Page 1: October 2012 · 2013-02-01 · EVALUATION PORTFOLIO During the week of October 1st - 4th, the first evaluation portfolio

EVALUATION PORTFOLIO During the week of October 1st - 4th, the first evaluation portfolio of the year will go home with our students. It will contain a cross section of assignments

and tests completed so far this year and is intended to give parents an early look at their child’s progress well in advance of the report card. We would ask that you sign and return this portfolio as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please call your child’s teacher.

NEWSLETTER & CALENDAR VIA E-MAIL If you are receiving this newsletter and calendar by paper we do not have your e-mail address as of yet. In an effort to conserve paper and to

ensure monthly newsletters and calendars arrive home by the beginning of every month, we will be sending them to you via your e-mail address. They will also be posted on our school website ( If you have an email address, please send an email to Ms. Stodart at [email protected] indicating your child’s name, teacher, and email address. If you do not have an e-mail address, you will continue to receive a hard copy of the newsletters and calendars. There will always be hard copies at the kiosk, across from the office.

P.A. DAY Fri., October 5th, 2012, is a Professional Activity Day for the District School Board of Niagara. There will be NO SCHOOL ALL DAY. Enjoy your long weekend.

SCHOOL COUNCIL The Dalewood School Council will meet on Mon., October 22nd, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. in the school Learning Commons. Former and new members are encouraged to come out. GR 7 & 8 QUEBEC TRIP UPDATE Intermediate students are looking forward to their Quebec trip in February. The initial deposit due date has been extended to Mon., October

15th, 2012. Electronic copies of the information/registration package can be found on the school website. Hard copies can be picked up at the school kiosk, across from the office.

STUDENT AGENDAS At Dalewood, all students are expected to have agendas in class. At the end of each class teachers will ensure students to write down all of their assignments, quizzes, and tests. All students are required to have agendas signed at home each night to help keep parents informed. The goal of effective agenda use is to develop effective organization and time management which is a critical skill which has a direct link to success both at school and later in life. If your child needs to leave school early for an appointment, please write a note in your child’s agenda. This way your child may be excused from class to sign out at the office with no interruption to the class.

October 2012 Newsletter

Page 2: October 2012 · 2013-02-01 · EVALUATION PORTFOLIO During the week of October 1st - 4th, the first evaluation portfolio

BICYCLE REMINDER Students who ride to school, are expected to lock their bicycles to prevent theft. Bikes are to be locked separately; not shared.

ATTENDANCE At Dalewood, safety continues to be a priority. If a child is to be late or absent, it is imperative for a parent/guardian to call the school to make us aware of: student’s name, teacher’s name, and reason for absence or late.

For your convenience, the answering machine is on, therefore, you can call the school at 905-934-3325, 24/7 during the school year. Students who do not attend class trips, are expected to be at school, as there are full academic programs in place. IMMUNIZATION

Immunizations of Hep B and Meningococcal C (Gr. 7) and HPV (Gr. 8 girls) will occur on Mon., October 22nd, 2012. There will be a Gr. 7 presentation on Wed.,

October 10th, 2012, in the gym (periods 5 & 6). The Gr. 8 presentation will be on Thurs., October 11th, 2012, in the gym (periods 1 & 2). SCHOOL HEALTH The school Nurse assigned to our school is Mrs. Janet Sacks. She will be promoting optimal health amongst our students and assisting us in developing a healthy school environment. For more detailed information you may contact Mrs. Janet Sacks, at Niagara Region Public Health (School Elementary Health Department), 905-688-3762, x7211. STUDENT SUPPORT Each afternoon, from 3:10 - 3:40p.m., Ms. Duncan, our Educational Assistant, opens the

Learning Commons to help any students who needs time, space, and/or extra resources to complete assignments before heading home for the day.

STUDENTS OF THE MONTHS 4-1 Brynn Esau & Matthew Varley 4-2 Olateju Oladipo & Skylar Stone 5-1 Mia Friesen, Jennika McIntosh, &

Kylie Payne 5-2 Madison Guest & Owen Hughes 6-1 Ashley Earle, Carter Penfound, & Bridget Varley 6-2 Curtis Ehlert, Nicholas Langlaan, & Mya Sengsouriya 7-1 Amy Eccles & Lindsay Morrison 7-2 Samantha Evans & Curtis Gracey 7-3 Michael Mazzarella & Carley Thurston 7-4 Elisa Davis & Eden Rikkerink 7-5 Nicki Berg & Madison Kretz 8-1 Tyrell MacLennan & Heather McLachlan 8-2 Ramy Ismail & Rachel Lunny 8-3 Dale Falk & Donna Truong 8-4 Hasna Khalil & Gareth McIntosh 8-5 Tommy Truong & Jacob VanZalen 8-6 Sophie Bechkos, Madelyn Berg, & Jaden Reimer 8-7 Megan McLean & Sama Nanayakkara NUTRITION PROGRAM AT DALEWOOD

