  • 8/3/2019 Nothing Left to Talk About



  • 8/3/2019 Nothing Left to Talk About



  • 8/3/2019 Nothing Left to Talk About



    This book is dedicated to my Family

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    Dear Friends,

    I am writing this letter primarily because this

    discussion has no identifiable beginning, but also

    because we require absolute community in the

    gravest of matters. Firstly, I have been cautioned

    against speaking or writing as we, but the

    ideological underpinnings of sensory prohibition

    have as much to do with the intangible concept of

    us as they do science and law, so please forgive

    me if I succumb to that temptation. When

    challenging a tradition as war-torn and well-established as cannabis prohibition deciding where

    to begin is the most difficult part, and no fact or

    anecdote could sweep in the changes.

    I am tremendously grateful to have been

    born into a generation which has matured

    alongside the largest and most awe-inspiring

    repository of information in the history of the

    world; the Library at Alexandria pales dimly in

    comparison. This project would have had no

    chance of completion without the internet, plain

    and simple. Logical reasoning and unfettered

    access to information are the twin pillars upon

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    which our future will proudly stand, and ensuring

    the integrity of these freedoms might be the

    defining struggle of this generation, and all others

    into posterity. In this way, the internet is self-

    sustaining, as individuals who inherit the right offree-flowing information usuallyand most

    admirablybecome very hesitant to sacrifice it.

    The existence of our Republic is a testament to the

    historical inquisitiveness of the American people,

    and this was apparent long before the average

    citizen had access to scientific literature. Some

    notable (and necessarily paraphrased) examples

    might include:

    Why are we being taxed for tea without any

    legislative input or recourse?

    How can we possibly withhold suffrage from a full

    half of our population?

    Is separate but equal not an obvious and odious

    contradiction in terms?

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    Science is often considered a job or a

    discipline; a series of tasks hammered by rote into

    the brains of lab-dwelling hermits. This is an

    incomplete analysis. Science is not a thing. It is a

    way of thinking that provides a framework for thesystematic challenge of even our most dearly-held

    assumptionsespecially and necessarily these.

    Science can accurately be described in embryo

    with a single symbol: the humble and eternal

    question mark. Science begins with questions and

    ends with even more, rendering the answer

    significantly less important than the trans-

    historical pursuit of knowledge which bolsters our

    most sacred rights; those of health, personal

    freedom, and a reasonable chance at enjoying


    Prohibition itself is not unlike a drug; a tonic

    we have been compelled to imbibe. Its wickedalchemy cannot, however, be attributed to any

    one individual or secretive cabal. Its base

    compound was a fundamental and widespread

    lack of scientific knowledge seared with heavy

    doses of bombast and fear-mongering. It was fully

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    potentiated by a lengthy steeping in the seething

    racism that pervaded the early twentieth

    centuryunsurprisingly the nadir of American race


    Let me be clear from the start: almost everything

    the layperson has heard about cannabis is patently

    and demonstrably false. This is not an indictment

    of the public intellect, but rather an explanation of

    the preciousness of prescience. There are several

    theories regarding the origin of the word

    abracadabra, but one of the more highly-regarded notions is that it comes from the Hebrew

    phrase avra k'davrawhich roughly translates to

    I will create as I speak. No single word captures

    the confabulatory nature of prohibitionist

    arguments more precisely than this ancient


    I humbly submit that there is no scientific

    evidence whatsoever that can attest to any

    benefits of the continued prohibition of cannabis

    and, crucially, that there has neverbeen any

    evidence demonstrating to the alleged

    destructive propertiesphysiological,

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    psychological, or societalof the


    When analyzing the collective evidence

    proffered by prohibitionists, beginning in the mid-

    nineteenth century and extending to the present

    day, it becomes clear that the evidence is

    inarguably in the corner of those seeking re-

    legalization; it always has been. Cannabis is only

    physiologically harmful in the way that any inhaled

    plant matter might be. Cannabis is empirically less

    addictive and biologically harmful than tobacco,which makes claims of institutionalized

    hypocrisyin the form of breathtakingly massive

    subsidiesmatters of both public record and

    scientific fact. Americas favorite drug, alcohol, can

    be shown to induce violent urges in a laboratory

    setting; the very opposite is true with cannabis.

