  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Introduction to Aerospace Propulsion

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Bombay

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Course Intro & Historical development of flightsLecture 2 - Early development of aircraft propulsive devicesLecture 3 - Development of Jet propulsion for aircraftLecture 4 - Introduction to thermodynamics, Scope and method, Basic conceptsLecture 5 - Quasi-static processes, zeroth law of thermodynamics and temperature, concept of energy and its various forms, internal energy, enthalpyLecture 6 - Specific heats at constant pressure and volume Work and heat transfersLecture 7 - TutorialLecture 8 - First law of thermodynamics for closed systemsLecture 9 - First law of thermodynamics for open systems/flow processesLecture 10 - Second law of thermodynamics, heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamicsLecture 11 - Reversible and irreversible processes, concept of entropyLecture 12 - Increase of entropy principle, third law of thermodynamics, absolute entropy, perpetual motion machinesLecture 13 - TutorialLecture 14 - Carnot cycle, Carnot principle, thermodynamic temperature scaleLecture 15 - Exergy, availability and second law efficiencyLecture 16 - TutorialLecture 17 - Gas and vapour power cycles, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycleLecture 18 - Rankine cycle, Brayton cycle, Stirling and Ericsson cyclesLecture 19 - Thermodynamic property relations, Jacobean and Legendre transformations, Maxwellâs equationsLecture 20 - TutorialLecture 21 - Properties of gas and vapour mixturesLecture 22(A) - One-dimensional compressible flows, isentropic flowsLecture 22(B) - Flows with friction and heat transfer, normal and oblique shocksLecture 23 - Piston-prop enginesLecture 24 - IC Engines for aircraft applicationLecture 25 - Performance parameters of IC enginesLecture 26 - Supercharging of aircraft IC enginesLecture 27 - TutorialLecture 28 - Propeller fundamentals

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 29 - Propeller aerodynamic theories - ILecture 30 - Propeller aerodynamic theories - IILecture 31 - TutorialLecture 32 - Ideal cycles for Jet enginesLecture 33 - Ideal cycles for variants of jet enginesLecture 34 - TutorialLecture 35 - Fundamentals of Ramjets and PulsejetsLecture 36 - Fundamentals of Rocket enginesLecture 37 - Fundamentals of Missile enginesLecture 38 - Various space vehicles and their enginesLecture 39 - Closure of the lecture series

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Jet Aircraft Propulsion

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. A M Pradeep, Prof. Bhaskar Roy

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Bombay

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction & Development of Jet Aircraft PropulsionLecture 2 - How the Aircraft Jet Engines make ThrustLecture 3 - Jet Engine Basic Performance ParametersLecture 4 - Turbojet, Reheat Turbojet and Multi-spool EnginesLecture 5 - Turbofan, Turbo-prop and Turboshaft enginesLecture 6 - Ideal and Real Brayton cyclesLecture 7 - Jet Engine Cycles for Aircraft propulsionLecture 8 - Cycle components and component performancesLecture 9 - Tute-1Lecture 10 - Analysis of engine real cyclesLecture 11 - Tute-2Lecture 12 - Thermodynamics of CompressorsLecture 13 - Thermodynamics of TurbinesLecture 14 - Axial CompressorsLecture 15 - Cascade analysis; Loss and Blade performance estimationLecture 16 - Free Vortex theory; Single-Multi-stage characteristicsLecture 17 - Tutes-3Lecture 18 - Elements of centrifugal compressorLecture 19 - Centrifugal Compressor characteristicsLecture 20 - Axial flow turbines; Turbine Blade 2-D (cascade) analysisLecture 21 - Multi-stagingLecture 22 - Radial Turbine Aerodynamics & Thermodynamics; LossesLecture 23 - Tutes-4Lecture 24 - Types of combustion chambersLecture 25 - Pr. Loss, Combustion efficiency; Combustion intensityLecture 26 - Practical combustion system ; Stability, Fuel injectionLecture 27 - Intakes for PowerplantLecture 28 - Subsonic, Transonic, Supersonic Intake DesignsLecture 29 - Nozzle

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - C-D nozzle and their usesLecture 31 - Tute-5Lecture 32 - Engine Off Design OperationsLecture 33 - Aircraft Engine component matchingLecture 34 - Engine component matching and SizingLecture 35 - Installed Performance of EngineLecture 36 - Tute-6Lecture 37 - Use of Ramjets and Pulsejets in Aircraft propulsionLecture 38 - Thermodynamic Cycle & Performance ParametersLecture 39 - Flow in Diffusers, Combustors and NozzlesLecture 40 - Performanace and Design of Ramjet & Scramjet EnginesLecture 41 - Tute-7Lecture 42 - Future of Aircraft Propulsion

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Turbomachinery Aerodynamics

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Bombay

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction to Turbo machines Syllabus, References and SchedulesLecture 2 - Axial Flow Compressors and FansLecture 3 - A two dimensional analytical modelLecture 4 - 2D losses in Axial flow Compressor StageLecture 5 - Tutorial 1Lecture 6 - 3D Flows in Blade Passages, Secondary Flows, Tip leakage Flow, ScrubblingLecture 7 - Three Dimensional Flow AnalysisLecture 8 - Classical Blade Design LawsLecture 9 - Three Dimensional Flow Analysis in Axial Flow CompressorLecture 10 - Tutorial 2Lecture 11 - Axial Compressor CharacteristicsLecture 12 - Instability in Axial CompressorsLecture 13 - Inlet Distortion and Rotating Stall, Control of InstabilityLecture 14 - Transonic Compressors and Shock Structure Models, Transonic Compressor CharacteristicsLecture 15 - Axial Flow Compressor Design, Inter Spool DuctLecture 16 - Design of Compressor Blades, Aerofoil Design (Subsonic, Transonic, Supersonic Profiles )Lecture 17 - Design of Compressor BladeLecture 18 - Noise Problem in Axial Compressors and FansLecture 19 - Axial Flow TurbinesLecture 20 - Axial Flow TurbinesLecture 21 - Axial Flow TurbinesLecture 22 - Axial Flow TurbinesLecture 23 - Tutorial 3Lecture 24 - Multi staging and Multi spooling of TurbineLecture 25 - 3D Flow in TurbineLecture 26 - Tutorial 4Lecture 27 - Turbine Blade Cooling â Fundamentals of Heat Transfer, Blade Cooling RequirementsLecture 28 - Turbine Blade Cooling TechnologiesLecture 29 - Turbine Blade Design

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Turbine Blade DesignLecture 31 - Centrifugal CompressorsLecture 32 - Centrifugal CompressorsLecture 33 - Tutorial 5Lecture 34 - Design of Centrifugal CompressorsLecture 35 - Radial TurbinesLecture 36 - Tutorial 6Lecture 37 - Radial Turbine Characteristics and Design of Radial TurbinesLecture 38 - CFD for TurbomachineryLecture 39 - CFD for TurbomachineryLecture 40 - CFD for Turbomachinery

