  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Two of Swords


    Aries sometimes gets a bad rap for being selfish, but the truth is that you are actually a very moral

    person with a strong sense of wrong and right. This month you'll be thinking more outside yourself and

    sympathizing with coworkers and colleagues. The administrative assistant who just found out her

    boyfriend was unfaithful will fill your heart with genuine sympathy. Your boss, who typically is worthy of

    disdain in your eyes, will seem more human when you find out his mother is sick. This is a wonderful

    period in which to form a deeper connection with your 9 to 5 compatriots.


    If there's one thing you've noticed throughout 2014 (which is already reaching its final quarter), it's that

    you aren't as enthralled with one night stands as you once were. This maturation phase has been slowly

    yet steadily growing within you for quite a while now. And, to be sure, it's quite likely that you haven't

    been in a long relationship for a while. Many an Aries has found love by this time and it may be puzzling

    you why you haven't yet found that special someone. But you will find them, Aries, and they'll be even

    more special than you could have ever dreamed.

    In Love

    This month you'll try to take more of an interest in the hobbies and pastimes of your partner. What a

    nice Aries you are! We forget about how selfless your sign is when it wants to be. You may hate the

    opera, and yet you'll find yourself holding those ridiculous mini-binoculars and trying to figure which one

    Carmen is. You may think Survivor is for idiots, but there you'll be, cuddled up on the couch watching

    the entire DVR'd season just to make your sweetheart happy.

    FinancesThis month you'll be thinking about debt, but not in the way you might imagine. You won't be concerned

    with friends or relations that owe you moneyinstead you'll be thinking about those who YOU owe

    money to. The desire to clear your debt and become more trustworthy is very strong right now and

    you'll succeed admirably. You may even feel guilt about still owing money to those giant faceless

    corporations. Whatever the case, just make sure you pace yourself when clearing your name. You don't

    want to be down and out for a month just so Capital One can make a bit more pocket change.


    Your physical strength and endurance is very high right now, making this a perfect time to burst through

    the plateaus you've reached in your fitness regimen. Aries is a sign that thrives on activity and this year

    has been uneven in terms of energy. But now you're starting to feel like a real Aries again and nothing

    can stand in the way on your path toward peak physical form. Naturally, you don't want to push yourselfpast the breaking point, but if anybody knows where that point is, it's an Aries.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: XV The Devil


    Beware of friction with coworkers this month. There is a good chance that one of your colleagues will

    have a beef with you over something that you're barely even aware of. It may have been an offhand

    comment you made in the break room, or perhaps this person feels you are riding them too hard. Either

    way, try not to exacerbate the problem and make it worse. We're all adults here and we need to be able

    to use our inside voices and solve problems in a mature way. Taurus is a sign that can explode with

    anger sometimes. That is something you certainly do not want to do in this case.


    Make sure to schedule some time this month to hang out with friends. The chances of you meeting a

    new partner through a group of old, longtime mates is very high. Normally a Taurus might shun a night

    out even with his or her dearest friends, if it means being tired or hungover for work the next day. But

    it's quite likely you haven't seen your besties in a while and you should feel free to reconnect with them.

    The possibility of meeting a wonderful person is just icing on the cake.

    In Love

    Any relationship that has been stagnant for a while is on shaky terrain this month. You'll have more than

    a bit of frustration relating to the fact that your partner doesn't seem keen on taking things to the next

    level. If you've been seeing one another for months and haven't yet gone steady, you may offer an

    ultimatum. This is understandable, but be careful of pushing too hard. If you've been dating for, say, a

    year and you expect a marriage proposal, you might end up ruining everything.


    As with last month, the desire to improve your living arrangements will continue to eat up a tidy sum of

    money. But if there is one sign that is good at avoiding overspending, it's wily Taurus. And look on the

    bright side: Once your project is completed, you'll feel much better about yourself and the place that

    you call home. That sort of self-satisfaction is priceless and it leads to confidence in other parts of your

    life too. So push forward on that new bathroom project. It will pay for itself many times over.


