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Who can understand these things?

The Lord pronounced doom for Jerusalem, but the prophet asked,

“Who is the wise man who may understand this? And who is he to whom the mouth of the Lord has spoken, that he may declare it? Why does the land perish and burn up like a wilderness, so that no one can pass through?”

Jeremiah asked who had the wisdom to know why the land perished and burned up? What had happened in that place, that the Lord would so pour out His wrath? The Lord revealed plainly what went wrong,

And the Lord said, “Because they have forsaken My law which I set before them, and have not obeyed My voice, nor walked according to it, but they have walked according to the dictates of their own hearts and after the Baals, which their fathers taught them,” therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Behold, I will feed them, this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink. I will scatter them also among the Gentiles, whom neither they nor their fathers have known. And I will send a sword after them until I

have consumed them” (Jeremiah 9.12–16).

Forsaking the Creator brings serious consequences. Following your own heart brings serious conse-quences. Following idols brings serious conse-quences.

We like to believe that we can do as we please, but we have to accept the

consequences of such decisions, otherwise, we should remain loy-al to Him who created us. DR

Deacons as family men

What kind of man should serve as a deacon? Concern-ing his family life, the Holy Spirit said through Paul,

“Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their chil-

dren and their own houses well” (1 Timothy 3.12).

What would you think of a servant of the church, if he had multiple wives, or

if he constantly divorced and remarried, or if his children were unruly, or if he did not know how to run his household?

Knowing how you undoubtedly answered that question, I am sure that you can see why his family life needs to be exceptional. DR

Our History:

The Savage Street Church of Christ began on March 4, 1923

at 6th and H Streets. After sometime on Evelyn Street, we moved to our present location

on March 20, 1960

October 23, 2016

SAVAGE STREET Church of Christ

Page 2: October 23, 2016 Our History: SAVAGE STREET Church of

October Activities

The 23rd: Marriage Shower for Rick and Re-bekah Calvert

The 30th: Potluck

The 30th: Annual Contribution for Don Iverson’s India Work

November Activities

The 13th: Elders/Preacher/Deacons Meeting

The Holy Spirit does not dwell in a sinner

Acts 2.38

Ephesians 1.13–14

Galatians 4.6

If the Spirit dwells in a sin-ner before conversion, the preceding scriptures would be in error. Why should a sinner submit to the gospel, if he already has the Spirit? The Holy Spirit does work providentially to bring to-gether sinners and Chris-tians, as He did with the Ethiopian Treasurer and Philip (Acts 8). T





A liberal church says you are welcome here and you do not have to clean up your life.

A legalistic church says you are not welcome here until you clean up your life.

Jesus says you are welcome here and I will change your life from the inside out.

Which is this church?

Which are you?

“When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, ‘Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?’ She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said to her,

‘Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.’” (John 8.10–11)

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The Election: Reaping What We Have Sown Some have asked: Is this the best that America can offer?

Hosea 8.7 Don Ruhl • Savage Street, Grants Pass, Oregon • October 23, In the year of our Lord, 2016

I. ____________________ the People

A. Hos 8.7

B. Pro 22.8a

C. Gal 6.7–8

D. We have selected the candidates who ____________________ our thinking and living.

E. “The ____________________ could have what they want—and that’s the problem” (Joel Belz, World, 01.16.1999).

F. Hos 4.6–10

G.Jer 5.30–31

II. Vote the Issues, Not the Candidate

A. ____________________ (Psa 139.13)

B. ____________________ (1Ti 1.8–11)

C. ____________________ (Psa 2.10–12; 2Ch 19.5–7)

D. ____________________ (Gal 2.10; 6.5; Pro 16.26)

E. You can and should use ____________________ as your guide.

III. What You Can Do

A. Remember – ____________________

B. Remember – ____________________

C. Do not overdose on ____________________.

D. Pay attention to _____________ and _____________ you hear – (Luke 8.18; Mark 4.24)

E. ____________________ heavenly citizenship over American citizenship.

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Thank you!! A big thank you to Gene Tomlinson, Lynn Buell, and Paul and Dorothy Hannan. They did such a great job on the semi-

nal dinner Saturday evening. Also a big thank you to everyone who brought food and beverages. It was wonderful and

enjoyed by all!!

Update Jerry Thomas reported this on Becky:

“She is progressing, still in CCU. Sitting in chair a bit. Surgery wounds look very good. Expecting to go home from hos-

pital about Monday. I think all progress is normal and she should basically be out of danger. We so deeply appreciate

the hundreds of folks who have been praying for us. Those prayers continue to be needed.”

