Page 1: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the


Results of 1970 Stote High School Trock Meets

KEY; Winners of ht, 2nd and 3rd places Ofe listed in thai order. Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more thanone closs, winners ore from the doss having the best mark.

"New Siole Record • "Ties Siale Record "w" Wind Aided "n" N~n.Winning Time

(C) Run on Curve \51 Run on Straightaway (2i Run on 2 Full Turns (1) Run on 1 Full Turn





......... 10;06.8~16.520.045.2




100 Yd. Dash: Whatley (Montgomery, Booker 1. Washington), Spivey (Montgomery, Robert E. lee), Snell 'Montgomery,Rober! E.leel .

220 Yd. Dash: Whatley (Montgomery, Booker T. Washington), Spivey (Montgomery, Robert E. Lee), adum (Birmingham,Carver) .

.440 Yd. Dash: Shockley (Montgomery, Jeff Davis), Whilloker iBirmingham, Woodlown), Smitf1 IBirmingham, Carver) .880 Yd. Run: Hommod, (Birmingham, Ensley), Frozier (Montgomery, Robert E. Lee), Brown rAuburn) .I·Mile Run; Edgeworth ;:Birmingham, Berry\, Stinson (Montgomery, Robert E. Lee), Chopman ,Birmingham, Porker) ..

2·Mile Run: Kline (Montgomery, Robert E. Leej, Leverette IBirmingham, Woodlawn), Morgan I,Birmingham, Ullman)

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Nelson IWestern~, Flowers ~Dothan), Primeaux (Mobile, Murphy) .180 Yd. Low Hurrlles: adum (Birmingham, Porker), Weldon iMontgomery, Jeff Davis), Nelson (Western) .

.440 Yd. Relay; Montuomery (Robert E. Lee), Montgomery, /Jeff Davis) Western ....

1·Mile Relay: Birmingham (Jeff Davis), Montgomery IRouert E. Lee), Birmingham (Woadlown) ....High Jump; Murphy (Birmingham, Porker), Primeaux {Mobile, Murphy), Bear !Auburn) ...Running Long Jump: Rodcliffe (Mobile, U.M.$.), arum (Montgomery, Booker 1. Washington), Odurn IBirmingham, Porker) .Triple Jump: arum (Montgomery, Booker T. Wa~ingtonl, Hamilton {Western), Bear IAuburn) .

Pole Vault; Bloke {Montgomery, Robert E. Leel, Eckert (Mobile, McGill), Rayford IMobile, U.M.S.) .Shot Put; Reynolds (Huntsville, Butler), Kirk ~Birmingham, MI. Brook), Carpenter IMontgomery, Carver) .

Discus Throw: Oats (Cherokee Voc.l, McKinney iE. Highland), Karrick (Fairhope) ...


100 Yd. Dasl1: Snow (Dimondl, Dickinson iWest), Stork 'East) .

220 Yd. Dos"': Snow (Dimond), Stork (East), Saffell (West) ...440 Yd. Dash: Snow (Dimond), Tibbetts lEast), Fox (West) ..880 Yd. Run: Beechik (Dimond), Green (East), Tichenor ,West) ...

l·Mite Run: Mardock (Dimond), Brown (Dimond), Wick (East) ..

2-Mile Run: Bodmer 'East), Raguska (Westl, WisthofF !West) ...120 Yd. High Hurdles: Kelly (West), Murry (West), Wise (West) .

180 Yd. low Hurdles: Stork (East), Murry (West), Bowen (East) .440 Yd. Relay: East, West, Dimond .

880 Yd. Relay: West, East, Dimond .I·Mile Relay: East, Dimond, Wesl. .High Jump: Gorton (West), Green (East), Atchison (West) u •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Running long Jump: Archer IDimond), Green IEastl, Groff {West) .

Pole Vault; Gorup (West), Mitior (West), Johnson ~Dirnond) .Shot Put: Sharp (West), Tippons lEast), Jenkins (West) ............................•...

Discus Throw: Sharp {West), Cassity (West), Heikes (West) _ .


100 Yd. Dash: Davis (Tucson H.S.), Kleinschmidt (Avondale, Agua Frio Un.}, Campbell (Marana) .220 Yd. Dash: Vaughn (Phoenix, St. Mary's). Behers (Tucson, Pueblo), Davis (Tucson H.S.I .

.440 Yd. Dash: James IPhoenix, South Mountain), Rhodes (Tucson, Rincon), Paulus jf'hoenix, Alhambra) .

880 Yd. Run; Snyder (Glendale, Cortez), Shorty (Eloy, Sonta Cruz Volley), Foucher [Winslow H.S.) ..I·Mile Run: Mead (Yuma), Blodgett ,Peoria}, Gomez i,Bisbee) .2·Mife Run: Jones (Scottsdale, Coronado), Redhair (Snowflake), Franklin (Winslow H.S.) .

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Malone (Eloy, Santo Crul Volley), Longford (Tucson), Kay ISafford; ...180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Davis (Tucson), Tic: Ford (Sierra Vista, Bueno), Malone (Eloy, Santa Crul Volley) ..440 Yd. Relay: Phoeni1l: (South Mountain), San Manuel, Sierra Vista (Bueno) ...

l·Mile Relay: phoenix (South Mountain), Phoenix (Alhambra), Tempe (McClintock)High Jump: Schur (Tucson, Polo Verde), Winston (Eloy, Santo Cruz), Smith (Safford)

Running long Jump: Hughes (Yuma), ~otlowoy (Tucson, A.S.D.B.), Howard (Globe) .









54'1130 .•••


20'.:1 :I..•"

12'6"51'3 :I.~"









6'6" I23'10 3o~"

Page 2: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the


Pole Voult; Funk jPhoenix, Alhambro). Borello \Phoenbt, Porodise Volley}, Hawkins (Coolidge) ...

Shot Pul: Pihl (5collsdole, Arcadia), Scroggins (Safford), Malone 1Eloy, Sonta Cruz Valley! .....Discus Throw: Scheele (Scohdole, Arcadia). Scroggins (Safford), Bryne (San Manuel,I ..


100 Yd. DoJJ; willis (Pine 8luff, Merrilil. Steele (little Rock Central), Mortin IRisonL ...........•...

22Q Yd. Dash: Buller (Fort Smith, Northside), Willis (Pine Bluff, Merrill). Jernigan (Jacksonville) ..

.440 Yd. Dasl1: Owens IFarl Smith, Northside). Guinn (Arkadelphia'I, Cortel tPine Bluff, Merrill) __880 Yd. Run; Fehner ,Russellville!. Duringer (Crosse II). Rodgers !little Rock Centrol) ...l·Mile Run: Nicholson ILilile Rock Centrol), Murphy (Ullle Rock, Hall" Chenault iRussellvilll!!) ..120 Yd. High Hurdles: Medley ltittle Rack Ce-ntral), Mosby (little Rock, Horace- Mann), Carter (Fort Smith, NorthSide) ...180 Yd. low Hurdles: Me-dley (little Rock Central), Kearney (Gould), Shirley (Jocksonville) ..

440 Yd. Relay: Fort Smith {Northside), Pine Bluff (Me-rrill), little Rocl. (Central) ...........................................•...880 Yd. Reloy: lillie Rocl.lCcntral), Pirw Bluff IMerrill), Fort Smith !North~ide) ..I-Mile- Rday: Fort Smith INorth~ide), Rus~e-Ilville, North Little Rack ...

High Jump: McDoug(]ld ICrosselt:" Jones (Smockoverl, Burchfield (Crossett, ..Running long Jump: Phillip!> iLittle Rock \Ccntrall. Smith jlit/le- Rock, Horace Mann', Calahan Camden, Fairview) ..

Pole Vault; Bohannon iFoyclieville), Boker (Stomps), Harrison IMurfreesboro) ...

Shot Put: Patrick r,Brinkley), Dean !Joe T. Robinsonl, Cooper Wine Bluff, Dollarwoy) ..Discus Throw: Patrick (Brinkley), Ross iEI Dorado), Whitman


100 Yd. Do!>h:Corter (loVe-rne, BonilO), Whi te (Santo Ana!. Bommarito (Son Bruno, Crestmood ...

220 Yd. Dash: White (Snnto Ana), Bommarito (Son Bruno, Crestmoor), White (los Angeles. Hamilton) .....440 Yd. Dash; Brown (losAltos), Boaen ,Bakersfield Westl, Krzyzosiak (Gorden Grove) ...BBO yd Run: Brown (Los AlIos), Burks IOakiand, Castlemontl Keeling 'Inglewood, Morningside; ..................•................

I-Mile Run; Tubh Ilos Angeles, Cleveland), Tschudin (pacific pa!isodesi, Chamness (Mountain View, Awalt) ..2-Mile Run; Johnson (Torronce West), Chalfin (long Beach, Polytechnic) Mendoza IlaMesa, Helix) ....120 Yd Hiyh Hurdles; Hall ilntJlewoad, Morningside). Turner !Oakland, Cast lemont), Mosely (Bakers/ield) ...

180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Turner iOnkland, Cost lemont), Mosely IBakersfield,1 Davis (Snnta Ana) ..440 Yd. Re-Iay: Sanlo Ana, Et Cerrito, Pittsburg ..I·Mile Relay: Los Altos, long Beach (polytechnic!, Inglewood IMorningside) ..

High Jump: Culp IOceanside), Fulkerson \Santa Fe Springs), Viera (pasadena, La Snlle H.S.) h.

Running Long Jump: Swann 1Son Mateo, Se-rra), Williams ,Fresno, Edison) McAlIiste-r !pasadena, Blair) ..Pole Voult; lindsay {Carmichael, lo Sierra H.S.), HiIiILake-wood, Mayfair H.S.), Pierce ISonia Barbarol ..

Shol Pul: Withrow (pasadena), Winchester (Spring Volley, Mt. Miguel,I, Adams (Los Altos) ...•...

Discus Throw; Adoms (Los Altos), Wincheste-r (Spring Volley, Mt. Miguel), Anderson Wortervi!le) ..


100 Yd. Dash: Yeomans ;Ernest Manning\, Upshaw (Jasper Place), Maclean (Vermillion) ...

220 Yd. Dash: Yeomans ,Ernest Manning!, Weber (Jaspe-r Place), Rottare (Western Conodol ..440 Yd. Dash: Jorgenson (Central Memorial), Sutherland Medlevi, Leoppkv iBonnie Doon) .............................•.....................•...880 Yd. Run: Jorgenson [Central Me-moriol!, Guichon 1St. Mary's\, Kure-k, 'Bonnyville) ..

l·Mile Run; Groarke (St. Mary's), Harrison IHanna), Glascow ,East Centrall .•.....~·Mile Run; Munro (Victoria), Groalke (St. Mary's), McKoy (Que-en Elizabeth) .....120 Yd. High Hurdles: Fryer (Strathcona), Christenson (Centro! Memorial). McCormacK (Crescenl Heights) ..

440 Yd. Relay: Calgary, Edmonton, North Central. ...........•....................................................

I·Mile Relay; Calgary, Edmonton, Norlh Eastern .................................................•...

High Jump; Horton IBarmeadJ, Roth (Henry Wise Woodj, Bishop, IWestern Canada) n

Running Long Jump: Bell (Central Memorioll. Huculak (O'leary) Turner (Qu~en Elizabeth).Triple Jump: Be-1I1Cenlral Memoriall, Hellard \Central Memorial), Bauer (Consortj .Pole vault; Bestwick (SI. Francis), King (L1oydminster), Halstead (Viscount Bennett) .

Shot Put; Lundquist (Vidoria), Stevenson (Jasper Place), Boer (Western Canada) ....................•.....................................•...Discus Throw: Wincheste-r (Queen Elizabeth), Sweetland (Viscount Bennett), Stevenson iJasper Place) ..Jayelin Throw: Saba (Tilly), Maclean \North Eastern), Suller (Sedgewick, East Central)


100 Yd. Dash: Garkin 1St. James), Young (River Easti, Tie: Fraser (Winnipegl Felter 1St. Jomesl ...

22C Yd. Dash: Garkin (St. JomesJ, Lee (Zone 12.1, Kent Ilone I3rm ..........................•...



88e59'7" I-NIB6'2"· 2·1,1,

















1:2B.1 3;18.66'3" laO,21'11 }2"13'9 ~~••


5B'5 ~~"





4 xli

















3;15.6 7'0 J~""24'2 ],~"14'10 '12"

100 Y63'8 J.~"

220 Y201'3'"

440 Y,BBO y,I·Mile2·Mile10.0"

120 Y122.4-


4.40 Rf1;56.4"

High J4;38.8



Pole V44.4

Shot P3:31.7

Discus6'3 ~ •••

Javelir21'5 ],~••

I2#H4.4' 10 ~~••••. 1'/9 1~""50'11"159'7'"

100 Yd169'2"

220 Yd440 Yd880 YdI·Milel10.0

2·Mile I224

120 Yd.

Page 3: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the

(Transcono), Fetter (51. James), Veray (Winnipeg) ..

440 Yd. Do5h.: Frmer (Winnipeg!, NugenilSI. Jame5), Thamp5an (51. Jam(5) .880 Yd. Run; HerYtman ~Winnipeg), Maflan (St. Jam(5), Stoddart (Neepowa) .I.Mile Run: Hershman ~Winnipeg~, Melnichuk (Winnipeg;, Moreau 1St. James) ....................•..•.........•.........•...........•...2.Mile Run: MareOtJ (St. James), Hieberl (Carman), Bultoo. 1St.

