Page 1: October 2019 75p Newydd - St Mary, St Agnes, Holy … around the Virgin’s head that was clearly intended to hold a crown (a gift from Henry III in 1246), and dowel holes in


The Parish Magazine of the Rectorial Benefice of Aberavon

October 2019 75p

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Page 3: October 2019 75p Newydd - St Mary, St Agnes, Holy … around the Virgin’s head that was clearly intended to hold a crown (a gift from Henry III in 1246), and dowel holes in

Newydd page 3 October 2019

From The Rector

01639 883630 [email protected]

This is a time of goodbyes. On Tuesday 1st October our parish deacon, the Reverend Jane Slennett, resigned her post as non-stipendiary assistant curate of Aberavon. On the same day Jennii Shaw was made redundant from her post as Community Engagement Mission Officer. I am sure that you will join me in wishing them every blessing for their futures, and thank them for all that they have done. Jane came here in 2008, just a few months after my induction as Rector. She has been a tower of strength and in the years that she has carried out the hospital chaplaincy role she has helped us grow beyond the confines of parish life. During her time as hospital chaplain she embedded the work more fully into an ecumenical context and brought hospital volunteers to Costa Coffee on Wednesdays to engage with the local community. Jane has always had a passion for fresh expressions of Church and has always been keen to seek new ways to reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. I will personally miss her, and I know that many of you will also be sad to see her go. She is not lost to the Church, of course, and now that we have all resigned as

hospital chaplains she is going to be employed by the NHS to continue to work as a chaplain at NPT hospital, and probably on call in the local health trust. Pray for her, and her work, and her health. At present, Jane has been signed off from work for a further three months. Jennii came to us in 2018 and she has put before us some challenging ideas and helped to form a Sunday School at Holy Trinity and helped at Streetwise at St Agnes. Recently she co-ordinated the beach clean up with two local schools and Keep Wales Tidy. Last winter she was the parish lead in the night shelter during the winter months at St Mary’s helping the homeless during the worst nights of the year. Her role came to end because of the state of our parish finances. I have to emphasise at this point that Jennii was never paid by the St Paul’s Centre, but by the parish. There is no problem at the St Paul’s Centre and there is no reason to assume the Centre is not here to stay for many years to come. In 2018 direct giving through standing orders, and weekly envelopes went down by almost £2000. Loose collections went up a little but not by enough to cover this loss. In the first eight months of 2019 direct giving through standing orders, and

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Newydd page 4 October 2019

weekly envelopes went down by over £2000. Loose collections have also gone down. During this period there has been no significant change in the number of people attending church. Also, during this period, prices have increased beyond our ability to keep pace. The PCC had no choice other than to look at its largest items of expenditure and also at where the biggest amount of money could be released from funds that are restricted. By unrestricting monies we are able to balance the budget; but at a cost - Jennii’s job. To further ensure that we will provide the best service at the lowest possible cost we have also undertaken a thorough review of the work carried out at the parish office, the St Paul’s Centre and by our debt worker. Just to make it clear: the parish secretary and the community engagement mission officer were funded directly from parish funds and those employed at the St Paull’s Centre are funded by the room hire and catering income. The thank you cards we sent to you also invited you to increase your giving by £1.20 per person each week. Without this increase there will be further changes and cut backs. We all know time are tough: we can only have what we can afford. I am sure that you will all rally around, and join me and many others in increasing your weekly giving. But could you consider using envelopes or even better a standing order? Standing orders mean that we know when

the money is coming into the bank, and so we are helped in budgeting and cash flow. If you pay income tax, please will you fill in a GIFT AID form so that we can receive money back from HMRC for every pound you donate. This does not affect your tax at all. Last year, through GIFT AID, we had an income of £14695. Can you imagine the state we would be in without that money? Disposable cups, bowl and plates. The PCC agreed a policy that we stop using disposable cups, plates, bowls, etc at all our venues. This is an ecological move, because we need to protect the environment, and it is also a financial move, because we have to pay to have our refuse collected. Where we do not pay to have our refuse collected we are as limited as every other household as to the number of black bags we can put out. Disposable cups, plates, bowls etc fill too many bags. So, for these two reasons no-one using our premises is allowed to use disposable items like these any longer. We know that some of you will totally disagree with this policy, but we ask you to respect it. It helps the environment: it helps us financially. With every good wish, Canon Nigel ___________

