
All Sacraments and ceremonies are available in Italian, Latin, Spanish & of course English. Baptisms: Every Saturday at 10:30AM & Sunday at 1:30PM. Parents are required to register for baptism with a priest. Parents should be registered parishioners. Please call to make an appointment. Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance with a parish priest. Please call the rectory to make an appointment. Visits to the Sick: Please inform the rectory for hospital or homebound visits. Quinceaneras: Cotillion Masses are available for our girls who have been confirmed-please call.

The Shrine

Mass Schedule: Monday thru Friday: 6:30 and 8AM Saturday: 8:00AM, 4PM Sunday: 7AM (Sp.), 8:00 (Eng.), 9:30 (Latin) & 11AM (Eng.) & 12:30PM (Sp.) Holy Days: 6:30PM (Eng.) the previous evening; 6:30, 8:10AM, 12:00 Noon and 6:30PM (Sp.) Church is open: Weekdays from 6AM - 6PM Confessions: Saturday 11AM - 12Noon & by appointment. Rectory Office hours: Monday thru Friday: 9AM -9PM Saturday 9AM-7PM Sunday 9AM-7PM Adoration: Thursday until 6AM - 6PM

St. Odilo Church is the only parish in the United States dedicated to the Souls in Purgatory.

It was founded and sanctioned as the Shrine of the Poor Souls by His Eminence, George Cardinal Mundelein, in 1928,

with a special indulgence of 200 days granted upon each visit to the shrine.

" "

St. Odilo Parish National Shrine of the Poor Souls

Pastor: Rev. Anthony Brankin Associate Pastor: Rev. Alejandro Marca Mansilla Priests: Rev. Msgr. Richard Saudis Rev. Robert Coleman

Music Director: Mr. Paul Rau Business Manager: Mrs. Beth Ritzenthaler Secretary: Mrs. Gail Kunce Marketing/Advancement: Mrs. Ruby Martinez

Deacon: Rev. Mr. Alfonso Salgado School Principal: Mr. William Donegan School Secretary: Mrs. Laura M. Cervantes CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Idalia Gonzalez

Rectory: 2244 East Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 (708) 484-2161 School: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 (708) 484-0755 Convent: 2319 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 (708) 680-0909 CCD Office: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 (708) 484-5321 Web Address: Fax: (708) 788-0565

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15, 2017

Ramblings - Fr. Brankin Angels In the last two weeks we celebrated the Feast day of the Archangels, Michael, Raphael and Gabriel—as well as the Feast of the Guardian Angels. And it got me to thinking. And here is what I thought. I am a sucker for science fiction movies. I don’t know why—maybe I just keep thinking—why not? So a few years ago there was a popular series called the X-files. If I ever got a chance to sit there and watch it—even with my father who didn’t like science fiction—well I watched it. He would just read. But a recurring theme of the show was that there were FBI files labeled “X” which contained secret infor-mation about a huge government conspiracy to hide the existence of extra-terrestrials from the people. Every once in a while one of the heroes of the show would uncover information about the conspiracy and they would claim that they had to keep the existence of flying saucers and aliens secret from the populace—because—as they would say—if people knew that they had been visited by beings from Outer Space—that they might even be among us now—well—that knowledge would shake the foundations of civilization. If the people knew that there were intelligent beings from other planets that actually came to earth, why! That would undermine the pillars of society—it would destroy religion and undercut every belief system and create such social havoc and national unrest—that life as we know it would not be able to continue. And so—according to the series—the government was keeping the existence of aliens a secret. Now I have no idea what religion the producers of the X-Files might have been, but they sure seem to have been convinced that knowledge of intelligent beings from other planets was dangerous to peoples belief systems and social constructs. But I am a believing Catholic and I cannot imagine a scenario in which we might be given proof of intelligent life on other planets which would destroy my Catholic Faith. And really Catholics already believe that there is intelligent life—other than humans—in the Universe—incredibly intelligent—vastly more intelligent than we are—much more powerful than we are. We believe in creatures that are able to travel the vast distances of the universe in almost an instant. They are able to slip through this worm hole and go through that worm hole and end up—so effortlessly—right here—by simply willing it done. This race of beings—these intelligent entities—are similar to us insofar as they can think and reason and put things together and make conclusions—but they do so with such speed that it is hard to imagine. Our comput-ers would seem like old-time cash registers in comparison to the intelligence of these beings. These entities (whom the human eye cannot see) would know about atomic theory and the genetic code as a child might know his Legos. And why not—they were there at the beginning of the Universe. They saw the stars and planets spin out from God’s hand. And as brilliant as these entities are, they stood in awe of Gods power as they watched the length and breadth and enormity of the Universe explode and expand. They were there! They were part of it! They watched creation being created!

