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James C. Tilton

Mrs. Dewar



Senior Thesis

Benjamin Franklin once said “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little

temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” When it comes to the topic of Obamacare

the quote directly correlates to the intended meaning of Franklin. If any man, government, or

entity gives up their own freedom (in this case, choice/liberty) for what they think to be safety

(healthcare) deserves neither liberty nor safety. They don’t deserve liberty or safety because as

you give up your own power thus making yourself more vulnerable you in turn create something

more powerful. As people give up choice to the federal government for what they think to be

security in the form of healthcare they end up losing both. They end up losing both because they

think this temporary security will keep them safe, such as Obamacare helping prevent a cold for

citizens. However there is no way Obamacare will guarantee prevention in sickness to its users,

or even guarantee it will be a successful program. Therefore the individual ends up losing both

their freedom and security.

In the past in the United States healthcare or health insurance has always been a free

choice; however with the implementation of Obamacare this choice will be stripped from all

through the form of taxation (or as Obama calls it, a ‘fine’). Although socialized healthcare at its

core is perhaps a good idea that has great value in providing benefits, promoting equality, and

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encouraging equal opportunity the current system implemented in America known as Obamacare

(PPACA – Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) consists of several serious problems that

need to be addressed so healthcare can once again be practical for all in America.

Although Obamacare consists of numerous flaws, millions of Americans have benefited

from the Affordable Care Act since President Barack Obama signed it into law on March 23,

2010. Thanks to President Obama and his signing of the bill to become ‘law of the land’ he has

made a service that was once unattainable and non-achievable by many Americans a service that

is available to every citizen regardless of pre-existing conditions, wealth, and age thus promoting

equality in that all have healthcare, and equal opportunity in that even the poor, sick, and young

adults can attain healthcare.

One of the act’s provisions: allowing young adults to remain on their parents insurance

until age 26 impacted several million Americans in a major way. “Because of the law 6.6

million additional young adults, including more than 1.3 million minorities—many of them new

college graduates—had access to coverage even if they were unable to find a job right away.”

(Emily Lee) Now, more than 73 percent of young adults have insurance coverage as a result of

the dependent provision, and surely their families benefit from this economic security which

drastically lowers expenses to help provide/cover their children. It is also said that the gains in

health coverage are solely attributable to increases in private insurance with no change to

Medicaid which is a good thing because Medicaid is a socialized healthcare offered for low

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income families, seniors, and people with pre-existing health conditions. It is essential that any

increase in Medicaid would be for those people whom apply for it because it would be bad to

have an unnecessary increase in a federally provided social service that would then need to be

funded through higher taxation. Due to the provision of providing health care for people to the

age of 26 has expanded the availability of health insurance to young adults thus promoting

equality, and even making it possible for these young adults to focus on school, work, duties, etc.

without the thoughts in the back of their minds as well as their parents that “what happens if I

become sick?”

Obamacare also enlarged the scope of health care to those who are in dire need, the

citizens in America who have pre-existing conditions. Without the addition of covering people

with pre-existing conditions; people that had a condition such as asthma, heart disease, cancer

etc. prior to attaining healthcare would not have access to necessary and affordable care, because

many private insurers either offer substantially higher premiums to these people and or simply

deny them access to their service. The new law instituted in Obamacare “prohibits insurance

companies from charging higher premiums, limiting benefits, or denying coverage to those who

need it starting in 2014. But to ensure those with pre-existing conditions can access the care they

need immediately, the Affordable Care Act created the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan,

which includes coverage for primary and specialty care, hospital services, and prescription

drugs.” (Emily Lee) Due to this provision it stops a major form of discrimination that promotes

equal opportunity to the fullest in that these people with pre-existing conditions now have the

ability to feel safe like any American should feel by finally attaining healthcare. This provision

not only achieves equal opportunity it also promotes equality, that just because these people have

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health conditions they shouldn’t be charged more and or denied access to an essential service

which is exactly what this provision achieves.

Another way Obamacare promotes equal opportunity is by expanding the eligibility for

Medicaid to include all Americans that fall under the 133 percent of the federal poverty level. In

other words if an individual makes only approximately $14,000 or a family of four only makes

$29,000 a year these people will be granted access to Medicaid. (What’s Changing and When)

With this expansion of Medicaid it makes sure low income uninsured citizens will be covered by

Obamacare. This thus promotes equal opportunity in that; the poor who never thought of

healthcare being attainable now depend on healthcare on an everyday basis. Due to this

expansion it will bring in an estimated 24 million more Americans to the services provided by

Medicaid, thus promoting opportunity and reinforcing equality to all these citizens who never

had health coverage prior to this provision under Obamacare.

