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Benjamin Dykes: Using Medieval Astrology Part 1.


What astrology is. How medieval astrology differs from modern.Author was frustrated by modern astrology's reliance on myth, psychological pronouncements, etc, specifically its inability to tell him something he didn't already know.He also found it was easy to assign a planetary/aspectary explanation *in retrospect*, but next to impossible to make clear and precise predictions.

Traditional works on astrology focus on practical aspects, focusing on conventional goods and evils."There are astrological techniques (in traditonal astrology) that when combinedwith spiritual practices, allow us to gain more direct access to those aspects of ourselves that reside higher up on the continuum of being" (??)

Divisions of traditional astrology1. Hellenistic - everything between the discovery of horoscopic astrology in the first few centuries BC to the Islamic invasions (8th Century AD), and written in Greek or Latin.2. Medieval - development of Greek astrology by Arabic, Persian, and Jewish astronomers3. "Traditional" - essentially William Lilly and contemporaries

BD claims that medieval is the most complete form of Western astrology.

Differences between modern and medieval astrology1. Traditional astrology uses the seven visible planets, some arabic parts, a few special points like syzygy-before-birth (??) and some other phenomena like eclipses and cometsDoes not use asteroids, outer planets, quasi planets (?) , hypothetical planets.

2. Trad Ast tries for an objective emphasis in horoscopy

Modern astrology has become subjective

1. MA discards publicly teachable and effective methods in favor of subjective intuition and do-it-yourself guesswork2. treats the natal chart as a picture of the native's *psyche*.3. abuses Greek Mythology4. whitewashes negatives turning them into "evolutionary challenges" and

 so on.5. deemphasises prediction, considers it distasteful, and something not

 to be focused on.6. uses transits and secondary progressions as predictive technique. Tra

d Ast uses profections, firdaria, triplicity rulers, primary directions throughterms, and to promittors, and solar returns, and transits.

All these techniques act as overlapping temporal layers, to the natal/mundane/horary chart, teasing out what will be triggered at what time.

7. Abuse of universal significatorsMercury (say) has a planetary essence that is analogous to business and

speech and mind, so when delineating a native's mind, it makes sense to examineMercury in the natal chart.

Likewise Venus has a universal signification of love and relationships.But Trad Ast says it is more useful to examine the seventh house (and the planets in it and the planets ruling it) than Venus

Modern Astrology uses Venus as a Universal significator, related to thenative's likes and loves, or some aspect of the Jungian psyche.

In traditional astrology, Venus signifies love, but also women, Islam (?

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?), copper, musical instruments and parties.

BD has included as much of TA material as he thought could be practically used, and has added commentary for confusing areas - especially on the multiple ways to look at house delineatons and the appropriate language to use (?)

Traditional astrology tries to make objectively verifiable claims.

Chapter 1 Signs

Three zodiacs played a role in the development of horoscopical astrology.Originally astrological omens were linked with fixed stars and constellations. Once the ecliptic was defined as being significant, 3 zodiacs were recognized

1. Constellational Zodiac - The actual constellations lying in the path of the ecliptic . Constellations are of uneven sizes.2. The Sidereal Zodiac - counts a star as 0 degrees and divides the zodiac into30 degree divisions. Since constellations are of uneven size they do no match these divisions neatly3. The Tropical Zodiac - takes as 0 degree the point where the ecliptic and celestial equator cross on the Vernal Equinox on March 20-21, then divides zodiac into 30 degree

Due to the precession of the equinoxes, any point in the tropical zodiac diverges in time from the start of the sidereal zodiac.In medieval astrology we use the Tropical Zodiac and ignore the sideareal zodiac, except we sometimes also use fixed stars, and these stars take their meaning from their position in the constellation.

Practical medieval astrology does not use myths of heroes etc for its delineations.E.g: if a horary question concerns a lost horse, and Aries plays some role in the signification, then the astrologer indicates sandy or hilly ground in the east, so as to look for the horse.

It will not matter that Jason stole the Golden Fleece.

In medieval astrology there are no sun signs. Questions about personality are derived from the ascendant + planets in or aspecting the first house.

Chapter 2 Signs

1. Gender - 'masculine' and 'feminine' as descriptions for signs depends on archetypal assumptions of human behaviour (e.g regarding active/passive, outward vsinward orientation etc)but the principle has wider applications.In house delineations 'masculine' sometimes indicates things done by the native

and 'feminine' , things done to the nativePlanets in signs with the same gender often cooperate better.

2. Triplicity. - Essentially of the nature of the four elements, each of which is 'composed of' two subelemental Fire = Hot and DryAir = Hot and wet (??)Water = Cold and wetEarth = Cold and dry.

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Trivia: Saturn in Aquarius

Morin says "Saturn's elemental nature is most clearly seen in Capricorn, because there he makes things cold and dry (since Cap is an Earth sign)while in Aquarius, his coldness and dryness are remitted, (since Aquarius is anAir sign, so hot and wet)So Saturn in Aquarius is less malefic than in Capricorn"


Shows *how* matter acts.

a) Cardinal Signs -Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - show the nature of eventshappening fast, or beginning with great energy.Have an astronomical basis in the dramatic change of seasons when the Sun enters them

b) Fixed Signs - (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) - have the nature of events that endure and last. When the Sun enters them, the nature of the season is fullypresent

c) Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) - have the nature of events that waffle between two poles. When the Sun enters them, the seasons waver between their fully fixed form and the next season.

(SA: The end of one season, with premonitions of the next)

B. Essential dignities and debilities

Signs are not as active and influential in medieval astrology as in modern astrology.In tradast, what is important about signs are their gender, triplicity and quadruplicity(key) otherwise signs act in accordance with the nature and condition of their rulers.(key) Every planet is affected by the hierarchy of planets *ruling* the degreeof the sign that it is in.(key) If the planet itself is one of the rulers of the degree of the sign it is

placed inORthe degree is ruled by benefics, then its activity tends to be controlled, productive, effective and socially acceptable.

If the planet is debilitated by being in a hostile sign or one ruled by maleficplanets, it tends to be less controlled, ineffective, destructive and sociallyunacceptable

These considerations also depend on the type of rulership involved and what theplanets in the chart signify.

The meaning of dignities and debilities are often explained with social analogie

s.If a planet is dignified "by domicile", it is like being in its own house and can do what it wants.A planet in debilitation (by detriment OR fall) is living in someone else's house, being forced to follow rules which make it uncomfortable.This causes is to not produce what it signifies in the chart, destroy its significatons, or produce then destroy.