As well, these entities—this race of beings who do not originate on earth—who come from some other place—are persons like us—and they have wills. They can choose. They can do this or they can do that. If they want to. And since love is a component of the will—they can also love. They love with the purest of loves. They simply desire the good of the other. They desire that good might prevail for the one who is loved. And most of them are good. All they want to do is to help humans. They are like the beneficent Aliens in the movies who come to earth to help us and keep us from harm. (Any one remember “Gort, Klaatu, Barada, Nikto”?) Yet, some of these entities who inhabit the Universe—at some point in their histories when they were given a choice to obey God or disobey Him, chose to disobey. They chose Evil—they chose to go against the good God who had made them. They chose to hate instead of to love. They chose to say “No” instead of “Yes.” But you do not say “NO” to God. Now He did not annihilate them or extinguish them. But he did punish them—to live mentally and spiritually for the rest of Eternity in the darkness of a life without God—without hope, without relief—to be lost in an almost limitless universe knowing that their exile shall never end. Their only satisfaction would be to see other entities (especially if they are human) go to Hell with them—to suffer as they suffer. Of course, you know I am talking about angels—pure spirits—intelligent and loving—or intelligent and hating. These are the creatures created by God to help Him run the Universe. Those angels who stayed loyal to God are the Cherubim and Seraphim, the Thrones and Dominations, the Principalities and Powers, the Angels and Archangels, Michael the Archangel, Gabriel and Raphael. The whole army of Archangels. Who knows how many there are? But God can count them—and count on them. They are his messengers—they are his warriors—they do God’s bidding—and they do it effortlessly. They go from here to there—and it is done. They spin the planets they guide the galaxies and keep it all in order. God does not need them—but He surely uses them. There are also Guardian Angels. Each one of us has been given by God his or her own angel. And from the moment of conception this angel watches over us and cares for us as a mother or father cares for their baby. This Guardian angel of ours encourages us in our hearts and minds to do good and to avoid evil—even physical evil. Many is the child (according to the comfort of our belief) who was guided to safety over bridges and roads and paths or traffic—by the spiritual hand of their guardian angel. Many is the person who turned his or her face away from temptation—just in time because of the inner promptings of their guardian angel. And when the time comes that we are called from this earth to Eternity to heaven, we will meet those angels, and rejoice to know them in all their brilliance and loveliness and goodness. I suppose these days to call them “entities” or even “extra-terrestrials”—which they actually are—sounds more plausible to our modern ears—which have this built-in prejudice against traditional words and concepts. The supernatural world is just as real as space ships and planets—as real as you and I are real. And heaven and hell and purgatory exist even more surely than Area 51 and the knowledge of these beings is not con-cealed or hidden by government agents and stealth spies in some shadowy X-file—but is contained and taught and proclaimed in our Catholic Faith—and in the Bible and even in our hearts.




The existence of angels—like the existence of the supernatural—makes all the sense in the world because the world is composed of things we can see and things we cannot see—and what a marvelous, mysterious, beautiful universe it is. And why not?—It all comes from the Marvelous mysterious Beautiful One who created the Universe. And it is good for us to know as much about Him and His universe as we can.

Victoria’s House Keeping 708-735-2946 Free Estimate

References Email [email protected]

Group Contact Information

Armory of Christ-708-681-6879 Guadalupanos-708-484-2161

Legion of Mary -708-623-9280 Knights of Columbus-708-204-3761

Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima -708-484-1204 Little Flowers-469-487-9506 or [email protected]

ESL-708-287-7347 Spred-708-287-7347 Ushers-708-788-8136

If you would like a copy of the 2018 Workbook for Lectors or At Home with the Word to help prepare your readings for Mass please call Gail at the rectory 708-484-2161 or email [email protected] The new books start on December 3. Reserve your copy now. We are only going to order copies for those lectors that request them. Thank you!


