Page 1: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY

6tH- tMRCH2015



Dance Tickets Members Non Members

Adult Dancer ( Early Bird 31st Dec) Adult Dancer ( After 31st Dec) Junior Dancer (Under 18 ) Family Ticket set price (2 Adults & 4 Junior Dancers) Weekend Non Dancer SpectatorsNisitors (Sign in each session)

$45 $55 $20

$130 $5 $0



$57 $67 $25

$160 $5 $0




Print Post Approval No: 100005116

Emily and Elaine Fry, dancers at Jaybees

Proud mother and grandmother of Lucas

Squares Around Victoria The Official Journal of the Victorian Square Dancing Association Inc

Reg: A0005828F ABN 83 174 149 517

Page 2: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY

MAY 2ND TO 4TH 2014 ,


Fri: 7pm - Plus Sat: 1 pm - A2; 4pm - Intra to C1

7pm - "Tough" Plus; 8pm - Plus Sun: 10am - A1; 1 pm - Catered Lunch

2pm - Plus

Session tickets available at the door ($12)

Central Ringwood Community Centre

Bedford Park Bedford Road

Ringwood, VIC, 3134

Further Information & Forms Web Page:

Email: [email protected] Phone: (03) 9870 0453 or 0438 515 873

These 2 images represent 2 different square dance moves. Which are they?

1. 2.

Result; April images: 1. Grand square 2. California Twirl


20 Squares Around Victoria The o/ficialjoLJmai of the Victoriflfl Square Dancing Assor:iatiofllfl!:

The weather has been a little up and down over the past month but it hasn't stopped the dancing. From what has been reported back to me everyone has enjoyed there clubs as well as dancing with Paul Bristow from the UK. and we now look forward to Jaybees 30th Birthday with Mike Seastrom in May. As well as awaiting the returning again of Jerry Jestin, presented by Matamoras in July. See adverts in the SAV for all club activities. Wow, a good time of danc­ing ahead.

The VSDA are now putting together a dance for August the 17th Please keep a eye on the SAV for more information as to venue and times.

The 46th VSDA State convention is being held in Warrnambool next year and we are looking forward to what the convention committee are planning for us.

Don't forget, we have a face book page and this will have all the urgent and up to date news to keep you all informed as to any changes etc.

We now have a new secretay; Colin Dandridge, who has taken on this impor­tant job. We are looking into the web page at this time. You can still access the web page as normal. But some changes may be forthcoming after the next VSDA meeting.

If anyone has any issue they need to raise with the VSDA, we ask that it be in writing and mailed to us to be included in the agenda for the next VSDA meeting.

Not much more to report just keep having fun in what we do and as said before, when working together who knows what might happen.

Dancers, going to the Canberra National Convention, have fun and keep safe.

Mark Kelly President -------- ------ ------------ - - - ---------- --- - 1 ! So You Missed Out On A SAV! :

What do You Do? I The First step is to contact the Membership Officer to :

see if your mailing address is correct and your I

subscription is up to date. : We can tell if a label was printed and therefore posted. I

L_~~ ____ I~~I~~~~~~_o~~e~_~~~_=~Y~~~I~~a~~c:'~~~i_=~_J Squares A,'uund Vict[)rla - Tlie officia/joLJrnal of tllB Victoriafl SqLJare Daf!!:il7..l! AssoL1'atfof/ he 1

Page 3: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY
Page 4: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY


ROSELLA ROUNDS Forest Hili Vic: 3131

Happy Easter.

Contact: Heather Telford

Cuer: Fiona Callaghan

0887257524 0405107524


David and Glenys are now having a holiday for a few weeks. My beginner is progressing well with rumba. For all those going to Canberra have a great time. I will see some of you there. Looking forward to it. I will be closed for Easter and Convention. I hope to see you on the dance floor. Rosy the Rosella


Caller: George Pitt 0264952734

Not a lot of news from us this month as some of us, at the time of writing this report, are preparing to head to Canberra for the National Convention. Look­ing forward to meeting up with lots of old (as in years of knowing people!!) friends there. Some of our members are away on cruises at the moment so numbers are a little down, but still managing to dance and have fun each week. May birthday wishes go to Malcolm.