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Lypton (Carberry), McCaw (River East), Tie:

441) Yd. Reloy; Winnipeg jSt. John's), Transcona, River East .'·Mile Relay: Winnipeg, 51. James, 51. Vital. ....•...•..........••....

High Jump: HiS(oe iFort Garryf, Walls (St. Vilal), Hiebert (Steinbach! ..•Running Long Jump; Garkin (St. Jamesj, Kent (Selkirk}, Gusnuliok fEmerson)Triple Jump: SchroederlElm Creek), Gallant (Roblin), Campbell (St. John's Ravenscourt)Pole Vault: Oake (Winnipeg), Word rope (Fort Garvy), Peltier (St. James) ....

Shot Put: Nylen (Minncclosa), Barker 1St. Norbert), Biarnson (Zone 8) ....DiKUS Throw: McKnighl (Carmon), Sivitzer (St. James), Gergatz \Rivertan) ...

Javelin Throw: Klowak (51. James), Kaprawy (Arborg), Bailey (Winnipeg) •.•.


100 M. Dash: Wheeler, IHarrison Trimble), Soppier (Southern Victoria Regional), MacBean (McAdam) .....200 M. Dash: Wheeler (Harrison Trimble), Hatfield (Nackowic), MacBean (McAdam) ....................•...

.400 M. Dash: Blanchard ,Harrison Trimble), Sappier (Southern Victoria Regional), Cooke (Simonds Regional)

800 M. Run; Keelirog {F,edericlon), Blanchard 'Harrbon Trimble), Cooke ISimands Regional)1500 M. Run: Keelirog jFredericton), Johnson (Fredericton), Kelly I,Rathe5ay Regional)3000 M. Run: Keeling (Fredericton), Heffelman (Moncton), Blanchard (Moncton) ..110 M. 36" Hurdles: Bryant (Vanier), Keating (Simonds Regional), Wood (Oramacto) ...

4 x 100 M. Relay: HOHison Trimble, Fredericton, Vanier ..............•....I·Mile Relay: Harrison Trimble, Moncton, Fredericton ..................•..........High Jump: Keating ISimonds Rl"gionol), Brison (Trowdie), Hargrove IBath) ...Runnirog LorogJump: Bryant (Vanier), Mogard iFredericton), Pevlin (51. John) ..

Triple Jump.: Barbaur (fellitcQ(lioc), Pevlin (51. John), Veysey (Simonds Regional) .....................................•.

Pole Vault: Dickinson IHortlandi, Jorgenson (Sussex), Wood (Oromodo) ...Shot Put: Crawford !Hnrrison Trimblel, Hny (Fredericton), Teed (Moncton) ...Discus Throw; Crawford iHarrison Trimble), Van Hovey (Rothesay Collegiate), Sh eehan (Moncton) ..Javelin Throw: Hatfield (NackowicJ, Gillies (Fredericlon], Hay lFredericlon} ..............................................•


100 Yd. Dosh: Findlay l.Regi 110,Central), Park (Suskatoon, Mt. Royoli, Leier (Saskatoon, Aden Bowman) ..

220 Yd. Dash: Boser (Soskatoon, Bedford), RenH1H~n (Saskatoon, Aden Bowman), Findlay iRegina, Central) ....440 Yd. Dash: Stolnick INorth West), Berquist (Sa~katoon, Mt. Royal), Erickson iEa5t Central) •.....•......................•...

880 Yd. Run: Mcleod I,Regina, Sheldon}. Werelak INorth West), Logie (Regina, Sheldon) .........•....•........•..•I·Mile Run; Yawney (Eost Cenlral), Sabrow (North Westl, Werewl., INolth West) •........................•...•...•2·Mite Run: Yawney (East Cenlro!j, Sob row (Norlh West), McConnell (Regina, Campbell) ................••..

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Ellert (South West). Leier (Soskatoon, Aden Bowman), Neuman IRegina, Miller)l·Mile Relay: Saskatoon North, East Central, North East ............•..•.......•................................•...440 Relay; Saskatoon North, Sosloloon South, Regina West .......•.....High Jump; NodwelllEast Central), Buchanon jSouth Central), Bellcher INarlh WeSI)

Running Long Jump; Rollins IRegina, Sheldon), Johnson (Wesl Centrol) Schmidt (O.V.D.A.}

Triple Jump.: Eliason (South Centrol), Johnson jWe5t Central), Ellert (South West) .Pole Vault; Anrler50n iEost Central), Dreyer jSOU~1 West), Ganes (West CentIOI) •...........................................•Shot Put: Bocckler (Central), Ternes jNorth West), Duggleby (Snskotoon South) .

Discus Throw; Bartman (Saskatoon North!, Boeckler (Central), Duggleby (Central) ..Javelin Throw; Lundy IRcgina, Marlin}, Keller INorth Westi, Austin (South \

12:: Hammer: Hewitt (North West), Ord1ison (North Weslj, Anderson \East


100 Yd. Dash: Scavuzzo (Mullcn~, Holmes (Palmer), Walker (Denver Easl) ...220 Yd. Dosh: Scavuzzo (Mullen), Holmes (palmer}, Ellis (CheflY Creek) ...........................•..........•.........•

440 Yd. Dasn: LaVoie (Arvada West), Nichols (Westminster), Wilson [Alamoso) .•.880 Yd. Run: Baan (Wasson), Phipps (Wheal Ridgel, LedinUham ,Broomfield) .

I·Mile Run: Petersen IMapleton), Elstun (palmer), Sandoval (Lamar} ...................•.•2·Mile Run: Costancdo (Palmer), Trujillo (pueblo Centennial), Peden (Widefield) ..

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Fisher (Manual), Godfrey (Boulder), Ginther (Northglenn) ..•





6'2 ~7"·21'0"








5'4"19'91~"39'Z'10'2 }~"43'S ~ ••







20'5 ~ ••43'11 ~"11'0"45'11 }~"


172'4 ¥}"






Page 4: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the

180 Yd. low Hurdles: Black (Widefieldl. Sorensen (loveland,. Rsher (Manuoli .

880 Yd. Relay; Denver East, Wasson, loveland "." .1·Mi!e Relay: Denver Easl, Manual, Arvada •....•..•.......................•.....•.............•...

High Jump; Duvall (palmer), Mounsey (Arvada], Biar IJelferson) ..Running long Jump; From IBoulder), Bailey (Manual), Brown (Aurora Central) , .•.....Triple Jump: Douglass (Wheal Ridge). Bailey {Manualj. Duvall (Palmer) ...

Pole Vault: Kleiger (Regis), Singley (Wheal Ridge), Hughes {Wasson) ....Shot Pul: Poynotte (Roowlli). Vandos (Lakewoodt, Marvel !Jefferson) ..Discus Throw; Valerio (Auroro Centrol), ThompsOf1 ',George Washington), Giordano (Ronco IIi) •...


100 Yd. DoY1: Fronco (Hartford Public), Allen (Windsor), Walls (Milford) .

220 Yd. Dash: Vonn I,Hortford PublicI, Allen (Windsor} Nucci {Volley Regional} ..~.40 Yd. Dash: Walker I,Bloomfield), King !Hortford Public), James INew Britain) h h•.....880 Yd. Run: Rivero INew London), Reuman (Wilton), Moloney (Westhaven, Notre Dame)h'"I·Mile Run: Euell (Norwich Free Academy), Wheeler (Stoples). Melly (Newington) ...

2·Mile Run: Balov{]nder (Pulaski), Cantin (Enfield), Kavanaugh (Staples) .120 Yd. High Hurdles: Peters !Rippowam), Allen (Filch), Hopton (Rippowam) .

180 Yd. Low Hurdles; Allen (Fitch), Belmont (Staples), Montford (New london) h880 Yd. Relay: Hartford Public, Ridgefield, Southington .I·Mile Relay; Pulaski, Farmington, South Windsor .

High Jump; Brennan (penney), lindner (Dorien), Tie; Sorti;t (New Britain!, Kudsow (Newington) ..Running Long Jump: AI!en (Windsor), Helbig (Staples), Zozeck (Plott) .Triple Jurnp: Rush (Hartford Publici, WrightIRippowam), Mmsholl (Hmtford Public) ..Pole Vault; Clork (E. O. Smith), Roy (Avon). Spring (ledyard) .

J s,ot Put: Noab (SI. Bernard'sl, lowe (Filch), Garber (Lyman Hall) .Discus Throw; Kirchner (New Canaan), Hennessey jRockville), Abeltin {North Hoven).

Javelin Throw; Hall (Pulaski), Violore lHousatonicj, Jenks (Windsor) .




6'6 ~'4"23' I ~i2".47'.4 3,~""15'11-2".

60' 10 ~2"168'3









21'.4 h".47'W'13'0"57'3 3,~"


100 Yd. Dash; Ma~s (p.S. DuPont), Tribbitt [lake Forest), Herring (P.S. DuPont) h 10.3

221:1Yd. Dash; Howard rDelaware), Batson (Seaford), West (Seaford) ... 22.5.440 Yd. Dash; Ganniewski (Solesionum), Saddler (Mt. Pleasant), Scott (Caesar Rodney) ... 50.1.880 Yd. Run: Howell (Cope H enlopen), Guesslord ::Middletown), Harris (P.S. DuPontl 1;59.1

I·Mile Run; Stelle jConrad), Pfotzer (MI. Pleasant;, McGuire (Salesionum) h h h .4:29..42·Mile Run; Gfeenplofe INeward), Gottemeller (Solesianum), Richards (Concord,. ..h h 9;48.2120 Yd. High Hurdles: Payne (Christiano), Brown :Dickinson), SlrauS$ [Newark) .. 1.4.8

180 Yd. low Hurdles; Word P.S. DuPont), Sciocchihi fArchmere), Cambridge (AJ. DuPont) h..4.40 Yd. Relay: Conrad, Seaford, Brondywne h ;45.0

.880 Yd, Relay; P. S. DuPont, Sussex, lake Forest 1;30.1I·Mile Relay; Christiana, Wm. Penn, Dover h h 3;25.5

2·Mile Relay: Dickinson, MI. Pleasant, Brandywine hh.m h hh h 8:08.9

Running long Jump; Roberts ;,Hawardi, Tjaden (Mt. Pleasant), Johnson (Smyrna) 1'1 '/2"

Triple Jump; (Hop, Step & Jump), Johnson !Smyrna), Tjaden (Mt. Pleasan~, West (Seafordi hh h .43' 10"

Pole Vault; JameS fA.!. DuPont), Bryon (Conradi, Rhodes (Conrad) .. 13'212"Shot Put; (I) Crew (Mt. Pleasant), Williams (Seafordl, Starke (C{]esar Rodney) .. 53'll1~"Discus Throw; Norris [Dickinson), Hrycak (Newark), Morrow (Smyrna) ... 151'}"

Javelin Throw: McKeone {SA}, MOflOw 'Smyrna), Wholey (Susse)() ... 187' 10"



JOO Yd. Dash; Burges~ IEastern), Moss IAnacostia), Chewning IBollou) ..220 Yd. Dash: Moss (Anacosfial, Burgess (Eastern), Hawkins tSpingorn) ....4.40 Yd. Dash; Richardson (Cordozo), Davis (McKinley), Webb (McKinley) ..

.880 Yd. Run; Yaung !Dunbar), Fisher (Spingarn), Flemons (McKinley) ..I·Mile Run; Young ,Dunbar), Fisher (Spingarn), Washington ~Spingarn) .

2·Mile Run: Parker (Roosevelt), Flood (Cordozo), Washington ~Spingarn) .120 Yd. High Hurdles; Colbert (Anacostia), Shipp (Roosevelt), R{]eford (Anocostiai. .

180 Yd. low Hurdles; Colbett (Anacostia), Roeford (Anacostia), Shipp (Roosevelt) ..880 Yd. Relay; McKinley, Roosevelt, Ballou .....



• •••••••••••••••• h ••••••••••••• h •••• 10;


1;28 . .4

Page 5: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the

l·Mile Relay; Cardolo, Roosevelt, Anacostio .

High Jump: Colberl (Anacostio), Washington (801101.1), Smith (Eastern) .Running Long Jump; Shipp IRoosevelt), Brathwaite (Wilson) Brock (Ballou) .

Triple Jump; BlOlhwoile (Wilson), Ferguson [Western), Turner (Ballou) .Pole Vault; Pickell i8aJJou}, Newsome ':8alloul, Tolley (Roosevelt) ..

Shot Pul; Berry (Coolidge), lancasrer (Coolidge), Smith :Rooseveh) .Discus Throw; Smith (Roosevelt), Caulhen (Roosevelt), Berry {Coolidge) .


100 Yd. Dash; Robinson (lakeland), Wilson (Miami CenllOl), Bradley (Tampa, leto} ..220 Yd. Dash; Pinckney (Jacksonville, Raines). Bradley (Tampa, lelo), Robinson l.Lakeland! ...440 Yd. Dash; Garren (Bradenton, Manatee), Sullon (Miami, Jackson), lee iHomestead, South Dade)

B80 Yd. Run: Gihson (Palatka Soulh), Robinson 1St. Petersburg, Bishop BOilY), Hall \Barrow Sr.) ..I-Mile Run: Brooks (St. Petersburg, Northeast), Harris (Melbourne), Jelek (Titusville) .2.Mile Run; Brooks 1St. Petersbulg, Northeast), O'Brian (Tallahassee, leoa), Jones (Ft. louderda!e, Stranahan) ..120 Yd. High Hurdles: Parter (Bradenton, Southeast), lolton nampa, Middleton}, Rockley (jacksonville, Butler) ...

