
Nuts and Bolts of Research Paper

What you need to know about MLA and Turnitin

You will be turning in an electronic copy of your paper to

• Create user profile1. Class ID—See notes for correct Class ID

2. Password—Jordan123

3. If you are uncomfortable using your regular email address, you may use your MPS email address

MLA Format

• Your research paper will need to be in MLA format

• If you have any questions, use the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) as a resource•

Big MLA Guidelines

• Your paper should be Times New Roman (12 pt) and double spaced

• You should have 1” margins on each side of the page

• You will need in-text citations and a Works Cited page

• You will need to indent the first line of each paragraph

• You will need to include a header with your last name and page number for each page

• You will use italics (instead of underlining) for the titles of longer works

First Page

• The format of your first page will differ a bit from the rest of your paper

• Header with your last name and page number (example Jordan 1) in the upper right-hand corner

• Heading in the upper left-hand corner with

1. Your name

2. Teacher’s name (Miss Jordan)

3. Course name (Junior or Senior English)

4. Date (18 February 2015)

• Title centered (not bold/italics/fancy or any extra spaces)

The Rest of the Paper

• You will still have the header in the upper right-hand corner (Jordan 2, 3, etc.)

• Make sure you properly format in-text citations.

• For each section, write the section heading with a number and a period followed by a space and the section title. Your section heading should be in bold and flush to the left.

1. Life of Author

Works Cited

• Your works cited is a separate page labeled with “Works Cited” on the top/center

• It should have the same format (1 inch margins and last name/page number)

• Double space everything, but do not add extra spaces between lines

• List the citations in alphabetical order based on the first word of the entry.

• Use the Purdue OWL to help you properly cite your sources in MLA format. Be aware that citations are different for book vs. internet vs. movie, etc.

• Indent all lines after the first line of each entry

Works Cited

Clinton, Bill. Interview by Andrew C. Revkin.

“Clinton on Climate Change.” New York Times. New

York Times, May 2007. Web. 25 May 2009.

Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the

Planet." New York Times. New York Times, 22

May 2007. Web. 25 May 2009. Cooler Heads Coalition, 2007.

Web. 24 May 2009.

Nordhaus, William D. "After Kyoto: Alternative

Mechanisms to Control Global

Warming." American Economic Review 96.2 (2006):

31-34. Print. Uzawa, Hirofumi. Economic

Theory and Global Warming. Cambridge: Cambridge

UP, 2003. Print.


• What are 3 things you did not already know?

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