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Newydd page 5 October 2019

Holy Days 18th October St Luke the Evangelist 10am Mass at St Agnes’ with the anointing of the sick. 28th October Ss Simon and Jude 6.30pm Mass at St Agnes’ 1st November All Saints’ Day 10.00am Sung Mass at St Agnes’ 2nd November All Soul’s Day 10.00am Requiem Mass at St Agnes’ 5th November All Souls’ Memorial Service Holy Trinity Church 7.00pm

Deanery Conference Will all member of the Deanery Conference please note that the date of the next meeting has been changed to 6th November, 7pm at St Theodore’s Kenfig Hill.

60th Birthdays Christine Morris will celebrate her 60th birthday on 14th October and Anne Griffiths will celebrate her 60th birthday on 19th October. Congratulations to them both.

Training for clergy Fr Rhun will be on a ‘Leading your Church into Growth Course’ from 7th to 11th October. Canon Nigel will attend a training course on new marriage legislation concerning registration of marriages on 24th October. These changes will see the parish marriage registers throughout England and Wales closed, and all marriages will be registered in the local Register Office - in our case in Neath. Further details will be published once Canon Nigel has been on the training course. All diocesan clergy will be on a days training course on Monday 4th October when The Very Revd. Professor Martyn Percy Dean of Christ Church, Oxford will lead them on the topic: ‘Preaching from the gospels in today’s context.’

Prince and Princesses Fair

The theme of our Autumn Fayre this year is Princes and Princesses and takes place on Saturday 16th November at St Agnes’. Stalls can be set up on Friday evening, and the Fayre will open on 16th at 11am. Laura Howe and Paula Durnell are organising: ideas and offers to run stalls to them please.

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Newydd page 6 October 2019

Beach Clean Last month we organised and co-ordinated with local schools to help clean the beach. It was a huge success and we are grateful to Jennii Shaw, Keep Wales Tidy, Awel Y Mor and Tywyn schools for their help. The weather was kind, and it was so good to see the enthusiasm of the youngsters in making a difference to their community and caring for their world.

Deaths It is with great sadness that we report the deaths of Margaret Price, Margaret Roberts and Fred Scourfield (uncle of Barbara Roberts and father of Liz Scourfield Jones). Please pray for the departed, but also remember in your prayers the families of those who have died. Margaret Price’s funeral will take place on 17th October in St Mary’s at 11.30am. Fred Scourfield’s funeral will take place on 11th October at the Crematorium at 9.30am. There is no news yet about the arrangements for Margaret Roberts.

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Newydd page 7 October 2019

V & A may have original image of Our Lady of Walsingham In August the press reported that the most famous Marian image in medieval England, which was believed to have been burned in the 16th century, could be safe and sound at the Victorian and Albert Museum. The image of Our Lady of Walsingham — a simple wooden statue that stood beside the altar of Walsingham’s Holy House — was believed to have been burned in 1539, in London, either in the courtyard of Thomas Cromwell’s house in Chelsea, or at Smithfield. But it has long been recognised that a 13th-century statue of the Madonna and Child at the V&A, known as the Langham Madonna, bears a striking resemblance to the image of Our Lady of Walsingham on the priory seal. In 1931, six years after it was acquired by the museum, Henry Joy Fynes-Clinton, one of the founding guardians of the Anglican Shrine at Walsingham, wrote in The Tablet of the discovery of a carved wooden figure “in an old house near Walsingham”. It could be a copy of the Walsingham image, he suggested, or even the original, “saved perhaps as other relics and holy things, by means of substitution being made for the purposes of satisfying the desecrators”. Writing in the Catholic Herald in July 2019, Fr Michael Rear, a former Vicar of Walsingham, now a retired RC priest in the diocese of East Anglia and author of Walsingham: Pilgrims and pilgrimage, and Dr Francis Young, a historian and folklorist, pointed to “compelling” circumstantial evidence in support of this theory. The provenance attached to the statue is an error, they argue: it did not come from Langham Hall, Colchester, but Langham, Norfolk, which lies just six miles from Walsingham. The owner of the statue, who told the V&A that it had come from a church “now destroyed, I think”, was referring to the priory church in Walsingham. Langham Hall was the home of the Calthorpe family, who became notable recusants, and was inherited in 1555 by the RC Rookwood family of Euston, Suffolk, who attempted to save at least one other image of our Lady in the post-Reformation period by hiding it in a