180 Yd. Low Hurdles; Hall (Miami, Northweslern), london IMiami, Jackson), Sever (Clearwaler)

880 Yd. Relay; Haines Gty, Arcadia rDeSato), Tampa (Middleton) ..I·Mile Relay; Miami (Jackson), Miami jNorthwestern), largo .1100 Yd. Sp.inl Med. Relay (110·220·330·440); Miomi Northwestern, largo, (Hollywood, McArlhur) ..............•...High Jump: Makin (Rockledge, Cocoa), levnrity (Miami, Jackson), Tie: Edwards (panama City, Rutherford), Hergeg (Tampa,

Running Long Jump; Falana (largo), lag rand (Tampa, Robinson), Allen (Jacksonville, Raines) ..........•....

Pole Vault; Becker, {Orlando, Evan$), Willis (Hialeah), Tie; Morrison (Ft. Myers Senior), Sorrell (Hollywood, McArthur)Shot Pul; Killion (Brondon), lillie (Winter Hoven), Pope (Orlando, Boone) .

Discus Throw: Gros<urth (Tampa, Hillsborough), Blair (Tampa, Robinson), Hill (Winter Park) .


100 Yd. Dash: Gordon {Tompkins), Rowe (Lokeside), Carter iColumbus, Carver) ...

220 Yd. Dash; Heard IMonroe Area), Carler :Rockmort), Childers (Statesboro) ..440 Yd. Dash: Buggs (Avondale), Smilh (West Fulton), Bell rColumbus, Carver) .880 Yd. Run: Sheley, Columbus (Washington), Owen iNorth Cobb), Thomas :Cairoj ............•......................................

I·Mile Run: Thomm. (Cairo), Curlin (Stalesboro~, Doss (Carrollton) .2·Mile Run: Stewart (Lakeside), Reese IAtlonlo, Narlhsice), Perkins (Baker) .

120 Yd. High Hurdles: ChalnH~rs (Westminster), Canudy (Southwest), Brown (Fulton) .180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Elder (Lakesidel, Atwell (Hardaway), Whittle (Westover) .440 Yd. Relay; Tompkins, Lakeside, Spencer .

I·Mile Relay; Columbus ~Carverl, Columbia. Spencer ....................................................•...High Jump: Nelson 10ouglass), Williams (Spencer), Griffith (Glynn Acad.) ...Running long Jump; Chalmers (Westmin$te.), Wooden 1:5<HldySprings), Montgomery ',Newman, Cenlra~Triple Jump: Wooden (Sandy Springs), Swilley (Boss), Knapp (North Springs) .

Pole Vault: Smith iBradwelllnst.). Taylor (T'ville, Central),·Reagan (Coiro) ..Shot Put; White I:Mark Smilh). Nunally (Tompkins), Parham IColumbus, Carver) ..

Discus Throw; Ennis /)enkins), Ulley (Glenn Hills!, Parham (Co!umbus, Carver) .....




6'Z'21'10 !'2"44'9 ¥r11'0"

50'11" _

145'6 1~"


21.2 wn48.0





25'0 1~"«14'0"

59'7 ],~.•174'Z'








23'7 ~~•.•47'11"~

13' ~ ••. 5.4'70/.."

163'3 ~~"

100 Yd. Dash: White IRadfold}, Young rKailua), Wright 'Iolani) .. 10.2

220 Yd. Dash: Soares: (punahou!, Young !Kailua), Miller iHilo) 22.8~~oYd. Dosh: Abbott (punahou), Field (PurlOhou). Kapele (Karnehameha) .. 50.7880 Yd. Run: Mench (Castle), Lloyd (Do mien), PimentaliBaldwin) 1;57.3

I·Mile Run: Mench (Castle), Wallen tKamehameha), Marohn ',Iolani) 4; 11.1·

2-Mile Run: Jacobsma jMid-PaciHcl, Crouse- Hawaii Prep Academy), Murauskas {Radfordl 9:5B.7120 Yd. High Hurdles: Kahiopo IKamehomehaf, Iwasaki (Roosevelt), Chong \Kamehomeha) 14.7·180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Kahiapo ,Komehamehal, Iwasaki IRaosevelt), Chun (Damien) 20.7

880 Yd. Relay: Punohou, Rodford, Kamehameha 1;31.0I·Mile Relay: Punahou, Damien, Radford 3;25.3

High Jump: Ramirel (Punahou), Wheelock (leitehua), Wheelock (leilehua) 6'4"Running long Jump: White iRadfordl, Campbell (St. Louis.!, Wright (Ioloni) u 23'3"·Triple Jump; \\"hile ',Radford), Lloyd LDomicn), Chung iWoipohu~ 43'2 1~"

Page 6: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the




100 vd. Dash: Martin (Indianapolis, Crispus Allucks), Powell (Terre Haute, Gerstmeyer), Hill (Seymour) .. 9.7

220 Yd. Dash: Gullett (Gory, Horace Mann), Martin (Indianapolis, Crispus Attucks), Collins (togonsport) 21.4*

440 Yd. Dash: Read (tawrence Centralj, Herrick (Elkhart), Durden I.Gary, Roosevelt) .... 49.7880 Yd. Run: Hicks Iindianapolis, Northwest), Stover (Indianapolis. North Centrol), Horstman Worl Wayne, Southside.\ 1;54.3I·Mile Run; Hill (lndianapo!is, Brebeuf), Bell ,Highlandj, Purtlehaugh (Muncie Centrol) 4;16.62-Mile Run; Sir (Lafayette Central Catholic), Dierckman ',lk1tesville), Bowman (Gory, Emerson) 9;25.9120 High Hurdles; Ja(kson (Indianapolis, Crispus AIIU(ks), Harris (Indianapolis. tawrence Central), Boyd (Marion; .. 14.4180 Vd.lowHurdles: teek (Gary, RooH .....-elt), Givens (Gory, Roosevelt), Jackson (Indianapolis, Crispus Allu(ks) 18.7

880 Yd. Relay: Gary (Roosevelt), Gory iHora(e Mann), Indianapolis (Arsenal Technical) ';28.6I·Miie Relay; Elkharl, Gary West Side, Gory Roosevelt .. :...................................................................................•... 3:2].1

High Jump: Martin (Vincennes, UnwIn), Bu rl Weru), Harrington (ForI Wayne, Elmhursl~ 6'6"Running Long Jump: Chura.iIlICrawfordsville), Roberts \Muncie, South Side), Bolin (West Lafayette) 23'1 'h."

Pole Vault; Crail jGreenWOOO), Boughman (Kokomo), Godfrey (Elkhart) 15'5 'b".Shot Pul; Larrison (Indian(lpolis, NorthwestJ, Breininger (FOri Wayne, Concordia), Brickman (Gary, Wirt) .... m •••••••••••••••••••••••• 59'8~"


51'8 %"• n ••••••••••••••••• 155'1"


Pole Vault; Somcs (Punohou), McGraw iPufIOhou}, Deacon (punohouJ .....

Shot Pul: MiyoIDiro (Farrington), Bowman (Kailua). Ala (Waianae) ...

Di~(us Throw; Bowman (Kailua), Collins (Kailua), Miya.shiro (Farrington) ..

100 Yd. Dash: Anthony (Coeur d' Alene), Horwood Iidaho Foils), Shonk (Filer} 10.1220 Yd.Dosh; Hubsmith (Rupert, Minico), Anthony {Coeur d' Alene), Shank (Filer) .. 22.0440 Yd.Dash: Rvdolph (Kimberly), Hubsmith (Repert, Minico), Gertsch (Pocatello, Highland, 49.6880 Yd. Run: John$On (Eden, Volley), Huling jNomJXI:. Cleaves (Pocatello, Highlandi 1;58]I·Mire Run: Dille (Nampa), Shake (Fruitland), Hubbord !Gro(e) 4:19.7

2·Mile Run: Windsor (Twin Falls), Day (Nampa), Towle I:Boise) 9:49.6

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Ellsworth (Idaho Falls, Skyline), Shober (Idaho Falls), James iHailey, Wood River) 14.9180 Yd. tow Hurdles: Dennis (Wendell) James iHailey, Wood River), Ellsworth (Idaho Falls, Skyline) 19.2440 Yd. Relay: Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, Coeur d·Alene 43.6

880 Yd, Relay: Po(atello iHighlandj. Boise (Capital),ldoha Falls \Skyline) ' 1;31.5I·Mile Relay: twin Falls, Pocatello (Highland), tewiston 3;25.3I·Mile Sprint Med. Relay: Idaho Falls (Skyline). Pocatello ~Highland), Twin Folts 3;39.6

High Jump: Schell (Rupert. Minico), Gunter :Hansen), O'DonnelliRupert, Minico} 6'5"Running tong Jump; Jackson (Burley), Brawn iWeiser), Call (Rigby) ..... 21'3"

Pole Vault: Robertson (Twin Falls), Bailey (Nampa), Hamilton :.K(.'ndrick) 14'Shol Put: Monroe (pocatello), Sprague I,Emmett), Deters (Moscow} 6"Z6"

Discl,.sThrow: McGoldrick (Orofino), Byinglon (Arimo, Marsh Volley), Monroe ~Porotello) 176'5"

100 vd. Dash: Jones (Evanston}, Bradshaw I,Edwardsville1, Murphy (Alton) 9.5 wrr

220 Yd. Da~; Jones [Evanston), Uchtenheld (Villa Pork, Willowbrook). Murphy (Allan) 21.5 wn440 vd. Dash: Erickson IBerwyn. Morton West), Krainik IDes Plaines. Moine West), Westrom (Vi!la Pork, Willowbrook) .. 48.2

880 Yd. Run; Velrkamp tElmhurst, Timolhy Christian), Cotsirilos (Ook Pork & River Forest), Myers (Altamont, 1;523I·Mile Run; Isla-Rubelt (Hillside, Proviso Wesl), Durkin (River Grove. Holy Cross), Babb (Flossmoor, Homewood.F) 4:07.1*

2·Mile Run: Merrick (New ten ox, lincoln Way), Mandera (Cicero, Morlan East), Van Swearingen ;Evans/on) 8;58.9*

120 vd. High Hurd!es: Fasules (Glen Ellyn. G lenbard West), Reeves (East St. touis Sr.}, Whitmore (Chicago, Calumet) 14.2180 Yd. low Hurdles: Fosules (Glen Ellyn, Glenbard West), Brown (Chicago, Englewoodj, Allen (Granite City) 19]880 Vd. Relay: Evanston, East St. touis (tincoln), Alton 1:27.9I·Mile Relay; Afton, Chicoga Heights (Bloom), Easl Moline 3:19.9

High Jump: Sweet (Colfax. Octavia), Hancock (Glasford), Carpenter !Easl 51. Louis Sr.) 6'101/4".

Runni~ long JlJmp; Doyle (Galesburg Sr.), Boles Itockporl Central) Brown (Chicago, Englewood) 23'61/4"Pole Vault: BlUe (Ottowa Twp.), Ullom iNapervilie Central), Schwartz I:BeUevilie West) 14'0"

$hot Pul: StCKkiBetlevilie Wesl), Andrew (Champaign Central), Everett (Chicago, Englewood) 64'21/. •••

Discus Throw: Shafer (Urbano), Kellar (Carpentersville, Crown), Bevier (Mundelein) 173'9"


100 Yd. Da~: Henderson (Waterloo East), Mott (Southeast Polk. Runnells}, Eisenlouer (Des Moines East) ....

220 Yd. Dash: Curtis (Clinton), Eisenlouer (Des Moines East), Mott (Southeost Polk, Runnells} ...


Page 7: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the


440 Yd. Do!.h: Curlis IClinlon), Nissen (Waterloo, Columbu!.1. Schloder (Dubuque, Wohlert ....................................................• 48.0

880 Yd. Run: Schullz 'Manchester, West Delaware), Krontz (Waterloo, Columbus), Alderman (Cedar Foils}. .............•..............• 1:55_2-I·Mile Run: KfOntzlWnlerloo, Columbus), Schultz (Monchesler, Wesl Delawarel. Millen (Cedar Rapids. Washington) m ••••••• 4: 18.02-Mi!e Run: TwedllDes Moines, Hoover), Mohr :Dubuque, Senior), Wilson (Cedar Foils) ......•.........................•............ 9:37.5"120 High Hurdles: WCHely (Woterloo West:. Sheppard (Waterloo Eost!, Votfoubek (Cedar R(]pids, Kennedy! .•..... 14.2180 Yd. low Hurdles: Volroubl.'k (Cedar Rapids, Kennedy), Sheppard !Waterloo Emli. Wesselv iWaterioo Westi .. 19.2440 Yd. Relay: Waterloo (West). Siou~ City .Cenllall, Waterloo iCalumbus) •... 429880 Yd. Relay: Waterloo (East;, Siou~ City .Centroli, Wehster City ...•............... 1:29_1I·Mile Relay: Indionol{], Clinton, Webster City 3:17.7I-Mile Sprint Med. Relay (Orrler o/Iegs: 220-220·440-880): Indianola, ,Davenport, Central); Waterloo (West) ............•. 3:30.2

2-Milc Re!ny: Clinton; iDlJvenport, Centm I) Am''' 7:49.3High Jump: Koch ,Davenport, Westi, Looh lAmes!, Wymore '0"00100'01 6'5"·

Running long Jump: Chordoulios 'Fori Dodge-, Nissen Woterloo, Columbus) Ross rAtlantic) .......••.................•... 22' 4 ~~"Pole Vault; Nelson I.Siou~ City East!, Kessell ',Cedm Rapids, Jeffelson'" Ford ,Cedor FoUs.!..... 13'7"Shot Put; Hl'rman (Cedal Rapids, Jeffelsoni, Ryan Cedar Rapids, Kennedy), Waschsman (Cedm Falls) •.........•....... 56' II ~"Dis(Us Throw; Omvig (Eogle GlOve) Tonner '.Eagle Grove), Kennedy {Stolm lake) .... 164'S'


