoIl.Med., Hershey,PA 17033.211P Postdoctoralpositions(M.D./Ph.D.-UScitizertlresident) available in: Gene therapyfor cancer &gene transfer technology-, T-cell apoptosis and activation; Perform knockout—effects on immune responses. Funded by Training grant/individualgrants; training in molecular or cellular techniques.Available immediately; $19,000—25.000.Dr. E.R. P0-dack, Dept. Mic/lmm,UnivMiamiSchI Med. P08016960 R-138, Miami, FL 33101.212P Directormolecularoncology gene insertionprogram. Rank/salary per experience. Limitedteaching. Substantial setup funds and local support.AvailableJuly 1, 1994.Contact Dr.Robert M.Kliegman, Dept. of Pediatrics, MedicalCollege of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd., Milwaukee, WI53226; (414)266-4110. EqualOpportunityAffirmative Action Employer M/F/D.21W Asst. to Assoc. Res. Prof. in genetic or molecularepidemiology to conduct independent &multidisciplinary laboratory based research within ahighlyinteractiveCancerPrey.& theAZCancer Ctr. Extremelylimitedgraduate teachingrequired.Avail.July 1994.$50,000to $60,000.Contact: DavidS. Aiberts,M.D.,AZCancer Ctr, Univ.ofAZ.1515 N.CampbellAve.,Tucson, AZ85724.TheUniv. of AZ is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Actin Employer.Women & Minoritiesare urged toapply.214P Clinical Pharmacologist/Medical Oncologist,M.D.,Ph.D.or M.D./Ph.D.primarilydevoted to thedesign and pharmaCOldnetiC monitoring of clinicalresearch trials. Send WilliamN. Halt, M.D.,Ph.D., The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, 303George Street, Suite 501, New Brunswick, NJ08801.21W Medical Oncologist, ASSt/ASSOCProf level,M.D. or M.D/Ph.D. primarilydevoted to laboratoryresearch in the areas of molecular biology, immunology or pharmacology. Send C.V. to William N.Hait, M.D.,Ph.D.,The Cancer Instituteof NewJersey. 303 George Street, Suite 501, New Brunswick,NJ08901.21W Medical Oncologist, Asst/Assoc Prof level,M.D. or M.DJPh.D. primarilydevoted to clinical re


search. The ind'I should have asp. in the design andconduct of dinical trials. Send C.V. to WilliamN.Halt, M.D.,Ph.D.,The Cancer Instituteof New Jersey, 303 George Street, Suite 501, New Brunswick,NJ 08901.21W HighlyqualifiedCancerCliniciansandResearchers who have completed a residency in Internal Medicinewillbe eligible for this guaranteed 2year training program, which willinclude a year ofclinical experience followed by a year devoted toformaltraining in basic and clinicalresearch. WilliamN. Halt,M.D.,Ph.D.,TheCancerInstitute of New Jersey, 303 George Street, Suite501, New Brunswick,NJ 08901.218P Postdoctoral positions available. One passboo involvescellcultureand cellular/molecularpharmacology to study drug-induced topoisomerase Iand Il-mediatedDNAdamage. A second positioninvolvesstudies on the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of novel anticancer drug deliverysystems. Send curriculum vitae and names of threereferences to: Thomas G. Burke, Ph.D., The OhioState UniversityCollege of Pharmacy. 500 W. 12thAvenue, Columbus, OH 43210, FAX 614-292-7766.219P Postdoctoral research associate desired toparticipate in Studies examining the regulation ofdrug-induced apoptosis in human leukemiacells byoncogenes and PKC-related signal transductionevents. Prior experience in signal transductionand/or molecularbiologictechniques desirable. P0-sition available Spring, 1994; start date flexible.Contact: Dr. Steven Grant, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Medical CollegeofWginia, P.O. Box 230,Richmond, VA.220P Postdoctoral position for Ph.D. in biochem/pharmacol/relatedarea withexperiencein molecularbiology to study oncogenes, tumor suppressorgenes and cell-cycle regulatory genes In the cytotoxicity of antitumor drugs in breast cancer. Stipends start at $25,000 per annum. Contact Dr.DavidA. Gewirtz, Dept. of Medicine, MedicalCdloge of Va. Box 230 MCVStation, Richmond, VA23298.flip PostdoctoralPositionavailableforStudiesofhuman melanoma and melanocyte-specific genes.Experience in molecular biology/genetics Is desirable. Interested candidates should send their curniculum vitae and the names of three references to:Dorothea Becker, Ph.D., Department of Medicine,University of Pittsburgh, BST E1050, 200 LothropStreet, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2582.-- Postdoc or Associate Scientist in tumor biology. Conduct research on structure and functionof tumor associated antigens, adhesion receptorsandgrowthfactorsininvasionandmetastasis,genetherapy with adenovirus antisense constructs. Available July 1•1994. $25,000—32,000. Contact M. Herlyn, The Wistar Institute, 3601 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-4268.22W Research Scientist in Experimental Therepeutics. Ph.D. with 1-3 yrs. of postdoctoral asperience. Conduct in vi@vstudies in combinationchemotherapy, drug evaluation, and model development as related to cancer and other diseases. Available immediately.Competitivesalaryand benefitsto investigategeneticengineeringof MoAb'sfor


The advertisements below were submitted by prospectivecandidates and employers In the AACR Employment Registerby January 10, 1994, and were updated as of June 15, 1994.

Employers participating In the Employment Register mayobtain Information on the candidates In these advertisementsand participating candidates may obtain Information on positionsIntheseadvertisementsbysubmittingwrittenrequeststothe AACR Employment Register, Public Ledger Building,620Chestnut St., Suite 816, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483. Therequest should give the identification number(s) appearing inthe upper left-hand cornerof the desiredadvertisement(s)and

POSITIONLISTINGS201P Tostudytheregulationofhepatocytegrowthas relatedto liverregenerationandmultistagethemical carcinogenesis of liver. COnduCtindependentresearch on the expression/activation of oncogenes(c-met), tumor suppressor genes (p53,Rb),andgrowth factors (HGF.TGFmand their receptors. Experience in biochemistry.molecularor cellularbiology desired. Avail.Now. Salary, Nag. Contact: Dr.Randy L Jirtle, Ph.D., Radiation Oncology, Box3433, Duke UniversityMedicalCenter, DurhamNC27710, (919)684-2770.202P Postdoctoral in Cell and Molecular Biology.Conduct research on the identification and characterization of genes involved in immortalization andtransformationof mammary epithelialcells in a superb research environment. Good background inMolecular Biology desirable. AvailableJuly 1994.Contact Dr.D. Medina,Dept. ofCell Biology,BaylorCollege of Medicine,Houston, TX(713)798-4483.

@3p Res. Assoc. in McI. Bid. to study regulationof expression of brain tumor antigens. Programaimed at development of gene-based therapy (retroviral vector mediated gene transfer, antisense; related). Salary dependent upon experience(25-40,000 range; negotiable). Contact Dr. J. R.Moskal, CINN, 428 W. Deming P1., Chicago, IL60614.

@4p Postdoctoral Fellowships in Cancer Research. Excellent investigators in basic research intumor virology, molecular carcinogenesis, moleculartherapeutics, cancer cell biology,genetics. and tumor immunology.Trainingis available in recombinant DNAtechnology, gene expression, DNAreplication, mutagenesis, regulation of cellularproliferation, growth factors, molecular immunology,molecular genetics of cancer, and combined programs. Avail.July 1994. $18,600—$25,600.ContactDr.Joseph S. Pagano, UNCLinebergerComprehensive Cancer Center, Chapel Hill,NC.

@5p Position available for the development of research intothe molecularmechanisms whichgovernregulation of proliferation in leukemia and normalhematopoietic cells. This informationis baing applied to the development of molecular and genetictherapy of leukemia. Immediate availability.540,000445,000. Contact:Dr.A. Deisseroth,Dept.of Hematology,MDAndersonCancer Center, Houston, Texas.

@6PMolecularcloningtechniques are belng usedto dissect the positiveand negativegrowthregulatory pathways which are operative in normal andleukemic hematopoietic cells. The focus is on intranuclear & cytoplasmic & cytoplasmic regulatoryproteinswhichare involvedin regulatingproliferation in myelosdcells: RB, P53, RAF,GM@SFandInterferon receptors and surface cytoadhesion molecules. Immediate availability. $22,000-$26,000.Contact Dr.A.Deisseroth,Dept.ofHernatology,MDAndersonCancerCenter,Houston,TX.207P Postdoctoral positionfor recent Ph.D. in molecular bioianvfb@ctwrñtr.i/mnl@uIar imrriirinlnnv

Page 2: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

Contact Dr. WilliamR. Waud, Chemotherapy Divisiosi,Southern Research Institute,P.O. Box 55305,Birmingham, AL 35255-5305. ANEOE.224P Research Veterinarianin ExperimentalThenapeutics. Licensed veterinarian, DVM.Experiencewith laboratory animals preferable. Conduct in vivostudies (cancer and other diseases). Monitoranimalfacilitiesfor compliance with animalwelfare regulations. Availableimmediately.Competitivesalaryandbenefits. Contact Dr. William R. Waud, Chernotherapy Division,Southern Research Institute,P.O. Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.AWEOE.

@p Postdoctoral Positions at Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center. Postdoctoral positionsavailable immediatelyfor molecularstudies of Iranscniptionfactor expression and function in hematopolesis. Research will include characterizing recently cloned transcription factors and identifyingadditionaltranscriptionfactors importantin lymphokine gene expression and leukemogenesis. Applicents should have a Ph.D. degree and backgroundin gene expression, DNA-protein Interactions, antisense or nbozyme technology, or signal transduction. Send a letterof Interest,curriculumvitaeandnames and phone numbers of two references to: Dr.Stephen D. Nimer, Sloan-Kettering Institute, RRL717B, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021.MemorialSloan-KetteringCancer Center is an EqualOpportunity Employer.227P Instructor/Met. Prof. of Medicine.POStdOC.Exp. in Cell. Mol.Bid. Conduct translationalrae. Insupport of Clin.Bone MarrowTransplant Program:hematopoiesls, hem. growth factors, stem cell isolation,tumorll-cell depletion, gene therapy, etc. Independent rae. consistent with program goals encouraged. Avail. now. 845,000470,000. ContactDr. R.K. Stuart, HerWOnc Div. MUSC, 171 AshleyAvenue, 903 CSB. Charleston, SC 29425.nBp Postdoctoral position available for an mdividual interested in workingon the virology,cellularimmunology, or molecular biology of HIV. Researchon Kaposi's sarcoma can also be considered. Theapproach is aimed at understanding the diversity ofAIDSviruses and mechanisms by which the hostcan ward off disease progression. Send CVto: Dr.Jay Levy, UC San Francisco, CR1, San Francisco,CA94143-0128.

@p Postdoctoral research fellowship available tostudy gene transfer approaches into hematopoieticstem cells. Canine, murineand human experimentalsystems willbe used to evaluate retroviralmediatedgene transfer of reporter and potentiallytherapeuticconstructs into stem cells in long-term marrow cullures. AvailableJuly1994.Contact Dr.I.Dubé,Dept.Pathol, Universityof Toronto,Toronto, Canada.230P Sr. Scientist/Manager Cancer Pharmacology.Twotofouryearspharmaceuticalldustryasperience in signal transduction mechanisms, MDR,immunologyand/or tumor cell biology.In vivomodeling experience assessing chemotherapeuticagents required, FA@ analysis a plus. Availableimmediately at $50,000 plus. Contact Dr. L M. Adems, Sphinx Pharmaceuticals, 4 UniversityPlace,Durham, NC 27707.231P PostdoctoralResearcher,tumorimmunology. Develop In vivo model systems to probe tumorganglioside modulation of immune responses andtumor progression. Position available immediately.Salary competitive. Contact Stephan Ladisch, M.D.,Director,Center for Cancer and TransplantationBiology, Children's Research Institute, I I I MichiganAvenue, N.W.,Washington,D.C.20010-2970.232P Postdoctoral Fellow/Research FellowPosition. Available from December 1994 for a recentgraduate with a Ph.D. in cell biologyor molecularbiology interested in malignant transformation andcellular differentiation. Expertise in one or more ofthe followingareas is desirable: moleculargenetics,virology,or protsin chemistry.Send curriculumvitaeand names of three references to: Mark A. Israel,M.D., University of CalifOrnia,San Francisco, Department of Neurosurgery,HSE722, Box 0520,505Pamassus Avenue,San Francisco, CA94143-0520.Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeActionEmployer.233P Postdoctoral positions available. Basic anddinical research programs focused on the geneticand molecularfactors affectingP450 and MDRgeneexpression and P450 mediated metabolism of antineoplastics. Excellent environment ad benefits.

SaIary-@$25,000—27,200. Contact Dr. W. E. Evans,St. Jude Children's Res. Hosp., 332 N. Lauderdale,Memphis, TN 38101 . ph. (901) 522-0663; fax 525-6869.234P Royal Victoria Hospital, a major teachinghospital of McGill University, recruiting academicstaff MedicalOncologist(AsstiAssoc. Professor).Preference for basic research interest; possible interaction withcolleagues in areas of hematopoieticgrowth factors, bone marrow transplantation, pharmacokinetics, transgenics, oncogenes ad transformingretroviruses,and clinicaltrials in the McGillDept. of Oncologyand new PharmacokineticsUnitat the RoyalViCtOriaHOSpItal.Boardeligibl&certifled in MedicalOncologyby RoyalCollegeof Canada, AmericanBoardoflntemal Medicineor Corporation Professionelle des Médecinsdu Québec.Send C.V. to Dr. Brian Leyland-Jones, DivisionofHematology/Oncology, Royal Victoria Hospital,RoomA204,687 PineAvenueWest, Montreal,Quabec H3A1A1, Canada.235P Postdoctoral Trainee Fellowships.Chemistry, Biochemistry,CelVMolecularBiology,Epidemiology,Biotechnologyofanticancernaturalproducts.Requires Ph.D. in relevant field. Stipends: 24,5001035,00Wyr. Contact: Tom Humphreys, Molecular Oncology, Cancer Research Center of Hawaii,University of Hawaii, 1236 Lauhala Street, Honolulu, HI96815 (808) 586-2955.236P Postdoc fellowto study molecular machanisms of carcinogenesis in esophageal cancer, Barrett's esophagus, & ulcerative colitis. 2 yrs. profpostdoc res. in mol. biol. tumor biol. Avail. July,1994. $21,000-26,000. Contact: Dr.Stephen Meltzen, Div. of GI, Univ. of MD, 22 5. Greene Street,Baltimore, MD 21201.237P Ass Assoc/Postdoc Fellowto study alteredgenesand thelrexpression in preneoplastic and malignant colonic and prostatic tissues. Emphasis onhuman cancers with ki situ, molecular biologic, andcytogenetic methods; parallel studies with animaland in vitromodels.Availablenow;salary nag. Contact Dr T Pretlow, Inst Pathology, Case WesternReserve U, Cleveland,OH 44106.238P Postdoctoral Participant. Conduct researchon molecularbiologyof humanandrodentlungcancer.Potentialareasforstudyincludeidentificationofepigenetic and genetic alterations during tumor progression with emphasis on correlating molecularevents with discrete phenotypic changes and/orcloning ad identification of novel cancer genes.Starting date to be arranged. $24,000. Contact Dr.David E. Bios, Education Coordinator, InhalationToxicologyResearch Institute,P.O. Box5890,,@Jbuquerque, NM 87185. (505)845-1019.239P Postdoctoral fellowshipavailable in activetransplantation immunology laboratory that focuseson stem cell biology.Techniques available includemolecular biology, rare events cell sorting, long termbone marrow culture, live cellular imaging, ad callular immunology.Avail.July 1994, Salary negotiable. ContactDr.SuzanneT. lldstad,Director,Laboratory, Cellular Therapeutics, University ofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261.240P Postdoctoral Fellow in toxicology. CIIT is anot-for-profittoxicologyresearch institutethat conducts mechanistic research in chemical-inducedcarcinogenesis. The position requires a recent biochemistry,toxicology,molecularbiologyor related disciplines. Available immediately.$27,000/year. Directinquiriesto Mr.BillSilber,CIIT,P.O.Box12137, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.241P Tumor Biologist. Ph.D. and postdoctoral aspeniencerequired. Developin vivoand in vitrosystems for evaluation of novel therapeutic agents.Contributeto team efforts of drug discovery.Available May 1994. Salary commensurate with experience. Contact: PDT Pharmaceuticals, Santa Barhera,CA93117 HumanResources.242P Postdoctoral Fellow: available immediatelyfor Studiesof cis ad trans-actingmolecules thatdetermine iducibility of human superoxide dismutase. This research offers a unique opportunityfor the application of basic molecular biology tosolution of toxicologically and medically importantproblems.The fellow will be funded by an ongoingtraining progam in Toxicology. Send curriculum vitae and three letters of reference to: Dr. Daret K. St.Clair,Graduate Center for Toxicology, 204 Funk


houser Building,Universityof Kentucky,Lexington,KY40506-0054.Tel.(606)257-3956; Fax (606)323-1059.243P Postdoctoral Fellowto join group studyingthe genes and proteins involved in the molecularbasis for antifolate cytotoxicity. Projects involve cellcycle control,genomic and cDNA,site-directed mutagenesis, and protein chemistry. Salary is 25,000.Avail.September,1994. ContactRichardG. Moran,MedicalCollegeof Virginia,Richmond,VA244P Postdoctoral Fellow: Full-time position isavailable conceming growth factors and peptides incardinogenesis.Experiencein tissue culture, molecular biology,receptor assays and second messengers biochemistry,cell biologyormolecular biology preferred. Available May, 1994.Salary $25.000-$35.000/year. Contact Dr.TerryW.Moody,NCI,BPRB,Rockville,MD20850.245P Associate Research Scientist: This positionprovides promisingscientists, who are at beginningstages of their careers, with the opportunity to develop thelr own independent and/or participate inthe ongoing research program in chemopreventionof cancer ad nutrition and gene expression at aresearch institution dedicated to cancer prevention.The successful candidates should have a Ph.D. inbiochemistryor a related fieldwith research expenence in carcinogenesis. Please contact Human Resources (NC),AmericanHealthFoundation,Valhalla,NY10595.24W Post-Doctoralpositionavail.6/94. Applicantwith a recent Ph.D. in CelVMol. Biol. should apply.Ongoing projects relate to the Biologictherapy ofcancer includingcytokinegene transduction for autologous tumor cell vaccine &ilL Positionavail.for2-3 years with a yearly stipend of $33,000. SendCV. to Robert0. Dillman,M.D.,HoagCancerCanten, 301 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92658.248P PostdoctoralFellowto participateinmolecularaspects ofchernopreventionresearch, includingpreclinical analysis ofchemopreventive agents, ragulatory mechanisms of detoxification enzyme expresslon and the development of relevant animalmodels. Avail.immed. Contact Dr. MargieClapper,Div. Population Science, Fox Chase Cancer Center,7701 BurholmeAve.,Phila., PA 19111; phone (215)728-4301.249P Postdoc, PhD, MD, or DVM; Recent. Trainingprogram.Availimmed or future. Molecand cell bidof carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, genetic tox; DNAdamage/repair/mutation in specific genes; malignant transform of human/rodent cells; gene/chromosome transfers; growth factors and oncogenes.Only US citizens or perm resid. Contact Dr. DavidKaufman,Dept. of Path. UNC-CH,Chapel Hill,NC27599-7525.250P Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIH Intramural Research Training Award, to study cellular mechanisms of preconception carcinogenesis. Requires 0-5 yrs. postdoct. experience, knowledgeof gene expression, methylation, or mutation.$25000438000. Availableimmediately. Dr. LucyM. Anderson, Lab. ComparativeCarcinogenesis,NCI,FCRDC,Bldg.538, Ft. Detrick,Frederick,MD21702.251P Res. Assoc. position in mel. bid. Ph.D. orequivalent required. Project involves study of aIlb@3integrin in tumor cell metastasis. Emphasis on therole of aIIb@3inside out and outside in signaling.Relationship to esco. biosynthesis and PKC activation. No teaching responsibilities. Avail. June1994.523-28K. Contact Dr. K.V. Honn, Dept. ofPath., 431 Chemistry,WayneState Univ.,Detroit,Ml48202.252P Res. Assoc. in Mol.Biol. Postdoc. positionavail. Ph.D. or equivalent mci. biol. exp. required.Studyof 12-LOXenzymeintumorcells. Cloningofunique form 12-LOX in tumor cells. Baculovirus aspression, ad transfection antisense experimentsrelatedto study of roleof enzyme in cell signalingand tumor cell metastasis. Avail.June 1994. $23—28K. Contact Dr. Ky. Honn, Dept. of Path., 431Chemistry,WayneState Univ.,Detroit,MI48202.253P Postdoctoral research position in biochemical/molecular pharmacology to study the mechanism of interaction of 5-fluorouracil and interferon incolon carcinoma cells, including molecular studiesof interferon action. Contact Dr. Edward Schwartz,

Page 3: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

Dept. of Oncology, i@JbertEinstein Cancer Center,I 11 East 210th Street, Bronx, New York 10467.2MP Postdoctoral Position—Cell Biologist: TheMolecular Hematopoeisis Laboratory has an immediate opening for a cell biologist to study the role ofhorneobox genes in the regulation of hematopoiesisin transgenic mice and in cultured marrow cells.Contact: H.J. Lawrence, MD, VA Med Center(II1H1), 4150 Clement, San Francisco, CA94121.255P Post-doe. Fellow in Pharmacology Dept.Conduct roe. on growth factors in lung cancer. Peptide and receptor isolation,purification,and characterization. Construct cDNA libraries and expressioncloning. Avail. June 1994. Salary 524,000+, depending on experience. Contact Dr. J. Siegfried,Dept. Pharmacology, U. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA15261.256p Assistant Research Scientist in Cancer Diagnostics. Postdoctoral experience a minimum, butmore experience considered. Develop and standardize molecular assays for diagnosis and progno51$of cancer. Independent research program is encouraged in related field of interest desirab@Contact Dr. J. Galivan, Div. of ClinicalSciences,Wadsworth Center, NYS Dept. of Health, Albany, NY12201.257P New faculty member with interest & aspentise in BMT.Opportunityto develop an institutionalclinical research program for pediatric BMT. Interestin transplant for hematologic malignancies & acquired blooddisorders, inheriteddiseases, and genetherapy is particularlydesired. Board eligibilityandexperience in Pediatric Hemagology-OncologyandBMT required. Salary negotiable. Johns HopkinsUniv.School of Medicine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. COntaCt Dr. Curt Civin,Ped. Onc. Div.,600 N. Wolfe Street, Onc. 3-109,Baltimore, MD 21287.258P Post dcc position to study the regulationofornithinedecarboxylasegeneexpression duringapidermal tumor development. Approaches includereporter gene transfections, band shift and footprintanalyses. ad proteln purification. Exp. in biol. andcellculture preferred.Avail.immed.Contact Dr.S.K.Gilmour, Lankenau Medical Res. Ctr., 100 LancasterAve.,Wynnewood,PA 19096.259P Postdoctoral Fellowin human carcinogenssis. Laboratory Research will focus on analysis ofreplication errors in specific human cancers, exp.colorectal, ovary, and endometrium. Genes whoseexpression is altered by replication, errors will beidentified. Available immed. Contact Dr. T.G.O'Brien,LankenauMed.Res. Ctr.,Wynnewood,PA19096.263P Assoc. Member (tenure track) in Mol.Epid.Postdoc., independent research exp. Conduct independent rae. on measurement of exposure to carcinogens. assays of susceptibility factors@Participation in sen@narsrequired/no other teaching reap.Avail. June, 1994 535-45,000. Contact Dr. W.T.London, Div. of Population Science, Fox ChaseCancer Center, 7701 BurholmeAvenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111.264P Post-doctoral position for PhD in molecularbiology. virology or immunology. NIH sponsoredstudied of viralcarcinogenesis and immunologyusing an animal model of peripheral nerve sheath andpigment cell tumors in a marine fish. Avail. Sept.1994. $25,000. Contact: Dr. Michael Schmale, RSMAS/MBF, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33149.