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Aero Elasticity

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. C. Venkatesan

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Aero elasticityLecture 2 - Aero elasticityLecture 3 - Aero elasticityLecture 4 - Aero elasticityLecture 5 - Aero elasticityLecture 6 - Aero elasticityLecture 7 - Aero elasticityLecture 8 - Aero elasticityLecture 9 - Aero elasticityLecture 10 - Aero elasticityLecture 11 - Aero elasticityLecture 12 - Aero elasticityLecture 13 - Aero elasticityLecture 14 - Aero elasticityLecture 15 - Aero elasticityLecture 16 - Aero elasticityLecture 17 - Aero elasticityLecture 18 - Aero elasticityLecture 19 - Aero elasticityLecture 20 - Aero elasticityLecture 21 - Aero elasticityLecture 22 - Aero elasticityLecture 23 - Aero elasticityLecture 24 - Aero elasticityLecture 25 - Aero elasticityLecture 26 - Aero elasticity

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Foundation of Scientific Computing

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Tapan K. Sengupta

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1Lecture 2Lecture 3Lecture 4Lecture 5Lecture 6Lecture 7Lecture 8Lecture 9Lecture 10Lecture 11Lecture 12Lecture 13Lecture 14Lecture 15Lecture 16Lecture 17Lecture 18Lecture 19Lecture 20Lecture 21Lecture 22Lecture 23Lecture 24 (Same as Lecture 23)Lecture 25Lecture 26Lecture 27Lecture 28Lecture 29

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30Lecture 31Lecture 32Lecture 33Lecture 34Lecture 35Lecture 36Lecture 37Lecture 38Lecture 39Lecture 40

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Instability and Transition of Fluid Flows

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Tapan K. Sengupta

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 2 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 3 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 4 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 5 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 6 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 7 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 8 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 9 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 10 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 11 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 12 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 13 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 14 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 15 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 16 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 17 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 18 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 19 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 20 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 21 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 22 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 23 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 24 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 25 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 26 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 27 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 28 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 29 - Instability and Transition of Fluid Flows

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 31 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 32 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 33 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 34 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 35 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 36 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 37 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 38 - Instability and Transition of Fluid FlowsLecture 39 - Instability and Transition of Fluid Flows

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and Dynamics

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. A.R. Manjunath, Prof. C. Venkatesan

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur | HAL

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 2 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 3 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 4 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 5 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 6 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 7 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 8 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 9 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 10 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 11 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 12 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 13 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 14 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 15 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 16 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 17 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 18 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 19 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 20 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 21 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 22 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 23 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 24 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 25 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and DynamicsLecture 26 - Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and Dynamics

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Introduction to Propulsion

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. D.P. Mishra

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 2 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 3 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 4 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 5 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 6 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 7 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 8 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 9 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 10 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 11 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 12 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 13 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 14 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 15 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 16 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 17 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 18 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 19 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 20 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 21 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 22 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 23 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 24 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 25 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 26 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 27 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 28 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 29 - Fundamentals of Aerospace Propulsion

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 31 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 32 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 33 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 34 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 35 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 36 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 37 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 38 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 39 - Fundamentals of Aerospace PropulsionLecture 40 - Fundamentals of Aerospace Propulsion

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Jet and Rocket Propulsion

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. A. Kushari

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 2 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 3 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 4 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 5 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 6 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 7 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 8 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 9 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 10 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 11 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 12 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 13 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 14 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 15 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 16 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 17 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 18 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 19 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 20 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 21 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 22 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 23 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 24 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 25 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 26 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 27 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 28 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 29 - Jet and Rocket Propulsion

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 31 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 32 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 33 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 34 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 35 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 36 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 37 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 38 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 39 - Jet and Rocket PropulsionLecture 40 - Jet and Rocket Propulsion

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Introduction to Airplane Performance

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. A.K. Ghosh, Dr. Deepu Philip

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - General IntroductionLecture 2 - George CayleyLecture 3 - Introduction to airplane and its componentsLecture 4 - Hansa 3 Aircraft and its Primary SystemsLecture 5 - Concept of Lift AerofoilLecture 6 - Drag PolarLecture 7 - RevisionLecture 8 - Standard AtmosphereLecture 9 - Measuring InstrumentsLecture 10 - Equations of MotionLecture 11 - Thrust Required, Power RequiredLecture 12 - Excess Thrust and PowerLecture 13 - ReviewLecture 14 - Thrust RequiredLecture 15 - Modeling of CLLecture 16 - A Closer LookLecture 17 - Estimation of Drag Polar Through Flight TestLecture 18 - Estimation of Rate of ClimbLecture 19 - Revision.Lecture 20 - Range and EnduranceLecture 21 - Range and EnduranceLecture 22 - Gliding FlightLecture 23 - Accelerated FlightLecture 24 - V-n DiagramLecture 25 - Revision..Lecture 26 - V stallLecture 27 - FlapsLecture 28 - Take offLecture 29 - Take off Performance

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Take off PerformanceLecture 31 - Revision...Lecture 32 - Landing PerformanceLecture 33 - Landing PerformanceLecture 34 - Challanges in Takeoff and LandingLecture 35 - Introduction to Static StabilityLecture 36 - Positioning of Center of Pressure for Static StabilityLecture 37 - Revision.....Lecture 38 - Stability and ControlLecture 39 - Stability and ControlLecture 40 - Longitudinal ControlLecture 41 - Contribution of Wing and TailLecture 42 - StabilityLecture 43 - ControlLecture 44 - ControlLecture 45 - ControlLecture 46 - Design BasicsLecture 47 - Design BasicsLecture 48 - Revision.

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Stability and control of aircraft

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. A.K. Ghosh

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - IntroductionLecture 2 - Introduction to Static StabilityLecture 3 - Stability and TrimLecture 4 - StabilityLecture 5 - StabilityLecture 6 - ProblemsLecture 7 - ProblemsLecture 8 - Neutral Point and Fuselage Contribution CompletedLecture 9 - Longitudinal Control CompletedLecture 10 - Longitudinal Control (Continued...)Lecture 11 - ControlLecture 12 - CL_trim Vs ????e_trimLecture 13 - Neutral PointLecture 14 - Contribution of Engine towards StabilityLecture 15 - RevisionLecture 16 - TrimLecture 17 - TrimLecture 18 - Maneuvering PointLecture 19 - NumericalLecture 20 - Revision (Lecture20)Lecture 21 - Directional StabilityLecture 22 - Directional ControlLecture 23 - Lateral Stability and ControlLecture 24 - NumericalsLecture 25 - Lecture - 25 RevisionLecture 26 - Stick Free StabilityLecture 27 - Stick Free Stability (Continued...)Lecture 28 - Hinge Moment and Hinge Moment DerivativeLecture 29 - Aircraft Handling Qualities