In most natal astrology, we are interested only in the quantum of dignity, the more, the better

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1. Domicile: considered the strongest dignity (but see Almuten below)If a planet is in a sign it rules by domicile, it indicates prima facie that the planet is able to act according to its planetary and benefic/malefic natureand signify what it signifies forcefully, completely, and freely, *especially* when in a sign of its own elemental nature (Mars in Aries, Saturn in Capricorn)It is able to operate in a stable and lasting way.As per Morin, malefics in domicile can confer benefits if in an appropriate house, although such benefits are accompanied by hard work and obstaclesThey do not become doubly malefic (?)Planets in domicile can act in a disciplined and direct way, which contributes to their benefic potential.

Mars in Aries or Scorpio in the 10th house, for e.g, could show a successful career in the military, athletics, or law enforcementMars being a malefic planet, will still cause trouble in the form of injuries, aggression, and conflicts, and try to win and exult in the failure of enemies and so on,but being in his domicile, his normal aggression is likely to be channelled more productively and successfully.

Planets in domicile are likened to a person in his home and estate.

2. Exaltation: is the second most powerful dignity, because it is not as durable as domicile.Planets in exaltation can achieve powerful effects, even more powerful (temporarily) than in domicile, but these may fade.Planets in exaltation can show people of high status and sudden good luck for the topics they signify by house location, but the effects are subject to frequent changes.Planets in exaltation are likened to people with high rank, authority and honour.

3. Triplicity

the tableElement, rulers (in order, primary, secondary, participating)Fire - Sun, Jupiter, SaturnAir - Saturn, Mercury, JupiterWater - Venus, Mars, MoonEarth - Venus, Moon, Mars

This dignity is third in power, and especially in horary, suggests "the availability of friends and counsel who can help"A planet in a sign belonging to the triplicity it rules is said to be 'like a person with relatives' or 'among bodyguards, servants, and helpers'Note: triplicity is related to sect. (my comment: (subset of) the diurnal sectplanets are in triplicity in Fire and Air, and the nocturnal planets are in trip

licity in Earth and Water. )In practical terms,(a) they are counted equally.i.e any of the planets are counted as being 'in triplicity' if they are in a sign, whose element the planet rules by triplicity

Sun - in triplicity in a fire sign (only)Moon,Venus, Mars- in triplicity in any Earth or Water signMercury - in triplicity in an Air sign (only)Jupiter and Saturn (In any Fire or Air sign)

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 So in my horoscope:Moon, Mars and Jupiter are in triplicity.

(a2) when evaluating which of the house cusp's rulers are most able to effect what the cusp signifies, we includedomicile ruler, + exalted ruler, + all 3 triplicity rules + term ruler + decanruler.Whichever of these is best and strongest is best able to perform. (note triplicity ruler not as strong as domicile/exaltation rulers)E.g: if ascendant is on an air sign, and both domicile and exaltation rulers are weak.Then we look at all three triplicity rulers, and expect the strongest to signify 1st house matters/the native.

(a3) All triplicity rules are assigned equal points when trying to find the almuten of one or more specific degrees of the zodiac.

(b) in some delineations, they are used in sequence.e.g: Ascendant in Gemini: Air Sign.Therefore triplicities in order Saturn, Mercury, JupiterSo 1/3d of the native's life is evaluated using Mercury, then Saturn, then Jupit

er (huh? why change in order?)

(c) primary triplicity ruler is preferred and the only ruler taken into account

4. Termsunequal groupings of degrees in each sign, each grouping being ruled by one of five planets (other than Sun or Moon)

A planet in its term is like a planet among its kinfolk and people. Apart from being used in tallying points they are used in limited techniquesdirection by terms = ascendant is directed as a significator by oblique ascension through degrees of longitude.As ascendant is directed through terms ruled by malefics or benefics, or through

 exact aspects to them, it signfies themes and events corresponding to those meanings in the natal figure

5. DecanThe weakest dignity. Each sign has three decans of 10 degrees each. A planet inits own decan is like a person with fine ornaments and clothing (!) in its own profession

A common procedure in medieval astrology is to find the almuten or 'most powerful planet' governing a degree or degrees of the zodiac.A point system is used for this.

The purpose of this procedure is to find a planet, who, along with the domicile

ruler, might be especially effective at showing how a matter is controlled, and effected.Domicile - 5Exaltation - 4Triplicity 1-3 - 3 points eachTerm 2Dignity 1

Suppose the Sun is at 8 degrees 24 minutes Gemini Finding almuten

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SunMoonMercury +5 (by domicile), +3 (triplicity)VenusMars +1 decanJupiter +3 triplicity +2 termSaturn +3 triplicity

So Mercury has the greatest number of points (8) and so is the almuten of this degree.

The mathematics determines that the domicile or exalted lord will be the almuten of a single degree.But in astrology it is often requrired to calculate the almuten of a set of degrees. e.g the 'anerta' or 'killing planet'In such cases all degrees are considered, and points alloted accordingly. Any planet can end up as being almuten.

Peregrine planet = planet with no essential dignity. E.g: Sun in Taurus.Lacks any special strengths or weaknesses.Though not technically afflicted, a peregrine planet is considered weaker than normally (?)So a peregrine planet is a wanderer, like a person not in his own country.

(key) Its effect depends on its rulers and accidental influences like aspect (My comment: all non essential dignities, debilities etc count)If a peregrine planet is in the domicile of a benefic, or a planet friendly to it ( == ??), it will be able to work more constructively for what it signifiesIf in the domicile of a malefic or a planet inimical to it, it can "become frustrated and malicious" as Morin says of Mercury in Scorpio (ok planet in malefic's house) or Mars in Gemini (???)


A planet is in debilitation in the signs opposite those of its domicile(s) and exaltation. It is harmed or weakened.

Detriment aka "exile": The sign of a planet's debility is always opposite the sign of its domicile.Just as a planet is strengthened by being in domicile, it is weakened by being in detriment, like being exiled from its own lands.(Morin says) detriment has a corrupting effect, and the planet acts in a depraved manner leading to perverse results, more so for malefics than beneficsIf a planet ruling the 7th were in detriment, it bodes ill for the character ofthe spouse, subject to the planet involvedSaturn in detriment would be worse than Venus in detriment, or at least they would be bad for different reasons.A planet in detriment is like someone fighting with himself.

Fall: The sign of a planet's fall is opposite its sign of exaltation.

Just as a planet is raised up and honored suddenly in exaltation, in the opposite sign it 'falls'A planet in fall shows worry, distress, hardship, and is like a person who has fallen from a great position.(Morin says) Fall has a numbing and weakening effect, as opposed to the corrupting and perverse effect of being in detriment.So a planet in fall can do little good in good houses, but will contribute to evil in bad houses.But if a planet in fall is aided by benefics, it is like a man who is a victim of misfortune, but is aided by friends and relations and encouraged by their aid,

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wheras if aspected by malefics it is like a man in distress hounded by enemies.Morin says if the sign of fall is of an element incompatible to the planet , matters are made worse.So Venus is worse in Aries than Scorpio (?)

