  • 7/30/2019 Of Fear and Faith by: Tanner Laborde


    Chapter lBornAgain

    "What I've felt what I've knownNever shine doing what I've done

    Never free Never meSo i dub the Unforgiven"


    The silver sky crackled over the grey water and the cold winds carried the sands

    along the shore. Lightening flashed and waves crashed against the rocks, a tail of firechurned into a spinning cylcone a burnning flame. The fiary pillar grew tall and scorchedthe ground beneath it. Then a beam of light shined down from the sky and hollowed thepillar of fire. In a blinding flash of light the fires, parted and the winds subdued, andthere he kneeled.

    He reached down and touched the sand, how many centuries it had been sincehe could feel anything but pain and torment for his sins. He stood up, and his tall leanmuscular body stretched for the first time in ages and the grey wave reflected in his darkeyes, and made them look like glass. A chilling wind blew through his thick dark hair thathung just above his sholders, as he tried to remember what happend last before hispainful afterlife, but his memories were a blurr, they were bits and pieces of memoriesrunning through his mind but they all seemed so far away. A painful flash ran through hishead and brought him to his knees in anguish, he saw himself there standing on theledge of the cliff over his city, watching it burn, then he saw himself throw himself off thecliff and into the fires. Had that been his last moments? he thought to himself trying tosort the chaotic images in his mind.

    Another flash of light came down, and there another young man kneeled. He wasdressed in fine all white garbs, and his pale blond hair hung straight over his sholders,his bright blues eyes seemed to have a strange glow, and his very skin itself seemedalmost luminous. Six great wings spread from his back.

    "Hello Gabriael" the man said with his back turned towards Gabriael as he facedthe grey sea. "Hello Salem" Gabriael warmly spoke. The man wondered to himself for amoment, Salem.... was that my name? Yes. Salem never faced Gabriael, but spoke tohim."The last time i saw you, you and your brothers cast me down to eternal damnation,after the life long promises of salvation. For what reason does your lord bring me backnow?"

    "Eternal damnation and sepparation form His grace, was your just and fairpunishment for your sins Salem, but yet here you are" Gabriael smiled and continued"But its not by the Almighty's doing you are here" Salem never moved but questioned"Then why are you here?" and Gabriael stepped forward, " To deliver a message for the

    Almighty. Our Holy Father offers you redemption Salem, and his eternal grace and love,with ever lasting life among those in Heaven shall be yours should you prove yourselfworthy with this task" Salem cut him off and spat bitterly " For centuries I bled and brokeunder the filthy perching claws of the harpies! For centuries i wandered endlesslythrough the burning sands! For centuries i suffered in the frozen lake of Judecca! Why

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    would i do any task for the so loving lord that judged me there!!"Gabriael paused, but then warmly said "Oh rebellious son, for what happend that

    day, all manner of angels, and our Lord himself turned his back to the world, for none inHeaven may ever weep. For the sins you bore you could never be allowed into ourgates"- Salem cut him off once again "but the gates of Dis welcomed me to their

    torrment!" Gabriael never broke his angelic smile, "Salem our Lord and Holy father offeryou a chance at redemption, so that you make take your rightful place among us"Salem took a deep breath and composed himself for a moment, " And for this

    salvation, what is my price?" Gabriael's face became serious at once "Lucifer has sentyou here to prepare for the coming of his own foul son, Lucian, and usher in the end ofall things good and pure. Should you slay this beast, the Sancifiying Spirit shall comeupon you and absolve you of all your sins, then you shall live forever in sanctifyinggrace by our side"

    Salem pondered for a moment, broken half memories ran through his mind butthey were difficult to make sense of. Regardless going back to his eternal punishment inthe inferno wasn't what he wanted, not that he cared what happend to the mortal world,

    maybe it was his place before, but that was centuries ago, centuries that made himcolder, so what if they all died? Salem thought to himself, its not like it mattered, allmortals die eventually anyway. But he had now a chance to escape his eternal torrment,he couldn't let this opportunity slip by.

    "And how am i to slay the prince of hell when the time comes?" Salem asked.Gabriael smiled "Have faith in our holy father above, and he will give you all the strengthyou need"

    The very thought seemed to make Salems blood begin to boil, shaded memoriesflooded his mind, and a strong sense of betrayal and resentment grew within him. Howcould he simply have faith, after centurie of punishment and torrment, judged from a lifeof obedience and servitude only to be forsaken at the end his long journey. Salem took

    a moment to compose himself again then asked "and what is to become of me should ifail this task?"For the first time Gabriael broke his smile and a sharp seriousnesss took over

    him "should you fail Salem, Heaven shall offer no shelter for you, you shall be draggedback to to inferno where all manner of demons shall see you as a traitor to them, and allyour punishment and torrment shall be a hundredfold, carried out by the fallen firstbornhimself"

    Salem thought for a moment, beyond any doubt should he take this crusadeagainst Lucian, failure was a dreadful morbid thought. Still, even though there seemedlittle hope of success, if he could somehow defeat Lucian...Salvation would be his.

    Finally after some time he answered " I will take this crusade Gabriael, but hardlyfor the sake of the mortal world, or even for your Holy Father."Gabriael smiled. "Good", he said as if unphased by Salems alterior motivation. Seek outthe one called Virgil to the north, he shall give you direction in your quest forabsolution." with that Gabriael turned his back and spoke one last time "and Salem...lose not faith in the Lord, for he still has faith in you" then he arched his back andspread his great wings then took flight, and in another flash of light he disappeared.

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    Chapter llThe Watcher

    "Your falling fasterobey your master

    your life burns fasterobey your master"-Master of Puppets

    As Salem walked along the grey shore and felt the chilling waves wash at his

    feet, he tried to make sense of the broken images in his mind. There was still so muchhe didn't remember. He remembered that he served the Holy Father in his life, and hevaguely remembered the bitter ending to his mortal life, but so much was still missing

    from his memories. For now he decided he would follow the cause that the Holy Fatherhad laid out for him, but his loyalty to the deity that had shunned him before was not asstrong as his own desire to escape his eternal damnation.

    Salem hadn't walked far when he caught the familiar scent of the damned, soon

    after he saw the pool of dark abyss sprawl across the wet sand and a tall dark figureemerged from it. Two huge ink black wings spread from its back, and it stood upshowing its full height and, ancient tattoos and markings covered nearly every inch ofits pale skin and long ink black hair hund down to its sholders and in front of its face. Asit raised its head he revealing his dark souless back eyes and the black marks thatcovered his sharp angular face. Salem relized who he was, and a sharp quiver of fearran down him, as he uttered-"Samael"

    Samael was among the most powerful and feared of all the fallen, and demonicpower seemed to radiate from him, he was among the most ancient of all creatures, andamong the original fallen, cast out of heaven in Lucifer's rebellion. He was amongLucifers favored and often acted as his right hand in governing the inferno. Even thoughSalem did have the most instinctual fear of Samael he would not show it, he did notremember much from his past life, but the warriors instincts inside him were more thanwell embetted into him. He stood his ground.

    "I see you made it back in one piece" Samael spoke."So it would seem" Salem spoke calmly "Care to explain why my eternal

    damnation is being postphoned?" Samael took a step closer to him and instantly Salemfelt a tension run through him. "Lucifer has a mission for you. Soon Lucian shall arrive in

    this world, and the End War shall begin. You are to serve as his General on this front tocarry out his orders and lead the infernal armies in this world" Salem winced inconfusion for a moment "Why me?" he asked. "Your his favorite pet, why dont you leadhis armies? or have you lost your dark masters favor?" In an instant, Samael flashedand had Salem by the throat, holding him off the ground, choking the life out of him."Watch your toung insect!!" Samael roared and demonic rage flashed through his eyes"I am among the most powerful of the Fallen! and i answer only to Lucifer himself!!

    Salem felt the life draining out of him, and his vision began to blurr as Samael's

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    burning hand continued to choke him. As he looked into the now burning red eyes ofSamael he saw the fallen warrior snarl as a dark pulse ran through Samael, that seemto get his attention. Samael released Salem throwing him across the sand. "I woulddelight in burning this world to a nothing! Starting with you!" Samael growled. " but itseems your master wont let you just yet" Salem coughed, and slowly returned to his

    feet. "truly a pity" Samael snarled "My kind were never ment to inhabit this world, thusthe longer i stay here, my power would begin to fade. When the Gates of Peter fall I willlead the Fallen in destroying the Holy armies. Baal the cheif of demons will raise ourlegions in the inferno, and cover that front, but neither Fallen, nor demon was evermeant for this world. But you Salem" he grinned "you were once mortal, you walked thisworld as before as living flesh" Salem interupted "but that flesh was burned anddevoured by your kind!" Samael smiled again "and how delicious you were. Its not oftenwe get one touched by HIM" he winced on the word, being unable to say his name "thatis judged to us. You were one of the innumeral damned souls that were judged toeternal damnation after a life spent here in this world. Your power will not fade here. Soyou will lead the legions of damned to take this world. Now do you understand?" He

    hissed. "You, Baal, and Myself, A damned soul, a Greater demon, and a Fallen, willeach lead the war on our appointed fronts and Lucian will be our supreamecommander"

    Salem could not help but feel the smallest bit of recognition, the resentment hefelt in the Holy Father and all the Trinity could not be ignored, and revenge for the stillunknown, but strong sense of betrayal he felt towards all in Heaven did have a certainappeal. Still he had concerns though "My power won't fade here?" he asked. "whatpower? The gifts i was in endowed in life, by the father, have been long since lost, aftermy mortal death. And here i stand again, reanimated flesh and blood, but nothing more.

