Page 1: OB Saturdar, the let day of July. MB. Stic Law. Thomas · ¡ecu lotind in that seel i ai. A site, wahr rigid atei

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pruno» Ev**r 1Tsmh*»at Evxsisu mtK R E S S i i B A R K E R ,

It is a moan and UraiHe«« remark of tilt* \\asLiitijiti>n Fust l!;;if Hoi-mi,l1 Clarkson is ill favor uf gm ! mad« lio- causc the Republican par!. is doingtilt- Walking IIOWM

It .speaks well lur the jmt■!ic side si Stein ul i’ilinn In halo liile' in siiiuul unid na I is I In. year, w Ink' Hi. ¡ orni Inn! uiilv twelve und Mis.«'.*hIu ¡ and Ln ing-d-un Udii IVH) Ul Iblèe rach In rctranl In Ihn cliaiac- Iit and cvi i ii.'iiiT nf 11‘ i public sein iol svsì eli I Hüll 111 lift'd lid! lake a bai1 k seal ul am I mi n in I If si a In. 1

STATE CULLLNGS.Pie S'. Sord has hecu appointed

postmaster’ at Elkhorp and Hear* Adkins at Pony.

The Missouri rivet and Belt creek are failing and traffic has been re­sumed on the Belt Mountain branch tu Nciliart,.

A well-known Bitter Hoot.diviue Is bring criticized by sumo of his eon- grrg.i! mu on account of his oscillatory proclivities. It seems that he ne'er hesitates to kiss any lady parishioner l hat he may meet and particularly favors I lie young and good looking (ines. lVrhaps if he displayed tm fa-Hirni«« there »«uld be no kicking. - Montana Populist.

A pood deal of exeiLenient lias been t ic,¡I' d in Marvsville by the discovery of a ii"., and Jalmluusiv richinininp disl riel about two mile» I rutu Marysville. The liml is in .Saw Mill (liiicii and tlic disrovery was made ¡>y t In- nici'csi .accident, as no lluat lias

r e r m D E i l e a f m l

Stockholder* ia th* öolden Leaf Co. - Are lot Satisfied With the

Coadnct of Affair*.

] I ever

Tni-r wa 1 er lie ids casi' mo' pi ni i lip in I he disi riel, com I will cosi 1 lie in terested parties abolii ijC mo in Ilio way of al lorncys- fcc , wil. ness and cxpcl'l lees, colili and sten­ographer's expenses, elf. It is one of I lie most impoilaul. wafer „»nils ever I rifl i n 1 be si a I e a le I 11 s (inai settle- meni is a wail ed with much in! cresi.

Till-; linai selci lion by the slate Ima rd of education of Hie normal sein ml si l.c mci Is with Ilf pef i a I ap provai of alt I he residen! s and pi")n 11 v holders (>f l he illy. The ImUlfii of Ile: silo is jrilainly an i mi If ill one ll is eluse lo I ii« il, Ili bn I

w-iStilli (lo i 11 v limits, has ia ill draiiiagi and niçois i-utv I ir., i ni reme ill ha all ideal si I e ml


P), li II VI'S I ho be-1 1>I III11 of I In I I lion 111 ■ \ el I In' corps o| I rindió rs i in pit n i .1 in ! In' ¡in Pi n si h’ool s ¡1 I b i- illy wa.s furnished a I Ilf g rail na line, t \ei |i ¡sen of I lie high -i bool i la-.s on I inlay i v i nine Tin wink ul I In gradualcs showed plainly I hi­len I cha rae I e i of 11 n i nsl ian I ¡ palled In I belli dui ine I be pa­in I In old siali of I,.,,, hers. |n

ill- a si Ml rei et salisa in

I ! I s. II pi I

iAia I in un I I f l l

vv lumi ael n-n

¡ecu lotind in that seel i ai. A site, wahr rigid atei several

claims were located early .Sunday Ilie'i long and inore ale being located every day. Some Hunk Hull, an PI dorado lias been discovered anda mad rush for I If loca lily wail lie the re­soli.