    Prohibitionists who dismiss the comparison of ourtwo fumbling attempts at nationalized temperance

    are, at the very least, shown to lack some

    conscience in their gleeful pursuit of happy hubris.

    Cannabis does not cause cancer (in fact,

    promising research suggests that the opposite

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    might be true) and it does not cause insanity.

    Taken together, one might deduce that the

    information that allegedly supported prohibition

    must have been overturned, falsified, or

    misunderstood. The truth lies in some sweaty greyamalgamation of the second two; overturned

    would imply that this evidence once existed. There

    is no far-reaching conspiracy; do you really,

    honestly, think there could be?

    Even the term cover-up grates on the ears

    and carries with it an implication that I cannotlogically condone. A crime has been committed,

    but it has been mainly one of negligence, and one

    without an isolated perpetrator. This is the

    difference between a story (i.e. a conspiracy

    theory) and a rational policy assessment.

    Punishment is fleeting; pain is temporary; pride is

    forever. Love, however, my dearest friends, isabsolutely and undeniably eternal. Throw it all out,

    and start again with the greatest of loves:


    While cannabis isnot harmful in any useful

    sense of the word, the prohibition of cannabis

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    does have measurable, manifestly destructive

    consequences. It represents the arbitrary

    subtraction of a personal liberty in a misguided

    attempt to patrol the health and consciousness of

    every American, smoker or not. Prohibition makessubjects out of citizens, and prisoners out of

    otherwise-upstanding Americans; on this

    ideological intrusion upon Madame Justices

    necessarily impartial nature I might rightly

    consider resting our case. But a full rebuttal is

    required here.

    Prohibition places an unconscionable burden

    on both minority groups and Americas young men

    and women: two of our most valuableand

    vulnerablepopulations. Even if cannabis were

    equally deleterious in its effect on the human body

    as heroin, for example, we would still be

    compelled to reassess our approach to its legality,as the capricious and authoritarian nature of

    prohibition eats away at the structural integrity of

    the United States; its acid is our fear and its

    panacea rational empathy. I did not forget to

    mention our friends in other nations who suffer in

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    the name of our policy. Their voices already tug on

    our heartstrings; sweet, now silent to maintain our

    silly sameness.

    This book does constitute a direct challenge

    to this ancient ban, but not to the authority of the

    Executive Branch; it should be considered an

    urgent appeal instead. I have been careful to

    marshal my facts as accurately and concisely as

    possible, and I intend on making my case using

    evidence alone, a claim which my opponents

    cannot truthfully stake. At the risk of incurring the(well-armed) wrath of any number of brave and

    underappreciated federal agencies, I could no

    longer stand idly by as a century of scientific

    perversion is used to uphold an unmistakably

    immoral law. It may come to light that I am a

    future physician, and I carry the mantle with

    blushing pride, always attempting to avoid thesame hubris which has propagated prohibition. I

    consider this book equally as my duty to science,

    as well as my country.

    The war which gave us the very term

    authoritarian ushered in a new era of legal

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    responsibility on the national level. No longer

    would murderers be exonerated under the

    pretense of following orders, and an

    international mandate for reasoned dissent even

    among the most traditional of institutions wasborn. It was science that originally tugged at my

    conscience, but the palpable notion that seems to

    pervade the public consciousnesses, just below the

    surface of mainstream discourse, is what has

    sustained my efforts. That gut feelinga way of

    thinking I usually take great pains to avoidwas

    summarized shortly after the beginning of this

    nations firstfailed experiment withprohibition by

    H.L. Mencken, when he lamented that The land

    rocks with the scandal.

    It would be very easy to dismiss this book as

    yet another in a long line of stoner manifestos

    looking to stick it to the man. I have alreadyexplained that I found no evidence of any man

    to which anything might be stuck. I therefore ask

    that you dismiss this notion ab initio. The problem

    is more diffuse than any conspiracy could possibly

    account for, but the repugnant odor of prohibition

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    is by no means ethereal. The unprecedented

    length of cannabis prohibition has permitted a

    profound national apathya crippling lack of

    emotion which Horace Greely referred to as a

    living oblivionto take root: Why should I care?I dont even smoke! Even those who fall into this

    category have been gravely wounded by

    prohibition. Our drug policy, with special regard to

    cannabis, is the laughingstock of the international

    scientific community, and it has done irreparable

    harm to the trust that should exist between the

    federal government and the citizens whom it exists

    to serve and protect. The trillions of tax dollars

    wasted are of secondary importance, though this

    is the yarn spun publicly; a devastating shame.

