Page 1: OCTOBER 2013 PARTNERS update · A couple of weeks ago, they brought Ian Somerhalder, a well-known actor from the shows Lost and Vampire Diaries, to join myself, Anna, and a former


I hope you like the new layout for the Partner’s letter. As with everything we do, we try to keep upgrading and making it better. I think this is a definite upgrade. It is the result of our Partner’s Department staff looking for ways to serve you better.


Last week I finished the next book in The Final Quest genre and it is now in the editing process. It will be the first book in a new series entitled Fire On The Mountain. I feel that it includes crucial revelation for the times and preparation for the most exciting events of this age which are beginning to unfold. If you’ve been reading the articles I’ve been including in The MorningStar Journal, then you’ve gotten a taste for where it is headed. However, the book includes quite a bit that I was not able to include in these articles. We will begin taking orders in the Christmas Catalog for delivery before Christmas.

“ ... the first book in a new series entitled Fire On The Mountain. I feel that it includes crucial revelation for the times and preparation for the most exciting events of this age which are beginning to unfold.”


PARTNERS u p d a t e


A word from



MorningStar Missions


School is Back in Session






Page 2: OCTOBER 2013 PARTNERS update · A couple of weeks ago, they brought Ian Somerhalder, a well-known actor from the shows Lost and Vampire Diaries, to join myself, Anna, and a former


As you may have read in my Facebook and Twitter postings, this past HarvestFest will be the last of a kind and the first of a kind. I received a word from the Lord about this. “Conference” is not an adequate word to describe our future gatherings, and we should not even call them that after this one. A conference is where you come together to

confer, but we’ve got to go past this. When we come together in our future gatherings, it is going to be for a new

level of equipping and to get clear marching orders.

I’ve only been given part of the revelation of what our future gatherings will be, but I know this has to do with the double portion of prophetic anointing that He has given to us. There will be much more commissioning as well as the actual building and sending out of apostolic teams and special missions. I’ll share more with you as I can, but this has to do with the tsunami of harvest I’ve seen coming. It also has to do with forming up as the army that the body of Christ has been called to be.


One of the most commonly asked questions I still receive from people is, “When will The Final Quest movie be made?” I appreciate the endurance and patience from those of you who remain so interested in this. I’m still receiving requests for rights to this from producers, but we had so much trouble getting the script written that I felt I might have to do this myself. Then Janet Porter gave me a word about this, which I knew was from the Lord, so I’ve been working on it. It is com-ing together. I feel a tremendous anointing whenever I work on it. There are some other pieces coming together as well. I have no doubt that it will happen in due time, which is almost always long after I thought it was due time.

Even when the script is done, and the team who will produce, direct, etc. are all lined up, it will still likely be

three years to completion. There is far more to making a movie than most people can imagine, or than I could even imagine until I got into this project. Even so, I feel no need to rush anything and have learned that when that kind of pressure gets in something, it starts getting off track. If I could devote full-time to this, I’m sure it could be done quickly, but it’s just one of many projects I’m engaged in right now. I think the timing is still good because the longer it takes, the more important people or pieces to this project have come along. If it’s not a God thing, I don’t have time for it, and if it is, it will get done at the right time. I’m very encouraged with the way it is unfolding.


Last year, my daughter, Anna, was approached about having a documentary done about her work as an environ-mental activist, and her relationship to me, her father, who is an evangelical Christian leader. It was being produced for The Showtime Network by James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger. We’ve now spent quite a few days taping, and it has evolved into a much bigger project than they originally envisioned. They said they wanted it to be movie

quality, and they are using top movie production crews. They’ve been taking us to special locations for taping. They’ve done quite a bit of taping at H.I.M., so if you’ve been watching one of our services or a conference, and have seen more than the usual camera crews working, it was them.

One purpose I had for doing this was that I would get to talk to top climate scientists (they spent a whole day taping my conversation with one). I wanted to know the truth about climate change. As I told them when this began, I leaned toward being skepti-cal about this, but was open. The more we’ve gotten into this subject, the more skeptical I’ve become. I think they thought they would have a documentary about my conversion and becoming a believer in this, but it’s gone the other way. This has happened so dramatically that I think some of those working on this project have had their faith in the popular precepts of climate change shaken.