Í lie st<n kgrnwers ol Tehui, < a scadeami (boreali colini ics have entered min an agree n le nl w hieb loots Ln I he ridding os the ranges in (hut seelnai of I lie slate of wolves and Coyoles. Tin' glowers agiee to pay |o wollt is if., for each and every wolf and if.I lor eaeli and cveiy ngvade w bn il is K11 led by I ra p. sled nr ki It'd vv i l-li dogs vv 11 In II une yea I from the Ii ¡ st da V g»t A pía!. Isli.'i, The wolici. in order to Secure I Ills bolml y , ¡S obliged I o | Ill'll ov i r I o 1 he agent of I he si odimeli I be skins of I he Wolves and colotes so k i i led tv 1 hem a nd I " I I lie if I essa IV a Hid.I v 11 rn|U ! red In old a I n I Im h. 111111 y on sa id a ni ma Is under Ilf present law Kindi owiiei of slock aeréis i o pay bis pn .pm lionati sha re on I le s¡ ni il OVV ned by In in i u pa v l!l‘ III of i bissi- i h .¡ili j 1rs

In11 PI v n ii has si ci a I l'asiani

i ppm n i ed


Tm|si omp 'ibi' r; l lie i min pames vv

World's P in appeal ilos leipie is (ol hie;

■tripIII. d e

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I Ii

11 lea 11 ms haveIl lie: i-ailmadI lie in to red ilia o one laie loilallroad emu Ilio Iv lui n a

I ne \ Um onda rompa n v dm mg| mon I h Pi olo ail pn v mus i en mis loi I I s Oll I pu I i ,f nie sa V S I I j. In I Cl M oto! I a 1 n foi I lie pasl lililí V 'nils I lu re lui- boi-li a U a v Cl sf. slo pim ni ol I |o ra rs u| m r pi r ila v m 1,100 i a rs ha I he umili b 'I lu s is i .pia I I o non 11 ms o| on j n-1 pin oí I lis.(Km Ions ol ole pel HM Mi I h Viel I lie S M H lilisan using il all. hm T Im i mil oadpuopli sa V Hie ;-h I pini li I s i d ma 11 e I lie pa-d mon I h W ! le gl ea hi Iban evil

A I aneli hand m I be tin p.|o\ ol ( a mi I oim\ I. i d I lui e mi med William Ma rslial. inaeil an all empi a I .suicide i mi I » 111 a V on l If I o vv i i h w ci I g lass.

lina 1 ca r I.1 lili- 1 'I i ll■si A n-hisa1 nil 1 im h s casi 111 ,ig ! unml tv S! 1 no 1 1,1 silici lili1 lif ji;ti l i j 1 im jiiii.l r|nInni ! lo 'll i mg In in s! il 1 vv nc vv il Ii a W jin Iiesl,! ) . V I 11 11 II Herug. i u U11- flic j 1M s (ni lugli la Insa re Dur lull j Li -iS! f 1 jj 1 lining 11lus stonuu ll i l;( omiu i'.s 11MMi ; Ml in inll Will CM it mm 111V prole Hima IH 1 1 'IK' || nil 1 lii alune lus heal 1 lie W a s f ! " , per l.i

1 In- oiilv iIlei 1 1V.C 111 ¡ms to living Um \\ as I'I'miim h! 11> ir Imhi 1 hill Will pi me (il siivi ias In I,

i H ' F ¡itili Hühl- iM 1, Il -M irilgr, 1 1 1i lit' S i ! J Hil |, limi 1 11 1 lieviale ;! iU‘ a fi« 1 r !« K a 1

lüHi'h «st 1 ! i « im |'|. le i 1 le n I-. i t h

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r< ]< a In1 -h il 1 II,Il 1 Pullc i-. m liai now do

linai .¡n

n j, ii !

Owing to a Sow at the Stockholder*’ Meeting at London Kewrt. Wallace and Thompson Ee-

gign a* Director*.aThe London Financial News gives the following account of the geucral meeting of the stockholders of the Golden Leaf ¡Mining company, which appeals tt> have been a lively one:The chairman said; Gentlemen, wc.

