
Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017

November 2017 Vol 63 Number 9 Cheshvan/Kislev

From the Rabbi’s Study 2-4

Service Schedule

Mazel Tov









From the Archives


Contributions 8-9


Yahrzeit Wall


Calendar 11

Inside this issue:

Save the date!

A fun and friendly

big-time trivia quiz show!


January 20, 2018

21 years old + please

Join Rabbi Meyer on a

Jewish Heritage Tour of Lithuania

and Belarus May 21 - 29, 2018

For more information visit the website


There are still a few spaces left…


For students and caregivers

Our first Family Education program of the year will

take place on Sunday, November 19. In advance of

Thanksgiving, we will be learning about religious

freedom in the United States and Israel. The faculty

has been hard at work putting together a fun and

engaging program for students and their families.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Family Education

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 2



(Excerpts from Rabbi Meyer’s High Holyday messages. For the complete text of each sermon, please visit our website at For print-outs of the sermons, just request from our Office.)

“…To answer almost any question that begins with the phrase, “What does Judaism believe about…?” we should find ourselves not focused upon a single idea of creed or teaching, but moving along a spectrum of opinions, ideas, and possibilities. On this eve of the New Year, we might learn from Abraham Joshua Heschel, who taught that Judaism must be understood like in a magnet with opposite polarities, and that in the tension between one idea and its mirror opposite, we find the truths at the heart of our faith.

And here’s one way to spot a distorted or fundamentalist presentation of Jewish thought: if an idea is presented as absolute, static, unmoving or simplistic, it is like hearing the music with only one speaker, one earbud, one side of our Beats.

What are some examples of these opposites in tension? We might begin with, on the left speaker, This World, and on the right, The World to Come. Yes – we are a life-affirming faith, as the Torah tells us to “Choose life”. But at the same time, we hold a trust that this life is not the be-all and end-all of reality; that there is an eternity in which we and our live are contained, and that the essence of who we are as human beings is not eradicated when we die. Jewish belief regarding the afterlife moves along a continuum, spreading between our concern for this world, and our hope for the next, and we can likewise find ourselves, sometimes confident in the possibilities of eternity, and at other times, resolved that this world, this life, is all we can know and count on…

In a healthy religious practice, we balance our efforts between the opposites of Tikkun Olam, the urgency to repair the world, and Tikkun Hamidot, the primary challenge of refining our own, personal, internal and moral virtues.

We move between the mitzvah of building our historic homeland in Israel, and understanding that Jewish life in the Diaspora also must play a role in the destiny of our people.

Our worship, especially as we’ve evolved here at Temple Emanu-El, moves between the moods of reverence to enthusiasm, from decorum to passion. Sometimes we need to be quiet, and other times we should just rock-out!

We experience the spiritually healthy struggle moving back and forth, upwards or down - from times of clarity to moments of doubt, from feeling God’s nearness, to feeling as if the very Face of God is hidden from our heart and soul…”

“… During my biennial congregational trips to Israel, I enjoy giving our groups the chance to welcome Shabbat on Friday evening at the Kotel, there to offer prayers on behalf of our dear ones, or to leave small notes between the stones as has long been the custom. I’ve found a small, hidden away courtyard area where we can light Shabbat candles, share in Kiddush, and offer a couple of songs to welcome the Holy Day. But then I always have to remind everyone that they should not be intimidated by the ultra-Orthodox groups when approaching the Wall. The Kotel does not belong to them, or to the men, or to the Israelis alone – it is part of the heritage of every Jew, a rightful possession which we should freely and proudly claim.

Last January, under the leadership of Jewish Agency Chairman, Natan Sharansky, an agreement was brokered in Knesset to establish a location for pluralistic worship near the Western Wall plaza. The idea was to establish three areas for worship: a men’s area, a women’s area, and Ezrat K’lal Yisrael, an area for mixed and pluralistic prayers. However, just last month, after dragging their feet for months, the Netanyahu government announced that the agreed-upon compromise would not be implemented; they were cancelling the agreement

due to pressure from the coalition’s extremist, ultra-Orthodox parties.