    Prohibition may well be the most egregious

    incursions on individual liberty in the history our

    nation, but its most insidious consequence hasbeen to instill a customary attitude of subversion

    for the law in the minds of more than three full

    generations of Americans; this is its gravest sin and

    its foulest legacy. An incredulous civilian

    population has been unwillingly pitted against

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    their fellow citizens, as often-begrudging keepers

    of the peace are forced to imprison those who

    disobey a self-evidently victimless crime. The term

    War on Drugs is kicked about so casually that I

    wince internally every time I hear it. Within thisstruggle are very real belligerents and very real


    I hope that my intentions are not

    misunderstood. This is not a long-winded polemic

    seeking to indict the law or the system as

    though such generalities have any practicalapplication. I respect the rights bestowed upon us

    by the Constitution far too greatly to allow such a

    gross miscarriage of justice to continue unchecked.

    We owe it to those who swore to protect us

    many of whom lost their lives in the effortto

    straighten our spines, clear our throats, and

    resoundingly confess We were wrong. And thegenerations before us were wrong. But we will

    persevere. We must.

    The best components of nationalism are

    pride in laws and institutions, and prohibition

    makes a dismal charade out of the very idea of

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    American justice. There is a temptation to retreat

    into the illusive comfort of tradition and

    consensus, but this only encourages the licking of

    wounds and the concealing of shame; two selfish

    habits of little constructive value. It will beimportant to embrace the awkward and repulsive

    millstone that prohibition has yoked us with, so

    that we might fully understand it and

    consequently rid ourselves of this generational


    Thomas Paine wrote that a long habit of notthinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial

    appearance of being right, and raises at first a

    formidable outcry in defence of custom. This oft-

    used quip from Paines scintillating introduction is

    so blindingly salient in its relation to our modern

    debates on drug policy, that without context one

    could be fooled into thinking Paine had actuallybeen writing a pamphlet on the tyranny of

    temperance rather than the absurdity of

    leadership by birthright. In the final calculation, it

    becomes apparent that prohibition is not the

    inviolate monolith that it seems, but rather a

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    loosely-networked litany of half-truths and

    complete fabrications, pasted together in slap-

    dash fashion by unscrupulousbut more often

    simply apatheticindividuals, who cared more for

    themselves than for the health of their homeland.The argument from tradition is one of the

    easiest logical fallacies to which one can fall victim,

    and the entire family tree of prohibitionist

    arguments take its root, in some form or another,

    in this familiar corruption of logic. The repeal of

    cannabis prohibition is a debt owed to those who

    came before us and, maybe more importantly, to

    every future generation of Americans.

    I freely admit that tackling prohibition is

    downright frightening. The debate will bear

    witness to cartoonish stereotypes, outright

    mockery, and probably open hostility. But the

    Constitution is what protects the individual from

    governmental overreach, so the responsibility of

    ensuring its continued integrity falls as equally

    upon those in power as it does the citizenry from

    which that power is exclusively derived. There will

    always be a reason to delay. Defeated parties

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    often regress to the time is not ripe argument, a

    flustered attempt at succoring a guilty conscience.

    The prohibition of cannabis, so imprudently

    signed into law almost immediately after alcohol

    prohibition was repealedincidental insanity in

    distilled formis one of the blackest marks on our

    history, and addressing it as such would go a long

    way toward creating a sane set of drug laws. The

    use of cannabis, like the use of alcohol and

    tobacco, is not immoral in and of itself, but

    disallowing its use most certainly is. We havereached an inflection point in our discussion of

    mind-altering substances, and the removal of our

    timorous cannabis legislation requires nothing less

    than a full resection. Only in this way can anything

    resembling logical progression be expected.