Like dignities, debilities are qualitative. They affect how purely and directlythe planet may act.In its dignity, the planet may act how it wants.In debility, the same planet is clumsy, inconsistent, corrupted and yields corrupted or altered results.Generally such planets show the imperfect or incomplete execution of what they promise.

Chapter 2: Houses

There are two kinds of houses - whole sign and quadrantThe houses determine celestial events towards specific effects.The background meaning of the houses lies in ancient interpretations of constellational relationships and symbolism of the daily rotaton of the heavensThe first house on the horizon determines the natives' life and body - what we enter life with - as well as innate skills and needs.The tenth house signifies profession, destiny, reputation and honors.The fourth house signifies death (for the native because the heavens pass thereafter declining -SA- or simply because it is the lowest point?) and ancestors (T

hose who have died before us)The seventh house siginfies other people generally but specifically marriages and enemies

These four houses are the most important, and are called "angular" houses. Planets in them can operate full strength, for good or ill.The houses that suceed them (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) are "succedent" houses and planets in them operate very well, but about half as strong as angular planets.The houses after them (3d, 6th, 9th) are said to be "cadent" (From the Latin 'cadere' to fall) and planets in them are weak, operating at only a quarter strength.

Quadrant Houses are appealing because they capture the real rising and culminati

ng of planets, with the possible drawback (?) of intercepted houses.With whole sign houses, interception can't happen, but you can have a non culminating (by primary motion) house being the 10th house.The results get even more odd if we follow some modern astrologers, using wholesign houses but retaining the MC as a 'sensitive point'. Then we can have 10th house matters indicated by a non culminating sign, and the MC being in the 9th or even 8th by whole sign Dykes uses the Alchabitius houses, which are similair to Placidus. Some points about medieval vs modern astrology. 

For medieval astrologers, there is no practical connection between houses, sign, and planets. The eighth house != Scorpio != Mars. The sign Scorpio has to do with the transformation of energy, including the recycling of physical energy at death, in both modern and medieval astrology, an idea that goes back to the Stoics. For medieval astrologers, the eighth house deals with (among other things, like money of spouses etc 2nd house from 7th house) death (literally, or at least as threats to life).

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 If the eight house is considered to 'similar to' the eighth sign (from Aries),then the idea of regeneration (from Scorpio) seeps into the eighth house, so itbecomes the house of death, regeneration *and generation* (sexual reproduction). Then if we go further and treat the house only psychologically or "spiritually", then death disappears, and the eighth house becomes the house of sex and regeneration. In medieval astrology, the eighth house, Scorpio (the eighth sign), and Mars are distinct entities and cannot be substituted for the other. Objective affairs, not subjective reactions The hardest point for modern astrologers coming to Med Ast is its insistence on objectivity.In modern astrology the natal chart is treated as a map of the native's psyche,and subjective reactions to things.In medieval astrology the houses signify objective affairs and real people in his life, not his subjective reactions.Universal significations (like the Moon representing the emotions and Venus thesexuality) are used for specific purposes.

(key) The primary use of houses is to determine planets with respect to objective affairs and effects.So Venus in the 2nd relates to the native's objective wealth, not his feelings about wealth, or that he is sexually excited about wealth.

The Sun in the 7th describes what the spouse is like - a person of some status - not the native's feelings about the spouse.

To understand the native's attitudes towards things, we have to look at the corresponding houses and rulerships.So the ruler of the 1st in the 7th shows that the native craves (?) relationshipsIf the ruler of the 3d (siblings) is in the eighth (death, other people's money), it could mean that his siblings cause him stress, with planetary natures being blended in.Med Ast is about the objective affairs of the native's life, including the native's psyche, but it describes the psyche objectively.

Basic Meaning of HousesTemplate =(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology(b) important but secondary significations, especially in horary(c) what planets in the houses tend to show as a whole

First House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = life, body, innate skills, temperament(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = subject matter of horary question, what a querent is hiding, logic eloquence and speech (?)(c) what planets here generally show = quality of life, what is found in a client's course of living, what the native is like

Second House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = Movable wealth and possessions(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = acquisition and helpers,(c) what planets here generally show = What the native encounters with movable wealth, who he gets it from or encounters with it, its stability or changeability

Third House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = Siblings, neighbors, short journeys(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = close friends, loved ones,

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 condition of life before death (derived), native's ideas about things, news, jurisprudence(?), messengers, religion (by opposition to the 9th) (?)(c) what planets here generally show = what type of sibling one has, and their relationship,(Career?) duties (?) (6th from 10th)

Fourth House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = Home, family, end of life, immovable wealth, possessions(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = Fathers, grandfathers, ancestors, older men, inheritances, immoveable things generally, the past, origins, roots, the domestic scene, (horary) outcome, covered and hidden things.(c) what planets here generally show = hidden and mysterious things of the pastand future, death and sorrows (on account of whom), what is rooted in forebearslike property and inheritance

Fifth House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = Children, entertainment, gaming, moderate journeys(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = Donations, gifts, books clothing, news, what we have faith in, honor, friendship, a woman, messengers, reputation after death (Derived)(c) what planets here generally show = nature and fate of things bringing pleasure

Sixth House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = servants [1], illness, small animals(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = care or services the native receives, low born people or those of a miserable sort [2](c) what planets here generally show = types and cause of illness, and benefit/harm from low born or subordinate people.

[1] current attribution of 6th to work is a modernism, and somewhat deceptive, since people still have employees, servants, and receive care and service from others.The 6th does represent hard work and burdens, including the native's hard work,but the servitude/slavery meaning is still present

If the domicile ruler of the native is in the 6th *and afflicted*, the native will find himself essentially a slave, doing hard work at others bidding. It maynot be legal slavery, but the essence is the same.

[2] we shouldn't object to any signification due to politeness and politics. Being low born is generally a predictor of suffering, and doing hard and unpleasant work in the future, and there are plenty of low born and miserable people inthe world, though we can hope for their station to rise.

Seventh House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = Partnership, Open Enemies, Litigaton, other people, marriage(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = War

(c) what planets here generally show = Who opposes or challenges the native. what type of relationship or marriage the native has

Eighth House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = Death(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = Other people's money (espspouse's), business partnerships, loans, deaths,(c) what planets here generally show = type of inheritance, money taken from native and by whom, type of death, the native's mourning, disgraces and falls.