@5pAssoc. Scientist/Scientist in ImmunologyReSearCh—MS/PhD.Mm. 6 yrs Immuno/Biochemresearch performing multi-color flow cytometryproduct feasibility studies for clinical applications.Patents or publicationsa must. CoulterTechnologyCenter, P.O. Box 169015, M/C 31-B02 A1TN: W8,Miami,FL33196-9015.266P Rsch Scientist ll/Asst Professor, OB/GYN.Divisionof Gyn Oncology. (3 yr funding)Delineatemolecular oncogenesis of human ovarian surfaceepithelium. Studies draw upon a readily availablesource of human clinical materials, with a focustowards understanding genetic alterationsinovariancarcinomas and stroma-epithelialinteractionsin thehuman ovary. Req Ph.D. and several yrs asp in cell& molec bio. Please submit curriculum vitae andnames and address of three references to: RebeccaChandler, Employee Relations, Cedars-Sinai Medi

cal Center,8723A1denDrive,$58 610, LosAngeles,CA99048.267P Fellowships are available in eplderniology/biostatisticsto candidtes witha varietyofacademic,clinicaland research backgroundswho have a medicaVdoctoral-leveldegree. or pursuing such a dogree in a relevantarea of biomedicalresearch. Special interest areas include: •occupation •radiation •diet/nutrition•genetics •infectiousagents •lifestylefactors •medications •environmentalpollution •statistics & methods development.26W Postdoctoral position to study cellular admolecular biologyof stromal-epithelialand/or apithelial-extracellular matrix interactions in normal andmalignant mammary epithelialcells. Experience incellularand molecularbiologyand biochemistrydosirable. Avail. July 1994. Contact Dr. Margot Ip,Roswell Park Cancer Inst., Elm and Carton Sts,Buffalo,NY14263.Phone (716)845-2356.Fax(716)845-5885.269p Director,Pharmacology.Establishand manage new PharmacologyDepartmentfor a young Pacific Northwestbiotech corporation. Oversee pharmacological testing of potential antiviraWanticancerdrugs fromrébearchthrough preclinicaltrials.Ph.D.Pharmacology or related discipline, 7-10 years inacademia and industry, and experience with proclinical studies and IND preparation. ContactMiller+MiIIer, (206) 822-3145.flop NewHamsphire—B&BCHematologist/Oncologist sought by progressive Level II 1/2 hospitalaffiliated with nationally known tertiary cancer centen. Academic appointment available (oncology fellowshipprogram)and opportunityto conduct clinical trials. Physician to join two subspecialists inprivate practice (100% Hem/Onc). Excellent salary,plus incentive.Qualitylifestylein a suburban, semirurallocale,a short drivefromBoston, the seacoast,the WhiteMountainsand Lakes Region.Send CVorcall: Maureen F. Hafton, Health Search Network,I 173A Second Avenue, Suite 338, New York, NewYork 10021 phone: (806)221-2712.272P Post-Doctoral Fellowposition available immediatelyto PhD in MolecularBio, Pharmacology,or related science. Research on mechanismof antiviralantisense oligonucleotidesand other anticancen ad anti-AIDSdrugs.flap Several Res. Mat. Prof. ad postdoctoralpositions available to clone ad characterize manynovel genes responsible for various characteristicsof malignantcells (see PNAS91, 3744, 1994). Experience in cellimol. biologyrequired.Avail.immediately. Contact Dr. I.B.Roninson,Dept. of Genetics. Univ.of Chicago (rn/c 669). ChIcago, IL60612-7309. UIC is an EO/M employer.27W Research Opportunities for MS. or Ph.D.MolecularBiologistor Immunologist:Cytooiagnostics is a leading national urologydiagnostics blotechnology company, 1011/93 rank 320th of 500fastest growing venture-backed companies in thenation. Seeking full time, highly motivated individualto conduct basic and applied research with seniorstaff in an aggressive R&Ddepartment on: bladder,kidneyand prostate cancer novelbiomarkerdiscovcry and characterization.Strong molecularbiologyor immunologybackground is required.Competitivesalary ad excellentbenefits.275P Postdoctoral position, to study the mechanismsbywhichxenobiotics(particularlyperoxisomeproliferators) induce or promote hepatic carcinogeneels using wholeanimal,cell culturead transgenicmodels. Availablenow; salary negot. Contact: Dr.Howard P. Glauert, University of Kentucky, 219FunkhouserBldg.,Lexington,KY40506-0054.FAX:606-257-3707.276P Post.Doctoralpositioninmolbiol/biochem.Study post-transcriptional regulation of estrogen receptor expression in breast cancer. Contact Dr.MB. Martin,Lombardi Cancer Res Center, Georgetown U., S-Level, 3800 Reservoir Rd. NW, Washington, DC20007.277P PostdoctoralFellow:To joinclinicallyonented cancer researchprogram.Currentareas ofresearch include: regulationof glutathione levels intumors, resistance to chemotherapy, oncogene aspression in ovarian tumors. Funded by NIH TrainingGrant—mustbe U.S. citizen. Contact:Dr. MarieHanigan,Box439, School of Medicine,UniversityofVirginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908.


27W Research Scientist/HumanCancer Immunolcoy willdevelop cancer specific immunologicalassays, such as CTh assays, for use as a measure ofbiological response in immunotherapeutic clinicaltrials.Willperformin vivoanalysis ofCTL responsesin patients with various tumor types ad derive tumor ad Cli. cell lines for use in identifyingadcloning CII. epitope genes. Requires Ph.D., plus2—5yearsof post doctoralexperiencead expertisein molecular biology, immunology, biochemistry orcell biology.280P Research Scientist/In Vnv Pro-drug Activation willdevelop the in vivotransduction of tumorcells with vectors expressing conditionally lethalgenes, such as HSVTK,potentially in conjunctionwith Iymphokinegenes. Requires Ph.D., plus 2—5years of post doctoral experience in molecularbidogy, immunology,biochemistryor cell biology.281P Research Scientist/Immunobiology will dovelop ad execute experiments to investigate thehumoralresponse and Tcell help ffHl/T,@2)involvedin immuneresponse generated by retroviralvectorsencoding HIVor other protein antigens. RequiresPh.D.incellularimmunologywith1-5 yearsrelevantpost-doctoral aspenience.-- Research Scientist/Animal Cancer Immuno

Therapeutics Studies willtest various in vivogenetransfer approaches to cancer immunotherapy inanimal tumor model systems, mostly murine. Includes testing theefficacy ofnovel lymphokinegeneconstructs in conjunction with the pro-drug activation group. Requires Ph.D., plus 2-5 years of postdoctoral experience and expertise in cell biology,cancer immunology,biochemistryor cell biology.283P Research Scientist/ViralTherapeutics willresearch ad develop high titer producer cell linesexpressing a drug activated gene system ad potency assays for drug activated gene system, addevelop new second generation packaging celllines.RequirementsincludePh.D.and a minimumof3 yearsrelevantpost-doctoralexperience.Expertisein cell/molecular biology techniques.28W Assoc. Res. Scientist. Recent PhD in Mdccular Cell Biology,Biochemistry, Pharmacology, orPathology. Exp. in area of Carcinogenesis desiredbut not required. Conduct research on molecularaspects ofthe regulation ofsulfotransferase expresdon in normal and cancerous tissues. Emphasis ison identificationof importantisoforms,tissue apecificexpression patterns, ad mechanisms undenlying sexual dimorphic expression patterns. Avail.June 1994. $23000427000.28W Post-doctoral/Scientist in Molecularor Protern Biology.Position focuses on Researctt/Development of cell cycle ad senescence-related technologies as cancer therapeutics. Position availablemmcd.; some flexibility as to start date. 5291(450Kdepending on experience. Contact Dr.DeborahWilson, Laboratory Director, AGIS Pharmaceuticals,1709 Dryden Rd, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77030;FAX: (713) 799-1465.286P Postdoctoral position to study tumor cellmotility and invasion and role of growth factors,adhesion receptors @ntegrinsand cadhenins), adsignal transduction in breast cancer ad squamouscell carcinoma. Experience in protsin biochem.and/or mcI. bid. desirable. Available7/94. ContactDr. Randall Kramer,LW. Dept. Anatomy ad Stomatology, 5th. of Medicine ad Dentistry. Box0512, San Francisco, CA 94143. Voice: 415-476-3274/Fax:415-476-4204.287P Research Associate in Md. Bio. Assist inconstruction of expression vectors ad in quantification of cytokine messages in cells by PCR adRNASe protection. BA or equiv. 2-4 yrs asp. in McIBio. Strong written ad oral communications skills.Contact Prof. Staffing, Applied Immune Sciences,5301 Patrick Henry Drive,Santa Clara, CA 95054FAX: 408-980-5888.288P Assay Devlpt. Spec. Design, develop andcomplete validationof new or improved raw materials testing and final product release analyticalmethods for transfer to QC. Focus on devlpt. ofbiochemical and immunological methods. 4—6yrsbio or chem. lab experience; 3-5 yrs methodsdevipt. asp. Knowledge of CGMP/GLP essential.Contact Professional StaffingApplied ImmuneSdences, 5301 Patrick Henry Drive,Santa Clara, CA95054. Fax: 408-980-5888.

Page 4: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

289P Research Associate inCancer Biology.Support projects directed at cell and gene therapies forhuman cancer. lissue Culture and functional assayson humanT-lymphocytes.BNBS; 1-4 yrs asp. inimmunology. Strong written ad oral communicatins skills. Contact Prof. Staffing, Applied ImmuneSciences, 5301 PatrickHenryDrive,SantaClara, CA95054 FAX:408-980-5888.290P Postdoctoral Rca. Associates to conductcollaborative research In structural biology group.Group interest centers on membrane proteins involved in signalling, adhesion and HIVvirus attachmont. Positions in NMRstructure determinationandBiology/Molecular Genetics. Avail. May 1994.$24,000 to $26,000. Contact Dr. J.R. Starkey, Dept.Microbiology.,Mont.State U.,Bozeman,MT59717.

@1pPostdoctoralfellowshipsincellad molecular biology.Candidate willjoinongoing research activities in @A)use flow cytometry to determine cellcycle gene expression in human cells. (B)Constructad use transgenicmousemodelsto studythefunclion of human DNArepair genes in vivo. Annualstipend 5>40,000. Recent Ph.D. (within 2 yrs) orPh.D. candidates contact Dr. DavidJ. Chen, LifeSciences Division,Los i@JamosNational Lab. MSM888,Los frJamos,NM87545.

@2PResearch Associate: to work in laboratorystudying potential tumor markers Candidate musthave experience in molecular biology, cell culture &proteln chemistry including enzymology. Positionwill be open approximately two years. Contact Dr.LarrySmith, Snyder Research Foundation,Winfleld,KS 67156.29W Postdoc. Cell ad Mdcc Biol.Conduct research on interaction of protein kinase C and cellcycle control pathways—melanoma ad melanocytes. Study regulation,activation,and inhibitionofcyclins, CDks etc by protein kinase C regulators.NIHGrant funded position. Avail May 1994.a4p Pharmacologist to perform small animalpharmacology studies who has extensive expenionce worldng with human tumor xenografts & aworkingknowledgeof tumor biology&immunology.Experiencewithinflammatorymodels, viralinfectionmodels, histology & immunocytochemistrydesirable. Requires Ph.D., D.V.M.or M.D.&minimum2years—Post-Docexperience.

@5p Studies of gene-environment interaction.Molecular biologisUtoxoclologist to study humangenetic susceptibilitymarkers In environmentalcxposure-induced disease. IndividualwillparticipateInon-going development of PCR-based methods fordetection of “at-risk@genotypes for carcinogen-metabolism genes(such as glutathionetransferase Ml,aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, ad n-acetyltransferase) ad other genes that modulate exposure.DNA damage and disease. These assays will beapplied to muftiple-endpoint molecular epkiemiologystudiesof genetictoxicologyand cancer.Project will also involve development of highly sensitive PCR-based methods for the detection of mutations in nontumor/tumor tissue from individualswith high levelsof chemical ad radiationexposure.Samples from numerous human studies are available for anlaysis ad additional studies are inprogress. Experiencewith PCR and DNAsequencing desirable.

Excellentresources and opportunities for collaboration ina growingprogram.Salary$25-38Kbasedon aspenience. Applicantmust have less than 5years postdoctoral experience. Available immediately. Contact Dr. Douglas A. Bell, Laboratory ofBiochemical Risk Analysis C3—03,NIEHS, P0 BOX12233, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina27709. 919-541-7686.

@6P Research Fellow in ExpenimentaliTherapeutics. Generate enzyme mutants ad enzyme conjugated antibodies. Avail. immediately. $25,000-$30,000.Contact Dr.Shiuan Chen, Div.of Immunology,BeckmanRes.InstituteoftheCityofHope,Duarte, CA91010.2@P Post-doctoral Fellow to conduct research onuse of implantedsystems for deliveryof radia/chemosensitising drugs. Available April 1, 1994.$27,500 (Canadian).

@9PPhDwithsome experience in workon the molecularmechanismof hormoneresistance of prostatic carcinoma cells.900P Clinical Trials Management. Job Opportunity

to explore, develop. and monitor offsite investigations of New Diagnostic Reagents; to participateactively in planning for company's overall clinicaltrial strategy ad to analyze data ad generate noports for submission to govt agencies. Cand. withmed. oncology and diagnostic lab. asp. sought toadd comp. skills in areas of quant. cytometry, imageanalysis, fluorescence microscopy, ad to work ingroup with expertise in med. genetics, molecularbio,andcytogenetics.391P PostDecRespositionto studychemokinereceptor antagonist. MolecularPharmacol. ReceptorLigandbinding,cellbiologyad signaltransduction.

@PPost-decFellow/ResearchAssociatewithCareerAdvancement.Ph.D.with0-2 yrs asp. req. inPAH carcinogenesis. Examine the metabolic fateand genotoxicityof PAHo-quinones produced bydihydrodiol dehydrogenase. Synthesize PAH o-quinones andtheirconjugatesas stds. formetabolismexpts. in hepatocytes. Synthesize PAH o-quinoneDNA adducts, elucidate structuresby 2D-NMR.Use @P-post-Iabeling/orRP-HPLCto measureDNA adducts in whole cells. Avail. Dec 1994,$22,500$30,000. Contact Dr.T. M.Penning,Dept.of Pharm.. Univ.of Penn. Sch. of Med.393p Postdoctoral positions to investigate thepharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anticancer drugs and the genetic correlates of anticancer drug action. Experience in cancer pharmacology, pharmaceutics, and/or molecular blology/genetics desirable.Availableimmediately.$22,000—$30,000.39W PositionsOpen at Univ.of ArkansasCancerCenter @Avail.Immed.):1) FlowCytometry/CellImaging. Post Doctoral Fellow/ResearchAssociatewith2—3yrs. of exp. 2) Basic MolecularBid., md.Northern/Southern/Westemblotting,DNAad RNAPCR.Post DoctoralFellow/ResearchAssociate with2—3yrs. exp. Comp. salaries.305P Postdoc. pos. available in active ad diversegroupof MD'sad PhD'sto studymdcc. aspects ofcancer. Required working knowledge of mol. adcell bid. tech. Mt Sinai Medical Center, Dlv. Necplastic Dis.Fax CV.: (212)996-5758.306P Res. AsstiPost Doctoral/JuniorFaculty, towork on development of cancer vaccines with emphasis on melanoma and breast cancer. PhD req.Competitive salary. Avail. Fall 1994. (East SideN.Y.C.).sow PostdoctoralinMolecularImmunology.Research focuses on TGF-@mediated cancer cell-resistance to tumor necrosis factor. Position availableimmediately. Experience in molecular biology and/orimmunology is required. Contact Dr. N.S. Chang,Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Guthnie Research Institute,GuthrieMed.Ctr.,Sayre, PA18840;(717)882-4620 fl@el):(717)882-5151 (fax).