    This time we refuse to march to the

    drumbeat of war. This time, our standards stay

    clean, unsullied by partisan hackery and scientific

    ignorance. The primary existential injunctive of

    physicians is always, Primum non nocere: First do

    no harm. Do not mistake this for petty non-

    interventionalism. Those who study and live the

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    practice of medicine must be the ones who

    regulate the industry; our police are better served

    elsewhere. It is time to resolutely reject arbitrary

    and capricious domestic tyranny. Demand

    Resolution, and never again Prohibition.

    Best Wishes For Our Future,


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    Any good debate begins with a reasonable

    set of ground rules, so in the interest of

    completeness, I submit the following. There are

    many arguments which logically support the re-

    legalization of cannabis, and a few very poor

    arguments which support our current stance.

    There are also several arguments which I do not

    believe have a place in this discussion at all. The

    first of these extraneous arguments is the

    Economics Argument which holds that the re-legalization of cannabis would have a profoundly

    positive effect on our ailing economy. The benefits

    of creating, wholesale, an entirely new market for

    trade should be self-evident, so this argument will

    only be addressed here. Any casual student of

    economics sees the enormous potential for

    economical growth, and these arguments can beleft to experts in this field.

    The second argument which will not be

    addressed is the Argument from Morals

    occasionally taking the form of religiously-oriented

    protests against re-legalization. To religious

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    adherents who support continued Prohibition, I

    ask that, after reading the entire book, you

    consider the full scope of damage which our

    intrusive policies have wrought, and reassess

    whether Prohibition or Resolution is actually closerin theory and practice to the tenets of your faith.

    Secondarily on this subject, while I support and

    defend the rights of believers to practice as they

    see fit, I find it equally important that ecclesiastical

    decisions never interfere with civil law or, at a

    more base level, personal liberty. If a believer

    chooses not to smoke, obviously the right is theirs.

    Tolerating religious restrictions on persons of

    other faiths or no faith is an entirely different, and

    unacceptable, proposition.

    The final argument which has no merit is one

    which surprisingly gets a lot of air-time and is

    frequently touted by the DEA, the ONDCP, andother regulators of illicit substances. This is the

    Potency Argument and it allegesmaybe

    truthfullythat since cannabis is much stronger

    than it was in the 1970s that its not your fathers

    weed and should be approached with caution. As

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    I will discuss shortly, cannabis has no lethal dose,

    unlike many common medications like aspirin

    (which results in tens of thousands of deaths each

    year). The only consequence of stronger cannabis

    is that users would have to smoke less plantmatter overall, thus protecting lung function in a

    very simple way. Whether or not this argument is

    forwarded as a legitimate concern or simply as a

    canard (more likely) it is baseless in its allegations,

    and dubious in how strength has been measured

    over the years. It will not be addressed more than

    it already has been here.

    As a gesture of good faith, I would like to

    cede a position which some proponents of re-

    legalizationI will refer to them as resolvers from

    here on outhave erroneously forwarded. Some

    hold that newspaper magnate William Randolph

    Hearst was involved in a conspiracy (in associationwith the DuPont family, depending on the telling)

    to outlaw cannabis in an effort to corner the

    market on printable materials, namely in assuring

    that wood pulp would be the dominant material of

    paper manufacturing into perpetuity. While

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    Hearts newspapers may have run some explicitly

    racist headlines and articles, I found no substantial

    evidence that this was part of anything more

    sinister than a shrewd businessman triangulating a

    profitable position based on established fears andplainly-visible market trends. Hearst may well have

    been both racist and interested in keeping

    cannabis illegal for the sake of profit, but the

    evidence for any kind of back-room dealings is so

    scant that it may as well be considered

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    The Damage

    I claimed that no evidence exists for the

    dangers that cannabis poses, and this is true

    physiologically, psychologically, and in regard to

    society as a whole. Ill take the evidence in reverse

    order, as the effects on society have been so

    devastating that they deserve attention above any

    possible medical ramifications of inhaling cannabis

    smoke. One only has to look at the federal

    agencies which are nearly bursting at the seams

    with money reaped from self-sustaining evidenceseizure which actually takes the form of federal

    police literally confiscating the money from the

    pockets of patients at state medical dispensaries.