    Am i to lead the endless legions of damned as nothing but a mortal?" he asked. Samaelagain lit his sinister smile and stepped forward as he hissed "Rejoice! Our master has

    seen it fit to endow you with some of his own great power! you will find it all you needand more to lay waste to this pittiful world." The with blinding speed Samael had Salemby the forearm, and Salem fell to his knees as he felt the surge of demonic powercourse though him. He felt an unbelievable strength, burning like a fire within him andradiate though his body. It almost overwhelmed him, and he found that he lost hisbreath for a moment and gaspt. It felt incredible.

    "And here i half expected to not to survive it" Samael spoke bitterly. "You likethis power dont you? you feel its call, it seduction." "yess" Salem uttered in pureecstacy. "Its only a taste of what you shall have should you serve him well" then Samaelsmiled another eerle smile and in a flash of fire and a wicked sword materialized."Behold Ragnarok, the blade that ended the war of the false and pagan deities, may itserve you well to end the life of this filthy world as well" Salem took hold the blade, it tocoursed with demonic power and seemed to call to him.

    "Now listen" Samael spoke. "Lucian is a level of higher immortal that cannot beslain. But He" he struggled on the word again has placed one on this world who is ableto take that immortallity. Before Lucian comes to this world you are to find this personmarked by Him and ensure that their mission fails by whatever means necessary toensure our conquest. Now go." Salem was still on his knees in the wet sand, still tryingto catch his breath from the incredible power that he felt. As Samael stepped back into

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    the pool of sprawling darkness he hissed his final words "And remember Salem... I willbe watching. " and then Samael disappeared through the same dark abyss throughwhich he came.

    Chapter lllSeduction

    "Caught up in this madness to blind to seethe animal feeling in me

    it took over my senses and i lost controlI'll taste your blood tonight"


    Salem continued along his path to the north where he felt the faint precense ofan elder being. But what Samael said about watching him troubled Salem. He knew thesight of the fallen and damned was obscured at best, they had perfect range of allthings past, and foggy but visible sight of the ever changing future, but little view of thepresent. Which ever side he decided to serve, keeping it to himself would be vital.

    The power he recieved from Samael was incredible, unlike anything he had everfelt He did want to fufill his mission to the Holy father, and be welcomed into paradise,but the power he felt and the promise of more and to rule in hell was more thattempting. Regardless of what he chose, he needed a direction to go. He decided hewould continue to seek out the elder Virgil to the far north as Gabriael instructed, andplot his next course with the information he would get from him.

    Salem walked for days, far past the dead gray shore where he met Gabriael andSamael. He had wondered into the wastelands where the ground was parched andcracking, but still he saw no sun. Only gray clouds covered the sky as far as the eyecould see, and it made the flat expanse of parched clay and dirt in front of him look grayand dead also. Even the air here was dry and had an bitter taste. Broken images of theworld he left behind, that seemed so vibrant and alive flashed through his mind, and hewondered if this gray world, bitter and empty, was humanity's punishment for their sins,or if they had stripped the life from the world themselves through the negligent waste ofthe earths gifts, or if they scarred it to nothingness through centuries of meaninglesswars.

    Far off in the distance, against the colorless horizen he could see the northern

    mountains, and in them he felt the faint prenense of an elder. He continued his trekthrough the lifeless lands, but as he crossed the wasteland he felt another demonicpower take shape in the distance, this one unlike Samael was not fallen, but demonic inorigin, but far less powerful. He felt it moving towards him at a rapid pace. Not sure if itwas another messenger or something else, Salem wasted no time as began to closethe gap between them. Soon the beast came into view, a heaving lesser demon, itsbulking and mishapen body shivered with anticipation at the chance of fresh flesh tofeast on. Salem knew these lesser demons were not capable of much thought of there

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    own, but more often sent by Fallen and greater demons with one track missions to thekingdom of man. Whoever sent it did not matter much now, Salem knew what the beastwanted, to feast on his flesh. It howled and broke into a sprint with its glowing yelloweyes fixed Salem. Its dark black, bruised looking skin bulged with vains and sweat and itopen mouth dripped with drool through rows of jagged teeth. As the beast ran towards

    him, Salem proclaimed "beast you know not what you do, but you will regret taking thistask from your master" but he did not draw his sword, but rather stabbed it into thelifeless ground to fight barehanded. "I will fight you as an equal, i need no weapon todispatch such vermin." he proclaimed.

    By this time the beast had reached him and leaped at him, it claws ready to tearhim assunder, but Salem found his new found power, gave him abilities he had notbefore had. He caught the beast in midair by the throat, its snarling mouth choked,under Salems new strength, and he effortlessly slammed the demon to the ground,making a small creater under them. The demon lashed out at him with flailing arms andraked Salem's face with its claws. Salem felt a flash of rage he was not familiar with,-how dare this worthless creature break his skin- he thought, and then he grabbed one

    of the beast flailing arms and ripped it from its gruesome body. Black ichorr spurted andgushed, melting and sizzling the ground it touched, as the beast howled in agoney.Salem unmounted the demon kicked it hard from his feet. He felt satisfaction in makin itsuffer a slow death, as if to further tease the infurriated demon, Salem raised itssevered limb and licked the black acidic ichor that seeped from it, thought it hardly stunghis toung somehow. The demon howeled again and rushed at Salem again, this timeSalem reared back and swung at the beast's fowl head with its own severed limb, itconected with an audible crash, and the demon yelled in pain as its own blood from itsarm burned holes in the skin of its dark face. The demon then roared and began totremble as a new arm sprouted out where its old one was severed.

    Salem was through playing with it now, he took his stance and prepared to lunge

    at the demon to rip its head off and send it back where it came from. He lunged himselfat the demon, but right as he got close to it, it roared and let out a burst of demonicenergy that sent a shockwave, striking Salem and landing him on his back. The demon

    jumped on him, and Salem barely caught it before it sank it drooling fangs into histhroat, the demon was furrious and radiating demonic power it did not have before,whoever sent it must have seen it failing and endowed it with more power before it wasdefeated. Salem struggled to hold it back, its rows of jagged teeth hovered closer andcloser to his throat. But then he felt something within him burning, like fire deep withinhimself, burning, growing, and consuming him. The burning within him grew stronger,almost un bearable, it felt as if everything inside him was on fire. He no longer caredabout the demon anymore, the fire inside him was all he could think about. He let out anearth shattering scream and eruppted with power, power that felt good, like all the hateand anger within him was being turned into this power to take revenge on everythingthat had crossed and betrayed him. The demon was blown black and Salem hoveredabove the ground as a new being, something much stronger, something more primal,something filled with the all the hate and resentment of all the damned in hell. Like thishe felt no pain, only power. He felt voices within him screaming to destroy the demon. Ina flash he was in front of the demon and grabbed both its armes then kicked the demonwith unearthly force, ripping off both its arms this time, its foul blood shot everywhere.

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    but before the demon stumbled back and fell over Salem was behind it, and thrust hishand through its back and took hold of it beating black heart. He squeezed it and tookpleasure as the paralyzed demon howled again in horrible agony, before ripping itsblack heart from its chest. The demon fell the to ground utterly limp and in unreal pain,but still alive for the moment atleast before salem stood over it. Fear , something

    demons did not often feel, took hold of it, it howled in misery but as it opened it mouthSalem shot his hand into it picked it up by its mouth, then with all his might threw thebeat as hard as he could, never letting go of his iron grip, the demons head remained inhis hand as its severed body hit the ground. Salem took wicked joy has he watched itsbody go up in flames as its still living head relfected all it pain. Finally he lit the head onfire also and watched with sick pleasure as it burned to nothing.

    After this Salem felt the fire within him slowly subside, and the voices within himquieted for the moment. Like he was coming back to his senses after a gruesome high,something about what happend scared him, but at the same time, it felt so unreal, thefeeling of invincebility, the seduction of it all the power he felt. Some part of himdesperately wanted it again.

