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Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Numbers and Numerology 3 The Science of Numbers 3

What is Numerology? 3

Why Numerology? 5

Chapter 2: A Timeline of Numerology 6 Origin of Numerology 6

History and Types of Numerology 6

Modern Day Numerology 10

Chapter 3: Number Reference Guide 11 Number 1 11

Number 2 14

Number 3 18

Number 4 21

Number 5 25

Number 6 28

Number 7 31

Number 8 33

Number 9 36

Chapter 4: Numerological Calculations 39 Birth/Destiny Number 39

Personality Number 39

Heart/Soul Number 40

Personal Year Number 42

Master Numbers 45

Chapter 5: Pinnacles and Challenges 47 Pinnacles Calculations 47

Pinnacles Results 47

Challenges Calculations 49

Challenges Results 50

Chapter 6: Love Compatibility 54

Chapter 7: Professional Prosperity and Wealth 56

Auspicious/Lucky Days 56

Careers, Business and Individual Wealth 57

Chapter 8: Winner’s Luck 59 Lucky Colors 59

Lucky Birth Stones 59

Lucky Lottery 60

Conclusion 61

References 62

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Chapter 1: An Introduction to Numbers and Numerology

The Science of Numbers

Numbers are all around us and they are the link to all facets of life. Numbers

order everything in creation and their vast complexity defines the structure of the

universe. Numbers, in all of their infinity, are capable of plotting a course on a map,

calendaring days and seasons, counting time and giving proportion to nature. Think

of Da Vinci’s discovery of bodily proportions, astronomers plotting the stars, and the

navigator’s dependence on the compass. These are just a few examples that reveal the

ubiquity of numbers and their power.

The study of numbers can be traced back to ancient times from the Greeks in

Europe, the Chinese and Japanese in Asia and the Persians in the Middle East. As

time has evolved the interconnections between these studies have meshed into a

mathematical canvas where one can paint countless possibilities based on the findings

of ancient philosophers, mathematicians and engineers.

Within the numerals lie enormous powers to create and to destroy things. This

science was jealously guarded from falling into the hands of a charlatan by our

ancestors. The complete secrets of Numerology are 108. In India a lot of importance

has been give to this number. A mantra is complete if chanted 108 times or

multiples of it eg.1008 times. There are 27 stars in the universe, and their

rays can tremendously affect our earth. And every star is divided into four sections.

Thus 27 multiply by 4 is 108. So when a mantra is chanted it must reach all the

sections of the stars before it can become potent. Only the meanings of numbers

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from 1-78 of the 108 secrets and their occult meaning left India to Egypt. In the

Egyptian pyramids the occult meanings of the numbers were drawn as pictures

giving birth to the Tarot Cards. The remaining secret meanings of 30 did not leave

India at all.

Rosicrusions experimented and researched greatly on numbers. They formed

‘Rose Cross’ society specially for numerology. The Hebrews learned the knowledge

of numbers from the Rosicrusians. The Greeks were fascinated by this system and

attracted the attention of Pythagoras. Pythagoras traveled to the East and spend

many years studying this ancient knowledge of divination. His students have to

follow very strict rules, before they were taught this sacred knowledge. They have

to follow the art of silence for three years before they were qualified to learn. The

Chaldeans living in the ancient Babylonian considered the number 9 as sacred and

did not give any value to the alphabets. Till today we still follow the Chaldean

system of assigning the values to alphabets. This method is based on the sound


Numbers are holistic and they link the past, present and future. Just like the

seasons and their infinite cycle, numbers are forever linked allowing for the wheel of

time to revolve. If a volcano erupts in one part of the world, there won’t be rain

somewhere else, if there is drought during the summer, there won’t be a fall harvest.

This affects us humans not just physically but emotionally as well. People are known

to be rather high strung when it’s a full moon, or depressed after a lengthy dark

winter. This potential chain of events is what keeps the universe linked as numbers

interconnect us all.

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What is Numerology?

The word, “numerology,” is the science of numbers. The word comes from

the Latin root, “numerus,” which means number and the Greek word, “logos,” which

refers word or thought. These number-thoughts, or numerology is an ancient method

of divination where numerical vibrations are charted in order to determine or predict

the pattern of trends for the future. Just like a blueprint, the number chart acts like a

guide to understand your inner universe. Through the practice of numerology you

will delve into your subconscious, develop your intuition and remove the veil from

your psychological patterns and personality in order to put yourself on a path toward a

prosperous life purpose with direction and goals.

Each and every person has a unique combination of numbers based on the

name and birth date of that person. By charting these numbers, one can identify

personal strengths and challenges, as well as discover things like good relationship

compatibility, the best career path and even one’s destiny. Those who practice

numerology believe that by studying your own number charts you will have a more

positive and satisfying life because you can accurately chart your life’s course

through the use of science and number vibrations.

Why Numerology?

Once you learn how to use numerology successfully and implement it in your

daily life you will soon see how it can guide you on a path to personal fulfillment and

enjoyment. Numerology can be used to find a compatible partner, choose a career,

determine your destiny and allows for full advantage of lucky days, events and years.

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Chapter 2: A Timeline of Numerology

Origin of Numerology

The system we follow Numerology today has it’s origins from the Chaldean

Empire in ancient Babylon. We now call this modern day Iran at the mouth of the

Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Just like various ancient civilizations such who are

remembered for leaving their mark like the pyramids of Egypt or the Roman

coliseum, the Chaldeans are remembered for their knowledge of the stars. The

Chaldean form of numerology isn’t as prevalently practiced because in modern

numerology practitioners focus on western forms because it’s more flexible in

interpretation. But when it comes to the true beginnings of numerology, we have to

give that credit to the Chaldeans. In this book, although other methods will be

mentioned and explained, the primary focus will be on the Chaldean method of

number charting as it is more accurate.

History and Types of Numerology

Over time, numerology has been developed all over the world. The Chinese

use the I Ching, the Japanese use Nine Star Ki, there is Hebrew Kabbalah and New

Kabbalah, Chaldean, Pythagorean and Abracadabra. Although practiced in different

ways, the common thread they hold is the use of numbers to perform divinations.

I Ching – Chinese

The I Ching is an ancient text the Chinese use to perform divinations. The

name compares two Mandarin words, “yi” and “jing” which mean, “divination” and

“book” respectively. The book is comprised of 64 hexagrams, which symbolize

conditions such as happiness, tranquility and innocence. It essentially identifies order

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to what would be considered chance events. Depending on the numbers the person is

“dealt,” Taoist philosophy is offered to that person based on the meaning of the

numbers. The odd numbers; 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 represent Yang and are masculine.

Where as the even numbers; 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 represent Yin, the feminine. The sum of

these celestial numbers is 25 where as in popular western numerology methods have a

sum of 22.

Nine Star Ki – Japanese

The number 9 in Nine Star Ki numerology refers to the nine numbers in the Lo

Shu Square that you see below. In this standard chart, the number five is always in

the center and each year the pattern changes for a possibility of nine different

combinations. The Ki system also relates each number to a specific color as well as

the five elements; earth, metal, fire, wood and water. Depending on what star stood

centrally in the square during your birth will determine your characteristics and


4 3 7

6 5 9

1 8 2

Hebrew Kabbalah

Kabbalah teaches that every letter, word, number and scripture have a hidden

meaning, a mystic meaning. Based on the Hebrew alphabet and mysticism, this form

of numerology only interprets the person’s name and not birth date. In addition, there

are only 22 number vibrations because of the alphabetic origin of the language.

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New Kabbalah

New Kabbalah is a revised adaptation of Hebrew Kabbalah but used the

modern Roman alphabet instead of the Hebrew alphabet. This new method is more

concerned with events in the life of person instead of the person’s character and uses

modern Pythagorean methodology to ascertain periods of time.


In the Abracadabra method, the person’s name is used to create a series of

triangles to arrive at numerical values used to predict events. This particular method

is the least popular of the forms of numerology. It uses combinations of numbers in

the form of a pyramid.


The famous, Ancient Greek mathematician and metaphysician, Pythagoras,

developed the Pythagorean method of numerology. Although he is most noted for his

work on numbers and the Pythagorean theorem he also did in-depth study on

metaphysics and strived to find the mathematical link between the two. In the west,

this is the form of numerology that is most practiced as it has it’s roots in Ancient

Greece. In addition, it is a bit more user-friendly as the divinations are calculated

based on strict rules and the number translations are easier to follow and grasp

meaning. Pythagorean numerology analyzes the name, the date of birth and the

relationship between the two. Unlike the Chaldean method, the numbers are assigned

to letters according to their alphabetic sequence and the number 9 is used. The master

vibrations are numbers 11 and 22, and these are never to be reduced.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9





The Chaldean method, sometimes called, “Mystic Numerology,” combines

Kabbalistic name interpretation with aspects of astrology since the Chaldeans, as

mentioned earlier, were most noted for studying stars. In this method of numerology

the numbers assigned to the letters are based on the vibrations of each specific letter,

where as in the Pythagorean method, it is based on the alphabet. The number 9 is

considered holy and sacred, and is therefore not used in calculations, unless the

number arises upon the summation of the other numbers in the name sequence.