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Aircraft Handling Qualities (Continued...)Lecture 31 - Reversible ControlLecture 32 - NumericalsLecture 33 - NumericalsLecture 34 - Handling QualitiesLecture 35 - Determination of Neutral Point and Maneuvering Point by Flight ExperimentLecture 36 - Ponit Mass Equation of MotionLecture 37 - Forces and MomentsLecture 38 - Aircraft Equations of MotionLecture 39 - Six Degrees of Freedom of an AircraftLecture 40 - 6 DoFLecture 41 - Vector in a Rotating FrameLecture 42 - Euler AnglesLecture 43 - Small Perturbation TheoryLecture 44 - Small Perturbation Theory (Continued...)Lecture 45 - Perturbed Equations of MotionLecture 46 - Perturbed ForceLecture 47 - Perturbed ForceLecture 48 - Perturbed Pitching MomentLecture 49 - Longitudinal Dimensional Stability DerivativesLecture 50 - Dynamic StabilityLecture 51 - Longitudinal ModesLecture 52 - Short Period and Phugoid ApproximationsLecture 53 - Pure Pitching MotionLecture 54 - Stability Augmentation System (SAS)Lecture 55 - Lateral-Directional MotionLecture 56 - Tutorial - 1Lecture 57 - Tutorial - 2Lecture 58 - Tutorial - 3Lecture 59 - Tutorial - 4Lecture 60 - History of Aviation

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Engineering Thermodynamics

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. D.P. Mishra

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Thermodynamics and its ApplicationsLecture 2 - System and its SurroundingsLecture 3 - Property of SystemLecture 4 - Energy and its Various FormsLecture 5 - Concepts of Equilibrium and its StateLecture 6 - Energy and its InteractionsLecture 7 - Heat InteractionsLecture 8 - Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids - 1Lecture 9 - Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids - 2Lecture 10 - Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids - 3Lecture 11 - Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids - 4Lecture 12 - Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids - 5Lecture 13 - First Law of Thermodynamics for Cyclic ProcessLecture 14 - First Law of Thermodynamics for Non-cyclic Process - 1Lecture 15 - First Law of Thermodynamics for Non-cyclic Process - 2Lecture 16 - Control Mass and Control VolumeLecture 17 - First Law of Thermodynamics for Steady Flow ProcessesLecture 18 - First Law of Thermodynamics for Unsteady Flow ProcessesLecture 19 - First Law of Thermodynamics to Reacting SystemsLecture 20 - Second Law of ThermodynamicsLecture 21 - Second Law of ThermodynamicsLecture 22 - Second Law of ThermodynamicsLecture 23 - Second Law of ThermodynamicsLecture 24 - Applications of Second Law of ThermodynamicsLecture 25 - Applications of Second Law of ThermodynamicsLecture 26 - ExergyLecture 27 - Gas Turbine CycleLecture 28 - Vapor Power Cycle - 1Lecture 29 - Vapor Power Cycle - 2

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Vapor Power Cycle - 3Lecture 31 - Gas Power Cycles - 1Lecture 32 - Gas Power Cycles - 2Lecture 33 - Refrigeration CyclesLecture 34 - Non-Reacting Mixture and PsychrometryLecture 35 - Gas-Vapor Mixture and Air Conditioning - 1Lecture 36 - Gas-Vapor Mixture and Air Conditioning - 2Lecture 37 - Thermodynamic Property Relations - 1Lecture 38 - Thermodynamic Property Relations - 2

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Aircraft Dynamic Stability and Design Stability Augmentation System

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. A.K. Ghosh

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction to Dynamic StabilityLecture 2 - Spring-Mass-Damper SystemLecture 3 - Spring-Mass-Damper SystemLecture 4 - Laplace TransformLecture 5 - Pitch DynamicsLecture 6 - NumericalsLecture 7 - Aircraft Rigid Body Equation of MotionLecture 8 - Six Degree of Freedom Equation of MotionLecture 9 - Vector in Rotating FrameLecture 10 - Forces and Moments on AircraftLecture 11 - Euler AnglesLecture 12 - Trajectory of the AircraftLecture 13 - Small Perturbation TheoryLecture 14 - Perturbed Aerodynamic Forces and MomentsLecture 15 - U-derivativesLecture 16 - Alpha - derivativesLecture 17 - Alpha Dot DerivativesLecture 18 - q and delta DerivativesLecture 19 - Dimensional Stability DerivativesLecture 20 - Longitudinal Characteristic EquationLecture 21 - Routh's Criteria and Longitudinal Dynamic StabilityLecture 22 - Longitudinal ModesLecture 23 - Short period Mode ApproximationLecture 24 - Long Period Mode (Phugoid) ApproximationLecture 25 - Lateral Directional Stability DerivativesLecture 26 - Lateral Directional Stability Derivatives (Continued...)Lecture 27 - Perturbed Equation of Motion for Lateral DynamicsLecture 28 - Modes of Lateral Directional DynamicsLecture 29 - Spiral and Dutch Roll modes Approximation

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - RouthÂHurwitz Stability CriterionLecture 31 - Introduction to Stability AugmentationLecture 32 - Pure Yawing and Pure Rolling MotionLecture 33 - SAS for Longitudinal DynamicsLecture 34 - SAS for Lateral DynamicsLecture 35 - Flight Handling QualitiesLecture 36 - NumericalsLecture 37 - RevisionLecture 38 - Mode ShapeLecture 39 - Mode ShapeLecture 40 - NumericalsLecture 41 - Stability Augmentation SystemLecture 42 - NumericalsLecture 43 - Numericals

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Introduction to Ancient Indian Technology

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. D.P. Mishra

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction to Ancient Indian CivilizationLecture 2 - Ancient Indian CivilizationÂs Gift to the WorldLecture 3 - Why do we need to look at Ancient Indian Science and Technology?Lecture 4 - Glimpses of Ancient Indian Science and TechnologyLecture 5 - Brief Review of Ancient Indian ScripturesLecture 6 - Basic Principles of carrying out science and technologyLecture 7 - Arrays of Physics, chemistry and Indoor gamesLecture 8 - Marvels of Ancient Indian TechnologyLecture 9 - Introduction to Indian AgricultureLecture 10 - Problems arising due to modern agricultural practicesLecture 11 - Pesticides and soil degradationLecture 12 - Agriculture - A Primary Productive ActivityLecture 13 - An Agricultural Tools - A PloughLecture 14 - Soil and seedsLecture 15 - Sowing MethodsLecture 16 - Indigenous cattle and manuringLecture 17 - Ancient Indian Textile TechnologyLecture 18 - Handlooms and CharkhaLecture 19 - Different types of HandloomsLecture 20 - Ancient Rural Indian HousingLecture 21 - Thatched Roof HouseLecture 22 - Rural Walls and Roof materialsLecture 23 - Indus Valley and Harappan CivilizationLecture 24 - First and Second of Indian CivilizationLecture 25 - Town topologies and Brick and Tile making processLecture 26 - Availability of Water and FreshwaterLecture 27 - Ancient Indian WellsLecture 28 - Temple Water tanks and DamsLecture 29 - Tank Irrigation system and Rainwater Harvesting

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Waterbodies - Lakes and CanalsLecture 31 - Sluices and EmbankmentsLecture 32 - World of MaterialsLecture 33 - Metals - Gold Silver LeadLecture 34 - History of CopperLecture 35 - Iron during Vedic periodLecture 36 - Iron smelting process in ancient IndiaLecture 37 - Iron and Steel crafts in ancient IndiaLecture 38 - Extraction and smelting of Zinc in Ancient IndiaLecture 39 - Metal Casting in Ancient IndiaLecture 40 - Glass Technology in Ancient India