    We only get one set of eyes when we come into this world, Taurus, and it is important that we take

    care of them as much as possible. Don't worry, we're not saying that you're at risk for getting your eyes

    poked out this month. But do be aware of certain factors that could contribute to macular

    degeneration, because October will make that fact known. This may be the first time in your life that

    you realize you need glasses. Hopefully it will be something more minor, such as a small sty that can be

    taken care of with just a bit of topical cream. Whatever the case, just remember to appreciate yourpeepers.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Nine of Cups


    This month your work and personal life will collide in quite a few unexpected ways. But don't be afraid:

    It won't be anything as bad as, say, your boss dating your ex-wife. Instead, you'll find that work friends

    are gradually becoming personal friends. There may also be some work parties on the horizon that will

    allow some more camaraderie between you and your colleagues. Your friends outside of work will be

    given opportunities to meet your coworkers as well. Geminis who like to keep these two worlds

    separate will have to work a bit harder to that end, but at least there are no negative consequences



    You'll be more attracted to so-called educated people during this time. Someone who can espouse the

    virtues of modern art, or talk at length about the repercussions of the French Revolution will seem very

    sexy in your eyes. But before you vow undying love for the professor with patches on the elbows of his

    blazer, you should know that this relationship is likely to be short-lived. Don't put your heart on the line,

    but do feel free to enjoy some refreshing, interesting conversation. It isn't so much the person that

    you'll truly fancy as much as it is the idea that there are people out there that have more to offer than

    just physical attractiveness.

    In Love

    Conversation will be very important to you during this period, and if you're in a relationship with

    someone who isn't a fan of discourse, you may run into some problems. Try to meet your partner

    halfway on this, though. It isn't her fault if she doesn't know about the drawbacks of the nickel offense.

    He shouldn't be blamed if he doesn't know how to break down the act structure of Othello. As long as

    they're at least trying to hold a conversation with you, it should be seen as a step in the right direction.


    Expect to meet someone who will be a source of great advice on all matters regarding finances. This

    may be a CPA at a party (yes, THEY go out and have fun too) or perhaps a chance meeting in a more

    professional environ. Whatever the case, this will be a great learning experience in which you'll be able

    to glean plenty of great info about your taxes, stocks and bonds, investments, and so forth. If you take

    some of this knowledge and put it forth in your own financial situation, you'll be able to reap plenty of



    Nutritional deficiency can rear its head this month if you aren't careful to maintain a proper diet. Pay

    particular attention to your levels of iron and protein. If your skin and hair feel unhealthy, or if yournails are brittle and weak, try to increase your consumption of meat and raw, leafy vegetables. It is also

    recommended that you consider taking a multivitamin. In a perfect world we could get all our

    necessary nutrients from the food we consume, but we are not living in a perfect world.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: Knight of Cups


    The days will seem longer while at work all throughout October. Be prepared, Cancer, because boredom

    will reign supreme. Even worse, the sun will set earlier and make you feel as if you've spent an eon

    sitting at the same dull desk performing the same dull tasks. Some Cancers will even go as far as

    considering other sources of employment. But hang tough, Cancer: This soul-crushing ennui should pass

    even before October ends, and by the end of the month you'll find yourself back in the groove again.


    This month you'll be much more likely to fall for a single parent. Be careful when treading this ground.

    It's a wholly different arena than dating someone who has no kids. Not only do you have to win over this

    potential partner, but you also must shine in the eyes of the children. And many of these children are

    dealing with very difficult issues that you may or may not be able to relate to; issues like trust, the idea

    of love, and so forth. You should only proceed forth if you feel you can make the situation better. There

    is no need to exacerbate an already difficult condition.

    In Love

    Expect to be a bit more possessive this month when it comes to your partner. It goes without saying that

    this sort of emotion can be very toxic to a relationship. You will be more likely to balk when your partner

    says she's going out for a girls' night on the town. Or you might bristle with jealousy when your lover

    says he's just gonna throw some back with the guys. Try to rein in any outbursts that may occur and

    instead tell your partner that you trust him or her and you know that they'll do the right thing. Trust is

    essential to a relationship and letting your partner know that they have your trust is a great way to bring

    the two of you closer together.


    Cancers with children will be filled with the desire to spoil their little ones beyond belief. County fairs,

    amusement parks, video game consoles, and other expensive diversions will eat a hole in your bank

    account if you aren't careful. And of course the more children you have the more you'll have to shell out.

    But if you can keep everything in moderation, there is no reason why you shouldn't bestow your love

    upon your kids. After all, they're only young once and some of these activities can turn into fond

    memories down the road that you'll always be able to share with them.