The Niagara Nutrition Partners have kindly provided our school with a grant to establish a nutrition program. Students are offered a nutritious snack and a juice box

during the 1st Nutrition Break. Students are asked to make a small donation toward the Nutrition Program. A Donation Box will be available in each classroom. Volunteers are needed!! We need your help to run the Nutrition Program. Each day we need volunteers to help organize and put away snack items for each class from 10:15a.m. to 10:50a.m.. We also need volunteers who are willing to help plan and purchase the products to be used. Please contact Mme Gower if you are able to help. MILK MACHINE

Our Milk Machine is ready for business!! Students who have a Dalewood Activity Card are able to save 25% on the purchase of milk. Simply visit Mme Gower at the 1st

Nutrition Break and put money on your Activity Card to start saving.

Page 3: October 2012 · 2013-02-01 · EVALUATION PORTFOLIO During the week of October 1st - 4th, the first evaluation portfolio

STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS On Mon., September 24th, 2012, Dalewood elected their 4 executive members for the 2012/2013 Student Council. It was a tough competition for all of the candidates. Your Student Council executive for this academic year is as follows:

Megan McLean, Prime Minister

Robert Dreyer, Deputy Prime Minister Hannah Zhang, Minister of Communication

Carley Thurston, Minister of Finance

Student Council is responsible for planning school dances, fundraisers, and special events. The Student Council consists of 4 executive members and 18 class representatives. Class reps will be determined in each homeroom for Wed., October 3rd, 2012. Good luck to all! We are all looking forward to another great year at Dalewood, and hope you are too! Look for information about our first school dance later this month. MAGAZINE FUNDRAISER CCRP MAGAZINES

Magazine subscription sales begin Tues., October 2nd, 2012 and end Tues., October 23rd, 2012. This fundraiser will provide an option for students

who wish to help defray costs of their grade 6 trip to Muskoka or their grade 7/8 trip to Quebec. There will be a “Kick Off” assembly on Tues., October 2nd, 2012, (period 5), for students who plan on attending one of these trips. At this time, all important information regarding the fundraiser will be addressed and a note will be sent home. PLEASE NOTE: an average of $10.00 per subscription will stay directly with the student, potentially making this a very lucrative fundraiser. Also, once the fundraiser has begun, if you wish to order a magazine online you may go to and enter our school code, ON2887. Please be sure to make all cheques payable to “Dalewood Public School. CCRP also accepts cash, Visa, and Mastercard.

COOKIE FUNDRAISER TASTY BATTERS Mme Danis We will also be providing an opportunity for students to sell cookies as another means to raise money toward their trip. This fundraiser runs from Fri., November 2nd, 2012, until Fri., November 23rd, 2012. Cookies will be delivered to the school on Fri., December 7th, 2012. Look for more information pertaining to this fundraiser in the November newsletter. For both fundraisers, we do not encourage "door-to-door" sales. We are hoping this will be a "Family and Friends" program.


There will be a Parent Information Night on Wed., October, 17th, 2012, at 7:00p.m., in the Learning Commons. The Gr. 6 students will be going to

Camp Muskoka from Wed., April 10th - Fri., April 12th, 2012.

AWARD RECOGNITION ASSEMBLIES Jr Assembly: Wed., October 3rd, 2012 8:40am (gym) Gr. 7 Assembly: Wed., October 3rd, 2012 9:15am (gym) Gr. 8 Assembly: Wed., October 3rd, 2012 9:35am (gym) Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are welcome to join us.

STUDENT TRANSPORTATION For bussing inquiries, please visit the transportation website at You will need your child’s OEN number (found on a recent Report Card). Click on “Sign In Parents”.

If you would like to contact the transportation office, click on “Contacts”.

Page 4: October 2012 · 2013-02-01 · EVALUATION PORTFOLIO During the week of October 1st - 4th, the first evaluation portfolio

CROSS COUNTRY Mr. Strickland

With the start of the school year still fresh in our minds, nearly fifty of our finest athletes have been dedicating their time, focus,

and energy toward building the stamina and technique necessary to represent Dalewood, and bring home personal bests at our area meets. Under cloudy skies and drizzly conditions, the Dragons matched up against some of Area 4's finest this past Thursday to earn top spots in every race of the day, including top five finishers: Erynn Hutley, Rachel Kennedy, Jessica Ehlert, Avery Goertz, Kaylin Beecroft, Brent Dryczewycz, Jacob McMillan, Holden Child, Kyle Lunny, Joel Balanowski; as well as Hannah Hesch and Haley Esau who won their respective races. The rest of the team gave tremendous efforts and are poised to improve on those results in the second meet this Tues., October 2nd, 2012, morning at Burgoyne Woods. Top finishers from both races may earn the opportunity to run the school colours in the DSBN final on Wed., October 10th, 2012, at School Support Services (formerly Niagara District High School), in Niagara-on-the-Lake. We are proud of the entire team and eagerly anticipate the rest of the season. Special thanks to Mme Beauparlant and Mr. Krake for coaching. Team members include: Gr. 4 Kaylin Beecroft, Brynn Esau, Katharina