Single digits represent the outer aspects of a person, where as double digits represent

the inner influences that dwell within the soul. In regard to the analysis of the name,

Chaldean mythology utilizes the name that the person is called by and not the formal

name that appears on the birth certificate. This is considered more accurate as the

name that one is called by resonates with the owner, where as in the owner may not

be comfortable with or attached to the formal name. For example, a child may be

born as Benjamin, but goes through a lifetime of being called Ben and he considers

himself a Ben. Or maybe he is called Benji or Benny. Those are four variations upon

one person’s name and the number of vibrations per letter varies greatly from one

name to the next. A Chaldean numerologist would take this variance into

consideration, thus this is why Chaldean numerology is considered more difficult to

master because the practitioner must be fluent in all of the possible variations.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






Modern Day Numerology

In this modern age of globalization, a world community and of course the

Internet, those who practice numerology have learned to embrace various methods

and combine their aspects in order to get a thorough and complete understanding of

the self. Of course people have their preferences but now that the world is smaller

because of the advances in technology and communication you may pass a Chinese

person in Paris offering I Ching readings on the street corner or a Chaldean number

chart being prepared by a numerologist in the streets of Bangkok. All said and done,

the ancient practice of reading numbers as a guide to life’s fulfillment is prevalent all

over the world to this day, proving it’s a sure method to achieve complete personal


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Chapter 3: Number Reference Guide

This chapter should be used as reference guide for the meaning of each of the

numbers one through nine. Once you have calculated the numbers such as the Birth

Number, Personality Number, and the Goal and Purpose Numbers refer to this guide

to understand the meanings behind the numbers in order to gain insight on achieving

personal fulfillment in all aspects of your life, be it career, love and relationships.


Positive Aspects Self-confident Emotional Single-minded

Natural Ability Brainy High Standards

Great Expectations Leader Craves Affection

Passionate Fulfilled Paternal/Maternal

Likely to Succeed Outwardly Successful Special Talents

Negative Aspects

Introvert Egocentric Petty

Un-caring Self-centered Overconfidence

Opinionated Obsessions Narrow Vision

Frustrated Ambitions Lonely Domineering

Bitter Tyrant Domestic Strife


The Number 1 personality is extremely self-motivated and determined, and

they are truly natural born leaders. Number 1 people are able to overcome obstacles,

set and conquer goals and work their way to the top by using their intuitiveness, keen

problem solving skills and special talents. Number 1s have a striking personality and

are able to lead people based on persona alone. This means they can have great

success in all facets of life. Being rather self-centered, the Number 1s see everything

else in terms of themselves and will become deeply perplexed then this misplaced

vanity is abused by outside forces.

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A Number 1 male has fierce independence, which leads them to achieve a

plethora of personal successes but not necessarily successes that the society as a

whole deems important. Dedicated to personal obsessions, these personal successes

may not bring material reward. As for the Number 1 female she most often is a career

woman but will also become a wife and mother. If she chooses the family route, she

will put all her efforts into the successes of the family members, as she still wants to

be the best at everything. She also uses her femininity in an aggressive way in order

to dominate and secure her place of power.

The biggest challenge for the Number 1s is the ability to cope when things

don’t go their way. Their arrogance and self-centeredness works for them whenever

goals are being accomplished but as soon as a wrench is thrown in the system they get

rather upset and frustrated. Always a leader and never a follower, the Number 1

person is constantly fighting an uphill battle to the top.


The Number 1 personality has always been linked to the color yellow. Yellow

is a color favored by those who are convinced of their own importance and want to

impress others. If a Number 1 personality feels unfulfilled or disappointed he or she

may subconsciously avoid the color yellow, but this is not the correct thing to do

because yellow brings hope and the determination to succeed. 1 is ruled by the planet

Sun, thus the colors of the Sun is also suitable for the 1 persons. Orange, gold, light

blue and light red is also suitable for these persons.

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They should avoid the color Black and Brown, and dark colors these color

vibrations have a negative influence on them.

Career Choices

Number 1 people are determined and innovative; likewise, they have a lot of

opportunity and potential in terms of career choices. With strong leadership skills,

this person should be an entrepreneur, administrator, or politician. Including the

creative tendencies of this personality, jobs as an author or producer would be quite

suiting. The Number 1 person wants to be his/her own boss, because of this self-

employment and entrepreneurialism are great options.


Number 1 people have many relationships in their early adult years. Always

out to seek the perfect prince or princesses they find themselves continually looking

for something better. The look for a partner that shares the same intellectual ideas

and philosophy on life but at the same time wants sexual chemistry. This means it

takes awhile for the Number 1 personality to find the perfect match. Number 1s are

sexually vigorous and emotionally irresistible, but their domineering nature is often

what kills the relationship because of their lack of sensuality.


Number 1s work hard and play hard, so even though they are of sound health,

they are prone to illness because they have overworked bodies. By burning the candle

at both ends they have a tendency to put activities ahead of the limitations of the

human body and will push themselves over the edge.

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Lucky Dates

Those who are born on the 1, 10, 19, 28 of any month their lucky dates will be

1,10,19,28, 5,14,23, They should perform or start important things on these dates of a


Unlucky dates, numbers

1’s must definitely avoid 8,17,26 and 4,13,22,31 of any month. These dates

will bring unwanted troubles. Also the number 8 and 4 are not suitable for them.

Avoid anything important on these dates. If good things were to happen on these dates

it only means only one thing --- it will not last. If bad things were to happen on a good

lucky dates it will be over soon, and if bad things happening on unlucky dates you

better pray to lessen the impact.


Positive Aspects

Compassionate Selfless Good Friend

Career Warm-hearted Discreet

Gifted Sound Judgment Easy Going

Needs Affection Loving Faithful

Domesticated Health Conscious Easy-going

Negative Aspects Over-sensitive Vindictive Bad Enemy

Emotional Depth Stubborn Uncompetitive

Hates Conflict Reluctant Leader Lacks Passion

Possessive Wanderer Hypochondriac

Self-doubt Secretive Ordinary


Number 2 people are quiet and undemonstrative. They are the ones who get

things done behind the scenes. As natural peacemakers they see the good in people

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and are sensitive to others, which makes them a good personality to have around. As

a mediator, the Number 2 personality is good at seeing multiple points of view.

However, when asked of his/her own ideas and opinions, the Number 2 personality

won’t offer much for fear of confrontation. Instead, the Number 2s deny their own

needs in favor of others. In the long term, this could become bad, as they may get

resentful or angry always being the people pleaser and never the one being pleased.

The Number 2 woman is most definitely the matriarch and holds the

compassion and sensitivity desired in a good mother. The Number 2 man is also

sensitive and tactful and not the stereotypical man’s man. Even though these males

and females are ideal in terms of being affectionate and endearing, they do have a

stubborn streak that can take people by surprise.

Although the Number 2 personality lacks ambition and decides to be on the

sidelines they will find ways to pursue their passions and interests in other ways.

They are the type of people who have well-developed hobbies and life-long skills that

are put to good use. Number 2s also enjoy collecting, water sports and horse back


The greatest downfall for the Number 2s is that they often settle for second

best in order to avoid confrontation and rejection. Always struggling with their

dedication to conventional attitudes most challenges are put on the backburner and

risks are avoided.

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Blue is the color of choice for a Number 2 personality. Blue is known for its

calming qualities and the soothing effect it has on the ambiance. People who have a

Number 2 personality should use the color blue to encourage inner tranquility and

utilize it in both friendly and business relations.

No. 2 is ruled by the planet Moon. The colors of the moon is very suitable for

these person to bring peace into their hearts. Natural Green, Bright Yellow, Gold and

White is also good. Especially Natural Green is the best for 2 persons.

Avoid Black and Red and Coffee for 2 persons. Red will bring unwanted


Career Choices

A person with a Number 2 personality should go into a career such as

customer relations, counseling or teaching where a caring heart is necessary, or also

pursue creative careers in music, acting or science.

Love In terms of love, the Number 2s are dedicated to their home and hearth,

likewise, they like long-term traditional relationships where love and care is given to

friends and family. They enjoy socializing with loved ones and are forever devoted

because of their loyal nature. This devotion and dedication is priority and sexual

passion is always second. Hence, the relationship will last over the years once the

sexual energy has died down as long as the Number 2 person still feels loved and

needed. If this love is ever questioned, the Number 2 person can become quite

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jealous and even vindictive if assumed the other partner is not continually 100%



In general, Number 2 people have sound health, but they may be prone to

minor ailments. Because of this they are somewhat health conscious and like to

dabble in herbal healing, vegetarianism and alternative medicinal therapies.