CANDIDATELISTINGSic Ph.D.,1984,MolecfCell.BiolfPathobiol.;Necplastic cell markers, immunohistochemistry, histochemistry, Iight/fluorfelectron microscopy, imageanalysis,cellculture,cell biol.techniques, computerliterate; 26 peer-rev. publ., 13 abst.; Seek acadfindusfgov. research position; Avail. immed.; Nogeog. prof.;Salary negotiable.2C Ph.D., mid-1994, Molecular Pharmacology@Plasma membrane transport of MDRand antifolatedrugs, bioenergetics, tissue culture, Northem adWestem blots. Seek acad.flndus. postdoc involvingoncogene or tumor suppressor gene expression/regulation.Avail.Sept. 1994.PreferResearch Thangle area. Salary negotiable.3c PhDStudent(Expectedgraduation-08/94).B.S. (Pharm-1988) Muttidrug resistance, Cell culture, In vitro&In vivocytotoxicitystudies, Pharmacoldnetics & Pharmacodyamics drug disposition,computer methods ad modellingResearch Assistant, Pharmaceutical R&D, CIBA-GEIGY 1988-90.Seeks PostdociResearch Associate in indusfacad.Avail.Aug.94. Salarynegotiable.4C Ph.D., 1992, Bioengineenng/Tumorimmunology. Small animal surgery, immunohistochemistry,quantitativemorphology,flowcytometry,cytotoxicity/bloactivityassays, biochemical assays, EUSA,AlA, MAb asdites production, tissue culture, paraffin


ad frozen sectioning. Postdoc. I yr. in Biochemistry-therapy of cancer cachexia and LPS-inducedsepsis. Seek acadJ@dus. research position. Avail.Autumn 1994. Prefer mid- or northwest, will considerallareas.5C Ph.D., 1992, BiochemiMolec. Bid.; background in signallingad gene expression in regulation of growth/cellcycle/differentiationusing tissueculture, Nor/Sou/West.blots, cloning.transfections,immuno-ppt., ad measuring receptors, calcium,ad cell prolif.Seek aced. postdoc. research position studying signal transduction in growth controL'senescence/apoptosis as related to cancer. Postdoc. 2 yrs.Avail.6/95.6c Ph.D.,1991,Biochemistry-endothelialcells,tissue culture, receptors, radiolabeling,immunofluorescence. Postdoc. 3 yrs; hepatocarcinogenesis,biochemicalmarkers, methods development EUSA,Western blot, SDS-PAGE, cytotoxicity and cell proliferation assays, enzymology. Some Md. Bid. tech,Med. biochem. teaching 6 yrs asp. Seek aced/Indust/research position. Avail Jun. 1994. Salary nogotiable. No geographic preference.8c Ph.D.,1988,MolecfCellBid.:Tissueculture,Animalmodels, experimental therapeutics In anticancer drugs, Northem/Southerniwestem blot,RNA probe, Biochemical analysis. Postdoc 4 yrs.Seek acad/idus. research position. Avail. June1994. Prefer Californiaor East Coast. Salary M.D.,1962,Ph.D.,1968,MoleciCell.BidJExp. There.; Isolation of nucleoli and nuclei. RNAPolymeraseassay, RNAstructure(anRNA4.5S RNAI sequence and TrimethylG cap structures), snRNAfunction(U3RNAinrRNAsynthesis),Drugeffects onRNA metabolism. Research and Teaching expenience for 11 years. Seek Acad./lndusiGovem. Research Position.Avail.Now.Prefer Houston Area.lic DoctorofBiol.,1979MolJCell.Biol.neurotrophic factors, tissue culture, cell matrixinteractlons/nv. assays, surface recibiding assays/Scatchardanalysis. Plasmid/cDNApur., mRNAin situ hybridization, sensofantisense probes, immunohistochemistry, clinical sample analysis., in vivo exp. involvingnude mice. 22 manuscripts cv., grants. Seek acadiindus. res. position. Avail. mmcd. Prefer West/Southwest/Southeastern states. Salary neg.12C M.D., 1973, Ph.D. 1985, Expenim. Pathology/Viral and ChemiCal Carcinogenesis (liven,pancreas),Pathohistology,electron microscopy,enzyme histochemistry. immunostamning. autoradiography, morphometry, markers of human ad exp. tumors, cellculture, adhesion factor purificharacteriz. (chromatography. PAGE,blots, assay). 30+ publications. 2patents, AvH & NIHgrantee. Some teaching andeditorasp. Seek acad./Idusigov. position.Avail.July ‘94.13c Ph.D.1989:HumanRadiationCytogenetics;Tissue culture. chromosome aberrations, chromosome banding, FISHtechnique, cell cycle kinetics,DNA-repairtechniques, survival assays. flow cytometny,HPLC,DNAisolation,hybridization,growthfectore. Postdoc 4 yrs. Seek acaddidus. research position. H-lB Visa status. Salary negotiable.14C M.D., Ph.D., 1990, Mdcc. Pharmacol.; Nudeoside, antisense oligometabol. indelis;Human,viralenzymes involvingnucleoside, DNAmetabol. Postdod. 4 yrs. Seek [email protected] position.Avail.Sept. 1994. Geogr. area negotiable. Salarynegotiabla15c Ph.D.expected1994,Biochem.;Yeastgenetics; enzymology; protsin purification; molecular bielegy; cell culturead cytotoxicity;chemothenapeutics, structure-function and delineation ofmechanism of action. Seek academfgovt. postdoc.No geographic preference. Avail.Jan. 1995.leG Ph.D., 1984, Pharmacoi; Orthotopic modeling, preclinicalscreening vs primariesad metastasea, xenograftingfresh clinicalspecimens, nude nodents, tissue cufture, clonogenic assay, flowcytometry, isolated perfusion of tumor-bearing organs, tumorbloodflow.Postdoc. 4 yrs;TeachPharmacoliPhysiol. Seek acadimndus. research pealtion. Avail.Sept. 1994. Salary negotiable.17c Ph.D., expected 1994; MS., 1989, Biophysics/Carcinogenesis DNA damage in vitro & in vivo;Tumor promotion cell models; Cell culture; DNA cxtraction; HPLC electrochem. detn.; Seek aced/id.

Page 5: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

postdociresearch position; Avail. Sept. 1994; Nogeographic preference; Salary negotiable.lec Ph.D., 1989. Basic Medical Sciences with aspecialization in biochemistry. Protein purificicharadler., DNA repair enzymes, DNA alkylating drugs,Northern/Southern/Westem blots, 2-D electrophoresis, antibody characterization. Seeks acadfIdus. researchpositionwithpossiblysome teaching. Avail. June 1994. Salary negotiable.20C M.D. (Heidelberg, Germany), 1990, CancerPharmacol., Anticancerdrug study in vitro&in vivo,various enzyme assays. Northem/Westemblots,flow cytometry ad genetic studies etc. Extensiveexperiences in drug resistance study with over 30original publ. Postdoc. 3.5 yrs. Seek aced. or idus.research position. Avail. immediately, salary negotiable.21C Ph.D. 1984 Bioorganicchemist Oligonudeotide synthesis md DNA, RNA, phosphorothioate,conjugates. large scale, etc. Extensivebloanalyticalmethods experience, mcd.high field NMR.Isotopicsynthesis ad methods in nucleic acids ad aminoacids mcd.patent.2 yrs managerof oligonudeotidesynthesis facility.AvailableMarch 1994. Willrelocate.23C PhD 1991 MolecularBiology;3½yrs. postdoctoral, Cell Biology/Cancer Biology-, Transgenicmice,DNAdamagead repairassays, mitogenandgrowthfactorassays, tissue and bacterialculture,retrovirus ad plasmid aspression constructs,Southern/northern/western blots, DNA and Acprobes. Available July 1994. Salary negotiable.24C Ph.D., 1993, Molec./Somaticcell Genet.; Microcell mediated chromosome transfer, tumonigenicity assays, tissue culture DNA probe work, In situhybridization,PCR, DNAseprotect. assays, Apoptosis. Postdoc I yr. Teach. asp. Seek postdoc orresearch position. Avail. Sept. 1994.25C Ph.D. candidate seeking postdoctoral peaslion. Research interests: chemoprevention, animalmodels of mammary cancer, tumor biology, DNAadducts, oncogene activation/expression. Expenienced in the following techniques: HPLC, PCR,aIM, tissue culture. AvailableSpring 1995.26C Ph.D. expected 1994, MdeciCell. Bid., ussue Culture, Drug-DNAinteractions, QPCR, Sequencing, FAAS,Circular Dichroism,AlkalineElution, Bis (platinum) Compounds, ElectronMicroscopy,Transfection, LuciferaseTranscriptionAnalysis, 3 yrs prior research asp., Seek aced/sndus. postdoc. Avail.Fall1994, SalaryNegotiable.27C Ph.D., 1990, Toxicology; DNA cloning. transfection, euk. gene expression, chem. transformalion, tissue culture (lines&human pri.),tumorigenicity in nude mice, in vitro transcription, PCR, DNAsequencing, PCR-SSCP, mob. shift, footpninting,Southem,Westem blots, Immune. analysis. Postdcc. 4 yrs. Teaching exp. Seek Acad/indus. research position.AvailableASAP.Salary Ph.D.,1981,Humangenetics/MOle.Cytogenotice; Tissue culture, Southern blots, FISH,CGH,Microdissection, PCR technology, Post doct. 6 yrs.Teaching5 yrs. Seek acad@dust. researchpealtion. Avail.June, 1994. Prefer Northeastem states.Salary negotiable.

@CPh.D. expected mid-1994; Molec. GeniMicro.; TumorImmunol.;euk. gene transfection/aspression; tissue culture; flow cytometry recombinant DNA techniques; immunol. assays; PCR;cytokinebioassays; receptor biding studies; animalhandling; Southem/Northern,Western. Seek postdoctoral position.AvailableSept. 1994.Prefer East/West Coast.39C Ph.D., expected late 1994. Mdcc. EpidiCarcinogenesis; Experiencein PCR, Northem/Southemblots, sequencing, cell culture, DNAprobes. Seekpostdoctoral position (acadigovnt.). Avail. Jan.1995.31C Ph.D., 1992, PharmacolRoxicol.; DNA adducts, biomarkers, mechanisms of toxicity,metabdiem/kinetics, cell culture, HPLC (UV,Fluor, EC),GC, histology, male repro. lox.; Postdoc. 2 yrs.,Teach. asp. I yr.. Seek idustiacad. investigationalresearch poe., avail. May, 1994.32C Ph.D., 1987, Biochem/Enzy, Cell culture,Membraneproteins, Purifi.Peptide Abs. Kinase,Immuno pot. Au Microsco. Cell differen. Transcription,mRNA,DNAsub cloning & Sequencing, Northern/Southern/Western/Gel shift/Dot blot. Rca. Mao. 5

Yrs. Seek Acadilndus. Research position. Avail.June 1994. Prefer East/South/Midwest.Salary nogotiable.33C M.D.,1983;BCIntMed&MedOnc; Carcinogenesis/Molec & Cell Bid/Clinical Trials; Oncogenes; cytokines, cell & tissue culture, transfection,PCR, SSCP, DNA sequencing, transfection, Northem, RNase Protection, plasmid cloning, cell fractionation,radiolabeling;3 yrH/Ofellowshipwithdinical and basic research, 2+ yr postdoc; teachingexp; seek aced position,basic ad clinicalresearch;availsummer/fall1994.34C Ph.D., 1991, Biochem.;Animalsurgery, cellculture, enzyme & protein assays, radioisotope Iabellirig/incorporationexperiments, dose responseand time course experiments, electrophoresis, ionexchange & HPLC chromatography, NOrthem/Southem/Westem blots, DNA probes, sequencing,transfection studies, cloning&recomb. DNA,PCR,immunoppt. ad metab. labelling exp. Postdoc 2.5yrs, Teach. asst. exp. 1 yr. Seek acad/indust/govntresearch position. Avail Aug. 1994. Prefer westcoast states. Salary nag.35C Ph.D. 1994, Envir.HealthScienceslroxicology; Carcinogenesis, molecular epidemiology. protom adducts, GC-MS, HPLC, LC, methods development, in vivo studies, radioisotopes, amino acidanalysis, statistics and computers. Highly motivated, personable; seek industry/government nosearch position.AvailableMay 1994. Salary Negotiable.36C Ph.D., 1992, BioinorganicChem.; Northem/Nuclear Run-Onanalyses, gene regulation,cancercell culture, metalloproteins, ESR, 500 MHz NMR.Postdoc. exp. 2 yrs. Seek idusigover. researchposition. Avail. June94.37C MD, Ph.D; Developlng a novel immuno-computer method forcancer detection. Firstcommercialproduct will be created within two years. Seek aposition in idustry or research to expand and accelerate the work on this project. AvailableAug.1994, salary negotiable.38C Ph.D., 1988. Genetics; Cancer Cytogenetics/Molecular Cytogenetics (FISH, comparativegenomic hybridization)1Iissue culture/Tumor BioIcoy. Postdoc 5 yrs., Seek academia/clinical/research. Avail.June, 1994. Prefer Northeast; Midwest. Salarynegotiable.39C Ph.D., 1994, lmmunol.MoleciCell.Biol.,ussue culture, Transfections, Northem/Southem/Western blots, cytotoxicity, MiT, murine assays, NKassay. Receptors. Postdoc. 1 year, Seek aced/indus. research position.Avail.Summer 1995. Salarynegotiable.40C Seeking senior scientist position in drug dovelopment/testingindustrialcompany.Ph.D.1983inCell Biology. 10 year research experience in preclinical pharmacology in vitro ad in vivo models, drugresistance ad tumorbiology.7 years experienceaslab manager for 10—15people. Prefer locationnorthof Boston to southernN.H.Availablesummer94.Salary $63K,negotiable.41C M.D., Ph.D., 1990, Biochem/Molec. Biol.;Cancer invasion,cell matrix,angiogenesis, cell culture, molecularcloning&gene expression, DNAsoquencing, blots &hybridization,protein purification.Postdoc. 2 yrs. Seek research/postdoc. position.Avail.Nov.1994. Salary negotiable.42C Ph.D., 1992, Chem., Chemical carcinogene.sis, environmentaltoxicology,DNAdamagebyaralkylation and adducts assay; nucleic acids, pure &pynmydine derivatives ad metabolism; site directed mutagenesis; cancer chemotherapy. Org.synthesis, UV/CD/IR/NMR/MS, HPLC/TLC/GC, geleledtrophoresis, radioisotopes, liquid scintillationspectroscopy, RNA/DNA isolation & purification,small lab animals, computer modelling.Postdoc. 2yrs., teach exp., Seek acad/rndusigovt. position.Avail.April1994. No geographic preference. Salarynegotiable.43C PhD., 1994, Tox/EnvHealth Science; In SituHybridization, Statistics, Epidemiology, Sequencing,Northern/SouthernBlots, Cell Culture,Oncogenes.Seek aced. idus. govt postdoct. position. Avail.Jan. 1995. Will relocate. Salary negotiable.44C Ph.D.,1990.Mdec/rherap. Bid.; Tissue culture. Virus,DNAvectors, surface receptors, NortherrVSouthern/Westem blots. DNA probes, immunol.analyses, oncogenes. Postdoc. 3 yrs., Teach. exp. 3

yrs. Seek acad/indusigovt. position. Avail. Soptember 1994. Salary negotiable.45C Ph.D., 1990, Biochem./Biophys. (Australia);Postdoc., 3 yrs Mol.BioliBiochemiDrug resistance(USA);Prot Chem Mutagen/Purif&Enzymol;Southem/Northern/Western&essential Mol.Biol.;Tissueculture; HPLC & broad experience in biochem. analysis (in vitro/vivo); Interest: Cancer Gene Therapy orChemoprevention forfurther 2 yr Postdoc.; AvailableSept 1994; Salary negotiable; Prefer West Coast.46C M.D., 1970. Surgeon/Oncology/BiochemiGenetics; Tissue cul., Prim. cell cul., Karyotype,DNNRNA isol., Southern/NorJWes. blots. DNAprobes. cDNA/genomic cloning. mam. gene aspres.,HPLC, Protean puriffcharactenizfsequ., Enzyme assay, Postdoc. 5+ yrs. Seek acad./Indusigov. research position.Avail.Aug. 1994.Salary negotiable,No gong. prof.47C Ph.D.1994.CellBid.;Microscopy-light,SEM,TEM, confocal, fluorescence; Cytocyhemistry; macrophage activation, macrophage-tumor interaction;fluorescent probes; cell culture; ELISA cytokines.Teach. exp. 5 yrs. Seek postdoc/research position.Avail.Jan 1995. Salary negotiable.48C Ph.D., 1980, Carcinogenesis; Advanced research experience and recognized contributions inthe area of carcinogen-DNAadducts. Protein adducts. OxidativeDNAdamage. MolecularEpidemiology. Laboratorytechniques include:HPLC,GC,TLC, 32P-postlabeling assay, immunoassays, Amesad mouse lymphomaassays. Interested inapplyingmoleculartechniques to resolve issues in chemicalcarcinogenesis/genetic toxicology. Seek industry/government/academic position.49C Ph.D., 1992. MedicinalChemistry, MolecularPharmacology & Toxicology.Carcinogenesis, Protern kinase C & signal transduction, Oncogenes.Cloning, PCR, Si mapping, Primer Extension, site.directed mutagenesis, gene expression, Northem/SoutherniWestemblots, ligand-receptor interaction,antibody, kinase activity assay, cell culture. Postdoc. 2 yrs., Seek indusihospitalresearchposition.Avail.June 1994. No geographicprefer,Salarynogotiable.Soc Ph.D.,1991,BiophysicalChemistry;Structurecharacterization of carcinogen modified DNA byphysical-chemical techniques, i.e., CD, fluorescence, UV, thermodynamics, 2D-NMR, and computational energy minimization.Postdoc. 3 yrs. Seekacad/sdusigov. research position. Avail. Jan.1994. Salary negotiable.51C PhD, 1994, Mdcc. Bid; Transcription regulalion, protein-DNA interaction, gel mobility shift, footprinting,cloning,DNAsequencing, Exo Illdeletion,transfection, luciferase &B-gal assays, blot analysis,DNA probes. Seek aced/govt postdoctoral pos. Profor Pacific NW or Texas, but flexible. Avail. 9/94.Salary negotiable.52C Ph.D. expected Dec. 1994, Pharmacdogy/Toxicology; ChemiCal carcmnogenesis, moleculartoxicology, pharmacogenetics, arylamine-Hb adduct analysis, DNA'RNAisolation, arylamine-DNAadduct analysis (@P-postlabeling assay), p53, RIPCR heteroduplas analysis for mutation detection,and DNAsequencing, skeletal muscle cell cultureand cancercell lineculture,6 yrs. clinicalexperienceas thoracic&cardiovascularsurgeon.Seek acadiindus. postdoc. or research position.Availableearly1995. Salary negotiable; no geographical preference.53C Ph.D., 1985, Biology/MolecularPhysiology;4yrs. postdoctoral experience in molecular biology/carcinogenesis/molocular toxicology seeks idusiacad. research position by March 1995. Experiencein cDNA cloning, screening by oligo/antibodyprobes, DNA sequencing, PCR/PT-PCR, SSCP,shuttle vector use and application, in vitro drug/toxicant interactions and enzyme kinetics. Salarynegotiable. Prefer Northeast/Midatlanticstates.54C Ph.D., 1991; Postdoc. 3 yrs., MoleciCell.Bid.; Tissue culture, mammaliancell microinjection,extracellular matrix and collagen degradation assays; enzymatic eloctrophoresis, Xenopus oocytemicroinjection, imunofluorescence; Mdcc. Biol.techniques(N/S/W blots, EMSA, footprinting, soquencing, plasmid construction, etc.). Main intereats: Oncogenes, Metastasis, Transcription. Seekacad/idus. research position. Avail. Oct. 1994.


Page 6: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

Prefer northeast specifically N.J. or N.Y. area. Salary$44,000.55C Ph.D., 1988, Molec. BiovBiochem.;Study ofcancer genetics, signal transduction, cell cycle. Dosign of techniques for early detection of cancer.Postdoc. 5 yrs. Teach. exp. 4 yrs. Seek acadfindus.research position to continue similar studies.Avail.5/94.Prefer N.Y.&ea.56C Ph.D., 1993, MoleciMicro. Bid.; AfricanAmerican;Tissue culture, IFNs,signal transduction,cytokines, cell matrix, bone biology, mutant analysis, DNA analysis; Northem/SouthenvWestemblots, gel shift analysis. Postdoc. 1.5 yrs.; Teach.asp. 3 yrs. Seek Acadilndus. research position.Avail. Spring/Fall 1995. Prefer Southeastem andSouthem States. Salary negotiable.sic Ph.D.,Aug.1994.Pharmacology/Toxicology;MolecularPharm. MuftidrugResistance, PCR,PCRSSCP, PCR Site-directed Mut. Quantitative PCR,DNA seq., Southern/Northem/Westem blots. Photoaffinity labeling of proteins, thymidine uptake, Tissue culture, Animalmodels. Seek acad.ñdus. nosearch position. Available Aug. 1994. Salarynegotiable.58C Ph.D., 1985, Microbiology;RoutineMicrobiological,Biochemical,Genetic &MolecularBiologicaltechniques, Site-directed Mutagenesis, Cloning, Sequencing, DNAamplification&MicrobialFermentstiontechniques. Postdoc. 3 yrs. Research Associate2 yrs. Teaching Exp. 6 yrs. Seek acad/indus. Research position.Avail.June 1994.Salarynegotiable.59C Ph.D., 1988. Biochemical/molec.pharmacology, toxicology. Gene expression; cell cycle; drugresistance; DNA repair. Tissue culture, retrovirusos,producer lines, infection/transfection of mammaliancells, reporter genes. cytotoxicityad drug interactionassays, quantitationof DNAdamage and repair,assay development, enzymes. Seek indus/acad nosearch position. Salary negot., avail. immed.