    These are legitimate and legal medical

    establishments, mind you, though the Executive

    Branch occasionally forgets the en vogue states

    rights argument when convenience is tooconvincing. The money is bloody and greasy, and

    its odor so repugnant as to be unbearable to any

    lover of liberty. In May of2010, the Seattle Weekly

    ran a piece explaining that police took $80 cash

    from a 9-year-old girls Mickey Mouse wallet in

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    one of these infamous trash-and-dash faux-sting

    operations. What could I write that would

    exemplify the horror and cruelty of Prohibition

    than this under-reported and absolutely shameful

    act of civil savagery?

    Overall, the War on Drugs has cost an

    estimated $2 trillion, a staggering amount

    compared to the piddling $700 million Congress

    saw fit to retract from National Public Radio. The

    DEA itself has an annual budget of $2.5 billion

    which is so clearly a waste of money that wordsseem to fail me. Add to this cocktail the individual

    lives ruined and we have ourselves a senselessly

    swarthy potion. Imagine being arrested three

    times for cannabis possession (again, a clearly

    victimless crime) and, on the fourth go-around,

    you are imprisoned for life. A life in prison is no life

    at all, and the suffering of one of these poorindividuals weighs heavily upon our collective

    conscience, whether or not we choose to

    acknowledge them.

    Robin Spottedcrow, a mother from

    Kingfisher, OK, was handed a 10-year prison

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    sentence for selling $31 worth of cannabis to a

    police informant. Entrapment or not, the suffering

    this woman has endured at the hands of

    unscrupulous lawmakers (more breakers) is

    chillingly Orwellian. Cannabis prohibition truly issensory prohibition, and it was not just a literal

    authoritarian regime that we were warned against.

    Rejecting 1984 in 2012 must be one of our main

    priorities. There are no boogey men, but grey suits

    can be just as terrifying. Lawrence Krauss put it

    perfectly when he claimed that there is no size

    pre-requisite for tyranny. What we can see are

    well-armed paramilitary groups barging into

    legitimate and licensed medical practices; this

    must cease immediately.

    There is a measurable way to assess the

    damage Prohibition has done; not quite an

    equation, but a metric for equality it can be. Thethree variables are Users, Preventers, and Liberty;

    the balance between these has been skewed and

    skewered so that Users vastly outnumber

    Preventers, and Liberty is lost almost completely in

    the tussle. This is why the United States currently

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    has the highest prison population in the world.

    Second place goes to Rwanda. Minorities are ten

    times as likely to be imprisoned rendering

    Prohibition, almost impossibly, just that much

    more insidious. Beneath the civilized veneer of ourdusty legal system lies the ever-present threat of

    arms. How can a legal maneuver called rational

    review possibly stand up for itself when the little

    guy is threatened by unprecedented firepower?

    Cannabis smokers are allegedly not a protected

    class but a law which persecuted drinkers

    would be just as unwelcome as the ban against

    smokers is.

    Jazz musicians in the 1920s referred to

    fellow musicians who enjoyed cannabis as vipers

    and those who preferred alcohol as lushes. The

    lushes have been allowed to flourish while the

    vipers heads have been crushed under theunyielding jackboot of an embarrassing number of

    paramilitary organizations ready to kick down the

    doors of otherwise-upstanding citizens. This is

    what I mean when I call Prohibition a charade. We

    pretend to honor the heroes who have perished in

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    the line of duty with flowery parades while

    steadfastly refusing to address the rotten core of

    chronic miscalculation. We have to choose one of

    two options: either we impose stricter penalties

    for users and dealers--similar to Singapore orMalaysia--or we act adult and assume that

    individuals can best decide what is proper to put in

    their own bodies. Our interdiction efforts have

    served only to galvanize criminals into submarine-

    piloting super villains, the ugliest capitalism the

    world has ever seen. The total damage of

    Prohibition is self-evident to any citizen, and to

    pretend otherwise is to spit in the face of great

    men who have fought for our collective and joyous


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    Think of the Children

    I must address the concerns for children

    smoking cannabis. No serious resolver would

    suggest that a child should be given cannabis in

    any form. Since love for children is such a

    profoundly deep emotion, my first argument will

    demonstrate why legal cannabis is substantially

    safer for Americas than the illegal brand which

    currently dominates the market. I hope by

    addressing this very crucial topic I can exemplify in

    embryo why Prohibition is so deeply disturbing.Consider a brief thought experiment: twin

    brothers are sent to study at the same college,

    taking identical courses and working towards the

    same degree. Imagine, however, that one brother

    is a renowned and talented drinker while the other

    chooses to abstain from drink completely and

    instead enjoys the occasional cannabis cigarette--

    usually called a joint. Though the drinking brother

    might be a complete scoundrel in school, the

    worst offense he can be convicted of is underage

    drinking. If the smoking brother is caught with one

    of his joints, his future may be forever ruined.