    Cancers are prone to weight gain around the midsection and, as a cruel twist of fate, this is one of the

    hardest areas in which to burn fat. But this month your metabolism will be increased and any Cancer

    who is willing to get back on that fitness routine will be happy to see that the pounds are practicallymelting away during this time. If you combine the exercise with a more balanced diet you'll see even

    faster and more impressive results. Say goodbye to that belly, Cancer!

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: Three of Swords


    Misunderstandings and miscommunication is something to look out for this month at the workplace,

    Leo. If you aren't quite sure of the orders given to you, don't be afraid to ask your boss to repeat them.

    The same goes for the rumor mill: Gossip at the workplace could have a negative effect on your ability to

    get the job done. This is one of those rare months where it might actually benefit you to keep to

    yourself and just focus on your tasks, ignoring the activity that goes on around you.


    October is a great month to put yourself out there in the hopes of meeting someone who is not only

    attractive to you but also shares the same type of interests that you have. While there will be fewer

    potential lovers to encounter, the ones that do come into your life will be more compatible with you.

    And several of these people will be the ones to go up to you and begin the conversation, which is always

    a nice change of pace from having to do it yourself.

    In Love

    The influence of Pluto and Capricorn will be working tandem in an effort to ground you. This

    Earth-oriented coupling will remind you that you need to level yourself out and cool down a bit. While it

    may hamper your productivity just the slightest bit, it will work wonders for your relationship. This is a

    time in which you'll be able to bond with your partner in a much more casual and carefree way, with less

    intensity and more warmth. Leos who are in a relationship with Earth signs will feel even more of the



    You'll also be a bit more relaxed about finances. Fortunately, you should be in a relatively healthy

    position in regards to money, so that alone will help you to be less concerned about fiscal issues. But

    even abstract concepts related to finances, which have been occupying your mind on and off for the

    past few months, will not seem as pressing or important. Remember, we all need money to live but

    money is not the reason why we are alive. Try to focus on the lasting, more impermeable aspects of life,



    Expect to have a much better overall level of comfort this month, Leo. Your body will be happy to take a

    breather and relax and it will do wonders for any Leos who have been suffering from stress. You'll be

    more emotionally comfortable as well, and your clear head will allow you to deal with any problems

    that come your way with ease and efficiency. It's a happy time for you, Leo, and you owe it to yourself

    to enjoy it fully. After all, a clean bill of health is the greatest gift we can receive.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: VII The Chariot


    Compromise will play a big part in your work life this month. While Virgos are often sure that their way

    is the best possible course of action, the very definition of teamwork dictates that others should have a

    say as well. While you no doubt understand this (you wouldn't have come so far in your career if you

    haven't learned how to work as a team), you'll nonetheless have to relearn this skill throughout October.

    And who knows, you might discover that a few coworkers have some brilliant ideas of their own and

    strike up some new friendships as a result.


    The chance of meeting someone special is strong this month and the area in which you're likely to meet

    this person revolves around food. Perhaps you might meet an attractive young bartender who takes a

    shining to you and comps you a few drinks? Maybe the cashier at the co-op will notice the eyes you've

    been making at her the past few months. Whatever the case, keep your eyes peeled and your appetite

    high. Food and love go hand in hand even in the worst of times, but right now we're in the best of times,


    In Love

    This month you'll be concerned about the health of your partner. Is he eating too many salty, fatty foods?

    Does she drink like a fish? Virgos are known to be naggers at times, and you'll be walking a pretty

    precarious tightrope if you start coming down on your partner's health and fitness. Try for a light touch

    to make sure things go smoothly. Instead of telling your lover that he needs to drop twenty pounds,

    invite him to go jogging with you. Plant the bug in his ear.

    FinancesThis is a terrific month to network. If you've been contemplating any investments, wait just a bit and see

    if you can't find any like-minded folks who might be willing to throw their lot in with you. Not only are

    you primed for a great boost in income, but your ability to convince others of the brilliance of your

    financial ideas is very high. As for what to invest in, it seems you'll have the best luck in areas of

    telecommunication and computers. Invest wisely, but invest confidently.


    You'll be thinking a lot about not only your partner's physical fortitude but your own as well. And some

    Virgos may find that they're pointing the finger at someone else's bad habits while neglecting their own.

