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Page 3 Genetic analysis

Genetic predisposition study

This report details the results obtained in the analysis (genotyping) of genetic variants, called polymorphisms, which

are found in your DNA. It also includes a series of recommendations proposed by specialists in each area of interest.

The human genome includes a multitude of polymorphisms of your genes. The genotype is the genetic information

present in each person, or in other words, the information contained in their chromosomes. The genotype and the

environmental factors that have an impact on DNA determine the individual characteristics of each person, namely,

their phenotype. Genotyping analysis is used to determine the specific variations that exist in each person.

This study is designed to select the most relevant polymorphisms for you based on many scientific publications.

Genetic analysis is not a diagnostic tool; however, it does offer information about your genetic predisposition to

certain diseases or conditions. Professionals (working in medicine, nutrition, sport, etc.) can use the results obtained

to help you to change certain lifestyle habits to improve your health or to attain certain objectives. The information

in the report does not replace in any way medical advice or advice from other specialists.

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Summary of the genetic results and conclusionsThe conclusions obtained from the results of your genetic analysis are summarised below:

Study Result

Exercise and weight control

Appetite regulation

Sensation of satiety

Predilection for fatty foods

Gluten intolerance

Lactose intolerance


Saturated fatty acids

Monounsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Metabolism of carbohydrates

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid)

Vitamin B9 (folic acid or folate)

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Beta-carotene (provitamin A)

Vitamin D (calciferol)






Metabolism of antioxidant substances

Metabolism of caffeine

Alcohol dependency

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Food behaviour

Regulating energy intake is a vitally important process to the organism, as its purpose is to maintain an equilibrium

between the amount of energy stored in the form of fat in the body and the use of this fat.

The regulation between food intake and the balance of energy is a complex process whose operation and

equilibrium are possible thanks to the action of different endocrine signals in the gastrointestinal tract. Any changes

to this equilibrium can trigger the development of chronic conditions such as obesity.

Appetite regulationAppetite is defined as a need to eat food, and this need is regulated by psychological or social factors associated with pleasure

produced by the act of eating. It is a selective need and is influenced by factors such as palatability, taste and aroma of food.

Several genes are linked to the synthesis of certain hormones (such as leptin and ghrelin) that are involved in the regulation of


It is important to differentiate appetite from hunger, which is the physiological need to eat and, unlike appetite, it is the response

to a physical and non-selective need, which can be satisfied by any type of food.


High risk of having poor appetite regulation.


It is very important to acquire healthy nutritional habits, such as eating high-fibre foods that help to achieve the sensation of

feeling full. It is recommended that people should eat five light meals a day, so the stomach does not remain empty for long

periods of time, thereby avoiding an excessive increase in appetite. Staying adequately hydrated, sleeping 7 or 8 hours a night,

and doing regular physical exercise to maintain the hormone levels that keep the appetite regulated within a suitable range are

also important.

Sensation of satietySatiety is defined as the sensation of feeling full after eating. It is our body’s perception that it does not need to eat food

immediately. It is a homoeostatic response targeted at restoring equilibrium when the demand for energy and nutrients is

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Nutritional genomics: Nutrigenomics and


Nutrigenomics is the study of how nutrients in the diet influence cellular homoeostasis, and alter gene activity,

protein synthesis and/or metabolite production.

Nutrigenetics is the study of the different variants of the human genome that influence the body's response to

nutrients (increasing or decreasing the risk of nutrition-related conditions).

The fundamental aim of nutrigenomics is to gain an understanding of how diet and nutrients affect the way the

genome functions and how genetic variation affects individual responses to food. The overall aim is to personalise a

person’s diet based on their individual needs to sustain optimal health and prevent diseases.

Food intoleranceIn recent decades, the rates of food allergies and intolerances have increased significantly in the population.

Food intolerance causes an adverse reaction of the body to a certain type of food, meaning that the person is unable to digest

and metabolise the food; however, it never involves an immune defence mechanism.

Lactose and gluten (coeliac disease) intolerance are the most common types observed.

Gluten intoleranceGluten is a protein found in some grains, such as wheat, rye, barley, spelt and oats. Coeliac disease is a permanent intolerance to

this protein (and is, therefore, a chronic illness), as the villi in the small intestine have atrophied meaning that nutrients cannot be

absorbed properly.

It is a condition that can occur at any age in persons with a genetic predisposition. It is complicated to diagnose, since it may

have moderate symptoms or, even, no symptoms. When symptoms appear, the most common include: loss of appetite and

weight loss, diarrhoea, bloating, anaemia, mouth ulcers, personality alterations, delayed growth, etc.

To repair the intestinal villi and, thereby, ensure the symptoms disappear, a strict gluten-free diet must be followed for life. From

that time onwards, it is referred to as a coeliac condition instead of coeliac disease.