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Ninth House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = Long distance travel, pilgrimage, God(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = Letters, wisdom, books, spiritual issues, absense, roads, routes, foreknowledge, visions, dreams(c) what planets here generally show = types of faith, attitudes towards learning, types of journeys and their successes and failure, types of dreams, hopes and thoughts

Tenth House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = Profession, action, destiny(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = Rulership, dignities, offices, fame, whatever one is a master in, mother, old women(c) what planets here generally show = relationship of authority figures to thenative, the native's dignities, the native's skills

Eleventh House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = friends, hopes, faith.(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = praise, sons, social events, love, affection, joy, garments, scents,(c) what planets here generally show = the number and types of friends, their ability to help or contribute to the native's happiness

Twelfth House(a) Chief meaning in natal astrology = Incarceration, serious illness, hospital

ization, secret enemies, large animals(b) secondary significations, especially in horary = lamentations and griefs, mistakes, private things, native's own way of doing things, envy, slander, cunning, health of native's partner(derived)(c) what planets here generally show = hindrances of native's ability to be hisown man, slavery, terror, damages form enemies, illnesses, being low born

Derived HousesEach house has its own primary meaning, but because it deals with objective affairs(?) it can be treated as its own first house, and delineate houses from there to explore areas of life in more detail.This procedure is called "deriving houses"e.g: Eighth house primarily signifies death, but is the seconnd of the seventh,

so signifies the spouse's wealth.Similairly, the 10th (in mundane astrology) signifies the king, so the 11th signifies the kings' wealth.

Strength of Houses1, 10, 7, 4, 11, 5, 9, 3, 2, 8,6 , 12On the whole the angular houses are strongest (full strength), succedent housesare next strong (half strength).Cadent houses weak (one quarter strength)Note that the 9th house, though cadent is often stronger than succedent houses(8th , 2nd etc) due to its proximity to the 10th (?? by this logic the 12th and2nd should be powerful as well?)Although cadent houses weaken planets in them, they do not necessarily make such

 planets malefic.In houses like 6th and 12th planets will have trouble mitigating evils, and will tend to aggravate problems signified by the houses.

Good and Bad Houses

Bad Houses - 6,8,12, 4 (if end of life), 7 (if open enemies)Good Houses - 1,2,3,5,9,10,11, 7 (if marriage and partnership)

In his "Cabal of the 12 houses" Morin offers an interesting conceptual explanati

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on as to how the intermediate houses derive from the angles

Triad of Life (starting from the ASC)Life in the native's own self (1st)Life in God (9th)Life in posterity (5th)

Triad of Action and Gain (based on MC)Immaterial (?) Gain (dignities, mastery, honors) (10th)Material and Animated Gain (subjects, servants, living creatures) (2nd)Material and inanimate Gain (money,immovable things gotten by labor)

Triad of Marriage and Love (based on descendant)Conjunction of the Body (marriage, 7th)Conjunction of blood (brethren, 3d)Conjunction of benevolence (Friends, 11th)

Triad of Suffering and Death (based on the IC)Affliction from Parent's Death (4th)Affliction from other people (12th)Affliction from own death (4th)

Joys of planets:A minor dignity.

each planet is said to 'rejoice' in a certain house, and when it is in its joy it is strengthened and more completely signifies things.

Saturn - 12th House - confinement, sufferingJupiter - 11th House - hopes, aidMars - 6th House - difficulties, injury, illnessSun - 9th House - religion,Venus - 5th House - pleasure, funMercury - 1st House -mental character, mindMoon - 3d House, short journeys, changeable things

joys of planets are not used in any systematic way in medieval astrology.

Chapter 3 Planets and their configurations.(In medieval astrology) planets are the chief astrological agents in causing the types of events signified in the chart.In order to be competent in medieval astrology, it is important to know that each planet has an essential nature that undergirds all its familiar attributes and significations.Being in a sign gives a planet a certain ability or disability in producing effects. and being in a house matches those effects to objective affairs.But each planet always acts according to its essential nature. Therefore it is essential to distinguish a planet's essential nature from the significations that are present in list of associations and rulerships

All readers of astrology texts are introduced to lists of keywords and associati

ons for each planet and sign.Each planet is associated with certain qualities, types of people, behaviours, events, weather and so on.We make these associations because there is an *analogy* between the planet's essential nature, and these phenomena.So old people are associated with Saturn because they are analogous to his nature.

Planet X is a "universal significator" of Y == Y is analogous to the planet X'sessential nature.

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all significations are only expressions of the planet's essential nature.If we get too bogged down in specific lists of significatons we may not be ableto figure out an anfamiliar configuration in a chart.(that said?) instead of using the psychological significations of the planets, the medieval astrologer uses the objective significations of the planets - people, events, qualities (?) details.

Since each planet is active (?) and has its own essential nature, all it does is try to produce events and qualities that are in accord with that nature.So Mars produces a certain kind of weather, wars, lust and so on.But each planet produces its significations well or badly based on 3 things1. its zodiacal state in a sign2. the house it is located in3. its condition in itself and in relation to other planets.

E.gzodiacal state. - a planet in domicile produces its significatons in accordance with its essential nature in a lasting powerful and organized way.A planet in detriment still produces things according to its nature but in a disorganized less reliable/lasting, impure way.

housesa. angularity. planets in angular houses produce at full capacity, and c

ertain minor dignities like elevation amplify this power.planets in succedent houses produce at half power, though this is still pretty good. planets in cadent houses produce only weakly and sometimes at barely noticeable levels.  b. planets in certain houses could be weakened or strengthened due to analogies with the topic of the house (joys?) .Malefic planets in the 5th (say) are rather strong (since succedent house) but in the 5th *what* they produce in a strong way could be problems (malefic) for children (5th) or even prevention of children.  c. planets are qualitatively affected by their conditions in themselves andand with respect to other planets.

retrograde/directcombust/not combust

aspects to other planets

Following = tables with essential natures and universal significations, meaningof retrogradation, combustion, aspects and other configurations.

Essential Nature:Saturn: The inexorable, limiting, retarding power over all life, growth, change, associationJupiter: Easy and moderate production and accumulation (for both self and others) of mental and material things, inspiring pleasantness, beauty, fairnessMars: Sharp, destructive, contentious power, passionately and confidently seeking self advantageSun: Flowing, all penetrating influence, (and so public, glorious and worldly) t

hat can overpower, but is essentially vigorous and healthy.Venus: The power of sensual, soft, and pleasurable associations that produce lightnessMercury: The power of flexible and persistent mediation.(and so has to do with associations, speech, cleverness or instrumental thinking, social manners, and business)Moon: Flowing and elegant growth and activity that is cool, light and dreamy.

B. Benefic and Malefic planets

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Insofar as they are benefic or malefic, planets are good or bad for the topics they signify, where good = abundance, endurance, growth, and bad = scarcity, destruction, limit

There is no moralizing, but generally map to conventional good and bad.Eg: mars in 11th causes conflict with friends, which is conventionally bad.Generallymalefic = Saturn, Marsbenefic = Jupiter, Sun, Venusmaybe either = Moon, Mercury

Accidental Beneficsare malefic planets that are in a good state, in a (determined towards?