    But whatever the case, this is definitely a good time to start paying more attention to your body. You

    may not always like what you find, but that's what is so miraculous about the human body: Most things

    that you dislike can be changed with just a little exercise and the slightest bit of self-discipline.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: Knight of Wands


    You'll be a bit more vocal in your criticism when you feel like something isn't right at the workplace. It's

    important to take a stance on what is right and to voice your opinion, but there is a fine line between

    standing up for the little guy and being a blowhard. There is a time and place to rock the boat, and rarely

    does a work environment fit the bill. If you truly are taking umbrage over a certain matter, why not

    discuss it personally with your boss rather than riling up dissent and putting your job in jeopardy?


    This month your heart will be wide open, ready to receive the love of virtually anybody. Needless to say

    this is dangerous terrain. You aren't thinking as clearly as you might, thanks to the Lunar Eclipse in your

    sign this month, and these muddled thoughts could set you up for heartache. Even if you're not the type

    to go home with somebody on the first date (and Libras are rarely the type) you may still find yourself

    being wooed more easily than normally. Short of avoiding dates altogether this month, try to remind

    yourself that you're in a fragile position and that you aren't thinking clearly. Another good idea would be

    to insist on double dates so that you can have a friend handy to help you keep from making mistakes.

    In Love

    Libras in a relationship will be filled with self-doubt this month. You'll wonder if your partner really loves

    you as much as they purport to. There may be actual instances where it is reasonable to feel this way,

    but in most cases this will just be a bit of insecurity on your part. Of course, it would help to talk frankly

    with your lover and ask them how they feel about you. This can provide some much needed reassurance

    without forcing you to seem desperate, needy, or clingy.

    FinancesBe careful when handling your money this month. It will be very easy to lose or misplace currency. You

    might want to check the couch or chair for loose change whenever you get up from a sitting position.

    When pulling your keys or phone out of your pocket, scan the floor to make sure that no bills have fallen

    out. When going to a restaurant or movie theater, keep your purse close at all times. With any luck, your

    absent-minded proclivities this month will not result in any major loss of income.


    Take care of your body this month because your health will be just a bit compromised. This doesn't

    mean that you'll be breathing out of an iron lung by the end of October, but you will want to be a bit

    more vigilant when dealing with people who are obviously suffering from the cold or flu. Stock up on

    vitamin C and other virus-busters. Also, those Libras who live in colder areas where the Fall weather has

    already become blustery and chilly should take heed and bundle themselves up extra well.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: V The Hierophant


    While you've been making great strides in becoming more sociable and friendly at work, there are still

    times when you simply must be a bit more authoritarian. If you're a Scorpio in a managerial position (of

    which there are plenty), this will be just such a time. Workers who are slacking off or trying to

    undermine your position will need to be dealt with efficiently. And it so happens that your sign is the

    most adept at putting the fear of God in the hearts of anyone who isn't carrying their weight. Finally, an

    opportunity to use that natural Scorpio wrath to good effect!


    While the workplace will be something of a war zone, you'll be happy to know that you can let both your

    hair down and your guard down in the dating world. You'll be more open and honest when meeting new

    people and this will ingratiate them toward you in a great way. Even friends who have known you for

    quite some time will enjoy this warmer and more amiable Scorpio. Of course, you'll still have a

    lightning-fast sense of humor and you'll still be a sarcastic twist when you want to be, but there will be

    more balance, which is always a good thing.

    In Love

    Prepare for a great month with your sweetheart, Scorpio. It is recommended that you figure out some

    way to arrange a private trip with just the two of you. It needn't be anything overly expensive, just as

    long as it is a different scenery than you two are used to. Perhaps a theatrical play or a sporting event?

    Whatever you choose, it will be something new that you can both experience together as relative

    neophytes. This will help to reaffirm the idea that it is the two of you alone against this great big world.

    FinancesThis will be a ho-hum month as far as your money is concerned. There won't be any massive upswing in

    income, but conversely there won't be any scary surprises awaiting you either. In short, this is a time in

    which you can just put financial matters on autopilot and enjoy other aspects of your life. The money

    will be there waiting for you when you want to return to it, but in the meantime enjoy some quality time

    with the people you love. Visit your family and watch a movie with your sweetheart.


    As we reach the final months of 2014, you will most likely feel as if you haven't accomplished as much

    as you would have liked. But this is fallacious thinking, Scorpio. You had an uncommonly difficult 2013

    and 2014 has been a process of building you back up into a more mature, somewhat more friendly

    person. You've progressed a lot, even if you haven't noticed it. The reason we bring this up is because

    your sign is prone to depression. But you must remember that there is nothing to be depressed aboutright now.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: Two of Pentacles


    This month you'll be given a wise piece of advice from a sagacious individual that you know in some sort

    of workplace capacity. There is no telling what kind of information this person intends to bestow upon

    you (or indeed if it is just one person. It might be a group of people) but it is recommended that you

    follow their advice. While Sagittarius enjoys doing things his or her way, it can often be a blessing to

    have someone with experience give us a push in the right direction.