@CPh.D., 1983; MoleciCell Bid.; hemopoietic,hepatocytes & hepatoma cell culture; free radicals,lipid peroxidation & eicosanoids in mitogenesis &carcinogenesis; HPLC, GC-MS, RIA SOS-PAGE,Western blotting; Nucleic acid & protein themistryhormone receptor binding.Postdoc. 10 yrs.,Teach.exp. 3 yrs. Seek acad/indus. research position.Avail.Feb. 1994. No gong. pref. Salary negotiable.61C Ph.D., 1991 , Pharmacology; cell culture; intact animal and isolated lung preparations; Northem/Western blots; HPLC; immunocytochemistry;EUSA; gamma scmntigraphy; simple ad confocalmicroscopy; bacterial culturing techniques; polymersynthesis; enzyme assay; gene transfection. Postdcc. 2.5 yrs. Seek academic/indus. research position.AvailableJune 1994. Nogeograph. preference.Salary negotiable.62C M.D., 1977, Board-certified Medical Oncology;extensivelaboratorytraining,clinicalinvestigalion with immunologic agents/radidabeled antibodies; Assistant Professor. Seek clinical & laboratoryposition. Available July 1994. New York City/Tristatearea preferred.63C M.D.&MS. Biochem.,1985;gonomic;cDNAcloning, sequencing & expression, southern/northem analysis, gel retardation & nuclear run-on assays, recombinant DNAtechnology, westem blot,peptide mapping, immunoprecipitation,protsin purification. Multidrug resistance, oncogenes, postdec. 6 yrs. Seek acad.iindust research position.Avail.July,1994, salarynegotiable.64C Ph.D., 1970. MoleciCell Biol.;Carcinogenesis; DNA damage/repair;nitrosamines;metabolicactivation; NCI/NIH, 4 yrs; mediuniv. faculty, 18 yrs;teaching&research;admin.exp.. Univ.Cmtechair7yrs; consultant. Seek govt/acad/idus. position.AvaiI.2—3/94;prefer midwest, E or W coast; Salarynegotiable.65C M.D., 1986, M.Sc. immunology,1989. Postdoc. 5 yrs. teach. exp. 2 yrs. Gone cloning adsequencing, northisouthiwest. blot, retroviralvecbr, animal model, gene therapy, T cell costimulalion, CTh analysis, tumor-infiltratinglymphocytes,seek acadildus. research position, avail. Sept.1994, salary negotiable. No geographic preference.

@cMS,MD1963,Hematology,geneticsiirnmunology.Tissue culture isolatingcells if subtype nucleated red cell macrophage, neutrophilic cells), immunotherapy. chromosome analysis. FISH, pureprotein, make and identify M.Ab.Lab. experience

10+ years. Seek acadigovemment; any position.AvailableJan. 1994. PreferTX.Salary negotiable.67C Ph.D., 1993, Biochem. Toxicol.; Env. HealthSci., cell Bid., cytogenetics, cell/tissue culture,DNA/Chromos. probes, in situ hybridization, statistics, animalstudy, protein/enzymechem., HPLC,TLC, GC-MS, EPR etc.; Teach. exp. 2 yrs., researchexp.6 yrs.Seekacadiindusigov. researchposition.Avail.June, 1994.Relocationand salary negotiable.68C Ph.D.(asp 1994),MPH,1988;Toxicology/Environ Health; MS, 1985. Food Sci; Md BioVcytogenetics w/emphasis PCR-based tech. PreyworkexpGMP anaVdata pharm industry, flow cytometry,peptide chem/design, GC-MS natural prod chemistry. Seek indust/acad/pharniacoutical position. AvailDec 1994.Willrelocate. Salary nego.69C MS., 1986, Biology,Tissue culture, receptore, Northern/Southern,Westemblots, DNA&RNAelectrophoresis, transfection, Gene expression Exp.6.5 yrs. Seek acad.fldus. researchposition.Avail.immediately.Prefer East Coast. Salary negotiable.bc Ph.D., 1990, Toxicol. (Gonet./Md. Biol.);Chem. carcinogenesis; Northern/Southern blots,PCR, RPA, cloning, DNA sequencing, some tissueculture, gene transfection into mammalian cells, immunochemistry. Oncogenes & tumor suppressorgenes. Postdoc. 4 yrs. Seeks acadiresoarch peallion. Preferwestern states. Salary negotiable.71C Medical Doctor, 1988, Oncology trainingUniv. “FedericoII―Fac. of Medicine, Naples, italy,PhD, Univ.“G.D'Annunzio,―Chieti, Italy,Courtesyassociate NIAID,Lab of Immunology, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 1993, Experience on BRM clinical trialsin Oncology as physician, and independent researcher on tumor cell biologytumor cell sensitizalion to moabs and LAK,avail.09/94 $40,000.72C Ph.D. 1989, Cell Biology, Electron Microscopy. Current Postdoc in MolecularBiology.Research in cell growth, growth factors/oncogenos,gene expression. Southern/Northern analysis, cDNAcloning,cell culture, cell fractionation,image anaJysis, DNAisolation,ligations,probes, restrictionmapping, sequencing, subdloning, immunofluorescenco,RNA isolation. Avail. 8/94; Seek Asst. Professor orresearch position.73C Ph.D., Expect. Spr. 1994, lmmunol./Molec.;Tissue culture, hybridoma/mAbproduc., immunolanalyses, immunochemistry,histochemistry,tumormarker detec., Northern/Southern blots, DNAprobes, A library cloning/screening, DNA sequencing.Seek acadfsndus. research position.Avail.Jun.1994. Prefer California state. Salary above $25,000annually.74C M.DJM.S., Postdoc. Skills: Molec. Bid.; DNArecombination, molecular cloning, DNAsequencing,PCR, Southem/NorthernlWestern blot, Immunol.analyses, tissue culture. Conduct independent res.on oncoviruses, oncogenes and tumor suppressorgenes. Seek acad./indus. research position. Avail.July, 1994. Salary negotiable.75C Ph.D., 1987, Carcinogenesisil'oxicology (gonetic ad molecular):Animal,Tissue culture, DNAdamage, 3-OXO-dG, gene expression, HPLC-ECD,UV,hASandelectrothermal,EPA,gel elOctrophoresis, Northern/Slot blot, Postdoc. 4 yrs., Seek GoviIdusiAcad. research position, Will relocate, Available immediately,Salarynegotiable.77C Ph.D., expected late 1994, Toxicology; HPLC,rodent tumor models/surgery, RNA/DNAprotein purification, atomic absorption spectroscopy, bloatstistics, radioisotopes. Licensed pharmacist. Seekgov./indus. research position/postdoc. Avail. late1994. No geographic preference. Salary negotiable.78C Ph.D., 1989, Biochem. Pharmilox., Mochanism of action/resistance, redox chem., free radicals, bioenergetics,differentiation,Phagocyteoxidative metabolism. Tissue culture, cell cloning/cytotoxicity. protein purification, enzyme kinetics,ESR, gene transfection. Postdoc. training, Teachingexperience. Seek acad. / indus. / govt. res. / teach.pea. Avail.immed.Salary negotiable.790 Ph.D., M.D., 1993 MoleciCell Bio.; Cloning,Sequencing and heterologous aspression of P450genes. Carcinogenesis tissue culture, RNA. DNA,ad metabolite analysis. Seeks research position In Oncogenes. cell growth control or cell death and aging.Avail.June 1994. Prefer East or West coast. Salarynegotiable.


80C Ph.D. 1993. Human Nutr. LipidPeroxidationAntioxidants, dietary Fat, tumor Growth Kinetics.Teach Exp. 2 yrs. seeks acad/indus. Research/teaching position. Avail. 8/94. Salary negotiable.81C Ph.D., 1993, Pharmaceutical Sciences; Pharmacokinetic modeling.Analyticalmethod developmont for drugs/metabolites in biologic fluids, liposomel formulation,cell cytotoxicity.Postdoc. 1/2 yr.Seek acad./Indus. research position. AvailableJuly1994. Prefer CA and Western states. Salary negotiable.82C 4th year post doc. Ph.D.1991, Mel.Bid. anatomy & cell biol. Studies on oncogenes, cytokines,tumor & metastasis sup. genes w/cell lines & animals. Excellent teaching & communication skillsw/record. Involved in high level Sino-US relationshipon science & pharmaceutical area. Seek industr/Aced.84C Ph.D.June 1994, Biochem.&Md. Bid. Thesis: Purificationand Characterizationof Disintegrinsas Antithromboticad Antimetastaticagents. Celladhesion molecules; cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, mntegrins.Prot. purfn., HPLC,SOS-PAGE,IEF,chemicalmodifications,peptidemapping,imm.pptn., Northems, Westerns, EUSA, tissue culture,mice metastatic models, cell adhesion assays, enzymo kinetics, Ligad-receptor assays, Scatchardanalysis, enzyme kinetics. Seek acad/idus. Postdoc. Avail.June 1994. Salarynegotiable.85C Ph.D. 1994 (expected)—Pharmacdogy/Cellbiology;Tissue culture, experimental therapeutics,DNA-drug interactions, protein purification, westemblots, 2-D gel eledtrophoresis. Seek acad/induspost-doc avail.Oct., 1994.86C Ph.D., 1991•Human Cancer Biology/Biochemistry;Signaltransduction,carcinogenesis, Protern Kinase C, Phosphdipase C, retinoids, cell culture, transfection, HPLC/FPLC.protein purification,enzyme assays, Southem/Northem/Westem blots,immunoprecipitation. Postdoc. 2.5 years. Seekacadjidus. research position. Avail.spring 1995.Preferwestem states or Chicago area. Salary negotiable.87C Ph.D., 1992, Microilmmuno.; Cytokines,macrophages, cytotoxicity assays, EUSA assays.flow cytometry, animal handling, tissue culture,preparationof virusstocks and virus titration.Postdcc. 2 yrs.,Seek idus. researchposition.Avail.Jan.1995. No geo. prof. Salary negotiable.88C Ph.D., 1989, Mdcc. Pharmacd; drug metabolism, cloning, enzyme kinetics, HPLC,protein purifIc., gel shift, northem, southern, western, s. westem, cell culture, in vivo tumor models. Postdoc 2yrs, Res. Macc. 2 yrs. Seek acadiidus/govem research position. Avail fall 1994. Prefer mid-Atlanticstates, plus Ct, Vtand W. Mass.89C BS 1990; Ph.Dexpected 12/94, Environmental Health Sciences: Experience In primary tissueculture ad viral immortalization, growth factor adhormone receptors. Northern/SoutherrvWestern/2Dblots. Enzyme and immunoprecipitation analysis.Reproductive toxicology,carcinogenesis. and viralprotein-oncogene interactions. Available 1/95. Seekacad/sndustigovem. postdoctoral position.goc Ph.D.1978,Molec/Cell.Bid;MolecularBiologyofTyrossneKineses/Cellsurfacereceptors/multidrug resistancofRibozymes/Antisonse technologies/isdation of novel oncogenes. Post Dod 7 years,Teach. exp. Seek indusiAcad research position.Avail.July 1994. Prefer NorthCarolinaor NewYork.Salary negotiable.gic PhD,1994(expectDcc),Epidemiology,cancer epidemiology/prevention,molecularepidemiology, biologic mechanisms. Exp with SAS, Epilog,ABASE,large datasets. Laboratory experience indludes PCR, Southern/Western Blot, cell proliferation, Elisa Teaching/grant writing experience. Seekacademic position-preferablyinvolvingboth epidemidogic and laboratory-basedwork.Avail2/95. Salary negotiable.92C Ph.D 1990, Cancer Roe/TumorImmunol.Oncogene regulation and metastasis, at molecular &cellular levels. Northern/Southern, PCR, anti-sense,DNA transfection, invasion In vitro, cytokine assays,B-cell activity, FACS, EUSA, EMSA. Avail. 7/94,Wash.. DCarea, salary 40's negotiable.94C M.D.,1981, Board Cent.Int.MediBoard CentMedicalOncol. Experienced in clinicaltrials ad inbench research; DNAdamage and repair assays,

Page 7: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

tissue culture, molecular biology techniques indluding electrophoresis, northern ad southem blotting,radioactive DNAdetection, ad DNAprobes. Seekacademic position withclinical.teaching, ad basicresearch opportunities. Avail. Dec. 1994/Jan. 1995.East Coa@95C Ph.D. 1985, Pharmacol/Biochem.;Tissue culture, molecular pharmacology, moles. bid. Northem/So.iWestem blots, Xenopus oocyte microinj.;enzyme assays; animal model chemotherapy; proteln isolat.; Seek academic/mndustrial/govemmentposition. Avail. April 1994. Prefer Midwest/East andSouthwest. Salary negotiable.96C Ph.D., 1991. OrgiMed. Chem.; Designmultistep synth. of bioactivecompds., HPLC,GC, multipulse FT-NMR, FT-lR, @P-postlabeling, PEI-cellulose TLC, autoradiography, scintillation counting,surfactant system modeling.Postdoc. 3 yrs.,Teach.exp. 5 yrs. Seek idusigovem. research position.Avail.May 1994. Salary negotiable.97cPh.D.,1994,CellBiol.;Toxicol,Path.,Endocm., Organ and Tissue culture, Microscopy(Confocal, TEM, SEM. LM).Radioimmunoassay, ProteinChem., Gel electrophoresis. Teach. asp. 6 yrs., Dovelop., computer-east. labs, Blo. Sd. 1 yr. Seekresearch/postdoc position. Avail.Jan. 1995. Salarynegotiable.

@cPh.D..1994.Cancerlmmund.;Tissueculture,animal hadling, immunol. analyses, Northom/SoutherniWestem blots, RT-PCR,cytokinesad nodeplore, signaltransduction.Teach. exp. 6 yrs. Seekaced. research and/or teaching position.Avail.Aug.1994. Prefer SF BayArea. Salary negotiable.99C Ph.D., 1987, TCR Immunology;m Ac, antiidiotypicAc, Immunoprecipitationimmune assays,Southern, Northern-Western. Post dcc. 4 years,chromosome translocation, oncogenes activation,molecular cloning. Mat. Prof. 1990, Cancer genetics, leukemia/lymphoma,prostate cancer, TSG andpositional cloning. Seek acad/mndus/gov researchad management position. Avail. Sept. 94. Prefer NEstates.190C Ph.D., 1991, Micro. & Immuno. (major),Molecul. & Cell Bid. (minor); In Situ hybrid., Northem/SoutherniWestern blots, sequencing, cloning,digs. synthesis,PCR,generationad charactenz.ofmonoclonalad polyclonalantibodies, HPLCELISA,tissue culture, immunohistochem., video-microscopy. 2.5 yrs posldoc. expen., salary negotiable, nogeographic preference, available July 1994, seekacad/Indus. research.loic Ph.D.1992,Pharmacology/Toxicology.Cellculture, cell proliferation/motility,extracellular matrix,growthfactors,signaltransduction,immunoflucrescent microscopy, image analysis, gel electrophoresis. Seek indus. research position. Avail. Jan.1995. Prefer East Coast. Salary negotiable.102C TwoMS. (1988ad 1994),Mdcc.Biolivirology; M.D. background, 10 yrs Res. asp.. Geneclone, screen, transfer, blots, P53. cellculture,TEM,SEM, immune moth, Virus, bacteria isoMentifl. SeekBioIecWRA position. Avail. Sept. 1994. Salary nogotiable.108C PhD1980,CellBid & Biochem.Cytokinebiology,immunecell activation,cell culture ad purification,flowcytometry,RNApurification,RT-PCR,microscopy,gels. antibody characterization,clinicaltrials, technical ad grant writing. ldustry or acedemic research/management position.104c Ph.D.,8/94,Phar.Northem/Westem,DNAprobes, immunol.,gel shift, transfeCtiOn,iodination,cellcloning.tissue culture,GSlassay, FPGSassay.Seek acad./mdus. postdoc. Avail.Sept. 94. Salarynegotiable.105C M.D.,1982,HematovMd.Biol/Immunol.Tissue culture, DNNRNAextraction, Northern/Southem/Westem blots. hybridization,PCR, SSCP-PCR,DNAsequencing, DNArecombination, protein cxpresslon, peptide conjugation, RIA,ADCC assay,flowcytometry,smallanimalsurgery,etc. Post-dodresearch associate 5 yr. Seek acad/idus. researchposition.Avail.1994.Prefercoastal area. SalaryNegot.106C MS.,1994,HumanGenetics.;Librarydoning and screening, PCR, Southern/Westem blots,bacteria outmembrane proteln studies, lon-exchange chromatography.Staffscientist. 3 yrs. Management experience. Seek idus. position. Avail.May 1994.

107C Ph.D., 1991, MoleciCell. Bid./Biochem.;Tissueculture,dose-response analysis,SOS-PAGE.HPLC, FPLC, peptide mapplng, protein sequencing,Nonthern/Southem/WostemBlots,DNAsequencing,PCR. Subcloning, DNAsynthesis enzyme assay,soft-agar assay, transfection, flow cytometry. Postdoc. 2½yrs. Seek acadiidusfgovemment research position. Avail. Sept. 1994. Prefer Northeastbut flexible.Salary negotiable.108C Ph.D., 1991 MoI/CelVflimor BioliGenetics:microcell fusion, FISH, invasion and angiogenesisassays, growthfactor/oncogene interactions, in vitroad invivotumorigenicassays. EUSAandimmunehistochemistry. Postdoc. 2.5 yrs. Seek indus nosearch position. Avail. after Sept. 1, 1994. No geegraphicpreference.Salarynegotiable.109C Ph.D. 1989, Biochemistry-i peptids/protsinchemistry, HPLC. RL@,EUSA, gel electrophoresis.cell culture; PCR, Southem/Westem blotting,enzymology;proteaso and inhibitorresearch; 5 yr postdoc. experience;salary negotiable;preferNortheast/Mid-west/Northwest Available November1994.hoc Ph.D. (expected) May, 1995. Toxicology/Molec. Bid. Southem/Northem/Westem blots,RNAse protection, cloning, transgenic mice, PCR,site directedmutagenesis,sequencing,gel mobilityshift, cell culture, peroxisome prdiferator. seekacad/idus/govem postdoc. or research position.Avail.May,1995. Salarynegotiable.Ilic Ph.D.1987,Postdoc7 yrsNCI.;Growthfectors, TGF-beta, oncogenes in multistage carcinogenesis ofmouse epidermis,epidermavkeratinocytegrowth control, differentiation. Exp. in chemicalcard., skin grafting. retroviralgone transfer, keratinocyte primaryculture. Exp. in current mcI. biol., cellbid. methods. Seek aced. research/teaching posilion. Avail.July 1995. Locationnot essential, salarynegotiable.112C Ph.D., 1989, Neurochem.; M.D., 1984; 4-yr.postdoc, Carcmnog.Transgenic mouse. Md. cloning,oncogenes, growth factors, virus, receptors, Northern/SoutherniWesternblots, insitu, Proteinchrometography, immunohistochem., RNA analysis, soquencing, SSCP, CellCulture,Immunoprecipitation.26 publications. Seek indusiacad. research p@tion. Availableafter summer, 94. Salary negotiable.usc Ph.D.,1987,MoleciEnviron.Oncol.;Tissueculture, NorthemlSouthem/Westem blots, oncegenes, tumor suppressor gene, cancer chemoprevention.Postdoc. 2 yrs., teach. asp. 5 yrs., EnvironHealth Policy asp. 7 yrs. Seek acadigov't. Facultyor staff scientistposition.Avail.Sept. 1994. Prefernortheastern or mid Atlantic states. Salary negotiable.116C Animal and human folate pharmacokinetics,radioenzymatic assays, cell culture techniques,spectrophotometric assays, antioxidants, proteinpurification (column chromatography and electrophoresis procedures). Seek acad.iidus. postdoctoralposition.Availablefall1994.117c Ph.D., 1991, MicrobioliCell Bid.; Researchexperience: Animal treatments, tRNA ad proteinpurification, SOS- & urea-PAGE, Westem blotting,HPLC, FPLC, enzyme assays, tissue culture, DNAisolation, @P-postlabeling,addudt analysis, TLC.Postdoc.3 yrsincarcinogenesis.Seek acad/indus.research position.Avail.July, 1994.Nospecificgeegraphical preference. Salary negotiable.118C Ph.D.,1988,Bio-OrganicChem.(Biochem.Toxicol.);Research experience: drug metabolism&chemical carcmnogenesis. Techniques: Animal treatments, isolation&charactenizationofxenobioticmetabolites by (N, IR, NMR & GC-MS, P450 assays,enzyme purification,Westem blotting,VP-post-labeing, adduct analysis, TLC. Postdoc.: 3 yrs.; Facully 2 and ½yrs., Seek acad.AdusiGovt researchposition. Avail. Sept. 1994. No specific geographicalpreference. Salary negotiable.119C Ph.D. 1994 (expected). Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics. Dissertation research in cellularpharm. of predlinical therapeutics—antisense oligonudeotides. Experienceinflowcytometry,synthesisad purification of normal ad modified oligos.HPLC, UVMS, Fl. spedtroscopy, ad cell culture.Seek idus. postdoc or scientist position in nosearch/development. Avail. Jan. 1995. No geegraphic pref.120C Postdoc.4 yrs,ClinicalOncology.Tissue