There are special envelopes in the vestibule of the church for enrolling your deceased relatives and friends in the St. Odilo Purgatorial Society. The names will be printed in a book remembering our

beloved dead which is placed by the Poor Souls Shrine. A special novena is offered at St. Odilo for those enrolled. You may drop the envelopes in the collection or at the rectory. When filling out the envelope please PRINT all names clearly or they can not be printed in the book.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, As members of the Catholic Church, we are called to renew our commitment as missionary disciples on World Mission Sunday. Like Renew My Church, mission ad gentes, or proclaiming the Gospel to those who do not know Christ, reminds us that we have a responsibility to those outside our parish boundaries, our Archdiocese, and even our nation. When we support our world missions together, we build bonds among each other, sustaining of life in Christ and we are trans-formed through service and solidarity as Christ's missionary disciples. The World Mission Sunday collection, held here on October 21-22, and executed by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith on behalf of Pope Francis, is a global effort to provide for 1,111 mission dioceses across four different continents. This weekend's collection supports those with the greatest needs and the missionaries who evangelize and accompany them through the Sacraments while providing pastoral care, education, basic health care, and safe housing. Let this celebration of World Mission Sunday also be a day to honor the many ways we commit to missionary discipleship. God is persistent and generous with the call to go forth. I pray that every parish in the Archdiocese of Chicago uses World Mission Sunday as an opportunity to be renewed in our commitment to prayer, testimony of life, and the sharing of our gifts. With every good wish, I remain, Sincerely yours in Christ, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago

Estimadas Hermanas y Hermanos en Cristo, Como miembros de la Iglesia Católica, somos llamados a renovar nuestro compromiso como discípulos misioneros el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Como Renueva mi Iglesia, missio ad gentes, o proclamar el Evangelio a aquellos que no conocen a Cristo, nos recuerda que tenemos una responsabi-lidad con aquellos fuera de los límites de nuestra parroquia, nuestra Arquidiócesis, e incluso nuestra nación. Cuando apoyamos juntos la misión mundial, creamos lazos entre no-sotros sustentando la vida en Cristo, y somos transformados a través del servicio y la solidaridad como discípulos misioneros de Cristo. La colecta del Domingo Mundial de las Misiones, celebrada aquí el 21-22 de octubre, ejecutada por la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe en nombre del Papa Francisco, es un esfuerzo global para proveer a 1,111 diócesis misioneras a lo largo de cuatro continentes diferentes. La colecta de este fin de semana apoya a aquellos con las necesidades más grandes y a los misioneros que los evangelizan y acompañan a través de los Sacramentos mientras se proporciona cuidado pastoral, educación, cuidado básico de la salud y vivienda segura. Dejemos que esta celebración de la Misión Mundial también sea un día para honrar las muchas maneras en las cuales nos comprometemos al discipulado misionero. Dios es persistente y generoso con el llamado a ir adelante. Oro para que cada parroquia en la Arquidiócesis de Chicago utilice el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones como una oportunidad de ser renovado en nuestro compromiso con la oración, el testimonio de vida, y el compartir nuestros dones. Con todos los buenos deseos, permanezco, Sinceramente suyo en Cristo, Cardenal Blase J. Cupich Arzobispo de Chicago

World Mission Collection Next Sunday



October 21 & 22

Eucharistic Minister

Lector Altar Servers

4PM B. Ouska J. Stockhausen

H. Odum

7AM (Esp.)

M. Marin, R. Marin E. Mendoza

J. Soto Not

8AM D. Kaminski N. Kmet

L. Tufo Available


11AM L. Cervantes, D. Oborski A. Perez

B. Donegan

12:30PM (Esp.)