Fr Michael Rear

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hayrick. Last week, Dr Young described a history of families in East Anglia who preserved images. Evidence for the statue’s destruction was “unreliable”, Dr Young said; his view was that the 16th-century Commissioners knew that it had been hidden, and “passed off a dud” in the ritual burning in order to fulfil their orders. The Herald article notes that, although the Langham Madonna is not an exact replica of the priory-seal image (it does not have a veil, for example) it bears “tell-tale marks” which suggest that it may be the original, including a band around the Virgin’s head that was clearly intended to hold a crown (a gift from Henry III in 1246), and dowel holes in the back of the image, which would have been necessary to affix a high-backed throne. Dr Young hopes that further studies will now be undertaken: possibilities include the recovery of papers from the families who lived at Langham Hall, and carbon-dating of the statue, to rule out that it is not a later copy of the original. It was “probably never going to be possible to know” for sure, he said, and he and Fr Michael are not calling for relocation to Walsingham. But he hoped that the V&A would correct the provenance of the statue. “This is the most famous statue in the whole of medieval England,” he said. “People came from around Europe to see it. Even the possibility that this might be Our Lady of Walsingham makes it very significant.” People often assumed that everything was destroyed in the Reformation, but there were “strenuous efforts to protect precious objects.” To suggest that no attempt would have been made to protect the Walsingham image was “inconceivable”. A V&A spokesperson said that the sculpture was “a rare survival of English medieval sculpture that was a typical product of the early 13th century. Although we cannot completely exclude the possibility that it was the cult image once venerated as Our Lady of Walsingham, the lack of material evidence means that it may never be possible to know this sculpture’s precise origins. At present, the V&A is not intending to undertake carbon-dating.”

The V&A image

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Newydd page 9 October 2019

Anne Griffiths At a service at Brecon Cathedral on Sunday 29th September Anne Griffiths received the Archbishop of Wales Certificate of Merit for her commitment of 31 years as organist at St Agnes’. Surrounded by family and friends, and with a very large congregation present, Anne received the certificate from Archbishop John Davies. Matthew Lewis summed it all up in a text message to Canon Nigel: “We are all so proud of her.” We all echo that. We are indeed all so proud of her. We are immensely blest to have two very committed people in Matthew and Anne, and we hope and pray that in the future we can encourage others to become church organists.

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Newydd page 10 October 2019

Baptisms Please pray for the recently baptised, and for their parents and godparents, amongst them Kacie-Jo Campfield & Amelia Jean Campfield.

Weddings We congratulate Matthew Bryan Rising and Jessica Louise Margetson who were recently married in St Mary’s. We wish them every blessing in this new chapter of their life together.

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Ralph Jones who celebrated his 80th birthday on 4th October.

Thank You A big ‘Thank You’ for the cards and presents received for my 90th birthday. Mair Howells. Ann Jones would like to thank every one for the lovely cards and gifts she received on her 75th birthday. To all my friends, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone from St Mary’s and St Agnes churches, who sent me Birthday Cards and greetings on the occasion of my 97th birthday, which fell on September 13th. It is so pleasing to think that at my hugely advanced years, that I still have friends who take the trouble to remember me on my birthday. On the day, I was taken to St David’s Hotel, Cardiff Bay, for afternoon tea with members of my family. That was very special for me. Once again, thank you one and all. Yours sincerely, Ethel Scourfield.

St Mary’s 200 Club The winner in September was number 66, Marian Preece.

