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Derivatives in the Insurance


Stephen P. D’Arcy

Professor of Finance

University of Illinois

First Annual OFOR Symposium

May 16, 2002

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• Use of derivatives by insurers

• Securitization of insurance risk 

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Use of Derivatives by InsurersBased on Cummins, Phillips, and Smith

 North American Actuarial Journal January 1997

• 1994 annual statements filed with NAIC

• 1,760 life insurers and 2,707 P-L insurers

• Schedule DB Derivative Instruments• Categories of derivatives included:

 – Options, caps, and floors owned

 – Options, caps, and floors written

 – Collars, swaps, and forward agreements

 – Futures contracts

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• 12% of life insurers and 7% of P-L insurers used

derivatives sometime during the year 

• Stock insurers use derivatives more

 – Life insurers: 16% of stock companies, 7% of mutuals

 – P-L insurers: 10% of stock companies, 4% of mutuals

• Larger companies used derivatives more

 – For largest size quartile, 34% of life and 21% of P-L

insurers used derivatives

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Results (p.2)

•Life insurers used derivatives to manageinterest rate risk  – Caps/floors

 – Interest rate swaps

 – Options and/or futures positions on bonds• P-L insurers have a higher percentage of 

assets in equities – Use of equity options, both calls and puts

• P-L insurers used FX forwards

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• Most insurers did not use derivatives as of 1994

• Even for those that did use derivatives, the

volume was low

 – For users, average notional value of open positions

• $661 million for life insurers

• $90 million for property-liability insurers

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Why Don’t Insurers Use Derivatives More?

• Unfamiliarity with derivatives

• Conservatism

• Derivative horror stories

• Regulatory resistance

• Lack of focus on financial risk management

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Securitization of Insurance Risk 

• Exchange Traded Derivatives

• Contingent Capital

• Risk Capital

• Recent insurance derivatives

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Exchange Traded Derivatives

• First proposed by Goshay and Sandor – 1973• CBOT Catastrophe futures and options – 1992

 –  Underlying: small sample of companies reported paid

losses• CBOT PCS Catastrophe Insurance Options – 1995

 –  Underlying: estimate of industry wide incurred losses

• Bermuda Commodities Exchange Catastrophe

Options –  Binary options –  Trigger: Guy Carpenter Catastrophe Index

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Status of Exchange Traded

Derivatives• Trading volume was very low

• Large bid-ask spreads

• There is currently no viable market for 

exchange traded derivatives

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Contingent Capital

• Line of credit• Contingent surplus note

• Cat-Equity-Put

 –  Insurer contracts with counterparty to purchase put options –  Options can only be exercised in the event of a catastrophe

 –  Minimum post catastrophe net worth requirement

 –  Warranties on reinsurance, management control, etc.

 –  Exposure period 1-10 years –  Annual premiums

 –  Buyback provisions

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Risk Capital

Catastrophe Bonds

Typical case - pre-funded, fully collateralized

Provides insurers with additional capital and multiyear coverage for catastrophes

Provides investors with diversification and high yieldsInvestors include:

Mutual funds Hedge funds

Reinsurers Life insurers

Money managers

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Examples of Catastrophe Bonds

• USAA – 1997

 – East coast hurricane

• Swiss Re – 1997 – California earthquake

• Munich Re – 2001

 – Hurricane, earthquake and European windstorm

• Syndicate 33 of Lloyd’s of London – 2002 – St. Agatha Re

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Recent Insurance Derivatives

• Catastrophe risk swap

 – Swiss Re and Tokio Marine and Fire – 2001

• Japan earthquake for California earthquake

• Japan typhoon for Florida hurricane

• Japan typhoon for France storm

• Earthquake derivative – Munich Re and Berkshire Hathaway – 2001

• Earthquakes affecting World Cup Soccer 

• Parametric trigger 

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