Not only does Obamacare drastically improve access and coverage of healthcare to

millions of Americans, but Obamacare also provides multiple free preventive services for

Medicare beneficiaries, as well as people with private insurance. However it doesn’t end there,

Obamacare also targets women to benefit greatly from many free preventive services. Due to this

change in providing free services it promotes equality and equal opportunity in that Obamacare

addresses all groups of people to receive these potentially lifesaving services. (Children,

Women, Adults, and Seniors)

“About 86 million Americans took advantage of the healthcare reform law's prevention

benefits for Medicare beneficiaries and people with private insurance last year” (Julian Pecquet)

A report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services found that an estimated 32.5

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million Medicare beneficiaries took advantage of Obamacare’s coverage of prevention with no

cost sharing during that year, which included many services which were all previously subject to

deductibles or co-payments. “Another 54 million people in private insurance are estimated to

have taken advantage of the law's expanded coverage of at least some preventive services” which

include pediatrician visits, cancer screenings and immunizations. (Julian Pecquet)

Not only do Medicare and privately insured citizens enjoy these preventive services but

so do seniors. For seniors on Medicare the law provides certain preventive services, such as

annual wellness visits and personalized prevention plans. Seniors may select services from bone

mass measurement, to prostate cancer screenings, to diabetes screenings, etc. all for the big price

tag of free. Not only that, but seniors starting in 2012 will also receive a 50% discount for

brand-named drugs, and an 86% discount for generic drugs, however the discounts begin to

diminish little by little each year until the year 2020 where they will be paying a 25% discount

for both brand-named and generic drugs. (Medicare Preventive Services)

“Under the Affordable Care Act, women’s preventive health care – such as

mammograms, screenings for cervical cancer, prenatal care, and other services – is covered with

no cost sharing for new health plans.” (Women’s Preventive Services) On August 1, 2012 about

47 million women gained guaranteed access to additional preventive services without paying

more at the doctor’s office. Because of the Obamacare, women in private plans and Medicare

already have received many potential lifesaving services, such as mammograms, and flu shots at

no extra cost, as well as, contraceptive products, breastfeeding support and supplies, counseling,

HIV screening and counseling, HPV DNA testing, STI infections counseling, gestational

diabetes screenings, and domestic and interpersonal violence screening and counseling.

(Kathleen Sebelius) Due to this provision to require insurers to cover these preventive services it

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puts women in control of their own healthcare, rather than allowing insurers to tell women what

services they’re able to receive.

Due to the change in law for providing preventive services free of charge, now more than

ever, millions of Americans can live and lead healthy lives, avoid or delay the onset of disease,

and reduce health care cost. Often because of cost, Americans used preventive services at about

half the recommended rate. However since the implementation of Obamacare people can now

receive these services at the recommended rate free of charge, which is a win for millions of

Americans, even children who are granted 26 preventive services, up to the age 17 and 18.

Even though socialized healthcare (Obamacare) seems to benefit many, the Affordable

Care Act was a piece of legislation that was created prematurely without sufficient evidence and

research on how the bill would affect millions of Americans that both Congress pushed for and

President Obama signed into law very mistakenly. Possibly because we have leaders such as

Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill who believe “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what

is in it”. When was the last time you signed a contract or an agreement before reading it?

Especially when it contains 40 reams of paper a.k.a. 20,000 pages. Einstein said “if you can’t

explain it to a six year old – you don’t understand it yourself”. The Affordable Care Act consists

of several flaws that need addressing.

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Obamacare and its 20,000 pages of laws and regulation in reality have little to do with

healthcare. They have much more to do with social engineering, redistribution of wealth, and the

governments continual inveigling into the private lives of citizens. Obamacare expands

government control thus making government even more powerful and citizens weak, while at the

same time taking away freedom of choice from citizens and insurers through government

intervention (mandating).

The Supreme Court decision of National Federation of Independent Business vs. Sebelius

was a case against the levying of the mandated insurance tax in 2014 of Obamacare and whether

it was constitutional or not. The court decided 5-4 that the penalty of not having healthcare can

be considered tax, thus since it is considered a tax Congress then has the power to “lay and

collect taxes”. However since the tax does “not fall within any recognized category of direct

tax… the shared responsibility payment is thus not a direct tax that must be apportioned among

the several States.” (Wikipedia) Advocates of Obamacare claim that the mandate to purchase

health insurance is authorized under the Commerce Clause. But constitutional experts note that

this expansion of power is unprecedented. The only way for the Supreme Court to find