Holy Trinity Table Top Sale Thanks to all who helped us raise £200 at the table top sale.

St Mary’s Restoration Fund Concert “Sounds Familiar,” a mixed choir from Porthcawl, are holding a concert at St Agnes’ on Tuesday 8th October at 7pm in aid of St Mary’s Restoration Fund. Tickets are £8 and are available in each church.

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Newydd page 11 October 2019

Christian Aid Thank you all at the Benefice of Aberavon for being part of the amazing movement of people that support Christian Aid and stand together with the poorest communities in the world. Your generous donation of £1076 will help people around the world to live life in all its fullness. Christian Aid is working to eradicate poverty by addressing both its symptoms and root causes. Poverty is not only lack of income or other material attributes. Poverty is a lack of opportunity, a lack of power over one’s own life and prospects; a lack of human dignity. Thank you for being part of a movement working alongside people living in the poorest communities to bring about positive change and greater hope. With your continued help, we can make a difference. With renewed thanks for your support and every blessing. With apologies for the lateness of this response. Yours sincerely, Cynan Llwyd, Regional Coordinator South and Mid Wales.

Redundancies Support for Christian Aid has dropped so much that they are pulling out of many countries and are making two hundred staff redundant. We are living in extremely difficult times, and we are not alone in the problems we face.

Christian Aid makes a difference to this child and millions like her.

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Newydd page 12 October 2019

Benefice Afternoon Tea All are welcome at our next Afternoon Tea with Bingo on Saturday 19th October at 3pm at the Parish Centre. Tickets £10 includes Bingo books and Raffle, available from each church. All profit to the Benefice account.

Children’s Pumpkin Party Come and join the fun at The Friends of St Mary’s Children’s Pumpkin Party on Saturday 26th October at 3pm to 5pm for ages up to 8 years at the Parish Centre with Pick A Mix children’s entertainer, disco, party games and mascot. Tattoos, face painting, drinks, hot dogs and sweets available. Tickets £3.50 per child, 1st adult free all others £1 entrance, from Susan Hughes on 01639 770832 or 07572211063.

Congratulations Alisha A massive congratulations to 13 year-old Alisha Denner on achieving the title of welsh champion 2019 with 1 gold and 2 bronze representing Aberavon life guard club in the summer for the welsh championship competition. Well done all your Sunday morning training has paid off.

Christmas Shopping Trip The Friends of St Mary’s Christmas shopping trip to Gloucester Quays will be on Saturday 23rd November. Bus £15 each, if you wish to go please contact Monica Selway on 01639 883984.

Alisha Denner

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Newydd page 15 October 2019

Letter from Australia Dear Glenys and all friends, I hope you are all keeping as well as you can. How’s the weather? We have had some very cold windy days and then the next couple of days hot, no need for a jumper. Its still terrible drought stricken in many country towns, they are almost out of water altogether and the farmers are having to sell off their stock. I did tell you about catching up with my Primary school friends at Campbelltown, that was really wonderful and being able to go to St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney for the 100th Birthday of Bush Church Aid, a really great experience, because they have had tours around Australia to visit churches and the Rectors and the people in the Outback towns. Maurice and I had been on two of them over the years, that was 26th May. Then in July Fay sent out invitations for an engagement party. A lovely man Peter who turned 60 years old in May and Fay was 58 the day before the party. Peter had 2 wives who both died with cancer. He has 1 son, 2 daughters, 1 stepdaughter and he has been looking after little grandchildren while the daughters work. There were lots of friends at the party, meeting their mates who live up there on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. The party was held downstairs from Peter’s unit just across the street from the beach. There were lots of talking, food platters, entertainment like Indian dancing, but friends all doing it, making many doing the dancing, and then friends singing. Fay and Peter disap-peared and came back in their wedding clothes. They had been married at 3pm with just their children with them as the Minister who did the service had recently had a couple of heart stents put in and didn’t think he could do the wedding with a big group of people there. They cut the wedding cake which was a huge chocolate mousse. This afternoon at 4.30pm we had a huge hailstorm everywhere it just looked like snow all over the lawns, gardens and roads, it blew right over my verandas right up to the walls. Thank goodness it was only small pieces but it was 1 inch almost and deep, I had to get the straw broom when it stopped and sweep it off the verandas, it took me an hour to get it all off and there were such heaps of the hail it took till 4 o’clock on the 30th to melt away. There was a lot of thunderstorms out near the coast last night. 31st today. I had a friend’s funeral this morning. Then this afternoon I drove out to the Gleniffer Hall as they had a wonderful Quilt Show, the group of ladies out there are amaz-ing quilters, some won at the Sydney Royal Show and there were 3 award quilts from the Brisbane Royal Show. Gleniffer is just 10 miles from town, it used to be all dairy farms but now mostly beef cattle and timber growing. Have you been quilting? I haven’t you have to be very clever to work out such beautiful patterns. This group of ladies have also been making some for the service troops. We had a wonderful Mothers’ Union meeting down at Kempsey a month ago with Mrs