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    Depending on the amount he is caught with, he

    could be convicted of a felony, his student loans

    might be rescinded, and he might forever be

    barred from entering the military. I have not yet

    presented the evidence for cannabis safety whencompared to alcohol, but the disparity between

    punishments for two similarly intoxicating

    substances is so grossly indecent that it may begin

    setting off alarm bells in the back of your mind.

    This brings up the two contrasting concepts

    of gatekeeper and dealer. The first is a type oflicensed specialist, in place to ensure that

    intoxicating substances are only served to adults

    those who society deems fit to make conscious,

    rational decisions about their own health. The

    other is simply an individual purely interested in

    profiting from the sale of an illicit substance. The

    gentleman at the gas station who asks for IDbefore an individual purchases tobacco or alcohol

    is a deterrent to underage sales, while dealers, on

    the other hand, have no interest or need in asking

    for personal identification, rendering efforts to

    curb sales to children doomed to fail before they

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    have even begun. In other words, to a dealer, the

    money of a 12-year-old is just as good as that of a

    21-year-old. It has always struck me how obvious

    this disparity is, and how foolishly the argument

    for the children is often used for purposes whichdirectly contradict prohibitionists purported goals.

    If children are to avoid cannabis, then attempting

    to turn dealers into gatekeepers should be

    considered a critical stepping-stone in this


    Two of the most important fundamentalrights are not even listed in the Constitution. Every

    citizen in a republic is entitled to dignity and

    propriety, essentially protection of your person as

    well as your name. Prohibition defames individuals

    unto the status of numbered convicts; a scarlet

    letter for a victimless crime. Are these the lessons

    that our children should be taught? To this alreadysignificant abrogation of basic rights, one must

    consider the ramifications of the prevalence of

    quickly-banned synthetic cannabis substitutes.

    Presently, much of South America has been

    wracked with the horrors of a new drug called Oxi.

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    It is a mixture of cocaine paste, gasoline, kerosene

    and quicklime and this addictive hallucinogen is

    much cheaper even than crack cocaine, and

    reportedly much more powerful.1

    These back-alley concoctions are much more

    dangerous than cannabis, and we have historical

    medical evidence of the danger that synthetic

    substances pose. The Case of a the Frozen Junkies

    is a 1995 book by J. William Langston which

    describes the horrific side effects of a type of

    synthetic heroin known as MTPT.


    This back-alleypotion is now known to interfere with the

    production of dopamine, a lack of which induces

    Parkinsons-like symptoms. For those junkies

    who were unfortunate enough to have ingested

    the substance more than a handful of times, they

    eventually became completely deaf, dumb and

    immobile. They became literal prisoners in their

    1Oxi: Twice as powerful as crack cocaine at just a fraction of the price, the

    Guardian, May 30, 2011, sec. Society,


    2J. William Langston and Jon Palfreman, The Case of the Frozen Addicts

    (Pantheon, 1995).

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    own barely-functioning bodies. The modern

    equivalent to this nightmare scenario is the

    synthetic cannabis which has flooded our dry

    market. Often made from derivatives of the

    nightshade family of plants, these abysmalsubstitutes are responsible for an increasing

    amount of deadly emergency room visits from

    young Americans.3

    The nation-wide coalition of young

    Americans who support Resolution, Students for

    Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) have as their bylineThe War on Drugs is a War on Us. While they are

    certainly correct in their assessment that

    Prohibition unjustly yokes young Americans with

    the brunt of our decrepit burden, the Us to

    which they prefer is actually a much larger group;

    everyone. The lessons we teach via Prohibition are

    as outdated as the blue laws which litter our tiredtomes of justice. There is no argument as to

    3Duluth ER doctor disputes notion of harmless synthetic marijuana,MPR

    News, n.d.,


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    whether Prohibition or Resolution is more harmful

    to Americas youth.

