
Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45

Notes on the subgenus Albocosta Fibiger & Lafontaine 1997,

with descriptions of five new taxa from Asia (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)


H–3530 Miskolc, Mélyvölgy 13/A, Hungary. E–mail: [email protected]

Received 28 January 2021 │ Accepted by V. Pešić: 22 February 2021 │ Published online 24 February 2021.


A checklist and distribution of the taxa of the Dichagyris subgenus Albocosta, with the description of three new species

(D (A.) musichuana sp. n., D (A.) ochrocosta sp. n., D (A.) antevolans sp. n.) and two new subspecies (D (A.) lasciva

pamirpsychra ssp. n., D (A.) triangularis sinangularis ssp. n.) are given.

Key words: Asia, taxonomy, Noctuidae.


The genus Albocosta (= Pseudochropleura Beck, 1992, nomen nudum) was erected by Fibiger & Lafontaine

in 1997 for a group of species, characterised by a typical forewing pattern, in which the base colour is

reddish brown, whereas the costa widely whitish, yellowish or ochreous. Most of the species associated to

this newly established genus, originally had been described as Agrotis Ochsenheimer, 1816, while a few of

them as Chersotis Boisduval, 1840, Ochropleura Hübner, [1821] 1816 or Rhyacia Hübner, [1821] 1816.

Studying the male and female genitalia structures, and comparing the genitalia configuration with those of

the genus Dichagyris Lederer, 1857, author did not find any significant differences that would justify the

classification of these species as a separate genus. Thus Albocosta is accepted here as a subgenus of

Dichagyris. In the male genitalia, the capsule does not indicates conspicuous differences among the each

taxa, while the vesica is long, tubular or more ample, coiled. In the female genitalia, most of the taxa have

bifurcate, long, sack-like bursa, while in a few ones the appendix bursae is much shorter, ovoid. The genus

Basistriga Fibiger & Lafontaine, 1997 ((Noct. Eur. 3: 125; TS: Noctua flammatra (Denis & Schiffermüller,

1775)) is accepted here also as a subgenus of Dichagyris, but not as a synonym of Albocosta. The checklist

and distribution of the taxa of the subgenus Albocosta, including the three new species and two new

subspecies being described in this article, are given here.

Ecologica Montenegrina 40: 26-45 (2021)

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Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45 27

Material and Methods

Abbreviations for personal and institutional collections used herein include: AFM = Alessandro Floriani

(Milan, Italy); ASV = Aidas Saldaitis (Vilnius, Lithuania); HNHM = Hungarian Natural History Museum

(Budapest, Hungary); MDC = Marek Dvorak (Czeh Republik); MH = Márton Hreblay in HNHM (Budapest,

Hungary); PGYM = Péter Gyulai (Miskolc, Hungary); GYP = genitalia slide of Péter Gyulai; OP = genitalia

slide of Oleg Pekarsky; HT = holotype; PT = paratype; TL = type locality; TS = type species of subgenus.


Subgenus Albocosta Fibiger & Lafontaine in Fibiger, 1997 Albocosta Fibiger & Lafontaine, 1997; Noct. Eur.

3: 126; TS: Noctua musiva (Hübner, [1803]).

Pseudochropleura Beck, [1992]; Atalanta 22 (2/4): 181 (nom. nud.); TS: Noctua musiva Hübner [1803])

Dichagyris (Albocosta) musiva musiva (Hübner, [1803])

Noctua musiva Hübner, [1803]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [4]: pl. 25, f. 118; TL: Europe.

Distribution: SW- CE- SE- E- Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Armenia, Iran, W. and S. Siberia, W. of

Central Asia.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) musiva clarivena (Püngeler, 1900)

Agrotis clarivena (Püngeler, 1900) Deutsche Ent. Zeitschrift Iris 12(2): 288-299.TL: [China], „Kuku-noor“.

Distribution: China: Qinghai; the single specimen from Sichuan is possibly mislabelled.

Dichagyris musiva sheljuzhkoi (Kovács & Varga, 1973)

Ochropleura musiva sheljuzhkoi Kovács & Varga, 1973; Folia Ent. Hung. 26 (2): 313, pl. 1, f. 6; TL:

Mongolia, Chentej aimak.

Distribution: Mongolia: Mongolian and Govi Altai Mts., Chentej Mts.; Russia: locally in S. Sibiria.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) lasciva lasciva (Staudinger, 1888).

Agrotis lasciva Staudinger, 1888; Stettin ent. Ztg 49 (1-3): 14; TL: Kyrgyzstan, Alai Mts. and Uzbekistan.

Distribution: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan (Alai and Transalai Mts), Tajikistan: Hissar Mts. and Wantsh


Dichagyris (Albocosta) lasciva pamirpsychra ssp. n. TL: Tajikistan: Pamirs, Tanimas range.

Distribution: Tajikistan, Pamir

Dichagyris (Albocosta) juldussi (Alphéraky, 1882)

Agrotis juldussi Alphéraky, 1882; Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 17 (1-2): 49, pl. 3, f. 59; TL: China, Kuldja,

Jouldous Lake.

Distribution: Kazakhstan (Dzhungarian and Transili Alatoo Mts), Kyrgyzstan (Transili and Kungei

Alatoo Mts.), NW. China: Xinjiang prov., W.Tibet.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) musivula (Staudinger, 1895)

Agrotis musivula Staudinger, 1895; Dt. Ent. Z. Iris 8 (2): 310; TL: between Lob Noor and Kuku Noor.

Distribution: China: Qinghai. The few data from Sichuan can refer to the next species.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) musichuana sp. n.; TL: Sichuan, Bamei Mts.

Distribution: W Sichuan

Dichagyris (Albocosta) dulcis (Alphéraky, 1892)

Agrotis dulcis Alphéraky, 1892; Horae Soc. ent. ross. 26 (3-4): 444; TL: Tibet, Kuku-noor

Distribution: China: Qinghai.



Dichagyris (Albocosta) ulrici (Corti & Draudt, 1933)

Rhyacia (Diarsia) ulrici Corti & Draudt, 1933; Gross-Schmett. Erde (Suppl. 3): 12; TL: Uzbekistan,

Alexander Mts and Tibet, Kukunoor.