A couple of weeks ago, they brought Ian Somerhalder, a well-known actor from the shows Lost and Vampire Diaries, to join myself, Anna, and a former congressman for several hours of conversation on the subject. It was refreshing talking with Ian. He may be the first one I’ve ever talked to on this subject who was a serious activist but actually listened. He had very insightful thoughts and input.

Anna had organized a rally at a park in downtown Asheville that particular afternoon, and it was overflow-ing. More people showed up than they had prepared for

or had a sound system big enough to reach. A high percentage of them were teenage girls who had come to

“‘Conference’ is not an adequate word to describe our future gatherings, and we should not even call them that after this one.”

“ I wanted to know the truth about climate change... I leaned toward being skeptical about this, but was open. The more we’ve gotten into this subject, the more skeptical I’ve become.”



Page 3: OCTOBER 2013 PARTNERS update · A couple of weeks ago, they brought Ian Somerhalder, a well-known actor from the shows Lost and Vampire Diaries, to join myself, Anna, and a former

see Ian, but it was still a big success for Anna, who has gotten very good at organizing such events. This will serve her well in her calling, which she has not yet embraced but is being well prepared for.

Ian came to our services at H.I.M. the next morning and was really captivated by the worship. He said he had not felt so much joy in people before. Afterward, we spent a lot of time talking about it all. Again, I was very impressed with how open and insightful he was. He was at our house for the rest of the day for more taping, and also for a couple of more hours that evening at my office. Every break we had, he had some of the best questions or insights to share.

Now they’re asking to take Ian, Anna, and I to Washing-ton to meet with top climate scientists. They want me to bring a top scientist who is a skeptic so that we can face off about some of the issues. I think it will make good T.V., but I know editors, and I have no illusions about how this is going to likely make me, and other skeptics, look. So why would I do this?

First, I felt I should. Second, I did it for my daughter, for whom this is a very deep issue. I thought I could learn more about it and maybe even be persuaded. I wanted to be persuaded if it were true. However, as I said, the more I got into it, the more the whole climate change agenda seemed shaky, at best. There are also some major distortions and outright manipulation of the facts going on in this agenda

that did not take much effort to find. If the documentary is distorted like this, I do have some recourse. I will use it to bring to light how many other things are being distorted around this issue. If I get treated fairly and feel that the facts are treated fairly in this documentary, then I think major bridges could be opened between the environmental movement and the church, which I think needs to be opened. The first command given to man was about stewarding the earth, and I have never read that He lifted this responsibility.

I have repeated often for the sake of this documentary that the issue of protecting the environment is something almost everyone will agree with, even if we may debate some of the ways we do this. If the whole climate change issue is true, and it is going to set off major disasters, then it is a major issue, and Christians should be at the forefront of every major issue. If this is another crisis being manufactured for the sake of manipulating our youth and our country, then it needs to be exposed. At the very least, it is muddying the waters and hindering real environmental causes.

Now, I have much more substance to my beliefs about this than I can share here. I will share a lot of them with you later because I think they are important issues for our times. However, I mostly wanted to keep you informed about things that are going on with me and with MorningStar.


Our flagship daily television program, Prophetic Perspec-tives, is off and running 5 days a week. If you do not receive it on your satellite or cable provider, you can go to to view the programs at your convenience.

I am confident that you will agree that in both production and content, this program has gone to a new level. You will see and hear things on this program that you will not see or hear

anywhere else. Please check it out. Also, please give us your feedback on any way that you think we can improve the program. Our goal is to constantly do better, and our Partners have had some of the greatest insights into how we can do this.

I continue to pray the blessing of II Corinthians 9:6-15 for each of you:

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed; as it is written, “He scattered abroad, He gave to tHe poor, His rigHteousness endures forever.”

Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness;

you will be enriched in everything for all liberality, which through us is producing thanksgiving to God.