    We have seen the arguments that are

    constantly recycled by prohibitionists in order to

    support their pseudo-intellectual arguments.

    Ignoring arguments regarding the byproducts of

    re-legalization such as high driving, and the

    Gateway Drug Theory, (which have already been

    dispatched) I would like to focus briefly on the

    innate qualities of cannabis that prohibitionists

    frequently deride. Arguments regarding the plantitself can be generally classified into the following


    1.) Cannabis is harmful to human health.

    2.) Cannabis is bad for society.

    3.) Cannabis is dangerous for children.

    You can read above why the arguments are

    erroneous in and of themselves, but I think it

    would be reasonable to compare cannabis to

    another substance with similar qualities, and

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    analyze how the government handled such a


    Despite widespread knowledge of the

    dangers of lead as a potent neurotoxin,

    tetraethyllead (TEL) was used in gasoline from the

    1920s through the 1970s to reduce the problem

    of engine knock. Despite arguments that lead

    did not actually rectify the problem of engine

    knock, the Etyhyl Gasoline Corporation and

    Standard Oil Corporation colluded in pursuing

    TELs push into the automobile marketplace,resulting in the deaths of many workers, and

    poisoning thousands more.4 Though alternatives to

    TEL were available, it was very cheap, so business

    sense beat altruism into submission.

    Our bodies do not have an efficient pathway

    for excreting lead; presence of lead in the blood is

    detectable long after exposure, and deposits in

    brain and bone may be considered permanent.

    One can imagine that lead being blown out of tens

    4Jamie Lincoln Kitman The Secret History of Lead The Nation. Online. March

    20, 2000.

    Accessed via:

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    of millions of cars for dozens of years might have a

    significant deleterious impact on human health,

    and one would be correct in this assumption. It

    was known from soil and ice core samples that TEL

    correlated directly with increased atmospheric andsoil lead.

    After this information became too

    overwhelming to deny, the EPA used an extension

    of the Clean Air Act to force the phase-out of

    leaded gasoline. Since Ethyl Gasoline Corporation

    and its cronies vehemently denied the dangers oflead on environmental safety and even human

    physiology, they sued the EPA, though they

    eventually lost on appeal. Usage of the TEL

    additive began to wane in the early 1980s, and fell

    into almost complete disuse by the early 1990s. It

    was not officially outlawed until 1996, which is

    paradoxically appalling and unsurprising.

    The physiological effects of outlawing lead

    were obvious: a 1994 study found that the average

    blood lead level in Americans dropped from 16

    micrograms per deciliter (g/dL ) to 3 g/dL in

    1991a reduction of78%. For a point of

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    reference, CDC considers 10 g/dL of lead to be an

    elevated blood level and cause for concern.

    More insidiously, lead has an especially

    pronounced effect on children. Levels of just 10

    g/dL have been shown to cause a four point dropin IQ.

    5 It doesnt require the mind of a scientist to

    understand that altering the brain chemistry of

    children with neurotoxic metals is a practice that

    might be considered an enormous public hazard,

    and one that is certainly more harmful than any

    bag of weed could be.

    Beside the inarguable and monumental

    health problems caused by lead, a graph of TEL

    usage over time is statistically indicative of violent

    crime rates: as atmospheric/blood lead increased,

    so did violent crime.6 While the exact mechanism


    Lanphear, Bruce P.; Hornung, Richard; Khoury, Jane; Yolton, Kimberly;Baghurst, Peter; Bellinger, David C.; Canfield, Richard L.; Dietrich, Kim al. (2005) "Low-Level Environmental Lead Exposure and ChildrensIntellectual Function: An International Pooled Analysis"EnvironmentalHealth Perspectives.Volume 113 Issue 7 pp.894-899.

    Accessed via:

    6Jessica Wolpaw Reyes Environmental Policy as Social Policy? The

    Impact of Childhood Lead Exposure on Crime Sep. 25, 2007.The B.E.Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy.Berkeley Electronic Press, vol. 7(1)

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    of this phenomenon may not be clear, it is well-

    known that psychosis and dementia frequently

    result from chronic lead exposure, and the

    additional consideration that lead can measurably

    decrease IQ are strong enough indicators that thiscorrelationwhich was statistically significant

    has plenty of scholastic merit.