The Australian Square Dance Review The Australian Square Dance Magazine is available from our State editor. This is an ideal publication if you are travelling interstate, as it gives addresses of clubs in other States, Should you wish to sub­scribe. Please Contact: Barbara Treharne 03 5334 4095

12 Squares Around Vietoris···· lhe offk:iBljolimalolthff I/ictoriafl Sql1are /lancin!! Assneiatulflinr:



Cuer: Coral Wegmann 0397029251

Harlequin Rounds have just celebrated their 3rd Birthday on the 7th April. Yes, we celebrated it as our 3rd birthday even though the first 2 years our club was known as "Sunnyside Monday". same night, same members plus more, same venue, and same cuero The evening was a "buzz" with merriment, great danCing, fun novelty dances, lots of prizes and a grand supper (perhaps the Baileys and sherries were a good starting point!). Many thanks to all club dancers, guests cuers Ella, Pat and Alison, guest caller Mike and other visitors for making this a memorable one. Mike even called a square dance during the night. We welcomed beginners Jan and Ross from our beginners' class, who joined us for some of the easy rounds. As always a special thank you to Ella for allowing me to hire her dance rooms. This year seems to be busy from beginning to end. We hope everybody who ventured to Canberra for the Convention had a great trip and enjoyed them­selves. Personally I look forward to National, not just for the great dancing but for an extra catch up with my brother and sister in-law from NSW. Beginner classes are going very well. Rumba, Waltz and Two Steps are pro­gressing and everybody is happy learning at their own pace.


Caller: Mike Davey Cuer: Pat Saunder

0395900550 03 9106 1194

At our favourite singing call night No.1 still remained 'Light the candles" and it is quite ironical that Bev, our new First Lady, of incoming president Alan Bennie, ran out of breath at her recent milestone birthday, blowing out the rather large amount of candles. It must be said when we talk about square danCing in Victoria, Jaden demonstrated at his birthday that he has the attrib­utes to carry our favourite past time into the future and we are so fortunate this year with overseas callers, as Paul Brislow put on a great show and on all reports Mike Seastrom will continue the good times at our birthday. Those of us, who did not attend the convention and just listened to Hip Hop music with the Easter Bunny, were probably entertained by Mike's vocal twin and if you shut your eyes, it is eerie as you feel like he is on stage.



Caller: Janice Alexander

March saw another fun Plus night and Glen's birthday.


Some made it down to Australiana's 2nd birthday, which was a great week­end. Congratulations to Jaden, Kevin and Carol. Once the National Convention is over, things should be back to normal. We have another plus night at the end of May.

Squares Around Victoria -- TlIB official/ourrla/ of tllff I/ictofif:J!l SqUf:Jf'8 /laf!l:ilZ!J Assotiatioflif!c 9

Page 5: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY

r~Ii'041 \<O~~.~.

H •• ~.rtQn<Vic;~'·2 , ',. M(jlnday 7.69PiEftroRoad" Heatherton, (~/W8YS 7f.i G11). W~elQyj 7;,3Q,PrrVEa$Y Level Rounds, p~.asen and 111

KELL~ CO'!NTRY Wa·ngaratta ViC 3677 Monday-, MS$OnicHaU,' AppinSlreet"WangaraHa .. F?~DI~~1I¥i .1~~q; .. ,~·30pm", M/S&, P: --tI~rt.,,~tri.VlC 3131 MOntfay';J~yc~.~aU, 12' Silver Street. Nunawading W:ee&1~,~t1:~,Opm . ,

Page 6: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY

































April 2014

Crossroads Club closed

Matamoras Plus Club closed

May 2014

Essendon Squares Club closed

Phoenix festival V.P.A.C. Weekend

Allabout Squares Resume dancing

Phoenix Squares Club closed

Sunnyside Rounds 56th Birthday

Burra Squares Amateur Callers night

Phoenix Squares Challenge Class starts 5-6pm

Jaybees Mothers' Day tributes

Burra Squares Nostalgia & Oldest clothes night.