Distribution: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, China (Xinyiang-Uygur, Qinghai, NE

Tibet), Pakistan Karakoram, N Himalaya), N India (Himachal Pradesh). The data from Nepal may refer to

the next species.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) sugii Hreblay & Ronkay, 1998

Dichagyris sugii Hreblay & Ronkay, 1998; Tinea 15 (suppl. 1): 128; TL: Nepal, Annapurna Himal, 10 km

SE of Jomsom, 3800 m.

Distribution: Nepal: Annapurna Himal, Dailekh, Dhaulagiri

Dichagyris (Albocosta) ochrocosta sp. n. TL: Bhutan, Chili Le pass

Distribution: Bhutan.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) ellapsa (Corti, 1927)

Agrotis ellapsa Corti, 1927; Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 17: 9, pl. 1, f. 1; TL: China, Szetschwan.

Distribution: China: Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yünnan, Qinghai.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) fuscicosta Hreblay & Plante, 1995

D. (Albocosta) fuscicosta Hreblay & Plante, 1995; Lambillionea 96 (4): 664; TL: Nepal, 6 km SW of

Kalinchok peak.

Distribution: Nepal, Kalinchok peak.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) triangularis (Moore, 1867)

Ochropleura triangularis Moore, 1867; Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1867: 55; TL: India, Darjeeling.

Ochropleura triangularis; [POOLE]; Yoshimoto, 1994, Tinea 14 (Suppl. 1): 98, pl. 14, f. 8; Yoshimoto,

1995, Tinea 14 (suppl. 2): 50.

Albocosta triangularis; [NE3], 126; Ronkay, Ronkay, László, Fu & Wu, 2013, Fibigeriana Suppl. 1: 17; Wu

& Chang, 2013, Japan Heter. J. 269: 472.

Distribution: Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Taiwan. Russia: Primorye terr.,

Kuriles. The data from Mongolia must be confirmed, since the dissected specimens proved to the very

similar Dichagyris (Albocosta) stentzi (Lederer, 1853).

Dichagyris (Albocosta) triangularis sinangularis ssp. n. TL: China, Shaanxi

Distribution: China: Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) stentzi (Lederer, 1853)

Chersotis stentzi Lederer, 1853; Verh. zool.-bot. Ver. Wien 3: 367, pl. 4, f. 4; TL: East Kazakhstan, West


Agrotis stentsi Hampson, 1903; (emend.)

Distribution: Russia (Altai, Tuva, Sayan and Baikal area, Transbaikalia, Amur reg., Primorye terr.,

Sakhalin, Kuriles; pers. comm. V. Kononenko), Kazakhstan,? Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Korea, China, Tibet,

Nepal, India. The data from Pakistan is not impossible, but must be confirmed, since can be based on

misidentifications, referring to the very similar Dichagyris (Albocosta) triangularis (Moore, 1867). The

occurrence in Japan also refers to D. (A.) triangularis, see Sugi (1982).

Dichagyris (Albocosta) antevolans sp. n. TL: Nepal, Annapurna

Distribution: Nepal: Annapurna, Ganesh Himal.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) refulgens (Warren, 1909)

Rhyacia refulgens Warren, 1909; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 43, pl. 9 f; TL: Kashmir; Tibet.

Distribution: Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet. The data from Kashmir, Pakistan need confirmation.


Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45 29

Dichagyris (Albocosta) obliqua (Corti & Draudt, 1933)

Rhyacia (Diarsia) obliqua Corti & Draudt, 1933; Gross-Schmett. Erde (Suppl. 3): 79, pl. 12 a; TL: China,

Szechuan (Ta-tsien-lu)

Distribution: China: Qinghai, Sichuan, N.Yunnan.

Descriptions of new taxa

Dichagyris (Albocosta) lasciva pamirpsychra ssp. n.

(Figs 5-8, 26-27, 44-45)

Holotype. Male (Fig. 5), Tajikistan, E-Pamir, 3800 m, N. Tanimas range; Nat. Res., middle stream of

Shurali-Suu river, 15-20.VII.2018, leg. D. Goshko, slide no. GYP 5224 (coll. PGYM, later to be deposited in

the HNHM).

Paratypes. Tajikistan: 25 males, with the same data, (coll. PGYM); 11 males, E-Pamir, 3700 m,

Muzkol range, Muzkol national reserve; Sassik riv., 17-25.VII.2015, leg. D. Goshko, (coll. PGYM); 4 males,

same data (colls ASV & MDC); 12 males, E-Pamir, 3700 m, Muzkol range, Muzkol national reserve, Sassik

riv., 18-19.VII.2016, leg. D. Goshko, (coll. PGYM); 7 males+ females, same data (coll AFM); 3 males, 3900

m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range, 10-20.VII.2014, leg. V. Gurko (colls ASV & MDC); 1 male, 3900 m, E-

Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range, 20-30.VII.2014, leg. V. Gurko (coll. PGYM); 4 males, 3900 m, E-Pamir,

Zulumart Mt. range, 1-10.VIII.2014, leg. V. Gurko (colls ASV & MDC); 2 males, same data (colls ASV &

MDC); 3 males, 1 female, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range, 1-10.VII.2015, leg.: V. Gurko (coll.

PGYM); 3 males, same data, (colls ASV & MDC); 8 males, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range, 10-

20.VII.2015, leg. V. Gurko (coll. PGYM); 4 males, 1 female, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range, 20-

30.VII.2015, leg. V. Gurko (colls ASV & MDC); 8 males, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range, 1-

10.VIII.2015, leg. V. Gurko (colls ASV & MDC); 2 males, 3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range, 10-

20.VIII.2015, leg.: V. Gurko (coll. PGYM); 12 males, 1 female, same data (colls ASV & MDC); 6 males,

same data (colls ASV & MDC); 1 male, South -East Pamir Mts., Murgab distr., Ak-Bura massif, 20 km W

from Tokhtamish vill., Sulu-istik riv., 3900 m, 11-27.VII.2016, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM); 8 males, C.

