Page 1: Of the Clerk, Librarian, Keeper of the Repository, and House-Keeper

Of the Clerk, Librarian, Keeper of the Repository, and House-KeeperSource: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 71 (1781), pp. 30-35Published by: The Royal SocietyStable URL: .

Accessed: 15/05/2014 11:00

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Page 2: Of the Clerk, Librarian, Keeper of the Repository, and House-Keeper

S t A T U rr E S O F 3o

C I-I >& P T E R S.

Of the Clerk*, LibrarianS Keeper of tkeRey5oyotory, andGs>0e-keeper

Io t g*1 El E perfotl who lhall lJe chofen to alay, or to alf of JL thefe OfficesS {hall eitlaer not be a Fellow of the

Eiociety; orX if a Fellosv {hall ceafe to be rO9 UpO11 his EleAiox to alld acceptalace of atly or all o;f the faid Offices

II. He a11 be cornpetently Ikilled ill latzgtlagesy natural litlowledge, and able to write a fair atud legible lland

fII ThW :lEledcton of the Clerk lty tlle Society,. Illall be ia the following mallnerOs

Tlle rlalnes o-f the Several Cataslidates lEall be prillted and delivered to every Member; each of wholn {hall take offthe natne o£ fuch Candidate as he means to vote for; and (after .having llad his own nalne tzz;arked ill a liEc of tlle MemUers of the Societr lDy the Secretary aWiRed by two ScrutatolZs to lze appoirsted in the fame manner as at the anniverfary Eledcions) deliver the ̂ 8ame of the Candidate fo taken o:iS alld folded upF into the hands of the PreEldent, whoa itl the prefence csf the So cietyv Ihall put the feveral names into a ve:lEel appropriated for that purpoSe, and the Candidate who Ihall be fouxld. to have the majority ofT YOteS flaall be deemed duly eleded.

ItT Tht

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Page 3: Of the Clerk, Librarian, Keeper of the Repository, and House-Keeper

T I-I E It O 51 A L S; O C I E 1 Y. 3 t-- IV. The appoitltlnent of a perSon to the otller oflices of IXi

larslriatl Keeper of the iRepofito1y9 a.tld tiouSe-lieeper is to 1)e I)y the Couiacil ; to whom the Oilicer fo appoillted Ihall give fecurity, at t!]cir diScretio1l: he ihall lefide in vlle Society's t]!ouSet alld p-ovi6Se a Pol^terS who fhall lJe furidzGd ssZith a

Gosvn atwd Staffat tlze expelace c)f the Socieryb

S. The perSoIa or per!otls clzcCetl to offi*ciate iti the fslict refpeScive departments Illall be paid for attendatlce sv1*ititlg, alld oeher 13vlfilllefs accorclillg; to vlae deterlmitlatiolls already 1nade by the Coucil, atld as hath beetl tlle pradtice of late yea^s; atld fllall llot, befides fucl] pay1nellts, receive any perquifite QR

profit vwhatfoeverX but what isX or lllall be, exprefsly allowed by the COUnCi1 : fuch perfon or perfons thall be further fulied to fuch Rules and Orders as fhall froln time to time l)e givet hin or them by the Prefident atld Council, befides tlwoWe an- rlexed to tlle duty of the feveral Offices; and flall con{tantly 1ze itl attendance, during a11 meetings of the Society,, Counctls alzd Committeea

7Of xhe Dtwzy of tke Cterk.

Iu H E {hall ellter all the minutes in the feveral Jourtlal books, and nzake az Index to every fuch book: he {hall lay l)efore everyCouncil their fail curreIlt miute-book; and before every CoInmittee of papers, tlle Society's Jourtlal-book, to

Ihew tllat the feveral entries are fairly made: and he {hall Slave the care of tile writing of all futnmoxafes of the SocietyS ColilzlCi], asld Commitees

II-. Tlle

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Page 4: Of the Clerk, Librarian, Keeper of the Repository, and House-Keeper

S er A u af : S -c) rS

IT. tI5I-1e Clerk uder the (lireLl:io} of the Se>l^Ctaxic: p3a laave tlle cllcz1ge and cuRody of tho Charter-loocz) St>wtute boolc,, }Ov,locll-books of t11e S;Ocltty alld Co{tlcilv i:tegiIlero bookb atld IJetterlsookss as alfo <:3f all papvrs tttld svritillgs leloa,:,iza, to t1ae Sseiery a11 vv?nicll 0uall 1)e kgzpt ill ti1e Ollte

Of tlae Socleey, tlaat tiley tmay be i}< 3:ectd1£zeSs to be procltlcecI at aay Ineetillgs of vlae Socicty or Coucil, a.s tI-ze cslKe fh.ll] -equi-e, or as Wlall be ordcred by tI<e Socie8LyX CouLlcil) or I9t efidel3t.

iII. The Clerk ffiall not fufEer any perfotzS not beitlg a I; ellosY oftlle Societys to read any J-ournalDlJookX IRecordS or Writitzg, or aI)y part thereof, belong;Izg to tlle Society; nor give any

copy thereof nor aray way columunicate any thing cot}tained tI.erein, to atgy fuch perfon.

