
Nov. 7 report

LIU Qian

This morning we installed 6 fibers:

fiber PMT

39A Out layer 3

39B Inner layer 3

39C Out layer 4

39D Inner layer 4

39E Out layer 5

39G Out layer 6

We have remove the white tape, now it is easier to tie the fibers on PMT.

But the inner TOF’s fiber must come out from there.

The inner one is a little difficult to do.

It took us about 5 mins to tie it.

Start from here


Out from here

The most difficult one is “outside 6”.

“outside 6” PMT is totally blocked by this.It took us about half an hour to install it!!!

This one is “outside 6”

There are totally 8 PMTs are blocked. But we know how to do it now.

Tonight, we tested the 6 fibers installation. (There were something wrong with the TOF electronics, and were not fixed until night.)

Pulse generator

Readout from west side


Fibers in tube

The 6 fibers’ installation is successful!

Blue one is pulser generate as trigerYellow one is TOF signal, 100mV @ 900V.

Totally, we have cleaned 21 bundles. During the cleaning, we found that:

1. Fiber 42-D’s cap is stuck. We can not even see the white plastic tube.

Then I tried to remove the cap, and rotated the cap very slowly, but the fiber head fell suddenly. (This picture is took before I rotated the cap)

But the fiber is not broken: I glued the fiber head back, opened the cap and checked it with LED Box, the fiber is not broken.

Anyway this fiber won’t be installed, I’ll use an extra fiber instead it.

2. There are some glue on some fibers’ head. We have to clean these fibers again. (I tried to take some picture from the microscope, but I failed. So no picture is shown)


1. 21 bundles fibers are cleaned.2. 12 bundles fibers are put in the protected tube.3. 6 fibers are installed successfully.

We wasted almost whole daytime to wait the TOF electronics ready. And we have to waste another two hours tomorrow (8:00~10:00 am) since they will remove the rail. But we have only 3 days left. I’m worrying now.

But now, my teammates and I have known how to install fibers (including the most difficult one); fiber installation test system is ready; the preparation is almost done. We’ll see.

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