Pamir, S-Alichurskiy range, Dzelandy vill., 3500 m, 8-12.VII.2014, leg. D. Goshko; (colls ASV & MDC);

23 males, C. Pamir, S-Alichurskiy range, Dzelandy vill., 3500 m, 30.VII-2.VIII.2014, leg. D. Goshko; (colls

ASV & MDC); 1 male, C. Pamir, S-Alichurskiy range, Dzelandy vill., 3500 m, 30.VII.2016, leg. D. Goshko

(coll. PGYM); 12 males+females, same data, 22-26. VII. 2016 (AFM); 8 males, C. Pamir, Yuzno-

Alichurskiy range, Dzhylondy vill. 3500 m, 29.VII. - 3.VIII.2014, leg. D. A. Safranov (coll. PGYM); 2

males, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3100 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 24 -27.VI.2015, leg. D. Goshko (coll.

PGYM); 1 male, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3100 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 18.VI. -3.VII.2015, leg. D.

Goshko; (coll. MDC); 6 males+females, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3100 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 22-

27.VI.2013, leg. D. Goshko (coll.AFM); 2 males, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3100 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-

Dara, 28.VI.-1.VII.2015, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM); 55 males, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3300 m, n.

Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 14-29.VI.2018, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM, 4 males coll. Z. Varga); 7 males, same

data, (colls ASV & MDC); 2 males, W-Pamir, Shugnan range; 3800 m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 15-

20.VII.2018, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM); 1 male, same data, 18.VI. -3.VII.2015, (coll. MDC).

Slide nos. GYP 4428male, GYP 5223male, GYP 5226male, GYP 5233female.

Diagnosis. The new subspecies (Figs 5-8) is in average somewhat smaller than the nominotypical

subspecies (Figs 1-4); forewing length is 13-17 mm (males) and 16-21 mm (females), wingspans 28-34 mm

and 35-39 mm, respectively. However, the most distinctive features are in the colouration of wings.

Forewings are dark brown, with reddish-brown and/or violet suffusion, mostly in the middle area, with

diffuse darker crosslines. Hindwings are light brownish suffused, mostly in the marginal area, with slight

greyish-brown discal spot and diffuse sub-discal stripe; while in the typical subspecies has a lighter reddish-

brown colouration of forewings and shiny whitish - pale ochreous hindwings.

In the male genitalia (Figs 26, 27), the new subspecies has shorter distal section of the valvae with

apically less elongate cucullus and shorter vesica with narrower subbasal diverticulum, than in the typical

subspecies (Fig. 25)

In the female genitalia (Figs 44-45), the new subspecies differs by the slightly longer, anteriorly

broader, distally narrower, medially more constricted ductus bursae from the typical subspecies (Fig. 43).



Figures 1–8. Dichagyris (Albocosta) spp. adults. 1. D. (A.) lasciva, male, Kirgisia, Alai, Tengizbai pass, 3000-3500 m,

10 km N of, Daraut Kurgan, 11-25. VII. 1995, leg. V. A. Lukhtanov (coll. PGYM); 2. D. (A.) lasciva, female, Kirgisia,

Alai, Tengizbai pass, 3000-3500 m, 10 km N of Daraut Kurgan, 11-25. VII. 1995, leg. V. A. Lukhtanov (coll. PGYM);

3. D. (A.) lasciva, male, Tajikistan, Hissar Mts., Anzob pass, 3300 m, 3. VII. 2000, leg. Perepechenko, GYP 5221 (coll.

PGYM); 4. D. (A.) lasciva, female, Tajikistan, Hissar Mts., Anzob pass, 3300 m, 3. VII. 2000, leg. Perepechenko, (coll.

PGYM); 5. D. (A.) lasciva pamirpsychra ssp. n., HT, male, Tajikistan, E. Pamir, 3800 m, Tanimas range, Nat. Res.,

middle stream of Shurali-Suu river, 15-20.VII.2018, leg. D. Goshko, GYP 5224 (coll. PGYM); 6. D. (A.) lasciva

pamirpsychra ssp. n., PT, male, Tajikistan, E. Pamir, Tanimas range, Nat. Res., middle stream of Shurali-Suu river, 15-

20.VII.2018, leg. D. Goshko, (coll. PGYM); 7. D. (A.) lasciva pamirpsychra ssp. n., PT, female, Tajikistan, E. Pamir,

3900 m, E-Pamir, Zulumart Mt. range, 1-10.VII.2015, leg. V. Gurko, GYP 5233 (coll. PGYM); 8. D. (A.) lasciva

pamirpsychra ssp. n., PT, male, Tajikistan, W. Pamir, Shugnan range; 3300m, n. Chorog, Sangou-Dara, 14 -29. VI.

2018, leg. D. Goshko (coll. PGYM).


Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45 31

Figures 9–16. Dichagyris (Albocosta) spp. adults. 9. D. (A.) musivula, male, China, Qinghai, 3800 m, Anemaqing Mts.,

10 km SE of Xue Shan, N of Dong Qing Gou, 10 - 11. VIII. 1999, leg. P. Gyulai & A. Garai (coll. PGYM); 10. D. (A.)

musivula, male, China, Qinghai, 4450 m, Anemaqing Mts., N of Changman, Chang Ma He Wu Dao Ban, 9 -10. VIII.

1999, leg. P. Gyulai & A. Garai (coll. PGYM); 11. D. (A.) musichuana sp. n., HT, male, China, Sichuan, W Bamei

Mts., 3750 m, 10. VIII. 2005, leg. S. Murzin, slide no. GYP 5276, (coll. PGYM); 12. D. (A.) musichuana sp. n., PT,

male, China, Sichuan, W Bamei Mts., 3750 m, 10. VIII. 2005, leg. S. Murzin, slide no. GYP 5228, (coll. PGYM); 13.

D. (A.) ulrici, female, Tajikistan, Khatlon, 20 km E of Kulab, 1870 m, 22. V. 2017, leg. Benedek & Ilniczky (coll.

PGYM); 14. D. (A.) sugii, PT, female, Nepal, Annapurna, 1 km N of Khangar, 4050m, 14. VI. 1996, leg. M. Hreblay &

Cs. Szabóky, GYP 5234, (coll. PGYM); 15. D. (A.) ochrocosta sp. n., HT, female, Bhutan, Chili La pass (= Chelé La

pass), 3830 m, 27° 22' N, 89° 21' E, 16-17. X. 2009, leg. Y. Bezvotshov & V. Siniaev, slide no. GYP 4409, (coll.