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Christine Jensen and our President of Mothers’ Union in the Sydney Diocese Wendy Makes giving us a series of talks on Forgiveness. At the moment we have a retired Minister Rev. Tom Hall and his wife Wendy as locums till the end of October. Wendy plays the guitar so we start with a couple of joyful songs be-fore we have our Holy Communion Service. They are down from Brisbane, Rev. Tom is 80 years old and Wendy is 77, they have 5 boys and 5 girls and last week they had their 32nd grandchild. They said they served in England for 6 years but I can’t remember where they said it was. I think that is enough from me, I hope I haven’t board you and you are in good health and enjoying your Church Fellowship. 1st Sunday in the month we are having lunch together at the Golf Club. Love and blessings to all, Heather Connell.

They did it!

It was two hundred and ninety one miles in the end, but Fr Rhun and Fr Richard made it from Lands End to Bristol. We are so proud of their achievement and so grateful to Fr Rhun for being sponsored for the St Mary’s Restoration Appeal. Some days were very difficult as they had to climb some very steep hills. So far £1343 has been collected, but there is still more money to come in. Thank you, Fr Rhun.

Thanks to Magda ap Robert for being sponsored in one of her runs for the St Mary’s Restoration Appeal and raising £675 towards our much needed repairs and renovations.

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Newydd page 17 October 2019

Home Grown by Avril Williams

On the 2nd March, 1926, David Clive Jenkins was born at Maes y Cwrt Terrace, Port Talbot. His father was a railway worker and his elder brother Tom became leader of the Transport Salaried Staffs Association. Clive later attended Port Talbot County Boy's School, but had to leave aged 14 when his father died. His first job was with Robert Byass in the laboratory at the Byass metalworks and continued his education by taking evening classes at Swansea Technical College. He was one of the youngest students ever to enrol on a City and Guilds course. When Robert Byass moved to the Eaglesbush Works in Briton Ferry, Clive moved with him. Three years after taking his exams, he was in charge of the laboratory and two years after that, a night shift foreman. He became involved with his trade union “The Association of Scientific Workers” as a lay official and then as branch Secretary. He was the youngest trade union official in Britain. In 1944 aged 20, he moved from Port Talbot to become a full time official of the Birmingham branch of “The Association of Supervisory Staff, Executives and Technicians”. In 1951, Clive organised his first official industrial dispute at Heathrow Airport causing BEA to cancel more than 800

flights. He was promoted rapidly from national Officer in 1951, to Deputy General in 1957 and then to General Secretary in 1961. In 1969 the Trade Union ASSET merged with the AScW to form ASTMS. By using advertising (billboard poster use was unheard of at this time in the Trade Union Movement) he brought Trade Unionism to the middle classes and within 15 years ASTMS grew from a membership of 65000

to nearly 600,000. Jenkins kept himself in the public eye by appearing in television chat shows and with his regular newspaper columns. He was witty with a turn of phrase

ensuring that people remembered him. The more staid Trade Union leaders disliked his brash character and they kept him from the General Council of the Trade Union Congress, but he did eventually become Chairman from 1987 to 1988. When a Labour government under Harold Wilson was elected in 1974, Clive was appointed to the National Research and Development Council and sat on the committee that produced the Bullock Report (Industrial Democracy) 1975 – 1977. This report put forward worker participation on boards of large companies to try to solve industrial disputes. Following the Labour Party's defeat in the 1983 election, Jenkins was instrumental in getting Neil Kinnock nominated for the leadership of the party.