have met to-day for the purpose of hearing the annual statement of our stewardship of your properties; but owing to the very full information which we sent out mouth after month there is really very little left for me to say to-day that can he new. I wish, however, with your permission, to make one or two observations in aniplilieald ui of the position of af­fairs. Aswnihe. seen from the te- imrl. and accounts, our gross profits lor tlye year were A22.I'U>. Pursuing the policy we have adopted hitherto, ami which has met with your ap­proval ;ii previous meetings, we charged in addilmu to working ex­penses. the. eu-lire unmeet spent on developments, and that amount dur­ing tlf twelvemonths is .in,017 IDs.,leaving (tie iiel, profit for the twelve months at t lb,sib. made up irmn the various properties. 'taking these properties m their ordet. there is first llie Holden Bent property. When we had our last annual meeting wc told you Hull the outlook fur the Vealwas ....I. anil (hal, Inxm every lippea ra nee I lie mine w as opem ng out sf. will I hat at I If earliest lime winch loigbl be eonsnlei ed adv usable the ill- |CI tors would HKTcase t.lie then tell stamps lo iwenty stumps, and, tie- ('"riling b . early iti Uici.v ea r (*!);!. the in i ne si 111 conl innmg to look wi 11, an additional ten stamps were put up, so Unit mi that, propenv we bad a t vv i 111 v stamp mill (rushing during llu1 Iwi ivi moiilhs is.iMKi tons One ol Ihc o111ei isye had in pulling up I ha! addil ouial t.i u stamps at. the ea l lli-sf time We eoiisnli red It lidvis abf was in order lo icdier Hie woik log lAjiinses. as. of eouisc. the g l ea 11 i I be ti .image f ha f- weld I 1 0 i Mlg ll I be null I he lower the work I ng i ,v penses w oil M be Hilling t be early nmiu hs, loi insianir. We i rushed ’.(■111 I (mis a ( os| ol F' K p1 1 ton lint we have si nee i lushed Of "it, tuns ll t a eosi ol id (>., 'l l ius I lie di I! ereuee lie I Wei ii | he ti ii ,sl a mp and t went V si ,a inf. mi II is I ha I ■ the bill,ei Ms (I.M pi l l (mi ( hen pel I he sa V lug In the gold was . f pefrenl and I I per cent

tola I uid put for the i.ioldi n I.eaf was I'Im.

1S;HI nn i a i c rage V a hf . Ihit the fall in the

was so Iasi. j|-aiI onr a V11 aga1 was onh (S.i, wlmhII on |e a . 11 111 ia |Ma- (, I oil i 4. f .000 loss

ll. ml ¡notils Inan I ow a rd I be i nd i I I I ill.I lb . onn Ol i l i !



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, w e v i i eonling that. weM|l, MHIg i-|,

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1 h m h t . M l u l l le-Se hmpr.s ri 1 I l . i i S w a s 1 IS'. 1 P i e l M l V) Ml!,, ,

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E prudent porch**«. Nov comes the ¿plat u to bow we •Und. I an happy to tell you that ai tbe present moment, and witbla (dô minute«, we could put our baud* os £12,000 la cash, which would be equal to something Approaching a dividend ol Is. per share; but you cannot ex-, pect us to pay that out before acquir­ing a property. It is, however, for you> as the shareholders, to consider which would be the most advisable course to pursue—whether to pay out the money in hand as a dividend or to purchase another property. That Isa question entirely for your considera­tion. In the meau time, I beg to move the adoption of the report and accounts.Mr. J. F. Bail seconded the motion.M f Hay asked whether it would not

be the better plan for them te dispose of their properties, and to get others which were more remunerative!'The chairman replied that he was

under the impression that they would get very little for their present pov­erties..Mr. Lasker entered in some detail

into the accounts, which he vigorously on Lidsodas revealing an unduly heavy expenditure on the part of the com­pany.Mr. lS'ultali denounced the directors

as being unworthy of the high sala­ries they were drawing--some A'âkf a vcar each - in allowing a claim -to be entered, ns it hitU been entered, igaHist the company foe upward of A I,did for non-registration of the shit re cajii fill

Mr. (smith advocated the keeping of the Bell Boy property and the dispo­sal of the remainder ol the proper­tiesMinor l,id,ton asked whether (he

chairman bad had voted to him 1m the previous y car an honorarium ol ;hI0 kb liii’as. and win i hi i the L2.IHHI of sundry credits at, the mine included the sum of 11 .IKK) a;lv aured upon t he Ivon Accord mine, immediately ¡ul piinmg I,heir properly, In which the liHinnsu, Mr. 'Ihompsmi. and Hu n

manager were interesiasH It such was the ease, he considered it ihs graceful He strongly adviseil the neiessiiv ol having a small com- un I, fee n jii'eseol a l.i ve ol Hie largest shareholders id the company, to in- Vesliga te H s ll fta i, s