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High risk of gluten intolerance. It is important to note that this does not mean that the condition will



If you have symptoms of coeliac disease, you should see a doctor for medical tests to confirm the diagnosis. And, if it is

confirmed, you should follow a diet free from all products containing wheat, rye, barley, spelt and oats, as well as all products

using these grains, such as bread, pasta, flour, cakes, pastries and starch, among others.

Lactose intoleranceLactose is a sugar found in milk and its derivatives. Lactase is an enzyme required to metabolise lactose.

Lactose intolerance means you are unable to digest lactose properly, and feel uncomfortable when eating foods that contain this

type of sugar. The reason is that the digestion process is hampered by insufficient levels of the lactase enzyme. This situation can

occur at any age, but it is rare in infants and more common in adults. People with northern European ancestry are less likely to

develop this intolerance.

Damage to the small intestine (due to coeliac disease, Crohn's disease, infections, injuries, surgery, etc.) may mean that lower

quantities of lactase are produced, causing lactose intolerance.

Symptoms include: colic or abdominal pain, diarrhoea, wind, abdominal bloating or nausea. These symptoms are commonly

confused with other conditions.


High risk of lactose intolerance. It is important to note that this does not mean that the condition will



Symptoms of lactose intolerance can be confused with other conditions, so it is important to see a specialist if you experience

such symptoms after eating or drinking milk or dairy products. Symptoms can be controlled by making changes to your diet. In

some cases, it is not necessary to eliminate milk and dairy products entirely, as some can be tolerated in small amounts. Some

products also exist that help digest lactose, as well as lactose-free milk and dairy products and low-lactose products that contain

the same nutrients as normal versions. In case you need to reduce your intake of milk and dairy products, which are the most

common sources of calcium, you must increase your consumption of other foods that contain significant amounts of this

mineral, along with others that contain vitamin D, so you can absorb it properly.

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Page 15 Genetic analysis

Metabolism of vitaminsVitamins are essential compounds found in very small amounts in food. The body is unable to synthesise them, meaning they

must be supplied through the diet. However, there are some exceptions, as some vitamins can be produced by intestinal bacteria.

They are usually sensitive substances that alter easily due to changes in pH, temperature, etc.

They are classified according to whether they are soluble in water (water-soluble) or in fat and organic solvents (fat soluble).

Group B and vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins are vitamins A, E, K and D.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)Resistant to heat, but easily destroyed in the presence of light. Essential for cellular respiration and essential to release energy

from all the body’s cells. It is also involved in the metabolism of iron.


Greater risk of having low vitamin B2 levels.


An adequate intake is required, as a deficiency causes inflammation at the corner of the mouth and tongue, sore throat,

seborrhoeic dermatitis or anaemia (with this latter symptom being more severe during pregnancy and breastfeeding). Excess

consumption does not seem to have any harmful effects.

Vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid)Involved in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. Essential for the maintenance of all the body’s cells and in the

synthesis of neurotransmitters. It is involved in the production of certain hormones and the removal of toxins from the body.


Greater benefit and better response to diets rich in vitamin B3.

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Page 18 Genetic analysis

IronIron (Fe) is essential in the synthesis of haemoglobin and the formation of red blood cells, in addition to regulating the activity of

certain enzymes. A lack of iron is the most common nutritional deficiency. Iron is distributed throughout the body as functional

iron (in the red cells, myoglobins and iron-dependent enzymes) and as storage iron (present in ferritin, haemoglobin and other

proteins). Its main functions are: transporting oxygen and depositing it in tissues, metabolism of energy, regulation of processes

in the nervous system, synthesis of DNA and an antioxidant effect.


Greater risk of having low iron levels.


An adequate intake is required, since its deficiency due to a poor diet, malabsorption or an increased demand for iron in certain

circumstances (such as menstruation) causes anaemia, immune deficiency, incorrect protein synthesis, increased lactic acid

levels or an increased risk of cardiopulmonary disease. Excessive consumption does not usually result in toxicity when the excess

comes from food, but when the excess is due to pharmacological supplements, it can have toxic effects such as gastrointestinal

alterations, diarrhoea, vomiting or nausea. It is advisable to have a prescription for these supplements, where necessary, as iron

tends to accumulate in tissues and organs when the regular deposits become saturated, and the body is only able to excrete very

small amounts.

CalciumCalcium (Ca) is the most common mineral in the body. 99% is found in the bones and teeth (skeletal calcium), where it combines

with phosphorus. The remaining 1% is in the blood, extracellular fluids and inside soft tissue cells. Calcium performs functions of

various types: structural, in bones and teeth; or metabolic, it plays an important role in cell-membrane transport (it intervenes in

muscle contraction), and is involved in nerve transmission and in the regulation of certain enzymes and heartbeat.


Moderate risk of having low calcium levels.