STEREOPHONIC JUDAISM Erev Rosh Hashanah 5778 (2017)

THE SOUL OF ISRAEL Rosh Hashanah Morning 5778 / 2017

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 3

Reaction around the world was bitter and swift, with calls to boycott anything having to do with support for Israel and her government. Even AIPAC, an organization with a mission focused on bi-partisan efforts on behalf of the American/Israeli strategic partnership, sent a high-level delegation to give its assessment to the Netanyahu administration of the potential damage that the ongoing corruption and undue influence of the ultra-Orthodox can have on the American Jewish support for Israel. In the opinion of many, one which I share, the situation creates an existential threat to the Jewish State.

But the good news that I want to share with you this morning is that a vibrant Reform movement in Israel has been growing rapidly, and is changing the dynamic of religious life in Israel. Forty years ago, the Progressive Movement was widely seen as nothing more than an import from the West; an American expression of Judaism being grafted onto the Israeli population. But such is no longer the case. Thinking back to the young scouts with whom I camped, worked and prayed so many years ago - those kids and their children are now part of an Israeli Reform movement that has become a native, distinctly Israel expression of progressive Judaism. In fact, despite all odds, and despite the roadblocks and obstructions presented, Reform Judaism in Israel is flourishing as an alternative path to meaningful, Jewish spiritual and ethical expression.

This year, the 100th Israeli Reform Rabbi will be ordained from our Seminary in Jerusalem. There are now some forty-seven Reform synagogues flourishing throughout the nation, and our rabbinic colleagues are overwhelmed by the requests for weddings, bar and bat mitzvah’s, and other services, filling the synagogues to the brim on a consistent basis. Israelis are voting with their feet!...”

“…The feeling of awe means recognizing being in the presence of something vast, beyond our human scale, transcending words and rational understandings. It is a right-brain activity. As was discovered more than two decades ago, we have two modes of coming to understand and interact with the world. The left side of our brain is the more rational, analytic way of knowing, and our right brain, which is the creative, feeling, intuitive, if you will, poetic aspect of knowing. Often, we seek to understand God through our left-brain mode of analytical explanation; through the reading of treatises of theology, through the formulation of a logical narrative, by seeking out proofs for God’s role in history and in our lives. At other times, we experience God through right-brain ways of knowing: intuition, wonder, reverence and awe for which words are neither sufficient nor necessary.

According to Rabbi Arthur Green, our left-brain understanding of religion is a secondary step, emerging from the essentially unspoken and ineffable experience of wonder. He writes: “Religion begins not with doctrine, not with tradition, but with the need to pray. Theology only comes later, the mind’s reflection on what the heart already knows.”

Tonight, on this Kol Nidre evening, we seek to experience the Divine Presence in our lives – to feel God’s nearness, God’s grace and blessing. This is both the goal and meaning of Jewish spirituality – namely, living our human lives in the close presence of a God Who transcends all of creation. The various practices and disciplines of Jewish life are intended to enable and promote an awareness of God’s Presence.

But that’s not always easy, or for many gathered here, not always possible, even on this holiest of days. I know through the conversations that I share with you, the challenges of life, the misfortunes we or our loved ones experience, losses which seem to make little sense, these leave us struggling to sense God, know God, or to use a much less satisfying term, to believe in a God who can seem so hidden, impossibly distant. Those are the times when we may find it most helpful to put our words away, to set aside narratives and explanations, and simply open our hearts to moments of wonder and awe…”

“… I would claim again – an ideal of overarching uniformity is the antithesis of the Jewish value of inclusion, and as a congregation and community we need to both model and enable inclusivity in the institutions of Jewish life in order to live up to this highest ideal. My message, challenge, and appeal on this Yom Kippur therefore, calls us to renew with determination and intention our commitment to expanding our ability to welcome into our community of faith the broadest segments of our Jewish population. My message today is focused on inclusion as a moral value towards which we continue to strive.