Phe i li.oi man desiTibed the claim ! 1. l,.KHi and which bail been entered

against, Hiem as being due to lloir I heM Sobol I (M i. II.I f o iio i'll i tm' parfe! tin hoard A nod il scene id some ex ( 11 e men 1, and contusion, m asloned by I,lie remarks of the share hoi,Ins and Hie repealed min rep Mons of M a [ni t VI,1 .mi. i,he ihairman proceeded to say n was true that be lmd bet u voted a tea h t i of i;»NI ly l.he diI'eei.ois tor i x penses lie Hi red in eoiuiei tern with lus visit to He- com pan y s pmpenv It, was. howevei. (fidre tine itl-u that fie hail siiu e viv led the proja ity ay md a fan.fmtg of eosti to the 1'on'pnny It. was n id,rue I,bat money toot hre.i nd va need t y t,hat, eoii.pany ta> i.he led|oiii'itg prop ell y l d the line Aceoi'il. Ill W l.leli 11 was pet Hum blurl. bulb Id ¡ted l aipr itioropHoii w. re iet.i I'esi.i-d Ml,ul had < or ill iio! whs ¡tus I,lia I j '■(■null! pio'i tiases li.el been made !■ V ; thr fi,-1 g hb‘ M ‘ ng ! ,oli A . ! o’ d r. i» i a OH S pi I l on H ‘ ' ! I I I ag ' if k I IIS( lr ont i I w Cm c Hu ir I'niopaev had j maiiK a ¡I'M'lik iMi't a i ho Ii tor H.oooi t.ii pay 'or I hosi pui'i bases iiad bet e | l'iM-rncd trom i hi- I,no Voeou! of 'V ] ri,a r vi ry da y I

Al lires si.agi i i,e proreedii'g-' lie I fame v r ry ibs.M'd.m and persoie.ii iI lr s V r ' - > ‘ 11 t U ' • 'g • 1 i |


■BV I snuie IVEABH61 iTPllEL![I I V Ü

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$5.00, $10 AND $15,00,FOR WHICH YOU


iM t ln iK id k *

VKITCV STATES LAND OPi'tCX, I Burn. Mont., 11». » . UflB. I „

J. «Eg­ra*. M fiMt XqAcx wwtftilMW (ted w>ttee of tjdootloB, to m»k* proof os her (¡«jort tend otelm S<g *338. for tb* nvy net* ss oste m x. a to. 8 *- r*. E « . . heforv K. E. Thomas, clerk of She alMctet court, at. IHAlon, Mont.. OB Saturdar, the let day of July. MB. Stic oames the toltowlny witoenaes to prove tbe complete IrriyattOB and mtemattonAvl »aid tend: Martin Barrett, Elijah Amos, cb&rte« Law. Thomas *’. Barrett, all o f AmesvUte, Montana. S, A. SciOGcrx, Beytetcr,

Al rat giublkution May 24

1 S T R A W H A T S iAT

ß C e n t s a n d . U p w a r d sTRY AND DUPLICATE THIS ELSEWHERE!

Men’s and Boys' UnderwearIN ALLL GRADES AND

( j Sold Fully 30 P n Cent, Below Competitive Prices, Q- • • - - ............. ^" ........... "" J

l v £ a { j r L i f i c c n t ;;i C o l e c t i o n pOF J

Kino Neglige. ShirtsIN

i>V >V <

l< T o " W I D o c i c m cIN

IMieis Ftiend Sit Waists.

