Page 1: NWR Activities Romania - Water Loss 2019

NWR ActivitiesRomania

Silviu LacatusuRomanian Water Association

Page 2: NWR Activities Romania - Water Loss 2019


1. Brief description of the water sector

1. Country population / area

2. Acces to water supply services

3. Water utilities / average size as population served

4. Total lenght of the network

2. Institutional evolution in the water sector

3. Situation of the Non Revenue Waters

4. Who are now the key actors and what are their tools

5. Actual needs and future development of the water sector in country

6. Conclusions

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Page 4: NWR Activities Romania - Water Loss 2019

Joined EU in 2007

Total population: approx. 20 mil. (3- 4 mil. abroad)

Population split urban/rural 53% / 47%

Service coverage: 67,5% water (29% in ’95)

96,9% in urban area

43 ROC + 2 LL Operator cover over 85% of water supply service

Romania water supply key figures (2017)

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Indicator U.M.Year

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Population served by water supply



inh.12.103 12.347 12.454 12.634 12.853 13.229

Share of the population served by

supply services% 56,8 61,9 62,4 63,7 65,2 67,5

Level2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Lenght of the water distribution network (km)

Regional water utilities -

total length43 393 46 365 49 141 52 163 54 669 58 225

All country 68 299 71 514 74 263 76 945 79 678 82 050

Population served by water supply services, country level (2012 –2017).

Evolution of the lenght of the water distribution network 2012 - 2017

General overview of the water sector

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1990 2018

Nu exista cadrul legal Legislatie specifica in vigoare (primară, secundară și tertiara )

Tarife diferentiate pentru populatie, industrie si institutii publice

(subventii de la industrie)

Tarife unice pentru toți consumatorii la nivelul ariei de deservire

Principiul Poluatorul Plateste este implementat

Tarifele nu acoperă cheltuielile si genereaza pierderi in cea mai mare

parte a tarii

Tarifele acopera costurile operationale si partial costurile de capital

~30 % acces la servicii de alimentare cu apa in sistem


~65% acces la servicii de alimentare cu apă in sistem centralizat

Institutional evolution

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Lenght of neworkswater (km) sewerage (km)

Total lenght, in

which4.647 6.136

New networks 2.693 5.276


networks1.954 860

SOP Environment 2007 - 2013Total investment value ~ 5,5 billion euro

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306,993,919 298,908,742 294,992,437 303,265,573 301,723,608 313,297,499



134,284,686 123,611,917 125,094,109 124,845,815 128,937,886 124,845,536









2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Cantitatea de apă facturată (m3)

Populație Rest consumatori Poly. (Populație) Poly. (Rest consumatori)

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Situation of the Non Revenue Waters – results from Benchmarking exercise – ROC 2013

Total losses / connection (liters/connection/day)

Average 555 l/conn/day

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Situation of the Non Revenue Waters – results from Benchmarking exercise – ROC 2013

Water losses in the distribution – m3/km/day

Average 23 mc/km/day

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Situation of the Non Revenue Waters – results from Benchmarking exercise – ROC 2018

Average 117 / 100km

Total number of pipe breaks (no/ 100 km)

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Situation of the Non Revenue Waters – results from Benchmarking exercise – ROC 2018

Total number of pipe breaks in the distribution network (no/ 100 km)

Average 136 / 100km

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Situation of the Non Revenue Waters – results from Benchmarking exercise – ROC 2018

NRW per property (m3 / property/year)

Average 100 m3 / property/year

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Situation of the Non Revenue Waters – results from Benchmarking exercise – ROC 2018

NRW (%)

Average 47%

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ADI – Asociatia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara –

asociatia autoritatilor localare care deleaga

realizarea serviciului de alimentare cu apa catre

operatorul regional

Autoritati locale:

responsabile pentru

organizarea serviciului la

nivel local

Operatorii de servicii asigura interfața atât cu

cetățeni cât și cu autoritățile locale și centrale; reprezinta profesioniștii care trebuie să asigure serviciile la un nivel

maxim de calitate

ANRSC:reglementeaza activitatea și

avizează prețurile

Guvern - MinisterStabilirea strategiei

si asigurarea resurselor financiare




cadrului legal

Administratia Nationala Apele

Romane,Garda de Mediu, etc.

Actori cheie: competente si responsabilitati


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Indicator WaterSewerage – wastewater


Total Lenght (km) 16.111 13.908

New Networks (km) 12.980 13.129

Rehabilitation (km) 3.131 779

Treatment plants

(number)262 360

SOP Large Investment 2014 - 2020

New developments and challenges

- New 7 project already aproved with a value of 1,22 billion euro- 15 project are in advance preparation phase with a total value of 4 billion euro

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New developments and challenges

- Finalize the curent investment project finance by EU funds

- Continue the rehabilitation and extension process for developing the

water supply and sewerage system in Romania

- Limited affordability of the population to support any increase in price

- Constant trend for reducing the household consuption (mean while the

mentenaince cost remain the same for the networks)

- Implementation of full cost recovery (including depreciation)

- Tariffs setting based on 5 years business plan

- Continuous training for consolidation of the water utilities capacities

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Name : Silviu Lacatusu

Organization : Asociatia Romana a Apei

E-mail : [email protected]

Phone/fax : 0040 21 316 27 87


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