  • 7/30/2019 ObliCon. (1409-1430)




    Art. 1409. The following contracts are

    _______________ and _______________ from the


    (1) Those whose _______________, _______________or _______________ is contrary to law, morals, good

    customs, public order or public policy;

    (2) Those which are _______________

    _______________ or _______________;

    (3) Those whose _______________ or

    _______________ did _______________

    _______________ at the time of the _______________;

    (4) Those whose object is _______________ thecommerce of men;

    (5) Those which _______________ an

    _______________ _______________;

    (6) Those where the _______________ of the parties

    _______________ to the principal object of the

    contract _______________ be _______________;

    (7) Those _______________ _______________ or

    _______________ void by law.

    These contracts _______________ be

    _______________. Neither can the right to set up the

    _______________ of _______________ be


    Art. 1410. The _______________ or _______________

    for the _______________ of the _______________ of a

    contract does not _______________.

    Art. 1411. When the _______________

    _______________ from the _______________ of the

    cause or object of the _______________, and the act

    _______________ a _______________

    _______________, both parties being in

    _______________ _______________, they shall have

    _______________ action against each other, and

    _______________ shall be _______________Moreover, the _______________ of the Penal Code

    _______________ to the _______________ o

    _______________ or _______________ of a crime shal

    be _______________ to the things or the

    _______________ of the contract.

    This _______________ shall be _______________ when

    only one of the parties is _______________; but the

    _______________ one may _______________ what he

    has given, and shall _______________ be

    _______________ to _______________ with his

    _______________. (1305)

    Art. 1412. If the act in which the _______________ o

    _______________ cause consists does

    _______________ _______________ a

    _______________ _______________, the following

    rules shall be _______________:

    (1) When the _______________ is on the part of

    _______________ contracting parties, neither may

    _______________ what he has given by

    _______________ of the contract, or demand the

    _______________ of the other's _______________;

    (2) When only _______________ of the contracting

    parties is at _______________, he _______________

    recover what he has _______________ by reason of the

    _______________, or ask for the _______________ o

    what has been _______________ him. The other, who

    is _______________ at fault, may _______________

    the return of what he has given _______________ any

    _______________ to _______________ his

    _______________. (1306)

  • 7/30/2019 ObliCon. (1409-1430)


    Art. 1413. _______________ paid in _______________

    of the interest allowed by the _______________ laws

    may be _______________ by the _______________,

    with _______________ thereon from the

    _______________ of the _______________.

    Art. 1414. When _______________ is

    _______________ or _______________

    _______________ for an _______________ purpose,

    the contract may be _______________ by

    _______________ of the parties _______________ the

    _______________ has been _______________, or

    _______________ any _______________ has been

    _______________ to a third person. In such case, the

    _______________ may, if the _______________

    _______________ will thus be _______________, allow

    the party _______________ the _______________ to

    recover the _______________ or _______________.

    Art. 1415. Where _______________ of the

    _______________ to an _______________

    _______________ is _______________ of giving

    _______________, the courts may, if the

    _______________ of _______________ so demands

    _______________ recovery of _______________ or_______________ delivered by the _______________


    Art. 1416. When the _______________ is

    _______________ _______________ per se but is

    _______________ _______________, and the

    _______________ by the law is _______________ for

    the _______________ of the _______________, he

    may, if public policy is thereby _______________,

    _______________ what he has _______________ or


    Art. 1417. When the _______________ of any

    _______________ or _______________ is

    _______________ by _______________, or by

    _______________ of law, any person paying any

    amount in _______________ of the _______________

    price allowed may _______________ such


    Art. 1418. When the law _______________, or

    _______________ the fixing of the _______________

    number of _______________ of _______________, and

    a contract is entered into _______________ a

    _______________ _______________ to work

    _______________ than the _______________ thus

    fixed, he may _______________ additiona

    _______________ for service _______________

    beyond the time _______________.

    Art. 1419. When the law sets, or _______________ the

    setting of a _______________ _______________ fo

    _______________, and a contract is agreed upon by

    which a laborer _______________ a _______________

    _______________, he shall be _______________ to

    recover the _______________.

    Art. 1420. In case of a _______________ contract, if the

    _______________ terms can be _______________ from

    the _______________ ones, the _______________ may

    be _______________.

    Art. 1421. The defense of _______________ of contract

    is _______________ _______________ to

    _______________ persons whose _______________

    are _______________ _______________


  • 7/30/2019 ObliCon. (1409-1430)


    Art. 1422. A contract which is the _______________

    result of a _______________s illegal _______________,

    is also _______________ and _______________.


    Art. 1423. Obligations are _______________ or

    _______________. _______________

    _______________ give a right of action to

    _______________ their _______________.

    _______________ _______________, not being based

    on _______________ law but on _______________ and

    _______________ law, do not grant a right of action to

    _______________ their _______________, but after

    _______________ _______________ by the

    _______________, they _______________ the

    _______________ of what has been _______________

    or _______________ by reason thereof. Some

    _______________ _______________ are set

    _______________ in the following _______________.

    Art. 1424. When a right to _______________ upon a

    _______________ _______________ has

    _______________ by ______________________________, the _______________ who

    _______________ performs the contract

    _______________ recover what he has

    _______________ or the _______________ of the

    _______________ he has _______________.

    Art. 1425. When _______________ the

    _______________ or _______________ the

    _______________ of the _______________, a third

    person pays a debt which the _______________ is

    _______________ _______________ _______________

    to pay because the _______________ thereon has

    _______________, but the _______________ later

    _______________ _______________ the third person,

    the ______________________________

    _______________ _______________ what he has


    Art. 1426. When a _______________ between

    _______________ and _______________ years of age

    who has entered into a contract _______________ the

    _______________ of the _______________ o

    _______________, after the _______________ of the

    contract _______________ returns the

    _______________ thing or _______________ received

    _______________ the fact the he has not been

    _______________ thereby, there is _______________

    right to demand the thing or price thus


    Art. 1427. When a minor _______________ eighteen

    and twenty-one years of age, who has

    _______________ into a contract _______________the consent of the _______________ o

    _______________, _______________

    _______________ a _______________ o

    _______________ or _______________ a

    _______________ _______________ in fulfillment o

    the _______________, there shall be _______________

    right to _______________ the same from the

    _______________ who has _______________ o

    _______________ it in _______________

    _______________. (1160A)

    Art. 1428. When, after an _______________ to

    _______________ a _______________ obligation has

    _______________ the _______________

    _______________ _______________ the

    _______________, he cannot _______________ the

    return of what he has _______________ or the

    _______________ of the _______________ of the

    _______________ he has _______________.

  • 7/30/2019 ObliCon. (1409-1430)


    Art. 1429. When a _______________ or

    _______________ _______________ _______________

    pays a _______________of the _______________

    _______________ the _______________ of the

    _______________ which he _______________ by

    _______________ or by the law of _______________

    from the _______________ of the _______________,

    the _______________ is _______________ and_______________ be _______________ by the


    Art. 1430. When a _______________ is declared

    _______________ because it has _______________

    been _______________ in _______________ with the

    _______________ required by law, but one of the

    intestate heirs, after the settlement of the debts of the

    _______________, pays a _______________ in

    _______________ with a _______________ in the

    _______________ will, the payment is

    _______________ and _______________.

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