culture, Quantifygene exp. (RT-PCR),Mel.cloning,Metab. antitumor drug in plasma (HPLC), Southern/Northom/WestemBlot&Hybrid.and Monocloneantibody; Lab routine managing. Seek acadJindus.Res. Ass. position.Avail.June 1994.Salary negotiabe. Ref. Dr. MaryLou King,Dept. of Cell Bio. &Anatomy, Univ. of Miami, School of Medicine. (305)547—5643.121C Ph.D.1994,CellBidiBiochemfExp.Therapeutics/Immundogy. Cell culture, animal studies,SDS-2Dgels,Westernblots,oncogenes,EUSA,RLA,FACS, toxicological and immunological assays,cytoskeletal immunofluorescence, Lipid and proteinchromatography, radidabelling metabolic studies.Seek acad/indust. 2 yr. POSt-dOd.posit. Teachingexp. 3 yrs. Avail. Oct. 1994. Salary negotiable.122C Ph.D., 1994, Pathology; Impact of DietaryLipidson TumorLipidMetabolism,ExperimentalTherapeuticsusingAntioxidants&Eicosanoidlnhibitors. Toxicologicalstudies using tissue culture, animalmodels, biochem. assays, HPLC,GC, RL@t,radioligand/Scatchard receptor analysis, solid phaseextraction. Teaching exp. 3 yrs. Seeks indusiacad.res. posipostdoc. Avail.Dec. 1994. New Englandarea. Salary nag.123C Ph.D. 1991. MdeciCell Bid. Microbid., insitu &hybridization,astracellularmatrix proteln, integrins, immunohistology. Cancer biology, cytokines; Northem, Southern and Westem blots. Postdot. 4 yrs, teach asp. 4 yrs@Seek Acad/idus.Research position. Available immediately. PreferEast Coast Salary negotiable.124C Ph.D. 1990, Microbiol, MdeciCellular biol.,carcinogenesis, tissue culture (serum-free),regulation of growth/cell cycle, astracellular matrix, cytokines, chomotaxis, Northem-Western blots, animalmodeling, digosynthesis, immunoanalysis, transformellon, electron microscopy, Post-dod 4 yrs (Pharmaceutical industry—3 yrs.), Seek indust/acad. ros.position.AvailableAugust 1994. Prefer East coast.Salary negotiable.125C Ph.D. 1992. Tumor physiology/cell biology,Tissue cult., Apoptosis evaluation;FlowCytometry(DNAcontents, gene express.); DNAelectrophoresis; immunosorbent assay; Radiation equipment;Seek acad/gov. poe.; Avail.August 1994; Salarynegotiable.126C Ph.D. 1972. Immunogenetics, tumor bid.,chemical ad viral oncogenesis. Tissue culture, cellbid, MHC-typlng, mouse genetics, prIsm ad enzyme them &kinetics,amino acid analysis and soquence, antibody prod., analysis& assays, congenicmouse colony prod. & maint. Postdoc &Teach exp.Seek acad/indusigovt. nos/teach, fulVpart-time,N.Y., N.J. Salary negotiable.127C Ph.D. 1990, CelliMolec. Biol-Emphasis incell cycle: Flow cytometry, Tissue culture, Primarycell culture. Transfection, Cytogonetics, Recomb.protein expression, Northern/Southem/Westemblots, DNA sequencing/cloning, Immunologicalmethods, Proteinkinase analysis, in vitroreplicationanalysis. Teach. asp. I yr., Postdoc. 4 yrs. Seekacad.iidus. research position. Prefer D.CiMid-Atlantic region.Salary/avail.negot.128C Ph.D. 1994, Med. Chem.; Design ad synthesis of prodrugs and antineoplastic agents, kineticstudies, computer modeling, HPLC, GC, multi-pulseFT-NMR, FT-IR. Seek indusigovem. research peallion. Prefer state of New Jersey. Avail. Nov. 1994,Salary negotiable.1@C Ph.D. 1993, Immunology-i Tissue culture,flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cytotoxidtyassays, Western blot. Postdoc. exp. I yr. Seekacad.fldusigovem. position. Avail. Oct. 1994. Nogeographical preference. Salary negotiable.1@C BIOCHEMIST, Ph.D., 8/74, Cadidale hasextensive biochemical research ad molecular biologyexperienceincludingfacultyservice.Candidateseeks research (and/or teaching) position in academia or industry.Salary negot.; West Coast pref.;Avail.4/10/94.131C Ph.D. 1979. BiochemistryPostdoc &limitedteaching exp. Faculty Conduct independent res. onReceptors and gene expression, cdna cloning, soquencing, PCR, Northern/Southern/Western blotting, cellcultuno, immunochemistry, signal transduclion. NIH grantee (exp. 6195) Publications 50.Available7/94. Seeks acad/Ind.res. position.Salarynegotiable.


Page 8: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

132C Physician1985,BoardEligibleHem/Onc1994, Molecular BiologyMrologyfTlssue culture,Northern/Soulhem/Westem blots, DNA probes,PCR, oncogenes. Seek acadAndus. research podtin, available July ‘94.Salary negotiable. PreferNortheast/MId-Atlantic.1330 Ph.D. 1992, Moles. PharmacdiMolec. Blol.;Gene transfer by retrovirus,electroporatlon,CaPO4etc.; DNA,RNA,Proteinblots;DNAor oligo probe;PCR; Rlbozyme design; Cloning; In vitro RNA ayethesis; Immunopreclpitallon; FACS; Tissue Culture;Colony assay; Dose-Response; Drug Resistance;Oncogenes. Postdoc. 2 yrs; Seek acadAdus. nosearch position. Avail. Dec. 1994. Prefer Coasts.Salary negotiable.134C Ph.D. 1990, Biochemlstry/lmmundogy/Carcinogenesis A.D. Nursing; Tissue: cell culture,conventional chromatography, enzyme characterIzatlon,HPLC,Immunologicalassays, Insitu hybridIzatlon, Western analysis, Northern analysis, pdyclonaVmonoclonalantibody production. Postdoc 3yrs. Teach exp 5 yrs. Seek acad.Ilndus researchposition. Avail June 1994.135C M.DJPPI.D., 1991, MoleciCell Bid., transgenic models, cell culture oncogenes, Northem/Southern/Western blots, DNA probes. PCR. RIPCR, DD-PCR,DNA/RNAprobes, make constructs,histology of mammarygland, Immund.analysis.Postdoc 3 yrs. Seek acad/idus research position.Avail.July 1994. Salary negotiable.1@c Ph.D. 1992; NutritIon, carcinogenesis, toxicology;06-Meguanlnetransferase REassay; HPLC.NOrthern, Westem blots, gels of GST Isozymes; tumor resistance; Tissueculture; CyloP45O;trace mmends (Fe, Zn, Se); human/animaltissue prep;dietprep.Posldoc 3 yrs•,Teachexp. 3 yrs.Aced/Gov't/Idust. Avail,Fall94. Salarynegotiable.137C Ph.D.1987,SyntheticOrganicChem.;Organometallic skills: Schlenkware, vacuum line techniques, spectroscopic (NMR, lR, UV); also, aspenence in Immunoconjugatechemistry, radlolabelingof MAbs(l-125,1-131,Tc-99m),HPLC(RP,Anionasch., size asclus.), electrophoresis (DNAanalysls ofdrug-lope I/Il interactions), Cell culture; Papers,patent and patent pending. Post Dec. 1.5yrs., basicresearch Red. Oncology,Ca.5 yrs., Seek acadigov.basic res. Pos., Avail. Immediately,East or WestCoast.138C Ph.D, 1982, Medlcinal/Bloorganicchem.,Cancer research—multidrugresistance, drug-DNAInteractions, chemical carclnogenesls, cell culture,molecular biological methods like Northern/Southen/Western blots, PCR, cloning, DNAsequencing,gene expression. HPLC,synthesis, Isolation,struclureof organiccompoundsby spectroscopy.Manyyears of res, asp. Seek Idusiacad. position.AvaIlableJune, 1994.leoc Ph.D. 1987, Biochemistry/Molecular Blobgy;Seekingteaching(academic)or Industrialnosearch position. Availabilityand salary negotiable.Six years research experience In carclnogenesis andcell growth control; tissue culture, growth factors/receptors, oncogenes/tumor suppressor genes,chemopreventlon,growthcontrolbyfattyacids, carcinogenic viruses.140C M.D. 1982; Ph.D. 1989; MolecularBiology;protein chemistry cell biology,lmmundogy'@immunoassay; animal model; drug test (in vitro and Invivo);postdoc 4 years seek due/Government Research position.Avail.anytime.Salary negotiable.141C Ph.D.1983,MdiCelbBioliBiochem.;alltechniques; Mechanisms of antitumor drug action,topoisomerases. multidrug resistance, apoptosis.Technical LANcoordinator. Seek acad/indus. nosearch or management positionwithorientationtowards development of novel therapeutic op.preaches. Supervisor for graduate students adtechnicians. Availany time.142C Ph.D. 1985—ToxIcology/EnvIronmentalblobogy. Carclnogenesis, activation of carcinogens,metabolic pathways, DNA binding, @P-postlabelIng,excretion, tissue culture, Protein purification,Pharmacokinetics and cholinergic system. Mat. Rca.Prof.—2 years, Post dec 7 yrs. Teach Exp 5 yrs.Seek Acad/IndusiGovemment research posItion.Avall.—Flexible.Salary negotiable.143C Ph.D. 1992, Exp. therapiCell Blol.;Chemotherap, DNA adducts, posllabeling, drug resist, tiesue culture, Surface receptors, oncogones and

growth factor. Northern and Westem blots, etc.Postdoc. 2 yrs., Seek acad/indus. Governmentres.position.Avail.July 1994. Salary negotiable.144C M.D.,1987,MS., 1994;Carcino/Mobec.Cell,Blol.; Tissue culture, DNA and RNA isolatIon, Chro.matographic analysis (HPLC,TLC),enzyme kineticstudy, Polymerasechain reaction for DNAmutationanalysis, technique of @P-Postlabelling.ResearchAssocIate 4 yrs., instructor 3 yrs. Seeking Acad/Idus. Research PositIon. Salary negotiable. Avail.July,1994.145C M.D. (1986), MS. (1989), MdecfCell Blob.&Genetic Toxic.Tissue Culture;PCR/DNAsequencing/Southem Blot/DNAprobe; DNAdamage/repair;Cell cycle; Immund.; radioautography/fbowcytometry/microscope. Postdoc. 1 yr. Rca. exp. 4 yrs.Seek research position. Salary negotiable.146C Ph.D. 1985,BiochemiRadiochemistry,Synthetic organic chemistry,Tc-99m labelingof Mabs,solid phase Tc-99m labeling method, In vivo studiesinnude mice,AlA,BNCTusingMabs, immunotoxinsad relatedwork.4 yrs. post-doct. 4 yrs. researchassistant prof. Seek indust. research position. Avail.July ‘94.Salary negotiable.147C Ph.D.1970.TumorBiology/CancerCytogenetics, Tissue culture, tumor suppressor genes, mlcrocell fusion, FISH (insitu hybridization).Seekacad/indus. rca. position.Avail.any time. No nag.148C Ph.D. 1990, OrganIc Chemistry; BlophysicalStudies on DNA-ligandInteractions,UV,CD,HPLC,High field NMR, molecular dynamics. Postdoc. 3yrs. Seek acadJldus/gov. research posItion.AvailableJune 1994. Salarynegotiable.140C Ph.D. 1982, Molec bmmunoVl'umor biol,Expen. in experimental therapeutics, Clin. Trial Lab.Correlates of Immunomodubatlon; In sItu hybnidizatIn, RT-PCR,cytoklne analyses. Aow cytometry.Prefer Northeast. Seek Assist/Assoc Prof.150C Ph.D. 1988, BIochemistry. Purification &characterizationof enzymes; metabolismof cardinogens; DNA-adducts; HPLC; @P-postlabeling;monoclonalantibody;ELISA.Postdoc. 4 yrs.TeachIng experience 10 yrs. Seeks research position; salarynegotiable.151C Ph.D. 1994, Pharmacology/Cancer nosearch; Tissue culture, Northern, Western blots,DNA and protein electrophoresis, immunohistochemistry.RIA,EIA,ELISA.Seek postdoctorate rosearch position academic/industry. Avail. mmcdiately. Prefer East coast. Salary negotiable.162C PhD expected late 1994, cellimolec. pharmacd. platinum drugs; cell culture, cytotoxicity assays, drug uptake, thiob levels, drug-DNA interactions. DNA purification, atomic absorptionspectroscopy, alkaline elution, competitIve ELISA,agarose gel cross-link assay, Teq polymease assay. Seek acadigov. postdoc. Avail.Jan 1995.SalarynegotIable.153C M.D., 1981, Nouro-Oncology Fellowship,1987, Research Oncology Fellowship, 1991 , asslstant professor1991—1994;Primarybraintumorsinelderly, incidence and therapy; lipid second messengers of differentiation; cell culture SOS-PAGE,Immunohistochemistry.Seek acad/idus/gov't positin.154C M.DJM.S.,198W1988,Medicine;Tissuecullure, Animalmodel, fluorescence spedtroscopy,Flow cytometry, Electron microscopy, Histochemistry, Histology,Surgery skills,Md. biol. knowledge.Postdoc. 1.5 yrs.Seek acad/indus. researchpositin. Avail.immediately.Salary negotIable.156C Ph.D.1990,Molec./Biol.,TissueCulture,Cell separation; Northern/Southern/Westernblots,PCK, sequencing of PCR products, DNAprobes,lmmunol. analyse oncogenes DNA cloning. Postdoc. 3 years.Teach.exp. 3 years. Seek Idus. nosearch position.Avail.Decem.1994.Salarynegotiable.151C Ph.D.1994,Molec.Carcinogen./Turnorigen.;Deletion mapping oftumor suppressor gene, detectin of rae oncogenes; Southern/Northern blots; tiesue culture; YACclones; PCR; transfectin. Seekacademic/industrial/governmentresearch or postdoctoralposition.AvailableAug.1994.Salarynegotiable.leac Ph.D. 1975. Biochemistry/Bloenegetlcs.Areaofexpertise; mitochndria, antioxidantdefensesystem, free radicals,apoptosis,oxid. stress Isola

tin, purification and characterization of membranecnn. or soluble enzymes and cellular organdies.Mnitoring of all physiol, activities of mitochondria,spectroscopy, fluorescentspectroscopy, EPRspectroscopy. HPLC, GS, ion-selective electrod. affinitychromatography ad electrophoresis. Postdoc 3yrs. Teach exp. 7 yrs. Seek acad.Iindus. researchposition.leic MS., expectedJune 1994. NaturalScmences, B.S., 1990 BiochemIcalPharmacology. Research experience with in vitro and In vivo drugscreening with related mechanistic studies. Cell cubture, Immunocytochemistry,in vivocancer drug officacy studies using murine ad human tumor xcnograft models. Seek indust/govt position. PreferEastem USA.162C M.D. 1982. Ph.D. 1991 . Chemical carcinogenesis and molecularbiology.Metabolicactivation,protein purification,protein Interaction, receptors,gene cloning ad expression. North.m/Southern/Western blots, Immunolanalysis. HPLCGC, Affinity./labellng. Postdoc. 3 yrs; seek acad/idus/research posItion.Avail.July 1994. Salary negotiable.163C Ph.D.1989.GeneticS/Md.Biol.withinterestin molecular biology ofcance, specifically cell cycleregulation. Technical experience w/PCR (RNA +DNA), In vivo footpnmntlng by LM PCR; PCR mutagenesis; cell culture, electroporatin; DNA/proteininteractiontechniques, NOrthern,Southern blots etc.Postdoc for5 yrs.Seek aced. orindustrypositionInPacIficNorthwest.Avail.9/94.104c Ph.D.candidate;graduating8/94.Blomedlcal Engineering;pharmacoklnetics, nonlnvaslveImaging,drug monitoringInvivo,solidtumor modeling,physiologicalmodeling,mass transport phenomena(solid tumors). Seek academic postdoc position orentry research position. Salary negotiable. Avail.Sept. 1994.INC M.D., Medical oncology. Experience clinicaltrials,laboratoryinvestigations.Interestedinlaboratory Investigations with clinical outcomes and thenapy as goal. Seek position at assist Prof level.leec electrophoresis oncogenes cell injuryantimitoticdrug. H9CI2 cytotoxicity. Postdoctoral 2 yrs.167C Ph.D. 1991 , MoleciCell. 8101.; TIssue cubture, recombinant DNAtechniques, biochemical &immunol. analyses, in-situ hybridization, gene cxpressin, protein purification, study of protein-DNAinteraction, gene regulation, cell cycle etc. Postdoc.3 yrs., teach. exp. 3 yrs. Seek acadiindusigovtposition.Salary negotiable.leec Ph.D.1989,MedicalSciences/Med.Microbid. &Immunob.;Cellad tissue culture (primaryadcontinuous), micromelastatic detection, FACS, fluerescent and Immunological assay PCR, cell-tissueelectrofusln, clinicalapplicationsof electroporatlonad electrofussn, electrochemotherapy.Experionce—independent research 3 yrs, teachIng 2 yrs.Salarynegotiable.hoc Ph.D.1985, MoleciCell.Blob.MajorIntereats: breast cancer, tumor suppressor genes, cellcycle, oncogenes. Techniques: Northem/Southem/Western/PCR; Tissue culture, transfection, immuneprecip., immunocytochem.Postdoc. 5 yrs., Teaching exp. 2 yrs., Staff scientist 3 yrs. Prefer NewEnglandorWestcoast. Salarynegotiable.171C Ph.D. 1991, Mobec. BioliBiochem.; Structure-functin studies of viral thymidmnekineses(HSV-1,vaccinla), molecular biology, random soquence mutagenesis, site-directed mutagenesis,genetic complementatmn, enzymobogy, gene therapy. Postdoc. 2.5 yrs. Seek aced. position.Avail.Aug., 1994. Prefer Northwest'West coast.172C Ph.D. 1992, Analytical chemistry; NMRspectroscopy of chemical systems and perfusedcells; chromatography—HPLC-fastflow; fluorescence microscopy; enzyme isolation & purification;Postdoc 1.5 yrs, Teach. exp. 1 yr. Seek indus. research position.Avail.Sept.-Oct. 1994.PreferWest/East coastal states. Salary negotiable.173C Ph.D.expected1994;Tissueculture,eukaryoticgene expression ad amplification,proteinad lipidbiochemistry,antibodyproductIon.Interested in cell adhesIon signal transduction, cell cycleregulation. AvaIlable July 1, 1994. Salary, locationnegotiable.174C Ph.D. 1990, Molec Bid.; Yeast genetics, gene expression, standard DNA,RNAand