AWE, GOD, AND RIGHT-BRAIN RELIGION Erev Yom Kippur 5778 (2017)

AN ALTAR OF UNCUT STONES Yom Kippur Morning 5778 – 2017

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 4

Inclusion has been a hallmark of Temple Emanu-El from long before my arrival, and continuing over the past decades. Thanks to devoted and visionary leadership, we were on the leading edge three decades ago and for the years that followed in promoting an Outreach effort directed towards interfaith couples and families. Seventeen years ago, during our last significant renovation campaign, we spent nearly a million dollars to insure that our building would be fully accessible in keeping with the latest codes and standards – even though, as a religious organization, we were exempt from achieving otherwise standard outcomes. Our school has welcomed special needs students and those with physical handicaps as well, enabling them to study here and celebrate becoming B’nai Mitzvah and Confirmands. Over the past decades, we have been a leading, Jewish organizational advocate on behalf of the LGBTQ population, welcoming same-sex couples,

gender non-conforming and trans- gender individuals. Having removed physical barriers to participation and social ones as well, we took the plunge to remove economic barriers to membership by eliminating dues as our funding model. In all these ways, as a congregation, we have sought to live up to the vision of the prophet, Isaiah, “My House shall be a house of prayer for all people.”

In many ways, inclusion has become second-nature to how we operate as a congregation, and now I would ask that we renew that effort with intention and clarity in partnership with the Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project, through the auspices of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies. The goal of the Project is to support synagogues like ours in creating communities where people of all abilities are valued equally and participate fully. As a Project partner synagogue, we would be afforded access to local and national inclusion experts, events and opportunities to network and share best practices with other synagogues, and to be eligible for consultation and other resources to develop innovative strategies for our inclusion efforts…”


Carole and Ken Shutzer on the engagement of their

daughter, Elise Rachel Shutzer to Matthew Thomas


Joan and Richard Kessel on the engagement of their

son, Jeffrey Kessel to Brooke Feldman.



Josh Krell and Krisna Basu

November 7 ~ 25 years

Stephen Seller and Heather Greenberg

November 8 ~ 25 years

David and Beth German

November 14 ~ 30 years

Andrew and Meredith Freed

November 16 ~ 15 years

Mark and Valerie Cohen

November 28 ~ 25 years



Lay-Led Torah Study is held every Saturday morning at 9:00am. The first Shabbat of every

month is led by Rabbi Meyer.

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 5



Join us for our first LOUNGE of the year! A chance to kick

back and relax with your friends, do homework, hang

out, and just be social.

Thursday, November 16

6:30-8:30 pm

For High School students

You do not need to be a SMARTY member to come, so

bring a friend!

Save the Date

Grades 3-7 at Temple Emanu-El Cooking and baking desserts for My Brother’s Table.

Donations are appreciated to help defray the cost of baking supplies. Lunch will be provided.

Grades 8-12 at the JCC for an afternoon of cooking for local shelters.

March 16th


, 2018 10

th- 12

th grades RAC’s L’Taken Seminar

in Washington, D.C.

It was just over 7 years ago that I first made the drive from Waltham to Marblehead to interview for the position of Religious School Principal here at Temple Emanu-El. It was a long drive, but I am so glad that I made it. I am so thankful for the opportunity that the Temple Emanu-El community gave me to learn and grow with the students and families here.

But the drive from Waltham to Marblehead seems to have grown longer in the last few years since my husband and I adopted our daughters. As much as I love the Temple Emanu-El community, I feel that I can no longer make that long drive every day that takes me away from my family. For this reason, I have decided to leave Temple Emanu-El at the end of the 2017-2018 academic year, when my contract expires. I want to thank all of the teachers, staff, parents, students, B’nei Mitzvah families, families with young children, SMARTY members, and colleagues across the North Shore for an amazing experience. I have felt supported and valued, and no one could ask for more than that. I especially want to thank Rabbi Meyer, Judith Emanuel, and Jaime Friedman for being true partners throughout the years. Know that this upcoming year will be the best yet for the Religious School and educational programming. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow with the students and families in this community throughout this year, and to hearing about everyone’s future successes.

One of the highlights of a student’s Jewish education is the first time that they are called up to read from the Torah when they celebrate Bar or Bat Mitzvah. This summer, our Bar and Bat Mitzvah students were tutored by some of our teen Madrikhim who had been specially trained as Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutors. We are fortunate as a Temple to have this group of teens with the Hebrew skills and Torah reading skills to step in when needed. This November, we will be offering our Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutoring course again for high school students who are interested in gaining Torah reading and teaching skills. Class will meet on 5:00pm Tuesday evenings from 7-8 pm, beginning on November 7 and running through December 12. If you are interested in participating, please contact Liz Levin at [email protected]. Space in the class is limited, so reserve yours soon!

