
November 9, 2008 Page 1

Monday, November 10th 8:00 a.m. People of the Parish Tuesday, November 11th 8:00 a.m. The Kappenberg & The Raible Families and

Mary Azoto Wednesday, November 12th 8:00 a.m. S. Dacey and Boza Raguzin Thursday, November 13th 8:00 a.m. Joseph Gergyes Friday, November 14th 8:00 a.m. The Kappenberg, The Raible and The Roehrig Families Saturday, November 15th 5:00 p.m. Helen Mahon 7:00 p.m. S. Dacey and Luis Montoya Sunday, November 16th 8:00 a.m. Nicholas J. Nigro 10:00 a.m. Frank McGrade 11:30 a.m. Richard Lennon

Please pray for the sick

Michael Katz, Tina Castro, Bernice Joslyn, Charlotte &

Donald Kappenberg, Peter Downs, Mildred Formisano, Anthony Pisapi, ”Midge” Guarino, Veronica Raible, Glenn Petersen, Maria Cervona, Gerry Malanga, John DeSantis, Matt Scott, Doreen Svendsen, Ralph Jacobson, Joseph O’Keefe, Molly Gaeta, Maryann Ferrara, Rose Darienzo, Daniel Hickey, Molly Moroney, Marie Hayes, Helen Willert, John Ragusa, Dorothy Sofio, Fran Patterson, Kathryn Gulitti, Joan Smith, Dolores Hopkins, Marie Butcher, Kathy Lewis, Eleanor Gilder, Patricia Troubanowski, Ruth Ann Tylor, Angelina Romano, Yolanda Siciliani, Patsy King and all who are homebound or have special needs.

In Corinthians, St. Paul likens his work to that of a master builder. Do I cherish and foster the gifts of all while using my own talents to serve

the community of faith?


This Year: $6,755.00 Last Year: $5,954.00 A net + of: $801.00

Thank you for your generous sacrificial giving! Your faithful sacrificial giving each week helps Our Lady of Fatima to continue

our Pastoral Ministries and care for our parish buildings.

Thanks, Fr. Steve

Mass Schedule November 15th & November 16th Saturday: 5:00 PM – Fr. Steve 7:00 PM – Fr. Andrew Sunday: 8:00 AM – Fr. Andrew

10:00 AM – Fr. Steve 11:30 AM – Fr. John

… the families and friends of

Gina Stival May she rest in peace.

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• The PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th at 7:30 PM in the sacristy. • Our LITURGICAL MINISTERS will meet on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20th. Please come to either the 10:00 AM meeting or the 7:30 PM meeting. The meeting will be held in the Parish Center. • The LITURGY & SPIRITUALITY COMMITTEE will meet on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th at 7:30 PM in the sacristy. • The STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE will meet on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10th at 7:30 PM in the sacristy. • The SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK will be celebrated on the Feast of Christ the King, NOVEMBER 23rd at 11:30 AM Mass. All those who wish to receive this sacrament of healing are most welcome to be part of this Eucharistic celebration. Some parishioners need rides to church for the Mass. If you can help please call the Rectory Office. • Our Thanksgiving Day Mass will be celebrated on Thanksgiving Day, NOVEMBER 27th at 10:15 AM. All are most welcome! If you are able to be with us, please bring along a donation of non-perishable food for our Food Pantry. Next weekend cut-outs of Thanksgiving symbols will be distributed at Mass. Please take one and write on it some of the blessings that you are most grateful

for. Place them in the offertory collection next weekend. These will be a part of our Thanksgiving Day Mass. Even if you can’t make the Mass please take time to write your blessings, that way you can still be part of our celebration. • For our Thanksgiving Day Mass we would like to make our own Eucharistic Bread. We have a recipe; all we need is a parishioner who is willing to make the bread for us. If you would like to help please call Fr. Steve. • Our Inter-faith Thanksgiving Prayer Service will be held WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th at 8:00 PM at the Reconstructionist Synagogue on Plandome Road. All are most welcome! • Our PARISH ADVENT RETREAT is quickly approaching. Please remember to mark you calendars so that you will be able to be a part of these grace filled days (DECEMBER 1st through DECEMBER 4th). There will be two opportunities each day to participate. The first will be at the 9:00 AM Mass each day. The second will be at a Prayer Service at 7:30 PM each evening. Please note that the 8:00 AM Mass will be moved to 9:00 AM for the Parish Retreat. The 8:00 AM Mass will resume on Friday, December 5th. These days will be a great way to celebrate the season of Advent and prepare ourselves for the Christmas season.