100 Yd. Dash: Porks Harrodsburg', Pellwoy (~ne(Q\. Collins jMar!isonville, North Hopkins) .............................................•.. 9.7220 Yd. Dash: Pettway (Senecoi, Toy!or 'Lafaye"e!, Epps I(enlral/ 21.5

440 vd. Dash: Epps iCentrol), McCoy ',Enstern\, Riner iEosternl ... 49.2880 vd. Run: Spruill (Jeffersontownl, Tennyson I,M(]lel, Go.:>rs IWe~tportl .. 1:56.4I·Mile Run: Pont rim {DeSales), Wrenn IAtherton), Zoeller (Bishop Davidl 4:21.02-Mile Run: Pusey -Fori Kno~\, Hadley IAlla'r County!, Sivori DeSalesj 9:322~120 Yd. High Hurdles: Jones !La/ayette), Love Male!, Young oJ.II."o"'.,W", 14.3180 Yd. Low Hurdles: CloftlSoulhern!, Jones lafayettei, Rolston C."hol, 19.9880 Yd. Relay: Senecl1, Male, Thomas Jellerson ..........•..........•..• 1:28.4-I-Mile Relay: Mn!l'. Westport, Lnloyette .. 3:19.5Hi!Jh Jump: Wilson :Union County), Childer (Mole), Chopll1un 8ryon Station\ .. 6'4 1/4"

Running lOll\) Jump: Collins 'Buller), Embree toRue Countyl, Douglus IAthertonl ..........................................•.... 22'5~"Triple Jump: Briggs IFranklin-Simpsonl, Dowson ·Danvillel, Bivins ,Bardstownl ...........•.... 47'S"·Pole Vautt: Compb.:>11fEoSlelnl, Welsh 'Flogelt. Nonwieler Davien Counly\ ... 13'6"Shot Put: McCollumlMalel, YcsselsFcrn Creekl, Weathers (Wood/ord County! ..................•... 58'6"Discus Throw; Hovey (St. Xavier), Hathaway 'Providence), BatesElilObethlownl ... 154'6"







'Y, ALA.

100 Yd. Dmh: Corter (Wichila East), Ml'rrill iShawnee Mission, EosI:, Monroe Kan\Os City, Washington! ...

220 Yd. Dash: Merrill !Shawnee Mission, East!, Brown ',Kon\Os City, Wyondotle~, Dillon tWichita, Southeast, .440 Yd. Dash: MerrilllShnwnee Mission, East), Jordon IWichita, Southeast .• Brown ',Konsas City, Wyandotte) .

880 Yd. Run: Settle IKingm(]nl, Be(]t(]n (Scott City), Hawley ,:Phitlipsburg\ ....I-Mi!e Run: Houchin iWidlit(] South), Eichner IShuwnee Mission Southl, Smith (Wichita Eost) ..2'Mile Run: Eichnel!Shawne",' Mission Soulh), Parker (Wichito East), McDonuld (Lawrence) ..

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Miller lliherol" Sheormire 'Gmden Cityl, Jennings INewtonl ......................................•.•..180 Yd. low Hurdles: Harris ILawrence), Show IWichiia North), Marsden ,Kansas City, Wyondottel ...

880 Yd. Reluy: Wichilu North, Shawnee Mission West, Wichita Emt .......................................................•...I-Mile Reloy: Knnsas City :Wyandottel, Shawnee Mission West, Topeka ....1·Mile Sprint Med. ReillY 1,440 220·220 880i: Wichitn Southeost, Shawnee Mission North, Wichita North.

Hi\Jh Jump: Smith (McPherson!, Adams (Shawnee Mission Meige), Hutcherson IEmporia) .Running long Jump: Rollins .Kansus Cily, Sumner), Hart (Junction City], Young ,Kansas City, Sumner) .....Pole Youll: Grillin ,Prl'Uy Proirie\, Hogan 'Pawnee Heighls, ROlel), Marrs 'Cli/tonl .......•...Shot Pul: Cohlm'o (Wichita North), Jones {Wichita North). Hammel iWkhito SOutheastl .......•....Discus Throw: Schopf IWichitn Norlh). Kotrous (Shownee Mission West,l, Goul iShawnee Mission NO/th) ...

Javelin Throw: Obee ,~K()mos City, Wyondottc), Summers (Salina), Byrom IShawnee Mission N.) ...



100 Yd. Dash: Porter lEast Jellerson!, Solsberry IRuston), Washington (SI. Augustine m •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

220 Yd. Dash: Porler IEosl Jefferson), Bouquet (Te"eoonl1e:l, Savoie ISoulh LoFourchel

~40 Yd. Dash: Wutson (Opelousas), Thompson IClark), Brouliette (Terrebonne) .....880 Yd. Run: Hamilton ~Vandehilt), Heard :Mindenl, Wilkins IPort AllenJ ....•...I·Mile Run: Cobb (Terrehonne), Beckham (Captain Shrevel, Chevis IOpelousos) .....120 Vd. High Hurdles: Rogers (Ruston), U~ey (Terrebonn~), Willianu IClork) ..





6'9"~21'6~" Wf1l

14'y,,"·60' ~"175'6"212'9"



Page 8: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the

180 Yd. low Hurdles: Rogers IRuston!, Hodgins iRummell, McCollough l:tafoyette) ...440 Yd. Relay: East Jefferson, Terrebonne, landry ..

High Jump: Raymond (Ploquemine), Chovin (Vandebill), reef (Mi oden) .Running tong Jump: Padgett (lafayette). Hall (Opelousas),Triple JUmp: Jones (Opelousas), Smith (Bro. Martin), Harris (Carver) ....Pole Vault: Vog! (Ferriday), Mitchell {Natchitoches), Cortez !Centrall%urche) ..Shot Put: Meyer (Jesuit), Addy (Robt. E. Lee), Mathews IBolton) ..DiKUSThrow: Addy (Robl. E. lee), Sandoz (Opelousas), Foreman (laGrange) ..

Javelin Throw; Bamburg (Woodlown), Martin (Terrebonne), Thibodaux (New Iberia) ...


100 Yd,Dash: Horne IBcHesli, Mclaughlin I:Old Town). Belanger (Winslow) ..

220 Yd.Dash: Horne IBel/ast,!, McQuillan IWinslaw), Joncs(Morse) .440 Yd.Dash: Jones (Falmanth), Nevells 10rano), Peterson (yarmouth) .

880 Yd, RlIn; Stevens (Waterville), Mcrriff (Brunswick), O'Shea (Deering) ..I-Mile Run: Nesbitt (Brunswick), McDonald (Deering), Giglio ISouth Portlandl .

2·Mile RUft Flanders ~Deering), Sanborn (Corny), Chandler Wartland) .120 Yd. High Hurdles: King (Orono), Callahan (linco!n Acad.), Malbon (Madison) ..

180 Yd. low Hurdles: leavitt (portland), Grover I:Deering), Main (Westbrook) ...Running long Jump: Millett (Windham), Welch (Thornton), Torr (Thornton) .TfipleJump: Hurd I,Brunswick), Norton (port!and), Barbour (Westbrook) .Pole Vault; Hiebert (Ox/ord Hills), St. Pierre (lewiston), Flake (South Portland) .

Shot Put: Coolbroth (South Portland), Shuby (Cheverns), Zanca ,:Edward Uttle) ..Discus Throw; Rogers IMorse), Johnson (Traip), Pelletier I:Fort Kent) .......................................................•............................

Javelin Throw; Darve (Brewer), Foisy (lewiston), Colucci Wortland) ..High Jump: Barbour I,Westbrook). Barris (Portland), Bartlett tportland) .880 Yd. Relo.y; Morse, Winslow, Rocklond ..


100 Yd. Dash: Devone (Atholtan), Mason (Annapolis), Doye (Sherwood) ..

220 Yd. Dash: Devone (Atholton), Mason (Annapolis), Johnson (Maryland Schoo! for the Deof) ...

.440 Yd. Dash: Parry I,Springbrook), Prince (Central), Thomas (Glenelg) ..880 Yd. Run: \'/heeler (Dulaney), Bateman (laurel), Snyder iHereford,I ..I-Mile Run: Wheeler (Dulaney). Bateman (laurel), Snodgrass (North Harford) ...2·Mi!e Run: Fertig (Walt lNhitman), Cornwelll,Hereford), Kirk (Allegany) ..

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Demedicis (Crossland), Johnson IFairmont Heights), Riley INorth Harford) .180 Yd. low Hurdles: Demedicis (Cross!and). Johnson IFairmont Heights), Riley (North Harford:I .440 Yd, Relay: Arundel, Fairmont Heights, Sherwood ..880 Yd. Relay: Arundel, Fairmont Heights, Sherwood ..

I·Mi\e Relay: Wolter Johnson, Fairmont Heights, Glenelg ...High Jump: Na\1y (Bladensburg), Owens (Sparrows Point,l, Rosin I:Eoston) ...Running long Jump: Randall (Parkdale), Neal (potom(]c), Saunders (Gwyn Pork) .

Triple Jump: Bilmanis IHi!Jh Point), Foreman (Frederick), Stevsons {Gaithersburg) .Pole Vault: Gunther (Wicomico), Hopeman (Montgomery Blair), Stottlcmeyer (Middletown) ..

Shot Put: Tabron (Fuirmant Heights), DcGeorges (Walt Whitman). Neal (Chopticonl ....Discus Throw: Neal ',Chopticon), Tabron I:Fairmont Heights), DeGeorges IWait Whitman) ....


100 Yd. Dash: Hogan IWoburn), Rycc (Hingham), Fleming IBrookline) .....220 Yd. Dash: O'Neil! ,:Keith), Pendclton (Braintree), Esposito IWilminglon) ..

440 Yd. Dash: Dwyer l:Xaverian), Knight (Cath. Memoriall, Williams (Needham) ...880 Yd. Run: O'Malley I,Concord), Orr (Wayland). lchan (Foxboro) ..I·Mile Run: Connolly (Stoughton), Sylvia (New Bedford), Kent

® i ~~i~ed~~~~~~ruert~~e~~~~~~~,~\:~f:d~): ;:~:~e':~~~:v~r;~~~ Ilace

f 1180 Yd. 10wHurdlcs: Bornecott :Norwelll, Ayer !Franklin), Gullette880 Yd.Relay: Andover, Attleboro, Needham .High Jump: Rid)Qrd (Nantucket), Towne !Andoverl, McDermott iFitchburg), leitch iAndover), Estey IN. Attleboro) ...

Running long Jump: De Fulgcntis ,Barnstable), Martin IBarnstable), Dwyer IXaverian) ..Triple Jump: Sharpe lAndover), Bul/inch ',Wakefield;" Snyder I:Needham) ....





61'2 V2''''


205'5 V2"




20'11 \~

.42'.4"12'6"52'5 'h'.








3: 18.5*

6'.4 \,~"

23'5 \,~"".46'714""13'3"55'2"









.4.4'9 \12'~

Page 9: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the

Pole Val/It: Martino ',Wakefield), Bagley iFo~boro'l, 0' Mella ;E. longmeadow)

Shot Put:SLlllivon (Xoverian), Burboza (Ply-Carverl, Manderino I:Arlif1gtonl .Discus Throw: Furber iDav-Sherbornl, Cotter ,:Wilmingtonl, Campbell (leominsterl ..

Javelin Throw: Seward 1:5amer!e!.l, McGonagle ,:BC High), Bilsw ~Northomplon)



13'4"57' 3 ~~"

152' 1"


100 Yd.Dash: Dill iDctroit, Northern), Smith ,:Flint, Southwestern!, Rhodes !,Benton Horbor) .. 10.0

220 Yd.Dash: DililDetroit, Northern), Rhodes (Benton Harbor), Smi Ih (Flint, Southwestern) .... 21.9440 Yd,Dash: Pinnix iPort Huron), Russcl,:Highfand Park). Vinson (Delroit, ChadseyJ .. 49.8

880 Yd,Run: Reubc ',Drayton Plains, Waterford, Kettering), Fout :,Belleville), Schrew 1St. Clair Shores, South lakej'. 1:50.9I·Mi!e Run:Pierce (Grand Blonc), Brown (Harper Woods, Notre Dome), Goodwin 1Jackson·Parkside) .•..... 4: 14.5

2·Mite Run: SchoJlI:Grosse Pointe Woods, North), Torres ,;Flint, Southwestern), Burkhart (Southgate) ... 9: 15. 9*

120 Yd,High Hurdles: Reeves (Pontiac, Northern), Dart lEast lansing), Brown I:High!and Park) ... 14.4180 Yd.low Hurdles: Reeves Wontioe, Northern), Casselmen (Grand Rapids, Catholic Central), Dartl,East lansing'I .... 19_6

880 Yd.Relay: Berlton Harbor, Dearborn (Edsel Ford), Wayne ............................•........................... 1:29.1I·Mile Relay: Flirlt iNorthern), Highland Park, Detroit (Mackenzie) ...•.........................•.........................•.... 3:20.7

High Jump: Adorna :Newaygo), Miller (Sturgis), Sekovich I,Bloomfield Hills, l,h';"1 6' 8 ~~"Running long JUI1lP:Willioms Wlint, Northwestern), Webb iDetroit, Ketterin!J), Chapman (Detroit, '"If,,,],,, 23' 1 ~~••Pole Yault: Stevenson I:Muskegon, Catholic Central), Shelton (Grosse Point Woods North), Sartor ,Dearborn\ .. 14'7"~

Shot Put: Gotheright (Mt. Clemens), Reckinger (Allen Park), Nelson (Bottle Creek, Central) ... 58'8 ~"




ate II


100 Yd.Dnsh: lutz :Rochester, Mayo), Sorvik (Moorhead,l, Barnett IEdinal ..

220 Yd. Dash: tull IRochester, Mayo), Sorvik (Moorhead,l, Barnett I:Edina\ ..

440 Yd. Dash: lutz,:Rochester, Mayo), lewis (Minneapolis, Central,l, Woodbury \White Bear lake'I ....•............................. , .

