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FINAL REPORTOrganizational Behavior. Professor Margarita Mayo.

CaseJust Graduated; My first year after architecture school. By: Julio E. Lorenzo

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CaseJust Graduated; My first year after architecture school.

A) SITUATION • My Background My name is Julio Lorenzo. I have been involved with architecture and construction since little. I have also been very well in touch with our family business, a construction and development company. Since I started studying architecture in 2009, I have aided on supervision and blueprint drawing jobs. I finished my studies in 2013, when I immediately started working on our family business.

• My Fathers Background My father also named Julio Lorenzo, who is an Architect as-well. He grew around construction an architecture as I did. An innate businessman, who started his first business at the age of 17. 8 years ago he founded the construction company in which I had the experience of working in.

• Finishing School and starting to work As already stated, I never disconnected from the company while studying. During that time I worked in a project we had started in 2010, that up until today isn't still finished. It was, and still is a very complex project. It isn't just a construction project. We’re developing a Plastic Surgery Clinic, for which we have also designed its business plan.

• The problems Having already worked on the company with limited tasks and not on a very strict schedule, I was very excited on starting to work with responsibility in the company. I was thriving to become part of the legacy of our family business, but the whole dream began to fall apart. Issues started between my father and I. His personality and mine where grinding, and as a result, my motivation began to decline. I didn't feel good working on our offices, I just wanted time to pass so I to leave to begin my studies in IE.

B) UNFOLDING • Context Analyzing the situation on general terms could be the best way to tell why I began growing a sense of demotivation around our company. The relation I had with my father, and also the position I was grown up to, led to great friction between us.

Generational Issues.My dad, born in 1956, has a very traditional view of work. He values personal sacrifice a lot, putting his job even above our family. Since I've had memory, I could see him leave from work at midnight without a single worry. Even though I can easily understand this (due in part to the heredity characteristics of personality), I am also influenced by newer generations behavior of looking for a personal and professional balance. This grew as a conflict between us two. because even thought I had some flexibility on workdays, the effort on working when needed (Weekends or after-hours) didn't make up for this “reward”.

Today’s Realities not followed.Because of personality traits, my dad has been unable to delegate as a manager. This results in him being unable to staff adequately, set up teams, and divide work efficiently. This was a very frustrating thing, because ironically he had raised me to be a “manager” but I was always under his

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mandate. He always supervises whatever he wants to be done, also making his developmental processes very long and segmented.

It saddens me to see that even if I present my views to him on this, he doesn't truly believe that he is on the wrong side of things. He is blind to his flaws, saying basically “This is how i got here, and that’s how you should follow to do things.” Basically negating the necessity of his management style of evolving.

• Personality The whole scenario of clashing with my father lead me to lose love for what I was doing. From the previous context analysis, we can see the importance of his personality on the unfolding of the whole issue. To keep it simple i’ll focus on a very defined concept, his Lifestyle preference. Based on MBTI scales we could define him as a very perception based individual. This means that he has a preference for living in a spontaneous flexible way, keeping his options open until last minute. He feels motivated by adapting to the demands of the moment.

It is true that I do share his preference to some extent (Im not always on time), I have some tendencies towards the judgement side of living. Being more of a planner, that tries to go day by day in an relatively organized and orderly way.

Because of his ways, no clear objectives where to be easily seen. With his projects, he has definitely a vision to share but not a real detailed plan. So, working with him became a very disorganized thing. While working on our Plastic Surgery Clinic project, many changes were done in-situ. These changes where in my opinion, unnecessary if everything would have been really well planned all along. His changes where always in response to our business partners needs (My Uncle, a plastic surgeon and another associate surgeon). Things that could have been already sorted out in the beginning of the whole project.

• Motivation Off all key issues in my declining motivation, needs and goals where the ones that affected me the most.

NeedsMost of my needs as defined by Maslow’s pyramid, where basically covered. The whole issue had sit on the intrinsic need of Self-Actualization. It was clear that I lacked the Independence, Creativity and Spontaneity I was so thriving to have while working on our family’s business.

GoalsThis is insanely connected to the personality issues that surrounds this case. Due to lack of planning, no defined goals where set. I worked on what “appeared” for the day, without even knowing the whole outcome of what I was doing. There was no emphasis on reward, and I got to feel that everything I was doing was kind of imposed.

C) Handling the Situation Today Prior to acknowledging OB theories, I thought our relationship issues where basically father and son things. I believed that everything was going to be the same no matter what, a thing that made me lose hope on the future of us working together on the long term. But luckily and hopefully this can all be worked out.

This is where the hard part comes. After identifying the issues and reasons for what has happened in my case, everything leads to a sole conclusion, changes need to be done. The difficult thing is

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actually to make them. Im pretty sure, I want to continue on working on our family business as soon as I finish our MIM studies. In order to do this, I foresee that I’ll need to come up with a strategy to make my father realize the and assume all of the points already analyzed.

But it is not only that, I now realize that our personality traits can even complement each others. From a leadership perspective, joining forces to manage our workforce could potentiate great changes and further growth for our company. Analysis like these can help in great ways increase the good health of business, and even help out make relations stronger. Helping us become change agents, “becoming better leaders, who’ll make a better world”.

D) ANNEX. Graph explaining the whole roadmap of the case:

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Julio Lorenzo Jr.


Julio Lorenzo Sr.




Had Issues Because of

Which Decreased

Could Grow and Profit from Experience + Supporting


If issued are worked out

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