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Introduction to Experiments in Flight

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Mahendra Verma, Dr. A.K. Ghosh

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Weighment and Calculation of CG (Theory)Lecture 2 - Cruise Experiment (Theory)Lecture 3 - Weighment Experiment and cockpit panel descriptionLecture 4 - Drag Polar ExperimentLecture 5 - CG and Climb ExperimentLecture 6 - Calibration of Control SurfaceLecture 7 - Calibration of Control Surfaces (Experiment)Lecture 8 - Introduction to Flight Data RecorderLecture 9 - Sensors - Part ILecture 10 - Sensors - Part IILecture 11 - Data Acquisition using MEMS devicesLecture 12 - Estimation of Stick-Fixed Neutral PointLecture 13 - Estimation of Stick-Free Neutral Point and Stick-Free Maneuvering PointLecture 14 - StaticLecture 15 - StaticLecture 16 - Steady Coordinated TurnLecture 17 - Introduction to Parameter EstimationLecture 18 - Parameter Estimation using Least Squares MethodLecture 19 - Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation using Least Squares MethodLecture 20 - Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation using Delta MethodLecture 21 - Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation using Delta Method (Continued...)

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Engineering Thermodynamics (2017)

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. Jayant K. Singh

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Fundamental laws of nature, system definitions and applicationsLecture 2 - Thermodynamic property, state, equilibrium and processLecture 3 - Temperature scale and pressureLecture 4 - Macroscopic and microscopic forms of energyLecture 5 - Different forms of work, energy transfer and sign conventionLecture 6 - First law of thermodynamics and energy balanceLecture 7 - Efficiency of mechanical and electrical devicesLecture 8 - Examples on basic concept and energy balanceLecture 9 - Phase change of a pure substanceLecture 10 - Property diagrams of pure substancesLecture 11 - Thermodynamic properties of a pure substance from a property tableLecture 12 - Thermodynamic properties of a pure substanceLecture 13 - Equations of state and compressibility chartLecture 14 - Examples on properties of pure substancesLecture 15 - Quasi equilibrium, moving boundary workLecture 16 - Polytropic processLecture 17 - Energy analysis of closed system and unrestrained expansionLecture 18 - Internal energy, enthalpy, and specific heats of ideal gasLecture 19 - Internal energy, enthalpy, and specific heats of solids and liquidsLecture 20 - Examples on energy balance for closed systems and moving boundary workLecture 21 - Conservation of mass and steady flow processesLecture 22 - Flow work and energy of flowing fluidLecture 23 - Energy balance for steady flow devicesLecture 24 - Throttling valve, mixing chamber and heat exchangerLecture 25 - Energy analysis of steady and unsteady flow devicesLecture 26 - Examples on mass and energy analysis of open systemsLecture 27 - Second law of thermodynamics, heat engine and cyclic devicesLecture 28 - COP of refrigerator and heat pump, second law statementsLecture 29 - Perpetual motion machines, reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot cycle

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  • Lecture 30 - Carnot principles, thermodynamic temperature scale, Carnot HE and HPLecture 31 - Examples on second law of thermodynamicsLecture 32 - Clausius inequality, application of second lawLecture 33 - Entropy, increase in entropy principle, isentropic processLecture 34 - Change in entropy of solids, liquids and ideal gasesLecture 35 - Reversible flow work, multistage compressor, efficiency of pump and compressorsLecture 36 - Entropy balance in closed system and control volumeLecture 37 - Examples on entropy change in a systemLecture 38 - Exergy and second law efficiencyLecture 39 - Exergy of a fixed mass and flowing streamLecture 40 - Exergy transfer due to heat, mass and work, exergy destructionLecture 41 - Exergy balance and second law efficiency for closed systems and steady flow devicesLecture 42 - Examples related to exergy change and exergy destructionLecture 43 - Gas power cycles and air-standard assumptionsLecture 44 - An overview of reciprocating engines and otto cycleLecture 45 - Analysis of Diesel cycleLecture 46 - Analysis of Brayton cycleLecture 47 - Examples on gas power cycles such as Otto, Diesel and BraytonLecture 48 - Rankin and Carnot vapour power cyclesLecture 49 - Ideal regenerative Rankin cycle and combined gas-vapour cycleLecture 50 - Refrigeration cyclesLecture 51 - Examples on vapour power cyclesLecture 52 - Thermodynamic property relationsLecture 53 - hermodynamic property relationsLecture 54 - Thermodynamic property relationsLecture 55 - Combustion and conservation of mass in a chemical reactionLecture 56 - Energy balance for reacting systemsLecture 57 - Enthalpy of formation and combustion, adiabatic flame temperatureLecture 58 - Examples on property relations and reaction thermodynamics

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Aircraft Design

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. A.K. Ghosh

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - IntroductionLecture 2 - Wing Loading and Thrust LoadingLecture 3 - Basic Design - Lift and DragLecture 4 - Range and EnduranceLecture 5 - Mission RequirementsLecture 6 - Range and EnduranceLecture 7 - Fuel ConsumptionLecture 8 - L/D for Maximum Range and EnduranceLecture 9 - Range and endurance for Jet-driven AircraftLecture 10 - Estimation of Fuel for a MissionLecture 11 - Design ConsiderationsLecture 12 - Design ConsiderationsLecture 13 - Design ConsiderationsLecture 14 - Wing DesignLecture 15 - Wing DesignLecture 16 - Wing DesignLecture 17 - Wing DesignLecture 18 - Wing ArrangementsLecture 19 - Tail ArrangementsLecture 20 - Tail Arrangements (Continued...)Lecture 21 - Aircraft StructureLecture 22 - Wing Loading and Power LoadingLecture 23 - Thrust Loading and Wing LoadingLecture 24 - Thrust LoadingLecture 25 - Wing LoadingLecture 26 - Wing LoadingLecture 27 - Take offLecture 28 - Take offLecture 29 - Wing Loading

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Revision (Wing Loading and Thrust Loading)Lecture 31 - NumericalLecture 32 - Wing LoadingLecture 33 - Stability ConsiderationsLecture 34 - Static Stability BasicsLecture 35 - Wing and tail contribution to Longitudinal Static StabilityLecture 36 - Conceptual DesignLecture 37 - Conceptual design (Continued...)Lecture 38 - Elevator EffectivenessLecture 39 - Elevator Effectiveness (Continued...)Lecture 40 - Numerical - Pitching momentLecture 41 - Numerical - Elevator EffectivenessLecture 42 - Aircraft Maintenance GuidelinesLecture 43 - Inspection for AircraftLecture 44 - Numerical of Weight FractionLecture 45 - Inspection of Sinus 912 Motor GliderLecture 46 - Numericals

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Fundamentals Of Combustion-I