Nisbitt, Jenna Unger, Paige Villeneuve, Gr. 5 Duncan Belliveau, Gabriel DiSanto, Ryan

Duncan, Mia Friesen, Owen Hughes, Aidyn Kasper, Kylie Payne,

Gr. 6 Amanda Goertz, Chloe Guy, Margo Hinchberger, Erynn Hutley, Madeline Roberts, Georgia Schellenberg,

Gr. 7 Joel Balanowski, Devon Copeland, Dylan Gough, Hannah Hesch, Rachel Kennedy, Jacob McMillan, Zachary Morningstar, Hana Parkin, Felicity Reid, Christopher Richardson,

Gr. 8 Jesse Bellamy, Holden Child, Brent Dryczewycz, Jessica Ehlert, Haley Esau, Avery Goertz, Kyle Lunny, Rachel Lunny, Jack Magee, Heather McLachlan, Cailen Rotz, Maddie Stewart, Rowan Thomas,

“Support Staff” Celina Barlow and Hasna Khalil.

INT BOYS VOLLEYBALL Mr. Donato Congratulations to the following boys who have successfully made the interschool volleyball team for the 2012 season: Kurt Allen, Mitchell Berg, Jeremiah Block, Holden Child, Chris Cotton, Robert Dreyer, Nicholas Felker, Owen Friesen, Tyrell MacLennan, Michael Mazzarella, Jacob McMillan, Josh McMillan, Zachary Morningstar, Colin Pearson, Oscar Rivas, and Tyson Spiering Thanks again to all who tried out for your time & interest. Needless to say the decision in the end was a difficult one. INT GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Mrs. Cherney Mrs. Cherney was thrilled to have over 70 girls try-out for the intermediate volleyball team. What an awesome turn out! However; choosing the team from the many enthusiastic, hard working girls is always very difficult. After many try-outs, the following girls were selected for this year's team: Jesse Bellamy, Madelyn Berg, Amy Eccles, Rebekah Holmes, Jaimie-Lynn Linton, Rachel Lunny, Kate O’Melia, Morgan Pagnotta,

Eva Ren, Lauren Ruddle, Julia Ruscio, Rowan Thomas, Carley Thurston, and Donna Truong. We are looking forward to a great season!

Go Dragons!!!

Page 5: October 2012 · 2013-02-01 · EVALUATION PORTFOLIO During the week of October 1st - 4th, the first evaluation portfolio

HEAD LICE AWARENESS The following information is an excerpt from the Niagara Region Public Health website ( Become educated about head lice, know:

the symptoms, how to check for and identify head lice and their eggs, how to use treatments to break the lifecycle of the head lice so you get rid of lice

completely, the precautions which require the advice of doctor or pharmacist, how to prevent the spread of head lice to others,

Check your child's head every week for head lice, Respond quickly to bring your child home if school staff contacts you to tell you your child has

head lice. (If you have already used a head lice product in the days before the school called, speak to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist about what to do next)

Get rid of head lice check everyone living with your child to see if they have head lice, buy products from your pharmacy and treat as soon as possible, carefully

following the directions. Treat everyone who has head lice on the same day. Check with the doctor or pharmacist first about what to use if the person needing treatment or doing the treatment is pregnant, is breastfeeding, is under the age of 2, has allergies, or has a seizure disorder. A second treatment may be recommended 7-10 days later. New reliable products are available for those who do not want to use traditional insecticides. You may want to use the “wet combing method”,

continue to work at removing lice and eggs until everyone in the home is completely rid of them,

tell people at any place your child could have been in head-to-head contact with others e.g. relatives, babysitters, etc., so they are made aware,

clean your home - vacuum carpets and furniture (sprays are not necessary), wash clothes, towels, and bedding used in the last 3 days, bring your child back to school after treatment. If head lice are found during the

head check before they go back to class, be prepared to have your child return home for further lice removal,

teach your child how to reduce their chances of getting head lice e.g. no sharing hats, combs, and brushes, and

learn about lice. For more detailed information you may contact Mrs. Janet Sacks, at Niagara Region Public Health (School Elementary Health Department), 905-688-3762, x7211.

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Page 7: October 2012 · 2013-02-01 · EVALUATION PORTFOLIO During the week of October 1st - 4th, the first evaluation portfolio
Page 8: October 2012 · 2013-02-01 · EVALUATION PORTFOLIO During the week of October 1st - 4th, the first evaluation portfolio
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