For the ministry of this service is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflow-ing through many thanksgivings to God.

Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ and for the liberality of your contribution to them and to all,

while they also, by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you.

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! In His Service,

Rick Joyner

Senior Pastor, Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries.

“ The issue of protecting the environment is something almost everyone will agree with, even if we may debate some of the ways we do this. If the whole climate change issue is true, and it is going to set off major disasters, then it is a major issue, and Christians should be at the forefront of every major issue. If this is another crisis being manufactured for the sake of manipulating our youth and our country, then it needs to be exposed.”

Ian Somerhalder speaking at a rally in downtown Asheville, NC.


Page 4: OCTOBER 2013 PARTNERS update · A couple of weeks ago, they brought Ian Somerhalder, a well-known actor from the shows Lost and Vampire Diaries, to join myself, Anna, and a former

In October 2012, I had a dream about the under-ground railroad. I grew up in Jacksonville, Illinois, a small Midwestern farming community. Prior to and during the Civil War, Jacksonville was known

as a safe haven for moving former slaves. Several of the old homes are known for having underground railways where these former slaves came through town to resettle or to move farther north.

This dream was about moving former slaves in the modern era. The passengers on this railway were Chris-tians and Jews fleeing persecution and death. In the last four years, MorningStar Missions has been blessed to add

anointed, faith-filled heroes to our network, while continuing to expand the kingdom of God in our network of missionaries serving in nearly fifty nations.


In many nations in the Middle East and Asia, MorningStar is being asked at this strategic hour to love, equip, and disciple many former Muslims for the great harvest at hand. As the end times accelerate, our present work includes freeing precious saints from

The Underground Railroad in the 21st CenturyBY JORGE PARROTT


“ In many nations in the Middle East and Asia, MorningStar is being asked at this strategic hour to love, equip, and disciple many former Muslims for the great harvest at hand. As the end times accelerate, our present work includes freeing precious saints from prison and relocating them to safe areas. ”

prison and relocating them to safe areas. Often times, the wives of pastors recount horrific stories of being raped, sometimes daily by prison guards. Many times parents are separated from their children for days, or even months at a time.

Due to safety concerns and security threats, it is not wise to publish specific nations or names for obvious reasons. Through our embedded and trusted native missionaries, we are given amazing access and eyewitness accounts of what is really happening behind enemy lines. We are in the most amazing of times as God knits our hearts with strategic alliances and fellow brethren who share the Father’s heart of love for his persecuted saints.


How valuable it is to get at the truth of the matter from trusted friends as God is building his Morning-Star global community. For several years, Rick Joyner has prophesied the need for a reliable Christian news service. Increasingly we see many examples where the global mainstream media cannot be trusted to accurately report what is actually happening. Provid-ing access to reliable news is in the very beginning stages, but the urgent need and potential for this area of growth is already quite apparent.

We thank our Partners for their heart for the nations. We covet your prayers and support as we must often move with speedy urgency to help save lives and restore families. How sad that we are increasingly hearing firsthand from our friends how the United States of America refuses asylum to those fleeing religious perse-cution. Some of those we have recently helped relocate to freedom have ended up in Canada and Finland because of the U.S.’s refusal to permit entry based on religious persecution, particularly Christians.


There are times when we urgently need funds for these efforts. Our awesome volunteers, interns, and staff in the Missions Department serve as a rapid response team to save lives. You can support these efforts as God leads you by visiting and clicking on The Persecuted Church. Thank you for your prayers.

A young girl is burned for being a Christian.


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Prayer in Pakistan


Page 5: OCTOBER 2013 PARTNERS update · A couple of weeks ago, they brought Ian Somerhalder, a well-known actor from the shows Lost and Vampire Diaries, to join myself, Anna, and a former


We had an awesome webinar with Bob & Bonnie Jones! Originally broadcast on August 27, you can watch it any

time on our webinar archives at Partner webinars are on the last Tuesday of the month at 8:00 pm (EST). Look for your emailed invitation to join us.