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• The next meeting for those adults who a preparing for the celebration of Confirmation and First Eucharist will be on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th at 7:30 PM in the Rectory.

• Today the Knights of Columbus

are inviting the men of our parish to consider joining them and their apostolic works. Information is available after Mass today. The Knights are also providing breakfast after Mass today (Sunday) for all our parishioners.

• With the national and local elections over, let us remember in prayer all those who have been elected to public service on both the national and local level.

• This weekend marks the third weekend of our fall Stewardship Awareness journey. This weekend five of our parishioners will speak at Mass after the homily and tell us about their faith journey. Last weekend a summary of our finances was presented as well as a spiritual report. A printed copy of the report is included in the bulletin this weekend. Next week you will receive a second letter in the mail asking you to prayerfully consider taking a step to increase your weekly sacrificial gift to our parish. The letter asks that you return the Commitment Card in the Offertory Collection. Even if you are not able to increase your weekly sacrificial gift please return your Commitment Card. Whatever you are able to do is a great help to the parish, whether it be “taking a step” or remaining the same! Let all of us continue to keep Our Lady of Fatima Parish in our prayer.

• Please remember the following intentions in your prayer for the coming week: We pray for peace in the world, especially in Iraq and in Afghanistan. We pray for all those who are in those countries and for all those who have been so seriously wounded. We pray for all those who are in harms way. Let us pray for our newly elected President and Vice President and for all those who have been elected to serve public office. We remember all those who work for peace and justice in our world. Let us pray for those who minister to the sick and the dying. Let us pray for those who are unemployed and for the homeless, the hungry, the forgotten and the neglected. Let us pray for those who are caught up in addictive behavior and for those who are in the process of recovery. Let us pray for those who live with chronic pain and for those who live with incurable disease. Let us remember those who have been abused in any way during their life. We pray for those who are preparing to celebrate their First Eucharist and their Confirmation. Let us pray for one another throughout this week. Dear Friends, Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. This feast doesn’t fall on a Sunday very often. It might seem very strange to some of us to celebrate the dedication of any building as we are

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doing today. This celebration can bring to mind several questions and some great conversation. When the bishops of the world gathered together for Vatican II they wrote several powerful and beautiful documents, which they called “dogmatic constitutions.” The one on the Church was called “Lumen Gentium.” Lumen Gentium (which means, Light of the Nations.) is considered by many to be the most significant document to emerge from Vatican II. It signifies a new turn in Catholicism, changing the way the Catholic Church views herself and her relationship to the world. In the year 2009 we observe the 45th anniversary of Lumen Gentium. The feast that we celebrate today is much more than a celebration about a very beautiful piece of architecture. Throughout Lumen Gentium phrases such as “proclaiming to every creature,” “all men and women,” and “unity of the whole human race” dominate the document, proclaiming the Church’s universality to all of humanity. It gives special emphasis to the importance of Baptism. Through Baptism we become members of the Church and are given rights and responsibilities to carry out her mission. All the baptized, regardless of vocation in life, share a common mission, a common dignity and a radical equality. Lumen Gentium offers us a vision of Church that is very challenging, for we are the Church. The Church is called to be forever young, constantly renewed, and ready to face the challenges of every age. We are called to know the mind of Jesus more intimately, to love the heart of Jesus more ardently, and to live as Jesus for the life of the world. As Church we are called to follow the words of Jesus “who came not to be served, but to serve. “Let us pray each day that we might

truly be “Church” in all that we do, namely that we will be a sign of the presence of God to our world. Peace, Fr. Steve

LIVING STEWARDSHIP: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who stand ready to assist their neighbors through attendance and support for community activities such as police, fire and rescue

BIBLE STUDY is cancelled for next Wednesday, November 12th. Our next Bible study will take place on Wednesday, November 19th. We meet in the sacristy, from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Newcomers are always welcome.

alcoholics Anonymous

Meets for a closed step meeting each Sunday at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center

