
November 2012 Updates:

Term 4 finishes off nicely

Mrs Loobeek was very generous to give Hahgoot a flowers growing kit –We’ll plant them when we get back from our trip.

Hahgoot got a principal award for a painting she did following Archimboldo (from

a book I lent her teacher)

I liked Hahgoot’s choice of a class mascot...

Hahgoot got a Silver Award, which is very

special as at the end of the year kids who get the Silver

and Gold awards go to a special morning tea with the principal. Sadly, she had to miss out on that,

being in Israel at the time.

It was also a special day as both her best friends Jasmin and Elijana

got Silver awards!

It was a double congratulations for the Houston family, as also

Jasmin’s brother Aaron got a Silver award (top left).

Bottom: the kids in first row have the Gold awards.

At home Hahgoot continued to copiously read books in English from the Years 3-4


She found popcorn and earphones helped relaxing her before bedtime, in

addition to the weighted vest.

For maths she got homework from me

about Roman Numerals (top), Venn

diagrams (left) and multiplication (right).

Right: in class her teacher gave her a Year 3 workbook that I provided and sometimes she didn’t have the time to help Hahgoot in class, so we followed up at home. Here

Hahgoot had trouble figuring out money calculations using a decimal point.

Bottom: Hahgoot is getting better at doing multiplication in her head. Here she is timing herself to see how fast she

can finish the rows.

Top: Hahgoot’s math exercises are getting too hard for me to solve in my head, so she needs to check

them herself using a calculator.

Bottom: Hahgoot finished the first two “investigating math” workbooks in Hebrew (they are really hard and

unusual workbooks) and highly enjoyed them, so I was hoping to buy the next ones during our trip.

Hahgoot’s last art projects for homework from me:

A collage inspired by Matisse

I tried to get her to think about the composition but she was very rigid that night so we didn’t get very far.

The result still looked nice.

Left: a photography project: finding geometrical shapes in nature.

Bottom: preparing her model for the next photography project...

Emotions and portraiture!

Can you guess the emotions?

In our next presentation:

More of Hahgoot’s


From top left: happy, scared, sad, silly, worried and asleep.

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