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Off-page SEO

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Backlinks, also known as; incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links

incoming links to a website or web page. In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node. Off Page SEO is the number of backlinks you

have directed towards your site.

What is Off-page SEO

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With backlinks you want to make sure you are varying your anchor text. There are 4 different variations of anchor text you can have when setting up your back links. In your main post be sure to use descriptive keyword rich anchor text.

Anchor Text

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With Exact match anchor text, you want to make sure you are using this 25-40% of the time with your backlinks.For example: If your keyword is Hot Wheels, you should make sure that anchor text is hyper linked to valuable content linking back to your original blog , or website.

Anchor Text Type 1: Exact Match Anchor Text

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With Partial Match Anchor text, you want to make sure you are using this 10-20% of the time with your backlinks.

For example: We will use the same keyword Hot Wheels, a partial match for this would be something like Hot Wheels Supplies or Hot Wheels on Sale. The main keyword is still in the anchor text however now you are partially matching the link.

Anchor Text Type 2 : Partial Match Anchor Text

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With Random Anchor text you want to make sure you are using this 15-25% of the time with your backlinks.

Examples of this are : Click here, more information, continue reading, and so on and so forth.

*These you can use with more low quality links.

Anchor Text Type 3: Random Anchor Text

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With URL Anchor text you want to use this 20-30% of the time . Most of your URL anchor text links you want to post on videos.

Examples of this are;,, and so on and so forth.

Now none of these percentages are set in stone. Google is

forever changing and evolving. Coming out with new algorithms to post the most relevant content to its viewers. These percentages are just suggestions. Figure out what works for you.

Anchor Text Type 4: URL Anchor Text

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When setting up backlinks for your site make sure you have link diversity. You can obtain link diversity by having links from various sources and IP addresses. Sources such as Web 2.0 Sites, Social Networking Site, Forums etc..

The new Google Penguin also likes to see multiple visitors to your site that comment and share. This lets Google know your site is valuable. Now this does not mean to go out on Fiverr and hire a bunch of people to comment on your post. There can be cost and benefits to doing this. Cost, you want high quality comments. You are only paying these people $5 for there service. So you can figure out how much quality a $5 post is. Benefit, you have a comment from a different IP address and your site may or may not be shared dependent upon what that person is offering.

Off Page SEO: Backlinks Basic Tip 1

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Build your backlinks steadily and maintain link velocity as time goes on.

The average new website takes from 3 to 6 months to rank high in Google. So if your site magically 100,000k links and tries to rank over night , get ready for those red flags from Google.

Start slow and build up… do not build links all at once.. a site does not naturally grow like that.. YOU WANT TO BE….OR AT LEAST LOOK, NATURAL. 

Off Page SEO: Backlinks Basic Tip 2

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