) a good house, especially if aspected by benefics.They tend to produce things, but with unenjoyable experiences according

to their nature.

Accidental Maleficsare benefic planets in a bad state and determined towards (?) a bad hous

e, especially if also in a bad aspect towards a malefic.They tend to corrupt and/or destroy something later (==?) by means of pr

oblems in accordance with their nature.e.g: an accidentally malefic Jupiter causes extreme deficiencies and exc


North Node(Caput) and South Node(Cauda)NN acts like Venus/Jupiter. SN acts like Saturn/MarsNN increases and SN decreases influences.So, NN is good with benefics (increases their influences) and bad with

maleficsSN is good with malefics and bad with benefics.

Trines and sextiles to nodes are considered good, squares and oppositions are considered bad

When SN is within 12 degrees of any planet it knocks the planet out, diminishes its effect, and the effect of the houses ruled by the affected planet

The Sun is especially harmed when within 4 degrees of either node.

Bonatti claims that conjunctions with either node are bad.

Morin on benefics and malefics1. General comments about benefics and malefics

a. Evil is caused by malefics or (non malefics in?) a poor state.

Good is caused by benefics or (non beneficts in?) a good state.

Even malefic planets in a bad house free one from the evil of the house (albeit with struggles) *if* they are in a good state

b. Malefics are helped (?) by good aspects from benefics.

c. The greatest powers (effects?) are caused by benefics performing good, or malefics performing evil. Mixed influences are generally weaker.

d. Benefics produce good and mitigate evil. Malefics produce evil and mitigate good.

2. BBenefics and malefics in the housesBenefics

in a good housein a good state, realize the relevant advantages


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in a mediocre (Mixed dignities) state realize mediocre results

in a poor state they obstruct and don't producein a bad house

in a good state, mitigate the house's evilin a mediocre state, temper and modify the evilsin a bad state, they don't prevent evil

Maleficsin a good house

in a good state (not including square/opposition to Sun/Moon) confer imperfect advantages

in a mediocre/mixed state prevent favorable things, especially those contrary to their natures

in a bad state, obstruct or destroy the advantages, with misfortune

in a bad housein a good state, they free the natives and mitig

ates evilin a mediocre state, encourage evil in a lesser

way (than usual?)in a bad state, they increase evil, with infamy

and violenceE.g: Venus in good dignities in the eighth, could signify a plea

sant death, thereby mitigating, but not canceling out the evils of the eighth ho


E.g: Saturn in the 10th.

Saturn is generally opposed to significations in the 10th House.Malefic in a powerful house.So look at state.If good state, gives honors and reputation, but after struggles

, hard work and disappointments.

C. Relations to the SunPlanets are stronger or weaker depending on distance from the Su

n. Originally based on visibility, a planet that rises too close to the Sun is not visible, because Sun's rays are too strong.

Such a planet is said to be damaged because it is too close2 basic considerations - how close planet is to Sun - cazimi, co

mbustion, sunbeams - and whether the planet rises or sets before the Sun -occidental, oriental, doryphory

Cazimi - 0 degrees to 16 minutes from the SunCombustion - 16 minutes to 7.5 degrees from the SunUnder the Sunbeams - 7.5 to 15 degrees from the Sun

A planet in Cazimi is greatly strengthened - "like a person sitting with the kin

g on his throne" (Ibn Ezra)A planet in Cazimi is like a man who purifies himself (by fasting?) so lacks strength, but will regain his health (Abu Masha'ar)

A combust planet is like a dying personZoller says that the Sun burns up and blots out the effect of a combust planet,but that the Sun can absorb the significations of the combust planet (i.e will still be effective, but through the Sun)Ben Dykes believes that the Sun in a great dignity (exaltation or domicile) canabsorb and produce that planets effects in a beneficial way, rather than stampin

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g them out.Abu Ma'shar says that some planets can bear combustion well, and others cannot.

Saturn is like an ald shabby man *unable* to bear pains, sorrows, punishment (and so what happens?)

Jupiter like a man put to the test, able to bear pains and sorrows, since he hopes to take advantage of them

Mars like a very wicked man whose wickedness and offense increaseVenus absolutely weak and without strength, unable to bear combustionMercury like a man accustomed to difficulty and misery and poverty, but

able to bear them.

Under the sunbeams, according to Ibn Ezra " a planet is like a man in prison, and has no strength"

Abu Ma'shar says that when planets begin to emerge from the sunbeams, they act thus

Saturn is like a lion that throws itself out of its cave and kills whomever it meets

Jupiter is like a man who loves justice, is honest, and got free from his bonds, so is mild, well disposed towards everything, and is kind and merciful

Mars is like a sharp and infallible blade, and the wound it causes is incurable

Venus is like a woman who, subject to needs and torment and disease, recovers health

Mercury means a good thing if near or configured with a benevolent planet, but if conjunct a malevolent one, a very serious offense

Oriental/Occidental + Doryphory skipped. Conflicting definitions

Sect:Diurnal - Sun, Jupiter, SaturnNocturnal - Mars, Venus, MoonEither - Mercury

Consideration 1: Planet 'in sect' = diurnal planets are in sect for diurnal births and likewise for nocturnal

Consideration 2: (Halb) - if diurnal planet - above ground for day birth, belowground for night birthif nocturnal planet -above groun

d for night birth, below ground for day birthConsideration 3: (Hayz) - halb + in sign with same gender as itself(Hmm Coleman's consideration 3 is just whether planet is in masculine (for diurnal) or feminine (for nocturnal) planets.

GenderMasculine - Sun, Mars, Jupiter, SaturnFeminine - Moon, VenusEither/Neither - Mercury

RetrogradeA planet moving forward through the signs = direct motionbackward = retrograde motionWhen it moves direct, slows down and stops before moving backwards = first stationAfter moving retrograde, slows down and stops again = second station

distinctions between stations etc matter more in horary, but retrogradation is important in natal

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Retrograde planetsalter their naturescomplete operations in a weak wayindicate falsities and deceptionsare like ' a dull ill man confident only of his own weakness' (Abu Ma'sh

ar)indicate rebellious and defiant personthe destruction of what was contemplated (Ibn Ezra)signify mischief, damage, non completion of projects

e.g: Jupiter retrograde in the 2nd houseJ is a natural benefic with significations of wealth, so his presence there bodes wellBut if retrograde indicates that the native, while comfortable, will experiencedelays and unmaterialized hopesSuch a native in a business partnership can expect income to be low and delayed, perhaps not constantly, but noticeably.