Nstioe for Fubhcatioa.l..\N l> OfUeli A T i

Miksoti.A Moti!., May b, istu. I N’otice ìs heveby given timi. Hie fol

lowiug uamed se ¿tic r has fi Uni nulico of hi» uiteiitum tu niakc tmal proof in support (if his clauu, and tbnt salci proof wi!l be Iliade betore U. Z. Thomas, derk of thè distnet court In and lev UeaveiTiead eounl v, Nlx>n■ tana, al, lblUm, Mini,tana, oc .lune ildd, istt't. v u :

i 11 \i:i,b W M V.lul, of Li'uv eiTioad eouety, Mtmtaua. wlm Iliade pie emplion (ledar»tory slafc- uieuf No. 11,(Ili!) tur thè sj se| and 11wì se] ariti nel kw.ì, hoc. 22, Ip. •'>, s. r, 1;> west. He tiames thè tolkiwuig witnesses tu prove his eontiimmis res­idence npoii and ('uHivatimi ol sani Unni, v u: l'iank Itegeuharl. IninkA, llousel. George. P. Immani. Martin Itti teli, ol Fox, Montana. Auy per­soli w lei di'sices tu prolest- agiiiusi- thè aliowiiuec ut Stilli pinot, iti Wtio knoyy.sof nny su bstan lini re asmi, mi (leylhe la w ymj Hie. l'cgula laoiis ol' tjne inl.i'i’ior -depuri im-nl , wliy sudi Jirolìf stmiild not, la: nIPvvvcd. wdl he

k'gtven mi opporluiiitv at thè ubine melil-ioncd lame and piace Lo cross ixamiiie thè witnesses ol sani elaim ani. and lo otter ev uleni’e m rdni M a i of i lial snbmHted by daimanl,

biO li l’. ti T fi ISO f H. Iifglsitl .fi'irsl ptiblieatum May lOflc


l l U V , WHY NOT trad e : WITH


L I V E R Y , F E E D A I K , , L U N D ,â a«d

S A L E S T A B L E ,

Hotice for Publication.Lund Office Miisuiila. ModU dil i

April 1 7 , ( •.Notice in beraby ¿1 veo fchat the following

namedseUlerhAA filed nofiLcc uf ber Inten­tion lo make final proof in support of her claim, and that &aiu proof will ue made be­fore E. 7*. Thomas, clerk of the district court, Beaverhead countv. Montana, at lUllom Moutana, on June t2th. IStfl, vl/:

- M.AUXUAJ. KXU.WLEa.........a|rent and deserted wife of Charles S. Knowles, who made homestead application No. 41&). for the u'•» seVq and s-? ne’-q. see. UK tp. ¡i, s. r. la went. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land v{/,: John >V. Moi tun and Alva J. Noyes, of Dil- lou. Montana, Jofaiph Arnold and Voter Hondrickson. o f Wisdom. Man tana. Any pt rson who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior department, why such proof should uot be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mm- tioued time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of suia claimant, and to uffo* ev i ­dence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. ICOBKUT FlMlfc-K. Kegi-uvr.

First publication May A.

PATENTS(¡mats, Trad* marks, Dvsfgia Pitonta, Cspjrfgtiti.

AuU all I'Mcont huHtiH!W4 uoudmited ful

MOOIRA1 t f t 1.8.4iir:„-iii*il„(i «ml advtiw yiveu to luvwtur* wltluua



Kauaglug AimmeyiPb 0,1 Bo I V’ ABB IS(W< W* 1>. CX

KTIils emmmay is maimirsd hf a flomhmatmi) of tlie iargBHt sad most iHtiutmfimj newspspBrs in ilia lhilietf Hruc«». for tnn sxpress purnose of roktcilr> ftagr antoa«rlfeeiii sgtnust imH'upuimu»•nd Uuiompeut f'aienr, Agenei. and es«'h pspnrprinf.iliR ohm RiivfjptiRHtiitHir vomiiiAafor the rsapnuoL. hlUiiysuti liigiiyrAiufiiiiicub E'VtianHalUtiHmuwuy,.

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Hi« fr l f » ri is n»' r K1* rie 'A '11 " ‘t h* .,'rfi :?T P té. Ail W '\ 4 ¡ “f- or" 1 K* V Vf-,T. 1 \$p ¡U

V' r» *fi- • "f • g F'r Fi v r • - * ' ?>]M ' "! * ' m 'F l -F ’’G*1 S'SW r »Va Tfit-VHdt t n: rw f, -V :e r"d tf ifh * w, r( ' f X* A- «r ‘»Pirfafi'ir


«))•.- f rwf.f p.i,''1 l.f'UJ." f *.< F : ■ ■ r‘ » u bn» f.t f: ii w

¿ f1 ' ' A t ï c‘s,J'-

»*'<** In'"''»'* ( ’»-S rupi ,r¡u r(tp...........- ................. ■ s*- --

Fttw for Ptb irt’ iotl.i Vf> I xr«• -: r AT

V -s IX V ,< • Y..y , ,<v‘Ì \M'("R hr"-h>iV

ibW 'L? f v roaxiS* * - • v » t f i* v aif " * * d y ,,'‘ Í if.