    Chapter lVDirection

    "as I burn another pageas I look the other way

    I still try to find my placein the diary of Jane"

    -Diary of Jane

    Days past as Salem crossed the wastelands. Though with his new powers the demonhe killed posed him little threat, still he wondered who had sent it. Lesser demons hardlythought for themselves, and more often were sent by Greater demons, and Fallen to therealm of man to accomplish simple missions like tracking, or murder. Someone had sentit to kill him, but no greater demon or fallen to could send a lesser demon to earth withLucifer knowing of it. If Lucifer wanted him to command his legions of the damned, whywould he let one of his own try to kill him?

    Finally he reached the mountains and the source of the power he felt. He wasnot sure what to expect, this could be Virgil, the one to direct him, or it could be anyother number of beast to try to stop him. Regardless he was not worried, he measuredthe power he felt, and it hardly compared to what he experience when he face thedemon only days ago. Low in the purple mountains found the stone cavern that thepower was coming from, and as he stepped foot inside was immediatley greeted "Begone Denizen of the Inferno! I have nothing for you here but your own death! Now begone!" Salem did not stop but continued forward unshaken by the words he heard. Hebeheld the creature and reconized it as neither celestrial nor demonic. "Are you the one

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    they call Virgil" he asked, and the creature responded "I am he! Now be gone! or facemy wrath!" But Salem could tell that whatever manner of creature this was no threat tohim. He beheld the creature. It was unlike any creature he had seen before, its largemishapen body look like it was once an angel, but now mishapen, cursed with ageing,ancient and decaying, hardly able to move. But he did feel that the creature though not

    physically imposing, did have considerable power in his own league.Salem spoke " I am the one called Salem, I was sent by the emmisarry of theHoly father, the Archangel Gabriael, by his will are you directed to aid me withknowledge the coming battle" Virgil stirred, confusion obvious in his mishapen face "Ican feel what you say is true... but you bare a mark of the Fallen Firstborn himself! Whatis the meaning of this!" Salem answered "Yes, i was also sent by Lucifer to commandhis legions in ending all life in this pathetic world. I have not yet decided who i will serve.But you will still give me what i desire or i will be the one who slays you where you lay.Now tell me creature what are you?"

    There was silence for a moment the Virgil spoke "An angel i once was, but whenLucifer waged his rebellion i was among those who did not take sides. After the war, i

    was cast down for my indecisivness just above the inferno where i followed the endlessbanner for eons... finally i saw a chance to escape my punishment and i ran. But i wascaptured by the Virtues, and cursed to age, but never die as my new punishment. But Iwas still given a mission. I was given the Fruit of Eve, and gained knowledge of allthings, and was charged to aid you when the time came." -"then tell me what it is i mustknow!" Salem interjected."Yes" Virgil continued " I know what comes and why you are here. You seek a way tobanish the immortality of the Son of the Fallen One. Far away at the temple of the Sonthere is a woman praying as we speak. She has lived a life pure and devoted to the

    Almighty, and has been blessed with the Sanctifying Grace of the Trinity in her spiriteven before her death. She is the key. Lucian devours every soul that passes through

    the gates of hell and grows stronger from their impurities. But when she dies her soulwill not rise, but be devoured by the beast, and her purity will not make him stronger buttake his immortality and make him vulnorable to death. She has given herself willingly tobe sacrificed so that the fate of all has a chance at salvation, not unlike the Savior Sondid so many eons ago. You must go and deliver her from this life so that her purposecan be fufilled"

    Salem now for the first time felt sure of his plan of action, what was one mortallife to him? nothing but the smallest price to pay for his own salvation. If all he had to dowas kill her, to reach his salvation he would do it without a second thought.

    Salem quickly set out to find the temple of the Son, but was quickly called backby Virgil "Wait!! Were you not touched by the Fallen Firstborn? That power i feel in youit must be so!" Salem plainly answered "Yes" then Virgil cried out "You must never usethat power! It was given to you to take away the Almighty's greatest gift of free will tochoose between good and evil! The more of that power you use the more of your mindhe will claim until you are no more than his puppet on earth! Be warned!" the creaturecried. Salem hardly paid mind to him though, as he walked out of the cavern to beginhis trek to to temple of the Son where he would quickly end this mission.

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    Chapter VReunion

    "oh I can see nowthat all of these cloudsare following me

    in my desperate endevorto find my whoever

    wherever she may be"-Remembering Sunday

    Salem headed Virgils warning and started his march to the Temple of the Son.After days of travel through the mountains he reached his goal, high up in the

    mountains he reached the Temple of the Son. As he walked up the long steps to thetemple he could feel the presence of one touched by the Almighty inside. He decided hewould make this quick, after all she was a servent the the Holy Father, she deserved anhonorable and swift death, free of suffering. As he neared the door of the temple he feltan uncomforting feeling within himself, being marked by the Lucifer, He felt unwelcomein holy places, even though he could of course freely walked hollowed ground, he wasno manner of unholy creature,but he was still marked, and would not bare to be therefor long. He opened the door to the temple and there kneeling at the alter he saw her,with her back turned to him.

    He drew his sword and began to walk down the aisle. His heart began to beatheavy and faster, and he felt sweat form in his palms. Memories of his past life flooded

    his mind, he remember that he killed many in the name of the Father, but neversomeone innocent, never someone holy, never someone who would not defendthemselves, and never someone with their back turned.

    He continued down the long aisle, and with every step he took, he felt morewrong.-This cant be right. He thought to himself. And he wondered to himselfhow couldthis be the will of the Father? Why does he kill his own children? And why must i be theleft hand to execute such acts in his name. He continued to move forward, a thousandthoughts running through his mind, all told him that this was not right, but if it was thewill of the Father then what choice did he have? Finally he stood behind her. Still sheknelt there silently praying. He wondered if she even knew he was there or if she reallyknew what her prayers were about to bring her.

    He took his sword with both hands and raised it above his head. He would notmiss his mark, or hold back to make her pain any more than it had to be. In a moment itwould all be over. He would strike her down, the End War would begin, and the finalclash between Heaven and Hell would unfold. His muscles tightened, and he closed hiseyes for he did not want to witness what he was about to do. He tilted the blade back,and for a moment wondered if heaven was so right a place to be, to serve a lord thatslaughters and forsakes his own children, but only for a moment, he prepared to comedown on her and end her life when he heard the smallest voice "Do it Salem"

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    He was shocked. He stepped back and dropped his blade to the floor.Somewhere in his shattered memories he knew that voice. She turned her gaze and fora moment he was another person, in another time. His heart raced, and he foundhimself short of breath, he fell to his knees beside her. For that moment he knew her.Her soft wavey brown hair, her light golden amber eyes, and the tender full lips he

    kissed centuries ago. Her tall slender body, her smooth olive skin, and her slightly highcheeks the were always just the smallest part flushed all came back to his mind. Athousand lost memories raced through his head as her name whispered off his lips"Alyak"

    She was the one, so many of the gaps in his memory filled now, she was thewoman he loved so passionately so many centuries ago. The one he was set to marryand accend his father and mother's thrown with, the one promised to him by the

    Almighty himself, the very reason he took up the crusades to serve the Holy Trinity. Thevery one who's death set into motion his own dimise.

    Now silent tears ran down his face, "Forgive me my love..." he spoke. "I was notthere to protect you" She laid her smooth hands upon him, and they felt cool on his

    rough skin " I am not her Salem" she spoke "but many centuries ago i was, but blamenot yourself for what happend that day, you had to fufill your oath to the Lord our Father.I loved you Salem, and that love is a gift from our Holy Father that has lasted throughcenturies, and can never be taken away. Even by our own deaths" Salem looked intothe unknown womans eyes, and he knew that she was his lost lover, born again to newflesh. For a moment he felt none of the pressures of heaven and hell bearind down onhim, all the resentment and hatred he harbored was gone, and no demented voices ofthe fallen echoed in his head. For one moment it was just her there in his arms, lookinginto his eyes the same way she did centuries ago.

    It was short lived though, she spoke again " I also know why you have come... Ihave known and accepted my fate. I will give my body and my soul for our Holy

    Father...and so that you may finally find the peace you deserve.."Salem stood up, "No!" he shouted "I wont have it!" he gave her his hand and raised herup, then looked into her eyes once more. Then asked "Woman.. What is your name? "She spoke in perfect voice that sound like an angels voice to him "Once i was yours,

    Alyak. but today you may call me Alanael""Alanael" Salem spoke, " I cannot do what the Holy Father has asked of me. I

    could never harm you, even if it meant escape from my eternal punishment. I wouldrather burn forever than know that i harmed you, whom i once loved so passionately"Then Salem fell to his knees and took her hand again "Please, I beg of you. Let us findanother way, let neither of us fall so that we live out our lives the way we should have somany years ago. Let me be your knight, and protect you from all those who would bringharm to youuntil this ordeal is done. My life, my soul i do swear for you. Please Alanael...Alyak. Let

    us do this." A tear formed in her amber golden eyes, as she said "I will go with you mylove, but may his will on high always be done."Salem moved closer to her and looked into her eyes and then slowly touched his lips tohers.