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Benefice Curry Night On Monday 4th November at 7pm we are having a fund raising evening for the Benefice with a Curry Night at the Cinnamon Kitchen. The 2 course meal is £15, if you wish to join us please put your name and menu choice on the sheets at the back of each church and give your £5 non-refundable deposit to Mike Howe at St Agnes’, Karen Davies at Holy Trinity and Susan Hughes at St Mary’s by Sunday 3rd November. Maximum 53 places.

Home Grown continued……………….. In 1988 Clive announced his retirement. He wrote an autobiography “All Against the Collar” in 1990 recalling the struggles of a white collar union. Upon retiring he ran a bed and breakfast in Tasmania before returning to Britain. As a youth Clive became a Temperance campaigner and undertook lay preaching around the Port Talbot area for that cause, but later in life he became a “bon viveur” and gourmet- he loved a fine claret! His local in London was The Ritz Hotel. Clive married twice and had a son and daughter by his second wife Moira McGregor Hilley. He died after a short illness in September, 1999 aged 73. John Marks the General Secretary of the TUC wrote that Clive drove forward the growth of trade union membership among white collar and professional workers with enthusiasm, wit and style.

Confirmation On 3rd October Jenny Mainwaring, Finley Jones, Alanis Howe Jones and Sarah Jones were confirmed at Llandaff Cathedral by the Rt Reverend Philip North, Bishop of Burnley. In a packed Cathedral, where a total of seventy five candidates were presented for confirmation (including three from St Theodore’s jointly prepared in our parish), Bishop June preached to everyone, whilst Bishop Philip presided.

Please pray for these young people, and all who were confirmed, that the Church may encourage and sustain them in their faith.

Bishop Philip North

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Newydd page 21 October 2019

Times of Prayer This month, we are asked to focus on two social concerns: homelessness and prisons. The week of 6th to the 13th October is Homelessness awareness week; a week where the church is encouraged to think and pray for anyone impacted by homelessness: those who are homeless, those at risk of becoming homeless and the staff and volunteers who work with the homeless. Homeless Sunday has been part of the Christian calendar for over a quarter of a century. Originally celebrated in January it was moved to October to be near to World Homelessness Day, and because more and more churches begin to organise winter night shelters. This year the focus is on ‘the impact of volunteering on the volunteer.’ Looking at this week is of significant importance to us as a parish, as we begin to prepare for our second year hosting a winter night shelter in conjuction with other churches in the area and Housing Justice Cymru.

Prisons Week This week leads on to Prisons week, starting on the 13th October. It is fitting that this week follows on from Homelessness week as varying research projects have found that over a third of homeless people are prison leavers. Prisons week follows more of a structure in terms that each day a particular group affected by the justice system is prayed for.

This year the theme of Prisons week is ‘What does freedom mean to you? : and Are you free?’ Sunday 13th: Praying for Prisons week The Prisons week prayer: Lord, you offer freedom to all people. We pray for those in prison. Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. Support with your love prisoners and their families and friends, prison staff and all who care. Heal those who have been wounded by the actions of others, especially the victims of crime. Help us to forgive one another, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly together with Christ in his strength and in his Spirit, now and every day. Amen. Monday 14th: Praying with Prisoners Is freedom found outside the walls or inside ourselves? “Take me prisoner, Lord and truly set me free; Help me lay down my sword, then victorious I shall be.” - A prisoner’s prayer for Prisons Week

