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  • 8/8/2019 Nurses Presentation


    Competency of OT Nurse & Post

    Operative Nurse







  • 8/8/2019 Nurses Presentation


  • 8/8/2019 Nurses Presentation


    Use of Competencies

    Competencies are becoming a frequently-used

    and written-about vehicle for organizational

    applications such as: Defining the factors for success in jobs (i.e., work) and work roles

    within the organization.

    Assessing the current performance and future development needs of

    persons holding jobs and roles

    Mapping succession possibilities for employees within theorganization

    Assigning compensation grades and levels to particular jobs and roles

    Selecting applicants for open positions, using competency-based

    interviewing techniques

  • 8/8/2019 Nurses Presentation



    Is a standardized requirement for an individual

    to properly perform a specific job.

    It encompasses a combination of knowledge,

    skills and


    utilized to improve performance.

    More generally, competence is the state or

    quality of being adequately or well qualified,

    having the ability to perform a specific role.

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  • 8/8/2019 Nurses Presentation


    One might not lose knowledge, a skill, or an

    ability, but still lose a competence if what is

    needed to do a job well changes.

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    Characteristics of Competencies

    Motives: Things a person consistently thinks about

    or wants that cause action, motives drive, direct and

    select behavior towards certain actions

    Traits: Physical characteristics and consistent

    responses to situations.

    Self Concept: A person's attitude value or self image.

    Knowledge -Information a person has in a specificwork area

    Skill-is the ability to perform certain mental or

    physical tasks

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    General competences

    Meaning Competence: Identifying with the purpose of the

    organization or community and acting from the preferred

    future in accordance with the values of the organization or


    Relation Competence: Creating and nurturing connections to

    the stakeholders of the primary tasks.

    Learning Competence: Creating and looking for situations

    that make it possible to experiment with the set of solutions

    that make it possible to solve the primary tasks and reflect on

    the experience.

    Change Competence: Acting in new ways when it will

    promote the purpose of the organization or community and

    make the preferred future come to life.

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    Types of competencies

    Organizational competencies unique factors

    that make an organization competitive

    Job/Role competenciesthings an individualmust demonstrate to be effective in a job,

    role, function, task, or duty, an organizational

    level, or in the entire organization.

    Personal competenciesaspects of an

    individual that imply a level of skill,

    achievement, or output

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    Types of competencies


    Competencies which are considered essential for staff with managerial or

    supervisory responsibility in any service or program area, including directors

    and senior posts.

    Some managerial competencies could be more relevant for specificoccupations, however they are applied horizontally across the Organization,

    i.e. analysis and decision-making, team leadership, change management, etc.


    Competencies which are considered essential for all staff, regardless of their function or

    level, i.e. communication, program execution, processing tools, linguistic, etc.

    TECHNICAL/FUNCTIONAL Specific competencies which are considered essential to perform any job in the

    Organization within a defined technical or functional area of work, i.e. environmental

    management, industrial process sectors, investment management, finance and

    administration, human resource management, etc.

  • 8/8/2019 Nurses Presentation


    Levels of Competency

    Practical competency - An employee's demonstrated ability to

    perform a set of tasks.

    Foundational competence - An employee's demonstrated

    understanding of what and why he / she is doing. Reflexive competence - An employee's ability to integrate

    actions with the understanding of the action so that he / she

    learn from those actions and adapts to the changes as and

    when they are required.

    Applied competence - An employee's demonstrated ability to

    perform a set of tasks with understanding and reflexivity.

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    Application levels of a competency


    Demonstrates high level of understanding of the particular competency to

    perform fully and independently related tasks.

    Frequently demonstrates application that indicates profound level of

    expertise. Can perform adviser or trainer roles. Work activities are carried out

    consistently with high quality standards.


    Demonstrates a sound level of understanding of the particular competency to

    adequately perform related tasks, practically without guidance. Work activities

    are performed effectively within quality standards.


    Demonstrates a sufficient understanding of the particular competency to be

    used in the work place, but requires guidance Tasks or work activities are

    generally carried out under direction.

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    Competency mapping is a process through which one assesses

    and determines one's strengths as an individual worker and in

    some cases, as part of an organization.

    It generally examines two areas: emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ),

    strengths of the individual in areas like team structure, leadership, and


    Large organizations frequently employ some form of

    competency mapping to understand how to most effectivelyemploy the competencies of strengths of workers.

    They may also use competency mapping to analyze the

    combination of strengths in different workers to produce the

    most effective teams and the highest quality work.

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    Competencies required by both

    Generic Competencies

    Good knowledge of written and spoken English; Excellent understanding of local


    Demonstrate an organized, effective and timely approach to all tasks.

    Good communication skills and the ability to instill confidence in patients.

    Ability to adhere to patient confidentiality.

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    OT Nurse

    Ability to cope with stress

    Ability to tolerate long standing OT hour


    Attentive to detail

    Able to work under tight deadlines

    Ability to act as part of a multi cultural andmultidisciplinary team..

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  • 8/8/2019 Nurses Presentation


    Transferring a Patient to Post-Op Recovery

    The Post-Op Nurse's Role

    Emergency Care

    Pain Control

    Transferring a Patient from Post-Op to a Patient


  • 8/8/2019 Nurses Presentation


    Post Operative Nurse

    Be able to recognize various signs like shock and hypoxia (low


    Competent in using any and all equipment needed to

    maintain the patient's life like Vital Signs. Post-op nurses should be able to follow the physician's orders

    exactly as they are written in the patient's chart.

    Ability to cope with emergency situations

    Assess and evaluate, with patients, the effectiveness of thetreatment and care provided and make changes as needed.

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    Decide on and carry out treatment, including prescribing

    medicines, or refer patients to an appropriate specialist

    Use their extensive practice experience to plan and provide

    skilled and competent care to meet patients health and socialneeds, involving other members of the health care team as


    Ensure the provision of continuity of care including follow-up


    Work independently, although often as part of a health care


    Provide leadership

    Make sure each patients treatment and care is based on best


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    Build up and improve hospital and patient


    Connecting link between the doctor and the


    A great responsibility rests on her shoulders.

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    Basis for HR planning.

    Provides the framework for

    individual training

    development career planning

    training needs analysis.

    This enables them to assign the right job for theright person.

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    According to Florence Nightingale:

    a nurse must be no gossip, no vain talker, sheshould never answer questions about her sick ,except to those who have aright to ask them.

    She must , I need not say be strictly sober andhonest , but more than this , she must be areligious and devoted women , she must havea respect for her calling ,because god`s

    precious gift of life is often so literally placed inher hands ; she must be a sound , a close andquick observer and must be a women ofdelicate and decent feeling

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    Thank You

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