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. D.P. Mishra

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction to fundamentals of combustionLecture 2 - Scope and applications of combustionLecture 3 - Scope of combustion (Continued...) and types of fuel and oxidizersLecture 4 - Characterization of liquid and gaseous fuelLecture 5 - Properties of liquid and solid fuels, various modes of combustionLecture 6 - Thermodynamics of combustionLecture 7 - Thermodynamics of combustion (Continued...)Lecture 8 - Laws of thermodynamics and StoichiometryLecture 9 - Stoichiometric calculations for air-gas mixtureLecture 10 - Mixture fraction calculation for diffusion flamesLecture 11 - ThermochemistryLecture 12 - Heat of reaction and bond energyLecture 13 - Adiabatic flame temperatureLecture 14 - Adiabatic flame temperature and its effect on various parametersLecture 15 - Introduction to chemical equilibriumLecture 16 - Chemical equilibrium and Gibbs free energyLecture 17 - Equilibrium constants and Le chatlier principleLecture 18 - Determination of chemical equilibrium compositionLecture 19 - Chemical and reaction kineticsLecture 20 - Compact notation and reaction rate of chemical reactionLecture 21 - Collision TheoryLecture 22 - Collision theory (Continued...)Lecture 23 - Collision frequency of moleculesLecture 24 - Specific reaction rate and Arrhenius lawLecture 25 - First order, Second order and Third-order reactionsLecture 26 - Classification of chemical reactionsLecture 27 - Elementary chain reactionsLecture 28 - Quasi-steady state and partial equilibrium approximationLecture 29 - Physics of combustion

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  • Lecture 30 - Transport equations and molecular model for transport processLecture 31 - Mean free path lengthLecture 32 - Lennard-Jones potential model for diffusivityLecture 33 - Lennard-Jones potential model (Continued...)Lecture 34 - Mass conservation lawLecture 35 - Momentum conservation equationLecture 36 - Introduction to mass transferLecture 37 - Species transport equationLecture 38 - Energy conservation equationLecture 39 - Conserved scalar approach for one dimensional flowsLecture 40 - Introduction to turbulent combustion

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Aircraft Maintenance

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. A.K. Ghosh

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Rules and Regulations for Civil Aviation in IndiaLecture 2 - Rules and Regulations for Civil Aviation in India (Continued...)Lecture 3 - Aircraft Hydraulic SystemLecture 4 - Aircraft Fuel SystemLecture 5 - Aircraft Landing Gear SystemLecture 6 - Aircraft WheelsLecture 7 - Aircraft Brakes SystemLecture 8 - Basic Aircraft DesignLecture 9 - Aircraft Electrical SystemLecture 10 - Aircraft Electrical CircuitLecture 11 - Inspection of AircraftLecture 12 - Maintenance ScheduleLecture 13 - Maintenance Schedule (Continued...)Lecture 14 - Inspection of Cessna 206

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Fundamentals of Combustion - Part 2

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. D.P. Mishra

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Combustion Modes and Classsification of FlamesLecture 2 - Analysis of One Dimensional Combustion WaveLecture 3 - Analysis of One Dimensional Combustion Wave (Continued...)Lecture 4 - Introduction to Laminar Premixed FlameLecture 5 - Structure of One Dimensional Premixed FlameLecture 6 - Laminar Flame Theory for Premixed FlamesLecture 7 - Laminar Flame Theory for Premixed Flames (Continued...)Lecture 8 - Determination of Laminar Burning Velocity for Premixed FlamesLecture 9 - Flame Thickness and Burning Velocity Measurement MethodsLecture 10 - Stationary Flame Method for Burning Velocity MeasurementLecture 11 - Effects of Chemical and Physical Variables on Burning VelocityLecture 12 - Effects of Chemical and Physical Variables on Burning Velocity (Continued...)Lecture 13 - Effect of Inert Additives on Burning Velocity and Flame ExtinctionLecture 14 - Simplified Analysis for Quenching DiameterLecture 15 - Flammability Limits and Flame StabilizationLecture 16 - Ignition in Premixed FlamesLecture 17 - Introduction to Turbulent Premixed FlamesLecture 18 - Turbulent Burning Velocity and Premixed Flame RegimesLecture 19 - Intoduction to Gaseous Jet Diffusion FlameLecture 20 - Phenomenological Analysis of a Laminar Jet Diffusion FlameLecture 21 - Theoretical Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Diffusion FlameLecture 22 - Theoretical Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Diffusion Flame (Continued...)Lecture 23 - Flame Height Estimation and Smoke point in Diffusion FlamesLecture 24 - Mechanism of Soot Formation and Introduction to Liquid Fuel CombustionLecture 25 - Introduction to Droplet CombustionLecture 26 - Liquid Droplet CombustionLecture 27 - Droplet Combustion (Continued...)Lecture 28 - Droplet Combustion in Convective EnvironmentLecture 29 - Droplet Combustion in Convective Environment and Introduction to Spray Combution Mode

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  • Lecture 30 - Spray Combustion ModelLecture 31 - Introduction to Solid Fuel CombustionLecture 32 - Solid Fuel Combustion (Continued...)Lecture 33 - Diffusional theory for Carbon CombustionLecture 34 - Carbon Burning RateLecture 35 - Carbon Burning Rate (Continued...)Lecture 36 - Carbon Sphere in Convective EnvironmentLecture 37 - Combustion and Effects on EnvironmentLecture 38 - Chemicals from CombustionLecture 39 - Emission Control MethodsLecture 40 - Combustion Modification Methods

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Design of Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Saderla Subrahmanyam

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction, course content and classification of UAVsLecture 2 - Measurement of Flight Velocity and Standard AtmosphereLecture 3 - Anatomy of Airplane and Airfoil NomenclatureLecture 4 - Examples, Pitot and static tube and differential pressure sensorLecture 5 - Generation of Lift and DragLecture 6 - Aerodynamic center and center of pressure, Various wing planformLecture 7 - Lifting line theory, NACA airfoil nomenclatureLecture 8 - Airfoil and Finite wing, Various wing planformLecture 9 - Interpreting airfoil data, Cl vs Alpha and drag polar, selection of airfoilLecture 10 - Introduction to Airplane performance, Equation of motionLecture 11 - Thrust required and Power requiredLecture 12 - Calculation of Performance parameters and selection of power plantLecture 13 - Climb Performance, Engine Sizing and Power Plant selectionLecture 14 - Weight Estimation , Common propulsion systemsLecture 15 - Weight Estimation contd., Electric propulsion, Battery SizingLecture 16 - Iterative weight estimation and Wing sizingLecture 17 - Wing Planform selection and sizing and Flight test of Cropped delta wing UAVsLecture 18 - Effect of variation of CG location and Static StabilityLecture 19 - C.G. location and Longitudinal Static stabilityLecture 20 - Tutorial 1Lecture 21 - Contribution of tail in static stability and Neutral point.Lecture 22 - Tutorial 2Lecture 23 - Tutorial 3

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - NOC:Introduction to Finite Volume Methods-I