Homelessness Week 2019

6th to 13th October

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Newydd page 22 October 2019

Tuesday 15th: Praying with the victims of Crime Where is freedom now? “Unbind me from the bonds of grief and fear that I may become again the person you created me to be – a person of joy, of love, of trust, and hope.” Prayer of a victim of crime. Wednesday 16th: Praying with families Why was our freedom taken away with theirs? “To my Son I miss U and I pray to God you won’t come back here again.” “God, I miss my Daddy. Try to help him. Please bring him home.” Prayers from prisoners’ families for Prisons Week. Thursday 17th: Praying with Communities Are we free where we live? “We ask that you knit our hearts, our vision & our actions together across our community that we may all be totally free to live life abundantly in your love.” Prayers for communities affected by Domestic Violence. Friday 18th: Praying with those working in prison Are we free to work well? “We ask that you bless and protect all who work in our prisons today. Those with uniforms on, suits, overalls, hard hats, and chef’s whites. May we serve them well and rely on your strength to bring a sense of your grace and peace wherever we go.” A Prison Chaplain’s prayer. Saturday 19th: Praying with those working in the criminal justice system Are we free to do what is right? “Lord, give all of us the courage we need to do what is right. And to serve you, the Judge of all, with fidelity.” A prayer for courts and judges.

Page 23: October 2019 75p Newydd - St Mary, St Agnes, Holy … around the Virgin’s head that was clearly intended to hold a crown (a gift from Henry III in 1246), and dowel holes in

Newydd page 23 October 2019

Daily Readings : October

6th October 14th October 22nd October

Deuteronomy 26.1-11 Romans 1.1-7 Romans 5.12, 15, 17-end

Psalm 100 Psalm 98 Psalm 40.7-12

John 6.25-35 Luke 11.29-32 Luke 12.35-38

7th October 15th October 23rd October

Jonah 1.1-2, 2.10 Romans 1.16-25 Romans 6.12-18

Psalm 69.1-6 Psalm 19.1-4 Psalm 124

Luke 10.25-37 Luke 11.37-41 Luke 12.39-48

8th October 16th October 24th October

Jonah 3 Romans 2.1-11 Romans 6.19-end

Psalm 130 Psalm 62.1-8 Psalm 1

Luke 10.38-end Luke 11.42-46 Luke 12.49-53

9th October 17th October 25th October

Jonah 4 Romans 3.21-30 Romans 7.18-end

Psalm 86.1-9 Psalm 130 Psalm 119.33-40

Luke 11.1-4 Luke 11.47-end Luke 12.54-end

10th October 18th October 26th October

Malachi 3.13-4.2a Isaiah 35.3-6 Romans 8.1-11

Psalm 1 Psalm 147.1-7 Psalm 24.1-6

Luke 11.5-13 Luke 10.1-9 Luke 13.1-9

11th October 19th October 27th October

Joel 1.13-15, 2.1-2 Romans 4.13, 16-18 Ecclesiasticus 35.12-17

Psalm 9.1-7 Psalm 105.6-10, 41-44 Psalm 84.1-7

Luke 11.15-26 Matthew 9.9-13 2 Timothy 4.6-8, 16-18

12th October 20th October 28th October

Joel 3.12-end Genesis 32.22-31 Isaiah 28.14-16

Psalm 97.1, 8-end Psalm 121 Psalm 119.89-96

Luke 11.27-28 Luke 18.1-8 John 15.17-end

13th October 21st October 29th October

2 Kings 5.1-3, 7-15c Romans 4.20-end Romans 8.18-25

Psalm 111 Benedictus 1-6 Psalm 126

Luke 17.11-19 Luke 12.13-21 Luke 13.18-21

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Newydd page 24 October 2019

The Parish Directory


The Parish Office 01639 886740

[email protected]

Office hours: Mon & Thurs 12pm to 3pm Tues 10am to 1pm

The Rector Canon Nigel Cahill 01639 883630 [email protected]

The Team Vicar Fr Rhun ap Robert 07957 675918 [email protected]

The St Paul’s Centre & TwoCann Cafe 01639 883123 (press 1 for admin 2 for catering) [email protected]

The Parish Wardens Miss Laura Howe also Safeguarding Officer and Data Protection Officer

07813 042851 [email protected] Mr Michael Howe also Parish Treasurer 01639 414595 [email protected]