> »;Ef 'M f Pi rs fc'

í lh ' i SI I' f -VF ‘- f l f i i - « I IUiF' i jfttes f ! f i ^o’ ’ f.i h x *

KTILFJ GTJITI3s-'Pi-lk ft; f.ü-iisriT a 5 Miifji-i pi V y t Pnrif- emh r|< ! ’ ’ ■ f very i f.i I.GUiè* PfiHf f . « ' t. t : T f i : V hiîf.fyt,-üspffter r.

F IN E P A IT T «( t*ie }•-) Lpsf |}HtLf*r \?s-yv j* y t :T.i fl»P KRPPfiF. y ' i ? r (-fi/Dev y %■* fan KUdk.

I M.L !>\i I < <‘M s

I * \ ’ SI f ' - » • * s r r ». t * f e’’1 in f n»/*«. j r 1 t t s f t fi v ki






Km mfornmtlon and frwi HattrinrHfiii write toMf NN A ot„ fei Bk«xadwaV New Yohr

Oitiewf nivOKM. fon ««r.ufiitg purHnt« if» Anton«*» l»;ymv pftfem t«b«n out t»y us îh brought bofiir» the paume t»v r imtioe it&p in miavge m en«

^ m c t i c a nï »rtrewf. oirmriHtion nf unv nolwifcitJr paino (n th« worin SukmflidiY jKustmt-ea. No (utofugem, omo éhoul't ho wir boni, h; Wsohiv ay«*ttri Ti-t* atx mourtia Addrawn MtSiw A Ti bLMUisua. SKI broanway. ÿjuw ïwi Cir.v.

it «ni infuri«*''ti* ab m»

AddîSiift « 1,‘Om‘î- ov rKXital caro inthe e-cerr tiA rm *

WHN RtDGf.RBURN - - Maniraing Onomiivr.ft-tex*«*. _____wasbin?.tt,s b n.


PARENTS.AlHO-for Rnti1b*rg Rijitrtwffi d'WD’S'P jn fin«1 hijr-ny

dmy m th** r«arwi*r AfUiv«>r Khl.-v mv w:n-.Piirv* •',»rn of H’»* inclian wa?b nf INJÜ D> IMI, mtd tn«*iv widows' Bm»W indAnc rb3*»«*r,,>n danna» «uechiftv T iiouftttndft i*nt!r.!«cS to Light»** nu»s. beuti iorni'W iuiws- No eüurgti ior advicu. .fCoît» ttucL, ftuccmfui.


,i>A rr i

a*r * W mm r<( h m R. Z.

wratn v*trr pr«ixïoet is one« * fi ”a*_sds e- »s -G-k» stxiety to

: ! f* r *• IVf *dj,— it:,~ i 'O ; Il ;s,f.Ki*k they vista*, tti* j w tfi ' rtarag**' *v I imcpjj x ., ¡así

'or grr.’ .'g ilc-s g-it | »» a»» '»tofi'n rr ckiî the Vst


th- weg’ * o' *1 't taslf s,.(-»*g-y V')”tr » fit *

as," 4 î "f «-v t Vby wfc< < »>»-, r> r,v’sifi.ygâri/dt Tfia* rvpsl

f t 'i 'i tri* the i-ta'ges i l f.RVfi xbutu-s 'a "H’.’ütœ eb<î M5,we ibweee

hoard to engage best, taiert '.-s tttBah'i* w,th tfec vj'mty its W 'p * - ttet pavpfHt Mere pemmit} tr>enfL F't-r.rfi ■ g t that M»f*tj in the >w-

i ut pressure, wiser n-1 - ' " , 1 .* t fi*?pt-jj f- t t r ; t*f•Aettaapuiied Vv x (bogoogh proi-*- *'■•* '.--gese g id e.,'«,,e the w**sc

tbe «f-jefte positws w.ii opeced tp thcrerc. TbeaffBafttar. dtoifiS farre bo *»ei«bt in. *-af d crp-tk district i< prartrcaLy or»

X/sit tim aod,}ct it ¡s-tftreatfy begtcr;ng to attrKL '«cASvNVltlBBt gv*en> tbe se-'j capital from varkKis pasta (ft the

" ______

t-sc tr pt'st«* s »t •? *t-'itb*‘r r* «ss sytbods rr the bc*e*8 I {»•ipr-tv1 % tin* i -,jtì htcfiKNyd t e re t f> ( ftJ'y «asta mè tç Eb» evïdeoee.