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    Chapter VlTruth

    "a good friend once told mewe are memorieswithout them we equal nothing

    all i can seeis the place i want to be

    a time when our life was so free"-Remenissions

    They set off to see Virgil again. Perhaps if there was another way to take LuciansImmortality the elder would know of it. As they walked through the mountains Salemcould not help but think to himself, The Holy Father was all powerful, so why did all this

    have to be? why could he not just take Lucian's immortality himself. Why didn he notjust kill Lucifer in the first place when he rebelled. Why was it that he that had to carryall this weight for a deity that had failed him.

    As if Alanael could read his troubled mind, she spoke softly "Our Holy Fatherloved Lucifer, and all his angel too much to end their lives, he made it where allcelestrial beings both Fallen and Holy could never die" "But Lucifer rebelled againsthim". Salem interjected "Why did he not take that ever lasting life from him and savehumanity this ever lasting struggle?" Alanael sighed and it looked as if a tear formed inher eye as she spoke "Lucifer was once his favorite angel, The Light Barer. And it wassaid that Lucifers love for his father was stronger than any other angel in heaven. Butwhen The Holy father made man the object of his love, and told all the angels to love

    man more than themselves and more than himself, Lucifer protested, saying that manwas a flawed creature, so undeserving of their love and affection, and that he couldnever love man more than he did his father. And this first act of disobedience led tomore conflict in heaven, Lucifer stirred question into some of the other angels, who alsosaw man as a flawed creature, and started a rebellion, claiming that he should rule overthe heavens and earth so he could make a perfect creature to love.

    Thus the war began, but even so the father so loved his rebellious son that hecould not take his life but rather punish him for his crimes and all those who followedhim. Then he gave man his greatest gift of all, the gift of free will, the ability to choosewhich side they take, to be good and just as our Father intended or to side with Luciferand stand against him."

    "Thats puts a new perspective to things" Salem muttered to himself, then spokealoud "such a loving lord that lets his children suffer for eternity rather than simply endthier suffering" and resentment shown in his eyes. Alanael only softly said "there was atime when you never would have said that..." This surprised Salem. He saw now achance to perhaps fill in some of the gaps to his broken memories. "please tell me" heasked, eagar to learn of his past life. "who was i?"

    Alanael spoke from a sorrowful memory "You were a prince" and tears began toform in her eyes "You were truly great man...admired by everyone, and beloved by the

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    people. And loved by me." Salem took her hands and looked into her eyes "And i lovedyou to aslo" he spoke "I remember it. I feel it." Now tears ran down her smooth face."You did" she continued. "but i was ill... they said i was going to die.. but you did notcare. You took me to be your fiancee' anyway, you said you would rather spend a shorttime with me than a lifetime with anyone else. Then the Angel came, he told us that if

    you made an oath to serve our Holy Father as his hand in this world, to deliver it fromthe Lucifer and all the Fallen, he would heal me, and we would spend our lives togetheras it was meant to be. You gladly accepted, as an honor to serve him, and to save me.You served him for years with unquestioning loyalty and faith. You went on many questand crusades for him. Finally the angel came to you with one final crusade, thenpromised to deliver me from the illness. You set off on your final quest with a smallarmy..2years went by and you never returned, nor had anyone had letter of you. Manythought you were dead, or had given up your long crusade... i never lost hope though..every night i sat up, i waited for you. until one night...your brother came to my chamberdrunk from the nights supper.. he forced himself upon me... when he awoke the nextday, he said i shamed his family and turned the castle against me, he said said it was i

    who took advantage of him. He had me put to death by his own hand." only months lateryou returned and learned what happend, but you never believed them, you neverquestioned my faithfullness to you, somehow you knew what your brother did. Drivenmad by rage you killed him for what he had done.. shortly after you fell into a greatdepression and having lost me, and your brother.. and truly you loved us both so dearlyyou questioned your faith in the Lord for the first time. You felt betrayed by him, deniedthe ending you were promised. You became someone else, someone distant, someonewho wanted nothing to do with the world. Finally one night it all became to much for you,you set fire to the palace, and the surrounding city. And amist the flames you cursed theHoly Father and through yourself into the great fires"

    Salem stood silent... it all came back to him. Why he felt the way he did. Much of

    the anger he felt left him, replaced by the pain of his memories. Still though he said "butif we can find a way to save you now, and somehow stop this coming war, perhaps wecan finally live the life together we were meant to have." This was all he wanted now,the means of which did not matter to him. So they continued on there trek to reach Virgilagain.

    Chapter VllFall of the Champion

    "Trust in myself rightious sucide

    for i crywhen angels deserve

    to die."-Chop Suey

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    Days passed as they walked, until they reached the Great Maw, said to be thescarred battlefield where the gate to the inferno was first torn open as Lucifer and all hisunholy angels fell from heaven. As they crossed it, an uneasy feeling came upon Salem.They were in a low valley, surrounded by dark mountains on all sides, the rocky groundthey walked had an eirre scent to it. Salem could feel the bounderies between the earth

    and the inferno were thin here, and that even though the battle that took place betweenheaven and hell here had happend eons ago, there was still much energy here. Theycontinued through it, until a ray of light came down from the sky, and Gabriael camedown. Salem could immediately sense something was wrong, because for the first timeGabriael wore a look of solid fear across his face. "Gabriael!" Salem called to him. "What is wrong?" A tremble shook through Gabriaels body as he spoke. "RememberSalem. Everything is his will. And all has a part in his grand plan. Never lose your faithin him, for he is counting on you Salem." Salem pulled Alanael close to him, in aninstinctual protection of her. "What is it Gabriael!" Salem shouted. "Tell me whats goingon!" then Gabrieal turned to Salem. "He is pains me, i do not wish to see himfall, but still.... may his will on high be done." Salem took hold of Gabriael now " Who is

    coming!! Samael? Lucian? Lucifer himself? Speak!" Gabriael winced."One they all fear. My brother. Michael" Salem looked astonished. "Is not that a goodthing? Michael is the greatest of all the warrior angels. Was it not he who first cast downLucifer after the rebellion? With him as our ally who could really stand against us?"

    As soon as he spoke this, there was another flash of light and the Archangelhimself came down. Six great wings spread from his back, his skin was the same paleluminouss color as Gabriael's as were his eyes the same glowing blue. His long brownhair hung just over his sholders, and the Fiery Sword that only the champion of heavencould wield burned in his hand. Gabriael stood before him, and Salem could see nowthat Gabriael was almost dwarft by him. Michael was much larger in stature, hismusclular build and more robust features made Gabriael almost look like a child.

    "Brother!" Gabriael pleaded. "Do not do this! It is not the will of the Almighty, and i do notwish to see the you fall!" "But it is his will brother!" Michael proclaimed, and with that anarmy of Powers, the lesser choire of warrior angels appeared behind him. "Now standaside brother" and a certain fiercness came to his eyes. "Brother!" Gabriael pleadedagain "Your intentions are pure, and i could never question your love for our Father, butyour ends do not justify your means! I beg you brother, reconsider." and a shining staffappeared in Gabriaels hands. "You dare raise your hand against me!" Michael roared " Iam the Champion of the Father! I am the most powerful of all the warrior angel! It was iwho defeated Lucifer for our Father and cast him and all his wretched angel fromParadise! And it should be I who should defeat his foul son Lucian and stop the EndWar! Not some fallen mortal who has failed us before! then upon giving him a chance atredemption he spits it back at us for some mortal woman! Why is he any different thanany other damned mortal soul!" "Because the Father willed it!" Gabriael interrupted. ButMichael continued "All that stand between us and the fall of Lucian is that mortalwoman! and he refuses to give her up! Now i ask you again, stand aside brother!" butGabriael did not speak, and silently held his ground, staff in hand. "So be it then"Michael spoke "His will be done!"he shouted and he raised the fiery sword and struckGabriael with a fierce blow across the chest. A flash of light blinded Salem for amoment, and when he opened his eyes Gabriael was no where to be seen.

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    "Gabriael!!" Salem shouted. but no one answered. How could this have happendSalem thought to himselfHis guardian the Archangel Gabriael was gone. struck downby his own brother. All in the name of the Father... but his thoughts were interuptedwhen Michael's thunderous voice roared again "Thy will be done!" and he chargedforward in a flash of light, and thrust the flamming blade though Alanael's chest. Salem

    fell to her side and tears fell from his face as he cried "No!! It can't be so!" He swore toprotected her, he swore to save her, yet here she was dying in his arms. His life with herwas cut short and ripped from him again. "Salem.." her voice cracked "my love, myheart has always been yours, and no happier death could i have than to close my eyesso close to you. May his will be done" and with her final words she closed her eyes.