    Any Sagittarius who is traveling this month will be very excited to learn that the stars portend a great

    chance of romance outside of the town that you call home. Perhaps a business trip will turn into a

    pleasure trip without even knowing it! But just because you didn't book a flight to Phoenix doesn't mean

    that you'll have to miss out on someone special. Why not just take in the sights of the nearest town over?

    Or perhaps take a short drive to Wine Country? Whatever landmark is near you may be the perfect spot

    to meet a person with whom you'll have great chemistry.

    In Love

    Sagittarius is one of the most understanding signs in the Zodiac. It's the reason why you have so many

    friends. You can relate to people from all walks of life and you genuinely are interested in their lives. But

    this month you'll be a bit off the radar when it comes to your partner. Communication will be a bit

    lacking and he or she will seem like some kind of unbreakable code that only a Tatiana Proskouriakoff

    could ever decipher. Don't become overly concerned, however: By the end of October, when combative

    Mars is fully out of your sign, the two of you will be on the same page again.

    FinancesThis is a great month as far as long term investments are concerned. While we all would prefer a good

    old fashioned get rich quick scheme, the sad truth is that they are often just that: Schemes. And rarely

    does anybody get rich with them, except for the person at the top of the pyramid. But a little patience

    pays off and a long term investment is almost always a safer bet. Don't shrug off any such opportunity

    this month just because you're too impatient to wait for the payoff. You may be passing on a get rich

    slowly scheme.


    This month you'll be more susceptible to vice than usual and you would be well-served to avoid any

    temptations of that sort until October blows over. The risk of becoming addicted to pornography, or

    shopping, or booze is higher right now and it can threaten to ruin all that you've worked so hard for up

    to this point. Remember that these things are not only bad for the body but bad for the mind as well.As such, you should be doubly vigilant against succumbing to such pastimes.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Ten of Cups


    We all know that Capricorn is a wonderfully productive worker, but not all of us know how funny you

    can be in those moments when you're inclined to crack wise. This month your amiable side will be in full

    force as you entertain those around you. Many will be surprised at your comic timing, and this is a great

    time to foster a deeper friendship with acquaintances. You've no doubt noticed that this year has been

    full of growth in this arena, and October will continue this happy pattern.


    Capricorns will also notice that their conversational abilities are improved vis a vis romance as well. It

    will be considerably easier for you to chat up potential mates and get to know them. Instead of

    retreating into your shell when a pretty woman or handsome man comes up to you, you'll be able to

    speak to them without intimidation. This is thanks in part to Mars, which enters your sign this month

    and brings with it plenty of confidence and bravado no matter which gender you belong to.

    In Love

    You'll desire to spend more time with family this month and this can either be a good thing or a bad

    thing, depending on how your partner feels about your kin. Many Capricorns will find that they can grow

    closer to their lover after spending some real family time together. It will be almost like a rehearsal for

    your own family in the future. But others will see that their partner may not be as keen on the idea of

    settling down as they themselves are. Hopefully your situation reflects the former.


    You may be more likely to make rash purchasing decisions this month, but it won't be a major problem

    for you. You see, a sign like Aries has a much more impetuous streak when it comes to spending money.

    They'll trade a whole dairy farm for magic beans. But for you, a spending spree means forking over an

    extra five bucks for the name brand garden hose instead of the generic one. Feel free to spend a little on

    yourself, Capricorn. You've progressed a lot this year and you deserve to be rewarded.