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Ashoke De

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction to Finite Volume MethodLecture 2 - Governing Equations and DiscretizationLecture 3 - Boundary Conditions and Classification of PDEsLecture 4 - Mathematical Description of fluid flow - ILecture 5 - Mathematical description of fluid flow - IILecture 6 - Discretization Process - ILecture 7 - Discretization Process - IILecture 8 - Discretization Process - IIILecture 9 - Taylor Series - ILecture 10 - Taylor Series - IILecture 11 - Derivatives and Errors - ILecture 12 - Derivatives and errors - IILecture 13 - Grid TransformationLecture 14 - Finite Volume Formulation - ILecture 15 - Finite Volume Formulation - IILecture 16 - Properties of discretized equationsLecture 17 - Introduction to Finite Volume MeshLecture 18 - Structured Mesh SystemLecture 19 - Unstructured Mesh System - ILecture 20 - Unstructured Mesh System - IILecture 21 - Properties of Unstructured Mesh - ILecture 22 - Properties of Unstructured Mesh - IILecture 23 - Finite Volume discretization of Diffusion Equation - ILecture 24 - Finite Volume discretization of Diffusion equation - IILecture 25 - Finite Volume discretization of Diffusion equation - IIILecture 26 - Discretization of Diffusion Equation for Cartesian orthogonal systems - ILecture 27 - Discretization of Diffusion Equation for Cartesian orthogonal systems - IILecture 28 - Calculation of DiffusivityLecture 29 - Discretization of Diffusion Equation for non-Cartesian orthogonal systems - I

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  • Lecture 30 - Discretization of Diffusion Equation for non-orthogonal systems - ILecture 31 - Discretization of Diffusion Equation for non-orthogonal systems - IILecture 32 - Discretization of Diffusion Equation for non-orthogonal systems - IIILecture 33 - Gradient Calculation for Diffusion Equation - ILecture 34 - Gradient Calculation for Diffusion Equation - IILecture 35 - Gradient Calculation for Diffusion Equation - IIILecture 36 - Properties of matrices - ILecture 37 - Properties of matrices - IILecture 38 - Error Analysis - ILecture 39 - Error Analysis - IILecture 40 - Error Analysis - III

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - High Speed Aero Dynamics

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. K.P. Sinhamahapatra

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction and Review of ThermodynamicsLecture 2 - Review of Thermodynamics (Continued...)Lecture 3 - Review of Thermodynamics (Continued...)Lecture 4 - Review of Thermodynamics (Continued...)Lecture 5 - One-dimensional gas dynamicsLecture 6 - One-dimensional gas dynamics (Continued...)Lecture 7 - One-dimensional gas dynamics (Continued...)Lecture 8 - One-dimensional wavesLecture 9 - One-dimensional waves (Continued...)Lecture 10 - One-dimensional waves (Continued...)Lecture 11 - Waves and Supersonic FlowLecture 12 - Waves and Supersonic Flow (Continued...)Lecture 13 - Waves and Supersonic Flow (Continued...)Lecture 14 - Waves and Supersonic Flow (Continued...)Lecture 15 - Shock Expansion TheoryLecture 16 - Flow through ducts and channelsLecture 17 - Flow in ductsLecture 18 - Flow in ducts (Continued...)Lecture 19 - Adiabatic Flow in ducts with frictionLecture 20 - Adiabatic flow in ducts with friction (Continued...)Lecture 21 - Isothermal flow in ducts with frictionLecture 22 - Flow in uniform duct with heatingLecture 23 - Multi - dimensional flow problemsLecture 24 - Multi - dimensional flow problems (Continued...)Lecture 25 - Linearized flow problemsLecture 26 - Linearized flow problems (Continued...)Lecture 27 - Linearized flow problems (Continued...)Lecture 28 - Linearized flow problems (Continued...)Lecture 29 - Linearized flow problems (Continued...)

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  • Lecture 30 - Linearized flow problems (Continued...)Lecture 31 - Linearized flow problems (Continued...)Lecture 32 - Linearized Problems - Forces on Slender BodiesLecture 33 - Linearized Problems - Forces on Slender Bodies (Continued...)Lecture 34 - Similarity Rules for High Speed FlowsLecture 35 - Similarity Rules for High Speed Flows (Continued...)Lecture 36 - Similarity Rules for High Speed Flows (Continued...)Lecture 37 - Similarity Rules in Hypersonic FlowLecture 38 - Transonic FlowLecture 39 - Transonic Flow (Continued...)Lecture 40 - Transonic Flow (Continued...)

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Space Flight Mechanics

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. Manoranjan Sinha

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction to Space Flight MechanicsLecture 2 - Particle KinematicsLecture 3 - Particle Kinematics (Continued...)Lecture 4 - Conic SectionLecture 5 - Two Body ProblemLecture 6 - Two Body Problem (Continued...1)Lecture 7 - Two Body Problem (Continued...2)Lecture 8 - Two Body Problem (Continued...3)Lecture 9 - Two Body Problem (Continued...4)Lecture 10 - Two Body Problem (Continued...5)Lecture 11 - Two Body Problem (Continued...6)Lecture 12 - Two Body Problem (Continued...7) & Three Body ProblemLecture 13 - Three Body Problem (Continued...1)Lecture 14 - Three Body Problem (Continued...2)Lecture 15 - Three Body Problem (Continued...3)Lecture 16 - Three Body Problem (Continued...4)Lecture 17 - Three Body Problem (Continued...5)Lecture 18 - Three Body Problem (Continued...6)Lecture 19 - Three Body Problem (Continued...7)Lecture 20 - Three Body Problem (Continued...8)Lecture 21 - Trajectory TransferLecture 22 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...1)Lecture 23 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...2)Lecture 24 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...3)Lecture 25 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...4)Lecture 26 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...5)Lecture 27 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...6)Lecture 28 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...7)Lecture 29 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...8)

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  • Lecture 30 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...9)Lecture 31 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...10)Lecture 32 - Trajectory Transfer (Continued...11) and Attitude DynamicsLecture 33 - Attitude Dynamics (Continued...1)Lecture 34 - Attitude Dynamics (Continued...2)Lecture 35 - Attitude Dynamics (Continued...3)Lecture 36 - Attitude Dynamics (Continued...4)Lecture 37 - Attitude Dynamics (Continued...5)Lecture 38 - Attitude Dynamics (Continued...6)Lecture 39 - Attitude Dynamics (Continued...7)Lecture 40 - Attitude Dynamics (Continued...8)Lecture 41 - Attitude Dynamics (Continued...9)Lecture 42 - PropulsionLecture 43 - Propulsion (Continued...1)Lecture 44 - Propulsion (Continued...2)Lecture 45 - Propulsion (Continued...3)

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Introduction to Aerodynamics