    "Worthless mortal. To die for the Holy Father was the best purpose you couldever had hoped for" Michael spat, with vemon in every word.

    Pain and rage consumed Salem now. How could he say that about her. He hadtaken her away from him, he took her life, all for the Holy Father and their damned war.He felt the fire take hold inside him again. Growing and consuming everything insidehim. Then he heard the twisted voice of the fallen firstborn himself speak inside his

    mind "And he who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man"Suddenly all he could think of was Michael. He didn't care about Lucifer, Lucian, theFather, this war, none of it mattered. Only Michael. He would pay for what he had done.Then the voice inside his head screamed " CRUSH THEM! BREAK THEM! TEARTHEM!"

    He felt the fire burning in his chest spread down to his stomatch, if felt likeeverything inside him was on fire. He fell to the ground in the agony of the fire and thedemented voices within his burning head screamed " RIP THEM! SMASH THEM!!BURN THEM!!!" The burning fire spread through his entire body consuming everythingand he cried out in pain and the twisted howling voice screamed on in his head " KILLTHEM ALL!! LEAVE NOTHING BUT BODIES!! AND SCRORCH THE REMAINS!!!" he

    raised his burning fist to the sky then cried out " Father!!! Why have you forsaken me!!!in your eyes forsaken me!!! in your arms forsaken me! and in your heart forsaken me!!!"He felt the power of the fallen come over him, and he struck the ground with earthcracking force, then cried out "Burned them! all of them! Burn! Feel my fury! feel mypain! and burn them!!!!"

    The earth quaked and cracked open and a sea of unholy fire engulfed theheavenly army, fire rained down from the sky burning everything, scarring the very eathitself and Salem may have taken plesure in their dying cries but he was completely fixedon Michael. From amongst the flames Michael emerged unharmed "Challengeaccepted" and he raised the burning sword toward Salem. But Salem through down hissword and sprung at Michael with unworldly speed and strength. He took the Archangeloff guard and slammed his back against the cracking ground. Filled with unholyvengence and rage he clutched Michaels throat, he want to feel the Archangel becrushed under him, he wanted to feel the life being choked out of him, he wanted to feelhis bones crack under his fury. He continued his berserk rampage against the

    Archangel, pounding him and smashing him wherever he could without thought orremorse.

    But what good was it really, Michael was a celestrial being, though his physicalbody could be crushed, he could never actually die. This never crossed Salems

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    demented mind though, as his raging assault continued until finally he finally he tookhold of Michael and slamed him against the stone wall of a great moutain. This still wasnot enough though he grabbed him again and repeatedly slammed the Archangel intothe stone wall of the mountain then finally with all his might he hurled Michaael againstit. All his rage and furry took form as the reared back and unleashe d a fiece blast of

    demonic energy that consumed Michael and the mountain, and collapsed the mountainon the bruised and battered Archangel. Salem took hold of the Ragnarok and bracedhimself, as he took a moment to regain his breath from his demented rampage. But itwas short lived as with a wave of light Michael arose and took hold of the Fiery Swordand lunged himself at Salem, and when the blades clashed it unleashed a hugeshockwave that sent Salem flying back. But to his surprised Michael did not followthrough with his attack. Instead the Archangel stood and panted as if for the first timefeeling fatigue, but still he proclaimed " the Warrior Angel! I cannot be defeated byany fallen mortal!"

    Salem wasted no time, and countered back at him. Their blades clashed andsparks flew again and again, their strikes were in perfect sync, and it seemed neither

    could gain an upper hand. Finally they met in a deadlock. Salem pushed with all hismight, but his mortal body had already been pushed far beyond it limits, then Michaelroared "Fallen mortal! you will never over power me! and pushed with even greaterstrength. Just before Salem was about to collaps under the Archangel devine strengththe weight lifted and Michael look confused "What is this? why does my strengthabandon me?" Salem reached again for the fire and strength within himself and pushedwith all his might until the flamming sword was flung from Michael's hand and the bladeof Ragnarok slahed deep through the Archangel's chest. Was it over? Salem thought tohimself. Michael looked down astonished "Is this what is called pain?" His voice shaken"I commend you for your skill and resolve, perhaps you would have made a powerfulally under different cirrcumstances. But still I will purge this world of all that is unpure.

    Now fallen warrior, you will submit to me! No blade, mortal of demonic will strike medown!"He grabbed the Ragnarok by the blade and tore it from Salems hands, still

    possessing over powering strength, and cast the bade aside. He clenched his fist withwhite knuckles and came down upon Salem, the two faught a brutal fight, rolling on thescortched ground. The brawl seemed endless, each of them landing vicious blows onthe other. Perhaps he cannot be slain. Salem thought amist the bloody brawl, but he isweakinging. This was something Salem was sure Micheal never experienced before,and was not sure how to handle it. Finally Michael mounted Salem, and pounded hisbloodied fist against him. Pushed far past the point of exaustion, and far beyond thelimits of any mortal body, he thought to himselfThis could be the end.As the Archangelsmashed his bloodied fist against Salem's broken and bruised face and body, Salemwas sure the savage look of fury and rage in the Archangel's eyes could not be from theHoly Father.Then out of the corner of his eye he saw the hilt of the Fiery Sword. Nomortal or demonic blade could defeat him. Salem thought. But the Fiery Sword was theholy blade of Heaven. It was his only hope. As if Micheal read his mind, both their eyesfixed on it, and they both lunged for, somehow Salem got to it first and immediatelyturned and dug the burning blade into Michael's chest.

    The Archangel fell to the ground quivering. Unable to die, but devoid of all power

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    and strength. Salem thrust the Flamming sword into the earth and cut open the rift tothe inferno. "Now you will be cast down, as you have so passionately cast down allthose before you" Salem spoke to the crippled Michael. He pressed his foot alongMichael's spine and took hold of his wings, then with a gruesome roar ripped then out ofhis back, leaving six gapping wounds in his back to become scars. Michael screamed in

    gruesome pain and agony he felt for the first time. Salem reached down and pickMichael up by the throat and held him over the burning rift then spoke with vemon in hiswords " I damn you Michael to the nineth and deepest circle of Hell, where you will bechained and bound in the frozen lake of Judecca with Lucifer himself for all eternity as atraitor to the Lord himself!" Salem raised Michael as high as he could then cast himdown into the black and burning abyss with all his might.

    The rift closed behind him, and Salem finally collapsed from exaustion. He wasnot sure what would happen now, but he no longer found the will to fight. Without

    Alanael he felt no desire to serve the Holy Father, nor lead the legions of the damned,that he was sure now both stood against him. He looked over at the Fiery sword again,and saw it exstinguish and dissappear, perhaps the last remenant of the Fallen Warrior


    Chapter VlllTo Tip the Balance

    "as i lay here and bleedI realize it's to late

    as the skys start to fallI realize

    I'm standing alone"


    Salem just laid there on the scarred ground, unable to find any will or reason toget up. The Legions by now had surely learned of his plan to kill Lucian and would likelypursue him soon. The Archangel Michael, champion of Heaven, had fallen by his ownhand, and without their leader and greatest warrior the armies of Heaven stood littlechance against the legions. His Guardian and guide Gabriael had been killed by his ownbrother. But yet all of this seemed distant to him. What really hurt him was that Alanaelwas gone. He swore an oath to her, in his mortal life, and again in this new barronworld, Both times, he failed her, he could not protect her, and she so selflessly gave

    herself for this world to have a chance at salvation. Without her, he had no purpose inthis war anymore. What was salvation, without the her to him? Empty.

    Soon he felt the familiar presense of demonic energy personify and Samaelarose from the darkness, "Bravo Salem Bravo. Casting down the champion of paradise,the great warrior Michael, Our lord was wise to show such faith in you. Salem showedlittle intrest as he continued to lay on the ground absently "It would seem so" He saidabsently. Samael smiled a sinister smile, "with Michael gone you have chopped thehead off the beast that is -his- armies far sooner than we expected. As we speak my

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    legions of Fallen are preparing to storm the gates of Peter, and take back what is ours!"Salem still never stood but and only absently spoke "Good... Go fight your war,

    my part and reason in it is over, and i want nothing more to do with it." "oh but Salem"Samael stepped closer to him "Your work has only jus begun" Salem answered again "Itold you, I want nothing more to do with your war" this time a touch or harshness hissed

    in his voice.A sinister smile took to Samael's face, and a long slender sword appeared in hishand. He struck the ground with it and open a window the te inferno where Salem saw

    Alanaels tortured soul being burned in the inferno. "Not even for her soul Salem?"Samael smiled and pain flashed across Salems face " Release her!" Salem cried. "Iwont have her suffer for me!" Samael stepped closer to Salem and a tension arosethrough Salem. He knew very well what Samael was and how awfully powerful he was.He also knew that all the false formalities Samael presented to him was only becausehis master willed it, but his own savage wicked nature showed through.