An adequate intake is required, as a deficiency (for long periods of time and since childhood) can cause bone deformities

(osteoporosis, rickets, osteomalacia, etc.), muscle spasms (cramps), hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure or colorectal

cancer, among others. High calcium intake combined with high vitamin D levels in the body can cause hypercalcaemia, which

triggers excessive calcification of the bones and soft tissues. Vitamin D, acid pH and lactose help the absorption of calcium; while

a vitamin D deficiency, a lack of dietary fibre, some medicines and improper absorption of lipids, among other factors, will affect

its absorption.

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Page 23 Genetic analysis

Tables of nutrigenetic advice

The results transferred to food tables are given below. This will help nutritionists design a personalised diet tailored

to individual needs to achieve the desired objective.

For the correct interpretation of the information shown in the food tables, the following keys should be read


Key: recommended consumption frequency

The recommendation consumption (R) of each food is indicated by a colour code that is described below:

Food that contains potentially beneficial nutrients; it is advisable to consume this food in the diet frequently, respecting

the intake levels recommended by the competent bodies.

Food that should be consumed following the guidelines established by the competent bodies.

Food that contains nutrients which, in excess, can damage health, so occasional consumption is recommended.

Food that contains nutrients which, in excess, can damage health substantially, so limited consumption is recommended.

Key: warnings

A warning icon is displayed next to the food when you need to be careful about certain aspects such as possible food intolerance

or excess calories.

This information does not affect the recommended consumption (R), as, in the case of intolerance, numerous alternative foods

are available on the market that do not contain the implicated substance (such as gluten-free pasta, lactose-free milk, etc.) and,

in terms of excessive calories, all that is needed is to reduce the quantities consumed to obtain the potential beneficial effect

derived from the nutrients present in the food.


Food that normally contains lactose

High risk of lactose intolerance

Avoid the consumption of this food or look for a lactose-free alternative

Food that normally contains gluten

Moderate or high risk of gluten intolerance (coeliac disease)

Avoid the consumption of this food or look for a gluten-free alternative

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Food with a high calorie content

Risk of unwanted weight gain

Avoid the excessive consumption of foods with a high calorie content

Key: nutrients

The shape of the icon indicates the nutrient to which it relates; the colour shows the recommended intake frequency for that

particular nutrient.

Only the relevant nutrients indicated by the results of genetic analysis are displayed.


Food with a high fat content

Moderate risk of weight gain with high-fat diets

Moderate the consumption of this food

Food with a high content of saturated fatty acids

High risk of weight gain with diets rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs)

Avoid, as far as possible, the consumption of this food

Food with a high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

High risk of having low levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Maximise the consumption of this food

Food with a high content of rapidly absorbed carbohydrates

Moderate risk of weight gain with carbohydrate-rich diets

Moderate the consumption of this food. Increase the consumption of fibre-rich foods

Food with a high vitamin B2 content

High risk of having low vitamin B2 levels

Maximise the consumption of this food

Food with a high vitamin B3 content

Greater benefit and better response to diets rich in vitamin B3

Maximise the consumption of this food

Food with a high vitamin B9 content

High risk of having low vitamin B9 levels

Maximise the consumption of this food

Food with a high vitamin C content

High risk of having low vitamin C levels

Maximise the consumption of this food

Food with a high beta-carotene content

High risk of having low beta-carotene levels

Maximise the consumption of this food

Food with a high vitamin D content

High risk of having low vitamin D levels

Maximise the consumption of this food

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Page 33 Genetic analysis


R. Food SS Nutrients R. Food SS Nutrients

Tofu 120g White bean 70g

White beans, tinned 150g

Meat and meat


R. Food SS Nutrients R. Food SS Nutrients

Bacon, with separable fat 75g Beef, sirloin 150g

Blood sausage 70g Bologna 50g

Brain, lamb 70g Butifarra sausage 90g

Chicken, lean only 150g Chicken, leg, with skin 150g

Chicken, whole, with skin 150g Chicken, wing, with skin 150g

Common quail 150g Cooked ham, category n/e 80g

Couring beef 90g Cured ham 50g

Deer, piece n/e, with separable

fat150g Duck, whole 150g

Farm rabbit, meat 150g Foie gras 30g

Ham, roasted 50g Hare, whole 150g

Hen, whole 150g Horse, meat 150g

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Dry fruit and seeds

R. Food SS Nutrients R. Food SS Nutrients

Peanut, without shell 30g Pine nut 30g

Pistachio nut 60g Pumpkin, seeds 30g

Sesame loose change 15g Sesame, seed 15g

Sunflower seeds, peeled, with

salt25g Sunflower, seeds 30g

Walnut 30g

Fish and seafood

R. Food SS Nutrients R. Food SS Nutrients

Albacore 160g Albacore, canned in oil, drained 56g

Anchovy in vegetable oil 30g Anchovy, fresh 200g

Baby clam 370g Baby squid 200g

Canned clams 65g Caviar 16g

Clams 370g Cockles 370g

Cockles, canned 65g Cod, raw 200g

Cod, salted 125g Cod, salted, steeped 200g

Cod, smoked 80g Conger 200g

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