Lucky Numbers

Those who are born on 2, 11, 20, 29 of any month is a number 2 person. Their

lucky numbers are 7,1. The lucky dates are 7,16 and 25 also 1,10,19 dates are also

suitable for these persons. Important meetings, work should be performed on these


The dates 2, 11,20 and 29 are neutral for the 2 persons.

Unlucky Numbers

The numbers 9 and 8 is not suitable for persons born on 2,11,20 and 29. 2

persons should avoid dates like 9,18 and 27, and 8,17 and 26. These dates should be

kept for not very important things in life. Never take risks on 9,18 and 27 dates.

Driving recklessly or under the influence of alcohol must be avoided on these dates.

Financial decisions should be avoided on 8,17 and 26.

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Positive Aspects Cheerful Optimistic Generous

Sensitive Loveable Socially Charming

Versatile Adaptable Communicator

Quick Thinker Team Worker Romantic

Charitable Loving Vivacious

Negative Aspects

Superficial Frivolous Naïve

Resilient Inconstant Hypocritical

Ostentatious Over-indulgent Changeable

Unmotivated Dislikes Routine Easily Distracted

Flirtatious Fickle Lack ambition


Number 3 people are often envied as they are the sum of 1 + 2 = 3, therefore

representing wholeness and completeness. Number 3s are chatter boxes, they love to

talk, communicate and be in the center of the action. They are often the life of the

party as they loved to be surrounded by people at all times and relish in the lifestyle of

a social butterfly. In addition, they have a great sense of humor, are socially at ease,

and prefer the social life to work.

The Number 3 personality has a variety of interests and instead of focusing on

one or two areas of passion, the Number 3 will often be spread a little too thin as he or

she has a tendency to have a finger in every pie. This need for variety can be a

hindrance because they often get bored quickly, dread routine thus they never follow

through with a complex task.

In the social scene, they are so wrapped up with the idea of being social that

deep meaningful relationships and friendships are few and far between. Not that this

person wants that, but often the people on the receiving end suffer because they may

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be a friend to a Number 3 one day, and then completely be forgotten the next. As a

free spirit, Numbers 3s don’t want anyone or anything to tie them down, be it a friend,

or work and family responsibilities.

The Number 3 people are extremely creative and optimistic. They live life for

today and have no worries about tomorrow whatsoever. They see the positive in

everything and when a challenge or obstacle comes along they think that things will

simply be worked out on their own.

The biggest challenge for the Number 3s is their lack of direction. Because

life is so good and there isn’t a care in the world, they have a tendency to

procrastinate, never get anything done and live superficially.


Shades of purple are best suited for Number 3 people as it controls the

impulsive tendencies of their characteristic. Purples and violets are seductive, so if

the Number 3 personality learns to exploit it, he or she can use it to fascinate and

charm others when normally too afraid to do so because of low self-esteem.

3 persons are ruled by the planet Jupiter. Yellow is also suitable for them. It will bring

charm and prosperity into their life. Sandal, Orange, Light Rose ( Lotus Flower),

Bright Blue and Light Red are also suitable.

They should avoid green, black, and coffee colors. Also avoid dull and dark colors.

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Career Choices

The Number 3s are far from the desire of developing a successful career.

They much prefer a job that is different each and every day be it through travel or

consulting. Number 3s should avoid desk jobs such as secretarial or accounting work

but instead choose a career such as acting, singing and entertaining. The creative

spirit of the Number 3 needs a profession that is forever changing and adaptable to

their ever-changing interests and needs.


Number 3s have a tendency to marry early since they are not driven to

dedicate a life to career. Being the life of the party, they meet people quickly, fall in

love, and give marriage a go. However, a Number 3 has to be careful to not fall into a

monotonous routine or the relationship will end quickly. With a need for variety and

excitement a Number 3 person should see a partner who has common interests and

wants a joint social life.


In terms of Health, the Number 3 people may have problems with physical

health because of emotional upsets and mood swings. Not to mention, the party

animal inside is prone to excessive drinking be it alcohol at night or caffeine in the

day. Overall, Number 3s are in good health but have to be careful not to abuse their

bodies with outside indulgences.

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Lucky Numbers, Dates

Those who are born on 3,12,21 and 30 of any month is ruled by 3. Their lucky

numbers are 3,and 9. The dates 3,12, 21 and 30 brings luck and liveliness into them.

9, 18 and 27 dates are suitable for them to make decisions on business, travel and

taking actions.

Unlucky Numbers, Dates

Those born on 3,12, 21 and 30 should avoid numbers 6 . The dates 6, 15 and

24 will bring emotional and relationship problems. Sometimes the dates 8, 17 and 26

will be slow and dragging for them. Mood swings will be high. Financial decisions

should be avoided on these dates. I am using number 8 frequently to be avoided. Why

is that so? Number 8 is ruled by planet Saturn and the dates 8, 17 and 26 is also ruled

by it. Saturn represents slow, lethargy, malefic planet. If these dates are unavoidable,

then never choose 26 as it is the worst of all. It will bring financial and health into



Positive Aspects Worthy Dutiful Virtuous

Conventional Traditional Loyal

Conservative Self-centered Calm

Ambitious Assertive Persevering

Efficient Dedicated Resourceful

Practical Romantic Dominant

Negative Aspects Rigid Narrow-minded Reactionary

Reserved Thoughtless Explosive

Greedy Stubborn Cynical

Manipulative Unimaginative Ruthless

Reserved Destructive Frustrated

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The Number 4 people are the worker bees of the hive. They are constantly

working hard and powering through life with acute attention to detail and

organization. They find work rewarding so they don’t mind putting in those extra

hours or getting their hands dirty in order to get the job done.

Number 4s are down to earth and loyal which makes them appealing to others

and a dependable friend or partner. But watch out because they are set in their ways

and they like to stick to their plan. If a wrench gets thrown in the system, the Number

4 will throw one big tantrum because there is a kink in their rigid plan.

Number 4 people are attracted to solid and dependable people who are just

like them selves, someone who is physically and mentally strong and, “sticks to his

guns,” so to speak. They will be loyal allies to these people, but for other people who

are complete polar opposites that are frivolous or shallow, well, the Number 4 will not

give them the time of day and ignore their very existence. In addition, Number 4s are

not just all work and no play, even though it may appear that way. They enjoy a good

time at a gathering, as long as it has been put on the schedule of events for the week

and that the audience is guaranteed to be able to engage in constructive conversation.

The biggest challenge for the Number 4 personality is the inability to veer off

the intended path, which causes him or her to pass up potential rewarding

opportunities. Being overly cautious and not much of a risk taker, the Number 4 is

stuck in a narrow life if he or she doesn’t learn how to break out of this mold.

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Through the color yellow, the Number 4 person can bolster his or her urge for

success. The color yellow is a long-term stimulant. For a Number 4, this stimulation

will help him or her achieve goals. When a Number 4 dislikes yellow, it is normally

because he or she has recently been defeated or feels frustrated, but over time, this

will pass, and the color can again be used to empower the person. Bright Blue, Sky

Blue and Gold is also suitable.

They should avoid Black Coffee and Dark colors. The number 4 is ruled by planet


Career Choices

A Number 4 personality needs a career that requires a lot of hard work and

attention to detail. They need routine and a solid project that is not based on theory

and philosophy but facts that don’t allow for questioning. Professions such as

computer programming, mathematics, engineering and mechanics would be suitable

and fulfilling for the mind of the Number 4.


Being blatantly reliable people, the Number 4s make a great partner and are

considered good marriage, “material.” However, there is no romance with a Number

4 because the relationship, just like everything else in the Number 4s life, is

approached as a business. They are emotionally tough and don’t allow themselves to

get wrapped up with the dramas of romance and dating. A Number 4 personality

should seek the same characteristics in a partner. Two Number 4s are a great duo

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because they share the down to earth and solid characteristics and will tackle marital

issues and family life with the same plan of attack. But the relationship with a

Number 4 is not worry free and full of harmony. Be aware that the Number 4 is not

capable of leaving the work at the office and will often bring problems and work

issues home.


Number 4s enjoy good health. Their solid demeanor, both physically and

mentally, allows them to live a health life with just a few incidences of common

ailments along the way. The biggest danger for the Number 4 is that they are

overworked and push themselves to the limit. Mental and physical exhaustion can

wear on the body, and the Number 4 person needs to learn how to turn off the

computer a few hours a day and do some relaxing activities such as read a book, do

some yoga or go for a walk.

Lucky Dates, Numbers

Numbers 1 and 5 are suitable for persons born on 4, 13, 22 and 31st of any

month. The dates 1, 10 19 and 5,14 and 23 are suitable to start or do important things.

Start of a new business, or asking for a raise or important favors are some examples.

Unlucky Dates, Numbers

8, 4 and 7 must be avoided for those born on 4,13,22 and 31. The dates 8,17, 26,

4,13,22,31,7,16,25 should be avoided for important events.