 Planets differ in how they handle retrogradation. Saturn - like an escaped slave who is caught and put back in chains Jupiter - like a wise man subject to much bondage and thereby distressed, or like a wise careful man subject to mediocre anxieties of his mind Mars - like a fugitive sun who returns to his father and has to depend on his affection

 Venus is very harmed, especially if she undergoes combustion Mercury - not as harmed as Venus but often undergoes extra infirmity of combustion When a planet is direct, it signifies effects that continue and last When in retrograde, it signifies things that are interrupted or change, especially that something hoped for will not happen When planets move directly and more swiftly than normal, they signify events that happen quicklyWhen at average speed, signify events that move at normal pacewhen slower than average, sluggish events

Aspects are active relationships that planets have to each other (and house cusps and Arabic parts) by virtue of the geometric distance between their zodiacal positions

When the positions of planets/cusps/Arabic Parts are a certain degree from each other (give or take a few degrees called a moiety) they are said to be in aspect

Aspect also means "to look at", so aspects have been understood as sending 'rays' to different parts of the chart.

Aspects are not static relationships. They are ways planets act on andwith each other.

In medieval astrology

a) aspects are secondary considerations - Planets act primarilyby themselves, with the quality conferred by their sign, on the area of life signified by their house. Aspects are subordinate.

b) aspects tell us how planets, house cusps and Arabic parts *combine*. They do not change planet's essential natures.

  Each planet does only what its nature dictates. Aspects show how those natures interact for good or ill.

c) MedAst uses only traditional Ptolemaic aspects (+ conjunction) - so conjunction, sextile, square, trine opposition

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Standard metaphors for what aspects doConjunctions have the nature of Mercury - union, cooperation, or dependi

ng on planets involved, suppressionThe Sextile is like Venus - shows collaboration - like two people seekin

g each others friendshipthe square is like Mars - it shows conflict, intensity and excess "like

two people, each one seeking authority for himself"the trine is like Jupiter - it shows friendship, assistance, liberation

"like two people of the same nature"the opposition is like Saturn - it shows obstruction, aversion, denial,

holding off, "like two people fiercely fighting one another"

Sextiles and trines are benefic, squares and oppositions are malefic. The trineis the more powerful benefic aspect, and the opposition the more powerful malefic aspectSince planets themselves are benefic or malefic, can be in a good or bad state,and can form benefic or malefic aspects, there are many possible combinations of good and bad influencesGiven an aspect, benefic features - by planetary nature, state and aspect type cause good things and mitigate evilMalefic features of an aspect cause bad things and mitigate good.A conjunction with a benefic is good, and with a malefic, evilWhen two planets are in aspect, their effect on each other is uneven (?? == imbalanced?) since they are of different types and influence, and their zodiacal sta

tes and rulerships differ. So finer details of aspects can be tricky to work out.

Relative ranking of combinations of planet, state and aspect.First planetary nature, then state, then aspect.

Aspect OrbsAn orb is a certain field of influence (measured in degrees) around a planet orcusp or Arabic partThe orb has the planet (or cusp or part) at its center, so the orb extends equally on each sideEach side is called a moeity which is, by definition, half the size of the orb.

E.g: Saturn has an orb of 9 degrees. Let Saturn be at 15 Taurus. The entire scope of the orb is 9, so the orb extend 4 degrees 30 minutes in each direction. To19 degrees 30 minutes on one side, and to 10 degrees and 30 minutes on the other.The use of an orb is to measure when the influence of an aspect begins or ends.Although an aspect is an exact degree, the aspect can be said to be active whenthe moeities overlap.

E.g: Let Saturn be stationary at 15 degrees Taurus and Mercury moving towards it.Then, since Saturn's moeity is 4 degrees 30 minutes, and Mercury's is 3 degrees30 minutes

the aspect becomes active when Mercury is at 7 degrees because then the moetiesintersect.

Modern astrology assigns orbs to aspects, not planets.Medieval astrology had two ways of treating orbs

1. in-sign aspects - each planet in a sign makes an aspect with the corresponding sign. Aries squares Cancer

2. Each planet has an orb.

Planetary Orb

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Saturn 9Jupiter 9Mars 8Sun 15Mercury 7Moon 12

Some general observations about aspectsa. 5 degree offset rule

If a planet is within 5 degrees of a house cusp, it will operate in both houses, but with the quantitative strength of the house it conjuncts

e.g: If Jupiter is in the 2nd house but within 5 degrees of the3d house cusp, it will have signification in both houses but only cadent strength (since 3d is a cadent house)

Such a planet will signify both houses (?) but for different reasons

b. Aspects to angles - The general tendency is to consider planetary aspects only to angular cusps and not to the intermediate houses

When these aspects (to angles) occur do not use planetary orbs.As long as they are within 5 degrees, consider them in aspect.

e.g: Let ASC be at 16 Virgo. If Jupiter is at 10 degrees Gemini, then it is not within 5 degrees of the exact square, and so this is not considered in square to ascendant.

But if Jupiter were at 12 degrees Virgo (and so 4 degrees fromexact, he would be considered square to ASC)NB: The Sun is an exception and can be in aspect even at 6 or 7


c. Feral planets - A feral planet is one which is not in aspect to any other planet.

Being feral is an impediment and such a planet is considered tobe "alone like a pilgrim" or being "unaided"

Ferality indicatets something unusual, (but less so if a weak planet) depending on the nature of the planet.

If a strong planet it will simply act according to its nature, especially if in domicile.

(ok so if both weak and strong planets are not affected by ferality wtf does it mean?)

d. Dexter and sinister aspectsA planet 'sends it dexter rays' to degrees earlier in the zodiac

 - clockwise to the right - and its sinister rays to degrees later in the zodiac = anti clockwise to the left.

How to judge aspects1. Applying aspects are stronger than, when judging the relative importance of two aspects to the same plan

et, favor the applying one.Since planets move in a sinister (to later degrees of zodiac - anticlock

wise) direction the planet sending the sinister aspect will be the applying one, and that effect will accordingly be sorry.

In cases where planets aspect cusps, note that the planets are broughtby primary action to the cusps, and so the dexter aspects of the planets will be the applying ones and so stronger

(ok I am completely confused. No examples. Hooray!)

2. Applying aspects show accidental (?) features that intensify with age. Separating aspects show accidental features that de-intensify with age.

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3. The effects of aspects vary greatly depending on the signs and houses the planets are in. So carefully delineate the nature state and location of each planet carefully before pronouncing judgement.

4. Planets have a natural order of domination- first the luminaries, then the superior planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars) then inferiors (Venus, Mercury)

Thus, all other things being equal, when Saturn aspects Mercury, the effect of Saturn on Mercury will be more important(?) than the effect of Mercury on Saturn.