PGYM); 16. D. (A.) sugii, male, Nepal, Kanchenjunga, Deorali Danda, Yalung, 3920 m, 12-13. VIII. 2000, leg. M.

Hreblay & T. Csővári, GYP 2074, (coll. PGYM).



Figures 17–24. Dichagyris (Albocosta) spp. adults. 17. D. (A.) triangularis, male, India, W Bengal, Darjeeling, 27-29.

IX. 1986, leg. Aulombard & J. Plante (coll. PGYM); 18. D. (A.) triangularis sinangularis ssp. n., HT, male, China,

prov. Shaanxi, Tsinling Mts., Fopin Mt., 33o 45' N, 107o 38' E, 1900 m, 1 - 30. VI. 2004, leg. V. Siniaev & Team, slide

no. GYP 5345m (coll. PGYM); 19. D. (A.) triangularis sinangularis ssp. n., PT, female, China, prov. Shaanxi, Tsinling

Mts., Dudamen vill., 33o 55' N, 107o 44' E, 2600 m, 20 - 30. VI. 2005, leg. V. Siniaev & Team, (coll. PGYM); 20. D.

(A.) antevolans sp. n., HT, male, Nepal, Annapurna region, Sudame, 1250 m, 24-25. III. 1995, leg. M. Hreblay & L.

Németh, slide no. GYP 5349 (coll. PGYM); 21. D. (A.) antevolans sp. n., PT, female, Nepal, Annapurna region,

Nangethanti, 2445 m, 19-20. III. 1995, leg. M. Hreblay & L. Németh slide no. GYP 5346, (coll. PGYM); 22. D. (A.)

antevolans sp. n., PT, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 2 km E of Yürekharka, 3000 m, 3. IV. 1995, leg. M. Hreblay & L. Németh

(coll. PGYM); 23. D. (A.) stentzi, male, Russia, Kadilnaya, 80 km S. of Irkutsk, lake Baikal, 12. VIII. 1988, leg. I.

Gyulai, slide no. Hreblay 13130, (coll. PGYM); 24. D. (A.) stentzi, female, Russia, Far East, Vladivostok distr.,

Nachodka, 1-31. VII. 1994, leg. Kuznecov (coll. PGYM).


Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45 33

Description (Figs 5-8). Forewing length 14-17 mm, wingspan 29-34 mm. Palpi covered with dark

red-brown scales, third segment tiny, apically lighter. Vertex brown, dark brown, collar blackish brown with

broad light brownish-ochreous base, thorax vesture and legs dark red-brown, abdomen vesture pale brown.

Forewings triangular, apex pointed. Ground colour of forewings dark red - brown with more or less violet

suffusion, slightly darker in the middle area and lighter, more violaceous grey in the subterminal area. Costa

broadly pale ochreous-white or yellowish until the tip of the reniform stigma, conjoining with the same

coloured orbicular macula and the yellowish-brownish reniform stigma. Transverse lines obscure, antemedial

lines wavy, postmedial lines evenly arched, subterminal lines finely lacy; fringe brown. Hindwings light

brownish, slightly darker suffused in the marginal field, with discal spot and without medial line; fringe pale


Male genitalia (Figs 26-27). Characterized by the long, curved, terminally hooked, apically acute

uncus with a long bunch of long hairs distally; broad tegumen; broad juxta with two symmetrical wing-like

extensions dorsally, and with broadly v-shaped dorsal-medial incision. Clavus short, vinculum V-shaped.

Valvae almost evenly broad with a long extension in the dorsal costa medially; harpe strong, straight or

almost straight, cucullus corona with a row of fine spines and bushy, long hairs. Aedeagus straight with a

long strongly sclerotized, eversible bar onto the basal section of vesica. Vesica tubular with a tiny apical

diverticulum; subbasal diverticulum armed with a small acute cornutus apically.

Female genitalia (Figs 44-45). The main characters are the setose, short papillae anales, short

apophyses anteriores and longer but finer apophyses posteriores; sclerotized antrum with more sclerotized,

pincer-like, bilateral, symmetrical lobi; anteriorly broad, then evenly tapering, medially slightly constricted,

posteriorly longitudinally wrinkled sclerotized and extending ductus bursae; elongate, tubular appendix

bursae and corpus bursae, from which the former one is somewhat longer.

Bionomics and distribution. The new subspecies is restricted to the Pamir Mts., while the

nominotypical subspecies is widely distributed in the Transalai (type locality), Alai, Tien Shan, Hissar and

Vantsh mountains.

Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the cold climatological characters of the habitats in

the high Pamir, above 3000 m.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) musichuana sp. n.

(Figs 11-12, 30-31)

Holotype. Male (Fig. 11), China, Sichuan, W Bamei Mts., 3750 m, 10.VIII.2005, leg. S. Murzin, slide no.

GYP 5276 (coll. PGYM, later to be deposited in the HNHM).

Paratype. Male, with the same data, slide no. GYP 5228 (coll. PGYM).

Diagnosis. Dichagyris (A.) musichuana sp. n. (Figs 11-12) is the southern vicariant species of the

northern D. (A.) musivula (Figs 9-10). The new species is significantly larger than D. musivula; forewing

length 16-17 mm and 12-14 mm, respectively. Additionally, the black basal dash in forewing is

conspicuously stronger, costal stripe broader, whitish – pale ochre; antemedial, postmedial and subterminal

transverse lines are more defined in the new species, particularly the latter one, which is brown and more


In the male genitalia (Figs 30-31), the main differences are in the vesica configuration; the new

species has larger, broad based subbasal diverticulum with larger endcornutus and almost twice thicker

tubular section of the vesica than in the D. musivula (Figs 28-29).

Description (Figs 11-12). Forewing length 16-17 mm, wingspan 32-33 mm. Eyes globular, black;

antennae light brown, finely setose-ciliate. Palpi covered with red-brown scales, third segment very tiny.