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Positive Aspects

Mystic Elusive Active

Volatile Adaptable Curious

Free Thinker Eloquent Convivial

Optimistic Enterprising Adventurous

Gifted Flexible Flirtatious

Negative Aspects Vague Wayward Restless

Erratic Changeable Superficial

Eccentric Verbose Naïve

Inconsistent Reckless Irresponsible

Unphysical Fickle Faithful


Number 5 people are the free spirits of the world, the gypsies who love new

adventure and who are always willing to take a risk for the pure sake of trying

something new. Number 5s are curious people so their willingness to talk and

communicate on all levels feeds this curiosity. Likewise, they are great

communicators and love to meet new people. Embracing freedom, they want

freedom for all and this makes them compassionate and concerned about the well-

being of others, be it close friends and family or the local humane society.

Number 5 people are often times hard to peg because they are so multi-

faceted. Never able to settle down, their psychic core is ruled by searching and they

find themselves emotionally lost at times. Being intellectually adventurous, they will

pursue knowledge but they don’t delve into the depths of theory and philosophy.

Instead, they grasp the shallow and superficial meanings of various topics and then

somehow bend the meaning into a form that they can better understand but that others

can barely recognize.

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Number 5s are challenged because of this constant desire for the new and

unknown and never attain a sound equilibrium. They often get frustrated because

they are overwhelmed with so much newness that this causes them to be very fickle.

One day they are optimistic, and the next day pessimistic. One day they are

constructive, and the next day destructive. This roller coaster of a life makes some

think that the Number 5 is an unlucky number.

Overall, the Number 5 personality is a definite plus once the person

acknowledges and learns to control his or her negative aspects. Their mental agility,

love of language, conversation and books, provides an escape and will always buttress

their weaknesses and help them to cope.


The talents of the Number 5 people are reinforced by the color gray. It has a

cooling effect that will enhance both concentration and creativity allowing the

Number 5 person to be truly focused on the task at hand. The color silver can also

lessen the effects of mental and physical exhaustion. Light Gold and Sky Blue are

also suitable.

Number 5 people need to stay away from the color black. If they find

themselves drawn to this color it’s because they sense there is something about to

occur that they have no control over and are feeling volatile and vulnerable. When

this happens, seek the cooling effects of the color grey or silver. Coffee, Dull and

Dark colors should be avoided.

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Career Choices

Number 5 people don’t like routine or monotony so they should choose a

profession that offers variety on a regular basis. Jobs as a reporter, teacher, scientist

or investor would be a good fit. In addition, because they are such great speakers and

motivators they are great at persuasive sales and can convince people to buy anything.


You won’t find a Number 5 person holding hands, cooing and kissing, and

indulging in romance. Number 5s have a tendency to be a tad more discreet, but

when they do fall in love, they speak romantic words that are backed with 100%

sincerity. Some consider them to be cold or frigid in a relationship because there isn’t

the touchy feely aspect, as a result the Number 5s lose in a relationship and essentially

get “dumped.” In a marriage, Number 5s make a loving partner but when difficulties

arise they may avoid any emotional responsibilities. In addition, Number 5s make

great parents as they are forever committed to their children.


There are no intrinsic problems connected to the Number 5 personality but

since they have a tendency to live on a natural, “high” they often get worn down and

don’t realize it. Number 5s should make an extra effort to schedule times for

relaxation and mild exercise.

Lucky Dates, Numbers

5 and 9 is good for 5 persons. It brings luck and creativity. The dates 5,14,23

and 9, 18, 27 are also good.

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Unlucky Dates, Numbers

8 and 4 is unsuitable for 5 persons. The dates 8,17, 26 and 4,13,22and 31

should definitely be avoided.


Positive Aspects

Harmony Charismatic Diplomatic

Urbane Conventional Idealistic

Resourceful Attractive Sympathetic

Loving Seductive Fair-minded

Leader Substance Realistic

Negative Aspects Ostentatious Manipulative Superficial

Crafty Uncompetitive Subordinate

Unromantic Shallow Inhibited

Self-centered Unadventurous Discord

Complacent Egotistical Hidden tension


The Number 6 person is a humanitarian and loves the domestic life. Enjoying

being around friends and family, he or she will do anything to give them the best.

The Number 6 represents harmony and harmony is at the center of the soul for these

personalities. Likewise, they radiate a charismatic energy that people want to be

around. Number 6 people may not be the most physically attractive in general, but

their sheer magnetism makes them beautiful inside and out.

However, one rather large threat to the Number 6 personality is that these

people focus on radiating a positive karmic energy that they often forget to take the

time and look deep into the self and do some self-reflecting. They are content with

letting events take their course and fail to stop and analyze the situation. Instead, they

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choose to mediate an argument or fix other people’s problems instead of his or her


The biggest challenge for a Number 6 person is the possibility is becoming a

slave to others. Being so concerned for the welfare of others, some people will try to

abuse this and take advantage of all that a Number 6 personality has to offer.

Overall, Number 6s love the luxurious life, have a small artistic side, love the

family and are great at using manipulation when need be, but never to harm anyone.


Green is the most harmonious color for the Number 6 personality as it’s the

color for those who are well adjusted to their surroundings. If a Number 6 person

rejects the color green, then there must be some mental turmoil going on. The color

green will reinforce the self-esteem and is good to use when practicing positive

imagery. All shades of green and Bright Blue are also suitable.

6 personalities should avoid Red, Rose, and Orange colors.

Career Choices

Number 6 people make great nurses, teachers and providers. Their nurturing

tendencies make them great candidates for jobs in the service industry. However,

they also make great politicians because of their magnetic personality that will draw

in the audience and of course, votes to win the office.

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Being such great nurtures, Number 6 people make great parents and have a

good home life. But in the romance department, Number 6s don’t have a lot going on

because they are rather pragmatic about love. Taking rejection very hard, they aren’t

ones to jump in a relationship for fear of a broken heart. In a marriage or long-term

relationship Number 6s will always try to smooth over the strife that may be

occurring. It will be up to the partner to recognize this is order to avoid any built-up



Since Number 6s have a hard time dealing with their inner tensions they are

often prone to illness. Stress can bring on an array of problems and it’s up the owner

of the body to learn how to not let stress dominate his or her health status. Yoga and

meditation would be two great outlets for this personality.

Lucky Numbers and Dates

Number 6 and 9 is very lucky for those born on 6,15 and 24th

of any month.

The dates 6,15 and 24, 9, 18 and 27 are lucky for them.

Unlucky Dates and Numbers

The number 3 is not suitable for 6 personalties. The dates 3, 12, 21 and 30 are

not suitable for them. These dates will bring tensions with the opposites sex. Writing

a will, trusting the words of a opposite sex, should be avoided on these dates.

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Positive Aspects

Deep Private Introspective

Reflective Analytical Mystic

Honest Witty Conventional

Conformist Careerist Prudent

Cautious Over-protective Compassionate

Negative Aspects Remote Isolated Dogmatic

Self-denial Uncompromising Unimaginative

Dominated Blunt Dull

Calculating Withdrawn Isolated

Dreamer Individualistic Plodding


The western world has put the Number 7 on a pedestal; we often call it the,

“Magic Number.” Because of the mysticism we’ve given this number, many people

believe that the Number 7 personality type signifies a person who is dark, mysterious

and introverted. But this is not the case. Yes, these people may be a bit more quiet

and reserved, but it’s because they are independent and often deep in thought. They

aren’t the most intellectual people around, or book-smart, but they do have a lot of


Number 7s like to approach life with a broad attitude and grand design and

will not worry about the small details that others have a tendency to overanalyze.

They do have a compassionate streak and are concerned about the welfare of others.

Hence, they aren’t worried about, “Stealing from Peter in order to feed Paul.” What

comes around goes around.

Number 7s are conscientious and have a very disciplined attitude about life.

Even though they are hard workers that aren’t concerned about top monetary rewards,

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so they are quite content going to work everyday and not necessarily trying to impress

the boss. With no concern for money, this is actually the biggest challenge for a

Number 7 because he or she will often find him or herself on a financial roller coaster.


The color bright yellow enables the Number 7 personality to keep the world at

a distance and still manage it at the same time. Bright Green is a color of harmony

and will guide the deep motivations of the Number 7 person. Bright Blue and White is

also suitable for them.

Those born on 7,16 and 25 should avoid Black and coffee color.

Career Choices

Number 7s should become an inventor, a researcher or scientist as they have

good wisdom and pay attention to detail.


A Number 7 woman gives a great deal in a relationship, but at the same time,

she will want a lot back in return. She needs someone who will comply with her

demands and put her on a pedestal. The Number 7 man is a sensitive romantic and

looks for a partner who is a bit more dominant and less sensitive. In a long-term

relationship or marriage with a Number 7 personality these people need plenty of

affection and this is a huge challenge for a lot of people. But if this area can be

overcome, Number 7s are dedicated to family and children for life.

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Number 7s have fantastic health and can expect to live for a great number of

years. But they can fall ill from time to time because of emotional issues. They enjoy

sports and being active outdoors. They also have a penchant for reading.

