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PLANThe United States should reduce its military presence in the Persian Gulf states by requiring pre-emptive PTSD measures as a precursor to redeployment and additional tours of duty for military personnel


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Advantage One: DeathPTSD causes depression and is one of the leading causes of suicide among veterans.

Madeline McGrane, writing for the Journal of Law and Health, 2011 (“Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military: The Need for Legislative Improvement of Mental Health Care for Veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom,” 24 J.L. & Health 183 (2011) )

Approximately 1.7 million troops have been deployed as a part …that of the

general population.”55

None of the current approaches will solve.

Wood 13 {David, Military And Veteran Suicides Rise Despite Aggressive Prevention Efforts 08/29/2013}

The bad news: the number of military … of data in the study.

The surgeon general’s comprehensive study concluded that the continued exposure to weapons and carnage from multiple combat tours is a principal cause

Wood 13 {David, Military And Veteran Suicides Rise Despite Aggressive Prevention Efforts 08/29/2013}

A detailed …we're comfortable with it," explained a former Special Forces officer who served multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.Troops aren’t the only military personnel affected by PTSD. PTSD affects medics and others too.

Lieutenant Colonel Judith A. Hughes, USAF, March 20, 2008 (“Child Soldiers: Are US Military Members Prepared to Deal with the Threat?” Air & Space Power Journal )

Looking beyond Combat Forces Combat … and rehabilitation of former child soldiers.

In the last decade and a half, more troops died from suicide than were killed in Afghanistan.

JAMES GORDON, writing for the Atlantic, DEC 11, 2012 (“A Practical Approach to Military PTSD,” )

Since 2001, more United States ….approaches to care.

PTSD is contributing to massive increase in homicides by active duty military personnel.


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Madeline McGrane, writing for the Journal of Law and Health, 2011 (“Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military: The Need for Legislative Improvement of Mental Health Care for Veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom,” 24 J.L. & Health 183 (2011) )

In addition to the increased suicide rates, … a homicide.62 In order to prevent veterans from committing suicides and homicides as a result of PTSD,

immediate diagnosis is necessary. This requires mandatory mental health screenings at the end of each deployment.

Military suicides are largely preventable with early intervention and on-going support

Operation I.V. 15 {The Land of the Free and the Brave}

Suicide is a difficult topic for many …e. Military PTSD doesn't have to ruin a combat veterans' life.  

We are on the brink of a tidal wave of suicides. Suicides among our troops risks epidemic proportions

Basu 13 {Moni CNN November 14, 2013 Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day}

Even though more older veterans are committing suicide, …Afghanistan and Iraq.


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Advantage Two: DehumanizationCurrent efforts to reduce PTSD center around dehumanizing the enemy in order to justify killing. The plan is the only way to eliminate explicit indoctrination into dehumanizing the Other.

Lieutenant Colonel Judith A. Hughes, USAF, March 20, 2008 (“Child Soldiers: Are US Military Members Prepared to Deal with the Threat?” Air & Space Power Journal )

Policy and Strategy Specific to Killing in Combat. … into account to help troops better prepare for the environments in which they may find themselves


The dehumanization is directed to our own people as well. When soldiers return from active duty, their first interview is not with a counselor but with a military lawyer to see if they have violated any rules of engagement. Often they are charged on dubious evidence and imprisoned. Once In prison, former troops are dehumanized, possibly raped, beaten, or contract diseases such as TB and HIV.

Nilsen, 2007 (Eva S., Clinical Associate Professor, Boston University School of Law, B.A. Yale University, J.D. University of Virginia, LL.M. Georgetown University, 41 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 111, November)

America's embrace of mass imprisonment arose during a widespread drive …. A former warden reported that [*132] in Oregon it was not unusual to have half the segregation beds occupied by mentally ill prisoners. 101

The imprisoned mentally ill are being put into dehumanizing positions for actions out of their control

Kanapaux, 2004

Psychiatric Times. Guilty of Mental Illness William January 1, accesed June 24 2009

The general consensus within the criminal …. accidentally asphyxiated mentally ill prisoners whom they were trying to restrain.

Dehum outweighs all other impacts.

Katheryn D. Katz, professor of law at Albany Law School, 1997, Albany Law Journal

It is undeniable that throughout human …. subjugation of women, and the social Darwinists' theory justifying indifference to the poverty and misery of others.


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SolvencyReducing opportunities for conflict and decreasing involvement in global violence is the only way to prevent PTSD in U.S. troops

Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer at Live Science, May 18, 2012   (“Troops Today Have Better Prospects for PTSD Recovery, Expert Says,” )

A promising program that has ….reduce global violence, McNally said.

Limiting deployment directly reduces PTSD – Britain proves our solvency empirically true.

Mark Phillips, research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, March 20, 2012 (The Royal United Services Institute is a British research group focusing on defense and security issues. “Britain Limits Deployment to Reduce P.T.S.D.” )

The Ministry of Defense tries to manage …were more likely to fulfill the criteria for P.T.S.D.

PTSD strains the economy and leads to substance abuse and other social impairments.

Lieutenant Colonel Judith A. Hughes, USAF, March 20, 2008 (“Child Soldiers: Are US Military Members Prepared to Deal with the Threat?” Air & Space Power Journal )

Research has clearly demonstrated …. factors related to short- and long-term stress reactions. 33

Public perception of the “point” of the war contributes to levels of PTSD in returning troops. Plan is the only way to regain the public’s trust.

Lieutenant Colonel Judith A. Hughes, USAF, March 20, 2008 (“Child Soldiers: Are US Military Members Prepared to Deal with the Threat?” Air & Space Power Journal )

In the reports on the initial ….psychological adaptation of individual military members.

The aff solves your disads – The level of troop effectiveness in the status quo compared to the number of troops that would remain after the plan is probably a wash in a world where current troops are undermining readiness and effectiveness now as a result of their PTSD.

Lieutenant Colonel Judith A. Hughes, USAF, March 20, 2008 (“Child Soldiers: Are US Military Members Prepared to Deal with the Threat?” Air & Space Power Journal )

The DOD has not been proactive in preparing personnel ….US military members.


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