Vertex brown, dark brown, collar black with broad yellow base, thorax vesture and legs red-brown, with

long rows of dorsal setae; abdomen vesture pale ochre-brown. Forewing triangular, apex pointed. Ground

colour of forewings dark red-brown, slightly lighter in the subterminal area. Costa broadly whitish until the

tip of the reniform stigma, conjoining with the also whitish orbicular macula and the whitish-brownish

reniform stigma. Claviform stigma is not visible. Basal dash black, broad, conspicuous. Transverse lines

obscure, since only slightly lighter than the ground colour; antemedial line wavy, postmedial line slightly

arched, subterminal line finely lacy; fringe brown. Hindwing whitish brown suffused in the basal area, then

more and more dark towards the marginal field, without discal spot and medial line; fringe pale brown.



Male genitalia (Figs 30-31) characterized by the long, thin uncus with a long but slight depression in

the distal section and a bunch of long hairs terminally; broad tegumen; broad juxta with slight dorsal-medial

depression and small ventral medial extension; rather short, strong clavus, V-shaped vinculum; almost

evenly broad, medially slightly broaden valvae with large slightly falciform harpe, slight ampulla, triangular,

apically pointed pollex; cucullus section with corona; rather short, tube-like, distally slightly ventrad curved

aedeagus; ample, subquadrangular vesica, with a basal-subbasal eversible sclerotized streak and one subbasal

asymmetrically drop-like diverticulum apically armed with a cornutus on a longish base; distal part of vesica

long, tubular, evenly broad, membranous, without apical diverticulum.

Female is unknown.

Bionomics and distribution. The new species is known from the type locality only.

Etymology. The new species is named as a combination of the name of the close relative D.(A.)

musivula and the name of province, in which it was found.

D. (Albocosta) ochrocosta sp. n.

(Figs 15, 49)

Holotype. Female (Figs 15, 49), Bhutan, Chili La pass (= Chelé La pass), 3830 m, 27° 22' N, 89° 21' E, 16-

17.X.2009, leg. Y. Bezvotshov & V. Siniaev, slide no. GYP 4409 (coll. PGYM, later to be deposited in the


Diagnosis. The closest relatives of the new species are the D. (A.) sugii (Figs 14, 16) and D. (A.)

ulrici (Fig. 13), however the former one is more resembling in the external features. The single female of the

new species is somewhat smaller than the females of the two allied species; forewing length is 16 mm and 18

- 19 mm, wingspans 33 mm and 35-38 mm, respectively. The new species differs from D. (A.) sugii by the

narrower forewings with lighter, unicolorous reddish brown colouration, while this is dark red-brown in

Annapurna population, or brown in Dhaulagiri population of D. (A.) sugii; ochreous forewing costa (while

this is more or less brownish or greyish suffused in the D. (A.) sugii), the absence of the claviform stigma

and the broad light suffusion in the subterminal area (being typical for the other species), additionally the

more wavy fore section of postmedial line. It is worth mentioning, that a single one of D. (A.) sugii is known

with reddish colouration (Fig. 16), but in this specimen the reddish colouration is extended onto the costal

area and hindwings, as well. Separation of new species is easier from D. (A.) ulrici, from which it well

differs by the smaller size; narrower, unicolorous reddish brown forewings with clear ochre costa; absence of

the claviform stigmata and the broad light suffusion in the subterminal area; reddish brown, more arched -

wavy postmedial line and unicolorous dark brown hindwing.

In the female genitalia (Fig. 49), the new species differs from both (Figs 46-48) by the shorter,

broader ductus bursae and the significantly shorter appendix bursae; while the appendix bursae and corpus

bursae are with more or less the same length in the two close relatives.

Description (Figs 15, 49). Forewing length 16 mm, wingspan 33 mm. Eyes globular, black;

antennae filiform, light brown, yellow in the basal section on the underside. Palpi covered with dark red-

brown scales, third segment tiny. Body vesture red-brown, collar also, with broad yellowish-ochreous base.

Forewings elongate triangular, ground colour unicolorous reddish brown, transverse lines also with lighter

ghost; subapical patch black. Costa broadly ochreous, conjoining with the same coloured drop – like

orbicular macula; costal stripe extended until the tip of the thin of the curved, brownish reniform stigma.

Basal dash black, conspicuous, short but broad. Claviform stigma not visible. Antemedial line wavy, with a

black triangle in the middle section; postmedial line arched, slightly wavy, finely lacy; subterminal line

obtuse, sinuous, more or less marked with some tiny brown dots; fringe reddish brown. Hindwings brown,

slightly darker suffused in the marginal area, discal spot present, brown; fringe pale brown. Under side of

wings pale brownish without wing pattern; hindwings lighter.

Female genitalia (Fig. 49). The main characters are the setose and angular papillae anales, short

apophyses anteriores and longer but thinner apophyses posteriores; sclerotized, broadly v-shaped antrum;

memranous, almost evenly broad, tubular ductus bursae; elongate sack – like, membranous appendix bursae

and corpus bursae, from which the former one significantly shorter and distally broader.

Bionomics and distribution. The new species is known from the type locality only.

Etymology. The new species is named after the clear ochreous costal stripe in the forewings.


Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45 35

Figures 25–28. Male genitalia. 25. D. (A.) lasciva, Tajikistan, Hissar GYP 5221; 26. D. (A.) lasciva pamirpsychra ssp.

n., HT, Tajikistan, E Pamir, GYP 5224; 27. D. (A.) lasciva pamirpsychra ssp. n., PT, Tajikistan, E Pamir GYP 5223;

28. D. (A.) musivula, China, Qinghai, Anemaqin Shan, GYP 1156.



Figures 29–32. Male genitalia. 29. D. (A.) musivula, China, Qinghai, Anemaqin Shan, GYP 1162; 30. D. (A.)

musichuana sp. n., HT, China, Sichuan, Bamei Mts., GYP 5276; 31. D. (A.) musichuana sp. n., PT, China, Sichuan,

Bamei Mts., GYP 5228; 32. D. (A.) sugii, 1998, PT, Nepal, Annapurna GYP 5231.


Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45 37

Figures 33–36. Male genitalia. 33. D. (A.) sugii, Nepal, Kanchenjunga GYP 2074; 34. D. (A.) ulrici China, Xinjiang

GYP 3812; 35. D. (A.) ulrici, Pakistan, Karakoram GYP 4427; 36. D. (A.) triangularis India, Bengal, GYP 5278.



Figures 37–40. Male genitalia. 37. D. (A.) triangularis, Pakistan, Himalaya, GYP 5251; 38. D. (A.) triangularis

sinangularis ssp. n., HT, China, prov. Shaanxi, slide no. GYP 5345; 39. D. (A.) triangularis sinangularis ssp. n., PT,

China, prov. Shaanxi, GYP 3084; 40. D. (A.) antevolans sp. n., HT, Nepal, Annapurna, GYP 5349.


Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45 39

Dichagyris (Albocosta) triangularis sinangularis ssp. n.

(Figs 18-19, 38-39, 53-54)

Holotype. Male (Fig. 18), China, prov. Shaanxi, Tsinling Mts., Fopin Mt., 33o 45' N, 107o 38' E, 1900 m.; 1

- 30. VI. 2004, leg. V. Siniaev & Team, slide no. GYP 5345 (coll. PGYM, later to be deposited in the


Paratypes. China. 7 males, 3 females, with same data as holotype; 3 females, prov. Shaanxi, Taibai

Shan, Tsinling Mts., Dudamen vill., 33° 55' N, 107° 44' E, 2600 m, 28-30.VI.2005, leg. V. Siniaev & Team,

(coll. PGYM); 2 males, prov. Shaanxi, S Taibaishan,Tsinling Mts., Houzhenzi vil., 1600 m, 33o 53'

N,107o49' E; 22. VIII.-25.X.1999, leg. V.Siniaev & A.Plutenko (coll. PGYM); 2 males, 3 females, China,

prov. Shaanxi, Qinling Mts., Xunyangba (6 km E), 1000-1300 m., 23.V.-13.VI.1998, leg. J. H. Marshal (coll.

MDC); 1 male, 1 female, prov. Gansu, Min Shan, 50 km W of Wudu, vil., 33o 30' N,104o 35 ' E, 2350 m,

27.VII.-17.VIII.2000, leg. V.Siniaev & A.Plutenko (coll. PGYM); 1 female, prov. N-Yunnan, West coast of

Lugu lake, 3000 m, 30-31.VII.2005, leg. S. Murzin (coll. PGYM); 3 females, prov. Yunnan, Bailakou pass,

3500 m, 63 km NW of Zhongdian, 1-3.VIII.2010, leg. S. Murzin (coll. PGYM); 2 females, N. Yunnan,

Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, 5 km SE of Deqin, 3356 m, 16-17. VI. 2009, leg. B. Benedek (coll.

P. PGYM); 2 males, 2 females, prov. Sichuan, Lingshan Mts., 3760 m, n. Mianning, 1-3.VII.2010, leg: S.

Murzin (coll. PGYM); 1 male, prov. Sichuan, env. Shade (N of Jiulong), 3400 m, 19-21.VIII.2007, leg. S.

Murzin (coll. PGYM); 2 males, prov. Sichuan, Aba pref., Heishui, 3100 m, 32o 0199 N,102o 9864' E, 12.VI.-

5.VII.2013, leg. M. Murzin & O. Shulga (coll. PGYM); 1 female, prov. Sichuan, Kanding, 25.VII. 2003, leg.

nat. collector (coll. PGYM); 1 male, S Tibet, Zhangmu, 2300 m, 20.VII.2000, leg. Richter & Maior (coll.

PGYM); 2 males, 2 females, China, North Sichuan, near Jiuzhaigou, 2160 m, N29°87.340’, E102°30.970’,

25-26. VIII.2014, leg. Floriani & Saldaitis (coll AFM); 1 male, same data (coll. PGYM); 1 female, China,

W. Sichuan, road Yajiang/Litang, 3600 m, 15.VII.2009, 29°59 N, 100°52 E, leg. Irene & Alessandro

Floriani, Saldaitis (coll. AFM); 1 male, China, N.W. Sichuan, near Derge, 3400 m, N 31°49’12",

E98°34’59", 04.VII.2019, Butvila & Saldaitis leg. (coll. AFM); 2 males, China, Shaanxi, 1480 m, North

from Foping, N 33°42.546", E107°56.418", 3-5.VIII.2016, Floriani & Saldaitis leg. (coll. AFM); 1 female,

China, Shaanxi, 1730 m, North from Taibai, N 34°08.581", E107°17.019", 4.VIII. 2016, Floriani & Saldaitis

leg, (coll. AFM); 1 male, China, NW. Yunnan, Nu Jiang valley, 42 km S from Fugong, Zhi Zi Luo city, 2100

m, N 26°32.29", E 98°55.25", 18.V.2018, Butvila & Saldaitis leg, (coll. AFM).

Slides: GYP 3959male, GYP 4933female, GYP 5256male, GYP 5338female, GYP 5339female, OP


Diagnosis. The size of both the typical (Fig. 17) (syntypes are from Bengal, India), and the new

subspecies (Figs 18-19), is very varied, forewing length 14-20 mm and 17-22 mm, wingspans 28-41 mm and

31-43 mm, respectively. However, in average the specimens of the new subspecies are somewhat larger than

the nominotypical subspecies, particularly in the provinces Shaanxi and Gansu and forewings somewhat

broader. Ground colour of forewings is darker reddish-brown or reddish-black, with more or less violet

shade, particularly in the females, while the typical subspecies has more reddish colouration in forewings.

Except for the whitish, yellowish or ochreous costal field and the black, triangle small subapical patch, wing

pattern is very obscure and the shape of transverse lines shows individual variability in both of subspecies.

In the male genitalia (Figs 38-39), individual variability in the shape of valvae and vesica can be remarkable

in both subspecies, although the harpe is not so rounded apically in the new one; thus genitalia construction

do not provide enough evidence for reliable separation.

Surprisingly, in the female genitalia (Figs 53-54), there are conspicuous differences; in the new

subspecies, the papillae anales larger and not rounded apically, ductus bursae significantly thinner, without

side extension, appendix and corpus bursae also thinner and less robust than in the typical ones (Figs 50-52).