Crossroads Favorite Singing Call night

Chemistry Sets Club closed

Jaybees 30th Birthday w/end with Mike Seastrom

Southern Cross Plus Baked potato night

Kaleidoscope Plus night

Squal'es Around Victoria ThB affidoljfJlImal af the rictariBn SquBre /Jimcifl!J ;/SSOciBtiOfllfll:

EASTERN 8's Caller: Max Hodder

Paynesville Vic 3880 Thursday - Uniting Church hall, cnr King St & Langford Pde. Weekly, 7:30pm B, MIS. TIC

ESSENDON SQUARE DANCE CLUB Host: John & Ruth Humphrey Maribyrnong Vic 3032 Caller: Peter Humphries

Thursday - Community Centre, Randall St (Me/ways 28 A7)

Weekly, 8.00pm. MIS, P OPP

MODERN SQUARES Caller: Philip Aslanidis Bendigo Vic 3550 Caller: Lorie Gough Thursday - Senior Citizens hall, Old High Street, Golden Square. Weekly, 7:00pm MIS. Learners


Caller: Graham Jameson


0393908308 0397013354

0419251422 0407905235

0397030309 0427353802

Thursday - Cowes Culural Centre, 91-97 Thompson Ave. Cowes .. (Me/ways 634 02)

WeekIY,7.30pm MIS OPP.

SOUTHERN CROSS A Caller: Howard Cockburn 0397414501

Albert Park Vic 3206 Thursday - St Silas Anglican Church Hall, Cnr Bridport & Ferrars St, Albert Park Fortnightly, 8 pm. A Level


Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11)

Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V


ACEY SQUARES Naracoorte SA 5271 Friday - Lutheran Church Hall, Megary Cres Weekly, 7:30pm. MIS & Basic.

PINE CITY TWIRLERS Mount Gambier SA 5290

Contact: Chris & Alan Hall

Contact: Heather Telford

Friday - Anglican Hall, Bay Road, Mount Gambier Weekly, 7.30 pm, MIS & Basic.

ROSELLA ROUNDS Cuer: Fiona Callaghan

Forest Hill Vic 3131



0887257524 0405107524


Friday - Forest Hill Uniting Church Hall, 333 Canterbury Road, Forest Hill (Me/ways 62. F2)

Weekly - Beginners to Phase IV, 7.30pm to 10.30pm, TIC.

Page 7: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY
Page 8: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY
Page 9: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY


Contact: Robyn Hodder 0357224449

No news as we have only danced a few times this year. When we do dance it is on a Sunday afternoon and everyone enjoys the afternoon. This suits the dancers who travel some distance. A couple of dancers are going to the National Convention where I hope you will all have a great time. We are hopeful of attracting some new dancers now that life seems to be set­tling down. Early in the year always seems to be very busy.

KINTYRE ROUNDS Nunawading Vic 3131

Cuer: Carol Simondson 0394352830

Kintyre has had another brief holiday with the Nunawading hall being unavail ­able due to floor resurfacing. Thanks members for your understand-ing. Kintyre will be back dancing as of Monday 5 May. Also on that evening will be the Kintyre Beginner Start Up Evening. Basic rounds will be taught for the month of May and then we will be a bit more daring. Wanting to be part of the round dance scene? Come along at 6.45 - 7.45 pm on Monday 5 May and become part of this lovely form of dancing. All most welcome. Congratulations to Ella Whyte, Sunnyside Rounds for the upcoming celebra-tion of 56 years of Sunnyside Rounds. CAS

MATAMORAS (Mondays) Springvale

MATAMORAS (Wednesdays) Springvale North Vic. 3172

Caller: Peter Humphries

Caller: Peter Humphries

039701 3354 0427554437

039701 3354 0427554437

10 Squarlls Around Victoria -- The nfficiB/joIJma/ of the Yictorian SqIJare Dancing Association/nc


Cuer: Pat Saunder 0397061194

Pat and Bobbi are back from their honeymoon, but on a sad note, because Pat's sister passed away end of March. Our hall is almost finished. The fun night went off well. Mondays revising 'Alice blue gown' and 'Patricia'. The new dancers are ready to start with diamond turns in 'The Lorelei'. Some of our dancers enjoyed visiting Harlequin Rounds 3rd Birthday dance and we are now looking forward to Sunnyside's 56th Birthday celebrations. Happy Birthday, Ella.