Page 9: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

protein manipulation techniques, drug screen dosigns. Postdoc asp. 3½years. Seek idus. researchposition. Available 4/95 but negotiable. No geog.pref, sal. nag.175C MD/MS. 1986/1989, Molecjlumor Bid.,Tissue culture, Southern/Northern/Western blots,DNA probes, RT-PCR, DNA sequence, Flow cytometry, Immunoprecipitation,MDRgene expression,Oncogenes. Postdoc. 1 yr. Seek Acad/idus. nosearch associate position or postdoc. Avail Aug1994. Any State. Salary negotiable.176C Ph.D. 1989, Biochern/Cell Biol/Neurosci.,Tissue culture,retroviralinfection,RT-PCR,in situhybd., cDNAcloning biochem. tech., cryostat sect.,immunohistochem., westem blots, protein purif., enzyme assays, stable, transient cell transfedtions.Postdoc 3-4 yrs.. seek indus. research post. Avail.ASAP, Prefer San Francisco Bay Area, willingtorelocate to Colorado, Washington St. Salary nogoliable.Inc Ph.D. 1989, Bioch., Md. Biob.;Tissueculture, PCR, blotting, EUSA, SOS-PAGE,FPLC,chromatography, protein purificharactenization. Research interest—apoptosis, drug resistance. Available July 1994. Salary negotiable.178c Ph.D. 1993. Molec. Pharmac. ad Med.Chem. Mdcc. Cloning,Northern/Southern/Westem/Southwestem blots, GMSA/DNasoI Footprinting.Transfection/cat assays. PCR site-directed mutagenesis.Drugsynthesisad theirstructureanalysis by IP H-NMR,mass spectrum. Seek aced postdoc/indus research position.AvailOct. 1994. Preferanywhere. Salary negotiable.179c Ph.D. 1991, Carcinogenesis. Metabolism,cell culture, DNAadducts, @P-Postlabding.HPLC.Xenobiotic metabolism of AFB., BP, DMBA,10,MelOx,PhIPinFish/MicePOSIdOC2 yrsleach. asp.4 yrs. Seek acadiidus. research position.Avail.July/Aug.1994. No geographicpreference.Salarynegotiable.199C Ph.D.1992,MolecBio&Biochem.;Primarycell culture, Northems/Weslems/Southems, fusionproteins. immunoprecipitations, kinaso assays,cloning, in vitro transcription, PCR, DNA seq.; astensivecomputerexperience.Postdocat cancerinstitute 2 years in oncogenes, tumor suppressors,tyrosine kineses. Seeking industrial research posilion. Available June 1994.181C M.D., 1984, Antiviral chemotherapy antisense. Seek idus. research position. Avail.July1994.182C Ph.D. 1990, Biophysicab Chemistry; UV-Vis,Fluorescence, NMR.Ak IA spectroscopy, Digitalimaging microscopy, Computational chemistry, Cellculture. Postdoc 4 yrs;Teach exp. 1 yr. seeks acad/idus/gov. research position. Avail. July 1994. Salary negotiable.183C Ph.D. summer, 94, MoleciGenetic Toxicology;InterestedinMutagenes&Cardinogenesis;Mobecularcytogenetics, DNAprobe, FISH, PCR, cellculture, animal study, micronucleus assay, CRESTstaining, topoisomerase inhibition study, SOSPAGE, Southern/Western blot, DNA sequencing,DNA adduct measurement using AMS, DNAcloning,workwith radioisotopes. Seek idusigoviacad. nosearch/postdoc position.184C Ph.D. 1994, Cell. Biob./Biochem.; Tissue cubture. Immunohistochemical assays, hormone adgrowthfactorassay, DNAhistoradiography,paraffinembedding sectioning, electrophoresis, columnchromatography. Teach. exp. 5 years. Seek postdec. or research associate position in acad@dusigovemment. Avail. Sept. 1994.185C M.D.,1986,Ph.D.,1994.Md Pharrnacdogy/Cell Bid. Tissue culture growth assay, Northem/Western blotslmmunoprecipltatin immunostaining.PCR. DNA gel electrophoresis. TIC, protein punfication plasmid preparation. Seek acad/idus. research position.Avail.Aug.94, Nonlimitedlocation.Salary negotiable.1e6C Ph.D. graduation spring 1994. 15 years aspenience in molecular and cell biology, gene regulalion by steroids ad cytokines in tumor cells. Genecloning,sequencing,Northern,Westemblots,bandshift assays, reporter gene assays, tissue culture,monocbonabantibody production. Seek acad/idus.postdoc or research position.Avail.Spring 1994.187C Ph.D. 1989, BiochemiCell Biology, Research asp. includingmammaliancell cycle regula

tin, studies of protein kineses and their inhibitors,roles of protein phosphatase inhibition, in regulationof CDCchromosomalcondensation,proteinphosphor)@1ationapoptosis, tumor suppressor. Seekingindustry, academic research position. Avail. early1995, prefer @A.Salary negotiable.1@c Ph.D. 1977, D.M.SC. 1981, CellJMoIec.Biol., Biochem., Genetics, Experimental immunetherapeutics against cancer ad AIDS.drug deliveryto the cancer cell nucleus, growth factor receptorsanalysis. 15 years exp. Seeks indusiresearch pealtin. Avail. June/July 1994. Prefer East Coast States.Salarynegotiable.1@C Ph.D. 1994 UCSF Biochem & MobBiol. Protein purl/char.cloning&seq. 5 months PDexp. (415)476-5491 . Box 0446 UCSF San Francisco, CA94143.Igoc Ph.D.1988,BiochemfMelec.Bid.;DNA,RNAad protein techniques; usoof notroviralvector;gene expressionineukaryote&procaryole,proteinpurification; anlisense; tissue culture; immunoslaining. Instructor, 5 yrs. Seek Faculty position. Avail.June 1994. Prefer Houston,TX.Igic Ph.D.inBiomedicalSciences, Cellular ad molecular pharmacology, drug designad synthesis, drugcarrierandliposomal fOrmulations.Seek postdocfenlrj levelrca. position.192C Ph.D. 1989, Glasgow,Scotland—TheEffectof DNAmethylatin on gene expression. Expelence—transient expression assays, general molecular biology techniques, protein purification.Post.Doc. experience—identificationad characterizetin of transcription factors. Most techniques involvedin protein-DNAinteractions,promoteranaly515 of c-myc during differentiationby in vivofootprinting,other techniques—PCR,Northernblotstissue culture.193C Ph.D.1991,CellandMolecularBiology,2ad halfyears postdoctoral experience;cellculture,proteinchemistry,immunochemistry,molecularbiology techniques (Southern/Northern,run-on, PCR,cDNAlibrary...); seek acadAndus. research position;avail.early1995;preferCalifornia;salarynegotiable194C Ph.D. 1985 Mobec/Bioch, Tissue culture, enzyme assay proteinpurification,Northern/Southem/Westem blots, DNA,RNAand plasmid isolation,PCR,yeast &bacterialexpression system. Postdoc.8 years/teaching4 yearsacad/idus position.AvailableAug 1994.195C Ph.D. Candidate, Epidemiology/MoleciCellbid.: case control study, genetic epidemidogy, tissue culture,Northern/SoutherniWestemblots,DNAprobes, immunol.analyses, PCR, RNase protectionassay, mobility shift assay. sequence. cytogenetics,mutagen sensitivity assay. FISH. Posldoc. 1 yr.Teach.exp. 2 yrs.Seek acad/idus. researchpodtin. Avail. Sept. 1994. Salary negotiable.196C Ph.D.1971. BiochemPharmacol:Enzymelogy, Protein & Glycoprotein Chemistry, MembraneBiochemistry,Immunochemistry,MolBid of Tumorantigens, Tissue Culture, Biochem and MobPatholteaching exp. 3 yrs. Seek Supervisoryand or Administrative position. Salary negotiable. Available inSept. 1994.Inc MD & PhD. MdeciCellflmmunol.; Tissueculture, surface receptor, Northem/Southern/Westem blots, Protein-DNAinteraction,analysis, animalmodels. Bone marrow transplantation, Postdoc. 5years. Lab.experience8 years Teach. exp. 3 years.Seek acad.ñdus. research position. Avail. July1994. Salary negotiable.1@c Ph.D. 1993, Cell & Mobec. Blob; tissue cullure; RNAanal; DNAanal lumorgenesis, differentialion; biochem postdoc, 1 yr. teach asp.; Seek nonbench, research-related position (writing, editing).Avail.Jul 94.1@c A discovery research and pro-clinical development experience that includes defining signaltransduction events; identifyingspecific events aspotential targets for therapeutic proteins, ribozymesor smallmolecules;ad developingpertinontln vitroad in vivotests forrapiddrugassessment. Seeksindus. research position. Available May 1994.200C Ph.D. 1992, Biology/ReproductiveBiologyImmunohistochem. Northern/Western blots, DNAprobes, Mdecular Pharmacd., Cell Biology, ProteinChem., oncogenes, steroid receptors, Postdoc. 2yrs., Teach. Exp. 4 yrs. Seek Govemment/Acad.Research POSitIOn.Avail.May, 1995. Prefermid


Atlantic/South/SoutheasternStates. Salary negotiable201C Ph.D. 1984; Biochemistry; Regulation ofProtoonogenes; Steroid receptor—Structure,Funclion ad Regulation;HPLCof proteins; Tissue Calture; VariousMolecularBiologyTechniques induding Sequencing, Transfections, DNA&RNAProbesetc.;PresentPositionResearchAssistantProfessor@Undergraduate ad Graduate levelTeaching Experionce;Seek Industry/Academic;Salary Negotiable;Avail.July,94.202C Ph.D., Summer 1994, Molec. Bid. of Celltransformation chemical carcinogenesis. Tissue cullure, cytotox assy. transform assy. Northern/Southem/Western blots DNA probes, nuc. run-ons. Oncegenes. Seek acad/gov. post-doc. Avail.Aug/Sept.1994. Interest in moboc. Bid. of cell proliferation/cellsenescence/apoptosis.

@ Ph.D.1976,Cell.Md. Biob/Carcinogenesis;Growth factors; Aetinoids/sleroids, cancer preventin, biomarkers. animal studies, tissue culture, proloin purification.NIH10 yrs; Industry4 yrs. expelonce. Seek Acadigovt.Adus. research position.204C Ph.D. 1989. Mutagenesls, environmentaltoxicology, DNA repair. Excellent communicationskills,public policyexperience.205C Ph.D. 1992. Nutrition/Cancer/SignalTransduclion, RT-PCR, cloning, sequencing, Northerns,Westerns,APA,immunohistochemistry,in situ hybridization, cell culture, protein purification, GLC,HPLC,TLC,cell signalling-PKA,PKC,inositolphospholipids.Post-dec 2 years (coloncancer research).Seek academic position—facultyor post-doc. AvailJune 1994. Salary negotiable.206C Ph.D. 1994. Mdec. BioliGenetics, PCR,Southern, sequencing, tissue culture, cytotoxicity,enzyme purification,Westem, PAGE,alkaline eiulion, protein chemistry. HPLCDNAdamage anabysis. IBM/Macintosh.207C Ph.D. Pathology Chemical CarcinogenesisTumor promotion tissue culture, biochemistry; animal model (rat liver),NOrthernanalysis, immunohistochomistry. Interested in position relating interaction of tumor development with nutrition or dietad cancercorrelations.ExperienceteachingGenoral Pathology.206C Ph.D.1986, NutritionalSciences, Trace mmcrabs, metabolism & analysis, clinical research, animel studies, body composition, wet chemistry procedures, mineral stable isotope analysis & kinetics;Research ad Teaching exp. Seek idustry or acedemic research or admin. position. Avail.Juno 94.Prefer SF BayArea. Sal Nogo.210C Ph.D.1994.Molecular&CeilBid.Exp.inCellCulture,Blochem, MolecularBiology. Seek nonacademic position involvingcancer researcn/tumorsuppressors 8/or Inhibitors.211C Ph.D.1990,Molec.Vfrology;Viralpathogenesis/transformation, oncogenes, signal transductin, structure-functionanalyses, protein biochemIstry, site-directed mutagenesis, expression cloning,immunol.analyses, animal models. Postdoc 4 yrs.,Teach.exp. 2 yrs. Seek Academic/indus.researchposition. Avail. 1995. Prefer Westem U.S. Salarynegotiable.212C Ph.D.,ExpectedSummer1994,Mdec.BidiBiochem.;CloningRNNDNAw0rk;libraryconstruclion, Northern/Southern/Westernblots, site-directedmutagenesis, DNAsequencing, prokaryoticaspressin systems; enzymobogy-FPLC,HPLC,Ames mulagenicity,protein purification.Need post dec position/acad/ind/govt) Research. Prefer mid-Eastemstates. Salary 27K+, AvailableSept 94; 11 yearsResearch Exp, 27 pub manuscript.214C Ph.D. 1988, Biochemist, training in molocular ad cell biology.Expertise in protein blochemistry; protein expression in heterologous systems;functional characterization. Postdoc 6 yrs., seekingresearch position in acadJindust. Avail.end 94, 95.215C Ph.D. 1986, MdiCebl Bid.; dioxin receptor,Northern,Westem blots, vector constructs, microscopy. Postdoc. 5 yrs. Seek academic research position.Salary negotiable.217C Ph.D. 1991, ImmunoliMicrobiobiCancerRca.; Tissue culture, Northern blots, DNAprobes;cytotoxicityassays(Ca-reiease); antilmmunobactorial assays (He); Human/murine cell type isolationad purification;biologicalassays; immunohistochem., Immunofluorescence; FACS; EUSA ISH,

Page 10: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

DNA amplification &extraction. Postdoc 3 yrs. Seekacaddindus. position (research orother). Available inMay/June1994. EastorWestcoast. Salarynogotiable218C Ph.D. 1991. Biochemistry.Modifiedolignucleotides, natural products@Uposome-mediateddrug delivery. NMR, HPLC, Peptide-based naturalproducts characterization, DNA-adduclsstructura/function of receptor-mediated transport. Development of isolationprocedures. Cellculture.2@C Ph.D. 1975, Toxicology/DrugDevelopment.Safety evaluation tests anticancer/biotech products,[email protected] drug companies. Seek industry/research position, avail. May/June 1994. PreferSouth, Midwest,West other considered. Salary nogotiable.

@1cPh.D.1990,Biophysics;Ugand-DNABiding, sequence preferences, DNAconformation,carcinogen adducls, low-temperature fluorescencespectroscopy, low-resolution 31P&1H nmr, DNAcrystallizations. Potdoctocab experience 3.5 yrs.Seek acadiidus. research, teaching options in Industrypreferred.IfpossIble.Available—Jan1995.Prefer midwest/southeast, but no strong preferences. Salary 50K+.

@cM.D.1968.Anticancerdrugs.MoleciCell.Blob.;Tissue cultureDNAadduct. Anlican.drugssensitivity test, Biochemistry. GC. Hpc. VU. Enzymeactivitytest, endocrinologychemical,hormonalcarclnogenesls. Postdoc. 3 yrs. Research assocIate 3yrs. Seek acadAdus. research position.Avail.May1, 1994. Salary negotiable

@4CPh.D. 1987, Pathology/6 yr post.doc. ceIVmdcc. blot.Integrationof animalmodels withceIVmdc analysis. Devel and characterization ofin vitromodels.Useof chimerasand transgenlcsto studypro-implant@t1onembryogenesls, differentiation,carcinogenesis. Northem/Southern/Westem blots,PCR, gel shifts, transfections, surgery. Teaching asper (histology).Avail8/ MoliCellBiologist,PhD:Researchspecialties are signal transduction; morphogenesis; cell adhesion receptors; G-protein coupled receptors;structure &functionanalysis using cytoplasmic domainmutants. Tech specialitiesare vector construclion; site-directed mutagenesls; PCR; DNAsynth &seq; tissue/cell culture; stable expression of recomblnant DNA;cell-based assays; receptor binding;cytochemistry; westerns; etc. Contact A. Cone(510)-284—4715.

@7cPh.D.1983,Moleciceilbiology;tissuecubture,cell matrix,integrinreceptors,Northern/SoutherniWestem blots, bIochemical methods such asdislntegnin peptlde purification. ad charactenizalion, peptide and cell labeling,ELISA,cell adhesion,PLT aggregation, coagulation tests—tumor andthrombotic animal modeisln vivo ad ox vhv—Postdcc. 5 years,seek acactllnd.rca.position.AvailableSept. 1994.

@cPh.D.1991, Nutrition;post.decinmolec.blob.91-94; Molecularclning,CDNAlibraryscreening, plaque lift hybridIzation.DNAsequencing, Intron/ason mapping, RT-PCR, Northern/Southern/Western blots, DNA probes. Site-directed mutegenesis. footpnintlngDNase I hypersensitivity.Cellculture, gene expression. Vectorconstruction Avail.May. 1994. Seek acad/indus. research position.

@9cPh.D.1985,Pharmacology/toxIcology.Invivo In vitrotoxicity study, drug metabolism, oncegenes, signal transductIon, most molecularbiologytech., and metastasis. Seek lndus/acad/govt Available July 1994, No preference, Salary negoti.231C Ph.D.1994Environ.Hbth.Sd.andMolecularToxicdogy Lab SupeMsor/Grad. cast. 3 yrs. TraIn/supervise tech. personnel. HPLCpurificationof DNAadducts, DNA amplification, extraction, probes,Southems (radio- and non-radio-active detect.) oncogenes, bIochemicalanalyses, histology,Immunehisto. analyses, proOf. marker, rad. ad haz. waste.Teach. asp. 4 yrs. Seek 2-3 yr. research postdocstarting Oct. ‘94.

2@C M.D.1986(medicine)&MS. 1994(Biomedical Science) Tissue culture; cell matrix; Northem/Southern/Western/sequencing RPA. RT-PCR. Immunology analyses. MDR mechanisms. Fusionprotein. Transfectin assays. mammalian cell cxpression. Computer analysis; site-directed mutagenesis; postdoc. 5 years research fellow2 years;Seek academic position, avail. Sept. 1994. Placesflexible;Salary negotiable.233C Master in Microbiology;1988. 4½yearsworkexperience as Research Associate in biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry; techniques;cell culture, PCR technology; sequencing, Southern/Weslem blots. Dotblot;TGGEfordetection of pointmutations, PCR cloning seeks position in ClinicalDrug Developmentpreferablyas ClinicalResearchAssociate;Avail.July 1994;Salary negotiable.234C Ph.D. 1994, MoleciCeIl. Blob.;Tissue cullure, protein purification.Northern/Southern/Westem blots, DNAprobes. Teach. exp. 3 yrs. Scientificcounsellor 2.5 years. Seek acad.ilndus. researchposition.Avail.Dec. 1994.Anywherein U.SA Salarynegotiable.230C Ph.D. 1988, Pharmacology/PharmacokinetIcs, animaltumor models, tissue culture, preclinicalevaluation ofnew antlcancercompound, clinical trialdataanalysis.Seek indusresearchposition.237C MS., 1982,Experimentaltherapeuticsadbiochemistry;Tissue culture, In vitroand vivoassayIncluding techniques of handling all kinds of animalsad surgery,Immunol.analyses., Northern/Southcnn/Westernblots Postdoc. 4 yrs. Teach. ad Research 6 yrs. Seek Idus. research position. Avail.Date (negotiable). Salary >$45,000/yr.238C Ph.D.1989,Mobec./CellBlob.;Tissueculture,Prot. purification,enzyrnology,Rec. DNATech.,ELISA,Photo. affinity label, Enz. Immunochem.,HPLC,FPLC,GC-MS,Teach. Exp. 6 years, Pestdoc. 4 years, seek Acad./Rosearchposition.AvailableJuly1994, Sal. negotiable.2@C M.D., MMS,Cell. bid., in vivo experimenttherapeutics; Northern/Westem blots, cytetoxicityand synergy analysis, microscope spectrophotomdry, cell proliferation,DNAG-band.Postdoc.3 yrs.Seek acad./Idus research position. Avail. June1994. Salary negotiable.240C Ph.D. 1994, Tumor Bid., Cell culture, surface receptors, gene transfectin ad expression.Cellularmicroinjection.Northem/SoutherrvWesternblots, Immunopredipitatin. PCR, immunohistochemistry, confocal laser microscope ad surgicalpathology. Pathology 7 yrs. Research 4 yrs. Seekindus/acad. research position.Avail.Oct. 1994.Profor West or East States. Salary negotiable.241C M.D.,Ph.D.sixyearsexperIencewithgenesin animal tumors involving DNA/RNA technologiesincluding PCR, SSCP, southern/northern blot, DNAsequencing, etc. Seeks postdoc (or scientist) pealtin related to gene therapy, early diagnosis, adgenetic changes of cancer.242C M.D. 1983—Beard certified Int. medicine,Board eligiblemedical oncology. Interest In breastcancer. Molec/Cell.Blob.Seek junior faculty positin. Available July 94. Prefer Rockies/West coast.243C Ph.D. 1972. BIochemistry,Northern/Westem/zymogramanalyses, tissue culture, metalloprotelnases, urokinase plasminegen activators andtheir inhibitors,malignantprogression Inhuman koratinocytesad endothebialcells. Postdoc. teachingexp. Seek acadjlndusigev. research pos. Avail.Aug. 1994. Salarynag.244C M.D.(1983)Ph.D.(March1994)cell culture,Radioisotope uptake, flow cytometry, Pulsed fieldgel electrophoresis.Chemosensltlvltytests, DNAfragmentation. BMC CPU essay. Avail. July 1994.245C Ph.D. 1987, Melee/CellBioliBiochem. Cellculturing RT-PCR,Western-blots, EUSA, receptoranalysis, phosphorylation, multidrug-resletant genes(hematology/oncology). Postdoc: 5 years, research8550C. 2 years. Seek acadigov./ldustr. research

position.Avail.July 94. Nogeographical preference,salary nag.246C MS. (Biochemistry)/M.D.(Pathology, AP/CP). Broad experience in clinical and laboratory investigatin. Special interest in regulation of cellgrowthad celldeath.Studiesofsignal transductionpathwaysand cytotoxicityof peroxidizedLOLwithmagnetic resonance ad ether modern techniqueson human cancer cells ad their normal counterparts.248C Ph.D. 1986, Protein purification; cell blob.;tissue culture; growth factors/receptors; ligad Interactions; plasmid constructionflransfectmn; bielogicalassay development; Northern,Westem blothg; in vivo metastasis assays. Posldoc/researchassoc. 6 yrs. Seek acad@indus. research position.AvailSept 1994. Salarynegotiable.249C Ph.D. 1994. MoleciCell Blob.;Cell culture,NortherniWestemBlots, cDNA,riboprobes. Animalsurgery,immund. analysis,Computer Dataanalysis.Poetdóc.I year.(FogartyFellowship)Teach.asp. 4yrs. Seek acadiindus. position.Avail.end of 1994.Salary negotiable.250C M.D.,1991, ltaliancitizen,J-1 @i1sa,ECFMGcertified. From 1992 until now postdoctoral fellow atUCSF.Experience:radiation biology,DNAdamageassays(vlvo/vltro),PFGE,quantitativeimmunohlstechem, image anal., large/small anImal mod. radlatin damage, growth factors expr, apoptesis (In sItuvlvoMtre). Seek pestdoc. position in tumor modelling (transgenic/knockout mice), molecular biologyof cancer, cell cycle regulationad relatedareas.Available Sept 1994. Prefer West Coast States/largeurban areas. Salary negotiable.251C Ph.D. 1994, Mdcc. genetics; Tissue culture,transfection, Blottings, FISH, DNA fingerprinting,cloning of abnormal DNA fingerprinting fragments,SSCP, direct sequencing of PCR products, oncogenes, can bringmolethum100 PCR primers, markcr5, Seek acad/indus. research position. Avail.July1994.252C Ph.D. 1994, MicrobIology-MolecularBid.;mRNAsplicing,RNA/recornblnantDNA, Northem/Southern/Rbonudeoprotein blots, DNNRNA probes,immund. analyses, tissue culture, libraryscreening,gene cloning,chromosome walking.Seek acad.Andue. POstdOctOralresearch position. Avail. Sept. 1994.PreferCaliforniaor NortheastemStates.253C Ph.D.1984.SynthetIcOrg.Chem., synthesisad studiesof hypervalentIodine,synthesisof heterocycles, tetrahydrofolates; synthesis and studiesof biomimeticreceptors for drug ad DNA basebIding, presently synthesizing ad testing novel hypoxic cell radlo/chemosensitlzers and cytotoxins,ad developingnovel targetingforBNCT;spectrescoplc (NMR,IR,UV);EnzymeAssays; Papers adPatent, extensive teaching experience. basic research Rad. Oncology. ca. 5 yrs., seek Acadioov.basic rca. pea. Avail.7/95, East or West Coast.254C Ph.D. 1980, Tumor lmmunoVCelVMoI.Blel.,60+ publications/abstracts, 10+ yrs In directingcancer immunologyresearch/extenslveteachlng aspenlence;tissue culture, moneclonalantibody prodicharacterization, flow cytometry, blotting, RT-PCR,seek acad/lndus/gov position.Avail.Immed., preferSouthwest/Texas or Pacific NW.,Salary negotiable.255C Ph.D. 1971. Biochem Pharmacol: Enzymology,Protein&GlycoproteinChemistry.MembraneBiochemistry, Immunochemistry, Mol Biol of Tumorantigens, Tissue Culture. Blochem and MobPatholteaching asp. 3 yrs. Seek SupervIsory ad or Admlnistrative position. Salary negotiable. Available InSept. 1994.256C M.DJM.S., Postdoc. Skills: Melee. Bid.;DNA recemblnation, molecular cloning, DNA soquencing, PCR, Southern/Northern/Western blot,Immunol.analyses, tissue culture.Conduct idependent res. on oncoviruses, encogenes ad tumorsuppressor genes. Seek acadAdus. research p0-sitlon. Avail. July 1994. Salary negotiable.