Lucky Dates, Numbers

The numbers 1 and 2 are lucky for 7 personalities. The dates 1,10,19 and 28,

2,11,20 are suitable to do important or new beginnings.

Unlucky Numbers, Dates

7 and 8 is unsuitable for 7 persons. The dates 7, 16, 25, 8,17 and 26 are

unsuitable for them.


Positive Aspects Dutiful Fair Shy

Purposeful Haughty Practical

Honest Powerful Successful

Affluence Self-reliant Intense

Determined Stamina Covetous

Negative Aspects Envious Ruthless Ill-fated

Demanding Self-seeking Isolated

Isolation Outspoken Joyless

Over-conventional Misunderstood Cheerless

Envious Insecure Tyrant


Number 8s are intelligent, high achievers and extremely disciplined. They

know what they want and they will find a means of getting it. They will spend all of

their efforts in order to get to the top. Although extremely successful many

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numerologists feel sorry for the Number 8 personality because these people never

take time to sit back and enjoy themselves.

Being that money is priority for Number 8 people they see no time for leisure

activities, social events and common gossip. They would much rather be making

money. They are self-confident and self-reliant people, which make them very

reliable for everyone else. They have no time for day dreams as they are practical and


Number 8s never want to be wrong. They are not ones to be out debating

philosophy or religion as they could always be outsmarted in a good debate. They

prefer to stay in the zone that they know best, where the facts are foolproof and risks

are precisely calculated.


Blue reflect the personality of the Number 8s. If the Number 8 wants to break

down emotional barriers, he or she should focus on brighter hues of blue and yellow,

which will ignite an emotional release. Color Gold is also suitable for them.

Career Choices

Numbers 8s are highly involved in the world of global finance and economy.

They know that money makes the world go round. They are excellent managers and

great strategists, but may be boring when it comes to being a good boss as they aren’t

much on communicating effectively. Number 8s also make good engineers and

mechanics. Number 8 women are often found doing jobs that are traditionally

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dominated by men. They are power executives who work in large corporations or

own a small business.


Being pragmatic and covetous the Number 8 in a relationship does encounter a

few challenges. They often want to jump into commitment and are often hurt when

the other person isn’t so quick to act but at the same time cannot reveal their emotions

to show that person they are serious about a relationship. The Number 8 woman

needs a man that is just like her, who is driven to attain power and wealth and

romance and emotions aren’t much of a concern. On the other hand, the Number 8

man needs to feel like he is in control and dominant the relationship as this is

protecting his own emotional insecurities. Overall, Number 8 people make good

partners once they break themselves free from the emotional boundaries they

originally defined.


Number 8s mellow out as they get older and learn how to partake in leisurely

sports and activities. But during the maturing adult years, the Number 8 should be in

tune to his/her body as they prone to ignore symptoms and warning signs in regard to

health. In doing so, they will avoid serious illness later in life.

Lucky Dates, Numbers

Those born on 8,17 and 26 of any month their lucky number is 1 and 5. The

dates 1,10,19,28 and 5,14,23 and also 9 , 27 are suitable for them. Important tasks

should be taken on these dates.

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Unlucky Dates and Numbers

The number 8 is unsuitable for 8 persons. 8,17, 26 dates should be avoided for

important tasks.


Positive Aspects

Courageous Reflective Original

Charismatic Affectionate Instinctual

Active Confident Ambitious

Self-indulgent Victorious Enthusiastic

Original Able Leader

Negative Aspects Self-centered Autocrat Vulnerable

Excess Disappointment Defeat

Quarrelsome Impulsive Restlessness

Interfering Unorthodox Disingenuous

Rash Accident-prone Aggressive


Number 9s are larger than life! They are active and full of life. There is no

time for planning for the Number 9s, they just want to jump in and get started with

anything and everything. They have a courageous spirit and will fight for anything

and for anyone they believe in. Number 9s are very independent and often times this

makes them rather stubborn when someone suggests doing things differently. This

stubbornness can lead to aggression when the Number 9 person feels that his or her

true spirit is being contested.

Number 9 personalities are very restless, they get bored quickly and once

bored they can become quite quarrelsome. They are however very cheerful and are

the life of the party. As long as there is action, there are no worries in regard to

boredom. They are optimistic, they follow their instinct and they love a good

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challenge. Number 9s are sensuous about life and fully enjoy the pleasures that life

brings. They enjoy good cuisine, extravagant parties and will never make a

compromise in regard to their luxurious life-style on both emotional and financial



The color red is very comforting to the Number 9 personality because it offers

security and a sense of physical comfort. The color blue helps them express their

magnetic personality. Light Yellow is also suitable for the 9 personalities.

Number 9s should definitely avoid Green and Coffee colors because it will only

reinforce their hot-blooded nature.

Career Choices

Number 9s are creative and artistic and are best suited for a career in the arts

where they can express their talents. This is also a good choice because they get

bored quickly and the arts world is an outlet for them to experience change and

unpredictability. They may also want to consider jobs as a teacher, doctor, or

counselor as they do have a humanitarian streak.


The out-going and charismatic attitude of the Number 9s makes them

incredibly attractive and appealing to others. It’s all about their animal magnetism.

Both males and females are incredible romantics, the love to give affection and

receive it at the same time. The Number 9 man has a hard time understanding the

difference between true love versus attraction and may break a few hearts along the

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way. The Number 9 female is very strong and dominates in a long-term relationship

and they do not get emotionally attached very quickly. Likewise, they too can be

heartbreakers, just like the men. A marriage will work if the partners continue to

socialize with mutual friends and at the same time allow for social independence.


Number 9s like to indulge and do everything in excess. When it comes to

food and alcohol, Number 9s have to be careful and approach these with moderation.

They are naturally active people so they are trim and fit, but they must be mindful of

their heart as they often push it to the limit because of indulging in sins of the palette.

Lucky Numbers, Dates

Number 6,5,9,3 and 1 are lucky numbers for 9 personality. The dates

6,15,24,5,14,23,9,27,3,12,21,30,1,10,19 are lucky for them. Important issues and

starting of important tasks, opening of new accounts should be done on these dates.

Unlucky Number, Dates

9 personalities should avoid numbers 2 and 8. The dates 2,11,20,29 and

8,17,26 should be avoided for important tasks.

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Chapter 4: Numerological Calculations

Based on Chaldean numerology, you can calculate your birth number, goal

number, personality, master, and purpose and destiny numbers. Once you have

attained a number for each of the numerological calculations you see below refer to

the reference guide in Chapter 3 to determine the significance of each of your

outcomes. For the following examples, calculations will be determined by using the

fictitious name of a guy named Charles John Smith, but his friends refer to him as

Chuck Smith.

Birth Path Number

The first calculation, the Birth number is used to define the true essence of

who you are. This number is often referred to as the Destiny number, Birth Path and

Life Path because it is the number you will use through out life to make decisions by

learning to draw upon the strengths of your personality. The Birth Path number is

considered the most important of all the numerological calculations. Let’s say Chuck

Smith was born on October 12th

, 1990, or 10/12/1990. Here are the steps involved to

calculate down to a single reduction by adding together the single digits of each

number in order to attain a single digit number:

Step 1: 10/12/1990

Step 2: 1+ 0 = 1 the month

1+ 2 = 3 the day

1+ 9 + 9 + 0 = 19

further reduced to 1+ 9 = 10

further reduced to 1+ 0 = 1 the year

Step 3: Add up the single digits of the month, the day and year to get one


1+3+1 = 4

Chuck’s Birth Path number is 4.

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Destiny Number

Using the letters of your name and reducing it down to a single number

calculates the destiny number. In Chaldean numerology the person’s common name

is used, the name the person is called. Where as in Pythagorean numerology the name

from the birth certificate is use. Chaldean practitioners consider the name that one is

called by to be more accurate because it is the name that people use for a life-time.

For example, Charles John Smith is the name on our example’s birth certificate.

However, for his entire life, Charles goes by the name of Chuck, and friends, family

and employers know him as Chuck Smith. So this is the name we will use to

calculate Chuck’s destiny number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8







3 5 6 3 2 3 4 1 4 5

Total Sum of Numbers = 36

Reduction 3+6 = 9

Therefore, Chuck Smith is a 9 ( Destiny )

Heart Number or Soul Number

The Heart number is a calculation of the vowels of the name and determines

the soul’s urge. Vowels are very important in the English language, without them you

could not pronounce a word. Every word must have at least a vowel. ‘Y’ is sometimes

considered a vowel if it sounds like a vowel. The word ‘fly’ the last word is

pronounced as ‘I’. Thus it is considered a vowel. Vowels represents the true feelings

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and sense that comes from within but not necessarily what one shows or reveals to the

rest of the outside world. Let’s calculate Chuck’s Heart number:


6 1

Total Sum of Numbers = 7

Chuck’s Heart number is a 7

Table of Heart’s Number

Heart’s Character


1 Prefers to be independent, creative and original, a desire to

lead, honest and loyal but lacks patience and diplomacy

2 Harmony and peace, lover of music, sensitive and emotional,

prefers to follow rather than to lead.