* 2 a - i f t ' iS M it r e » K - tad mo^afe* by çaotf a* » fm ica e tythe erpeose <5? ibe barena «fitriBf tbe

fit -was'ms Er avmd a ftete axil I tbiek« eat he *iti* v- é* » , «specifcîijf»te -1 Ee-fl jw «bat at om tase- «e-fs%si*eä aad oNsfiseá asütitaaee turn iprtctei lor the eart i*c*J oar banker* to tbe tesaes« ei tSßjBOOi, i m. The *2Ttóf* ei that bseeaa n ft Mbkb «-e.brve-fK»# off: Ima wt h*wrfhp -ratte», tsdeei,*be* * ftey Mto* mtta ss believe that the « o k wdl a«Mt asifl i ¡M te Mky # * t

s. i-m»k til the disri*n*t «»ert »• i t< t f - i a-fiiead c* f T" l,'i! ’'ar a!■' i ‘ ’ V k

t * '■ k : f>, f N ii 4 R1' s-v c* •_ ,tv Mcr 'ata »*:• '* J f! "t f.r ""V **•"*• 2 2;iff (• r

T> k rtd r sf sr-’li'/S i", tt f. S'e .s' ■ , 5t'».>s ry (. • "1 W r g w r

fdsv*s v p« •<-> t-s "Ft.a eixt1' ** ari 't r ''st'sc *' sa'd land v -i Cta-tes K Ma'"!' f-s'< * i'-'tscr I ftes s Ma*t - itetih t* f’rx M '*■ ti*-a * *-v pe«,nr wfiw" des *es to f • ’-i>sr agj, vat tv** a"."'Wti'lce (i* sues

cp wpc a*‘w« 'V | ,7 st t&r- : c. "Fini'.’x t-i*de* th<* law and the KFgtiarl'irs tj* the ,[>p,'- depa»t-B»**t W'ky sack pr-ir * ab-,tld r'.f, healmwad, w”» be g.vea an opportot t? at the BKttteiped E.tae and j3ace to *•»«»«-*jraaoio« the w,ioea»ei •J said cte-out. «sd to offer e idear*. *& retettl eff that atbss-MSAd by i ekKRMNKt.

, r, , ' 7 r,l. V» • ‘ Tyt T ki*i fiPKK !te vIt ff>'

> rrsks r.MTM (imm .

« t ‘ ' t I Î ¡to.f i -í* Í t t If - ' »fimi f r M: t t t fi r »¡/,:l. w a ¿rt ir‘mt - f. * ’ W * r ¥-

'lis » ' VL ‘ -U *i .y r-.r,r t * f r -' t E r f * r * s SD Y

L*_ r 4lipf-:l v : * A

PR**R,r'OR OR Te*r* i I ss

T im May Msh.

fast reeaHyi A oÉMt of Slawe- m m ,em 0gsSm XI t b m m »# JmBBST


KE«>* CK5MSTAMTLT MAAtSJLt Wterteswe »tni ten»,j

Beef.''' opk, Marten ar-dVeal.

SïDoked Han sM Bacca, Cc Ded Beef. Lard,

m in r w m i « « a m .S # e * « i ASSewKiM Sa W a it ia * m

Cft éte«.

Cash PaDd for TÌKfesiadPeits.( rii rit' fï*M»l"WTITl> in'll** Its ■

x ’ d ' * * S W r I r_ >k * ‘f f r »te r » * -fc *( ' ' l \ * ff i i P t t 'A ( . A . v A i l f « &JJ* * * • * * , „ n i a - r m « » K E

I ^ / Krrv fcT^ .v Jj f_.

3 » gocids eoasißg ta rvíTyáaT cMstprkwto the t¡í»e*.—6 .

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