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News You Can Use Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

Praise and Worship Eddie James

“Wrap me in Your Arms” and “He’s Alive”

Bryn Waddell “Nothing but the Blood”

and “Do it Lord”

“Journaling Your Prayers”

Page 3

“Called To A Great Work”

Page 4

“The Secret of Being Content”

Page 6


ISSUE #20 R.A.V.E.N.

Faithbook O Sovereign Lord!

You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!!

Jeremiah 32:17 NLT

Dear Child of God, Satan trembles and hates it when YOU pray! Why? Because

when you pray, you get a WORD from the LORD and a WORD from the LORD is a WEAPON! So no matter the

circumstance, wield the SWORD of the SPIRIT, raise your SHIELD of FAITH, and PRAY! The devil can’t win and

with GOD, YOU can’t lose!

Don’t neglect your time alone with the LORD!

Sitting at the feet of JESUS, spending time in prayer and in His Word is of more worth than all the clatter of Martha’s

dishes (Luke 10:38-42 NLT). Don’t neglect your time alone with the LORD!!!

Trust and Rest in HIM!

GOD will add to your life the things that are RIGHT for YOU at the RIGHT TIME! Rest.

Press On and Stay Focused! "We are wrestling principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness" (Eph. 6:12) So, whenever you try to expand the Kingdom, a battle is going to be necessary because the enemy is trying to hold the ground that he thinks he owns. Here’s the truth: he has been spoiled, stripped of everything that he thought was his, and Jesus (glory to God!) has triumphed

over him. So guess what? YOU always WIN! You ALWAYS win because JESUS has ALREADY given you the victory.


ISSUE #20 R.A.V.E.N.

Journaling Your Prayers


2. Divide Binder Into Sections For my prayer journal/notebook, I have five sections: Scriptures, Petitions, Prayer Requests, On My Heart, and Answered Prayers. You can divide yours into as many sections as you feel led to. God may lead you to have 10 different sections, each section representing a different aspect of your life or a different family member. However God leads you to do it; do it. The goal is for you to PRAY!

3. First Section: Scriptures/Praying The Word

This is one of my favorite sections in my notebook! I believe in praying the Word of God over not only my life, but also the circumstance(s) that may surround me. Here’s an example of my Psalms 91 prayer…. Read more at

Are you waiting for the manifestation of what God promised you? Do you want to know how to

prevent discouragement while you wait? Recognize and praise God for ALL the great

things that He has done and is doing in your life RIGHT NOW!


Hello Friends! I pray all is well with each of you! Last month, God laid it on my heart to share with you something that has set my prayer life on fire. That something, if you would, is my prayer journal/notebook. My sophomore year of college, God used a minister who I greatly respect to encourage me to start a prayer journal. At first, I used a regular spiral notebook from Walmart and just wrote to the Lord, but now I have a different "method" and I tell you what, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! If led to, I pray that you would start one too and watch how God shows up and shows out not only in the secret place, but also in your life! 1. Get A Binder I got a mini binder (5 1/2 X 8 1/2) from Staples, but any size binder will do.


ISSUE #20 R.A.V.E.N.

Called To A Great Work

If you have heard from God and/or believe with everything in you that you were called to a great work for the glory of God, this post is for YOU! Friend, we are in the 3rd month of the year and it's time to get focused if you're not, stay focused if you are, and do what God has told/called you to do. It's time that we wield the sword of the Spirit, raise our shield of faith, and pray, pray, PRAY!!! It's time friend, that we go from our knees in prayer to our feet in obedience. There are people...nations assigned to and waiting for our obedience. Through Nehemiah, we are going to not only learn what to do before and during a great work, but we are going to also see and be reminded that the great work is often times bigger than us and immeasurably more than we can ask or think. Let's dig in!

