  • November 30, 2017



    Holy Trinity Council # 11789 & Assembly #3097

    Serving the Church and Community

    December 2017

    Next Council Mtg:

    Tuesday, Dec. 5, 6:30, Rm 12

    No Assembly Mtg this month.

    Dec 9th Dinner at 6PM!

    Our Christmas Dinner: Baked ham, rustic mashed potatoes/gravy, green bean casserole, calabacitas on maiz (brush up your Spanish!) and waldorf salad, with lemon cake for dessert. $10/ea. 12 & under free.

    Please plan on joining us for an even ing o f good food and fellowship. (And please plan to help if you are able!)

    Grand Knight: George Harding 824-0336 Deputy Grand Knight: Jaime Rivera 434-6043 Recorder: John McGannon 692-3723 Financial Secretary: Bill Dewey 692-0782 Treasurer: Ronald Wilde 907-227-1587 Chancellor: Vacant

    Faithful Navigator: John Guerrero 479-4091 Faithful Comptroller: John McGannon 692-3723 Faithful Captain: Vacant Faithful Scribe: James Kellogg 425-530-0823

    Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

    - Matthew 2:1-2

    Grand Knight's Corner:Brother Knights, As I have made the decision to step down as Grand Knight effective December 1st I would like to say Merry Christmas to all of you and wish the Council the very best. Thank you for your support. 

    Vivat Jesus,George S Harding

  • NOTE: The Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, December 2nd will feature a special presentation and discussion led by:

    Upcoming Dates for your Calendar:

    Sat, Dec 2: Men’s Breakfast @ 9 AM, Social Hall. POC: Deacon Henry, Al Velez.

    Sat, Dec 2: Communal Rosary @ 4:30 PM, in the Church. POC: Deacon Henry, John Guererro.

    Sun, Dec 3: First Sunday of Advent. Coats for Kids donations. POC: Jaime Rivera.Tues, Dec 5: Council Meeting @ 6:30 PM, Rm. 12. Nominations for Grand Knight, election at Jan meeting. No Assembly meeting this month.

    Sat, Dec 9: Christmas Parish Dinner @ 6PM, Social Hall. POC: Jaime Rivera. See page #9.

    Sat & Sun, Dec 9/10: Christmas cards and other items for sale, and silent auction.

    Mon, Dec 11: Simbang Gabi Mass & Celebration, 6PM.

    Tues, Dec 12: Our Lady of Guadelupe Mass & Celebration, 6PM.

    Sat & Sun, Dec 16/17: Christmas cards and other items for sale. Recruitment Weekend. Mon, Dec 25: ”Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”

    Mon Jan 1: Happy New Year! “Come, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness.”

    The Power of Prayer: We ask for your continued prayers for our Brothers currently dealing with health issues, including Tommy LaBombard, George & Bernice Zerr, and Ron & Terry Lokites, and any others you know of.

    And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord . . . - Luke 2:10-11

    Congratulations to ourAssembly #3097:

    Star Assembly Award Winner for 2016-17.

    This award is in recognition of us having excelled in membership recruitment,

    sponsoring patriotic programs, and member communication. Only two other Assemblies in

    Washington State received this award.

    Bravo Zulu to the Assembly!

    Buc Quintanilla (and his wife, Teresita) receive “Family of the Month” Award for September from John Guerrero.

    Deacon John

    and titled "The Wild Goose - Discovering a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit.” Please join us if you are able.

    The Silent Auction of 9 and 10 December is to support the Capital Campaign. It will go from before the Sat 5PM Mass until after the Sun 1130 Mass - take a look and take home a nice gift/basket or some Christmas decorations!

  • November 30, 2017


    Fall Tootsie Roll Drive Results!We had another very successful Tootsie Roll Drive this Fall, collecting donations of over $2000! Many THANKS! to all who participated—many of whom worked both weekends! Our Crew included: Leonard Cordova, John Guerrero, Rudy Camarce (2), Donovan Klega, Art Edquid, Juan Pablo (2), Roberto DelaPena, Frank Atoigue, Jay Carlson (2), Jerry Alameda (2), Bill Anderson (2), Bill Dewey, Jack Seaman, Walter and Kaetlyn Bogaardt, Al Velez, Bill Lussier, Randy Paulino, and the Coordinator, Mark Alcamo (2). (My apologies if I missed anyone!)

  • November 30, 2017November 11th, Veterans Day: On Veterans Day, our Assembly took part in the commemoration and ceremony at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds, and that evening at the Parish dinner we continued with a tribute to veterans, in particular Vietnam vets, including a special presentation to Jose Lopez’s widow, Marilyn.

  • November 30, 2017


    Other Notable Recent Events:

    From Father Henri’s final Mass celebration at Holy Trinity Parish, Oct 29th.

    T h i r d D e g r e e Exemplification on S a t , N o v 3 r d a t Bremerton - with four HTP Knight awardees. L-to-R: Bill Dewey FS, Jay Klega, Donovan Klega (3rd), Walter B o g a a r d t , R a n d y Paulino (3rd), Frank Atoigue (3rd), Bill Dearey (3rd), and John Guerrero.

    Dan O’Keefe giving a presentation at our Life Planning & Benefits evening on November 16th.

    From Trunk or Treat on Oct 29th, L-to-R: Roberto DelaPena, George Harding GK, Jack Seaman, Bob Ramirez, and Kaetlyn, Melodi and Walter Bogaardt.

  • November 30, 2017 T.K.’s Reflections

    Thomas K. LaBombard


    A promise kept. Acceptance and an agreement made. Reception of a gift. We are now entering the season of Advent, and while preparing for this article, I found that the Advent season is not what I had thought. Growing up in a Christian home (non-Catholic) we had Advent calendars; but I had assumed that the season was just an elongated celebration of Christmas. The season was not important, or on my part, understood. In recent reading(s) I found that Advent is to be a preparation for the coming of the Christmas season (The Catholic Company, 2017). A preparation of ourselves for Christ’s coming; rather than the celebration of his coming. It is a thin line I know, but there is a difference.