3 Urge to express through speaking, writing. Loves to socialize

and party,

4 Practical and loyal, Excellent in details. Ambition for

material power, wants affection but not achievable due to a

disciplinarian character.

5 Loves to see changes, travel. Attractive to the opposite sex,

restless, Adventurous in the heart.

6 Love the home and family. Love to advice others, like a

teacher, parent. Lover of arts and beauty,

7 Knowledge and wisdom are their inner urge. Loves the

serenity, quietness and often pushes towards meditation,

dislikes noisy environment.

8 Desire to be a leader or business man in a big way. Prefers to

command rather than to be a follower. Money and material

power are their life line.

9 The soul of a humanitarian and a philanthropist. Generous,

and kind. Healer of mankind. Love to travel. Lover of music

and dramas

11 An inspirational to others, Religious and spiritual in thoughts.

22 Wants to be a master on the material world. Good in


Personality Number

Personality is the outer self, it represents how you project yourself to the outer

world. Your attitude, clothing, you actions and your voice. It can be misleading as

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many of us try to mask our inner nature. Personality can be used as an avenue to

express your talents and character. Let’s calculate Chuck’s personality.


3 5 3 2 3 4 4 5

13 + 16 = 29

Chuck’s personality number is 29. Adding 2+9 =11 and adding 1+1 =2, thus his

personality number is 2. It also can be read as a 11 in a higher vibration.

Table of Personality Number

Personality Character


1 Appears as a leader, sometimes dominant and forceful.

2 They appear as peaceful, and diplomatic, and very cooperative.

3 Friendly and sociable. They love to chat and express themselves.

4 Practical and orderly and sometimes conservative.

5 Magnetic and interesting, Keeping up with fashions, always on the move,

youthful in appearance.

6 Charming and a motherly caring, Shows interest in home and family,

7 Appears aloof, reserved and exclusive. Could be secretive.

8 Appears to be successful and influential, Even though can be penniless.

9 Humanitarian in appearance, Generous and friendly.

11 Idealistic and inspirational to others, Spiritual in speech and thoughts.

22 Appearance of a master builder or expert in any field. Cooperative in action

to impress others, appears to be wealthy even though it is not.

Personal Year Number

The Personal Year number is used to determine what are your own personal

strengths and challenges during the current year. Your Personal Year number

vibration will be the most influential in your life during the current year. Upon

knowing this number, you will know how to approach life during the current year

because you will be prepared for any changes that may occur, be it physical, mental,

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emotional or spiritual changes in your life. Using Chuck as our example, who was

born on October 12th

, here’s how to calculate his Personal Year number:

Step 1: Day + Month of birth = 1 + 2 + 1 + 0 = 3

Step 2: Now add up the year of Chuck’s last birthday, which was in 2008.

2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10 then reduce it to 1 + 0 = 1

Step 3: Add together the numbers calculated in steps one and two above.

3 + 1 = 4

Chuck’s Personal Year Number is 4.

Here is a breakdown of what to expect for each personal year:

Year 1: New direction, opportunity, start of a new cycle lasting for next 9

years, Excellent year to start something new or to make the changes

you always wanted. You have to do it alone without depending on

others for help. This year requires, pioneering, individuality and


Year 2: Decision-making, balance. This is a year of patience and diplomacy

And tact. Partneships and new agreements will come to you. Friends

Will be added into your circle. Whatever planned last year will take

time to mature.

Year 3: Moving forwards and expanding. Creative year to move forward and to

expand yourself. A year of added expenses and socializing. Traveling

for pleasure and earning through lecturing and writing or even by

advertising is excellent.

Year 4: Security, Patience and Practical. After last years of pleasures and

entertainments, now is the time to sit and plan seriously. It will be

taxing and need a great deal of patience. It will be slow moving, if

you push your way it will not work as this is a year for you to pay

attention to details. Health will be affected. Success will come only

through economical and practical ways. Rushing through will bring

failures. This is a year to build a foundation in your carrier.

Year 5: General changes. A year to see changes replacing the old with the new.

It can be your office or your home. After last year’s of practicality, this

year is an excellent year for adventures and progress. Traveling will

bring good news. Advertising will bring excellent results. A year filled

with adventure, changes and progress.

Year 6: Relationships, domestic and community. After the last year of

freedom, this is a year for you to accept more responsibilities, either in

your work or in your home. Love and sympathy will be received if

expressed. Good year to marry, buy a home or doing community

works. Accepting added responsibilities will harmonize yourself this


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Year 7: Specialization. This is a year for you to study and specialize in your

carrier. It is a period for mental cleaning. Meditate and aim for

spiritual advancement. This is not a year for expansions or to start

anything new but a finishing touch. Meet up with spiritual gurus and

you will attain peace. If you rush into material wealth you will get

disappointed. Letting go and accepting your spiritual journeys will

bring wealth into you. Aim for spiritual uplift.

Year 8: Reaping the Harvest. Hard work put in the past 7 years will bring

results this year. Good year for material wealth to be accumulated.

Business attitude towards your working environment will bring

excellent results. Year for action, avoid emotion or sentiments to derail

your plans. Let go and this will be an excellent year. After last year’s of

spiritual strength this year will be a year for you to balance the material

and the spiritual site of yours. Both are necessary to have a balanced


Year 9: Letting go and letting in. A year filled with emotions. Learn to let go if

things are not in your favor. You may encounter losses and friends

leaving your circle. You are closing the 9 year cycle and getting ready

for a new experiences in life. It can be painful but necessary for the

soul to learn lessons so that it can move forward. If you are impartial,

impersonal, tolerant, compassionate, this year will bring love and


Using the chart above we can say that Chuck will have an intensified year

when it comes to security and survival. He will need to focus forward thought in

order to survive and be prepared for some things that may come along and threaten

his survival. However, because Chuck functions as a part of the whole of humanity

we should also look back at the Universal number we calculated for the year 2008,

which was a 1. That’s good news for Chuck because although he will struggle with

security issues, the chart above tells us that a year 1 brings a long new direction and

opportunity. He need to be patience. It can be frustrating as things will not get his

way, his plans will be stalled. Frustrations will not bring him anywhere.

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The above Personal Year numbers are positive vibration years. It can also be a

negative vibration. Personal year 6 represents marriage but also could indicate

separations or divorce. Personal year 8 represents material accumulations but also can

indicate material losses. How to find out if that year is a positive or challenging year

for you? It is important to know your challenge numbers in your life. The topic below

on Pinnacles and challenges will explain further into this very important part in

numerology forecast.

Master Numbers

The single digit numbers that you calculated in Chapter above represent what

you appear to be in the eyes of others, your personality and your individuality. On the

other hand, the double-digit numbers, or Master numbers, refer to your karmic

influences such as your psyche, spirituality, mysticism and superior accomplishments.

These Master numbers are the master vibrations of nature and the universe. Many

numerologists refer to the Master numbers as the Purpose numbers because they are

to define a person’s purpose on earth. Please note that the numbers 11, 22 and 33 are

the most important of the Master numbers as they are the master vibrations of the

universe. Here are the descriptions of the Master numbers:

Number 11 – Drive to serve others altruistically through spiritual awareness of the

universe. Number 11 is on the highest plane of intellect and spirituality. It is self-

understanding, receptive, artistic, sensitive, altruistic and ideal. It is the number of


Number 22 – Willingness to pass knowledge on to others. Complete spirituality.

Number 22 represents the Master Builder. The letters that sum 22 in the Chaldean

number chart are considered sacred and meaningful and denote illumination. The

number 22 combine with the number 11 puts the aforementioned ideals into practice.

It is philanthropic and represents a service to mankind, nature and the earth.

Number 33 – Willingness to serve others through healing love. Number 33 is the

teacher of teachers. This vibration reveals the ultimate love as it sacrifices everything

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in order to educate and heal others. It is counseling, healing and illuminates


Number 44 – Material and spiritual power.

Number 55 – Power of new thought forms.

Number 66 – Cosmic love.

Number 77 – Spiritual energy.

Number 88 – Material reform and power.

Number 99 - Universal love and compassion.

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Chapter 5: Pinnacles and Challenges

When you calculate your Pinnacles and Challenges, you are essentially

calculating your strengths and weaknesses. Once you become aware of these, it will

be much easier when you define short and long term goals, consider career options

and the timing of when these should occur. You will see that Pinnacles and

Challenges can and will change over time, as we mature we will of course grow

stronger in areas that were once weak as we grow wiser. Likewise, things that we

used to be strong in, we may lose that power over time as the body and soul changes.

Calculate the Pinnacles and Challenges to be better prepared and use your strengths to

your advantage and learn to harness or buttress your challenges.

Pinnacles Calculations The Pinnacles are broken down into four time periods of your life so for each

period you will have a different number that should be your focus.

Pinnacle Period 1 (Birth to 27-35 years of age)

This pinnacle covers the spring of life and it is a time for beginnings.

