Page 1: OCTOBER 29, 2017 - Annunciation Catholic 29, 2017  · October 29, 2017 The Law of Moses,


OCTOBER 29, 2017




PASTOR: Fr. Tony Rinaldo, 573-796-4842 [email protected]

Emergency Contact for Fr. Tony: St. Andrew's Church 660-433-2162 DEACON: Ed Schepers, 573-694-9331 [email protected]

PARISH OFFICE: 573-796-4842 or [email protected], Hall 796-3568 Open Mondays 8 AM to1 PM & Tuesdays 8:30 AM to12:00 PM

Phone and Email messages always welcome

PASTORAL MINISTER: Sr. Mary Ruth Wand, [email protected] 796-2654

PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Evelyn Jobe, 301-4945, [email protected]




BAPTISMS: By appointment. Please call for Parental Sacrament Preparation

WEDDINGS: Please contact at least 4 months in advance

RECONCILIATION: Saturdays @ 3:15 PM before Mass – Sundays @ 9:30 AM or by appt.


Sat. Oct 28 4 PM Tony Taube & Cory Kramel Sun. Oct 29 10:30 AM Parish/John &

Pauline Rudroff Sun. Oct 29 NOON Spanish Tue. Oct 31 8 AM Gertie Leonard Thu. Nov 2 8 AM All Souls of Parish Sat. Nov 4 4 PM Parish/ David

Haldiman Sun. Nov 5 10:30 AM Jim Martin Sun. Nov 5 NOON Spanish


Mon. Oct 30 5:45 PM Prayer of the Holy Rosary

8 PM AA-ALNON Tue. Oct 31 6:30 PM RCIA Wed. Nov 1 7 PM All Saints Day Mass (St Andrews)

8:15 PM Mustard Seed Thur. Nov 2 8 AM All Souls Day Mass 6 PM All Souls Day Mass (Spanish/English) Fri. Nov 3 First Friday - Adoration

STEWARDSHIP – OUR GIFT TO GOD Monthly Goal: $23,100.00

1st week: $ 7,225.26 2nd week: $ 3,012.11 3rd week: $ 5,854.00 World Missions: $ 552.00 Stipends: $ 35.00 Memorial (Charlotte Baker): $ 280.00 Short of Goal: $ 7,008.63

Pray for the Sick: Leo Maasen (father of Rosina Loethen and Beverly Frank); Ron Pitstick (brother of Mary Ann Wasser); Dale Percival; Floyd Cain; Bob Taylor; Jim Wand; Aimee George; Linda Bestgen; E.R. Scheidt; Brook Ziehmer; Cara Haddad (daughter of Dan Oligschlaeger); Fr. Pat Shortt; Special Intention; Don George; Mark Bardwell; Patricia Taylor; Sheryl Sullins; Rick Wingate; Rachel Frank; Mary Ann Kenning; Robert Wolken (Jo Wolken’s nephew); Gladys Mertens; Andrea Tilbury; Michael Wiseman; Delores Bardwell; Abraham Baepler; Teresa Kirchhoff; Joel Rivera; Betty Gombkoto; Carol Rackers; Carol Baker; Doug Distler; Mary Wood; Lena Beydler; Rita Harris; Tom LePage; and Travis Peck


October 29, 2017

We often think of the Ten Commandments given to Moses by the Lord on Mount Sinai, but there are many more. The Law of Moses, as it’s often called, contains 631 rules, regulations, and laws regarding every aspect of life for the Hebrew people. The Pharisees want to trip Jesus up, just like they tried earlier with the question about taxes. They ask which is the greatest Law, thinking that Jesus will say something about the Sabbath, or some other kind of law.

Once again, he turns the tables on those who question him. He says that love of God and love of neighbor is the greatest commandment. They can’t argue against his wisdom. There is an aspect of the commandment to love God and neighbor that we often fail to realize: they are two sides of the same coin, and we can’t choose one or the other! If we love God, we will love our neighbor, and vice versa. Saint John says that, if a person says that he loves God and hates his neighbor, he is a liar. That is some very strong language. Loving God is easy, but love of neighbor is a challenging command. Our “neighbor” is not just those closest to us, either at home, or at work, or in the parish. Take a second look at the first reading from the Book of Exodus: God commands his people to care for the “alien” and those who are defenseless. Let’s put it in language we understand. We are commanded by God to show our love for Him by loving

immigrants, transients ( homeless), those in prison, and anyone in need, regardless of our own fear and prejudices. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops had this to say: “Prejudice can lurk unnoticed in the soul. Without

prayerful reflection, it can feed on the fear of what is different. It can grow into overt racism. But self-reflection is not enough. It must lead to action. May the work of the Church serve as a call to conversion for those hiding behind white hoods and Nazi symbols. The vile chants of violence against African Americans and other people of color, the Jewish people, immigrants, and others offend our faith, but unite our resolve. Let us not allow the forces of hate to deny the intrinsic dignity of every human person. Let the nation and world see the one body of Christ move to the defense of our sisters and brothers who are threatened.” Fr. Tony

Building Fund -- Monthly Mustard Seed – Monthly Human Develop – November 19

OCTOBER 29 NOVEMBER 5 EXO 22:20-26 MALA 1:-14b-10 1 THES 1:5c-10 1 THES 2:7b-9 MATT 22:34-40 MATT 23:1-12

Page 2: OCTOBER 29, 2017 - Annunciation Catholic 29, 2017  · October 29, 2017 The Law of Moses,



Reminder: Friday – November 3rd – First Friday Attention generous givers! PSR is again taking up a

collection for Cross Catholic Outreach this year. This organization helps the poorest of the poor. I will take up a collection from PSR students on Wednesday, November 8th.