PEGASUS Greenvale


Cuer: Phillip Whyte

Cuer: Graham Jameson

0411 263891 0411 263892

0397030309 0427353802

Phillip Island seems to have settled into the new hall at Bass and enjoying their dancing. Beginners are still dancing each week and progressing along. It was nice to see some of you attend the Paul Bristow dance. A fun night of dancing. The Jamos


Caller: Colin Dandridge 0438515873

Most of our regular dancers attended the Australiana Dancers 2nd Birthday with Paul Bristow and had a fantastic time over the 3 days. Congratulations must go to Jaden, Kevin and Carol for organising it all and working so hard to bring it all together. Our focus has now turned to the VPAC Festival which is fast approaching and we are all getting geared up for a fun weekend of dancing. The function had a name change over the last month but all the other plans remain the same. After the V.P.A.C. weekend we will be starting a C-1 class for interested danc­ers who have already completed the Advanced program. We are also running a new Beginners class at the end of June to try and bring some new dancers into the Square Dance world . Webside address:

Squares Around VictOria - nIB officia/jolJma/ of the YictoriBn SqlJare DaflCH7!l Associatiofl/nc 11

Page 10: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY
Page 11: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY
Page 12: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY

w-tY DO CD) I\tW<E fvUT1-ERS? Ansv\e's gven bv 2nd 9-ade sd1c.D childel to the fdlCANing

*W1y did Cod rrake rrothers?* about dad before she rranied at yourfiiendts. 1 9le's the only one who him?* 4. MJIT6 have rragic, they

knovvs where the sticky tape is. 1. His last narre. rrake ~u feel better vvithout 2. f\lbstly to dean the house. 2. She had to know his rredidne. 3. To help us out of there background. Uke is he a crook? *W1at does your numdo in

when we were getti ng born. ~ he get drunk on beer? her spare ti rre?* *l-bw did Cod rrake rrothers?* 3. ~ he rrake at least $800 1. fvbthers don't do spare 1 He used dirt, just like for the a year? Od he say I\X)to drugs tirre. rest of us. and YES to mores? 2. To hear her tell it, she pays 2. rv1agic, plus super powers * Wr.j did your MJm rrarry bi lis all day long.

and a lot of stining your dad?* *W1at w:>uld it ta~ to rrake 3. Gxl rrade Illy' MJmjust the 1. rvIy dad rrakes the best your num perfed:?*

sarre like he rrade rre. He just spaghetti in the w:>rld. And !TIl 1. 01 the inside she's already used bigger parts. MJmeats a lot. perfect. OJtside, I think 50rre *W1at ingredierts are rrothers 2. She got too old to do kind of plastic surgery. rrade of?* anything else vvith him 2. Oet. You know, her hair. I'd 1. Gxl rrakes rrothers out of 3. rvIy grandrra says that M.lm diet, rrayiJe blue.

douds and angel hair and didn't: have her thinking cap on. *Ifyou oould change one thing everythingnice in the w:>rld *V\41at's the difference between about your MJm, what would it and one dab ofrrean. nurrs &dads?* be? * 2. They had to get their start 1. MJIT6 \NOrk at \NOrk and 1. 91e has this weird thing

from rren's bones. Then they INOrks at horre & dads just go about rre keepi ng !TIl room rmstly use string, I think to work at INOrk. dean. I'd get rid of that. *Wr.j did Cod give you Your 2. MJIT6 know how to talk to 2. I'd rmke Illf MJmsrrarter. rrother & not 50rre other M-lm? teachers vvithout scaring them Then she 'M)uld know it was !TIl 1. \/Ie're reJatHj 3. 03ds are taller & stronger, sister who did it and not rre. 2. Gxl knew she likes rre a lot but nulT6 have all the real 3. I 'M)uld like for her to get rrore than other people'snulT6 povver 'cause that's who you got rid ofthose invisible eyes on * Wlat did num need to know to ask if you want to sleep over the back of her head