Become a B’nai Mitzvah Tutor



For High School students

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 6



Friday, November 10th at 7:15pm (join us at 6:00pm Shabbat Evening Services)

The Barrelman, Marblehead

Saturday, November 18th at 4:30pm. “Friendsgiving” Potluck dinner For more details and/or to RSVP please contact Katie at [email protected]


Tuesdays at 10:15am at Abbot Public Library, Marblehead.

Join Spencer Garfield each week for a special musical pro-

gram, including stories, songs, and lots of socializing. Drop

in any time to see why this program was our most popular

program last year for families with young children!

Families With Children Thursday, November 2

nd at 4:30pm

will be helping at My Brother’s Table.

Family Shabbat

Friday, November 3rd

at 5:30pm

Family Service with Rabbi Meyer at 5:30PM

Craft with Heather with dinner to follow.

Stuffie Shabbaton

March 9th


, 2018

Drop off your favorite stuffed animal to spend Shabbat at

Temple Emanu-El. Then join us for a Family Havdallah

with a slide show of all the fun the stuffies had spending

Shabbat together.

Exploring the Big Apple Together

This Fall, join us for a trip to New York City, the city that never sleeps! Fun will include Shabbat at a university Hillel, subway rides, exploring Times Square, a Jewish deli, museum visits, a boat ride to Lady Liberty and more.

Pack your most comfortable walking shoes, charge up your phone and get ready to spend two busy days taking in the sights, sounds and smells (good and bad!) that our nation’s largest city has to offer.

Who: 9th-12th Graders What: 24 amazing hours in NYC When: November 10-11, 2017 (see bus schedule below) How Much: $185* includes bus, accommodation,

attractions and meals! Questions: Call 781.244.5544 or email [email protected]

We will travel by bus, leaving South Station at 7:00am on Friday, 11/10 and returning at 11:40pm on Saturday, 11/11. We will help coordinate carpooling to and from South Station upon request.

Your registration is not complete until you submit both the Registration/Permission and Code of Conduct forms along with your payment.

Questions email [email protected] or call


This trip brought to you in partnership with Congregation Shirat Hayam (Swampscott), Temple Emanu-El (Marblehead) and Temple Tiferet Shalom (Peabody)

*We never want cost to be a barrier to participation. Please

contact us about scholarships if the cost of this trip is a

significant obstacle.

9th-12th graders

Save the Date

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 7


The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish

A sophisticated work of historical fiction about women separated by centuries, and the choices and

sacrifices they must make to reconcile the life of the heart and the mind.


Leonard by William Shatner

A uniquely heartfelt book written by one legendary actor in celebration of another.


Rivka’s First Thanksgiving by Elsa Okon Rael

Having heard about Thanksgiving in school, nine-year-ol Rivka tries to convince her immigrant

family and her Rabbi that it is a holiday for all Americans, Jews and non-Jews alike.

The Temple Emanu-El Library is a comprehensive and up-to-date collection of Judaica with books, periodicals, DVD’s, CD’s, and children’s materials. The Library also sponsors programs, such as the monthly Movie Night and periodic author presentations.

MAH JONGG · For all levels of play! Evenings at 7:00pm in the Social Hall. We have a nice mix of gamers. Lessons are free!

Cards are $9 annually and will be provided. November dates: Tuesday, November 7, 14, 21 and Wednesday, November 29

MY BROTHER’S TABLE · Thursday, November 2nd at 4:30pm On the first Thursday of every month we, as a community, serve at My Brother’s Table on Willow Street in Lynn. Volunteers needed!

CHAIR YOGA · Wednesday Mornings at 9:00am in the Fellowship Room Cost: $5

Chairs, mats and camaraderie included. Improve flexibility, balance, reduce pain, build muscle and strength! Sponsored by Senior Connection Neighborhood


JEWISH MUSIC Neighborhood under the direction of Jon Nelson · Wednesday, November 15th

at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. All ages and musical abilities welcome—musical experience not necessary...just come!


Thursday, November 16th at 7:00pm Once a month, Sisterhood and Brotherhood get together to cook for members of our Temple Family.