    You'll be more inclined to improve your diet this month, which is of course wonderful news, and just in

    time for the holidays, when everybody else lets their diet go to pot. Your body will be much relieved to

    hear that you're forswearing the greasy fried dough that you love so much and instead opting for

    complex carbohydrates and fresh veggies. Of course, that doesn't mean you should punish yourself. A

    danish every now and then isn't a cardinal sin, and it will help keep you from binge eating sweets in a

    moment of weakness.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Eight of Pentacles


    October will bring with it plenty to be happy about as far as work is concerned. It will seem as if the

    hours just melt by with each passing day. You'll be in a good mood, refreshed, productive, and full of

    cheer. What's more, there's a distinct possibility that a new face in the office may become a great friend

    to you. It most likely won't be romantic, but the average Aquarius values platonic friends more than

    romantic ones anyway. No matter how you slice it, this is going to be a good month for your career



    2014 has been a very abnormal year for Aquarius. This is the first time in a while where you've actively

    considered the possibility of settling down once and for all. In truth, many Aquarians will already be in a

    relationship by this time of the year. But if you're still single, it's quite likely that you are feeling the urge

    to meet that true love that everybody talks about so much. And this is a great month to do it. The

    possibilities are out there, Aquarius. If you're truly intent on trying out the monogamy game, the time is


    In Love

    The desire to expand your circle will be strong this month, which is somewhat rare for an Aquarius. It's

    difficult enough to get someone of your sign to settle down in the first place, much less take things a

    step further. But this month you'll want to enhance the love you and your partner have in any way

    possible. While it isn't likely that you'll want to start trying for children, it isn't out of the question that a

    pet might be a distinct possibility. Your partner will probably be more than happy about this: It's an

    extra form of insurance against you packing up and leaving out of the blue.


    You may wish to spend a bit extra on home furnishings this month, and since the odds are very high that

    you're in a comfortable financial standing at the moment, you should feel free to go forth with it.

    Aquarians in a relationship will be even more inclined to make their house a home, and they'll have the

    added benefit of a happy partner to help them with it. Do avoid spending too much money on

    extraneous things, such as designer plungers or what have you. This is another reason why having a

    flatmate or lover assisting you would be a good idea.


    You run the risk of lung ailments this month so make sure that you bundle up extra well when stepping

    out into the breezy October air. Many an Aquarius has suffered from pneumonia at some point in their

    lives and if this describes you, you should be extra careful. Make no mistake: Pneumonia is a killer and ifyour lungs are already compromised you can't afford another bout with the disease. Any Aquarius who

    is foolish enough to smoke cigarettes should consider kicking the habit once and for all.

  • 8/11/2019 October Astro Forecast 2014


    12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: XI Justice


    Productivity is a double-edged sword. You've been showing your talents at work throughout the year

    and your superiors have caught wise to what an efficient worker you are. And how do they repay that

    dedication? That's right: With more work. This is going to be a busy month, Pisces, and there may be

    days when you feel overwhelmed. But don't worry, you'll push through and be all the better for it at the

    end of the month. Pace yourself and don't lose your cool. Everything will work out swimmingly.


    This month you'll be more attracted to somebody who can make you laugh, or at the very least smile.

    You'll have a particular affinity for anybody under the sign Sagittarius, but even a fellow Pisces who

    knows how to tell a good joke will immediately appear on your radar. Female Pisceans will notice this

    more than their male counterparts, but whatever your sex, the message will be the same: Having a good

    time and enjoying yourself is the key to making it through this somewhat difficult month.

    In Love

    There won't be as much time to kick back and enjoy a quiet night with your partner this month, but

    luckily the time you two spend together will be free of strife and anger. Part of it will be due to the fact

    that the two of you may be too tired to exhaust energy by pointing out one another's faults. But more

    importantly you will begin to see plenty to appreciate in each other. Though you will see one another

    less this month, you will grow closer together. Ironic, sure, but sometimes that's the way it works.


    You'll be more appreciative of the qualities of a good meal at a fine restaurant, and any free time you do

    manage to wrangle will most likely be spent at just such an establishment. But fine dining can get pretty

    expensive pretty quickly, especially if you're footing the bill for not only yourself but your partner and

    possibly your children. Everything in moderation, Pisces. And remember, a good way to take a chunk out

    of that bill is to avoid ordering any alcoholic beverages. They're overpriced and often watered down



    Any Pisces who has recently restarted a workout routine will be dismayed to learn that you may have to

    backslide just a bit. You won't have as much time to dedicate yourself to fitness, and the time you do

    have will more likely be spent recuperating from the vicissitudes of work. Yes, life can be unfair

    sometimes but don't lose heart. Though you may put a few pounds back on, the rest of the year will be

    much easier as far as your workload is concerned and you'll be able to get back in fighting shape soon


    Renae and Paul Metaphysics AcademyAddress: 135 Middle Road, Byland Building, #05-09, Singapore 188975

    Contact: +65 93660272 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

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