1--------------------------------1 ! '" I I IMPORTANT

While every care has been taken in prepar·ing the event entries, tilere may be some details that change from the I I time of the submitting date and publication date. It is recommended that you contact the club prior to t he event to I ! confirm the details I

DISCLAIMER I The opinions expressed in this publication are ttl0se of the individual contributors and may not agree with the I I opinions of the Editor or the Victorian Squar~ Dan~ing ~~sociation Inc, unl~ss expressly stated, nor a!e w.e

responsible for any goods or services advertised. 1 he Editor reserves the nght, Without reason, to reject Items or ! I edit for space providing the context of the article is not altered. I I Articles requiring extensive editing will be returned, unpublished to the writer., I I ADVERTISING RESPONSIBILITY I

Please check your advertisement on the first insertion and bdng any errors to the attention of the SAV editor, I While every effort is to avoid errors is made, we can not be responsible for any errors beyond the first insertion if I I you fail to bring it to our attention . I

No allowances can be made for errors not materially affecting to effectiveness of the advertisement, The positioning I of any advertisement can not and will not be guaranteed, We r-eserve the right to restrict or revise any ! ! advertisement we deem objectionable, unsuitable or offenSive. In the event an advertisement is omitted from

4. - - - Squares Around Victoria 11m llffic!BljIJI.!rI7B1 of tlte Jlietorian Square Dancing Assor:iBtirJn Inc

Square Dance Weekend, 24 t\25th, & 26th October 2014.

featuring guest caller Brian Hotchkies Boucher Hall, Bairnsdale Secondary College

Wallace Street, Bairnsdale Vic. 3875

Times & Costs: Session 1 Fri. 24th 7:00pm. Mainstream. (Inc\. Supper) $10.00/ person Session 2 Sat. 25th 2:30pm. Plus $10.00 I person Session 3 Sat. 25 th 7:00pm. Mainstream. (Inc\. Supper) $15.00/ person Session 4 Sun. 26th 1 0:00am. Mainstream $12.00/ person Spit Roast Lunch Sun. 26th. 12:3Opm. $25.00 I person

Weekend Package: $72.00 (includes all sessions and Sunday spit roast lunch.) NOTE! Closing date/or Registrations is 3(jh September 2014

Replv Slip Your Contact Details:

Full Name/s: ____________________ _

Address: _________________________ _

Tel: Mobile: email: ___________ _

Signed: _________ _ Date: _____ _

Friday 24th Oct Mainstream Dance Saturday 25th Oct Plus Dance Mainstream Dance Sunday 26th Oct. Mainstream Dance Spit Roast Lunch

No. of people Total $ ____ @$lO.OOpp=$ __

____ @$1O.00pp=$ __ ____ @$15.00pp=$ __

____ @$12.00pp=$ __ ____ @ $25.00 pp = $ __

WEEKEND PACKAGE __ @$72.00 pp=$ __ _

TOTAL $, __ _

Payment Details (tick below) Cheque or Money Order payable to:

Eastern 8's Square Dance Club

Direct Deposit to: Bendigo Bank Paynesville BSB: 633 000 Alc no: 151586450 Alc Name: Eastern 8's Square Dance Club

Note! Ensure your name is used as the reference.

Post registration form to: R & J Evans 395 Nungumer Road Nungumer, Vic. 3909 OR Email to:[email protected]

An information package will be mailed with your receipt to your address above.

