
Numbers of WW I

13 million







70 million

Total people killed

War started

Americans killed

Total people injured

America enters war

Total countries

Total soldiers that fought

1918 War Ended

5 Continents


What caused Europe to become “Pregnant with War” by 1914?

-If you sat a map of Europe on top of a map of the United States, what fraction of the U.S. would you guess Europe is, in total size?

Europe vs. U.S. map

Taking all of this information into account, what possible problems might this situation lead to that might cause anger/ jealousy between certain nations?

Can you think of two?

-What conclusion can you draw about the average size of the various countries of Europe?


IMPERIALISM- Nations expanding their borders caused tension.

Conflict grew between nations because each was seeking to expand their territory, at the expense of other nations.

Jealousy grew as nations had land taken from them, or lost out on gaining a colony acquired by someone else.

What do you recognize about the nationalities of people, and where they were living in 1914? What problems might this cause?


NATIONALISM - Extreme pride and devotion to a nation.Jealousy and competition grew between these “proud” nations of Europe, as they tried to show their greatness to others. This led to a strong desire to “prove” their worthiness to the claim of the greatest nation in Europe.

-The major powers of Europe each were very proud of their long history and rich culture. In your opinion, what problems can extreme arrogance and pride in oneself lead to?

If you were a country in Europe in the years leading up to 1914, and there were other countries of Europe you “didn’t like,” what might be the smart thing to start doing?

Can you think of two different things?


MILITARISM - Each nation spent many years and a lot of money creating the most powerful military they could. This created an over confidence in these nations that should they fight a war, they would not lose. A “Use it or Lost it” mentality was the direct result of this.

-What does the phrase “there is strength in numbers” mean?   -What advantages would each nation have if they got other nations to join their side?


ALLIANCES– Team building

In an effort to shift the “balance of power” in their direction, each nation sought other countries to become their allies. If they were going to fight, they wanted to assure themselves of victory.

Everybody’s nerves are tense. It requires just one spark to set the whole thing off!

- Ferdinand Foch

“The Spark of WWI”

WHO was assassinated? Where was he from?

Who did it? Where was he from?

WHERE did this happen?

WHAT happened?

A Chain ReactionAssassination of Franz


Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia

Russia declares war on A-H

Germany declares war on Russia

France declares war on Germany / AH

Britain declares war on Germany / AH


“Early in the war, both sides had fought to a stalemate.”

“We must dig in. It is the only way of keeping out of sight and cutting our losses.”

-Ferdinand Foch

Trench Warfare defines World War I.

What was America’s response to the start of World War I?

We continued to follow our Isolationist policy which meant we would not get involved in European affairs.

Hey Europe…We’re neutral!

What events made America’s neutrality difficult to maintain?

Pre-Reading quiz:From the following 5 things, choose 2 that occurred that eventually led America into war:

1.American citizens were killed by Germans.

2.A direct attack on America by Germany.

3.A threat of an attack on America by Mexico.

4.Germany breaking promises they made towards America.

5.The murder of an American political figure.



1. Travel freely on the seas.

2. Trade with warring nations.

***U.S. sells war materials to BOTH SIDES.***


Reason #1- Death of Americans

Event- Sinking of the Lusitania.

1198 people killed 128 Americans

Sussex Pledge – Germany promises not to sink unarmed merchant ships w/o warning and w/o saving lives.

Reason #2 – Threat of attackEVENT- Zimmerman Telegram

Germany seeks alliance with Mexico in return for Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

Reason #3 – Breaking of promisesEvent- Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare.

REASON #4 – Good vs. Evil

EVENT- Russian Revolution leads to birth of communism and death of Czars.

“The world must be made safe for Democracy.”-Woodrow Wilson

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