Page 11: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

Abe,J., 3407Abraham, J. M., 3379Aikou, T., 3620Alcaraz, A., 3574Alford, C., 3602Ali-Osman, F., 3487Anderson, M. S., 3474Anzano, M. A., 3413Aoki, T., 3396Arbogast, D. N., 3617Arends, J. W., 3376Aste, H., 3553

Bafico, A., 3553Bahnub, N., 3357Bailey, G. S., 3617Bannerji, R., 3516Barth, A., 3342Benyunes, M. C., 3436Bergh, A., 3594Berk, D. A., 3352Bianco, J. A., 3436Biard, D. S. F., 3361Bigner, D. D., 3487Biticchi, R., 3553Bjeldanes, L. F., 3617Blay, J., 3521Bonelli, L., 3553Bos, E. S., 3479Bostwick, D. 0., 3574Brandström, A., 3594Breitman, T. R., 3494Brennan, J., 3588Brown, J. A., 3574Bruner, J. M., 3329Bruzzi, P., 3553Bunn, P. A., Jr., 3602Byers, S. W., 3544

Cajander, S., 3594Caldas, C., 3568Caprilli, R., 3553Chaganti, R. S. K., 3398Chan, D., 3602Chancy, S. 0., 3500Chedid, M., 3391Chen, H., 3533Chen, Z. P., 3447Chen, Z-X., 3494Choc, M., 3460Clark, H. M., 3383Coffin, D., 3365Colvin, 0. M., 3487Conney, A. H., 3428Cottrell, J., 3379Cowin, P., 3544

Dall, P., 3337Damber, J-E., 3594Danielpour, D., 3413Dashwood, R. H., 3617Dc Benedetti, L., 3553de BruIne,A.,3376de Goeij, A., 3376Deguchi, T., 3422de Haan, A. S., 3479Delmastro, D. A., 3500DeLuca, A. M., 3365Dewhirst, M. W., 3333de Witte, T., 3527DiMaio, J. M., 3387Djuric, Z., 3346Dolan, M. E., 3487Dragan, Y. P., 3357Duthu, A., 3361

Eastmond, D. A., 3533Eberlein, T. J., 3387Eisenlohr, L. C., 3325Everett, C. K., 3346

Fair, W. R., 3516Famatiga, E., 3342Fariss, M. W., 3346Fefer, A., 3436Feix, J. B., 3474Ferrara, G. B., 3553Fong, A. T., 3617Fortuna, M. B., 3346Foshag, L. J., 3342Foster, S. A., 3369Frazer, I., 3588Friedman, H. S., 3487Fujimura, T., 3557Fujisawa, M., 3442Fukayama, M., 3442Furue, H., 3442

Gansbacher, B., 3516Gazdar, A. F., 3387Gelmann, E. P., 3544Gera, L., 3602Gilboa, E., 3516Gismondi, V., 3553Givol, D., 3391Goedegebuure, P. S., 3387Gonzalez, F. J., 3422Gougeon-Bertrand, F., 3479Gould,M. N., 3540Grady, H. L., 3500Griffith, 0. W., 3487Groden, J., 3553Gross, J. F., 3333

Haag, J. D., 3540Hahn,S. A., 3568Hall, A. G., 3369Han, H-J., 3373Heider, K-H., 3337Hekele, A., 3337Hendricks, J. D., 3617Heouaine, A., 3553Herrlich, P., 3337Heseltine, E., 3625Heston, W. D. W., 3516Hickson, I. D., 3369Hirano, T., 3561Ho, C-T., 3428Hogarth, L., 3369Holistein, M., 3588Hong, W. K., 3580Hoon, D. S. B., 3342Horii, A., 3373Hoskin, D. W., 3521Hruban, R. H., 3568Hsu, R., 3333Huang, M-T., 3428Huang, S. K., 3352Hudson, E., 3379Hunter, N. R., 3506Hyuga, S., 3611

Imamura, H., 3620Irie, R. F., 3511Ishibashi, M., 3442Itakura, K., 3511Iwabuchi, A., 3557

Jaffe, E. S., 3383Jam, R. K., 3352James, R., 3553

Jenkins, R. B., 3574Jewett, P., 3602Jordan, V. C., 3357

Kadomatsu, K., 3413Kadota, T., 3561Kalyanaraman, B., 3474Kamataki, T., 3422Kaspersen, F. M., 3479Kato, Y., 3373Kaufmann, M., 3337Kaufmann, S. H., 3487Kaufmanii, W. K., 3500Kawakubo, K., 3557Keefer, L. K., 3365Kemler, R., 3544Kennan, W. S., 3540Kern,S. E., 3568Khokhar, A. R., 3468Kikumoto, Y., 3511Kitajima, K., 3561Krasna, M. J., 3379Kuijpers, W. H. A., 3479Kumada, M., 3407Kurdoglu, B., 3506Kurokawa, K., 3407

Lattiine, B. C., 3325Leavitt, J., 3447Lee, J. S., 3580Lee, S. S., 3325Lefaix, J. L., 3361Leunig, M., 3352Lieber, M. M., 3574Liebmann, J., 3365Lin, D., 3391Lockwood, C. J., 3447Loskutoff, D. J., 3329Lotan, R., 3580Lou, Y-R., 3428

Lyerly, H. K., 3387

MacKenzie, W. M., 3521Maeda, Y., 3442Mamenta, E. L, 3500Manin, B., 3379Martel, G., 3588Martin, M., 3361Masetti, E., 3553Mason, K. A., 3506Mastrangelo, M. J., 3325Matheson, E., 3369Matsuyama, M., 3611May, E., 3361May, P., 3361McCue, P. A., 3325Meesters-Winters, M., 3479Meltzer, S. J., 3379Mengod, G.,3455Mercer, W. E., 3391Michieli, P., 3391Milas, L., 3506Mitchell, J. B., 3365Miura, K., 3396Mochzuki, T., 3602Moerkerk, P., 3376Mohanam, S., 3329Møller,H., 3625Montesano, R., 3588Moore, C. J., 3540Moni, S., 3396Moni, T., 3396Morton,D. L., 3342, 3511Moschel, R. C., 3487


Nakamura, H., 3561Nakamura, Y., 3373, 3396Neubauer, M. A., 3436Newmark, H. L., 3428Nicolson, G. L., 3329Nishihira, T., 3396Nishikawa, Y., 3611Nizze, J. A., 3342

Oda,T., 3561Ohta, H., 3373Ohyashiki, J. H., 3557Ohyashiki, K., 3557Oka, K., 3329Oka,T., 3511Okun, E., 3342Ong, E. T., 3333Otsuki, T., 3383

Papahadjopoulos, D., 3352Parikh, A. S., 3387Pastan,I., 3460Peoples, G. E., 3387Peters, L. J., 3506Pham, D. T., 3479Picasso, M., 3553Pierce, J. H., 3391Pitot, H. C., 3357Poma, E. E., 3500Ponta, H., 3337Preijers, F. W. M. B., 3527

Qian, J., 3574

Raffeld, M., 3383Rao, J. S., 3329Rao, V. H., 3329Redd, J. L., 3379Redston, M. S., 3568Reid, B. J., 3379Reubi, J. C., 3455Reuhi, K. R., 3428Rhun, Y. L., 3361Rhyu, M-G., 3379Risio, M., 3553Ro, J. Y., 3580Robertson, M., 3553Rodriguez, E., 3398Romanenko, P., 3516Rosenthal, F. M., 3516Rupa, D. S., 3533

Saga, S., 3611Saito, S., 3516Sakata, K., 3611Santi, L., 3553Sargent, L. M., 3357Sattler, C. A., 3357Sattler, G. L., 3357Sawada, M., 3422Sawaya, R., 3329Schaer, J. C., 3455Schatz, F., 3447Schold, S. C., 3487Schroeder, P., 3357Sciallero, S., 3553Secomb, T. W., 3333Shibata, D., 3383Shimada, M., 3373Shimamoto, T., 3557Shixnizu,N., 3561Shimizu, S., 3611Shin, D. M., 3580Siddik, Z. H., 3468


July 1, 1994

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Sidransky, D., 3588Slattery, J. T., 3436Smith, J. D., 3346Smith, J. M., 3413Sommers, C. L, 3544Sporn, M. B., 3413Sreekantaiah, C., 3398

Stewart, J., 3602Sugita, K., 3611

Tagawa, M., 3602Taguchi, J., 3407Tahara, E., 3373Takahashi, S., 3574Takao, S., 3620Takuwa, N., 3407Takuwa, Y., 3407

Tanaka, H., 3611ten Kate, J., 3376Thomas, S., 3588Thompson, J. A., 3436Tolley, R., 3602Tomar, R., 3533Tomonaga, M., 3329Toyama, K@,3557Trent,D. F., 3346

Utiyama, H., 3561

Vainio, H., 3625van Boeckel, C. A. A., 3479van den Herik-Oudijk, I. E., 3527van de Winkel, J. 0. J., 3527van Doornmalen, A. M., 3479

van Duel, M., 3376van Oosterhout, Y. V. J. M., 3527Varesco, L., 3553Venzon, D., 3365von Minckwitz, G., 3337

Wang, B., 3540Wang, Z. Y., 3428Waser, B., 3455Webber,K@0., 3460Weasels, H. M. C., 3527Westin, P., 3594White, R. L., 3553Wiley, J. E., 3357Wink, D. A., 3365

@Ge,J-G., 3428Xu, X-C., 3580

Yamagata, S., 3611Yamaji, T., 3442Yamamoto, M., 3329Yanagawa, Y., 3422Yanagisawa,A., 3373Yanaihara,N., 3602Yang, C. S., 3428Yano, T., 3383Yasui, W., 3373Yeo, C. J., 3568Yin, J., 3379Yoshida, M., 3468Yoshino, I., 3387Yuan, F., 3352

Thang, R., 3540Zhou,W., 3407


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BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIPA complete application consists of the following material:1. 6 copies of the form on the opposite side of this page, with all

requested information provided.2. 5 copies of the candidate's most current curriculum vitae and

bibliography.3. 5 copies of a letter of recommendation from a nominator who is

an active, corresponding, emeritus, or honorary member of theAACR (at least one copy must be a signed, original letter). Thisletter should describe the candidate's achievements in laboratoryresearch, clinical investigations, or epidemiological research, andit should affirm that this research adheres to accepted ethicalscientific standards. —OR—The nominator may supply theresponses requested at the bottom of the application form in thesection entitled “STATEMENT OF SUPPORT― (at least one copyof the form must be the signed original).

4. 5 copies of a letter of recommendation as described in Item 3above from a seconder who is an active, corresponding, emeritus,or honorary member of the AACR (at least one copy must be asigned, original letter). —OR—The seconder may supply theresponses requested at the bottom of the application form in thesection entitled “STATEMENT OF SUPPORT― (at least one copyof the form must be the signed original).

5. 5 reprints of each of two publications on which the candidateappears as author.All material should be collated into five complete sets with the

original application form as a covering document and sent to theaddress given below. Questions regarding procedures for membership application may also be directed to the following address:

American Association for Cancer ResearchPublic Ledger Building

620 Chestnut StreetSuite 816

Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483Phone: 215/440-9300FAX: 215-440-9313


Candidates should be aware of the following responsibilities ofmembership in the AACR. Active members must pay annual dues,a major portion of which is designated for subscriptions to AACRpublications. In 1994 dues for active members are $150, $95 ofwhich is designated for journal subscriptions. Newly electedmembers of the AACR who have already purchased subscriptionsto Cancer Research, Cell Growth & Differentiation, or CancerEpidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention at the higher, nonmemberrate will receive reimbursement of the unused portion of thosesubscriptions once their first year's membership dues are paid infull.

Corresponding members are required to pay dues ($65 in 1994)and may, if they wish, subscribe to Cancer Research, Cell Growth& Differentiation, or Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention at reduced member rates.

Applicants elected in March will be responsible for payment ofthat year's dues; applicants elected in July and November will paydues for the following year. Applicants elected in March and Julywill be eligible to sponsor an abstract for the next annual meeting.Every effort will be made to afford the same opportunity toapplicants elected in November.

Margaret FotiExecutive Director

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), ascientific society consisting of laboratory and clinical cancer

researchers, was founded in 1907 to facilitate communication anddissemination of knowledge among scientists and others dedicatedto the cancer problem; to foster research in cancer and relatedbiomedical sciences; to encourage the presentation and discussionof new and important observations in the field; to foster publiceducation, science education, and training; and to advance theunderstanding of cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, andtreatment throughout the world.

Members of the AACR enjoy the following benefits:

1. subscriptions to all of the Association's high-quality journals,Cancer Research, Cell Growth & Differentiation, and Cancer

Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention , at reduced memberrates;

2. the privilege ofsponsoringa paper for presentationat the AACRannual meeting;

3. an advance copy of the scientific Program and the Proceedingsofthe American Association for Cancer Research for each annual

meeting;4. reduced registration rates at all scientific meetings;5. priority notification of events in the AACR's outstanding series

of special conferences on timely subjects in the field;6. the receipt of AACR newsletters, meeting announcements, and

an up-to-date membership directory;7. reducedrates for the AACR Employment Register;and8. the professional benefits of AACR's public education activities.


Active membership in the AACR is open to investigators wholive in the Americas. Individuals who have conducted two years ofresearch resulting in peer-reviewed publications relevant to cancer,or who have made substantial contributions to cancer research inan administrative or educational capacity, are eligible. If acandidate is working in a research area not directly related tocancer but has conducted research of merit in a related area ofbiomedical science, he or she may also qualify for membership.

Corresponding membership is open to persons who are notresidents of the Americas. The qualifications for correspondingmembership are the same as those for active membership. Visitingscientists from outside the Americas who intend to return to theircountries of origin by the anticipated time of election should applyfor corresponding membership. All other visiting scientists shouldapply for active membership and transfer to corresponding statusat a later date upon leaving the Americas. Graduate and medicalstudents, postdoctoral fellows, and physicians in training who donot yet meet the above qualifications should apply for associatemembership.


There are three deadlines for receipt of a membership application: January 1, May 1, and September 1 of each year. TheMembership Committee will review all complete applications foractive membership that have been received by these deadlines andwill submit recommendations on each candidate to the Board ofDirectors which formally elects all members. The same procedureis followed by the Special Memberships Committee which receivesapplications for corresponding membership. Candidates will benotified according to the following schedule:

Receipt of Applicationin AACR Office Notification of Candidate

January 1May 1September 1



Page 14: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

(City) (State/Province)

TELEPHONE NUMBER:___________________________(Country)

(Postal Cede)


PRIMARY FIELD OF RESEARCH (Please check only one):........Biochemistry and Biophysics Biostatistics

Cellular Biology and Genetics Clinical Investigations....Epidemiology ...jmmunology

Preclinical Pharmacology and VirologyExperimental Therapeutics(CARRIER):______________________________________Carcinogenesis

Endocrinology...Molecular Biology and Genetics


DEGREES (Including where and whengranted)EXPERIENCE

SINCE HIGHEST DEGREE WAS GRANTED (Please list most recent first)





PUBLICATIONS (Reprints of two peer-reviewed articles on which the candidate appears as an author must accompany thisapplication. For these two articles list the authors, title, journal, volume, inclusive pages, and year. Do not submit abstracts.)




(Please print) (Please print)


STATEMENT OF SUPPORT (in place of letters of recommendation)Instead of submitting letters of recommendation, either the nominator or the seconder or both may complete the following section:

How long has the candidate worked in the field of cancerresearch? @@yearsWill the candidate make a long-term contribution to cancerresearch? Yes NoDoes the candidate's research adhere to accepted ethicalstandards? Yes NoI therefore recommend this candidate for membership in theAmerican Association for Cancer Research.

How long has the candidate worked in the field of cancerresearch? @@yearsWill the candidate make a lonk-term contribution to cancerresearch? Yes NoDoes the candidate's research adhere to accepted ethicalstandards? Yes NoI therefore recommend this candidate for membership in theAmerican Association for Cancer Research.

Date DateSignature of nominator* Signature of seconder*

See Guidelines for Application on the reverse side of this form for further instructions.

*Both nominator and seconder must be active, corresponding, emeritus, or honorary members of the AACR.

(This form may be reproduced.)

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH, INC.Public Ledger Building . 620 Chestnut St. . Suite 816 . Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483


Page 15: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen


Associate membership is open to graduate students, medicalstudents, postdoctoral fellows, and physicians in training who arefollowing a course of study or who are working in a researchprogram relevant to cancer. Scientists in training who alreadyhave a substantial record of publications may wish to apply foractive or corresponding membership which confers full benefits ofmembership.


The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), ascientific society consisting of laboratory and clinical cancerresearchers, was founded in 1907 to facilitate communication anddissemination of knowledge among scientists and others dedicatedto the cancer problem; to foster research in cancer and relatedbiomedical sciences; to encourage presentation and discussion ofnew and important observations in the field; to foster publiceducation, science education, and training; and to advance theunderstanding of cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, andtreatment throughout the world. Associate members of the AACRenjoy the following benefits:

1. the privilege ofsponsoring a paper for presentation at the AACRannual meeting provided that (a) the associate member is thepresenter of the paper and (b) an active, corresponding, emeritus, or honorary member in good standing of the AACR alsosigns the abstract of the paper in support of the work (In thisinstance, the member who cosigns the abstract does not lose hisor her own sponsorship privilege.);

2. an advance copy of the scientific Program and (if one has beenpurchased by the associate member) the Proceedings of theAmerican Association for Cancer Research which containsabstracts of all papers being presented at each annual meeting;

3. the privilege of registering for the annual meeting at the lowstudent rate (This rate is otherwise available only to predoctoral

@ students.);4. preferred access to the AACR Employment Register;

@ 5. optional subscriptions to the Association's high-quality journals@ Cancer Research, Cell Growth & Differentiation, and Cancer@ Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention at reduced member@ rates;@ 6. priority notification of events in the AACR's series of special@ conferences on timely subjects in the field;@ 7. reducedregistrationratesat specialconferences;@ 8. the receipt of AACR newsletters, meeting announcements, and@ an up-ta-date membership directory; and

: 9. the facilitation of informal scientificexchangewith leading@ researchers in the cancer field.


@ Persons wishing to apply for associate membership must use the@ official application form on the reverse side of these instructions.@ Each candidate for associate membership must be nominated by an@ active, corresponding, emeritus, or honorary member in good@ standing of the AACR. Three completed copies of the form should@ be submitted; at least one of these copies must carry the original

signatures of both the candidate and the nominator. The application form may be submitted to the Association Office at any time.