Calculate: Month of Birth + Day of Birth

Pinnacle Period 2 (Lasts for 9 years)

This pinnacle is a period of ripening and blossoming.

Calculate: Day of Birth + Year of Birth

Pinnacle Period 3 (Lasts for 9 years)

This pinnacle is a period of reward and manifestation.

Calculate: First Period Pinnacle Result + Second Period Pinnacle Result

Pinnacle Period 4 (Ages 50+)

This pinnacle is a time of introspection, perception and reflection.

Calculate: Month of Birth + Year of Birth

Meanings of Pinnacle Results

Pinnacle 1: A drive for independence. This person will lead and direct others and

have the desire to express individuality. He or she will have the desire to achieve and

be recognized for it.

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Pinnacle 2: Cooperation and harmony. This person will be sensitive and show great

patience and attention to detail. This person will be cooperative and work hard but

not be in need of recognition.

Pinnacle 3: This person will have a more affectionate and out-going personality. He

or she will develop personal and verbal expression. A lot of life will revolve around

travel, friends and social activities.

Pinnacle 4: Demanding a higher degree of organization and system the person with

this pinnacle is practical and has a realistic approach to life.

Pinnacle 5: Freedom. This person will experience change during these years be it

sudden or unexpected and as a result will be free of responsibility.

Pinnacle 6: This person may feel restricted during this time period because of

additional responsibilities. There are close family and home ties that require

accountability and dependability.

Pinnacle 7: During this period, the person will be gaining new skills, investigating

and learning.

Pinnacle 8: This number is associated with a lot of success and recognition. The

person with this number will be involved in business activity that will lead to an

improvement in financial circumstances.

Pinnacle 9: The person who has a number 9 will have a greater concern for those

who are less fortunate. This person is the humanitarian. Regardless of when this

number occurs in the life cycle the humanitarian theme will always be a strong


Chuck’s Pinnacles

Let’s go back to other friend Chuck and calculate his Pinnacles. As you

recall, his birthday is on October 12, 1990. (10/12/1990)

Pinnacle Period 1: Month + Day

• 1+ 0 = 1 the month

• 1+ 2 = 3 the day

• So 1 + 3 = 4

Pinnacle Period 2: Day + Year

• 1 + 2 = 3 the day

• 1+ 9 + 9 + 0 = 19

Reduced to 1+ 9 = 10

Further reduced to 1+ 0 = 1 the year

• So 3 + 1 = 4

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Pinnacle Period 3: First Period Pinnacle + Second Period Pinnacle

• 4 + 4 = 8

Pinnacle Period 4: Month + Year

• 1+ 0 = 1 the month

• 1+ 9 + 9 + 0 = 19

Reduced to 1+ 9 = 10

Further reduced to 1+ 0 = 1 the year

• So 1 + 1 = 2

Chuck’s Pinnacles Results

During the first and second periods of Chuck’s life the number 4 dominates

him. This number is obviously very important for him as it dominates a good portion

of his life, possible the majority of it. During these years he will and should have a

realistic approach toward life. Chuck is obviously an old soul as this type of approach

is something we normally see in the later years once people are more mature. During

the third period of Chuck’s life the number 8 is the driving force in his life and he will

reap the financial benefits from all of the organization that occurred from the prior

two periods. In the final period of his life, Chuck has a 2. He is older, and no longer

in need of the recognition that a younger person strives for; he is content, patient and

attentive. Just how a grandfather should be! Now that we know Chuck’s Pinnacles,

or strengths, let’s look at his challenges.

Challenges Calculations

In order for us to grow we must face our fears, take on those challenges, learn

from our mistakes and have the courage to do so. In order to satisfy the soul we have

to learn how to grapple with these challenges that are thrown at us. By calculating

your challenges you will soon learn to recognize the traits of these mountains and

hurdles that you have to go over and will be more prepared to succeed with ease. Just

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like the Pinnacles, the Challenges are broken down into four time periods of a

person’s life.

Challenge Period 1 (Birth to approximately 36 years of age)

Calculate: Month of Birth – Day of Birth (Turn negative number into positive)

Challenge Period 2 (Lasts for 9 years)

Calculate: Year of Birth – Day of Birth

Challenge Period 3 (Lasts for 9 years)

Calculate: Second Challenge Period – First Challenge Period

Challenge Period 4 (Ages 50+)

Calculate: Year of Birth – Month of Birth

Meanings of Challenge Results

Challenge 0: The obstacles faced during this time period will come from all

directions, or on the other side of the coin, there will be few and far between. The

person with this challenge has the choice to either rise above and beyond the

challenge or to do nothing at all as the number 0 represents free will.

Challenge 1: The person in this challenge phase will feel dominated by others. He

or she will have to make a conscious effort to not dominate others and at the same

time avoid their domination.

Challenge 2: This challenge phase is full of self-confidence and this person will have

to learn to maintain close relationships with people while at the same time not lose his

or her own self-confidence and self-identity.

Challenge 3: This person will have a gift for creativity and words but finds it

difficult to express those gifts. To be satisfied and happy, this person will need to

look for outlets of self-expression.

Challenge 4: During this challenge the person needs to tap into his/her leadership

skills, as order and discipline are the themes that will run through this period.

Challenge 5: This challenge is all about risk and change where the person wants new

adventures and experiences while at the same time yearns for long-lasting

relationships. He or she will have to seek a balance between the two.

Challenge 6: Responsibility and love are the themes of this challenge. During this

time, the person must learn to balance and manage duty with personal relationships.

Challenge 7: During this phase the person may feel like he or she is being pulled in

many directions, as it is a time of inner awareness and personal growth.

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Challenge 8: This challenge requires action and decidedness. This person needs to

accept the challenges that may come his or her way and meet them head on. There

will be no sitting in the back seat during this time, but instead this person will be in

the driver’s seat at all times.

Chuck’s Challenges

Let’s go back to other friend Chuck and calculate his Challenges. As you

recall, his birthday is on October 12, 1990. (10/12/1990)

Challenge Period 1: Month of Birth – Day of Birth

• 1+ 0 = 1 the month

• 1+ 2 = 3 the day

• So 1 - 3 = -2, turn into a positive 2

Challenge Period 2: Year of Birth – Day of Birth

• 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 19

Reduced to 1 + 9 = 10

Further reduced to 1 + 0 = 1 the year

• 1 + 2 = 3 the day

• So 1 – 3 = -2, turn into a positive 2

Challenge Period 3: Second Challenge Period – First Challenge Period

• 2 – 2 = 0

Challenge Period 4: Year of Birth – Month of Birth

• 1+ 9 + 9 + 0 = 19

Reduced to 1+ 9 = 10

Further reduced to 1+ 0 = 1 the year

• 1+ 0 = 1 the month

• So 1 - 1 = 0

Chuck’s Challenges Results

The number 2 defines both the first and second periods of Chuck’s life. He

will be learning to maintain a lifetime of self-confidence but at the same time

maintain his identity. He will have harmonious relationships but he will need to

remember who he is, who he represents and not allow others to influence his

individuality and personality. Interestingly enough, the last two periods of his life,

again sum to the same number, the number 0. This will be a time period of free will

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for Chuck, and he will have to decide what challenges he wants to conquer and the

ones that he will regard as unnecessary to his well-being. Through out these two

periods he may be bombarded with challenges and also receive few and far between,

it will be up to him to measure which ones are worth fighting for.

*Notes to remember:

The challenge numbers and the pinnacles numbers are of very important. These

numbers signifies the challenging periods and the positive periods in our life. Lets say

John is born on the Feburary 27th

1966. We write as 2 27 1966. And after reducing all

the numbers to a single digit we write as 2 (Feb) 9 (27) 4 (1966). See below

2 9 4

7 5 John’s challenge numbers are

2 7, 5 and 2


Since the 2 appears twice it is most significant challenge number in his life. Whenever

his age adds to a 2, like age 20, 29, 38, 47 it will give challenges in his life. Since 2

represents challenges in relationships these are the ages he must pay extra care when

it comes to relationships, often emotionally disturbing situation will pop up during

these ages which require a lot of cooperation and diplomacy to solve the challenges in

life. If the Personal Year number is 2, it will be a stronger impact, partnerships can

become a great challenge in the life. Often it leads to a break up. If John’s unit

number or his house number totals to a 2, than his whole life while staying in this

house will cause emotional setbacks. Let’s say he stays in 146 Hillview Drive, the

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number 146, which reduces to a 2, will cause a direct impact on him. Constant

disagreement and misunderstanding will be a daily affair inside this house.

What if John were to be born on the 7th

and his lucky number is 2 (see above on lucky

numbers) and he got a challenge of 2 and lives in a house number which adds up to a

2? Challenges are very strong energy. It will create a major challenge first before it

can be solved. John will be able to solve these challenges on a daily basis while living

in this house. As far as possible try to avoid Major Challenge numbers in your life.