    Lets summarize the situation thus far:

    1.) Lead was spewed, at incredible rates, into the

    atmosphere for roughly 70 years

    2.)Lead is objectively harmful to human health

    3.)Lead is especially harmful to children,

    4.) High levels of atmospheric lead caused a

    statistically significant an increase in violent crime

    5.) Lead definitively harms the environment

    (potentially irreparably)

    Numbers 1-4 are accusations that have been

    leveled at cannabis without so much as a shred of

    credible evidence. On the other hand, even when

    research began to show that lead was negatively

    impacting the environment in the 1940s and

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    1950s, it would still take the federal government

    over four decades to outlaw the use of this

    pervasive neurotoxin in gasoline; a critical error in

    mis-weighing parsimony and philosophy. Lead had

    been known since the 1600s to be harmful tohuman health, but the low price and

    uncomplicated manufacturability of TEL was too

    seductive a siren song for Big Businesss best pal,

    Uncle Sam, to resist. So, for seventy years,

    everyone in the United States was slowly poisoned

    in the name of profit. I should mention that

    though the previous statement might appear over-

    simplified or hyperbolic, it most certainly is not.

    The clear and present danger of airborne

    lead was ignored while the Hill stood at rapt

    attention to those who conjured the ever-pesky

    phantom of cannabis abuse. Henry Anslinger

    was feeding Congress racist lies to further hiscareer and his spell-bound audience gobbled them

    greedily while imagining all the extra votes they

    would surely receive for being tough on crime.

    Not only did our elected officials drive home fat

    and happy, stuffed full of moralizing gibberish

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    from their favorite drug-obsessed bigot, they

    unwittingly topped off their mad tea party by

    squirting toxic flatulence into the atmosphere

    and into spongy American bodiesfrom the ass

    end of their lead-leaking automobiles.

    Henry Anslinger, who was little more than a

    xenophobic goon with a government-issued badge

    (and eventually a gun), was taken at his word

    when he told Congress that cannabis smoking was

    an epidemic, and it need to be outlawed

    immediately. While the man at the very top ofenforcing drug policy in the United States frothed

    at the mouth and gesticulated wildly on the floor

    of Congress, our elected officials watched,

    spellbound, at this mad-dog performance. The

    irony of their ignorance regarding the poisonous

    metal was apparently lost on those legislators.

    While evidence of leads harmfulness was well-known and long-understood, the federal

    government thought that saving America

    required jazz singers and migrant farmers to

    sacrifice their cherished cannabis, all the while

    ignoring the fact that every squad car that busted

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    a dope fiend was doing far more harmand

    measurably sothan any amount of cannabis ever


    When you consider the original testimonies

    given to Congress, the absence of evidence

    supporting prohibition arguments, the legality and

    approval of other, more harmful substances, and

    the arbitrary manner in which the federal

    government involves itself with the health of its

    citizenry, it become painfully obvious that the

    hypocrisy of cannabis prohibition is nearlyunrivaled in both scope and absurdity.

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    The Year of the Locus

    This book has been relatively short, and the

    decisions we make from this point forward need to

    be quick and decisive. We have run out of room

    for error in this matter. In 1937, the Marijuana Tax

    Act was passed. While some bills regarding

    cannabis production and distribution were passed

    before, and many after, I simply cant express the

    ridiculous nature of the evidence submitted for

    Congressional approval for this specific piece of

    legislation. One witness, a pharmacologist fromTemple University claimed that cannabis turned

    him into vulture. That is not a joke, and you can

    find the full text at This is the only

    external source of information you require for a

    complete rebuttal of prohibition. I strongly

    encourage everyone reading to take a moment

    and peruse the sources provided at your pleasure;you will find the evidence as outstanding as I


    Seventy-five years later, we stand at yet

    another critical inflection point. Do we continue on

    a path like Singapore, where drug smugglers are

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    murdered by the state, or do we choose sanity?

    The correct answer has been apparent for over

    seven decades. I strongly believe that hope and

    change are finally coming.

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