5. Planets in a better zodiacal state (domicile, exaltation) will dominate planets in a peregrine or worse state.

6. Slower planets tend to dominate faster ones.

7. The planet whose analogy to the house it occupies is closest will dominate.

e.g: Benefic in domicile in the 1st house, squared by Moon in the 8th.The benefic signifies life more strongly by nature, state and location t

han Moon signifying death in the eighth (my comment- but the Moon is a luminary?)

The Moon is not inimical to life, so the benefic will not be especiallyharmed by the squaring Moon.

But if the benefic were in detriment, and conjunct a malefic ruling the

8th, the balance of testimonies would be much more threatening for it.

8. The strength and type of aspect - Trines and oppositions are stronger than sextiles and squares. So when judging the relative strengths of two planets to the same planet or cusp, the planet making the stronger aspect dominates.

9. Size of orb: If two planets are aspecting the same cusp or planet, the planet with the more exact aspect dominates.

10. Look to see what sort of planet the aspecting planet will cast its rays to (??) next.

If it aspects one benefic, and will aspect another benefic next, then the good of the first benefic will come with ease.

If it aspects a benefic, but will aspect a malefic next, the good of the benefic will turn to evilIf it aspects a malefic, and aspects another malefic next, the e

vil of the first malefic will come (with ease?)If it aspects a malefic, and aspects a benefic next, the evil of

 the malefic will turn to good.

11. See whether the planet's rulerships and locations emphasize the benefic or malefic features of their natures or aspects.

H. Reception1. When a planet is in aspect to the lord of its domicile, or exaltatio

n, or at least *two* of it's other dignities, it is "received" by that lord, and the lord is the receiver

E.g: Venus is in Sagttarius and has a trine aspect to Jupiter, who is in Leo.

Since Jupiter is lord of Sagittarius (Venus's domicile) Jupiter receives Venus, == Venus is received by Jupiter

E.g: Mercury is in 25 Pisces in a nocturnal chart and trines Mars in Scorpio.

Mars rules neither the domicile (Pisces) or exaltation (Virgo) of Mercur

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y.But he is the primarty triplicity ruler (?) by night, and rules Mercury'

s term (So 2 minor dignities).Thus Mars receives Mercury

William Lilly (and today John Frawley) reception takes place by being in any dignity of any planet with no aspect necessary.

Thus Saturn is received by Venus if he is located in Taurus or Libra. Venus is received by Saturn if she is in Capricorn or Aquarius (if both, then mutual reception)

This definition of 'reception' was termed by medieval astrologers as 'generosity'.

Sometimes strictures were placed on reception- aspects must be applying- there must not be a planet in close aspect to the received pla

net- planets that are retrograde, combust, afflicted by malefics et

c or cadent (except in 9th) cannot receive planets

What Does Reception DoThe receiver takes on the responsibility for handling the affairs of th

e received planet, who gives up its rulership (?? == responsibility for its significations) to its receiver.

The received planet gains confidence and strength, and depends on, and is taken care of by the strength of the receiverThe receiver is beneficial to the received planet, and produces the sign

ifications of the received, even if it is a malefic.

Frawley uses the concept of signification in horary (though he uses the'generosity' definition)

In a question of love, if either of the two parties' significators is received by the other, it signifies that the received loves the receiver

In a finanacial horary question, if the querent's significator receivesthe other, it indicates that the money will come to the querent.

Translation of Nature (Light)

essentially how the influence of one planet is carried over to another by a third (via a 'bucket brigade' arrangement)T.O.L thus connects two significators who would otherwise not be connect

ed.Masha'allah views it as one of the key techniques in horary.In traditional texts, translation of light is illustrated by conjunction

s, but it works with any aspect.

3 versions.1. Traditional

When a light planet (messenger) separates from a heavier (light giver) planet, and is joined to (conjuncts?) a third (light receiver) it translates the nature of the giver to the receiver.

e.g: Let Mercury separate from Saturn (in the natal chart?) and apply to Mars.

Note: Mars is faster than Saturn, so Saturn won't catchMars, but Mercury will.

In this case Mercury "carries Saturn's light to Mars" and connects whatever they signify in the chart.

In a horary chart, Mercury would "perfect the issue" (i.e bring about the matter in question, by connecting them)

2. Bonatti's version. When a messenger planet separates from a h

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eavier (light giver planet) and is received by a heavierAND if the messenger disposes a third planet (receiver) then the

 messenger translates the light of the giver to the receiverBonatti's example: Let Venus (light giver) , Moon (messenger) an

d Mars (receiver) all be in Taurus.Venus disposes Moon (as domicile lord) so hands over the light t

o Moon.Moon disposes Mars (as Moon 'rules Taurus by exaltation') so can

 hand over light to Mars.

3d version skipped

T.O.L does three things1. It makes the receiving planet more powerful, and tend

 to have final say in how the matter turns out. (horary "perfect the issue")2. connects the house of the giver and receiver (in the

 absence of other connections, say by aspects)3. Messenger planet signfies a person who will help part

ies signified by the light giver ande receiever.

Example of chartASC - 12 PiscesSaturn in 27 Taurus 31

Moon in 00 Gemini 57Jupiter in 07 Gemini 10, all three in the third house.

Here the Moon has perfected (== completed) her conjunction with Gemini and is applying to (going to conjunct) Jupiter.

Moon translates the light of Saturn to Jupiter, connecting the houses they rule (Jupiter 1st, 10th, Saturn 11th, 12th)

Suppose this were a horary chart on whether a friendship would continue.

The friend in question is represented by Saturn as he rules the 11th

Querent is represented by Jupiter as he rules the 1st.Jupiter separates from Saturn => querent is losing interest

Still, T.O.L from Saturn to Jupiter connects them, so friendship will continue

And since Moon is the messenger, we can say that friendship will continue by Lunar person, a child or entertainment (Moon rules 5th)

Essentially T.O.L effects a kind of conjunction between the two planets even if they are not in aspect.

Chapter 4 Arabic Partsparts = sensitive points on charts that express certain ratios, used in delineating specific topics.

PoF used as an example

PoF => used to find extra information about where a native finds good luck, money, success.found by counting number of degrees between the two luminaries (in diurnal charts start from Sun, in nocturnal charts, the Moon), and that number is projected,again in order of signs from the ascendant.The use of luminaries in this part is related to the idea that life and flourishing, are most analogous to them.When we flourish we encounter good luck, success, money

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Since life is ruled by ascendant we project from it.

The standard approach to Arabic parts involves seeing whether the part and its ruler are in good condition or not.

The best situation is when Part is angular or succedent in strength, in a benefic aspect to strong benefics, and its domicile and triplicity rulers are strongand unafflicted.Worst when part is cadent, conjunct, square, opposition the malefics, with triplicity rulers afflicted and weak.E.g: When Part of Children is in the best possible condition it is testimony that the native will have many children who fare well.In the worst condition, no children or children who die early.