What’s Happening at MorningStar


We hope you enjoy the newly

designed Partners Newsletter!

As with The MorningStar Journal,

we have gone to a whole new

level in content, quality, and

format. We are sending this first

edition via US Postal Service to

all Partners, even if you normally

receive it by email. If you would

like to continue to receive it in

the mail, please let us know at

[email protected].

In future editions, we will

continue to include our monthly

letter from Rick Joyner and

more of what is going on here

at MorningStar. We want you

to see the fruit of your support

of this ministry.



We have a very dedicated team of prayer warriors who meet weekly to lift up your special needs to the Lord. Be sure to

send in your requests. We consider it our privilege to support you in this way. Be sure to keep us up to date on your current contact information. Please send your address changes to [email protected] or mail to 375 Starlight Dr., Fort Mill, SC 29715.

A few months ago we received a request to pray for a new job for one of our Partners. We just received the following praise report: “Received a new job with a raise in pay, eight weeks off in the summer, two weeks off at Christmas, one week off for spring break. And after having worked 60 – 70 hours a week for several years, hours are now 7:30am to 3:30pm! Praise God!”


MSU is designed to help everyone who attends to find and be prepared for

their unique calling and to walk “the path of the righteous,” which we are promised “shines brighter and brighter until the full day” (see Proverbs 4:18). If this is your basic devotion, you will fit well at MSU, and we would love to have you. You will find all of our courses to be practical, but they will also inspire you to fulfill the ultimate purpose of every human being—to love God above all else, and by this, to love others because “God is love.” We want you to love your time at MSU, but even more so, our goal is to see you love Him more. Doctrines and principles are important and can help us, but only those in love will never quit. You are called first and foremost to love God, and that too is our highest purpose. Call 803-802-5544 ext. 238 for more information.

School is Back in Session


Heritage Communities is a close-knit residential community for active adult Christians and is a major extension of MorningStar’s overall

mission to honor our fathers and mothers. Our goal is to mobilize a body of believers who desire to be engaged in the most enjoyable, fruitful, and productive years of their lives, resulting in the advancement of the king-dom. It is a place of discovering gifts and callings and for becoming equipped and deployed to fulfill all the Lord has for you. Our hope is for this community to be the best and most unique Christian active adult community anywhere! Call 1-877-748-6937 for more information.

Our K-12 school, CSCL, is back in session with 50 new students! At CSCL, we seek to raise up

the next generation of leaders with the cooperative effort of each family, the church at large, and the school staff. We provide an atmosphere that encour-ages worship of the Creator, a love for learning, a desire for excellence, and the development of each student’s gifts, talents, and leadership skills. Call 803-547-3223 for more information.


Page 6: OCTOBER 2013 PARTNERS update · A couple of weeks ago, they brought Ian Somerhalder, a well-known actor from the shows Lost and Vampire Diaries, to join myself, Anna, and a former


Paul’s Letter to the RomansThe MorningStar Vision Bible with Commentary by Rick Joyner

e Book of Romans is considered the most important book in e Bible by many because it is the most comprehensive statement of New Covenant theology. Just one verse from this Epistle is credited with igniting the entire Protestant Reformation. What could be accomplished if we grasped this great message in its entirety?

Paul’s Letters to the CorinthiansThe MorningStar Vision Bible with Commentary by Rick Joyner

Check out the latest books in the

MorningStar Vision Bible Series

For More Information Visit Us Online at or to Order Call 1-800-542-0278


We are very excited about an event that will be held in Decem-ber celebrating Rick Joyner’s 30 Years in Ministry. This event will be December 6 and 7, so please mark your calendars. Although this is not a Partners Only event, we are offering special pricing and events for Partners:

• $155perpersonincludesregistra-





• $225fortwoincludesregistration,a





• $99perpersonwithnoroom






A Very Special Weekend You Won’t Want to Miss


Page 7: OCTOBER 2013 PARTNERS update · A couple of weeks ago, they brought Ian Somerhalder, a well-known actor from the shows Lost and Vampire Diaries, to join myself, Anna, and a former

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