IV. Eacla page of COpyitlg, for whicll the Clerk is to 1)e ;zaid, tllall be efiirnated l)y the E1ze ofthe FQOIS;CAP paper; the

alZo PAFe COL1TaiL1;I]g thirty litles faix ly alld clofely writtell, svitll a ma^giil 1lot exceeding olle fourth part of the page ill lDreadtl<; atld slccoralilzg to the falne rate folX ally larger or fllullcr pabe.

Of zZ3e Dzy of zhe Librariaz

tb T I3E E Librariarl thall attel1d the Libraries two days in tlle week duritag the tneetings of the Svcietys viz. TueSday and Tlluri:day ilw the mornitzg fi-om eleven to two of the ciock ; and durillg tTle rece{Ses of tlat Society only one day iIl

the sveek, namely Tllurfday from cleven to tsvo. Durixlg theSe 4 time

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Page 5: Of the Clerk, Librarian, Keeper of the Repository, and House-Keeper

THE ROYAL SOCIETY 33 times he {hall attend for the accommodatlon of fecll Fellows Of the Society as flall come to read the prirlted books, cor manuScripts, and of any other perSons who ffiall brlng a wrxtten permiffiloll from the Prefident or any other Metnber of the Council, or who thall be introduced by a Fellow ill Perfon.

II. The Librarian {hall eIlter illtO tlle Catalogue all books prefented to, or bought by, the Society, immediately after tI-eir coming into the pofl:eIElolu of the Society -and fo place them as to be readily foulld.

III. The Librarian {hall rective frorn the Printer a11 the copies of the PhilsJ ophical franJ*W2xonw; deliver out otle copy to

each Member who ihall afks or Send for it at the HouSe of the Society; furniffi the BookWellers Wittl the copies or- dered to 1Ze fold; and keep a regular ACCQUIlt of the Tranf ahioxls fo received and deliveweds

The Dugy of the Keeper of the RepaJ*roCyw

I. H E lhall at;tend the Repofiltory two days in the weelc, -during the meetings oftFhe iciety, viz. on Menzlays and Fridays, x3n eash day from eleven of the clock }n tIze forenoon to two in the aftcrtloon; for the admilElon of the Fellows of the Society and I;Xch other t?erfolls as tMy {hall illtrodtice.

1X. He {hall not, wlthotlt leave ofthe Coizalcil, permit anz thitlg to be takell out of tlle Repcfitoty: and lle nlull elltet into tlze Catalogue all particulars sshich are pre{ctzted to, or bought lzyX the Societyw

F... 1.lI*. tTO

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Page 6: Of the Clerk, Librarian, Keeper of the Repository, and House-Keeper

s r A T U T E S o F 34

III. IJe ihaXl cauSe the Anitnals, wtaich froln time to tilne are appropriated to tEle Repofitory, to be laeatly fet up for pre- Servatioll, atld -then placed in the proper cafes; agreeable to the order he ffiall receive froln the InfpeEtors of tlle MuSeum

IV. fIe thall remark wllat is tleceflary for the prefervations augmetltatioll, atld at rallgement, of the feveral tlatural atld arti ficial ProduEtions; what particulars have not yet lteell deScribZ ed, aIld report the fatne to the Council.

Of tbe Dy of the HozHe-keetcr.

I. HE nsall always be ready to receive Mefages, ParcelLsa Letters, &c. dire&ed to the Society, Coullcil, atld Ofiicers s arld to cauSe all Orders, Sulumollfes alld Letters of the Pref- detlt, Council, alld Committees to be fent, or delivered, as direded, in proper time

1I. He {hall take care that the Society's HouSe, and partIcu larly the Meeting-room, atld other public apartments, are kept alean; alld that all convellienciess with fires aIld CAIldlUS ill ttle

proper rooms, be prepared and lighted at the times t eceary > and that paper, pens9 and ink, are in coilItant readinefs for uSe itl every departmetzt : atld Ihall inform the Coutlcil, from time to tipne, o-f whatfoezer tepalrs 11e colaceives to 1)e wallting.

.1X.1 T-6e

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Page 7: Of the Clerk, Librarian, Keeper of the Repository, and House-Keeper

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