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. K.P. Sinhamahapatra

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Aircraft and Aerodynamic Forces and MomentsLecture 2 - Aircraft and Aerodynamic Forces and Moments (Continued...)Lecture 3 - Fluids and Forces in FluidsLecture 4 - Fluids and Forces in Fluids (Continued...)Lecture 5 - Forces in FluidsLecture 6 - Forces in Fluids (Continued...)Lecture 7 - Kinematics of fluid motionLecture 8 - Kinematics of fluid motion (Continued...)Lecture 9 - Kinematics of fluid motion (Continued... )Lecture 10 - Kinematics of fluid motion (Continued...)Lecture 11 - Kinematics of fluid motion - Velocity with specified extension and vorticityLecture 12 - Kinematics of fluid motion - Velocity with specified extension and vorticity (Continued...)Lecture 13 - Kinematics of fluid motion - Vorticity DistributionLecture 14 - Kinematics of fluid motion - Velocity without expansion and vorticityLecture 15 - Irrotational Solenoidal Flow in Multiply Connected regionLecture 16 - Irrotational Solenoidal Flow in Multiply Connected region (Continued...)Lecture 17 - Equations of Fluid Motion - Navier - Stokes EquationLecture 18 - Equations of Fluid Motion - Navier - Stokes Equation (Continued...)Lecture 19 - Equations of Fluid Motion - Navier - Stokes Equation (Continued...)Lecture 20 - Conservation of Energy and Energy EquationLecture 21 - Equations of MotionsLecture 22 - Equations of Motion (Continued...)Lecture 23 - Exact Solution for Simple ProblemsLecture 24 - Exact Solution for Simple Problems (Continued...)Lecture 25 - Non-dimensional Form of the Equations and Possible SimplificationsLecture 26 - High Reynolds Number ApproximationLecture 27 - Conditions fior IncompressibilityLecture 28 - Potential FlowLecture 29 - Potential Flow - Combination of Basic Solutions

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Potential Flow - Combination of Basic Solutions (Continued...)Lecture 31 - Potential Flow - Combination of Basic Solutions (Continued...)Lecture 32 - Potential Flow - Combination of Basic Solutions (Continued...) - Lifting CylinderLecture 33 - Conformal TransformationLecture 34 - Conformal Transformation (Continued...)Lecture 35 - Zhukovsky TransformationLecture 36 - Zhukovsky Transformation (Continued...)Lecture 37 - Zhukovsky Transformation - ApplicationsLecture 38 - Zhukovsky Transformation - Applications (Continued...)Lecture 39 - Zhukovsky Transformation - Applications (Continued...)Lecture 40 - TransformationLecture 41 - Transformation (Continued...)Lecture 42 - Boundary - Layer TheoryLecture 43 - Boundary - Layer Theory (Continued...)Lecture 44 - Boundary - Layer Theory (Continued...)Lecture 45 - Boundary - Layer Theory (Continued...)Lecture 46 - Boundary - Layer Theory (Continued...)

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Acoustic Instabilities in Aerospace Propulsion

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. R.I. Sujith

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction to Thermoacoustic InstabilitiesLecture 2 - Part ILecture 3 - Wave Equation and its Solution in Time DomainLecture 4 - Part ILecture 5 - Standing Waves - 1Lecture 6 - Standing Waves - 2Lecture 7 - Power Flow and Acoustic AdmittanceLecture 8 - Impedance Tube TechniqueLecture 9 - Admittance and Standing WavesLecture 10 - Admittance, Stability and AttenuationLecture 11 - AttenuationLecture 12 - Sound Propagation Through Inhomogeneous Media - 2Lecture 13 - Sound Propagation Through Inhomogeneous Media - 3Lecture 14 - Multidimensional Acoustic Fields - 1Lecture 15 - Multidimensional Acoustic Fields - 2Lecture 16 - Interaction between Sound and CombustionLecture 17 - Reference Books Derivation of Rayleigh CriteriaLecture 18 - Effect of Heat release on the Acoustic FieldLecture 19 - Modal Analysis of Thermoacoustic Instability - 1Lecture 20 - Modal Analysis of Thermoacoustic Instability - 2Lecture 21 - Active Control of Thermoacoustic InstabilityLecture 22 - Toy model for a Rijke tube in Time DomainLecture 23 - Galerkin Technique for ThermoacousticsLecture 24 - Evolution Equation for ThermoacousticsLecture 25 - Non linear analysis of Thermoacoustic InstabilityLecture 26 - Non-normality, Transient Growth and Triggering Instability - 1Lecture 27 - Non-normality, Transient Growth and Triggering Instability - 2Lecture 28 - Non-normality, Transient Growth and Triggering Instability - 3Lecture 29 - Bifurcations

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Premixed Flame Acoustic Interaction - 1Lecture 31 - Premixed Flame Acoustic Interaction - 2Lecture 32 - Combustion instability due to Equivalence Ratio FluctuationLecture 33 - Role of Hydrodynamic Instabilities - 1Lecture 34 - Role of Hydrodynamic Instabilities - 2Lecture 35 - Role of Hydrodynamic Instabilities - 3Lecture 36 - Active Control of Thermoacoustic Instability RevisitedLecture 37 - Solid Propellant Combustion Instability - 1Lecture 38 - Solid Propellant Combustion Instability - 2Lecture 39 - Response of a Diffusion Flame to Acoustic Oscillations - 1Lecture 40 - Response of a Diffusion Flame to Acoustic Oscillations - 2Lecture 41 - Response of a Diffusion Flame to Acoustic Oscillations - 3

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Aerospace Propulsion

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. P.A. Ramakrishna

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - IntroductionLecture 2 - Air breathing Engines - Turbojet ILecture 3 - Air breathing Engines - Turbojet IILecture 4 - Air breathing Engines - Turboprop & TurbofanLecture 5 - Air breathing Engines - Ramjet & ScramjetLecture 6 - Non-air breathing Engines ILecture 7 - Non-air breathing Engines IILecture 8 - General Performance Parameters ILecture 9 - General Performance Parameters IILecture 10 - Cycle Analysis - RamjetLecture 11 - Cycle Analysis - Turbojet ILecture 12 - Cycle Analysis - Turbojet IILecture 13 - Cycle Analysis - Turbojet IIILecture 14 - Cycle Analysis - Turbojet IVLecture 15 - Cycle Analysis - Turbojet VLecture 16 - Cycle Analysis - Turbojet VILecture 17 - Cycle Analysis - TurbofanLecture 18 - Rocket Nozzles - 1D Analysis ILecture 19 - Rocket Nozzles - 1D Analysis IILecture 20 - Rocket Nozzles - 1D Analysis IIILecture 21 - Rocket Nozzles - Real Effects ILecture 22 - Rocket Nozzles - Real Effects IILecture 23 - Rocket Nozzles - Thrust VectoringLecture 24 - Solid Rockets - PropellantsLecture 25 - Solid Rockets - Burn rateLecture 26 - Solid Rockets - PerformanceLecture 27 - Solid Rockets - GrainLecture 28 - Solid Rockets - Ignition, QuenchingLecture 29 - Solid Rockets - Igniter, Depressurization

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Propellant Combustion - Combustion ModellingLecture 31 - Liquid Rocket - PropellantsLecture 32 - Liquid Rocket - Nozzle Cooling ILecture 33 - Liquid Rocket - Nozzle Cooling IILecture 34 - Liquid Rocket - Nozzle Cooling IIILecture 35 - Liquid Rocket - Pressure fed systemLecture 36 - Liquid Rocket - Pump fed systemLecture 37 - Liquid Rocket - PumpsLecture 38 - Liquid Rocket - Fuel InjectionLecture 39 - Hybrid Rocket - BasicsLecture 40 - Hybrid Rocket PerformanceLecture 41 - Hybrid Rocket CombustionLecture 42 - Chemical Equilibrium Analyser - SP 273