880 Yd. Run: Ecklund I,Braham), Peterson (St. Paul, Highland Park), liptrap !,Blaomington,

I·Mile Run:Serorl ,:Proctor), Kreidler (Duluth, Denfeldj, Flynrl ;St. Paul, Highlcmd Park) ...

2·Mile Run:Garlock (Edina), Pelarske (51. Cloud), Sundquist (Duluth, East) ..120 Yd.High Hurdles: Urech ilrondale), Miller I:Brainerd,l, Thauwold W'eston) ..180 Yd.low Hurdles: Knoll (White Bear lake), Wetwl (Wclls), Urech I)rondale,l ..880 Yd. Relay: SI. louis Pork, Edina. Moorhead .

I·Milc Relay: White Bear lake, Northfield, St. louis Pork .

I-Mile Sprint Med. Relay 1220-220-.-j40-880): Edina, Minneapolis IWashburn:I ...High Jump: Jordon IWoyzata), Simmons ,:Northfield), WiliemserllNorwoodl ..Runrling long Jump: Groce (Minnenpolis, Central), Hunter \West 51. Pauli, Junge I,Pipestone) ...

Pole Vault: Cogswell (Rochester, Mayo), Hoose (Alexandria), Day !,Edina).Shot Put: Smith ,:Osseo), Tintor :Hibbing), Irwin ,:Duluth, Central) .

Discus Throw: Okerstrom (Moundsview), Severson ,:North St. Paul), Bakke i,Roseville, Irondale) ..


100 Yd.Dash: Redfie!d ,:leJand H.S.), Harris (Monticello). Simmons I:Sinford) ..

220 Yd. Dash: Echols (Meridian), Martin (Nichols, Perkins), Pollard (Utica) ..440 Yd.Dash: Blocker I:Biloxil, Bourke (Cathedral), Castle (Kilmichoel) ..

880 Yd.Run: Pottcr (Natchez·Adams), Davis iRoymond), Crawford (51. Joseph) ..

I·Mile Run;Purvis (Corinth), Taylor (Cfora), Gilbert (Independence) ..120 Yd.High Hurdles; Dubose (Harrison Centrall, Bozeman I:Hazlehurst), Moore (lambert) ...180 Yd.low Hurdles: Dubose (Harrison Cenlral), Bozeman ,Hazlehu nt), land iDurant) ...440 Yd.Relay: Meridian, Nichols-Perkjrls, Erlterprise ...880 Yd.Relay: Meridian, Nichols·Perkins, Tie: Binford, Utica ..

I-Mile Relay: Meridiarl, Hollarldale, Birl/ord ..

High Jump; Curry I,Boy),Price (Enterprise), Hanshaw (Noire Dame) ...

Running tong Jump: McNeal (leland), Simmons (Binfordl, Ewing (Monticellol ..

Pole Yault: Braswell (Greenwood), Bradberry (Sturgis), Barron I:Eupora) ...Shot Put: Wolden (Jackson Central) Faccinni (Shaw), Dunavent (West Tallahatchici

Discus Throw: Yates (Philadelphia), Sharp (New Hebron,I, Burch ,Byram,I ...








176' 10"






6'6"2>4 ~"12'6"53' \~"

161' 10"

100 Yd.DOIh: love I,St. louis, Sumner), Brown 'Kansas City, Central): Edwards 'Kansas

220 Yd,Dash: love iSt. louis, Sumner), Worner (Kansas City, De la Salle). Johnson440 Yd.Dash: Randle '.Kansas City, Central), Easter (Kansas City, lincoln,l, Klaver

Cerltrall ..

Northwestj ..


Page 10: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the

880 Yd.Run:Nellums :Kirkwoodl, Pelikan :St. Louis, DuBourg) Roglesl·MileRun: Pelikan 1:51. Louis, DuBourg), Harrison (Kirkwoodl, Overton2-Mile Run:Benkert IKirkwoodl, Axt (Kirkwood), Kauffman (Webster Groves) ........................................•......

120 Yd,High Hurdles: Reed !Charleston), Millentree IExcelsior Springs), Betcher iNorth Kansas City)180 Yd.low Hurdles; Reed (Chorteston) Williams iSt. louis, NorthwestJ Bobo (Soldan) ..8M Yd.ReIClY:St. louis (Sllmnerl, Kansas City Central; Kansas City Sautheast. .....I·Mile Relay: KarJsas City Central, 51. louis Northwest, Soldan .

2·Mile Relay (4-880'51: Soldan, Ruskin, St. louis Northwest .

High Jump: Cason :Kansos City, Centrol), Hansbrough (Poplar Bluff), Yack

Running Long Jump: Lowe IKansas City Central), Galbreath (Fulton) KeenePale Vault: Horman IKirkwood), Angel {Raytown), Brownrigg (WilliamChrismanl .

Shot Put: Kniffen ,Kirkwood,l, Hayes IWoshington), Ross (LutheranDiscus Throw: Kurka iLindbergh), Coleman (Lindbergh), Buckmaster


100 Yd,Dash: Warton Billings Senior), Kiely IMissoula Sentinell, wheat ,:Helena High Senior) ..

220 Yd.Dash: Rcopelle !Butte Public). Williamson (Missoula Hellgate), Kiely (Missoula Sentinel', ....440 Yd.Dash: BrowI' (Darby). Krotochivil (Huntley Proj ect), Filler (Fairview) ..880 Yd. RUf\:JOrJCSHelena Senior), Dutcher (Billings Senior), Arestad (Flatheadl .........•.....1·Mile Run: Dorko IGreat Falls Centro Ii, Heckell,Biliings West), Dutcher (Billings Senior) ..2-Mile Run:Dorko ,:Great Falls Central). Pelletier I,Helena Senior), HotzellButte Public) ..

ILl.) Yd,High Hurdles: Williamson I,Bozeman Senior). Guidice (Miles City], Johnson lBozemon, ;;:t~~~,'ii::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::'::".::':::180 Yd, low Hurdles: Smith I:Great Falls, Russell), Charlson (Great Falls), Schmid (Missoula S,

880 Yd.Relay: Missoula Sentinel, Billings West, Great Falls ...I-Mile Relay: Missoula Sentinel, Great Falls, Billings West ..High Jump: GrodohIIHovre), Litle tBoz.emon), Meredith IAnaconda Centrall ...

Running long Jump: Cowlishaw ,:Boz.eman), leigsch ILivingslon), Grodohl,:Havre:I ..

Triple Jump: Charlson fGreat Falls,l, Walker (Great Fallsl, Schmasow ,:Great Falls:I...Pale Vault: GarrilyGreat Falls, Russell), Locke (Billings West) ..Shot Put: Donovan :Helenoi, Wilson I:Kalispell), Carr ':Kalispell) .

Discus Throw:DarJovan (Helenal, Monavich (Butte Public), Wilson ',Kalispell) ..

Ja'.elin Throw: StilesiMaltw, Frost I:Eureka), Grubb (Big Sandy) ...


100 Yd. Dash: Webb Omaha North\, Williams (Omaha Tech), Strand (Lincoln Southeast,I ...220 Yd.Dosh: Webb ,Omaha North). Shirey ':8ellevue,l, Williams l,omaho.440 Yd,Dash; Davis Omaha North), Wiseminer (Fremont), Johnson

880 Yd,Run: WisemilierFremontj, Johnson (Omaha Tech), Dunnigani·Mile Run: Hall iGrand Islondi, Sreck (North Platte). Schulze2-Mile Run:Unger llincoln Southeast), Ideen (Lincolni, Beason120 Yd. High Hurdles: Harmon ISchuyler). Wait iSidney), Anderson180 Yd. low Hurdles: Elder ,:Milchell), W(]itISidneYI, Harmon880 Yd,Relay: Bellevue, Grand Island, Scottsbluff ...

I·Mile Relay: Omaha North, Omaha Burke, Omaha Tech ..Other Relays i2·Mile ReloyI880-880·880-880): Bellevue, North Plalte, Linco!n Southeast ..

High Jump: Eymann iColumbus), Nielsen I:Lincoln Northeasti, Pankonin I,North Platte,l ..RUllning long Jump: Williams I,Bassetti, Rump I,Fremont Bergan) Kill (Waunetal .Pole Vault: Lauer I,North Platte), Myers INarfolk), Buckley ILincoln Southeast) .

Shot Put: Nuss ;Sca!lsbluff .., Kellogg ISCOllsbluffj, Mc In tosh ':Bellevue) ..

Discus Throw: Kello~HJ,Scottsbluff}, Neumann :Omaha Bryanl, Jepsen (Papillionl .....














6'6 ::?,4"·


45'6 \-"2"~










14'6"·57'4 1-:'''


iWoosterl ...



... , , """ .." .. , .. , , .. , .. , , , .. , 1:58.4

............... 4:28.310:03.7



Page 11: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the

B8C Yd. Relay: Western, Rancho. Clark ......................•.......... m •••••••••••••• m •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

High Jump: Lisby (Las Vegas), Rowe (Reno). Zova1iGobbs) m •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Running long Jump: Jones ~Rancho}, Smithson (Wooster). Eardley IHug1 m ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Pole Vou!t; HiIIIWeslern}, Demosthenes IReno), Lunt (Moapa) ...........•........•........................•...

5hot Put: Alder~hoff jVa1!cy), Crockett (Clark). Johmon (Wells) ..........•........................•...Di:Ku~ihrow: Nelson (Clark), Allred (Lowry), Gonda (Sparks) ............•........................•........................•....




21'8"13'10 'h."53'2 ~~"


100 Yd.Dasn: Johnson (Lebonon), Farnsworth (Guertin), Hoine -,Kennell; ...................................................................................• 10.4220 Yd. Dash; Tracz\..\NoVluai, Trubiand IKeenel, No~on iNashua) 22.B

440 Yd.Dash; Hall (Nashua). Rossiter :Exeter), Farmwor/h (Guertin,I SI.O380 Yd. Run: Harris !Keene), Dee (Keene), Tromblay (Concord) ... 2:00.0'·Mile Run;Goldsmith IKeenel, Spence I_Holli~), T~iaros (NaVluo) •.... 4; 22.3'

2-Mile Run:Buttelworth IWinnocunnell, O~borne (WinnoCUnnel), Luli lB. Brody) •....................•...................•........................... 9:20.B·120 Yd.High Hurdles: Daigle tSOmer~wor!h). Albright (Solem), Forlnom INoVluo) ... IS.1180 Yd_low Hurdles: Jarest iPeterborough), Currier \Lebonon), Daigle (Somersworth) .. 19.9880 Yd.Relay; NasllUa, Keene, Exeter .... 1;33.6

High Jump: Briggs (Nashua), Currier Ilehonon\, Deon ,:Nashua) ........•............•... 6'2 ¥4"

Running long Jump: Briggs ~Na~huo), Hendrill. (Port~mouth), Eames iMemorial) ...................................•.........................•... 21'9 ~~"Pole Yoult: Clancy ,Kennell}, Pariseau (Newport), Jenks (Monodnock) ......................•.•.. 12'3"

-SOot Put: long iNashuaj, Dean (No~hua). Cocchiaro (Portsmouth) ........••.....................•..........•........ 52: 10 ¥rDiscus Throw: Woad (Oyster River), Cole (Hollis), Lind (Nashua) .........•......................•....................•........................•.... 138'2"

Jayelin Throw: Clancy (Kennell), Daigle (Somersworth), CerieHo (B. Brody) .........•.........•..............•... 178'5 Y2"


100 Yd.Dash: Scores (Franklin Twp.), Still Haddon Hgts.), Ciemonec~i (lincoln) ............•..............

2tD Yd.Dash: Junes (Lincoln), Still ,Haddon Hgts.), Gemonecki (lincoln) ..........•....•...............•........•...440 Yd.Dash: Davis (lincoln), FriersOll (lincoln), Zulfo (St. Joe, Montvale) ...........•...............•..•...

880 Yd.Run; Proia (Scotch Ploin~), Kuntz (Coloniu), Buttel (Paul VI) ...1-Mill.'Run:Elliott (Romopo), Groul (Union), Reap 1St. Cecelia) ..2-MiII.'Run:Keogh (Esst.'x Cath.), Cortier (Swtch Plains), Sotynes (Sterling) ...

120 Yd.High Hurdles; Perry (Fret-hold), John~on (Lakewoodi, Guinano (Metuchin) ...180 Yd.low Hurdles: Spruill (Vail~burg), Au~tin [Rahway). Guinana [Metuchin) ......•....................

I-Mill.'Relay; lincoln, Setan Hall, Englewood .................•.........................•.....

'HighJump: Zeiher (West Essex), Lucorte iCedar Grove), Slankuhl(Miliburn) .Runninglong Jump: Couser JSI. Aloysiu~), Russell (Mutawon), pemson IEnglewaodJ .Pole Yau!t; Mourauiefl (Cedar Grove), Furey (Tam~ River), Hoppel (Kinnelon) •.