November 9, 2008 Page 5

• St. Ignatius Retreat House 251 Searingtown Road Manhasset, NY. 11030 SEASONAL DAY OF PRAYER

Date: Tuesday, November 11 Time: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Presenter: Fr. Bill Walsh, SJ & Mrs. Sally Dacey Includes: Presentation, Eucharist and Lunch. Offering: $40.00

• Tabor Retreat Center

60 Anchor Avenue Oceanside, N.Y. 11572 (516) 536-3004 Email: [email protected] Enneagram & Relationships Date: November 14 – 15 Friday 7:30 PM – Saturday 7:30 PM Presenter: Veronica Tizio Overnight $130.00 – Commuter $100.00

• St. Peter of Alcantara


Fall Open House:

Middle School Wednesday, November 19, 2008

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

For further information call (516) 944-3772.

• The Annual Mass & Celebration Honoring Long Island Immigrants of yesterday and Today When: Sunday, November 16, 2008 Where: Bishop McGann Mercy Diocesan High School Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

• Knights of Columbus & Sons of Italy present:

The Annual Lighting of the Nativity

Building on Port Washington Blvd.

Sunday, November 30th- 6:00 PM

Refreshments will be served afterwards at the Knights of Columbus council –

155 Manorhaven Blvd. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION

Confirmation Preparation: The next schedule gathering for Confirmation Preparation is: Date: Next Sunday, November 16th for your Commitment Ceremony. Time: 10:00 o’clock Mass For : Parents and students Parents and students to come to Center following Mass for class.

Reconciliation Preparation: Class is scheduled for: Date: Next Tuesday, November 18th Time: 4:00 – 5:00 PM.

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Boxes will be graciously accepted until this Thursday, November 13th.

Thank you.

November 9, 2008 Page 7


Gardening Committee Update - Great News!! All the refurbished statues have been returned to the garden and they look magnificent! The last order of bricks is also here and ready to be put down. There are a few final touches yet to be done to the garden and then we will be finished with the work for this year (more to be done in the spring). If you haven’t made a donation and would like to now that you’ve seen the project so far, we’d love to hear from you. After the final touches the garden will be blessed…….watch Focus for the date. Don’t Wait ‘Till it’s too late!

- Are you or do you know someone who is behind on their mortgage?

- Have you or someone you know received a threat of foreclosure?

- Are you behind in your rent or utilities?

When you go for help matters. Call S. Kathy to make an appointment – 883-3903.

Food Pantry – Thanks to all who have brought food, please continue to do so. Needed food items: tuna, spaghetti sauce, cereal, cooking oil, beans, macaroni and cheese, canned fruit, canned vegetables rice, jelly, mayo, juice.

THANKSGIVING MEALS: Any senior who will be alone on Thanksgiving Day and would like to receive a meal is asked to call Sister Kathy at 883-3903.

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT’S TIME AGAIN! Letters just went out

to individuals and groups who adopted a family for Christmas last year asking them if they would do the same this year. If you or you organization would like to adopt a family, please call Sister Kathy at 883-3903.



Saturdays, November 15 & 22, 2008. from 9:30 A.M. to12:30 P.M.

Classes will take place in the library’s Hagedorn Meeting Room (Second Floor)

To register, please contact Peggy O’Hanlon at 883-4400, extension 147.

*This program is supported by the Friends of the Library.

November 9, 2008 Page 8

Thanksgiving Food Collection

I)ear Friends,

It is the beautiful season when we recall our GIFTS! Being grateful for these involves

recognition that they are gifts and that they are ours because of the goodness of God and because of our own achievement. Recognizing this, we want to SHARE what we have been given with those who have less.

As we have done in the past, our parish is preparing baskets of food to help the needy in our

community enjoy a Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Once again, we ask for your help in doing this:

1. Bring any food items, from the suggested list below, to church with you NEXT WEEKEND, NOVEMBER 22nd & 23rd .Drop the food at the Parish Center after any Mass — except the 11:30 AM Mass on Sunday. At the 11:30 AM Mass it would great1y help us, if you would bring the food before Mass since we begin preparing the baskets at 12 Noon.

2. If you wish to make a cash donation, we would appreciate that as well. 3. Call Sr. Kathy if you can volunteer your time to prepare the baskets; beginning at 12 Noon

(finished 2:00 pm) on Sunday, the 23rd at the Center.