After review of applications for associate membership, theExecutive Director will notify candidates of their election ordeferral within one month of the receipt of the application form.A check for one year's dues payment must accompany the application. Dues are currently $30 for associate members residing in theAmericas and $40 for residents of other countries. This fee will berefunded to any candidate deemed to be ineligible for associatemembership. Checks should be in U.S. currency, made payable toAACR, Inc., and drawn on a U.S. bank. Send the three copies ofthe application form and the $30 or $40 dues payment to:

American Association for Cancer ResearchPublic Ledger Building

620 Chestnut StreetSuite 816

Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483215/440-9300


Associate members must pay annual dues in an amount to bedetermined by the AACR Board of Directors. Dues for 1993 and1994 have been set at $30 per year for residents of the Americasand $40 for residents of other countries. If an application issubmitted by August 31, the accompanying dues payment will becredited to the current year. Candidates submitting applicationsbetween September 1 and December 31 may indicate whether theywish their dues payments credited to the current or forthcomingyear. Candidates should be aware, however, that associatemembers may sponsor an abstract for the annual meeting only iftheir dues for the current year are paid. For example, an associatemember submitting an abstract in October 1993 for the forthcoming annual meeting must have paid dues for 1993. Any newlyelected associate members of the AACR who have already purchased subscriptions to Cancer Research, Cell Growth & Differentiation, and Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention at thehigher, nonmember rate will receive a refund for the unusedportion of that subscription upon receipt of their payment for amember's subscription.

Each Fall the AACR will send to current associate members aninvoice for dues for the forthcoming year. Payment of this invoicemust be accompanied by a statement signed by the associatemember's current registrar, dean, or department head, verifyingthe member's current academic status. The Association's By-Lawsstate that dues are payable for each year in advance by January 1of the year to which they should be applied. An individual may bean associate member for a maximum of five years. Each year inwhich an individual pays dues will count as one full year ofassociate membership. Thus, an associate member who pays duesfor 1993 may retain associate membership until December 31,1997. The Board ofDirectors may terminate the membership of anassociate member whose dues are in arrears for two years.

Margaret FotiExecutive Director



Page 16: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen


NAME OF CANDIDATE:_________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH:_________LAST FIRST M.I.

(City) (State/Province)

TELEPHONE NUMBER:_________________________

PRESENT ACADEMIC STATUS/TITLE (Please check only one):..Graduate Student Medical Student

Physician in Training Postdoctoral Fellow

PRIMARY FIELD OF RESEARCH (Please check only one):Biochemistry and Biophysics Biostatistics

.........Cellular Biology and Genetics Clinical Investigations

.....Epidemiology ..lmmunologyPreclinical Pharmacology and VirologyExperimental Therapeutics

(Country) (Postal Code)

. FAX NUMBER:__________________

E-MAIL NUMBER (CARRIER):________________


.........EndocrinologyMolecular Biology and Genetics

Other:_____________________________(Please specify)

ACADEMIC DEGREES (Please indicate degree(s) acquired to date along with the name of the academic institution and date ofreceipt. Provide information on degree currently being sought and the anticipated date of completion of this degree program.)


PUBLICATIONS (List the authors, title, journal, volume, inclusive pages, and year of any article in a peer-reviewed journal onwhich the candidate appears as an author. Do not list abstracts. Continue on a separate sheet, if necessary.)

CANDIDATE NOMINATED BY:(Please type or print name of AACR active member in good standing.)

SIGNATURESI hereby apply for associate membership in the American Association for Cancer Research. I have read the instructions on thereverse side of this form, and I understand the privileges and responsibilities of this class of membership. I certify that thestatements on this application are true.

Signature of Candidate:_________________________________________________________ Date:_________________

I recommend this candidate for associate membership in the American Association for Cancer Research. To the best of myknowledge, the candidate is qualified for this class of membership, and the statements on this application are true.

Signature of Nominator*:___________________________________________________________ Date:_________________

Submit three copies of this form. At least one copy must contain the original signatures of the candidate and the nominator.Enclose a check in U.S. funds, made payable to AACR, Inc., and drawn on a U.S. bank for one year's dues. Dues are currently $30for associate members residing in the Americas and $40 for residents of other countries.

Check one of the following boxes only if this form is being submitted between September 1 and December 31:The enclosed dues payment should be applied to the 0 current 0 forthcoming calendar year.

(NOTE: Ifdues are applied to the forthcoming year, membership will take effect on January 1, but the candidate will not be eligibleto sponsor an abstract for presentation at the annual meeting in May of that year.) See Guidelines for Application on the reverseside of this form for further instructions.

*Nomjnathr must be active, corresponding, emeritus, or honorary member of the AACR.

(This form may be reproduced.)

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH, INC.Public Ledger Building . 620 Chestnut St. . Suite 816 . Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483



Page 17: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen


XyWnteIll Plus(for the IBM)WordPerfect4.2,5.0,5.1(fortheIBM)WordPerfect (for the Mac)Wordstar(for the IBM)

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AppleII DOS3.3Apple with Appleworks SoftwareAppleIII PlusDOS3.3Apple Macintosh 400K Disc/

MacWrite 2.2 (text)Apple Macintosh Pius 800K Disc/

MacWrite 4.5 (text)CPT 8000DEC WPS-8DEC Decmate iiDEC Decmate iiiDisplayWrite3

Microsoft Word (for the IBM)Microsoft Word Macintosh

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Display Write 4IBM Displaywriter Word Processor 6580Lanier Business One StepLanier No ProblemLanier Super No ProblemMASS-i 1 PCMultimatePC WritePFS Professional WriteVolkswriter 4.0

New releasesof word processingsoftware are not always immediatelyavailablefor addition,because of the file structures and intemal coding, we cannot accept disks created on desktop publishingsystemsor those createdon proprietarytypesettingsystems.We also cannot guaranteethat all specialcharacterscanbetranslated.Tabularandmathematicalmaterial,suchasequations,will not becapturedfromthe disk but will be rekeyed.

To expeditework andfor your own security,we do requirethat you submita hardcopy printoutof the diskfile.Thetablesandequationswill be keyedfromthis hardcopy.Wealsoneedto knowthe nameof the file tobeconverted,the typeof hardware(e.g., IBMPC)onwhichthefileswerecreated,theoperatingsystem(e.g.,DOS 3.3), and the version of the software (e.g. , WordPerfect 5.1) used to create the file.


American Association for Cancer Research Publications

Theword proCessingpackagesthat we preferareas follows:

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AACR joumals are now using personal computers to copyedit manuscripts accepted for publication. Whensubmittinga revisedmanuscript,authorsareencouragedto submitanelectronicdisk of the paperalongwiththe requiredfour hardcopy printouts.Diskswill ultimatelybe retumedto the authors.


Please be sure that the file you send is the most recent versionof the manuscriptand that it matchesthemost recentlysubmittedprinted copy. The file should containall the parts of the manuscriptin one file.Mathematicalandtabularmaterial,however,will be processedin the traditionalmannerandmaybeexcludedfromthe disk file.

Note:AACRdoes not assumeresponsibilityfor errors in conversionof customizedsoftware,newlyreleasedsoftware,or specialcharacters.

Pleaselabel the outside of the disk with the joumal name, the first author's name, a partial title of themanuscript,andthe nameof the computerfile usedto accessthe manuscripton disk. To processyourdiskefficiently,we needthe followinginformation.Pleasebe sureto provideALL the information.

Nameusedto accesspaperondisk:Nameof computerused(e.g., IBM/PS2):Operating system and version (e.g., DOS 3.3):

Wordprocessingprogramandversion(e.g.,WordPerfect5.0):[Seereversefor acceptableprograms.]

Manuscriptnumber.__________________________________Firstauthor:Corresponding author (if different from first author):Telephone/FAX numbers:___________________________


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Supported by a Generous Grant from theNationalInstituteof EnvironmentalHealthSciences

October 16-20, 1994ChathamBarsInn,Chatham(CapeCod),Massachusetts


EricN.OlsonI Houston,TXBruceM.Splag.lmanI Boston,MA


ElaineV. FuchsI Chicago,ILJoanV.RudrmanI Boston,MA


OpeningLecturesDavidBaItlmo,eI NewYork NYRobifl T@ I Berkeley,CA@JamssE. Damell,Jr. I NewYork,NY

CellCycleandTranscription- IDavidII. Uvlngston I Bosbn,,TXRcb.rtN.EIs.nman1Seattle,WACarolL PrIv.sI NewYork,NY

cellCycleandTranscription•IIGlow. F. Vande Wouds I Frederick MDMarcKtmchnsr!Boston,MASt.v.nLRaidI LaJolla,CA

SignalTransductionSystemslnflueMngTranscriptionJoanV.Rud.rmwiI Boston,MAM.rcMo@/LaJoaa, CAJun V.J.Wang 1LaJoffa,CA

SpyridonArtsvanls.TsskonasI NewHaven,CT

TranscriptionFactorsControllIngCellGrowthMichNlKateI LaJolla,CARIchardTrslsn*nI London,EnglandMichaslZ.GUmsnI ColdSpringHarbor,NY

TranscriptionFactorsControllIngCellDifferentiatiOn•IBnaciM.Spl.g.lrsenI Boston,MA8aln.V.FuchsIChic@o,ILMlchasl0. RosenfeldI LaJolla,CAMkhu.lLivIn. I LaJolla,CA

TranscriptionFactorsControllIngCellDftferentlatlon•IIEricILOlsonI Housbn,TXStuartOrIdnI Boston,MACharlesP.EmemonI Philadelphia,PA

DevelopmentEddyM.Di RobertisI LosMgeles,CARIchard 8.Ivlng.r I Houston, TXJanitRosuntI Toronto,Ontario,CanadacilifoidTablnI Bosbn,MA

Appilcantsam encouraged to submit abstractsforposterpresentation.


American Association for Cancer ResearchPublicLedgerBuilding,Suite816150 South IndependenceMall WestPhiladelphia,PA I 9106-3483(215) 440-9300 (215) 440-9313 (FAX)

Page 20: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

SpecialLecturesPierre ChambonI Strasbourg,FranceRonald M.Evans I LaJolla,CA

HeterodimerizationandProtein/ProteinInteractionsHendrikG.StunnenbergI Heidelberg,GermanyBjom VennstromI Stockholm,SwedenMagnusPfahlI LaJolla,CAChristopher K.Glass I San Diego,CA

ReceptorStructurePeter E. WrightI LaJolla,CA

EmbryonicDevelopmentGregor EICheIeI Houston,TXLee Ann NiswanderI NewYork,NYCarlThummelI SaltLakeCity,UTJeremyBrockesI London,England

Actionsof RetinoldsRIchard Heyman I La Jolla, CAArthurLevinI Nutley,NJJochen BuckI NewYork,NYMichaelB.SpomI Bethesda,MDLorraineJ. Gudas I NewYork,NY

Analysisof DiseaseBenjaminG. NeeII Boston,MAKennethKorachI ResearchTrianglePark,NCHughes de The I Paris,FranceGUntherSchUtzI Heidelberg,Germany

OrphanReceptorsDavidJ. MangelsdorfI Dallas,TXVincentGiguereI Toronto,Ontario,CanadaKeithParkerI Durham,NCJan-AkeGustafssonI Huddinge,Sweden

SteroidHormonesBert W.O'MalleyI Houston,TXDonaldP. McDonnellI Durham,NCBenitaS. KatzenellenbogenI Urbana,IL

VitaminDJohn WesleyPike I LaJolla,CALeonard P. FreedmanI NewYork,NY

Applicants are encouraged to submitabstracts for poster presentation.

ApplicationDeadline:November3, 1994

InformationandApplicationFormsAmericanAssociationforCancerResearchPublic Ledger Building, Suite 816150 South IndependenceMallWestPhiladelphia, PA 19106-3483215-440-9300 215-440-9313 (FAX)



January 14-19, 1995



MichaelB.SpornI Bethesda,MDRonaldM. EvansI LaJolla,CA

DavidJ. MangelsdorfI Dallas,TX

PROGRAM COMMITTEEVIncentGiguereI Toronto,Ontario,Canada

JohnWesleyPikeI LaJolla,CA


Page 21: OFTHEAMERICANASSOCIATION FORCANCERRESEARCH · ContactDr.WilliamR.Waud,ChemotherapyDivi siosi,SouthernResearchInstitute,P.O.Box55305, Birmingham,AL35255-5305.ANEOE. 224PResearchVeterinarianinExperimentalThen

SCOPEClinicalCancerResearch,a new

journal ofthe American Associationfor CancerResearch,willpublishoriginalarticlesdescribingclinicalresearchon the cellularand molecularcharacterization, prevention, diagnosis,and therapyofhuman cancer.Itsfocusis on innovativeclinicalresearch andtranslational research which bridgesthe

laboratoryand the clinic.ClinicalCancerResearcbisespeciallyinterestedinclinicaltrialsesaluatingnewtreatmentsforcancer;researchon molecularabnormalitiesthat predict incidence,response to therapy,and outcome;and laboratorystudies of newdrugsand biologicalagents that willlead toclinicaltrials inpatients.EDITORIAL

POLICYWhena manuscript is receivedfor

consideration, the Editors assumethat no similar paper has been or willbe submittedforpublicationelsewhere.Further,it is understoodthatallauthorslistedon a manuscript have agreedtoits submission. The signature ofthecorresponding author on the letter ofsubmissionsignifiesthat these conditions have been fulfilled.

Journal policyrequiresthat authors,reviewers,and AssociateEditorsrevealin a letter to the Editor-in-Chiefanyrelationshipsthat they havethat couldbe construedas causinga conflictofinterestwith regardto a manuscriptunderreview.Thelettershouldincludea statement of any financialrelationships with commercial companiesinvolved with a product under study.

Uponacceptance,authorsmust transfercopyrightto the AmericanAssociationfor CancerResearch,Inc., the copyrightownerofthe journal,priorto publication.The

Editors endorse the principlesembodied in the Declaration of Helsinkiand expect that all investigationsinvolvinghumans willhave beenperformed in accordancewith theseprinciples.Acopyofthe Declarationis available from the American MedicalAssociation,515 NorthStateStreet,Chicago,IL60610-4320.Foranimalexperimentationreportedin the journal,it is expected that investigators willhaveobservedthe Interdisc4ilinary

@cp'e@cand Guidelinesfor the 1/seofAnimals in Research,Testing,andM,@ation issued bythe'AdHocCommitteeon AnimalResearch,a copyof whichis availablefor $2.00 from theCommunications Department, NewYorkAcademyofSciences,2 East63rdStreet, New York, NY10021-7289. Allhuman and animal studies must have

been approvedbythe investigator'sInstitutionalReviewBoard.REVIEW


transmisskmand overnightmailservice,is conducted as rapidlyas possible. Eachsubmittedmanuscriptisreviewedby at least twoexperts in thefield

ofinvestigation.Ifthe authors areinvitedto submit a revisedmanuscript for an expeditedfurther reviesçthe revisedversionmust be submitted within three months.

]FORMATManuscriptsmust be writtensuccinctlyin clear, grammatical English. Defineabbreviationsin an inclusivefootnoteto the text. Double-space on 8 1/2 x11-inchpaper.Dot-matrixprintingisnot acceptable. The format is as follows:

1. Titlepage,includingtitle,authorsand their institutions,researchsupport,and addressplus telephone/faxnumbers of the corresponding author;


3.Abstract,ofnotmorethan250words,statingbrieflythe objectives,methods, results, and conclusionsof the study;


REFERENCESIncludeonlythose articles that havebeen publishedor are in press. Unpublisheddataor personalcommunicationsmust be cited as footnotesto the text.Personalcommunicationsshould besubstantiatedbya letterof permission.


FIGURESProvide four original sets of figures(whetherline-cutdrawingior halftones).Eachsorted set should be in a separate labeled envelope, for distributionto reviewers.Atypedlabel placedonthe reverseside of each figureshouldcontainthe firstauthor's name, figurenumber, and an arrow indicatingtopof figure.Lettersand numbers onfiguresshould not be larger than 12-point type. Allfigures will be publishedat a widthofapproximately3 inches

tion, Methods,Results,Discussion,Acknowledgments, References;

5. Footnotes,on a pageseparatefromthetext. Designate footnotes consecutivelywith superscript Arabic numerals;

6. Tables,onpagesseparatefromthe text, with descriptive titles andlegends that make the data understandable @thoutreferencetothetext;

7. Figure legends, on pages separatefrom the text,withdescriptivetitlesand explanationsto make the dataunderstandable without referenceto the text. Define all symbols and

include stainingfor halftoneswhere applicable;

8. Figures.

Number references in the order oftheir first mention in the text.Citeonlythe number assignedto the ref.erence. References must be doublespaced.

(8cm)unlesstheauthorrequestsagreaterwidth. Usetissue overlaystoindicate important areas of the photographs that must be reproducedwith greater fidelity

Authors are encouraged to submitcolor figures. The expense of repro

ducingcolor photographswillbecharged to the author. Submit colorfigureson flexiblebacking.

1. Shaffer,D.W, Smith, L.S., Burns, H.A.,Clark,G.M.,Eckardt,J. R., Fields,S. M., Weiss, 6. R., Rinaldi, D. A., Bowen, KJ., Kuhn,J. 6., andVon Hoff,D. D.Arandomizedphase I trialofchronic oral etoposidewithor withoutgranulocytemacrophagecolony-stimulatingfactor in patientswithadvancedmalignancies.CancerRes.,53 59295933, 1993.

2. Dimaggio,Jj., Scheinberg, D.A., and Houghton, AN. Monoclonal antibodytherapyof cancer.In: H.M.Pinedo,BA. Chabner,and DL. Longo(eds.),CancerChemotherapyand BiologicalResponseModifiersAnnual,Vol.11,pp. 177-203. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1990.

should be included in the letter ofsubmission. Minireviewsand Forumarticles that are submitted or solicitedwillundergo editorialreview.TheEditorswelcomeLettersto the Editor,whichwillbe published if they aredetermined to be appropriate.

Theletterof submissionshouldsu@,estthe AssociateEditor(or Editor-in-ChicOwho will serve as primary reviewer ofthe manuscript. In addition,we inviteauthorstoprovidethenames,addresses,and telephone,'faxnumbersofup to fivepotential reviewerswhoare not currentor recentcollaboratorsor advisorsinthe area under investigation.

FORMOREINFORMATION,CONTACT:John Mendelsohn,M.D.,Editor-in-ChiefClinical Cancer ResearchDepartmentofMedicine,MemorialSloan-KetteringCancerCenterl275YorkAvenue, NewYork, NewYork 10021

Telephone 212-639-5878, Fax 212-772-8375.


MANUSCRIPTSUBMISSIONSendmanuscriptstoJohn Mendelsohn,M.D.,Editor-in-Chief.Submit fouroriginalsets (not photocopies)offiguresalongwith four copiesof themanuscript. One set offigures willbereturned to the authorifthe paperisnotacceptedfor publication. Ifa manuscript

iscloselyrelatedtopapersthatareinpressor havebeensubmittedelsewhere,pleaseprovidecopiesofthosepaperswith your submission.

Rapidcommunicationwillbe reservedforconcise,defInitivereportsof novelobservationsand discoveriesthat haveunusual importance. A request forconsideration for rapid communication

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ClinicalCancer ResearchAn exciting new forum for clinical and translational cancer research

EDITOR- IN -CHIEFJohn MendelSohn


Joseph R. Bertino

ClaraD. Bloomfield

GeorgeJ. BosiPatriciaDonahoeIsaiahJ. FidlerStephen H. FriendPhilip D. Greenberg

DanielC. IhdeMarcE. LippmanMichael 1. Lotze

John D. MinnaRichardJ.O'ReillyIra PastanHerbertM.PinedoJerome RitzPaul SondelMichael B. Sporn

LouiseC.StrongDanielD.VonHoffRalph R.Weichselbaum

CONTENTS. Research articles

. Rapid communications

. Minireviews

. Forum for

controversial issues

. Special invited articles

. Meeting reports

. Editorials

. Letters to the Editor


ClinicalCancerResearch,a new journalofthe American Association for Cancer Research,

will publish original articles describing clinical

research on the cellular and molecular char

acterization, prevention, diagnosis, and therapy

of human cancer. Its focus is on innovativeclinical research and translational research

which bridges the laboratory and the clinic.

ClinicalCancerResearch is especiallyinterested in clinical trials evaluating new treatments

for cancer; research on molecular abnormalities

that predict incidence,response to therapy,and outcome; and laboratorystudies of newdrugs and biological agents that will lead to

clinical trials in patients.

CALL FOR PAPERSTheEditorswelcomethe submissionof manuscriptsfortheirconsideration.Authorsshouldfollowtheformatgivenin the “InstructionsforAuthors―on the reverseside.Submit manuscripts to:

John Mendelsohn,M.D.,Editor-in-ChiefClinicalCancerResearchDepartmentof MedicineMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center


NewYork, NewYork 10021



. Drug sensitivity and resistance

. Tumor immunology and immunotherapy

. Radiobiology and radiation oncology

. Solid tumor oncology

. Hematological malignancies

. Surgical oncology

. Pediatric oncology

. Molecular oncology and cancer genes

. Pathology, markers, and prognostic indicators

. Growth factors, cytokines and

signaltransduction. Bone marrow transplantation

. Gene therapy

. Cancer endocrinology

. Cell adhesion, invasion, and metastasis

. Prevention of primary and recurrent cancer

. Differentiation and cell death

. Clinical genetics

. Detection of minimal disease

ClinicalCancerResearchwill be of interestto professionalsin all areas ofclinicalcancerinvestigation, including medical and hemato

logicaloncology,radiationoncology,pediatriconcology,surgicaloncology,pathology,radiology,and clinicalgenetics.

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