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THE WHITE HOUSE1600 Pennsylvaina Ave NWWashington, DC 20500

202 - 456 - 1111

202 - 456 - 2461

Wednesday,May 21 2014

6:11 AM


My name is Salli Castillo Im 42 yrs old. I live in Torrance, Ca. My grandfather served in WW2 I can only regreat not knowing what he went through. Because I didn't know to ask him before losing him for the rest of my life. But I've done my fair share of internet investigating which angered my mother. What I discovered was after service. Heinlisted again imeadiately. Now my mother has no clue as to sacrafice what it is what it means. She never tought me how to stand up for someone nor my self. But my son is the 1 & only reason Im sending you this message. I need to show him because actions speak louder then words. That I wont just tell him the truth no matter what the question is. But to show him what it is to sacrafice. For the right reasons.

Now I don't wanna scream at you for your flaws.Nor what who did what or didn't do. I just want to talk to you. About a word that has no meaning anymore. Sacrafice.

I have never served in the military because wars fought after my birth was never about freedom, nor did it justify any reasons to go to war not even for depopulating us or them. Pepole hear the word sacrafice and they become afraid that something will be takin away from them. Or they have to give up something they can't live without. Sacrafice to them means "loss"in a world that tells us we can have it all.

However I belive true sacrafice is a victory. Because it requires our "free will" to give up something you love for something (freedom) or some one (my son) that you lovemore then yourself. I won't lie I don't not to you or a cop or a judge so I won't lie to anyone. Honesty is a gamble. And Sacrafice won't take away the pain of "loss" but It's towin the battle against bitterness. The bitterness that dims the light on all things of true

value in our lives.

So since I'm in California. And did not learn of OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING till it was too late to get to the busses that were planed to go there in Wa. D.C. I did try. I just couldnt locate any.

I vow to my son to myself and for the respect and thank you to all the U.S. VETS. To consume only beverages past week I've only ate 1 meal per day. As these anti-american hate groups attempt to attack the only OAS outlet of info Mark Conners live stream. Not to mention the people that violate copy right laws on youtube (sam seder) toinsult vets attacking the Veterans sexuality. And discourage any american from participating in any positive respectful manner. It has envoked a spirtuallity in me to fast for the remainder of you and your political party to resign, I don't belive you need a reminder of all the laws you have violated. This action in me will show I dont know the proper chanels to go through to get what is owed to me back its what my grandfather personally fought for. I also request that NO democrate replace you nor Republican, I demand that the people are restored as the proper owner with out affliation to the bilderberg group nor any affiliation to rockafeller family. And has absolute no ties with theBushes. Which I've personaly witness foreign interviews of bush bragging about Sep. 11th 2001. Claiming 100% responsibilities for that attack on American citizens. My personal opinion he should get the death penalty for that.

However we know thats not going to happen. So I belive it be fair to take all his financal properties nothing left to his children I belive they would do well. And those funds go straight to all the families who lost life in that tragedy including cops and firefighters God Bless them.

I belive the correct people good people honest people that make no more then the middle class no less then the middle class be demanded to take office. People who have the correct studies, knowladge, to be in power of this country. Some one I can trustsomeone who has military expieriance, has 0 criminal background. No one with the mindset of ill gottin gain. Oh and as a citizen dose jury duty, so should be it a jury should be present at any and all mass tradigy such as Sandy Hook, The Fast and Furious, Dark Knight Massacure, to catalog and itetmize all evidence and witness the collection of them by the chosen jury like persons. Give back the nation you have stolen. Let he who Mr. President answers to know that statement is for him or them.

Our protectors seemed to have forgottin how to do that. Conduct investigations appropriately. As you can see in this last murder case of the wife of "Shield" shows actor this past tuesday in L.A, CA.. in 01:03 of the video posted in yahoo news police plays with murder weapon with no gloves. not to mention others so many cases I fear my pointbe clearly made. It will not detor me from my HUNGER STRIKE. I do greately appreciatethe time you or your staff took to read this.

sincearly whole heartedly

salli castillo






And finally this question, the mystery of who's story it will be. Of who draws the curtain. Who is it that chooses our steps in the dance? Who drives us mad? Lashes us with whips and crowns us with victory when we survive the impossible? Who is it, that

does all of these things?

Who honors those we love for the very life we live? Who sends monsters to kill us,and at the same time sings that we will never die? Who teaches us what's real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend? Who chains us? And Who holds the key that can set us free . . . It's You.

You have all the weapons you need With the power to get the knowladge from the net.

Now Fight!

with peace and serenity fight. Fight with knowladge and peace.

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