Here are some upcoming opportunities to strengthen faith life:

High School - There will be a Reignite Retreat on January 6-7, at Tolton High School, Columbia. This is offered to the entire diocese, spread your horizon and meet new people! The March For Life is January 17-20, 2018. An awesome experience for those attending. If anyone is interested in attending either one of these events, please let me know. Ruthie Adams, 573/230-5596

VOCATION VOICE: You shall love your neighbor as

yourself. It's a big world, in need of lots of neighborly people. Extend your hand today, tomorrow, for the rest of your life. Can you support someone who is called to priestly or religious life?

Continue to pray for Kendall Ketterlin, son of Kay Connell, who is beginning another scholastic year in the seminary. We are so blessed to have a future priest from our parish!

Soon we will offer the opportunity for special home prayer. There will be a vocation crucifix to keep in your home for a couple of weeks to be a reminder to pray for vocations. If you would like to take advantage of this blessing, please e-mail Sister Mary Ruth ([email protected]) with your name and which week-end Mass you attend.

Ordinarily, in October we attach information about stewardship opportunities, ways to serve the parish and community, and ask for volunteers. Almost always the same people respond that we already have on our list. Thank you to those many very generous parishioners. This month those papers will be available in the church entrance for anyone not on the list to respond by filling out and returning them to the box provided in the church entrance. Thank you! It is time to elect members to the parish council. If you would like to serve your parish in this capacity, please contact Evelyn Jobe or S. Mary Ruth to be put on the ballot. Election will be in December. The major role is to help support the faith growth of Annunciation Parish. This means to be a practicing Catholic and to help the pastor in his role of leading all of us. Pray about this and see if the Lord may be asking you to serve your parishioners in this capacity. Those currently on the council are: Tawna Dutcher, Julie Haslag, Ruthie Adams, DiAnne Naros, and Eric Schroeter. Those whose term is up are: Emilio Juarez, Becky Bloch, and Evelyn Jobe. Evelyn can be re-elected. If you have questions, feel free to contact any of us.

Marion Conference St. Andrew Catholic Church

November 7 & 8—6:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Tuesday Evening: Dr. Gregory Mary Thompson, Eucharistic Apostle of Devine Mercy connected to the Marian’s of the Immaculate Conception at the national Shrine of Devine Merc also a Marian Catechist with Cardinal Burke, Speaking on, “Eucharist, Mary, and Power of Holy Spirit.” Michael McGlinn, Played Football for four years at Notre Dame, Owner & Producer at Sistine Films, a World Class Singer, and he will speak on “Confidence in God and Devine Mercy.” Wednesday Evening: Mark Kiser, who, like Scott Hahn, a former Protestant pastor, national speaker, and servant spiritual warrior for the Catholic Faith. He is active member of the Militia Immaculata of St. Maximillian Kolbe, and will speak on “four Easy Steps to Reaching the Lost.” Deacon Patrick O’Toole, Supervisor of Villa Maria Catholic Retreat and Conference Center of Springfield, Illinois. He has 14 children, and does parish missions and conferences over the Midwest. He will speak on “Signs of the Times & Four Last Things.”

Reminder: If you are going to the hospital for surgery or a procedure, know you are encouraged to ask Father for a blessing beforehand. Also, please contact the parish office or Sister Mary Ruth so we can be a support to you. Let us know if you want to be on the bulletin prayer list. Moniteau Christian Ministry Center wants to thank our parish for helping with the egg carton need. At the present, the need is over. They have a good supply in case they need egg cartons right away. HOWEVER, MCMC is constantly in need of plastic grocery bags. So please keep the grocery bags coming. You may put them in the basement stairwell area. Thank you, thank you! The churches in the California Ministerial Alliance each take a turn at gathering food items for the Moniteau Christian Ministries Center (MCMC). November is our month. Please bring food items any time during the month. There is a box in the lobby area for your donations. Thanks for sharing in this special community ministry. (They request canned and nonperishable food items.)

CATHOLIC STEWARDSHIP APPEAL 2018 We’re nearing the end of this year’s Catholic Stewardship Appeal. For all those who have chosen to join their diocesan brothers and sisters by making a commitment to this year’s campaign, we thank you very much. Opportunities will continue to be available to those who have not yet made a pledge. If you no longer have a pledge card, look for a CSA envelope in church at the end of the pew, or in the back of church—or go online to Any gift you can make will be greatly appreciated.

Pregnancy Help Center of Central Missouri 7th Annual Banquet

An exciting evening of fine food, music, and comedic relief by renowned comedian Robert G. Lee.

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Capitol Plaza Hotel, 415 West McCarty Street, Jefferson City, MO

Admission is free, but reservations are required. Reservations may be made at or by calling the Pregnancy Help Center at 573-644-6635.


NOV 4, 4 PM NOV 5, 10:30 AM

Lectors Becky Bloch Joyce Ziehmer

Mickie Bolinger Dale Glenn

Greeters/Usher Margaret Reynolds Mildred Walters

Mary Ann Wasser Family

Servers Ethan Bloch Need Volunteer

McKenna Belt Jessica Ihenacho

Eucharistic Ministers

Sr. Mary Ruth Ruthie Adams Paul Bloch Tim & Pauline Forck

Linda Bardwell Glen & Dottie Bayne J.D. Gattermeir Donna Schepers

Offertory Larry & Linda Imhoff Lisa Belt Family

Song Leader Marian Fleischmann Bev Kleffner

Organist Betty Pringer Betty Pringer

Rosary Marian Fleischmann Margaret Bieri

Mustard Seed Jeanne McPherson

Eucharist to Shut Ins

Fr. Tony

Money Counters

Mary Jo Garnett & Jeanne McPherson

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