1. Prayer and Fasting (Nehemiah 1:4-11 and 2:1-10) "Nehemiah, the wall of Jerusalem has been torn down and the people are in great trouble and disgrace........." (vs. 3). Question: What do we do when a problem is presented before us or we see a need for something and we feel extremely passionate about it? Do we act immediately? Do we sit, do nothing, and expect someone else to fix or do something about it? What do we do? Answer: We do as Nehemiah did, we pray and fast FIRST. Nehemiah didn't just immediately go and try to fix the problem, nor did he sit and expect someone else to do it! Before he acted, He prayed and fasted.....He sought God's face. Listen friend, it's so important to seek God before you make a move or any kind of decision. Prayer is vital in the life of a blood bought believer. It releases wisdom, discernment, courage, and divine strategy. Satan trembles and hates it when YOU pray! Why? Because when you pray, you get a WORD from the LORD and a WORD from the LORD is a WEAPON! Not only did Nehemiah pray and cry out to God, but he also prayed the WORD OF GOD over himself, the people, and the circumstance! If you have read "Journaling Your Prayers" or "Praying God's Word" you know just how passionate I am about praying the Word of God over my life and circumstance(s). There is power in the Word. Read Nehemiah 1:8-9 and then Lev. 26:33, Deuteronomy 12:5 and 30:2-4 and see for yourself how Nehemiah prayed the Word. The truth is, when you are seeking God through prayer, in need of answers, instructions, breakthrough, and/or courage.....the best thing to do is to PRAY the WORD! Another thing that's important to note when seeking God about a particular situation is that sometimes God will give you specific instructions, other times, you will have a strong sense of peace concerning a particular move/direction....but in both times it will REQUIRE FAITH! It takes faith to press in, be obedient and do what you know God has called you to do. Likewise, it takes faith to be like Abraham, "when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going" (Hebrews 11:8). If you don't have peace about it and/or haven't heard God's voice, don't move until you do and please, don't feel pressured to explain your direction, peace or the lack thereof to folks. Trust God, He


ISSUE #20 R.A.V.E.N.

“You and I are CHOSEN for a purpose, we are HEALED for a purpose, we are CALLED for a purpose, and that purpose ALWAYS involves other



who were with him. When he finally shared the plans God had given Him, they were all on board. They were all fearless and excited to be apart of such a great work! When it comes to what God has called you to do, everyone and their mama may not be on board, but the assigned ones will!

3. Pay no attention to the enemy (Nehemiah 2:19-20 & Ch. 4) Once Nehemiah shared the plans God had given him and began to actually work towards it, the enemy started to run his mouth, trying to scare and discourage him. The enemy hates it when God's people seek God, hear from Him, MOVE, and don't back up an inch! He knows his days are numbered and that he is already defeated! Notice that Nehemiah didn't get scared or back down, He said in complete "Godfidence," " The God of Heaven will help us succeed." We are wrestling principalities, powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness (Eph. 6:12) So, whenever you try to expand the Kingdom, a battle is going to be necessary because the enemy is trying to hold the ground that he thinks he owns. Here’s the truth: he has been spoiled, stripped of everything that he thought was his, and Jesus (glory to God!) has triumphed over him. So guess what? YOU always WIN! You ALWAYS win because JESUS has ALREADY given you the victory. No matter what, press on and STAY FOCUSED!

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will never lead you wrong. And last, but certainly not least, if led, fast. Don't do a fast just to do one or, worst to lose weight lol! Fast because you desire to consecrate yourself, draw closer to God, and hear from Him! Once again, if led, fast!

2. Shhhhh!!!!! (Nehemiah 2:11-18) Shhhhh!! That's something that God often times tells every blood bought believer called to a great work. Hear this with your heart: Everything God tells you is not always meant to be told. Use discernment and follow God's lead! Nehemiah only took a few people with him, but he at that time had told no one about the plans God had put in his heart for Jerusalem. Friend, sometimes it is not that you are surrounded by evil people who are not for you, often times right before God releases you to act, you are surrounded by just the right people, but God will STILL say," Shhhhhh," because there are still some things that He wants to reveal to you. You don't have to explain every plan of God concerning you to everyone! When the time is right to share, you will know it. Until then, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. "But now I said to them, “You know very well what trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire. Let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and end this disgrace!” Then I told them about how the gracious hand of God had been on me, and about my conversation with the king. They replied at once, “Yes, let’s rebuild the wall!” So they began the good work." Nehemiah 2: 17-18 NLT Friend, notice the timing of Nehemiah's "big reveal" and notice the response of those

The Secret of Being Content

"What's your secret?" Has anyone ever asked you this? Maybe they wanted to know some of your business,

or maybe just maybe they wanted to know: What's your secret to JOY? What's your secret to HAPPINESS? What's your secret to PEACE? What's your secret to being CONTENT?