MOVIE NIGHT · Wednesday, November 1st at 7:00pm in the Youth Lounge

Featuring SECRETS OF WAR - With the war escalating around them, three children in a Nazi-occupied

village find their bond put to the test as secrets are revealed and loyalty is challenged.

Movie Night participant, Brenda Cohen, discovered this film and will provide an introduction.

All are welcome to the free films! Movie nights are sponsored by the Temple Library, and all DVDs

are available to sign out.

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 8

CONTRIBUTIONS The Congregation extends sincere thanks for the following contributions:


In appreciation of...

Jaime Friedman and the Temple staff, for the High Holydays

Virginia Dodge

Temple Emanu-El

Gail Freeman

In memory of...

Albert Portnoy, at yahrzeit

Pauline and Vincent Spirito

Barry Fox, at yahrzeit

Elaine Shapiro and Jim Cornblatt

Bernard Ruskin, father of Tom Ruskin

Joan and Michael Finn

Edward Snow

Florence Buckingham, mother of Virginia Buckingham

Cynthia Ittleman and Howard Nunes

Wendy and John Webber

Fred Kaufman, at yahrzeit

Betty Kaufman

Gene Barden, at yahrzeit

The Barden Family

Gerald Posner, at yahrzeit

Marilyn and Larry Posner and Sharon and Jerry Schoenholtz

Gertrude Rome, at yahrzeit

Judy and David Cohen

Jordan Cotton, at yahrzeit

Merry Glosband

Maria Dobkin, at yahrzeit

Illarion and Svetlana Dobkin

Marvin Lowy, at yahrzeit

Cynthia Ittleman and Howard Nunes

Melvin Gellman, father of Rosann Liebman

Joan and Michael Finn

Susan and William Lloyd

Bunny and Fred Meister

Elaine Newburg

Hope and Larry Zabar

Ray Babitt, father of Joanne Orenberg and grandfather of

Ashley Waterberg

Andrea Kline

The Finn Family

Hope and Larry Zabar

Robert Cohen, at yahrzeit

Judy and David Cohen

Roz Cheren

Melissa and John Dormer

Salvatore Badolato, at yahrzeit

Marlene and Bob Badolato

Samuel Goldman, at yahrzeit

Joan and Robert Livingston

Saunders Mishkin, father of Bill Mishkin

Tracey and Russell Roman

Scott Miller, at yahrzeit

Sylvia Kantrowitz


In memory of...

Ann Cutler, at yahrzeit

Ronnie and Jason Shrinsky

Bernard Ruskin, father of Tom Ruskin

Jeffrey and Susan Dornbush

Harriett Kaplan

Esther and Jack Schlusselberg

Harvey Hoffman, at yahrzeit

Michael, Sam and Gregor Hoffman

Leo Quint, at yahrzeit

Michael, Sam and Gregor Hoffman

Melvin Gellman, father of Rosann Liebman

Lorin, Stephen and Courtney Madow

Ray Babitt, father of Joanne Orenberg and grandfather of

Ashley Waterberg

Esther and Jack Schlusselberg


In memory of...

Gene Barden, at yahrzeit

Virginia Dodge


In memory of...

Alfred Raifman, at yahrzeit

The VanDusen Family


In memory of...

Bernard Ruskin, father of Tom Ruskin

Jon Richmond

Evelyn Robbins, at yahrzeit

Frances Fleit

Irven Barker, at yahrzeit

Jeri and Peter Barker

Roz Cheren

Francine and Stan Goldstein

Ruth Florman, at yahrzeit

Deborah and Fred Seiberg-Bollen


In appreciation of…

Amy Saltz and the Mah Jongg Program

Judy Cohen

Amy Saltz's hard work

Marion and Joel Kaplan

In memory of...

Allan Rosenberg

Amy Saltz

Bernard Ruskin, father of Tom Ruskin

Amy Saltz

Channa Friend, at yahrzeit

Marilyn and William York

Elliot Ganz, father of Don Ganz

Carole and Kenneth Shutzer

Amy Saltz

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 9

CONTRIBUTIONS The Congregation extends sincere thanks for the following contributions:

Joseph Erlich, at yahrzeit

Ellen and Norman Erlich

Louise Blue, at yahrzeit

Colette and John Green

Maurice Greenbaum, at yahrzeit

Mildred and Herbert Greenbaum

Ray Babitt, father of Joanne Orenberg and grandfather of

Ashley Waterberg

Amy Saltz

Shirley Erlich, at yahrzeit

Ellen and Norman Erlich


In memory of...