    "Oh now we can't do that Salem, your a hard person to entice, we won't just giveback the only thing we have to deal with you" Salem grunted, and put his hand on his

    sword. "Don't be so hasty" Samael hissed. "Lucifer has shown mercy on you.. dispitemy best efforts" he added with vemon in each word "Should you continue to serve uswell, you will be given your little whore, and be made the rule over a region of theinferno with her as your bride for all eternity. But should you stray from us again" hecracked a wicked smile "I will personally burn the flesh from your bones, and evermanner of creature in Hell will have your little whore".

    Anguish flashed across Salems face, and Samael steped closer to him again,and the tension Salem felt only grew. "Think about it Salem" Samael continued "HISchampion, the great warrior Michael has already fallen. Their armies are without aleader! they are weaker than they have ever been! While we are stronger than we haveever been! Continue to serve us and everything you desire will be yours!"

    The voice inside Salems head whispered, its words ever the more powerful"Serve me Salem. I will give you power Salem. I will give you your woman Salem.Serve me Salem" the voice continued, and Salem felt the pull of its words, but onethought echoed in his mind, he could not push the thought of Alanael in hell for eternity,he would not allow it! He swore to protect her, and she was in hell because of hisinability to defend her.

    "No" he finally spoke "I dont care about your war, but i will not have her soulsuffer for all eternity because of me. I will drag her back from hell myself! and i will slayany creature that stands in my way!" He proclaimed "take that back to your master,dog."

    Samael raised the long wicked curved blade, "the only thing i will take back to mymaster, is your servered rotting head!!" Then Samael leaped into a spinning lunge atSalem, and shockwaves cracked the ground when their bladed clashed. Salem valiantlyfought back, but he felt his strength leaving him, his mortal body had already beenpushed far past its limits in his battle with Michael. Still though he pushed as hard as hecould to fight the Fallen Angel, Samael was stronger than him and far more powerful,but Salem would stop at nothing to save Alanael's pure soul.

    It took everything Salem had just to keep up with Samaels strikes, but he wasbegining to weaken, there was no way he could keep up with Samael forever, he began

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    to feel the ache in his bones, and the sting in his hands everytime their blades clashed,began to feel the soreness in his muscles form his battle with Michael, he felt the sweatbegin to roll down into his burning eyes. He had to find away to end this quickly, orSamael would end him here and now.

    Finally in what seemed like a lucky blow, he thrusted his blade through Samael's

    torso, for a moment Salem thought the battle might be over, but his moment was shortlived. Samael took hold of the blade pertruding through his torso and pulled it out withhis bare hands, hardly showing any sign of pain or even discomfort. It was then Salemrealized exactly how powerful Samael was, what was a mere mortal flesh wound from ablade, to a being that suffered countless eons if punishment and damnation in theinferno. He would not feel pain as mortals do. He would not tire or weaken as mortalsdo. And Salem had a strong feeling that much like Michael, and all celestrieal beings,Samael probably could not actually die. A morbid feelimg began to take hold of Salem.

    After Samael pulled the blade from his body he screamed a terrifying demonicroar that echoed of the beast he truly was. He then grabbed Salem with his bare hands,that burned to the touch, and slammed him against the ground then took the Ragnarok

    and stabbed it through Salem's sholder.The warrior yelled in pain, but his cries were cut short as he felt Samael's foulburning hands clamp down around his throat, and begin to choke the life out of him."Foolish mortal!" the Fallen Angel roared "you will suffer damnation a hundred fold forwhat you have done!" Salem began to feel lightheaded, he expected the burning powerhe felt before to take hold of him and give him strength as it did before, but he feltnothing but his own life being choked from him. Finally he closed his eyes, unable tohang on any longer. Samael then picked him up and threw his limp body with terrifyingforce against the near by mountain side.

    "Is that all you can do mortal!!" Samael roared. "Pathetic creature! you werenever worthy of my master's favor and i will end your meaningless life now!" Still though

    Salem rose to his feet, bloodied and bruised, he would still not give up his fight forAlanael's soul. Salem staggered and rose to his feet, and as he rose up, he saw for thefirst time in this gray world a single ray of light from the sky, the sun shined down uponhim. As he picked up his sword again he felt a new power come over him. Not like theburning rage he felt before, this was different, it was smooth, and cooling, his bodyached all over but he had the will to carry on his battle.

    "Your death will be a slow miserable one Salem, i promise you that!" Samaelgrunted has he took up his twisted blade again. "There is no hope of defeating me!" Andhe lunged himself at Salem again, but this time Salem moved with a greater dexterity,his movements were more fluid, almost graceful, the strength he felt come upon himnow was almost serene. The pain and fatigue he felt from the previous battles seemedto fade, and he moved as a much better match to Samaels power now.

    For hours they fought a feirce exausting battle, and they were all but equals toeach other, finally Samael halted his assault for a moment "You fight well Salem, clearlyHEstill favors you after all, but it does not matter. HEis not here right now to save you,and all your efforts are in vain. I cannot die, and unlike Micheal im already fallen. Thereis no hope for you mortal!". He spread his huge dark wings, and fire burned in his blackeyes, as he let out a fearsome roar the very earth itself seemed to quake with fear. Butsomething in Salem had changed, the fear he felt towards Samael had left him, he felt

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    the obligation of an oath he took centuries ago, push him forward and give him strength,his warrior instincts honed in, as he took his stance, he was ready for anything " I knowwhat you are Samael" he proclaimed "and i will make a testament of you to all whostand in my way! No blade will harm me! No demon will shadow me! i will stand beforeevery legion in hell! I will never fail! I will never tire! I will never accept defeat! I will not

    rest until her soul is free from the foul hands of your master!" a ray of light shown downfrom the black clouded sky, unto Salem face, and he knew what he must do. He raisedhis sword and lunged forward at Samael, and thrusted his blade through the fallenangels chest, pinning him to the ground then he shouted "In the name of Holy Father,the Savior Son, and the Sanctifying Spirit I address you by name Samael!" Paralysisstruck Samael and he could not move, but still howeled in bitter agony "HEis not hereSalem! HEwill not help you! You have no power over me mortal!" but Salem continuedunphased by the words of the fallen angel "In the name of the Holy Trinity I commandyou Samael! You have no place in this world and I command you to be gone!" Samaelbegan to twitch and spasm wildly "You have no power over me Salem! You cannotdefeat me! Your Lord is not here!!" but Salem still continued "I command you to be

    gone from this world! Go! and be cast into eternal darkness! Go! and be drowned in thewatery abyss! Go! and be burned in the inferal fires! Go! and be torn assunder in thethundering whirlwinds! By the power of the Holy Father i banish you from this worldback to the hell from whence you came! And there you shall remain until the end of daysand your final judgement comes! Now be gone!" Samael screamed unearthly cursesand cries as his body bursted in black flames that consumed him until finally hedisapperared.

    Salem watched as the Fallen Angel was banished back to the inferno, and thethoughts of what Lucifer's rebellion must have been like wondered through his mind.Lucifer, Samael, all the fallen, they were all once so beautiful, how hard it must havebeen to cast them down from Heaven, and watch them become the horrible creatures,

    that cursed the Holy father that they once loved so affectionatly. Now that afffection hadturned to resentment and even hate. He knew all to well what they felt, and knew thattheir desire for revenge would never cease, they would never give up, or repent theirsins. He knew now why he was chosen for this mission, so that he could be saved fromtheir fate, and become the emmissary from the Holy Father that would protect the worldfrom their sickness.

    Chapter lXDesperation

    "This drought leads onnow we're dancing for rain

    we drink the airbut its still not the same"

    -Dancing for Rain

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    With Samael banished back to the inferno, Salem felt a new strength withinhimself, and with it his will to fight had been restored, he would fight through this war,and save Alanael's soul at any cost, as penence for failing his oath to Alyak so manycenturies ago. He knew that all of hell would stand against him, and after casting downMichael he could probably expect very little help from on high, but he felt it in his soul,

    everything he was told him this is what he must do, and nothing would challenge hisresolve.Soon after his proclamation though, the sky darkend with black clouds again.