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Chapter 6: Love Compatibility

Finding a partner in this day and age can be overwhelming. Gone are the days

of courtship and meeting someone at the county fair. Now it’s all about speed dating,

blind dates and online romances. However, numerology can offer some hope in all of

these dramas as you try to maintain your profile at your favorite social networking

site. Just how in previous chapters you saw that numerology could give you self-

awareness into your personality, your own karmic needs, your strengths and your

weaknesses in order to attain personal fulfillment. Numerology can offer the same

when it comes to finding a match for you by comparing your numbers against the

numbers of your potential mate. Before going through the song and dance of getting

to know someone, determine your numeric compatibility first, and then you can

decide whether or not the relationship is worth pursuing. You could save yourself

some time, and a lot of heartache. On the other hand, you may just discover that the

person you thought was rather wishy-washy happens to be your soul mate. Please

keep in mind that you can do comparison charts in regard to friendships, work

colleagues and even families.

Before calculating your compatibility numbers be sure to refer to the Number

Reference Guide in Chapter 3 where you can assess your own love traits as well as

the traits of your possible partner based on the Personality number. As I’m sure

you’ve already experienced in the dating scene, sometimes you just don’t click with a

person no matter how hard you try. And that probably has to do with the fact that the

two of you are cosmically incompatible.

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It’s very easy to calculate your compatibility numbers. All you have to do is

add together your Birth number with the Birth number of your potential mate, so the

only information you need to know about that person is her/her full name and birth

date. If your numbers add up to a double-digit, all you have to do is reduce them, like

we did in the other chapters.

Lets say John likes Cathie. John’s soul/heart number is 7 while Cathie’s is also

7. If the soul number is the same then the attraction for each other will be very strong,

together the energy created is 5 ( 7+7). Thus they love to see changes and will be

adventurous together. The same calculation can be made for personality and destiny.

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Chapter 7: Individual Prosperity and Wealth

Numerology has so many facets. Apart from assessing areas of your life such

as destiny, love, goals and challenges, numerology is also used to gain insight into

your own financial prosperity and wealth. Looking at the number vibrations we can

forecast individual wealth and determine what careers are best for us and what

business names will bring wealth and success. You can also use your

Auspicious/Lucky Day to ensure that you will have prosperous and productive

outcomes. Numerology can help you choose a career path or even start a business

that is guaranteed to give you financial rewards solely based on the fact that lucky

number vibrations are used for the name of your business.

Auspicious/Lucky Days

Numerology can also work in your advantage by doing meaningful things or

tasks on your lucky day such as applying to a new job or a university. Perhaps you’re

organizing a big event or want to sit down and do some goal planning or business

planning. Use your Auspicious/Lucky Days, to do work where you want and need

success. Find your Birth number on the chart below to determine your Lucky Days.

1 Sunday and Monday

2 Sunday, Monday and Friday

3 Thursday, Friday and Tuesday

4 Saturday, Sunday and Monday

5 Wednesday and Friday

6 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

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7 Sunday and Monday

8 Saturday, Sunday and Monday

9 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday


You may recall in Chapter 3, the Number Reference Guide, that there was a

section on suitable careers based on a person’s Personality number. Many people

spend a lifetime looking for that job that they are happy to go to, or the job they are

passionate about. Unfortunately, because of other responsibilities such as family and

bills as well as a genuine fear to take the risk and pursue a dream, we find ourselves

20 years later doing the same thing, and feeling unfulfilled. Below you will see a

general overview of the careers mentioned in Chapter 3.

Number Professions Personality Traits

1 Entrepreneur, administrator, author Innovative, determined

2 Customer relations, counselor, teacher Compassionate, Able

3 Acting, singing, entertaining Creative, adaptable

4 Mathematics, engineering, programming Detail oriented

5 Reporter, teacher, scientist Persuasive, detailed

6 Nurse, teacher, politician Nurturing, charming

7 Inventor, researcher, scientist Detail oriented, accurate

8 Finance, management, engineer Strategist, dutiful

9 Artist, teacher, marketer Creative, artistic

Business and Individual Wealth

In the business world, people spend millions of dollars on marketing

campaigns, slogans and business titles. Everyone is in search of the perfect business

name and the perfect website address to get more keyword hits in hopes of drawing a

few more customers to the door. With numerology you can do just that. When

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choosing a business name, web address or product name there are three vibrations to

consider. They are: Heart Desire, Purpose and Personality.

Heart/Soul Desire - 8 The Heart Desire should equate to the number 8 as this number vibrates the stamina,

courage and talents required for a successful business. As you recall from previous

chapters, the number 8 represents wealth, power and success.

Personality – 18/9

This number represents the physical aspect of the business. The compound number

18, can be split into 1 and 8. The number 1 represents the leadership required, and the

number 8 is efficiency. The number 18 then reduces to 9, (1 + 8). The number 9

combines all the forces of the universe and the humanitarian spirit.

Purpose – 8 The purpose of your business is to make money, that’s the bottom line. Likewise, the

number 8, just as in the previous description, will vibrate success and financial


Here are some combinations of winning and favorable numbers to keep in mind when

coming up with your business name or product:

Heart 8 8 8

Personality 9 1 18/9

Purpose 8 9 8

You may also have success with these single digit and compound number


9, 8, 5, 3, 1, 11/2, 23/5, 18/9, 19/1

Do NOT consider these numbers when determining your business name or

product: 7, 14/5 and 16/7.

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Chapter 8: Winner’s Luck

Everyone wants to be lucky, and we all deserve some good luck from time to

time. If you take time to consider your lucky colors, lucky stone, and lucky numbers

you just may find yourself experiencing a winner’s streak! This chapter will reveal a

few ways for you to lead a lucky and prosperous life.

Lucky Colors

In Chapter 3, the Number Reference Guide, you saw included in the individual

number descriptions a section on the influence of colors in a person’s life. In the

modern age, colors have finally made a comeback where now you hear of therapists

using color therapy, yoga practitioners who meditate on color for enlightenment, and

even schools will now paint walls with the colors that are more conducive to learning.

Once you become aware of the colors around you, you will soon notice how your

mood may change and your inner spirit may stir based on the color you are

surrounded by for any length of time. Please refer to Chapter 3 for lucky colors.

Lucky Birth Stones

Surely many of you remember receiving a birthstone as a gift. It might have

been minute in size, but it was a given to you as an act of love. Many people don’t

realize that these stones are actually linked to ancient numerology. All stones emit

vibrations, and if you wear your lucky stone it can bring you good health and ward off

common ailments. After you calculate your birth number, use this chart you see

below to determine which stone is best for you.

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Birth Number Lucky Stones in Numerology Traditional Birth Month

1 Ruby, Amber, Topaz, April

2 Jade, Moonstones None

3 Amethyst February

4 Hassonite, Blue Sapphire September

5 Diamond April

6 Emeralds, Turquoise None

7 Cat’s Eye, Moonstones June

8 Dark Blue Sapphires, Aquamarine February

9 Red Coral, Garnet, Bloodstones, January, July

Lucky Lottery

Last but not least, let’s take a quick look at how you could consider

numerology when buying a lottery ticket or placing a bet. Here are a few possibilities

to consider when buying a lottery ticket:

The Number 8

As you’ve already learned, the number 8 equates to wealth. So when you buy

your next lottery ticket make sure that your chosen numbers reduce to the number 8.

Your Birth Number

We calculated Chuck’s birth number to be a 4. Through out life, if Chuck sees

that this is a lucky number for him maybe he should choose winning numbers that

reduce to 4, or maybe he should buy his tickets on the fourth day of the month, or the

fourth day of the week. It will be up to him to decide how to use his lucky number.

Square of Mercury

Use the Square of Mercury, an 8-order square to choose your lottery numbers.

Again, number 8 being the number of wealth. It is a mystical square and each row

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adds up to 160. Find your birth number in the Square of Mercury. If the lottery

drawing falls on an even-numbered date, then choose the horizontal line of numbers

as your lottery numbers. If the lottery drawing falls on an odd-numbered date, then

choose the vertical line of numbers as your lottery numbers. The Square of Mercury

below has a small triangle representing Chuck’s Birth Number, and a band around his

lottery numbers. Good luck!

8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1

49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56

41 23 22 44 45 19 18 48

32 34 35 29 23 38 39 25

40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33

17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24

9 55 54 12 13 51 50 16

64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57


Allow numerology to help you in all of your endeavors. For thousands of

year, practitioners around the globe have studied the wonder and power of numbers.

You too can find the prosperity and peace that you deserve by studying numerology.

Over time, you will learn how to use your numbers to your advantage and gain

personal fulfillment.

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Ducie, Sonia. (1999). Numerology: Your Love And Relationship Guide. Boston,

MA: Element Books Incorporated.

Fenton, Sasha. (2002). Fortune Teller’s Handbook. New York, NY: Sterling

Publishing Company Incorporated.

Rodrigo, Paul. (1996). The Numerology Handbook. Berkshire, England: Quantum

Publishing House.

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