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Combustion

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. S.R. Chakravarthy

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - IntroductionLecture 2 - Chemical Reactions, Heats of Reaction and FormationLecture 3 - Sensible Enthalpy and Adiabatic Flame TemperatureLecture 4 - Dissociation of Products, Role of PressureLecture 5 - Numerical Calculation of Adiabatic Flame Temperature, Chemical Kinetics 1Lecture 6 - Chemical Kinetics 2Lecture 7 - Equilibrium Reactions, Global Kinetics, Order of ReactionLecture 8 - Reduced Chemistry, Steady State ApproximationLecture 9 - Steady State Approximation, Partial Equilibrium ApproximationLecture 10 - Partial Equilibrium Approximation, Chemical ExplosionsLecture 11 - Combining Chemical and Thermal Processes 1Lecture 12 - Combining Chemical and Thermal Processes 2Lecture 13 - Combining Chemical and Thermal Processes 3Lecture 14 - Combining Chemical and Thermal Processes 4Lecture 15 - Mass and Molar Diffusion, Fick's LawLecture 16 - Conservation Equations for Multi-Component MixturesLecture 17 - Multi-Component Diffusion EquationLecture 18 - Multi-Component Momentum EquationLecture 19 - Energy EquationLecture 20 - One Dimensional Steady FlowLecture 21 - Schvab-Zeldovich Formulation 1Lecture 22 - Schvab-Zeldovich Formulation 2Lecture 23 - Rankine-Hugoniot Relations 1Lecture 24 - Rankine-Hugoniot Relations 2Lecture 25 - Rankine-Hugoniot Relations 3Lecture 26 - Velocity, Temperature and Entropy Variation along Hugoniot CurveLecture 27 - Laminar Premixed FlamesLecture 28 - Laminar Premixed Flames - CorrectionsLecture 29 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Rigorous Analysis 1

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Rigorous Analysis 2Lecture 31 - Flame Speed Dependencies, G-EquationLecture 32 - Bunsen Burner 1Lecture 33 - Bunsen Burner 2Lecture 34 - Flame Stabilisation 1Lecture 35 - Flame Stabilisation 2Lecture 36 - IgnitionLecture 37 - Burke-Schumann Problem 1Lecture 38 - Burke-Schumann Problem 2Lecture 39 - Burke-Schumann Problem 3Lecture 40 - Flame StructureLecture 41 - Mixture Fraction Formulation 1Lecture 42 - Mixture Fraction Formulation 2Lecture 43 - Droplet Burning 1Lecture 44 - Droplet Burning 2Lecture 45 - Spray Combustion 1Lecture 46 - Spray Combustion 2Lecture 47 - Turbulent Combustion 1Lecture 48 - Turbulent Combustion 2Lecture 49 - Combustion InstabilitiesLecture 50 - DetonationsLecture 51 - Detonation Wave - ZND Structure

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Flight Dynamics II (Stability)

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. Nandan Kumar Sinha

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Earth Atmosphere, Aircraft components, Aircraft nomenclatureLecture 2 - Basic aerodynamicsLecture 3 - Equilibrium and stabilityLecture 4 - Static vs dynamic stabilityLecture 5 - Criterion for stability, Wing contributionLecture 6 - Horizontal tail contributionLecture 7 - Wing plus tail contributionLecture 8 - Static margin and CG limitsLecture 9 - Fuselage contributionLecture 10 - Powerplant contributionLecture 11 - Power effects on neutral pointLecture 12 - ElevatorLecture 13 - Stick free stability, Most fwd CG locationLecture 14 - Longitudinal stick force per 'g', Ground effectLecture 15 - Control requirement, Pull-up maneuver, Maneuver pointLecture 16 - Elevator per 'g', Maneuver pointLecture 17 - Example problemsLecture 18 - Lateral-Directional Stability Derivatives, Fuselage/Vertical fin contributionLecture 19 - Roll stability, Wing sweep effect, RudderLecture 20 - Dihedral effect, Various contributionsLecture 21 - Power effects, Roll control, AileronLecture 22 - Example problemsLecture 23 - Derivation of Translational Motion EquationsLecture 24 - Derivation of Angular Motion EquationsLecture 25 - Description of various forces and momentsLecture 26 - Nonlinearities and Associated Aircraft BehaviorLecture 27 - Small perturbation method, Linearization of equationsLecture 28 - Aerodynamic force and Moment DerivativesLecture 29 - Contribution of Aircraft components to Aerodynamic Derivatives

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30 - Linear Model and Aircraft Dynamics ModesLecture 31 - Short Period, Phugoid (Lanchester's formulation)Lecture 32 - Short period mode approximationLecture 33 - Flying and Handling Qualities, Cooper Harper ScaleLecture 34 - Pure rolling motion, Pure yawing motion,Spiral approximationLecture 35 - Spiral, Roll, Dutch roll Mode approximationsLecture 36 - Lateral directional Flying Qualities, Routh's Stability criterionLecture 37 - Stability in Steady Roll ManeuverLecture 38 - Wind Effect on Aircraft Pure Plunging MotionLecture 39 - Wind Profiles, Longitudinal Mode Response to Wind ShearLecture 40 - Stability control/AugmentationLecture 41 - Autopilots, Automatic Landing System

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Gas Dynamics

    Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. T.M. Muruganandam

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1Lecture 2Lecture 3Lecture 4Lecture 5Lecture 6Lecture 7Lecture 8Lecture 9Lecture 10Lecture 11Lecture 12Lecture 13Lecture 14Lecture 15Lecture 16Lecture 17Lecture 18Lecture 19Lecture 20Lecture 21Lecture 22Lecture 23Lecture 24Lecture 25Lecture 26Lecture 27Lecture 28Lecture 29

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Lecture 30Lecture 31Lecture 32Lecture 33Lecture 34Lecture 35Lecture 36Lecture 37Lecture 38Lecture 39Lecture 40Lecture 41Lecture 42Lecture 43Lecture 44Lecture 45Lecture 46Lecture 47Lecture 48Lecture 49Lecture 50Lecture 51Lecture 52Lecture 53Lecture 54

    NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • NPTEL Video Course - Aerospace Engineering - Introduction to CFD

    Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. M. Ramakrishna

    Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras

    Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable | MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

    Lecture 1 - Introduction, Why and how we need computersLecture 2 - Representing Arrays and functions on computersLecture 3 - Representing functions - Box functionsLecture 4 - Representing functions - Polynomials and Hat functionsLecture 5 - Hat functions, Quadratic and Cubic representationsLecture 6 - Demo - Hat functions, AliasingLecture 7 - Representing Derivatives - finite differencesLecture 8 - Finite differences, Laplace equationLecture 9 - Laplace equation - Jacobi iterationsLecture 10 - Laplace equation - Iteration matricesLecture 11 - Laplace equation - convergence rateLecture 12 - Laplace equation - convergence rate ContinuedLecture 13 - Demo - representation error, Laplace equationLecture 14 - Demo - Laplace equation, SORLecture 15 - Laplace equation - final, Linear Wave equationLecture 16 - Linear wave equation - Closed form and numerical solution, stability analysisLecture 17 - Generating a stable scheme and Boundary conditionsLecture 18 - Modified equationLecture 19 - Effect of higher derivative terms on Wave equationLecture 20 - Artificial dissipation, upwinding

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