SIIotPul: Brody [SI. Joe, Montvale), A<lams (SI. Jae, Montvale), Guevari -Esse)!; Colt.,)

Dise:usTfuow; Slile~ (Millville), Zabeski (Springfield). Pisciotta (Highland Pork) •..Joye~n Throw: De Palma I,Penns Grove), Stiles (Millville), Chapman (Princeton) ....







6'8"22' 3 .1.~"13'3"







100Yd.Dash: Proctor (Albuquerque, Highland), Petles (Los Cruces, Mayfield!, Williams .Hobbs) .........................•.......... 9.7-220 Yd.Dash; Proctor (Albuquerque, Highland). Williom~ (Hobbs), Pelles (Las Cruces, Mayfield) ... 21.7"

..(40Yd.Dash: Hemy [Albuquerque, Del Narte], Doolev {Albuquerque, Sondiai. Easterlv (Albuquerque, Sandial ... 48.888oYd. Run: Voughn (Hobbs), Rojm (Los Alamos), Williams (Albuquerque, Manzono) •....•.......... I:S5.0J·MileRun: Rojas (Los Alomos), Ayer~ (Albuquerque, Highland), Ramas (A!buquerque, Del Norte) 4: 126"2-MileRun: Reyes (Albuquerque, West Me~al, Sandoval (Los Alamos), Van Winkle (Albuquerque, Del Norte) 9:32.9-

120Yd.High Hurdles: Allen (Grants), Hughes (Lovi ngton), Sirawn (lovington) ..... 14.4180 Yd.Law Hurdles: Bowers (Albuquerque, Highland), Mar~h (Los Alamos), Loyd (Farmington) •............. m ••••• 19.3

«0 YeiRelay: AJbuWJerque (Highlandl, Habb~, Albuquerque (Del Norte) .•...•.....•................. 49.9880 Yd.Relay; Albuquerque (Highland), Hobbs, NMMI ......•.........••.••....................................•....•....•.... ':'Zl.6I MileRelay: Albuquerque (Del Norle), Hobbs, Farmington .............•..........•................... 3: 19.5I·Mile Sprint Med. Relay (220·22V-4AO·880): Albuquerque (Del Norte), Albuquerque (Sandia), Albuquerque (Highland) ........• , 3;'Zl.S"HiqhJump: Fleminq (Aluuquerque, Manzano), Johnson (Albuquerque, Sandial, Walker (Roswe!l, Goddardi ....•. · .......•............. 6'6 W'Runninglang Jump: Powdrill (Aluuquerque, Highland), Bower~ (Albuquerque, Highland), Hutchings IHobbs~ ... 24'3 ~""

Pole Vault: Winler [Albuquerque, Highland), Wallerberg (Albuquerque, Sandia), Breen (Albuquerque, Sandia) .. m ••••••• 14' .

SIlo.Put:Maki [Grants), Sanchez (Socorro), Vigil (Grantsl ..............................•...... m •••••• m.h •••• 57'2 J,~"Dis<usThrow; Seor~ (Las Cruces), Morgan (Roswell, Goddard), Johnson (Hobbs) ......•.... 177'Z'

Jave!inThrow; Boydston I,Roswell), Murphy tHobbs/, Hammond (Albuquerque, Montono) .. 2017"

Page 12: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the









100 Yd.Dash: Collins ,Moun I Vernon), Barlelle IDunkirk), Groosle 9.7

220 Yd,DCI5h: Collins 'Mounl VerrJOn), Williams IManhasset), White Bennettl .. 21.6

440 Yd.Dash: RedJ :.Elmslord, Hamilton), Romano (Plainedge), Conen .....•.................................................................... 49.0880 Yd.Run:Nowicki (Nonuell, Moore IRomeJ. Groom iMounl Vernon) ...................•.......•........................................•...... _h •••••• 1:56.8I·Mile Run:Uhrig (Smitnlown\, Scolio 'Brentwoodl, Cody IBinghamton, North) 4:23.\

2-MileRun; DeRosa (Huntington Stolion, 'Alhitmanl. Galona IRoslyn" Gubbins ,Say .••ille} •.................... .., m ••••••••••••••••••••• 9:27.3120 Yd.High Hurdles: Singleton ,Mount Vernon), Young iMounl Vernon). Bligh INew Hyde Pork, Herrids! 14.0

180 Yd.lo .•••.Hurdles: Singleton IMount Vernon), Hermon Ilothon, Shaker), Bligh New Hyde POlk, Herricksl 18.5880 Yd.Relay: Grea! Neck South; Hartsdale, Woodlands; lindenhurst 1:30.~

I·Mi!e Sprint Med. Relay (440-220·220-880): New City-Clorbtown; Oceooside; Wappingers Falls-Ketcham 3:40.52·MileMedley Relay (880-440·<1<10·Mile): Section 8, Section 1, Section <1 8: 15, 2

High Jump: Brown iPoughkeepsie, Arlington), Brown ,.Wyondonch), Tie: Morris 'Armonk, Byram Hills), Andrews (Westbury) 6'~"Running long Jump: Flippen IRiverhead), Hogue ,Kenmore Eost~, Ancona .BethpogeJ .... 23'9"

IripleJump: M~Bryde ,:Mount VernQn), Gillioms Uniondale), lyt!e Huntington Station, Whitman) ... 49'Pole Vault: Crosby (Canisteal, Pitzer Ilthacol. Stogie \NanuetJ ... 13'91at Put: Zelezniat ~Scheneclady, Mont Pleasantl, Brodlieb (lynbrookf, Vida iAlbonyL.. 61'1 S"Di!oCusT~IOw:Hannon levillown, Memorial), Zelezniak IScheneciody, Mont Pleoso"t;, Brainerd ·Greenei 158'10"


100 Yd.Do~h: Stancil, Eost Montgomery), Roy (Raleigh, ligon), Ramsey iBurgaw), Phillips ;,Goldsboro) ... 9.8220 Yd.Dash: Jones IChorlolle, Myers Pork', Jones [Rocky Mount), Stancil ,East Montgomery} .. 21.8440 Yd.Dash: WhitField IDurham, Hillside), Closby ~,GreensbQro, Dudley), Bridges ,Raelord, Hoke! .. 49.7

880 Yd. Run: Allen I,GtI~envi11e, Rose), lottie ,Ro~bolO, Pcrsoni, Broxton (Charlotte, East Mecklenburg; 1:56.6I-Mile Run:Wilkins IRo~baro, Person), Grathwohl ,I"dependence!, Garcia iSeventy·Firs-lj 4: 15.22-/.',ileRun: Bailey Enka" Phillips \Win~ton-Solem, Reynolds), lee ;Fike) 9:25.5

120 Yd.High Hurdles: Crumpler :,Fike), Poole ',Grims!ey), McRee ,Broughton) 14.3180 Yd, low Hurdle~: Crumpler iFikc), Flowers I:Greensboro, Smith), BrGcey Ilourinburg, ScotIGndJ .. 20.3880 Yd.Rcluy: West Churlotte, Gol(hboro, South Mecklenburg .. 1:30

I·Mile Relay: Myers Park, (Winston-Solem, Alkinsl, Jocksonville , 3:21.7

High Jump: Jones ISouth Mecklenburg), Phillips (Scotland" Nichols ~Nor!h Mecklenburgl 6'6"

Runningloog Jump: Malone !Millbrook), Adkins ,Myer~ POlk!, Twitty ;Polk Centrall ... 22' 11"Pole Voult: Peterson Broughtonl, Miller iFike), Denton IEnloe], Edwords ,Ro~e) ......•... 13'8 ~~"

91o! Put: Burke 'North Forsyth), McDonald Rockingham), Peacock IJochonville! .. 55'9 ~ ••

Di!oCusThrow: Solisbury ~Myers Pork), Gooch (Cory), McNeil tligoni .. 155'


1eo Yd.Dash: Gall Grandin), Banning flamestownJ, Grishkowsky '.Beuloh) ... 9.9220 Yd.Dash: Krause Bismarck!, Banning (Jamestownl, Goff (Grondin) .• 22.5

440 Yd,Oosh: Fredrickson ITullle), Seoworth Bismarck, SI. Mary's), ' \~;;.:~:~' .••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••50.688CYd. Run:Crary Devils loke), DohllBismarck:r, Seoworth '.Bismarck, N 2:00.51-Mile Run: Duh! Bismorckf. Crary ;Devils lakel, Overby (Valley City) ....•...... , 4:268120 Yd. High Hurdles: So<Joser (Tioga), Sioastad IMinot" Fergusoll IGrolld FOlh. Red .' ••"' 15,1180 Yd.lo .•••.Hurdles: Goff IGrandin). Swanson IBislT1arckj, Wilhelmi IDcvils lokI.', SI 20.2

440 Yd. Relay: Jamestown, Fargo South, Grund Forks IRed River) 4<1.6"880 Yd, Re!ay: Jamestown, Bisrnorck, Fargo North 1:32,2I·Mile Relay: Bismarck, Minot, Forgo South .............•........................ ,•........................•........................•........................................ 3:29_5

High Jump: Brintnell iBismarck!, Roo<:/ \Grand Forks, Red River), Heinz 'Carsonl .......•... 6'0"Running long Jump: Goff ,Grandinl, Sundby ,Forgo South), Gushwo ·J<lmestown' .. 23'21f2'"

Pole Vauh: Aide ,Bismorck), Aide ;Bismarckl, Sohr Fargo North) .•...•...................•.... 13'

Shot Put: BuchholtzlJomestown), Kruse ,MinaI" Quale 'RaYI ................•.......................................... 52'9"Di!oCusTh,o.•••.: Quole ,Roy), Dentz IMinot Ryanl, Aide Bismarck! .. 142'0"

Javelin Throw: Eri<kson.Corpio), BurtllBismarct, SI. Mary'si, Sundby Forgo Southl •... 185'


RE 10e Yd.Dash: Penid Gates Mill~, Gilmour Academy', Hutley ICincinnati, Talt;, Mattey IZanesville) ..

fS 220Yd.Dosh: Penid Gate~Mills, Gilmour Academy', Richardson Dayton Dunbar!, larsvel/Alliancei ..":40 Yd.Dash: Richardson Dayton Dunbar,!, Taylor \Toledo, Scott, Toylol iAhon East,.


Page 13: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the

,asand 99




\80 Vd.lowHlJrdles: Ki9ht880 Yd, Relay: Clcvelolld

I-Mile Relay: Akron ElJst,High Jump: Pnce I,EastClevclund. Sh(JWI, Weigund IBorberton),Running lang Jump: Schwan (Toledo,S!. John:,. Hill Dayton, Rooseyelti, _ .

Pole Vault: linto !Munsfield Muruom), Jessee IMiarni 5hur9'1, Johnson ;Upper A:~'~9:;~:I~~,;,;,:;;;~;,;.••.•••.••.•••.•.....••..••..••...•••••..••••Shot Put: Ba~tel (Painesville, Hm ••.ey), HOfri~:Colurnbu5, Marion Franklin), Brown

DiscusThrow: Becker \Kettering, Fairmon! West,l, QuehllCincinnuli, SI. XlJvierj, PSQrlJS Memorial;, ... ,







158'6 Y2"






58'3 'Au

169'2 'A"

,Cleveland, Benedictine) ...


ICOrd. Dash: Eudy ,:VinIc:,22C Yd. Dmh: MorrislTulsa,440 Yd. Dash: Vorpohll:Ouncol1), Thompson880 Yd. Run: Holderman (Tulsa Ro~ersl, MrJl1ke ITulsa, Kelley) ..

I·Mile Run: Wilson (Enid,l, Manke ;'Perkins), Hummock A' "'wi·················································· .2-M;lc Run: Horton (Northwest), Mussey :Cushing), Henderson ILuverne).

120 Yd,Hi~h Hurdles: Vondeveer iShnwl}ee), Acker (SollisoW,I, Day IBromonl ...180 Yd. low Hurdles: Thomas (Colleae Hiah). Manuel (Mmiettal, Powers I,Putnam City)

440 Yd. Relay: TulsaI-Mile Relay: Tulsa

/1ighJurnp:Tuck(EiRunninglongJump:\'l1-1itakerPole Vault: Hetrick fBlackwell),

~otPut:Gont(TulsaWashirDiscus Throw; Thomm (Atln.l,

880 Yd. Run: Dc Freeze



• shoe,ole











100 Yd.Dash; Green Wortlond, Jefferson), Gruham (portland, Gronti, Eatmon

220 Yd, Dash: Rex (Roseburg). Eatmon (portland, Adorns), Green Wortland, Je440 Yd.Dash: Wilkinson (Portland, Madison), Beodle lAsh landi, Hagrneier I,Portlond,

880 Yd.Run: Feig (Eugene, South Eugene), Richards (lake Oswego), ParrottI-Mile Run: Feig IEuuene, South Eugene), Kent (Collage Grove), lathers (St.

2·Mile Run: Johnson \Portlnnd, Gmnti, Clork (Tigmd,l, Hill (phoenix) ..120 Yd.High Hurdles: Werner (Medford), Hotfield I,Halsey, Central linn), Smith

180 Yd,low Hurdles: Hill (powers), Hatfield (Holsey, Central linn). Mardock440 Yd_Relay: Medford, Jefferson, Grant ...I-Mile Relay: Springfield (Thurston), Gresham, Ashland, ..High Jump: Fleer (Solem, McNa ry), Woods (Estacada), Rutledge (Salem, South Salemi ..Running long Jump; Pardee (Ash landi, McClure (Marshfield), O'Neil ,:Eugene, Morist) .