Donald Rubin, at yahrzeit

Ronney and Peter Weiss

Evelyn Schwartz, at yahrzeit

Paula and Sheldon Apsell

Michael Belenky

Janice and Ronnie Glick

Morris Sharaf, at yahrzeit

Rosalyn and Jay Esterkes

Robert Weiss, at yahrzeit

Ronney and Peter Weiss


In memory of...

Melvin Gellman, father of Rosann Liebman

Fern and Joey Zang

Salvatore "Sam" Defranco, at yahrzeit

Donna and Ed Seligman


In honor of...

Ava Flynn becoming Bat Mitzvah

The Flynn Family

Our grandson, Jack Stein, becoming Bar Mitzvah

Jackie and Bert Miller

In memory of...

Basya Braginskaya, at yahrzeit

Nelly and Alexander Braginsky

Beryl Richmond, at yahrzeit

Jon Richmond

Harry Paul, at yahrzeit

Jackson Paul

Marvin Lowy, at yahrzeit

Barbara Lowy and Family


In memory of...

Allan Rosenberg

Margie and Jerry Somers

Bernard Ruskin, father of Tom Ruskin

Margie and Jerry Somers

Florence Buckingham, mother of Virginia Buckingham

Margie and Jerry Somers

Muriel Schiller, at yahrzeit

Frances Fleit


In memory of...

Aaron Seligman, at yahrzeit

Donna and Ed Seligman

Cora Gertz, at yahrzeit

Ann Klayman

Gerald Ogan, at yahrzeit

Leslie and Michael Goldberg

Lenore A. Greenbaum, at yahrzeit

Heidi, Robert, Jessica and Henry Greenbaum


In appreciation of...

Rabbi Meyer

Lucie and Richard Burke

Ruthie and Robert Salter

Rabbi Meyer's Elul series

Faith Kramer

In honor of...

Michael Hoffman

Ellaine and Sid Rose

The Meyer Family

Judy and David Cohen

Three Generation of the Meyer family, for the High Holydays

Virginia Dodge

In memory of...

Beatrice Goldstein, at yahrzeit

Francine and Stanley Goldstein

Bernard Ruskin, father of Tom Ruskin

Joan and Steven Rosenthal and Family

Phyllis Sagan

Henry Goldstein, at yahrzeit

Francine and Stanley Goldstein

Lillian Sugarman, at yahrzeit

Leslie and Melia Kramer

Morton Pepper, at yahrzeit

Virginia Dodge

Sylvia Kramer, at yahrzeit

Sandy Griffel

Leslie and Melia Kramer




Elaine Simons On the loss of her sister

Lucille Benson

Jeffrey Shub On the loss of his wife

and Allison Farber On the loss of her mother

Dorie Shub

Susan Couris

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 10


November 4

Harry Baker

Jacob Cohen

Bessie Collier

William Fromer

Robert Gellman

Max Krauss

Ruth Mazur Shuman

Saul Pearlstein

Ida Siegel

Judith Solomon

Isabelle Weinstein

November 11

Morris Berman

Gertrude Bloomberg

Rose Caplan

Frances Freedman

Marion Goldman

Edward Jepsky

Jacob Mazur

David Myers

Frances Oppenheim

Lawrence Oppenheim

Bernard Owen

Theodore Pearlman

Peter Remis

Samuel Rome

Arthur Rubin

Gershon Salter

Jean Schwedel

Jack Shapiro

Norman Shuman

Al Simmons

James Solomont

November 18

Morton Baum

Stanley Black

Deborah Cutler

Arthur Dreben

Barney Fagelman

Bea Feingold

Eva Greenberg

Rose Hall

Max Olken

Louis Patterson

Ellen Paul

Harry Remis

Zelda Rotman

Anne Selsberg

Gerald Sher

Marjorie Siegelman

Jane Smigel

Sydney Smith

Lillian Steinberg

Charles Weller

Morton Zucker

November 25

Louis Altshuler

George Blass

Lena Bloomfield

Frances Cohen

Irving Greenbaum

David Lampert

William Lewin

Clara Margulius

Gary Ogan

David Rosenfelt

Jeffrey Ruben

Florence Schlafman

Harriet Simon

Norman Talcofsky

Gertrude Yoffa

Come look at our beautiful new mezuzahs!

