  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    cNvidia CUDA Campaign Digit community

    Impact Report

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    NVIDIA wanted to use the launch of a new graphic card nVIDIA GT240 to- showcase the multiple applications and user experience with the GPU- significantly raise the mindshare of nVIDIA among technology enthusiasts, the key user andinfluencer group

    and strategically expand the role of GPU from gaming and niche applications to use in thefamily living room.

    An innovative engagement with target audience


    The objective required that the experiential impact of using the nVIDIA card be felt by andcommunicated authentically to a critical number of target audience.

    A three stage program was designed involving:- in-person experience over a given period for a number of users (& their families), carefullyselected from the six lakh strong Digit community for their influence, reference value and the

    ability to create a buzz- direct participation over the web by a larger number of community members throughinteractive devices such as quizzes and voting- propagation of authentic peer experiences through print, online and mobile

    The program also leveraged the social networks of Digit community for enhancingparticipation and providing vehicles for participating families to post & share their experience.

    The posts worked as product trial-by-proxy. The voting method created a viral-like effect,where participants invited friends and family to evaluate the experience and vote.

    Digit team designed and executed the initiative end-to-end including installing the product &training participants across the country, creating the online properties and communications,and managing the logistics.

    Engagement with five lakh technology enthusiasts, hard evidence of authentic interactionsand messaging to fifteen thousand core users, creation of a body of credible user generatedcontent for future use.



  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    The Contest

    10 Families were given anNvidia Graphics card, alongwith training on CUDA.

    They participated in a contest,where they had to showcasehow their visual computingexperience changed after theGT240 and access to CUDA


    Digit community voted on theexperiences they showcased.

    The winning family gets a

    Zotac Mini PC

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Nvidia CUDA Campaign Engagement SnapShot


    extensively used CUDA, Cranked

    up the GT 240 to its capacitygaming, video editing, photoediting, watching HD movies. Nowrecognized as Nvidia families intheir circles

    2344 Registered for the contest in 15days, they Filled in 18 questionsincluding their contact information


    By visiting, voting andcommenting on the microsite,tweeting and discussing on socialnetworks


    By spreading awareness throughprint announcements, newsletterpromotions, on facebook, twitter


    Being technology leaders in theircircles, an average Digit readerinfluences 6 other people in theirtechnology decisions*

    * Digit Readers Survey ,09

    Engagement Footprint

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Phases of the EngagementSelecting the 10familiesDec 7th - Dec 28th 09

    Announced the contest in Digit CommunitySurveyed the participants about their demographic,

    technology profile, technology usage patterns and comfortwith sharing experiences online

    Installation andTraining

    Dec 29th Jan 2nd 10

    Trainers installed the graphics cards in the family computersThey also demonstrated the uses of CUDA and trained thefamilies on it usage to enable them to showcase their CUDAexperience to the technology community

    Experience SharingJan 2nd Jan 15th 09

    The 10 families share their experience daily to create buzz, invite

    comments, votesm feedback and leave an impact aboutNvidia CUDA possibilities

    Winner SelectionJan 15th Jan 24th 09

    Digit community voted on the finalists. The winners wereselected by a mix of popular and digit editorial voting. Thiscreated an opportunity to engage with the larger Digitcommunity


    AnnouncementJan 24th 09 onwards

    With an objective to continue capitalizing on the buzz created

    by the contest, spread awareness about CUDA applicationusing the Finalists experience
  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Selecting the 10 families

    Inviting Participation from 5 lakh tech enthusiasts

    Microsite announcing

    the contest and prizes

    eDM to 1.1 lakh tech


    Banners, Text Link andForum announcementsto 4 lakh unique visitorson

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Selecting the 10 families

    Creating Buzz on social networks


    ORKUT DigitIndia

    Twitter DigitIndia

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Selecting the 10 families

    Survey design and creation

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Installation, Demonstration & Training

    5 cities, 10 householdsFeedback Form-Neighbour's eNVy

    1. Name:................ ................. .. ..... ................. ............. ................. ...........

    2. Age :.............. 3. Profession:...............................................

    4. Designation:...............................................



    PC Configuration (To be filled by Digit representative)

    Mot herboard . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

    M em or y . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

    C PU . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

    OD D . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

    HDD free space minimum 10 to 15 GB

    OS : .................. .................. .................. ...........

    Any other VGA card ? if so mention ( should not be above 8600Gt/9600GT/GT 220

    any 7 series will do)

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Experience Sharing

    10 Finalists

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Experience Sharing Sample

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Experience Sharing CUDA DayWinners could win special prizes on CUDA Wednesdays for showcasing their CUDAExperiences

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Winner Selection Engaging the larger community

    Social NetworkingAnnouncements

    Thinkdigit newsletters

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Winner Annoncement Creating a Buzz

    Digit Feb Issue ,2010

  • 8/14/2019 Nvidia CUDA Campaign Digit Community


    Winner Announcement Creating a Buzz among 7 lakh technologyenthusiasts

    Press ReleasePage Peel on homepage

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