Pole Voult: Balsiger (Klnmnth Falls), Fallin (Phi lomoth), Dowhower I,Eugene, South Eu~ene) ..

Shot Put: 8011i[.l('r (Portland, Jackson), Schmidt (The Dalles, Wuhtonka), Cramer :Portland, Wilson' .Di~us Throw: Heord (Winston, Douglas), Hammons (portland, David 00ugla5) Grnves !:Cenlral) ...Javelin ihrow: Melville:Enterprise), Hopkins (Portland, Grant), Hunnicutt jRoseburg:'"


21.5 w



9:21.114_1 w19.543.3


6'9"­23'7" w

15'1'"61'6 h"



100 Yd.Da5h: Barnes (Abington), Hnssler (Wilson), Diminick (Mt. Carmel) .220 Yd.Da~h; Johnson (Chicester), Bmr IPhoenixville), Hnssler (Wilson) .440 Yd. Dash: Mmsteller I,Boldwin), Jackson (Pittsburgh, Westinghouse), Clock IAliquippa) ...880 Yd. Run: Matrunick IDerry Area). Bowman ISpringfield:" Weaver (Oil City:, ....

I·Mile Run: Gittings [Baldwin), Schurke (Bethe! Pork), Cook ':Chambersburgl ..2'Mile Run: Kester ,:Ridley), Bradley IHempfie!d), louv IUpper Merion) ...

120 Yd.High Hurdles: McCutcheon (pennecrest), tewis (Coatesvillel, Bradford ISouth180 Yd. low Hurdles: Myers (pittsburgh, Schenley). lewis I,Cootesville), Shatto

880 Yd.Relay; Abington, Wissallickon, Penn Hills .I-Mile Relay: Wissahickon, Williom Tennent, MI. lebanon ...

2-Mile Relay: North Allegheny, Penn Hills, William Tennent ....



.. 4;17.89;23.1*



............................ 1:28.6...... 3:16.8


Page 14: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the


100 Yd. Dash: Taylor (Memphis, South Side), Bond (Kingsport. Dobyns-Bennett), Williams :Chattanooga. Howardl ..220 Yd. Dash: Taylor fMemphis, South Side), Ware fClevelandl, Martin IMemphis, Manassas) ..<140 Yd. Dash; Bond (Kingsport, Dobyns-Bennettl, Howard (Knoxville, Webb), Swift INashville, littoni ...880 Yd. Run; Garrison (NashVille, Antioch), Nix (Oak Ridge), lyles (Memphis, South Side:I...

l·Mile Run: Nee (Tullahomo), Herron I,Knoxville, Gibbs,l, Brown (Johnson City, Science Hill) ..

10.2 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Wallon (Cleveland), Giltner IKnoxville, Farragutj, Woodcock:Noshville, Maplewood,I ..227 180 Yd. low Hurdles; Smith (Memphis, South Sidej, Rohrdom IChattanooga, Brainerd,l, Ferguson ':Memphis, Frayserl ...

50.0 440 Yd. Relay; Memphis (South Sidej, Memphis (Manassas:l, Chattanooga I:Hov:ord) .1:56.9 880 Yd. Relay: Memphis (South Side), Chattanooga ':Howardl, Chattanooga \Rlverside) ..

~;227 l·Mile Relay; Memphis I:South Sidel, Kingsporl',Dobyns-Benneltj, Memphis (Froyser) .9;35.3 2-Mile Relay; KingsportJDobyns-Bennett), Memphis (South Side), Clarksville .

14.8 High Jump: West, ,<Chattanooga, Brainerd;l, Branch iKnox,,"ille, Doyle), Spears IMemphis, White

19.6 Running long Jump; Geter i,Knoxville, Austini, Perkins ,:Memphis,. Melrose), Jones IMemphis,1:31.4 Pole Vault: Heck (Chattanooga, Brainerd), Acres I,Memphis, MesSick), Rohrdanz I,Chattanooga,

6'5~" S~ot Put: Sharp (Memphis, Hamiltonl, Bungard (Hixson), Waddell':Knoxvilie West,I .

22' 10" Discus Throw: Marler (Memphis, Christian Brothers,l, Horner ':Germanlown), Finch Kingsport, Dobyns-BenneHi ...41'10"1'2:4"


150'1" 100 Yd. Dash: Pouncy ;Dallas, Lincoln), Alexander (Austin, Anderson),197' I" 220 Yd. Dash: Pouncy !Dallas, lincolnl, Perry ':Port Arthur, Lincoln), locke

199' 11" 440 Yd. Dash; Duke iFt. Worth, Paschal;l, Th rower ,E! Paso, Jefferson1, Chevis IBeaumont, Charlton-Pollord,I .

880 Yd. Run; Cummins (EI Po so, Ysletai, Grant :,Houstan, Jonesl, Galdapp {Houston, M'm";ol, .I-Mile Run; Schraeder I:Houston, MilbY:I, Colo""in {league City, Clear Creekl, Caballero Paso. Jefferson) .

120 Yd. High Hurdles: West (Odessa, Permian), lightfoot ,Plainview,!, O'leary {Austin, McCallum:l ..440 Yd. Relay: Dallas (lincoln), Austin (Anderson), Houston ,:SmileY:I..

100 Yd. Dash: Blake (Summerville), Richardson (Edmunds), Gambrell ( 2i:~*w' j3~i~~~7~~::~ea~:~~~~~Cr~!I:I~:~::itnfgdne~:~:opnl'r~tia~I~~I~~in~~ynt~~:~isC;~;1, l

220 Yd. Dash; Blake (Summerville), Monroe (Spartanburg), Choplin (Whitmire) 49.2 High Jump: Blakney (FI. Worth, Southwest), Stoner ,pallas, Kimballl, Wallace440 Yd. Dash; Blake (Summerville), Williams (Schofield), Burnes (Travelers Rest) 1:57.5 Running long Jump: Hollins (McKinney), Polk (Corpus Christi, West 0501, Cootes

880 Yd. Run; Embler (Berea), Parker (Spartanburg), Simmons (Burke) 4:30.5 Pole Vault: Curnow (Midland lee), McElveen ',Houston, Westchester), Morrison ,Odessa,

I-Mi!e Run: Bolin (York), Dalton (Hanna), Simmons (Burke) : 14.5 Shot Put: Neely (Son Antonio, Brackenridge), Smylie IBeaumont, Forest Pork!, Wooley ,:1120 Yd. High Hurdles: Foster (Goffney), Crews (W~d~ Hampton), Fams.~ork)E·····I····dj ··· .. · 19.B Discus Throw: Porker (Richardson), Rice I,Beoumont, Forest Park), Chalmers (Austin) ...180 Yd. low Hurdles: Foster (Goffney), Glover (Wilkinson), McElwee (BI op ng on 1:29.0'

r~~,:R;~;;;~~~;~~J;~:o~f;J~;;~;~";i~::~;.~i:B~;;f;;;,·Ed;;;;d;,I:j:;i~,);~~;i~,~).:.:.:.:..:.: :.:..:.·:.:.•:.:.:.::.:.:.::.::.:.:::.•:..•.•:: ~·~::r,100Yd. Do,hC"wl"d ,We,'), Momolc.[G"'ge,), M'EWO,U[~,:m).High Jump: Watt (Hanna), Doctor (Bonds, Wilson), Standish (Dorlln1le 'Ca;michael 'wilkinson) 227 1~'220 Yd. Dash: Mamales "Granger), McEwan 10rem), McGarry 10gdenl .Running long Jump: Barfield (Union), Shumpert (Batesburg., le~svl ), r well Shlum ertBatesburg.leesville) 13'6 !,;'440 Yd. Dash: Powell (Olympus), Webster lBounhful), lenzenO!ympusi .Pole Vault; Towles (SI. Andrews), Simmons (Walterboro), Tie: PIerce (Tho n), p ( 53'7 \.1880 Yd. Run; ~urd~k (Orem), Noble (Granite), Wolthius (Ben lomondl ..

Shot Put; Taylor (J. L Mann), McElveen (Dreher), Meetze (Andrew Jockson): 150'3 ~,I-Mile RUn; ReId (VleWmont), Borrow (Olympus), Walker I,Ben , .Discus Throw: Taylor (J. L Mann), McElveen (Dreher), Brody (Allendale, Fairfax) 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Scott (West), Dean ',Hillcrest}, Stevenson

180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Scott (West), Boeder iOlympusl, Scott880 Yd. Relay: South, Orem, Ogden .

2i'~* ~~.~~\:~:Ir~~; ~~~~k~I~~!~~~:s~'2~r:~~, ..880;; ..D~·~;~;·B~~~·;ii~i,··Orem .

~9:0· HIgh !ump; Allred !Uintah), Pace ,,~orjh Summit!, Whitehead :DiXi~) .1'54.4* Runnmg tong Jump: Murdock 'DaVIS), Ward ISprmgville), Richards 1,0reml .

: 16.4" Pole Va~lt: Woolstenhulm (North ~ummit), Cox ,'Grand County). lee Son Juan, .

4: 2~' S~ot Put. Ingersol jSkyline), Davis IOgden), Rydalch (TooeleL...: .9.~ DISCUSThrow: Ingersol (Skyline), Olsen (Orem), Barbiero ',GranIte) ..

:~:~ Javelin Throw; George ',Millard,., Hansen ',Richfield), Erickson :,Monti) ...UO.23.220'

3:31 ;~;" 100 Yd. Dash: looker Rutland" McCorkiliSt. Johnsbury!, McCormick ,Brattleborol .

6',220 Yd. Dash: McCorkililSt. JohnsburYI Eastman 'Burlington), looker IRutland, .

f~~,,'J..:..:OY~. Dash: tooker ,Rutlondi, Groce Burlington.l, Haves' Rice Memorial] .

6'6 Ih"

23'31/." Shot Put: Brown IBranrJon ValleY'I, lynch IYanktoni, Hegge yoo"",I. .47'6 hIt Discus Throw: Slonczyk IRopid City, Central), Hegge {Yanktanl, (Winner) .14'212'"58'7"







High Jump: Young (Woodrow Wilson), Thompson (Oil City), Snowberger (Waynesboro) .....Running long Jump; White (Bristol), Miller (lewisburg), Kinq (Coraopolis) ..

Triple Jump: leonard (perry) Reo (Elizabeth ForwordJ Randall (Clairton) ....Pole Vault; Mondeschein (Haverford), Red (Mechanicsburg), Barker (Titusvi lie) ...

Shot Put: Semkiw (Baldwin), lacey (Abington), Chada (High!ands) ... _Discus Throw: Higgins (lower Moreland), Swope (Bangor), Stone (Big Spring) ..

Javelin Throw; Clark (Titusville), O'Neil (Warren), Stevenson (Mount tebanon) ...


100 Yd. Dash: Toth (Westerly), Angel! jProvidence, Mt. Pleasant), Dailey jProvidence, Central) .

220 Yd. Dash: AlexardE;r (Warwick. Hendricken), Toth (Westerly), Paulson jProvidence, Mt. Pleasant) .440 Yd. Dash: Charland (Warwick, Hendricken), Parker (Middletown), Wicls (Cranston, East) ..880 Yd. Run: McCaffrey (Warwick, hendricken), Sommerville (West Warwick), Smith jProvidence, Mt. Pleasant) .

l-Mile Run: Hanley (Providence, Classical), Davide (Coventry), Griffin (Providence, Our lady of Providence Seminary) ..

2-Mile Run; Freitas (Coventry), Walton (Providence, Hope), Paul jProvidence, Our lady of Providence Seminary) ...120 Yd. High Hurdles: Ranftle (Newport, Rogers), Trezvant (Newport, Rogers), Whitfield (Cranston East) ..180 Yd. low Hurdles; Ranftle (Newport, Rogers), Dailey jProvidence, Central), Young jProvidence, Classical) ...

8BO Yd. Relay: Providence (Central), Providence (La Solie), Providence (Mt. Pleasant) .High Jump; Smith (Providence, la Salle), Ferguson (providence, Centro I), Turcotte (Woonsocket) .RUMina lonq Jump; Dailey (providence, Central), Williams (Newport, Rc>qers), Ferguson (providence, Central) ...

Triple Jump: Royster (providence, Hope), Webster (S. Kingstown), Macauley (Woonsocket) ...Pole vault; Pretia (W. Warwick), Reynolds (Cranston West), Feragne (providence to Salle) ..

Shot Put; Roo (Providence, la Sal1e), Graeber (Newport, Rogers), Grauer (Newport, Rogers) ..Discus Throw: Graeber (Newport, Rogers), ladefian (Providence, Classical), Roo (Providence, la Salle) ...

Javelin Throw: Cosentino (providence, lo Salle), Scanlon (Westerly), lannetla (Providence, Mt. Pleasant) .Hammer Throw: Jackson (Providence, Classical), Scanlon (Barrington), Zuckerman (providence, Hope) ..



100 Yd. Dash: Bennell (Arlington), Siaba (Wagner), Meyer (Tyndall) ...

220 Yd. Dash; Rainy (Mitchell), Froi1and (Sioux Falls, Lincoln), Collins (Rapid City, Stevens) ..

4~O Yd. Dash: Slaba (Wagner), Jencks (De Smet), Leite (Volgo) .. ""',,,880 Yd. Run: Titze (Watertown), leaders (Sioux Falls, Washing Ion), Marks (Hot Springs) ..

l-Mile Run: Heidenreich (Watertown), Titze (Watertown), Schemmel (Madison) ...2·Mile Run: Trego (Winner), Collagnon (Hot Springs), King (Yankton) ..120 rd. High Hurdles; McHordy (Brandon, Brandon Volley), Butler (Sioux Falls, lincoln), De Vries (Sioux Falls, Washington) ...