Obamacare constitutional via the Commerce Clause would be for it to announce, for the first

time in 221 years, that there are essentially no structural limits on the federal government's power

to regulate interstate commerce. (Robert Levy) The “tax” also fails on three levels. “First, the

penalty is not a tax; it's a fine. The president said as much when confronted with the argument

that it violated his promise not to raise taxes on the middle class.” Second, even if the penalty

for noncompliance is deemed to be a tax rather than a fine, it does not meet the constitutional

requirements for income, excise, or direct taxes. The type of tax is determined by the event that

triggers its incidence. In this case, the trigger is the non-purchase of health insurance. The tax is

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obviously not an income tax, and isn’t excise because the constitution requires that “excises shall

be uniform throughout the United States” whereas the insurance penalty varies with location.

The penalty may be closest to a direct tax, yet it fails the constitutional command “direct Taxes

shall be appointed among the several States” by population. Thirdly, Congress cannot use the

taxing power as a backdoor means of regulating an activity, unless the regulation is authorized

elsewhere in the Constitution. That was the verdict of the Supreme Court case of Bailey v.

Drexel Furniture Co. (1922). Lastly, why can the government of the United States tell you what

to do? If they can tell you, “you NEED insurance” and then “tax” me for non-compliance they

are strictly taking away my natural and individual right of choice. When does the government’s

power eventually heighten and tell me to do, what to eat, what to wear, what to read, what to


Contrary to President Obama’s rhetoric, the Obamacare legislation involves a thorough

government takeover of health care, even though health care is not granted to the federal

government for regulation through the constitution. The regulation of health care is a reserved

power granted to the States by the 10th amendment of the constitution. Yet for some odd reason

the topic of federally regulated health care is still debated even though it is very clear that it is

strictly unconstitutional. However the federal government has the elastic clause, which lets them

make decisions and laws, etc on the basis that they “believe” they are benefiting the majority of

the people. However, where is the precedent? How and when do a government and or a citizen

know the government has crossed the line with their elastic clause ability? Well-- Obamacare

“creates 159 new bureaucracies, agencies, boards, commissions, and programs to rule over health

care in America.” In which these government authorities are empowered to tell doctors and

hospitals what is quality health care and what is not, what are the best practices in medicine, how

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their medical practices should be structured, and what they will be paid and when. Government

authorities will mandate exactly what health insurance with what benefits workers and employers

must buy, and the act imposes tax penalties on them if they do not comply, as we have

previously learned. Government authorities will dictate to insurance companies exactly what

health insurance they must sell, to whom they must sell it, and what they can charge. (Peter

Ferrara) However this “top-down federal approach to health care reform assaults the traditional

state role in insurance regulation, squashes innovation, and undermines real choice and

competition.” It takes away choice from both citizens and insurers, and creates a one size fits all

approach which is merely just an obsolete and a euphoric admiration that should not be strived

for. “In a real health insurance market, there would be a wide variety of different plans,

combinations, new products, and delivery programs where insurers and providers, directly

accountable to consumers, respond rapidly within the context of a free market.” (Robert Moffit)

Obamacare is just one of many programs that attempt to control and manipulate the lives of

millions of Americans, and continue to diminish our essential freedom and liberty for nothing

but what people think to be security when in reality they are simply being controlled.

Due to excessive government regulation, the expansion of Medicaid, and the

government’s mal-funding of Obamacare, this will ultimately result in yet another failed social

program that will bring chaos and gravely hurt millions of Americans. Virtually every promise

Barack Obama made three years ago about the “facts” of Obamacare will turn out, and already

have turned out, to be nothing more than untrue rhetoric.

As we previously learned that in order to cover low-income uninsured citizens,

Obamacare expands the eligibility of Medicaid to those who fall under the 133 percent of the

federal poverty level. However, Medicaid is a low performing, low quality federal program that

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fails to meet the needs of its beneficiaries. For example, Medicaid’s failure to cover the cost to

providers of seeing Medicaid patients has greatly reduced the number of doctors who will see

Medicaid patients. (Kathryn Nix) “Increasing the number of Americans reliant on Medicaid

will further compound its current shortfalls.” The increasing financial burden on states will force

legislators to make budget cuts either to other state programs and or Medicaid itself, which

would mean reduced benefits and or reduced pay for the doctors that cover Medicaid patients.

