
Nursing and Midwifery Networking Event – 10 July 2015


Aims of the workshop:

Frontline Leaders and Senior Operational Leaders’ Programme


Creating a community of

leaders across the East of

England that act as a shared

resource for one another

Share learning and

experience to support you to

increase your individual and

collective impact as a

leadership community

Building and creating great

networking opportunities

and celebrating completion

of the programme

Background: The NHS Leadership Academy Frontline and Senior Operational

Leaders’ Programmes

The Frontline Leaders and Senior Operational Leaders Programme have been running across the

East of England during 2014 to date.

All participants were invited to attend this workshop to build their network, reconnect with colleagues

and celebrate completion of their programme. 27 people attended. Participants were welcomed to the

day by Karen Bloomfield, Leadership and Organisational Development Manager, Health Education

East of England. The participants’ feedback was captured from the day by a Survey Monkey response

rate of 44.5%.

Maximising your impact as leaders (Facilitated by Kate Atkins)

We believe that everyone communicates brilliantly in some area of their life. However, in a work context as leaders, when we have to communicate often difficult messages to a diverse range of people, our natural skills can desert us and we may not look or sound as convincing as we would like to.

Workshop 1 led by Kate Atkin: Confidence Matters

This master class explores the factors that make somebody feel confident. It is founded on the premise that confidence isn’t about arrogance. You will be taught tips, tools and techniques that have been shown to be effective in helping people access confidence when you most need to. We will explore the, often unsuspected, links between our beliefs and behaviours and encourage you to achieve your goals by building the confidence to take the steps you really want.

Workshop 2 led by Kate Atkin: Image, Impact and Influence

This master class explores how important image really is and where it comes from, particularly focussing on non-verbal cues. Here you will discover the impact you are making and learn how to tweak your behaviour to ensure you make the impact you want to. You will be shown three key steps that will help you improve your influence.

The event was attended by:

What was your main reason for attending this workshop?

To develop leadership and management skills

To network with other leaders and learn from them to enhance practice

To improve confidence

To follow gain more knowledge and learning

Workshop 1: “Confidence Matters – facilitated by Kate Atkin” – How useful did you

find this session?

Workshop 2: “Image, Impact and Influence” – How useful did you find this session?

Frontline Leaders


Senior Operational

Leaders 4

Very useful 6 Useful


Very useful


Useful 4

If you were chatting with a colleague about the event, what would you say about your


Additional Comments:

Worthwhile and beneficial 3

Broadened perspective on self, others and wider issues 3

Networking and engaging with others 4

Left the event feeling

better about myself

Useful for projects and

transferrable to every day


Enjoyed the master class and

exploring aspects of confidence

NB: 10 out of 12 who

completed the survey

answered this question.

Great to meet like-

minded people

Would you value and attend another networking opportunity? All respondents to our survey said that they would welcome another similar networking opportunity.

Would your preference be to have the networking event in your county with the

participants from your local organisation or would you prefer an East of England wide


If you were having another network event what would you be most interested to do?

County 17%

East of England


Hear from a keynote speaker


Learn & network

with colleagues


Have input about a specific

topic 4

NB: Participants

could tick more

than 1 preference

Any other ideas or topics for future sessions?

Values in Leadership for

the NHS future More interaction and

group work

Coaching skills and

developing leadership


Team building, dealing with

stress and low self esteem

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