    Lightning struck the ground rapidly and the earth began to quake and tremble as thewinds sored up. A huge black fire began to sprawl across the ground killing the earthunder it, and out of the fire a dark figure arose. Salem could feel its power, it wasancient, tremendous, and starving for carnage. As the dark creature took form it spoke"Through the wastelands i slide, and though my skin is shed tonight, my fangs i cannothide, but know my hunger takes your life, no one will hear your cries, as all this worldwill wither and die" then the burning black creature raised its head "I am Lucian"

    His skin looked like charred black wood, his eyes were a burning red that glowed

    agaist the blackend steel mask that was his face. His figure was tall, taller than mostmortals atleast, and slender, and just the way he held himself seemed to be twisted, ordistorted, as black flames emminated from his body.

    Then he turned his masked face to Salem "And you who would dare to standagainst me, will be the first to witness my power"

    The unreal, terrifying power Salem felt come from him, raised the hair on hisneck. Still the warrior would not abandon his cause, as he raised his sword he spoke"Twisted son of the Fallen Firstborn, your power is great, but know that i shall not falter!You are vulnorable to death, as are we all, and i will strike you down and save theinnocent soul that gave her life for this purpose!" He charged forward, sword in hand,ready to strike down Lucian where he stood, but before he closed half the distance

    between them, He was blasted back and blown to the ground. "Foolish mortal". Lucianspoke "though i am subject to death now, i am no less powerful, and no fallen mortal'spathetic power will ever compare to mine". Still though Salem found the strength to pickhimself up from the ground. "So long as her soul is captive, i will never fall" heproclaimed. He raised his sword again and focused his power, the ground under himbegan to tremble, as he felt the air around him begin to heat up, and the ragnarokglowed red and coursed with power. He locked his eyes on Lucian, then leaped into theair and came down with with unearthly force upon Lucians burning face. The twistedcreature never flinched though, he stood there as if he felt nothing, and effortlessly heldSalem in the air. Then his dark hand reached out and grabbed Salem, his grip was likeiron, but painfully cold to the touch, it burned his skin like dry ice might have. "Patheticmortal" Lucian hissed "is this the best -HE- could offer to challenge me? You couldnever hope to stand against me". Then Salem felt the burning he felt where Lucian washolding him intensify and spread rapidly through his body. He felt as if he had been lit onfire, and the burning fire consumed his body, as he felt himself begin to twitch andspasm wildly in Lucians cold grasp. Then an even greater pain spread through his body,as he felt every bit of strength being pulled from his body, it felt as if his very life wasbeing sucked from him. He screamed in pain until finally Lucian released him bythrowing violently to the ground.

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    Laying there in the dirt, pain shot through ever inch of him, but his body felt limp.Every muscle he had failed him, and he felt as if every bone in his body had beenshattered under the unholy strength of Lucian. He struggled just to breath air into hislungs. Lying face down in the dirt he utter "I will not fail her" and with shear will power hepushed himself to rise again, he went to raise his sword again, but it felt so heavy now,

    but he summoned every bit of his strength and raised it once more.In a flash Lucian was right in front of him and picked him up by his sword hand,raising him to look at the unholy creature face to face "Worthless creature" Lucianhissed "Your very existence sickens me" then he struck, not at Salem but at theRagnarok and shattered the sword to pieces in a single blow, then he took hold ofSalem again and and unleashed a huge blast of demonic energy upon him. As Salemhit the ground once more he heard Lucian speak "Damned mortal, feel privilaged as youwill soon wittness my true power! This world, and Paradise too will burn in my crimsonflame!" The eath began to shake once more and the ground ripped open. Fire rushedout of the infernal chasm, spreading across the ground, engulfing everything asthousands of demons and infernal soldiers spewed from the rift to wage their war on the

    Holy Father.Salem, though horrified, could no longer find the strength to raise himself or fight,but he watched in terror as Lucian stepped into the infernal fires and began to tearpieces of his own body off and burn them into the fires. His self mutilation continued,then unspeakable horror dawned on Salem as he realized what was happening. Lucianbegan to grow and tower over the battle field as he shedded his physical body, hebecame another unholy creature. A huge, mishapen beast, with burning black skin andseven gruesome heads, with ten horns raised from them. Its burning red eyes, echoedto crimson fires of the inferno, its black claws were long as talons, and seven blackwings spread from its back.

    Lying there, face down in the dirt, bloodied and bruised, crippled in pain, all hope

    was lost. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind, there was no way to defeat this foe,and he wondered if he closed his eye, if he might wake up to his old world with Alyak athis side, and mearly sweat at this horrible nightmare.He knew it was not so though, the pain he felt all through his body was far to real. Whathurt more than any amount of physical pain though, was that he failed her again. Heswore his life and his soul for to protect her, but still she burned in the inferno, with thesins of an ungrateful world on her sholders, and he was powerless to save her. Tearsfell from his eyes as he summoned all of his strength just to pull his hands together andspeak "Holy Father. Forgive me, i have failed you again. But i weep not for my own life,but for her soul. If there is anyway, anyway at all to save her form the unholy fate castupon her, I beg you, to please save her and protect her, as i could not. Let me burn inher place, she as always followed you and is deserving of your love and grace, while iam far more worthy to burn. I offer my body and my soul for her's. May your will bedone. Amen"

    Chapter XFiliolus Sanctus Proeliator

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    "Here comes the waterit comes to wash away the sins of you and I

    like holy waterit only burns you faster than you'll ever dry"


    As Salem finished his dying prayer, he closed his eyes, and thought to himself,maybe it was all to much to begin with, or maybe he just didn't try hard enough. But theonly thing he cared about, as the infernal fires devoured everything and the demonsoldiers ran wild, was that the soul of Alanael be saved from hell at any cost.

    As his thoughts began to slip away, just as everything started to fade to black, hefelt the smallest drop of water touch his skin. He rolled over onto his back and struggledto open his eyes. The sky had clouded, and cool rain began to fall down to the earth. Ohhow long it had been since he felt the cool touch of water on his skin. Was this the Holy

    Fathers silent answer of comfort to his prayer? that her soul would be saved? Or could itbe the tear of all the angels, weeping because all hope was lost.In the distance he heard something. Something out of place, a whistling in the

    distance, growing closer. As his eyes began to focus, he saw the the sword of Micheal,come down from the heavens and strike the ground next to him. The sword was theweapon that only the Champion of Heaven could wield, and was sworn to vanquisheverything that was unpure under its holy flame. Was this the Holy Father answer tohim? Did he wish the him to continue his battle? If it meant the soul of Alanael he woulddo anything, but how was he supposed to continue this fight against this impossibleenemy when he was but moments from death? He could not even rise to raise thesword given to him.

    In a flash of light, Gabrieal appeared before him "Gabriael.." Salem uttered "Ithought you were dead. Blessed be, but you come for the wrong soul my friend. Please,i beg you, save her not me". Gabriael kneeled down and laid his hands upon Salem'sbloodied corps the shouted "Exsisto! Existo! Sanctus mile militis of Deus! Proeliator ofFides! RISE!" and with that the sky cracked open and a light shown down form the skyupon him and he felt an incredible new strength, unlike anything he had ever felt beforeflow through him, and a new will to stand and fight the enemies of the Heaven and savethe soul of Alanael with it. He stood up and took hold of the sword and prepared to facethe wrath of all of Hell alone if need be, but Gabriael stopped him. "Look brother." Hespoke, and out of the open sky they saw the holy fire of the almighty come down fromthe sky with an army of Cherubim and Powers with it. Then the Archangel Urielappeared before them, her features were hidden under burning white flames, but herwhite hair and luminous blue eyes still stood out through the fire. She faced Salem andreached out towards him, then the burning white fire that surrounded her, engulfedSalem too. He looked at his flaming limbs and body, but to his surprise, felt no pain, andsaw that his wounds were healed. As the fire around him exstinguished he saw theblade of the fiary sword egnight once more with the holy fire from on high.

    The Final battle was about to begin. With the Fiary Sword of Heaven raised andready, Salem stepped forward with, Gabriael and Uriel at his sides, and heavenly army

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    behind him. They charged forward to vanquish the infernal plague that had raped theworld.

    Lucian towered over the battlefield , crushing and devouring everything in hispath as his seven heads unleashed all of Hell's fury upon the world and every followerof the Holy Father. Salem leaped forward at the beast, and moved with an new inhuman

    dexterity and grace. But the beast was strong, and driven by eons of resentment andhatred. He came down upon Salem with his crushing strength, but with his new strengthand will to fight Salem held the creature at bay, then finally threw him back and swungat him with the fiary sword. All seven heads of the beast shrieked an earth shaking roarin frustration then came down and unleashed a flood of fire upon everything surroundindthem, but Salem took the flamming blade and cut through the fires and slashed acrossthe unholy beast' chest spilling black ichor that burned through the ground . The beasthoweld in pain and fury as each of his heads came down and snapped at Salem,knocking him onto his back, the beast jumped on top of him, pushing him into theground, and its foul drooling jaws stoppedd just over Salem's body, held back by thefiary sword. Then Salem struck the beast again, driving the fiary sword into its side. The

    Unholy beast staggered back as it shrieked in pain.Rage and fury filled the prince of Hell, he howled in hatred the shouted "I will notbe defeated!!" and snarled "I will destroy everything!!" He took flight with his seven hugedark wings "Everything will burn!!" he screamed "Angels and Demons alike! nothing willbe left!! Nothing!!" He laid unholy fire to earth, and crimson flame engulfed everything.Salem heard the cries of both angels and demons on the battlefield as the burned in thesea of fire as far as the eye could see. Salem thought he saw the cursed beast smile,even if Lucian could not defeat him, he would destroy everything and take it all with him,nothing, no one would survive. It was a cowards way to escape, being unable to acceptdefeat, but still Salem was surrounded by fire and burning corpses with no way out.