Both of these outcomes would spell disaster for all looking for quality care. (Kathryn Nix) One

doesn’t have to be an economic genius to know what happens when you increase demand

(patients) by millions with no change in supply (doctors), you have shortages. With these

shortages, be prepared to sacrifice your quality of care and have an outrageous waiting period to

even see your doctor. “But if you want evidence, look at Massachusetts, where, under Romney-

care, the average wait to see a primary-care physician increased from 33 to 55 days.” (Michael


“With the retirement of 77 million baby boomers beginning in 2011, the Medicare

program will have to absorb an unprecedented demand for medical services.” About 10,000

Americans turn 65 every day and will for the next 16 years. For the next generation of senior

citizens, finding a doctor will be more difficult and waiting times for seeing your doctor are

going to be long. The American Associated of Medical Colleges projects a shortage of 124,000

doctors by 2025. (Robert Moffit) However it gets worse, way worse than just a shortage. The

way Obamacare is funding itself is outrageous. “Altogether, Obamacare cuts $818 billion from

Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) from 2014-2023, the first 10 years of its full

implementation, and $3.2 trillion over the first 20 years, 2014-2033. Adding in Obamacare cuts

for Medicare Part B (physicians fees and other services) brings the total cut to $1.05 trillion over

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the first 10 years and $4.95 trillion over the first 20 years.” (Ferrara, Peter, and Larry Hunter)

Not only are their going to be cuts to Medicare, but also Medicare Advantage the privatized

option to Medicare that many seniors use. Let’s take a look at the facts. You have 77 million

retirees that are going to be on Medicare, yet the government cuts Medicare by over a combined

$8 trillion to fund Obamacare. These draconian cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, hospitals

and other health-care providers that serve America’s seniors will create havoc and chaos in

health care for seniors. “Mr. Foster reports that two-thirds of hospitals already lose money on

Medicare patients. Under Obamacare it will get much worse. Hospitals also will shut down or

stop serving Medicare patients.” Moreover Mr. Foster, Medicare’s chief actuary, estimates that

50 percent of all seniors with Medicare Advantage will lose their plan because of these cuts and

will be without health care. Also due to the reductions in Medicare reimbursements (doctors

pay) many doctors, surgeons and specialists providing critical care to the elderly such as surgery

for hip and knee replacements, treatment for cancer and heart disease, as well as MRI’s and CT

scans will cease serving Medicare patients. “If the government is not going to pay, then seniors

are not going to get the health services, treatment and care they expect.” (Ferrara, Peter, and

Larry Hunter)

Due to the draconian cuts as well as the inveigling government regulations that take away

choice and competition from both consumers and insurers “Many doctors are already opting

out… because fees are too low and the administrative burden it too high.” This is why future

access to service will become difficult. If Obamacare is not repealed or revised by the court, we

will see more physicians close and restrict their practices. With almost 50 million additional

patients being covered under Obamacare, we need more physicians. “We will get fewer.”

(What’s the Future of American Healthcare?) The government has so many regulations to

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Obamacare that “California health-care-consulting firm Health Pocket, in a study of more than

11,000 plans on the individual market released this month, less than 2 percent of existing plans

are in compliance with the law’s benefit requirements.” (Michael Tanner) Not only that, but

according to the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) 8-9 million Americans that currently

receive employer-sponsored coverage will lose it. (Kathryn Nix) How is this justifiable? Just

because of Obamacare being passed millions of Americans will lose the coverage they currently

have even if they’re happen with it, all because the federal government feels a need to be

involved in your life as much as they possibly can. Not only will employer-sponsored coverage

citizens lose health care, but so will privately insured citizens, as well as the seniors in Medicare.

Apparently Mr. Obama’s pledge that “If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep

your health-care plan, period” doesn’t apply to millions of citizens.

“This law will cut costs and make coverage more affordable for families and small businesses.”

— President Obama, June 22, 2010

According to the Wall Street Journal “insurers are warning that enactment of the law’s

provisions next year could as much as double some people’s premiums in the small-group and

individual markets.” (Michael Tanner) What attributes to this increase in premiums we have

already addressed, the fact that we have a major increase in demand (patients), and now we’ve

found out that we actually have a decrease in supply (doctors leaving) thus resulting in a shortage

which means higher price tags to cover these millions of now insured citizens, in which half of

these citizens will find themselves subjected to the low-quality coverage offered by Medicaid.

Another reason premiums will skyrocket is because “A guaranteed-issue provision will allow

Americans to wait until they are sick to seek out insurance, causing insurance premiums to soar.”

(Kathryn Nix) The mandate on non-compliance is intended to combat soaring premiums by

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forcing Americans into the insurance market before they are sick. However the mandate penalty

will be significantly less expensive than the cost of an insurance plan, thus the provision will not

achieve universal coverage, and insurance pools will begin to consist more exclusively of those

who only need insurance the most: the sick and the elderly. Since there will be significantly less

people in these insurance pools than intended, citizens will find themselves paying a lot more

(for the people not in the pool that don’t help out), thus causing premiums to skyrocket. Not only

will premiums rise from this, but we will begin to see health coverage being rationed to the

people who need it more.

Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans

– Title 1 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

“All Americans? Not even close. The latest CBO estimates suggest that, by 2023, there

will still be more than 30 million uninsured Americans.” The Affordable Care Act will provide

insurance for less than half the Americans currently without coverage. Furthermore, only 25

million of those citizens will receive proper insurance, subsidized at that. The remaining are

dumped into the low performing and low quality care of Medicaid. “According to the CBO, by

the end of the decade almost 11 million fewer Americans will have private unsubsidized health

insurance than do today.” (Michael Tanner)

In short, the system created by this ill-advised law would prevent the emergence of

normally functioning markets in medical services and health insurance. Instead, it establishes a

top-down system of price controls and subsidies that will discourage healthy people from buying

insurance, reward those who exploits the system’s defects, and discourage doctors and other

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health-care providers from extending their care to those who most need it. (Repeal Obamacare)

“The entire program is rooted in an expansion of federal power and everything that entails:

massive new entitlements, additional dependence on government, tax hikes that hinder economic

growth, and federal micromanagement of health care that produces a sharp decline in quality of

American medicine.” (Capretta, James C., and Robert E. Moffit)

We as a nation are too far past the time of reforming Obamacare. We can’t simply revert

back to the pre-Obamacare quo as that would be viewed as unacceptable by many Americans.

However it is urgent that we repeal Obamacare before 2014 when its full effects kick in and hurt

millions of Americans. We need to create a new idea in which we can benefit the people to the

fullest, without letting the claws of the federal government intervene and take away our freedom.

Healthcare is not a topic for the federal government to be involved. Nor should we use

devolution federalism to give power back to the states because all that results in is the pre-

Obamacare status where states operated healthcare. Firstly, to fix Obamacare, government

intervention in healthcare needs to be eradicated. Secondly, healthcare needs to be directed

toward regional and local levels. i.e. county and or city. At this level a touch of socialism can be

beneficial. At the local/regional level ideally what the administration was trying to do with

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Obamacare may really work: By creating a localized pool of people that live in the same

community, share the same concerns and effects, and pool resources it helps those in need. This

is the basis for insurance to begin with. If the local pool is either too small or too poor to fund

itself sufficiently, then and only then, will either the state government or county government help

fund. Thus at this level of locality the few people who cannot take care of themselves will

receive welfare, such as poor people, the sick, elderly, etc. from the aid of their community.

However, this aid should only be temporary. The aid should be given a starting date and an

ending date of when the help of your community ends. Although the help ends that gives people

the drive, incentive, and desire they need to be able to help themselves. However if a person is

literally not capable of helping themselves they will continue to receive aid from their

community. Lastly health insurance companies (insurers) will stay private. The government

will not tell them what they can offer, to whom, and for how much. That is absolutely

outrageous and erroneous. Believe it or not the people actually benefit greatly from insurers

staying private. That way when a person purchases health insurance they enter a private contract

with a business. This way if the business doesn’t hold up their end of the contract, you have the

right to file lawsuits, sue, etc.. You have the right to civil law against the insurer. However little

do people know that if the government offered a service, whenever they wanted, they could

withhold that service and or a part of the service and all you can do is nothing. Sure you could

try and sue the federal government. That is an option. However, they do not ever even have to

accept your case or even look at. To sue a business such as the insurers is easy. Go down to

your local courthouse and bring a near $300 and you got yourself a law suit. This is the easiest

and most efficient way to address Obamacare.

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In conclusion, with the full implementation of Obamacare in 2014 Americans freedoms

and liberties will be taken away for what they believe to be security. Edmond Burke couldn’t

have said it any better “People never give up their liberties but under some delusion.” This

delusion being security, however as we now know Obamacare is no security. Obamacare is an

abomination. It is the systematic destruction of liberty in this great county. It is the grease on

the wheels to the destruction of this great republic. Yes republic. No, not democracy. Not

majority rules. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Truth is truth. Lies are lies. Facts are facts.

Blue is blue. And Obamacare is not good for this country or for you. Without the repeal and

replacement of Obamacare you will soon to come to learn that what was in that bill was nothing

more than broken promises and 26 letters on 20,000 pieces of paper.

“Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live

without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would

we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim

absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens’

lives. Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and a false

government security blanket beckons.” - Ron Paul.

Liberty for All…

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Works Cited

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Controversies. Rpt. from "Obamacare: Impact on the Uninsured." Heritage Foundation.

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