We also have a nice selection of items: Challah boards

Gifts for the Mah Jongg player

Kiddush cups



other Judaica…

Wednesday, November 8 th

Doors open at 7:00pm with Dessert

Games begin at 7:30pm

Join us for an evening of fun, friendship,

frivolity and games!

Please RSVP to [email protected] by

Wednesday, November 1


FROM THE ARCHIVES Tuesday, November 4, 1986 was Election Day. “Our social

Action Committee and Rabbi Robert Shapiro requested that we

vote “No” on ballot referendum questions 1 and 2. The first

question concerns itself with abortion. A “No” vote means that

you wish freedom of choice. On question 2, “No” means that you

do not want public funds to go to private schools. These issues

will affect all of us as well as all members of our community”.

Thirty-one years later “they” are again battling over freedom of

choice on questions #1!


Barbara Cantor

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 11


1 2 3 4


Hebrew School


Movie Night

3:15pm or 4:50pm Hebrew School 4:30pm My Brother’s Table

5:30pm Family Shabbat 6:00pm Shabbat Service

9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Round Table Minyan

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9:00am

Religious School

10:15am Songs with Spencer 3:15pm or 4:50pm Hebrew School 6:15pm Pre-Confirmation 7:00pm Mah Jongg 7:30pm iEngage @ Shirat

9:00am Chair Yoga 3:15pm Hebrew School 7:00pm Sisterhood Game Night

Office Closed 6:00pm Shabbat Service 7:15pm Jews and Brews SMARTY event to NYC

Veteran’s Day 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Round Table Minyan

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

10:15am Songs with Spencer 3:15pm or 4:50pm Hebrew School 6:15pm Pre-Confirmation 6:30pm Adult Beg. Hebrew 7:00pm Mah Jongg

9:00am Chair Yoga 3:15pm Hebrew School 7:00pm Jewish Music Neighborhood

3:15pm or 4:50pm Hebrew School 6:30pm Teen Lounge 7:00pm Brotherhood/ Sisterhood cooking

6:00pm Shabbat Service 7:15pm Jews and Brews

9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Round Table Minyan 4:30pm Young Professionals “Friendsgiving”

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9:00am Religious School 9:00am Family Education 11:30am SMARTY

10:15am Songs with Spencer 7:00pm Mah Jongg 7:30pm iEngage

9:00am Chair Yoga

Office Closed Thanksgiving

Office Closed 6:00pm Shabbat Service

9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Round Table Minyan

26 27 28 29 30 10:15am

Songs with Spencer 3:15pm or 4:50pm Hebrew School 6:15pm Pre-Confirmation 6:30pm Adult Beg. Hebrew 7:00pm Mah Jongg 7:30pm iEngage @ Temple


9:00am Chair Yoga 3:15pm Hebrew School 7:00pm Mah Jongg

3:15pm or 4:50pm Hebrew School

Temple Emanu-El Bulletin | November 2017 12

David J. Meyer, Rabbi Jaime Friedman, Executive Director Liz Levin, Temple Educator Joshua Krell, President


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Learn about daily skin care, anti-aging treatments, key ingredients, and the latest buzzwords. Free product samples and treatment discounts for all who attend!

This is a complimentary program sponsored by

and open to the community. RSVP to

Shelby at [email protected] by November 25th


Liza is a graduate of the Catherine Hinds School of Aesthetics, and currently works for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of North Shore in

Beverly where she provides a full menu of skin treatments. She takes pride in providing results-based services utilizing the latest

techniques and highest quality products available. Liza, additionally, has experience spanning more than a decade as a

professional makeup artist. She loves helping people to look and feel their best while building lasting relationships.




AT 9:00AM

With Liza Goldman,

Licensed Aesthetician

“SKIN CARE 101 -





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