Description (Figs 18-19). Forewing length 17-22 mm, wingspan 31-43 mm. Ground colour of

forewings dark red-brown, or dark red-blackish, with more or less violet shade, particularly in the females;

slightly darker in the middle area and lighter, with more violet glimmering in the subterminal area. Costa

broadly pale ochreous or yellowish until the tip of the reniform stigma, conjoining with the same coloured

orbicular macula. Transverse lines obscure, antemedial lines wavy, postmedial lines evenly arched,

subterminal line slightly lighter and wavy, fringe as ground colour. Hindwings dark brown or greyish brown,

discal spot thin, fringe as ground colour.

Male genitalia (Figs 38-39). The structure is the same as that of the typical subspecies, with

individual variability in the shape of valvae and vesica.



Figures 41–42. Male genitalia and Figures 43–45. Female genitalia. 41. D. (A.) antevolans sp. n., PT, Nepal,

Annapurna, GYP 5347; 42. D. (A.) stentzi China, Sichuan, GYP 5230; 43. D. (A.) lasciva, Tajikistan, Hissar, GYP

5225; 44. D. (A.) lasciva pamirpsychra ssp. n., PT, Tajikistan, E Pamir GYP 5233; 45. D. (A.) lasciva pamirpsychra

ssp. n., PT, Tajikistan, W Pamir GYP 5226.


Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45 41

Figures 46–51. Female genitalia. 46. D. (A.) ulrici, India, Himachal Pradesh, GYP 5316; 47. D. (A.) sugii, Nepal,

Dhaulagiri, GYP 5254; 48. D. (A.) sugii, PT, Nepal, Annapurna GYP 5341; 49. D. (A.) ochrocosta sp. n., HT, Bhutan,

GYP 4409; 50. D. (A.) triangularis, Pakistan, Himalaya, GYP 5252; 51. D. (A.) triangularis, India, Bengal, GYP 5244.



Figures 52–57. Female genitalia. 52. D. (A.) triangularis, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, GYP 5250; 53. D. (A.) triangularis

sinangularis ssp. n., PT, China, Yunnan, GYP 4933; 54. D. (A.) triangularis sinangularis ssp. n., PT, China, Yünnan

GYP 5339; 55. D. (A.) antevolans sp. n., PT, Nepal, Annapurna, GYP 5346; 56. D. (A.) antevolans sp. n., PT, Nepal,

Annapurna, GYP 5348; 57. D. (A.) stentzi, China, Sichuan GYP 3090.


Ecologica Montenegrina, 40, 2021, 26-45 43

Female genitalia (Figs 53-54). The main characters are the setose, angular papillae anales, short apophyses

anteriores and somewhat longer apophyses posteriores; sclerotized, broadly u-shaped antrum; tubular,

posteriorly evenly enlarging and longitudinally slightly sclerotized - wrinkled ductus bursae; elongate,

tubular appendix bursae and corpus bursae, from which the former one is somewhat shorter and less ample,

while the corpus bursae enlarged distally.

Bionomics and distribution. The new subspecies is known from the mountains of the Chinese

provinces Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan.

Etymology. The name of the new subspecies refers to the sino-tibetan distribution and the close

relationship with the typical one.

Dichagyris (Albocosta) antevolans sp. n.

(Figs 20-22, 40-41, 55-56)

Holotype. Male (Fig. 20) Nepal, Annapurna region, Sudame, 1250 m, 83°45' E 28°20' N, 24-25.III. 1995,

leg. M. Hreblay & L. Németh, slide no. GYP 5349 (coll. PGYM, later to be deposited in the HNHM).

Paratypes. 1 male, 1 female, with same data (coll. PGYM); 1 male, same data, (coll. MH/HNHM); 1

female, Nepal, Annapurna region, Nangethanti, 2445 m, 19-20.III.1995, leg. M. Hreblay & L. Németh (coll.

PGYM); 1 male, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 2 km E of Yürekharka, 3000 m, 3.IV.1995, leg. M. Hreblay & L.

Németh (coll. PGYM); 1 female, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 2 km E from Yurekharka, 3000 m, 5.IV.1995,

85°15' E, 28°10' N, leg. M. Hreblay & L. Németh (coll. MH/HNHM); 1 female, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 3 km

SE from Somdang, 3450 m, 6.IV.1995. 85°13' E, 28°11' N, leg. M. Hreblay & L. Németh (coll.

MH/HNHM); 1 male, 1 female, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 2 km S of Somdang, 3000 m, 85°12' E, 28°10'N,

8.IV.1995, leg. M. Hreblay & L. Németh (coll. PGYM); 1 female, same data (coll. MH/HNHM); 3 males, 1

female, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 12 km S of Somdang, 2500 m, 85°12' E, 28°08'N, 9.IV.1995, leg. M. Hreblay

& L. Németh (coll. PGYM); 2 males, 2 females, same data (coll. MH/HNHM); 1 female, Nepal, Ganesh

Himal, 1 km E from Gadrang, 2520 m, 3-4.IV.1995, 85°16' E 28°09'N, leg. M. Hreblay & L. Németh (coll.

MH/HNHM); 2 males, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 1 km E of Gadrang, 2520 m, 9.IV.1995, leg. M. Hreblay & L.

Németh (coll. PGYM); 1 female, Nepal, Ganesh Himal, 2 km E of Thangjet, 2165 m, 1.IV.1995, 85°19' E

28°11'N leg. M. Hreblay & L. Németh (coll. MH/HNHM); 2 males, East Nepal, Tinjure Danda, 2 km SW of

Chauki, 2980 m, 22.III.1999, leg. Márton Hreblay (coll. MH/HNHM).