Items Needed:

Turkey Stuffing Potatoes Fresh Broccoli & Carrots Dinner Rolls Gravy Yams Apples, Oranges, Tangerines Butter or Margarine Cranberry Sauce Rice Canned Vegetables Tea & Coffee Dessert

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Mensaje de nuestro párroco

Queridos amigos, Hoy celebramos la Fiesta de la Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán en Roma. Es raro que esta fiesta ocurra en un domingo. Tal vez para algunos sea extraño celebrar ;a dedocacoón de un edificio com lo estamos haciendo hoy. Esta celebración nos hace pensar en varias preguntas y alguna gran conversación. Cuando los obispos se congreraron para el Concilio Vaticano II, prepararon algunos bellos y poderoso documentos, que fueron llamados "contituciones dogmáticas". El documento sobre la Iglesia se llamó Lumen Gentium. Lumen Gentium (que quiere decir "Luz de las Naciones"), que está considerado por muchos como el documento más significativo del Vaticano II. Este significa una nueva gira en el catolicismo cambiando la manera en que la Iglesia Católica se ve a si misma y también su relación con el mundo en su alrededor. En el año 2009, se observaráel aniversario 45 de Lumen Gentium. La fiesta de hoy es algo muicho más que una celebración sobre una bella pieza de arquitectura. En el documento, Lumen Gentium, dominan algunas frases como "proclamando a dada criatura", "cada hombre y mujer" y "unidad de toda la raza humana". Proclama la universilidad de la Iglesia par toda la humanidad. Destaca especialment la

importancia del bautismo. A través del bautismo, nos hacemos miembros de la Iglesia. El bautismo nos da derechos y responsabilidades para cumplir su misión. A pesar de la vocación particular de cada uno, todos los bautizados compartimos una misión común, una dignidad común y una igualdad radical. Lumen Gentium nos ofrece una visión que nos desafia fuertemente porque nosotros somos la Iglesia. La Iglesia es llamada a ser siempre joven, constantemente renovada y lista para enfrentar los desafios de cada época. Somos llamdos a conocer la mente de Jesús más intimamente, a amar el corazón de Jesús más fervientemente y a vivir como Jesús para la vida del mundo. Como la Iglesia, somos llamados a seguir las palabras de Jesús, "quien vino no para ser servido, sino para servir". Oremos cada día para que verdaderamente podamos ser "Iglesia" en todo lo que hacemos y que así, seamos signo de la presencia de Dios en nuestro mundo. Paz. Padre Esteban

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Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima

Declaración de Misión Parroquial

Arraigados firmemente en nuestra tradición católica romana, nosotros, la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, somos una comunidad de creyentes que acoge a todos, cuida de todos e incluye a todos. Intentamos dar evidencia del amor de Cristo para todos en nuestras vidas, en nuestra comunidad y en todo nuestro mundo. Nos esforzamos en continuar la misión de Jesús por medio del culto y por medio de nuestros programas de educación, espiritualidad y justicia social y en nuestro compromiso de corresponsabilidad de la vida parroquial. Somos una parroquia colaboradora, diversa y multicultural, dedicada a extenderse a todo el pueblo de Dios, especialmente a los más necesitados. Todos son bienvenidos a esta parroquia.


Por favor continúen ayudándonos. En las últimas semanas las donaciones de

alimentos han estado pocas. Nosotros sabemos que es un tiempo difícil para donar alimentos, pero si cada familia

haga un esfuerzo de traer al menos una lata de comida cuando vengan a la Misa, haría una gran diferencia para nuestra dispensa.

Necesitamos tuna, salsa para espagueti, cereal, aceite, frijoles, lentejas, garbanzos, macarrón con queso, frutas y vegetales enlatados, arroz, mantequilla de maní, jugo. Mil gracias por su apoyo tan grande.

Si usted es mayor de 65 años y va a estar solo/a el Día de Acción de Gracias y desearía recibir una comida,

por favor llamar a la oficina 883-6910

¿Sin seguro Medico?

¿Debe Cuentas Médicas? Donde: La Biblioteca Pública de Port Washington Fecha: Miércoles, 12 de noviembre Hora: 7:00 de la noche Si necesita más información, llame a la Sra. Fernanda Pardo al 883-4400 extensión 149.