When asked these questions, what is the first thing that comes to mind? God? Family? Things? Accolades? Let's go to the Word and find out the secret to being content.

"I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation......

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:12-13 NLT).

"I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every

situation.......... I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything

through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency]" (Philippians 4:12-13 AMP).

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation...... I can do all this through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:12-13 NIV). How many times have you read Philippians 4:13 and started having a praise break because after all, "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST?!?!" Don't be dismayed friend, I have done it and still do it! I believe that when facing a difficult circumstance we can most definitely pray and speak this scripture over our lives and watch God show up and show out. But I also believe that this scripture is about more than just facing difficult circumstances. Paul lets us know that the secret to LIVING in EVERY situation, FACING EVERY SITUATION, and BEING CONTENT in ANY and EVERY SITUATION is knowing, believing, depending on, and walking in the unshakeable truth that YOU CAN through CHRIST who gives YOU strength! It's not about your strength or ability; it's about God's strength and His ability that is in you, empowering you to LIVE in, FACE, and BE CONTENT in ANY AND EVERY SITUATION!

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R.A.V.E.N. ISSUE #20

Dear Kingdom Woman Part 2

Lately, God has laid it on my heart to pray for women (young and old) in the body of Christ. The enemy has lied (as he always does) and has caused many Kingdom women to believe that they are as attractive as they are desirable. But the devil is nothing but a liar and we as daughters of the Most High should not

waste any time believing him. Listen sister, YOU are who God says you are! The "full package" has nothing to do with how beautiful you or others think you are, how many likes you get or don't get, how many men are chasing you, how curvy or small your body is, how long your hair is, or the complexion of your skin. What makes a woman the full package is Christ living on the inside of her. So Kingdom

Woman, it's time that you place more value and REALLY believe the mirror of God's Word more than you do the mirror of this world or people's opinion of you. It's time that you stop seeking validation from everything and everyone and instead receive and confidently walk in the acceptance and validation that

comes from being a child of God!

Kingdom woman, God desires all his daughters to be completely whole, full of joy, HAPPY, validated, and/or secure in who He has created her to be. He wants you to see yourself as He sees you....fearfully,

wonderfully made and beautiful! He wants you to look to, depend on, and trust Him more than you do a mere man or what people say or don't say. How do you do this? First, you PRAY! You pray that God

would help you to be secure in who you are and then rebuke and bind the spirit of inadequacy, insecurity, and comparison. Second, you spend time in the Word! Find out what God has to say about you and then pray/speak those things over yourself until you really believe it and are walking in it. And last, if a thought comes up that doesn't line up with the Word of God concerning who you are, cast them

down and make them obey Christ. Stop paying attention to and/or listening to the lies of Satan. If it's social media that's making you feel insecure, take a break for a while and get in the Word! If you are

feeling unattractive and/or unwanted because you are single, remind yourself of just how valuable you are! You are worth more than your relationship status. Jesus died on the cross, and rose again

conquering, death, hell, and the not only save, deliver and give you the victory over satan, but to also win your heart and develop a close, intimate relationship with you! You are not single sister, you

are in a relationship with the Lord and when He sees fit, He will connect you to a Kingdom man and together you both will bring even more glory to God!

Dear Kingdom Woman,

Rest in the Lord! Stop comparing yourself to others and/or feeling bad because you are single. Embrace who God has made and called you to be and cheer others on with a pure heart! Let the Lord shine

brightly through you and season your words with kindness, goodness, and GRACE! Ask God to fill you with HIS love, joy, and peace. Ask HIM to make you whole, content, and HAPPY! He will do it! He is faithful. After all, one thing is for sure, every daughter of the King is called to be secure not insecure, in

the LOVE of her Heavenly Father! Depend on HIM to do "it" for you, not people!

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