Slide nos.: GYP 5346female, GYP 5347male, GYP 5348female

Diagnosis. The closest relatives of the new species (Figs 20-22,) are D. (A.) stentzi (Figs 23-24) and

D. (A.) triangularis (Fig. 17). In the external features, new species is more reminiscent of typical D. (A.)

triangularis, however in the genitalia structure, of D. (A.) stentzi (Figs 23-24). In comparison of D. (A.)

triangularis, it is lighter reddish-brown and concolorous in forewings, without blackish or violet glimmering;

with lighter, slightly broader costal stripe, more defined, double reddish transverse lines, from which the

antemedial line is not zigzag but only slightly sinuous; hindwings reddish brown suffused and not brown. In

average, it is somewhat larger than D. (A.) stentzi; forewing length 17-20 mm, wingspan 34-42 mm, while

those are in D. (A.) stentzi 13-19 and 28-37 mm, respectively. The new species is well distinguished from

stentzi at first sight by the clear light yellowish costal area and the conspicuously lighter and concolorous

reddish - brown forewings, without blackish or violet glimmering, and the lighter, reddish brown suffused


In the male genitalia, compared to D. (A.) triangularis triangularis (Figs 36-37), the new species

(Figs 40-41) has somewhat longer, but slimmer uncus, without the distal long extension; almost evenly broad

valva, much less convex medial section in the dorsal costa and more concave in the ventral side, while the

„cucullus” section is much more extensive. Aedeagus is somewhat longer and thinner, vesica and the medial

diverticulum less ample, while the apical cornutus in it is significantly smaller, thinner, straight and not

hook-like, as in the D. (A.) triangularis triangularis. It is less distinctive from that of D. (A.) stentzi, due to

the individual variability in the shape of valva. The best key for separation are the conspicuously longer

subterminal diverticulum, longer, slimmer aedeagus and the longer distal tube of vesica. In the female

genitalia, it well differs from that of the typical D. (A.) triangularis triangularis by the smaller papilla anales,

more sclerotized antrum, significantly thinner ductus bursae, less ample corpus bursae and the foot-shaped

appendix bursae. The differences are the same in comparison with D. (A.) triangularis sinangularis ssp. n.

(Figs 38, 39), with the exception of the rather thin ductus bursae in both taxa (but it is somewhat longer in



the new species) and the broaden distal section in D. (A.) sinangularis ssp. n.. From D. (A.) stentzi (Fig. 42),

new species well differs in the more sclerotized antrum, significantly thinner, longer ductus bursae and less

ample, foot-shaped appendix bursae.

It is worth to mention, that the single type of D. (A.) triangularis ab. rufata Warren, 1912 is

somewhat also similar, but it is only the reddish form of D. (A.) triangularis triangularis, and collected in

May, with one and half month later, than all of the D. (A.) antevolans sp. n.. Furthermore, lighter reddish

forms occur very rarely in other Albocosta (see e.g. D. (A.) sugii, Figs. 16, 33). The correct identification is

supported by the phenology and distribution pattern; the new species has the earliest flight period (March

and beginning of April) in Albocosta; while its two sister species are typical summer ones, only the D. (A.)

triangularis triangularis starts in the Indian Himalaya in the second half of May. Both of relatives are known

in late autumnal, rather worn specimens also, probably after the summer diapause. Sympatric occurrence is

known only with D. (A.) triangularis triangularis in the Nepali Himalaya.

Description (Figs 1-3). Forewing length 17-20 mm, wingspan 34-42 mm. Eyes globular, black;

antennae light brown, filiform, but finely and densely ciliated in males. Palpi covered with long brown

vesture, but third joint only with brown scales. Vertex pale yellowish or pale brown, collar black with broad

whitish-pale yellowish base; thorax vesture and legs red-brown, with long rows of dorsal setae; abdomen

vesture pale brownish. Forewings triangle, apex rounded. Ground colour of forewings solid color red-brown.

Wing pattern shows the typical characters of Albocosta; costa broadly whitish-pale yellowish until the tip of

the reniform stigma, conjoining with the same coloured orbicular macula and the pale yellowish-brownish

reniform stigma. Claviform stigma not visible. Basal dash shortly triangle, black, conspicuous. Transverse

lines conspicuous, double, lighter than ground colour; antemedial line oblique, slightly wavy only,

postmedial line slightly arched, subterminal line lighter, almost straight, finely wavy; fringe brown.

Hindwings brown, reddish brown, discal spot darker brown, slight, medial line not distinctive; fringe reddish.

Male genitalia (Figs 40-41). Characterized by the long, thin uncus with a long bunch of long hairs

terminally; broad tegumen; broadly heart shape juxta with slight dorsal-medial depression; rather short,

strong clavus, V-shaped vinculum; almost evenly broad valva, with convex dorsad costa and concave in

ventral side medially, with large, curved, apically rounded harpe; long but slight ampulla and small, apically

rounded pollex; cucullus section broad, elongate dorsad, without corona; tube-like, distally slightly ventrad

curved aedeagus with sclerotized carina. Vesica membranous, globularly twisted, then long, tubular and

evenly thinning and curved distally, bearing a medial drop-like diverticulum, which apically armed with a

small, straight cornutus; while the subterminal diverticulum long, tubular, curved.

Female genitalia. (Figs 55-56). Papillae anales setose, short and angular; apophyses anteriores and

apophyses posteriores thin, last ones somewhat longer; antrum plate strongly sclerotized, V-shaped, with

sclerotized, bilateral, symmetrical lobi. Ductus bursae tubular, long, posteriorly longitudinally slightly

sclerotized-wrinkled. Appendix bursae elongate, distally foot-shaped, long; corpus bursae long, distally

evenly more ample.

Bionomics and distribution. The new species is known from the Nepali Himalaya.

Etymology. The name of new species refers to the earliest flight period among Albocosta („flies

earlier than the rest of the relative taxa“).


The author is grateful to prof. Zoltán Varga (Zoological Institute of Debrecen University, Hungary) for

consultation, suggestion on the names of new taxa and scanning for some of the genitalia slides; to László

Ronkay (HNHM, Hungary) for consultation and scanning for some of the genitalia slides; to V. S.

Kononenko (Laboratory of Entomology, Vladivostok, Russia) for information on the distribution of

Albocosta in Russia; to Adrienne Gyulai–Garai (Miskolc, Hungary) for much help in computer works; to

Zsolt Bálint and Balázs Tóth (HNHM, Hungary) for the microscopic photos of the genitalia slides; to Péter

Kozma (Debrecen, Hungary) for scanning of the genitalia slides


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