Family Fellowship Night Attention Families! Mark your calendars. We are going to be having our next Family

Fellowship gathering on November 5th, at 4:30–7:30 here at the building. Bring a sweet

tooth and hands ready to craft. There are going to be crafts to do, sticky caramel apples

to decorate, finger foods to munch on and a devotional. We are going to have so much

fun, bring the whole family. Please bring a finger food to share.

For the kids If anyone would like to donate granny apples, pretzels, sprinkles, nuts, or a bag of candy for family fun night, it would

be much appreciated. Thank you! You can put it in the office.

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OTHER NEWS If you would like to receive the bulletin as a PDF, please see Rebekah Calvert. If you would like to have your an-nouncement run in our bulletin, please place it on the secretary’s desk before Friday morning or email it to Re-bekah Calvert: [email protected]

Annual Contribution for India We will take up a special collection on October 30th for Don Iverson’s work.

Potluck Next Sunday, after morning services, will be our monthly potluck. The theme for the potluck is “Fall Favorites” so bring your favorite dish.

Friendly Reminder We go back to Standard Time the first week in November. Everyone should set their clocks back one hour on Saturday night, No-vember 5.

Prayer Warriors

The new prayer warrior list has been posted up on the foyer bulletin board. Take a look. Thank you Mike for all that you do for our Savage Street kids!!

2016 Contribution Open & Close Building

October Greeters Card Collectors Meet with elders

& preacher

Weekly Average 3,604 ..................

Last Week October 16, 3,216 .......

Total After 41 Weeks 147,803.......

October 23: Kerri Ruhl

October 30: Wayne & Gloriann

Wayne & Gloriann Duncan

Jacob Noveske

Billy Henshall

The elders and

preacher have

regular meetings.

You may come

Mondays at 1:30

PM to Don’s office.

Call first. Or they

can meet with at

another time.

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Suggested Good Work Help a mom or dad in need of a break by taking their kids out for the day.

The Bible on Finances “A little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked. For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, but the LORD upholds the righteous” (Psalm 37.16–17).

The Wisdom of George Wash-ington: On Honesty “I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.”

Wow, President Washington valued honesty more than having the title of general or president. What title do you value most?

The Wisdom of Augustine: On God’s Working While We Fight It “I certainly declared there that God, by his grace turns men’s wills to the true faith when they are not only averse to it, but actually adverse.” In Galatians 1.15, Paul revealed that God had separated him for preaching from the time of his natural birth, al-though as an adult he fought it greatly, but the grace of God was not found in vain, and Paul turned to the Lord.

Church History 1888: Horatio Gates Spafford died. He wrote the hymn, “It is Well with My Soul,” and churches still sing it! That just shows that you never know how far your influence will reach. 1861: The Chinese tortured Che Jin-guang, an elderly Chinese Christian in Boluo. They ordered him to renounce Christianity. He refused, and they killed him and threw his body into a river, making him the first-known Protestant martyr in China, at least in modern times. We do not know what happened in China during the first few centuries of the church.

1856: Charles Spurgeon preached to an overflow crowd. Someone falsely yelled, “fire” and seven people were trampled to death in the ensuing melee. He nearly went insane from the horror of it. 1555: Queen Mary had English re-formers Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer burned at the stake for not embracing Roman Catholicism. La-timer confessed, “Christ made one oblation and sacrifice for the sins of the whole world, and that a perfect sacrifice; neither needeth there to be, nor can there be, any other propitiato-ry sacrifice.” As the executioners tied Ridley to the stake, he prayed, “Oh, heavenly Father, I give unto thee most hearty thanks that thou hast called me to be a professor of thee, even unto death. I beseech thee, Lord God, have mercy on this realm of England, and deliver it from all her enemies.” When they attempted to burn Ridely they used green wood and so it would not burn much and the fire only damaged his lower body, causing immense suf-fering. He prayed, “Lord have mercy upon me! I cannot burn…Let the fire come unto me, I cannot burn.” As La-timer was dying, he said to Ridely, “Be of good comfort, Mr. Ridley, and play the man! We shall this day light such a candle by God's grace, in England, as I trust never shall be put out.” May God give us all the spirit of these two men.

Our Mission Works Outside of Josephine County, Oregon

Chimala Mission Hospital and Schools,

Tanzania, Africa

Wayne Jackson &, Stockton, California

Brad Harrub & Focus Press, Franklin, Tennessee

Don Iverson’s India Work

Don Patton’s archaeo-logical work, especial-

ly Noah’s Ark

Mountain States Chil-dren’s Home, Longmont, Colorado

OUR SHEPHERDS: Wayne Duncan Dan Calvert


OUR DEACONS: Gene Tomlinson Michael Crisp, Jr. Carl Peugh

OUR SONG LEADERS: Larry Amberg Phil Joseph Kevin Michael Jerry Thomas



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