Contact: Max & Nancy Hodder Tel: 0351561459 Or Bob & Janine Evans Tel: 0351563049

email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Squarlls AI'DunG Victuria - lite [Jfficlal/numa! of the Jlietoriall Square Oaf/{:irl.q Assnr.:/Btion lilt: 17

Page 13: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY

With another National Convention just over the RDAV hope you all had a wonderful time and took the liberty to catch up on some Round Dancing even if you don't regularly dance rounds. Like Callers, it is a great opportunity to dance to a larger variety of Cuers from all over Australia. Victorian Cuers, Carol Simondson, Fiona Callaghan and I participated in the Round Dance programs during the weekend after a 3 day seminar conducted by our Aus­

tralian Round Dance Association. ARDA. Our next Social Dance will be July 4th, "JELLY BEAN JULY" is shaping up to be a fun day, so please put this date in your diary to come and join us. For more information please contact Coral Wegmann 0407 814 686. If you are a member of the RDAV we will be letting you know by email or mail as soon as venue details are finalized. OR : - Visit our Web Site and catch up with the latest details. We aim to keep all'i-ound dancers informed of current events as soon as possible and that is why the Web Site is such and important part of our association. Look us up ! For all RDAV and Club News.

Coral Wegmann RDAV President 2014

If you would like to get updated on important information about square dancing events sooner, please forward your name and email to [email protected]

2 Squares Around Victoria ThEl1ffir:!BljolJrt7a/ of the !/ictorif:Jfl SqlJHre /Jfmt:i!l!! AssnciBtkm Inr:

yal 39th . South' Austral ian

State Convention Featuring Nev McLachlan (Qld)

August 2014

• Friday 29th

• Saturday 30th

Please jOin OS!

Interstate dancers Very INelcOllle

• Venue

Irish Australian Assn Hall 13-15 Carrington Street

Adelaide 5000 • For more details or to obtain a Registration Form

Visit our website: Or email ConvenorAnneTulloch:[email protected]

SQum'es A!'ound Vicil:l!'ia - 1118 offk'toljolJrlliJ/ of the !/ie/aria!! SqlJ8f's/Jaflr:fiZfJ AssociatifJ!! Iflc 19

Page 14: o 20… · SUNNYSIDE LODGE ROUNDS Cuer: Ella Whyte Heatherton Vic 3202 Thursday - 69 Pietro Rd Heatherton, (Me/ways 78 G11) Weekly, Rounds Ph III to V _iiiiiiiii";~ij~i.ibiif--ACEY


President : Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer :

James Fellows Ray Lil ly Dianne Morris Kath Mosbey Greig Wight

Promotions Officer: ' Membersh ip Officer: Friendship Officer: Youth Delegate: Facebook co-ordinator: Review Editor (Vic): SAV Editor:

EXECUTIVE Mark Ke lly Carmel Si nclair Colin Dandridge John Van Delft

GENERAL COMMITIEE 9842 3826 Diane Jameson 9728 2034 Ian Becker 9789 3493 Mary Beerens

9741 8120 9803 0163 9870 0453 9803 9325

9728 3164 Philomena Macdonald

9703 0309 9789 3493 93080190 9849 0888

9803 0163 One vacant position

One vacant position Diane Ja meson Betty McLean Charmaine Jameson Charmaine Jameson Barbara Treharne Mary Beerens

Contact Address Details

9703 0309 9887 6200 9703 0309 9703 0309 53344095 9308 0190


MEMBERSHIP The Membership Officer

P.O.Box 8075, Croydon Vic. 3136 [email protected]

P.O.Box 8075, Croydon Vic. 3136 [email protected]


25 Moir Drive , Roxburgh Park 3064 sav .ed itor@gma il .com

VICTORIAN CALLERS ASSOCIATION President - Mike Davey 9590 0550 E-mail michaeldavey2@big Secretary - Janice Al exa nder 9872 5399 P.O . Box 229, Nunawading Vic. 3131 E-mail [email protected] lin


PO Box 340, Wendouree 3355 [email protected] .au


President: Coral Wegmann 9702 9251 E-mai l : cozweg@b Secretary: Nevi ll e Jarvis 8555 9116 15A Parkside Street, Beaumaris Vic. 3193 E-mai l: [email protected]

Free Call phone number 1800 643 277

For more information visit our webpage

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~ - ' ....,; -' - - - --- - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - -. I.,' _ , l\the~ I " ' . A·Round th,e, sq,uare JJ'~p" ~ I ,- 'D,an~ Wear .>..:. .s. /i


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All items are on display tor you to see.

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:Squares Around Victoria - The officialjoumal of the ilJCtoriafl Square !Jaflciflg Associatiofl Inc 21

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