M. Salgado, V. Chavez, M. Garcia, A. Mendez

M. Villarreal H. Sanchez

Please remember the sick - Regina Szatkowski, Josephine Sprovieri, Ernest Karamas, Charlie Turek, Alice Kowalski, Henry Kereluk, Sr. Johanna Trisoliere, Ramon Marentes, William Stepanek, Karen Lewis, Joseph Kirchoff, our Veterans, Barbara Defina, Ralph Cannataro, Mike Kadrowicz, Eddie Shishkoff, Baby Carmody, Milly Kosinar, Danny Gale, Patricia Stalzer, Rahman Ayi, Roger Kowalski, Vincent Wallis, Pat Grady, Irene Smith, Lewis Johnson, Peg Kocar, Terry Raso, Georgina Alejos, Belen Salgado, Enrique Gonzalez, Joanne Carlson, Diane Kuntz, Maria Banda, Frank Rossi, Senorina Castillo, Brian Hess, Maria Sanchez, Zianny E. Leyva, Alice Zimmerman, John Mozis, Louise Kuzin, Mary Dedowicz, George Fuoco, Betty Sereno, Joseph Coleman, Phillip Brankin, Peter Rybak, Timmy O’Connell, Paula Tammen, Merlita Stovall.

October 8, 2017 $10,152.96 Last Year $10,107.41 Earthquake in Mexico $2,698.28 Thank you! Fr. Brankin


I-Raul Jaimes Jr. & Luisa Reyes


MONDAY… 4PM-CCD (SCH) 6:30PM-CCD (SCH) 6:30PM-CCD Adult (CH) 6:30PM-Legion of Mary (PR) 7PM-Folkloric Dance (CB) TUESDAY… 6:30PM-Spred (PrR) 6:30-Pastoral Migratoria (PR) 7PM-Confirmation Meeting - Eng. (PH) - Sp. (CH) WEDNESDAY... 9AM-Homeschool Coop (CB) 9AM-Homeschool Group (PR) 6PM-ESL(PH) 6:30PM-Arts & Crafts (SR) 7PM-Spanish Choir (PR) THURSDAY.. 6:45PM-Armory of Christ (CB) 7PM-Bible Study (PR) FRIDAY… 6PM-Pequeño Rebaño (CB) 7PM-Faith Formation (PR) 7:30PM-Folkloric Dance (CB)

Hospital bed and hoyer lift to be given away. Call Mary Ann at 708-603-4982

MONDAY, OCTOBER 16-SAINT HEDWIG, RELIGIOUS; SAINT MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE, VIRGIN 6:30AM-Mr. George Kasper (Mr. Jack Tintera) 8:10AM-Stanley Podgorny TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17-SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, BISHOP & MARTYR 6:30AM-Deacon Pete Morrissey (Kirchoff Family) 8:10AM-George Kasper (Rosary Group) -Nicholasa Lopez & Anita Gove (Sanchez Family) -Jay Chandler (Odum Family) -Elizabeth Joseph (Len Tufo) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18-SAINT LUKE, EVANGELIST 6:30AM-Intentions of Danny & Lais Nelson (Maria Montanez) 8:10AM-John & Agnes Bogolin (Carol Ann Bergant) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19-SAINTS JOHN DE BREBEUF AND ISSAC JOGUES, PRIESTS 6:30AM-John Anthony Godinez (Family) 8:10AM-Irenea Sorio Santos (Santos Family) -Judy Biagi (Vince Banda) -Phyllis Markou & Family -Elizabeth Joseph (Nancy Banda) -Health of Phillip Brankin (Mary & Phil Frigo) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20-SAINT PAUL OF THE CROSS, PRIEST 6:30AM-Florence M. Holt 8:10AM-Carol Cody Newcomb (St. Sabina 1st Friday Club) 2:30 & 6:30PM-Rosary & Benediction SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21-WEEKDAY 8AM-Casmire Gurzynski (Family) 12PM-Quinceanera-Emily flores 2PM-Quinceanera Karina Moreno 4PM-Augustine & Raymond Stalmasek (Dan Stalmasek) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22-TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7AM-The Hixson Family (M. Ruiz) 8AM-Birthday Blessing for Temio De Torres (De Torres Family) 9:30AM-Mary Catherine Greaney (Terry & Maririta McKenna) 11AM-Loretta Benes (Family) 12:30PM-Rafaela Beltran (Beltran Family)

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