    Then he felt hand take hold of him and lift him into the air, he looked up and saw

    Gabrieal above him lifting him high into the air above the battlefield, and hurled himwith tremendous force, at Lucian. For the first time Salem saw a strong fierceness in thenormally docile angel. Perhaps he always knew that fierceness was in Gabrieal, butGabriael always had such a refined manner it was easy to overlook the warrior he trulywas. In the air he braced himself and arced the fiary sword, then finally made contactwith the beast and pierced the flamming sword through his foul beating heart and as thecrashed to the burning ground he pinned him there, supine, and the beast howeled inhorrible agony as he bleed out and black ichor spurted and gushed everywhere.Surrounded by crimson fire on all sides the beast hissed "Your holy father has no powerover me!! As powerful as you are, you can still not strike a mortal blow against me! allyour efforts ar futile!" The beast snarled and continued "perhaps i cannot defeat you, buti dont have to! you still cannot stop me from ending all life in this miserable world!Everything will still burn!!"

    The truth of this began to settle in Salem, it seemed they were at a stalemate. Firecornered them on all sides and all that was good was burnning. Once again Salembegan to feel weak, he began to feel the ache in his muscles, and the sweat burning inhis eyes. His sword began to feel heavy and the thick smoke burned in his chest withevery breath. Still though all he could think of was Alanaels soul, and how she must be

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    save at all cost. He would not rest or ever give up until she was free. Then Gabriael andUriel came through the fire and took hold of the beast, blinding light shined where theymade contact with him and Lucian shrieked in pain once more. "Now!" Gabriael cried.Be filled with the power of the Holy Father and all the holy Holy Trinity and strike downthis down this abomination!" A radiant light began to shine from Salems body as a holy

    purity came upon him. He took hold of the fiary sword and raised it high, then camedown upon the unholy beast with the holy force of the Father and finally cut through thebeast with a mortal blow. All seven heads roared in the horrible agony of a mortal deathas his body began to tremble and turn to ash until finally nothing was left.

    Chapter XlAbsolution

    "I'm not after fame or fourtune

    I'm after youwhen I've served my time

    I sweareI'll come back for you"

    As the infernal rift reclaimed all the demonic soldiers, Salem stared down into it, hearingtheir hidious cries and shrieks. Gabriael came behind him and said "Blessed be. Youhave served us well brother". But Salem paid no mind to him, his mission had not yetbeen complete. He stared down at the infernal prison that he had escaped, and in it was

    the soul of his lost love that he so desperately fought to save. The flames reflected intoin his eyes, and he remember his final sin from his past life, he remembered staringdown at his burning city from the high cliffs, then throwing himself into the fires. Heremembered the heat of the flames, and the burden of knowing he would be damned tohell for his sins. Staring down into the inferno he felt the same flames, and he knew thatonce there, there was no hope of escape. But down there in the inferno was the soul ofthe one he loved and he swore to protect. Nothing would stand between him and savingher. He looked back silently at Gabriael and the angel cried out! " Salem no! We won'tbe able to retrieve you past those cursed gates!" but it was already to late, Salemstepped forward and cast himself into the infernal fires.

    As he dove head first through the rings of tortured souls, and howling demons, theirscreams and shrieks pierced him, but he would not falter. There in the lake of burningsulfur, he saw his beloved. He reached out to her, and as she took his hand they werereunited and he felt for the first time in centuries, release. But it was short live, thedemon king, the Fallen Firstborn himself came before them. He was hugmongous,towering above all as the deity of the Inferno. His great horns were covered in flames,his body was covered in thick black fur, and each of his six great wings was hugeenough to black out the sky by itself. "You think you can betray me!!!" He roared, his

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    voice like thunder. "Fool!! There is no return from this prison but through me!!! You willnever escape!!!" His voice thundered and hundreds of thousands of demons surroundedSalem and Alanael. "DEVOUR THEM" Lucifer roared. But Salem showed no fear, neveragain would he be sepparated from her side, never again would he fail to protect her,never again would he allow any harm to come to her. He would slay every demon in

    Hell and Lucifer himself if thats what it took. Nothing would stop him from keeping hisoath to her!

    He charged forward, fiary sword in hand, as he hacked and slashed his way throughdozens of demons one after another. He would let none of them lay one foul finger onher. He fought and faught with unequalled might against the endless storm of demons,he never tired, but continued to fight, even after one demon thrusted its foul clawthrough his torso he did not even slow down. He would never give way to mortal pain,as he continued to slay demon after demon, refusing to let even one infernal creaturenear her. He faught savagely and unrelentingly, slaying every demon that threwthemselves at him. Never would he allow himself to fall again. Lucifer threw his great fist

    down at Salem but the warrior still never faltered, he braced himself under the blow andheld the Devil himself at a stalemate "FOOL!!!" Lucifer roared "there is no escape fromthis prison!!! you will be damned here for all eternity!!!". But Salem still never faltered, hewould never give up again. Nothing would ever take her from him again.

    Then a great ray of light shined down, casting light on all the inferno, and the great king,crowned on high, that once before conquored the inferno in his three days, came down,shining so bright that none in Hell could lay eyes upon him. Lucifer roared and howeledin rage and fury as, the shining one took both Alanael and Salem by the hands andraised them from the inferno back to the world of man.

    When Salem open his eyes, he saw Gabriael and Uriel kneeling before the crownedone. Then the crowned one took hold of Alanael and they both began to accend toHeaven. Salem looked up at her one last time as they accended, her face soimmaculate, and her golden amber eyes shining so brightly, he felt relief, after a life oftrials and test for her and an afterlife of going to hell and back to save her, it was finallyover. It was all worth it. Even if his sins and defiance would keep him from seeing her inHeaven, just knowing she was there, where she belonged was all he needed. As hewatched her disappear into the light he whispered his final words "I love you"

    Then he turned to Gabriael "it is done my friend" he spoke so calmly "her soul is whereit belongs and i can finally rest in piece" "No!" Gabriael caught him "there is still onemore task to be done". Salem laid down, his body now so badly fatigued his couldhardly bare to stand and he calmly spoke "What do you ask of me? You have taken herto Heaven, and for that i am indepted to you and our Holy Father. I give myself to him,to carry out his will" Gabriael smiled "Behold! my brother comes!" and a light shineddown from the sky and the Archangel Raphael came down.

    Like his brothers and sister Raphael had luminous skin, and glowing blue eyes, his lightbrown hair hung just under his strong jaw, and his build was slender and toned, slightly

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    smaller than Gabriael, but just as tall. He looked different than the other Archangels insome way. Michael, and Uriel, now that Salem could see her but had a diciplened lookabout them, they looked like they had a warrior's essence about them, and weresomewhat rubust and Gabriael, though he seemed more refined in manner, and had asomewhat gentle look about him, but something of that hidden fierceness still lingered in

    him. Raphael though, though still similar in stature did not seem so threatening, hisappearence was somewhat welcoming and inviting, not like a fighter.

    Raphael came before Salem and spoke in a surprisingly loud and strong voice, but stillsomehow gentle and comforting, as he laid his hands upon Salem, Salem felt all thepain and fatigue of his battles begin to fade, and his wounds began to heal instantly ashe began to speak "Soldier of the Holy Father in the name of the Holy Father, the SaviorSon, and the Sactifying Spririt, I Raphael, voice of the Father, come before you andabsolve you of your sins. I make you pure!" Light began to shine from Salem and he felta holiness come upon him as Raphael continued to speak "Ego nomen vos Vindex ofDeus! In the the name of the Holy Father i name you Avenger of the Holy Father! Rise

    Ultorael! Rise brother! and take your place among us! Wield the Fiary Sword as theAlmighty's Champion and live forever with us in the eternal kingdom of light! Rise Now!"

    As he arose from his knees, he felt the horrible burden of sin lifted from him, and whatwas the purity of sactifying grace come from within him. For the first time he spread sixmagnificent white wings and took flight. As he accended to the gates of Heaven he oncemore saw the beautiful face of Alanael there to welcome him.

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