OLF Liturgy & Events

November 2008

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 26







Stewardship weekend – Spiritual/Financial Report 8:00 AM Mass-All Sts. (APC) 11:00 AM Baptisms(DcnArt) 4:00 PM Confessions (SJP) 5:00 PM Mass (SJP) 7:00 PM Misa hispana (APC) [Parish Offices are closed]

2 Stewardship weekend – Spiritual/Financial Report 8:00 AM Mass (JF) 10:00 AM Mass (APC) – Family Time 11:30 AM Mass (SJP) 7:00 PM CTR-AA

3 8:00 AM Mass (SJP) 4:00 PM CTR-Rel Ed class 7:00 PM CTR-Rel Ed class


58:00 AM Mass (APC) 7:30 PM SAC-Bible class

68:00 AM Mass (APC) 7:00 PM CTR-Confirmation 7:30 PM Choir rehearsal

78:00 AM Mass (SJP)

8 Stewardship Witness & Commitment Weekend 4:00 PM Confessions (SJP) 5:00 PM Mass (SJP) 7:00 PM Misa hispana (APC)

9 Stewardship Witness & Commitment Weekend 8:00 AM Mass (SJP) 10:00 AM Mass (JF) 11:30 AM Mass (APC) 7:00 PM CTR-AA

10 8:00 AM Mass (SJP) 9:30 AM Pastoral Staff 4:00 PM CTR-Rel Ed class 7:00 PM CTR-Rel Ed class 7:30 PM SAC-Stewardship Comm.

11VETERANS' DAY 8:00 AM Mass (SJP) [Parish Offices are closed]

128:00 AM Mass (APC) 7:30 PM SAC- Bible Class

138:00 AM Mass (APC) 7:30 PM SAC-Liturgy & Spirituality Comm. 7:30 PM Choir rehearsal

148:00 AM Mass (SJP)

15 4:00 PM Confessions (SJP) 5:00 PM Mass (SJP) 7:00 PM Misa hispana (APC)

16 8:00 AM Mass (APC) 10:00 AM Mass (SJP) 11:30 AM Mass (JF) 7:00 PM CTR-AA

17 8:00 AM Mass (SJP) 4:00 PM CTR-Rel Ed class 7:00 PM CTR-Rel Ed class

188:00 AM Mass (SJP) 4:00 PM CTR-Rel Ed class 4:15 PM CTR-Rel Ed class 7:30 PM SAC-Pastoral Council

198:00 AM Mass (APC) 7:30 PM REC-Adult 1st Euch & Confirm Prep 7:30 PM SAC-Bible class

208:00 AM Mass (APC) 10:00 AM CHU-Liturgical Ministers 7:30 PM CHU-Liturgical Min. 7:30 PM Choir rehearsal

218:00 AM Mass (SJP)

22 11:00 AM Bautizos (APC) 4:00 PM Confessions (SJP) 5:00 PM Mass (SJP) 7:00 PM Misa hispana (APC)

23 CHRIST, THE KING [FOOD COLLECTION] 8:00 AM Mass (APC) 10:00 AM Mass (SJP) 11:30 AM Mass (SJP) 7:00 PM CTR-AA

24 8:00 AM Mass (SJP) 9:30 AM Pastoral Staff 4:00 PM CTR-Parent Conf 7:00 PM CTR-Parent Conf

258:00 AM Mass (SJP) 4:00 PM CTR-Parent Conf 7:00 PM CTR-Parent Conf

268:00 AM Mass (APC) [Parish Offices close at 12 noon] 8:00 PM INTERFAITH SERVICE

27THANKSGIVING DAY 10:15 AM Mass [Parish Offices are closed today]

288:00 AM Mass (SJP) [Parish Offices are closed today]

29 4:00 PM Confessions (SJP) Parish Advent Retreat till 12/4 (Dominicans preach at all Masses) 5:00 PM Mass (RH, OP) 7:00 PM Misa hispana (APC)

30 8:00 AM Mass (OP) 10:00 AM Mass (SJP)-Port Washington FD Memorial 11:30 AM Mass (JF) 7:00 PM CTR-AA







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