    So, how are we are to prepare ourselves, and for what exactly? To answer these two questions, let us first look in the scriptures to understand two aspects regarding the season (Sartain, 2014). As we all know, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit resulting in the first sin, and their being kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Even at that fateful moment God was already establishing an avenue for our salvation. As he cursed the serpent, he said, “I will put enmity between you and the women, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel” (Genesis 3:15, New American Bible. St. Joseph Edition [NAB]). Of course, this refers to Christ, and his defeating Satan and overcoming sin. This was God’s first promise to man regarding salvation from sin by his grace. This promise – this gift - was due to his love for us.

    Now let us skip forward to the second part of the equation. In Luke 1:38 (NAB) we read that the angel Gabriel approached Mary to explain that God desired that she be the mother of the Christ. Keep in mind that God is a gentleman and will not force himself on anyone. Mary, after considering the message of Gabriel, agreed to participate with God’s plan to fulfill his promise for redemption. It was partly due to her love for God, and for her neighbors that the Incarnation occurred (Sartain, 2014).

    Finally, as we reflect on these two aspects relating to Advent, we see they were both generated by Love (Sartain, 2014). God’s love for us, and Mary’s love for God. God loved and gave himself in order that we be saved from our sin (John 3:16-17, NAB). During Advent, our focus should be on Him and in preparing our minds and our spirits for receiving his gift (Sartain, 2014). Just as during Lent, we can prepare ourselves through prayer and fasting. Advent is the preparation for the fulfillment of God’s promise. It is the preparation to receive God’s love. It is our reflecting on our love for God, and loving others as God loved us. Basically, love is our Goal. Advent. It is a preparation to celebrate a promise kept.

    Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions or comments, please contact me, Thomas LaBombard, at [email protected] or at 360-434-3699.

    References: 1): Sartain, J. P. (2014). An Advent Pilgrimage: Preparing our Hearts for Jesus. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.

    2): The Catholic Company (2017, November 8). Why You Need an Advent Wreath. Retrieved from [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • November 30, 2017


    Newsletter Editor: Mark Alcamo, at: [email protected], or 360-377-3023. Please feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions, or if you’d like to submit something. Thanks for reading . . .

    We recently sent our sponsored seminarian, Josh Nehnevaj, a check for $500 and received back this nice Thank You note. You might enjoy his short (but interesting), biography—I’ve posted it on our Knights webpage on the HTP website.

    And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanue l , which be ing interpreted is, God with us.

    - Matthew 1:21-23

    Merry Christmas to all . . .

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • November 30, 2017

    Arabic _______ 1.

    Bengali _______ 2.

    Hawaiian _______ 3.

    Danish _______ 4.

    Esperanto _______ 5.

    Farsi _______ 6.

    French _______ 7.

    German _______ 8.

    Greek _______ 9.

    Chamorro _______ 10.

    Italian _______ 11.

    Japanese _______ 12.

    Klingon _______ 13.

    Spanish _______ 14.

    Mandarin _______ 15.

    Tagalog _______ 16.

    Vietnamese _______ 17.

    Swahili _______ 18.

    Thai _______ 19.

    Turkish _______ 20.

    Buon Natale

    Glædelig Jul

    Kala Christouyenna

    Maligayang Pasko

    Frohe Weihnachten

    shubho bôṛodin

    toDwI'ma' qoS yItIvqu'

    Chuć Mưǹg Giańg Sinh

    Meri Kurisumasu

    Sheng Dan Kuai Le

    Christmas MobArak

    Feliz Navidad Joyeux Noël

    Suk sarn warn Christmas

    Feliĉan Kristnaskon

    Krismasi Njema

    Geseënde Kersfees

    Felis Påsgua

    Mutlu Noeller

    Mele Kalikimaka

    A Merry “Merry Christmas” Contest Here it is, the chance for Fame & Fortune right within your own community of Knight Brothers! It was suggested by Bill Paxson we have a holiday contest to see who could correctly identify the most translations of “Merry Christmas” in various foreign languages—so being the great idea that it is, that’s what we’re trying!

    Below are listed 20 greetings of “Merry (or Happy) Christmas” in languages other than English. This is not an easy contest (it’s all Greek to me), so you are permitted to use up to three “Lifeline helpers” (family, friends, coworkers) while you decide on your answers—but no one can refer to any books, the internet, or “smart” devices, etc. . . . Viel Glück! (“Good Luck!” in German).

    Directions:For each language on the left , pick the “Merr y Christmas” translation you think fits and write that number in the blank.For example, if you think “Kala Christouyenna” sounds Greek to you, (hint), you’d write “3” in the b lank next to “Greek.” Et cetera . . .

    Answers: You grade your own efforts—answers are found on our Knights webpage (near the bottom of the page) on the HTP website (under “Organizations & Services”):h t t p s : / / w w w. h t c b r e m e r t o n . o r g /organizations -ser vices/knights -of-columbusJust click on the answer link, check your answers, and shoot me an email with your score: [email protected]. Winner gets a certificate for TWO free Parish Dinners! PLUS, they’ll be a random prize awarded to one person just for participating—but you have to send me an email to be entered in the drawing (even if you don’t want to report a score - just say. “Enter me in the Big Sweeps!”).

    Deadline for submitting your score is 1159PM on Friday, December 15th!

    In the Event of a Tie: We’ll use Trial by Combat to determine the winner. The winner will be chosen by lot. Bahati Nzuri! . . .

  • November 30, 2017














    Come and enjoy the evening....WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP


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