180 Yd. low Hurdles: Butler (Sioux Falls, lincoln), Robinson (Redfield), Bunkowski (Rapid City, Stevens) ...

880 Yd. Relay; Sioux Falls (lincoln), Huron, Sioux Foils (Washington) .. ""' " """ ..", ,, .

I-Mile Relay; Sioux Falls (Lincoln), Madison, Rapid City (Stevens) ....l-Mile Sprint Med. Relay (220,220,440,880); Watertown, Sioux Falls (O'Gorman) ....

High Jump: Larson (Watertown), Jarboe (Rapid City, Stevens), Butler (Sioux Falls, lincoln) ..

Running loog Jump: Redmond (Brookings), Wiblemo (Mitchell), lovett (Redfield) ....Pole Vault; Haggarty (Rapid City, Stevens), Nielson (Winner), Lund (Sioux Falls, Washington) ..




Arthur, lincoln) ..

57'10 W']61'2"







6'5 \~".••2'2:11 Y2,t


53'6 ~"150'7"

9.4** ""21.2**



13.6** w40.2*


6'10 Y2""24'5 -%"


64'7 !y'191'







22' :J.~"13'10"56'8 !';"


233'10 i;"'"



Page 15: Ofe - · Name of school is in parentheses. In meets having more than one closs, winners ore from the

102 103

2:01.3 440 Yd. Re!ay: St. Albans, Huntington, Charlestonm •• 42.7*

4;21.6 880 Yd. Relay: St. Albans, Huntington, Fairmont Senior 1:31.5

9;32.5~ I-Mi!e Relay: Parkersburg, Huntington, Charleston 3:28.(}15,2 2·Mi!e Relay: St. Albans, Huntington, Stonewall Jackson ; 8:03.7

20.5 High Jump: Hickox (Parkersburg), Roberts l:Dunbar), Steed Boe,kl 6' I"

1:3.4.\ Running Long Jump: Harris (East Bank). Steed (East Bank~, Alb,'"'I 23'3"ul3:52.5 Pole Vault: Thornton (Magnolia Wetzel), Vaughn (St. Mary's), Becker 13'5 'k"

5' 11" Shot Put; Wright (Stonewall Jackson), Chamberlain (Charleston), 57'7 ~".22' l2" Discus Throw; McQuaid (Charleston), Larcamp 1St. AIboM), 167'7"43714'"1'1:9"

1~~: 11 %'100 Yd. Dash: Waters (Milwaukee, lincoln), Brounacker (Dodgeville), Amundson (Waterford). 10.0'"183'5" 220 Yd. Dash: Mersch (Menomonie), Birkowski (Janesville, Porker), Rappe (Brookfield, Central) 21.9

4.40 Yd. Dash: Goff (Racine, Case), Brikowski (Janesville, Parker), Polzin (South Milwaukee) 49.5380 Yd. Run: Hinchcliffe (Racine, Pork), Michaelsen (Mi!waukee, Washington), Wir.zenried (Monroe) 1:53.9"'l·Mile Run: Cautley ,:Madisan, Memorial), Fleming (West Allis, Hole), Drews (Waukesha) 4: 11.22-Mile Run: Stinzi (Menomonee Falls North), Alvarez (Racine, HorIick), McGhee IMadison, Memorial) 9: 15.0"-

100 Yd. Dash: Helmandollar (Salem, Glenv?r), Lu~as (Radfordl, Davis 1:~~xington'l : 9.7 wn 120 Yd. High Hurdles; Camp (Milwaukee, Boy View), Pinkl (Brookfield, Cenlral), BI~ck (Whitefish 14.5220 Yd. Dash: Dobson tHampton, Bethel), Riddick lHampton), Edwards IRlchmond, Maggie Walker~ .. , 21.6 180 Yd. Law Hurdles: Drew (Milwaukee, Riverside), Wissing (Nicolet), Henney (Madison, M"mo';oll 19.7440 Yd. Dash: Blackley IHampton, Keoughtan), Marchand (Alexandria, Edison), Offterdinger (~ynchburg, E. C. Gloss) 1..49.2~ 380 Yd. Relav; Whitefish Bay, Merrill, Milwaukee (Hamilton) "' •....... ,,"' 1:30.()

880 Yd. Run: Sharett (Mclean: langley), lund (Richmond, George Wythe), Levan (C~arlotte~vdle, Lone) .....................•. 4:~~·i 1'.Mile Relay: Racine (Case), Whitefish Bay, Milwaukee (Washington) .. 3:2\;9",.

l-Mile Run: Nob!es .(West Spnnglieldi, Van Dyke (Newport News, Ferguson), .Cummlngs (Fair/ax, Jellerson) 9;27:8 High .Jump: Thompson.!Monona Grove A), Yeager (Stan!ey B),. Gehrman (Madison, La Follette A), Shrader (Ashwaubenon Bj 6,5 ,."2-Mile Run: Eden (RIChmond, Douglas Freeman), Clark (Newport News, Oenblgh), Thom~s (McLean) Running Long Jump; Birkeland (Iowa, Grant), Shattuck (FrederiC), Stempel (Cornell) 236 h120 Yd. High Hurdles: Taliaferro (Newport News, Denbigh)" Voight (Virginia Bemh, Indian River), DavIs (Hampton,. Bethel) ~.4.4* Pole Vault: Dorak (Manitowoc), Kingstad (West Allis, Hale), White (Nicolet) 13' 10"

180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Merritt (Charlottesville, Lane)~ Davis IHampton, Bethel!, Williams (Virginia Beach, First Colonia!) 1:3~:~ S~ot Put: Riese (Oshkosh), R~zmaryn~wski (Milwaukee, Marshall), Burns (S~uth Milwaukee) 59:9""180 Yd. Relay: Culpeper, Winchester (Handley), Lexington : * DIscus Throw: Converse (RaCine, Horlick), Puestow (Oconomowoc), Mengelmg (Menomonee Falls North) .. 166 t Il-Mile Relay; lynchburg iE. C. Glass), Newport News :,Hun.tington), Norfo!k I:Booker .T. Washmgton) 3.2C;~ I''''High Jump: McGuire (Charlottesville, Albemarle), Clark (~lCrHl~, James Mad.lson), Wid jRoa.noke, FI.emmg) : 6, ;J" WYOMING

Running Long Jump: Williams (Virginia Beach, First Colonral), Wdkerson I,Haldax County), HICks (Arlington, Wakefield) 23,~ il',.,

Triple Jump: Gaines (Chesapeake, Western ~ranch), Porker (Newport News, Denbigh), Hankins (Roanoke, Jellerson) j~'6"': 100 Yd. Dash: Ketchesen (Cheyenne East), Rushing (Cheyenne East). Mcintyre Natrona) .. 9.9'"

Pole Vault: Meyers iHerndon), Nuttycombe INewport N~ws), Crofford I,Newport News, .Denbigh) 57'9" 220 Yd, Dash: Ketchesen (Cheyenne East), Rushing (Cheyenne East), Wilson Ilmom;el .....................................................•........... 21.9"Shot Pul; Smith iRichmond, Douglas Freeman), Hayes (Richmond, John Marshall), SedWick (Or~nge) : 169'" 4.40 Yd. Dash; Ketchesen (Cheyenne East), Wilson (Laramie), Mcintyre (Cosper, Natrona) .. 48.7"

Discus Throw; Smith jRichmond, Douglas Freeman), Becks iStaunton, Robert E. Lce), Esnard (Vienna, Madison) 3 B80 Yd. Run: Reynolds (Upton), Scherbel18ig Piney), Gross (pine Bluffs) 1:59.1

~:~::: :~ ~~~~k~;~ !~~~~~~~),Y;;:~ ~:~~::~~o(~h~~:t~~~~:~~,s~~r;;~~..I·C~~~~·;,..K·~'I·I·~..W~i~'h'":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1~~~~.39.9 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Borcner IDeaver), Nelson (Manderson), Irion 14.8

21 7 18C Yd. Low Hurdles: Westbrook (Cheyenne Central), Poulsen (Cheyenne Reed iPowell) 20.3

~.f~·i[~~:;~:~~~'~~:~gDl~~~~~~:~~;::l::~~,~"~·;:,:h,,LL,e·,~r,:,;dL••···••••••••••·•••••••·•••·•••••••••••··· ~.~,~:'14.2 :~nnlng Long Jump: Rushing (Cheyenne East), Parham (Laramie), Black (Cheyenne Central) 21;9" ,193 rrple Jump: Parham (loramie), Westbrook (Cheyenne Centrol), Rushing (Cheyenne East) 4310 h"

1:29:4 :h~~~;~10~/t~~~sroer~'inN~~~onci~~teeleo(C~eyenne East), M~dison (Riverton) ~~:~::"3:199 . ( "g "~I, ey(T trlnglon), Walker (GIllette) .6;7 ;" )ISCUSThrow: Kucera (Riverton), Word (Cheyenne Central), Underwood (powellj 172'4. .•.••

"23'9 \2"

.46'.4 \1"

14'9"58'7 '2'"


880 Yd. Run; Romos 'l yndon Institute). Grace I,Burlingtan), Bolton ,:South Burlington) ..I-Mile Run: Squires (Lyndon Institutej, Pcisch (Burlington), Ramos (lyndon Institute) ....2·Mile Run; Squires (lyndon Institute), Peisch (Burlington), Bisset (Sterling) ..

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Thomas (Champlain Volley), Nye (St. Johnsbury), Norway (lyndon Institute) ...

180 Yd. low Hurdles: Nye 1St. Johnsbury), Graham j$pringfieldl, Gembarowski (Brattleboro) ..880 Yd. Relay: 51. Johnsbury, Burlington, Rutland ..

I-Mile Sprint Med. Relay 1:440.220-220-88°1: Burlington, South

High Jump: Barber ,:Champlain Volley), Hamilton IJ'<1iddlebury),Running Long Jump: Titus (Champlain Valley), Nyc (St. Johnsbury), Norway

Triple Jump: Greenwood (St. Johnsbury), Woods (St. Johnsbury), TitusPole Vault: Sheehon ,:Middlebury), Eastman iBuriington), lawr,

Shot Put: Walsh jlyndon Institute). Smith (Montpelier), ThomasDiscus Throw: Forgues !Middlebury), lamme jEssex Junction), I

Javelin Throw: Craig ISpauldingl, Gale (St. Johnsbury), Guyer

100 Yd. Dash; Nunneley ,:Grandview), Pressley ,:Pullman), Dejarnett (longview, R. A.

220 Yd. Dash: Nunneley (Grandview), Filley (Tacoma, Mt. Tahoma:l, Morris (Tacoma,440 Yd. Dash: Dejarnett ilongview, R. A. long), Herald (Bellevue), Hazzurd l:sunnyside) ....

880 Yd. Run: Richards [Belfevue, Newport), Vail jSeattle, Evergreen), Dimond, Spokane (Shadle Park) ..l-Mile Run: McCarty (Spokane, East Valley), Van Hool (Enumclaw), Gainey (Seattle, Nathan Hole) ..2·Mile Run; James ISpakane, Ferris), Thibault (Spokane, Shadle Park), Rice tRichland) ..120 Yd. High Hurdles: Miller (Seattle, Tyee), Spaun (Seattle, Highline), Ha!e (Mountlake180 Yd. low Hurdles: Belur (Renton), McKown (Tacoma, Franklin-Pierce), Spaun (Seattle,880 Yd. Reloy: Tacoma ilincoln), Sedro Wooley, Moses lake ..

}·Mile Re!ay: Tacoma (lincoln), Spokane, (Gonzoga Prep), Tacoma (Stadium) ..

High Jump: Niehl iBethel), Braggs (Tacoma, lincoln), Magnussen (Spokane, University) ...Running long Jump: Saunders (Seattle, Chief Sealth), Singletary (Garfield), Hunter (Sedro Wooley) ...Triple Jump: Howard (pasco), Hinkley (Yakima, Davis), Whitford (Seattle, Shoreline) ..Pole Vau!!; Cole {Seattle, Queen Anne), Tay!or (Bellevue), Buslach (Mountlake Terra

Shot Pul; Daunais (port Orchard, South Kitsap), Williams (Tacoma, Clover Pork!. LeDueDiscus Throw: Smith (Tacoma, Curtis), Cornell (Tacoma, Mt. Tahoma1, Cushman

Javelin Throw: Quits!und ,Bainbridge), Leave!l',Richland:, Derwin {Snoqualmie,





100 Yd. Dash: Johnson ,St. Albans), Deering :Huntington), Baskin iEast Bonk) .. 9.9

220 Yd. Dash: Ried (Woodrow Wilson), Johnson (St. Albans), Deering IHuntington) .. 21.9

4.40 Yd. Dash: Wells iSI. Albans), Moore (Huntington), Mitchell iHerbert Hoover) 49.3880 Yd. Run; Wells (51. Albans), Reed (Charleston), Thompson (SI. Albans! 1:59.5

l-Mile Run: Marquez (Morgantown), Smith ;,Huntington), Adkins (Charleston, Stonewall Jackson) 4.:21.5·

120 Yd. High Hurdles: Hudson (Charleston), Murray (Charleston, SIonewoli Jackson), Stoner iHuntington East) .. 14.1"180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Hudson (Charleston), Stoner ,Huntington Easfl, Murray (Charleston, Stonewall Jackson.I .. 19..4


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