30th October 1st November

Romans 8.26-30 Daniel 7.1-3, 15-18

Psalm 13 Psalm 149

Luke 13.22-30 Luke 6.20-31

31st October 2nd November

Romans 8.31-end Romans 11.1-2, 11-12, 25-29

Psalm 109.20-26, 29-30 Psalm 94.14-19

Luke 13.31-end Luke 14.1, 7-11

October readings continued

Page 25: October 2019 75p Newydd - St Mary, St Agnes, Holy … around the Virgin’s head that was clearly intended to hold a crown (a gift from Henry III in 1246), and dowel holes in

Cockwell’s Funeral Service Cwmavon

Established Over 135 Years

Dedicated Private Chapel of Rest

24 Hr Service 365 Days a Year

Personal Attention

Funeral Director

Andrew Akins

Telephone 01639 884585

3 Seaward Avenue, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan, SA12 7LT

A Family Concern With A Concern For Families

Page 26: October 2019 75p Newydd - St Mary, St Agnes, Holy … around the Virgin’s head that was clearly intended to hold a crown (a gift from Henry III in 1246), and dowel holes in

Newydd page 26 October 2019

1st The Shrine at Walsingham: the staff and all pilgrims

2nd The emergency service: Police, Fire, Ambulance, Air Ambulance, Lifeguards and Mountain Rescue

3rd Port Talbot Food Bank

4th Sandfields, Tywyn, Awel Y Mor, Rhos Afan, Bae Baglan, St Joseph’s, Bro Dur & Cwm Brombil schools.

5th Dewis housing project for young single homeless

6th Our MP and AM

7th The Sea Cadets, Air Training Corps, St John's Ambulance, Scout Association, The Guides

8th The Local Council: councillors, officers and other personnel

9th Mission to Seafarers

10th Local Magistrates, Magistrates' Clerks and staff

11th Local funeral directors and those who help the bereaved

12th The St Paul's Centre

13th Local nursing and residential homes

14th GPs, the local community health care workers & the Forge Centre and Neath Port Talbot Hospital

15th The unemployed and local agencies who seek to offer help and support

16th Those that are seeking faith and searching for a meaning in life

17th Christian Aid

18th Christian Unity

19th The Homeless, especially those in our own community, and all who seek to help them

20th The mission of the Church in this place.

21st The local farming community

22nd USPG

23rd Those who are housebound and unable to worship in church

24th For our parish: those who live and work here and all who worship with us.

25th Let the Children Live

26th Water Aid

27th Embrace

28th Local employers and their staff

29th The Church Army, and its work in the Diocese

30th Youth work in the parish, especially Streetwise

31st The Cathedral Church of Llandaff: the Dean, Canons, staff and parishioners.

Monthly Prayer Intentions

Page 27: October 2019 75p Newydd - St Mary, St Agnes, Holy … around the Virgin’s head that was clearly intended to hold a crown (a gift from Henry III in 1246), and dowel holes in

The Eucharist on Weekdays Monday 6.30pm St Agnes’ (10am on Bank Holidays) Tuesday 10.00am St Mary’s Wednesday 10.00am Holy Trinity & 11.00am St Mary’s Thursday 10.00am St Agnes’

for times of services on Holy Days please look inside the magazine and on the web site

The Rectorial Benefice of Aberavon A registered charity no 1130785

Registered Office The Rectory,

Forge Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1US

01639 883630 [email protected]

Post cannot be received at the churches or the church halls. Please use the registered office address.

The Sunday Eucharist

9.15am St Agnes’ 11.00am Holy Trinity 11.00am St Mary’s 5.00pm Holy Trinity (Welsh)

Open Churches

St Mary’s Church is open every day from 10am to 4pm St Agnes’ Church is open every day from 9am to 5pm (4pm in winter)

The St Paul’s Centre & TwoCann Cafe 01639 883123

(press 1 for admin 2 for catering)

Page 28: October 2019 75p Newydd - St Mary, St Agnes, Holy … around the Virgin’s head that was clearly intended to hold a crown (a gift from Henry III in 1246), and dowel holes in

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