Not all parts are treated in the same way.In some cases we delineate based on the triplicity in which the part falls.Some are used in primary directions

The Arabic parts are strictly secondary considerations in a chart. They are derived from planetary positionsAvoid temptation to go directly to a part to say something specific. Don't do this.Accurate delineations can be made if we appreciate objectivity, the reality of goods and evils.

We must learn principles first, methods of delineation next, and techniques of prediction last.

Fixed Stars skipped. Work through Brady later.

Chapter 6: Types of Delineation.

At first glance, medieval techniques seem sprawling, complex, and difficult.In reality they are straightforward and can be organized into distinct internally consistent groupsEach group is defined by a delineation template that includes one or more basictechniques

1. General House Methoda. Planets in Housesb. Rulers, especially triplicity rulersc. Arabic parts

2. Special Techniquesa. Planets in Housesb. Rulers, especially triplicity rulersc. Arabic partsd. Universal Significatorse. Almuten of multiple pointsf. Ranked significators

Ptolemaic delineation uses only a-d

GHD is a standardaized method that delineates a given area of life by house.E.g when delineating the 11th house one looks at planets in the house, rulers of the house and any associated arabic parts, each of which has its own rules of delineation.

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Special techniques combine all delineation techniques and are primarily used innatal astrology.They differ from general delineation in that they examine webs of influences between areas in life.

(essentially these seem to be a pre built procedure for using multiple houses to examine a specific area of life in detail)e.g: a native's social standing and influence.Normally this is a 10th house issue. So do a general delineation, planets in the 10th, ruling it, aspecting/conjuncting the MC (since angular house)But in real life there are other influences on social standing and influence. family status, luck, money , nature of obstacles

So (in special delineation) after 10th house general delineation we examinea. the strength/weakness of benefics - since they determine luck, succes

s, moneyb. the strength/weakness of malefics - since they determine obstaclesc. the strength/weakness of luminaries - since they determine general qu

ality of life and successd. the planets in the 6th and 12th houses that determine servility and m


Dykes does not deal with special delineation techniques. But he does add an "arab triplicity" method.

B. Basic principles of delineation

Medieval delineation looks complicated, but are built on a few (but often unstated) principles1. Planets are the primary astrological agents causing events to occur2. Signs give qualitative information about the planets activity (need a good example, for things other than dignity, exaltation etc)3. Houses give information about

a. quantitative power of the planets in themb. focus the planets nature to specific areas of life

From these rules we can find out the basic style and success of each planet in expressing its nature in the chart.

[sa: Essentially make a table of dignities, + reception + transfer of light + aspects + house strength, for each planet]4. Location is more powerful than rulership.In most areas of astrology, a planet in a house will have a greater bearing on the house than the planets rulere.g: If Saturn is in Virgo in the 11th, he will affect the native's friendshipsin a more obvious way than Mercury5. The good or bad of a house emanates from the ruler of the house. In the big picture, the ruler of the house is primarily responsible for whatever good or bad things are signified by the house

The last two principles seem contradictory, but they are not.a. Some houses don't have any planets in them at all. For them, in most

cases, the ruler will be the only event causative agentb.Over time the influence of the house ruler will be more evident than

the planetsc. In some areas of astrology rulership is more prominent

Especially in horary where rulers of a house are more importantfor showing an events occurrence, than location of planets in the house

Reason: In horary, we ask whether events take placei.e we ask whether planets that signify something go out and do

 somethingWho is most able to do something? The one in charge

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Who is in charge? The ruler is.d. (key) planets in and ruling houses can produce something to the exten

t that their own location and condition give them power.  e.g: If a planet is in the 11th, but ruler of the 11th is cadent, the

n the ruler's power is weak, and the planet in the 11th will be weak (all otherfactors being equal)

  e.g: if a planet is pregrine in the 12th (and so weak), but the ruler is angular, trine to benefics and well dignified (so strong)

Not all authors state these rules explicitly, but they are implicitly employed by all or most of them.

**** Detour - from Dykes other book. Detail about use of principles 4 and 51. Location is more immediate than rulershipNote use of 'more immediate' than the more traditional "stronger than"i.e

(1) The planet acts more immediately and directly through the house it is in  (2) When looking at a house, the planets in it are more immediate influencesvs the lord of the house. e.g: Chart in which Saturn is in Leo and the 11th house, and also lord of the 4th(Capricorn) and 5th (Aquarius)So Saturn is(a) first of all being himself (modified by his condition)

  (b) in the 11th  (c) managing affairs of the 4th and fifth house *through* the 11th So we ask "What is Saturn doing in the chart?"

The most immediate things he is doing is 11th house things (think abstractly like this so you don't get carried away by the possibilities)The 11th house is about friends and friendships. Therefore, Out of all areas oflife, Saturn is affecting friendships. Another way of saying this is that the native encounters Saturnian friends and friendship experiences

OTOH if we ask "What is happening with the 11th house?" the answer is "Even though the Lord, Sun will also do something for friendships, the most immediate infl

uence is Saturn's via his presence in the house"So what can we say about this?In general, if we think about what Saturnian friends are like, we find "Older, authoritarian, conservative, long lasting, limiting," etcBut note that Saturn is in Leo, and so in detriment, and planets in detriment show disintegration and corruption.Thus the chart shows Saturnian friends, but it shows disintegrative/corrupt friends. Traditionally a Saturn like this shows dishonest, criminal friends, (or just because of the detriment) friendships that disintegrate.

In fact, one theme of this native's life is that he has had unreliable, low class friends, and friendships that are unstable (or involve unstable people) and fall apart

This is a general theme in his life, and his life will always have this theme. A timing technique (like profections) will indicate *when* this Saturn gets activated.Important: Saturn gets activated not only according to his locaton but (key) via the houses he rules. which brings us to

2. What is indicated by a house emanates from the Lord of the HouseThis is an extension of the "Lord has management responsibility for affairs of the house" concept.Lord of the House tries to bring about significations of the house

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(a) via the house he is in(b) according to the various planetary conditions he is in(c) and aspects he makes.

e.g: Chart with Scorpio rising, with Moon in the Seventh (whole sign houses, soTaurus) and Cancer being the ninth house.We look at the ninth - We ask "What is going on in this person's ninth house? How are foreigners, travel, etc manifesting in her life?"

By 1st rule - location is more immediate than rulership. So we see if any planets are located in the ninth house. There aren't.(so second rule - what is signified by a house emanates from the Lord) So we look at the Lord of the House - the Moon.The moon is in the Seventh House (Taurus) and the seventh signifies marriages and partnerships among other things.So we can say foreigners and spirituality are in the form of , are brought by relationships.Somehow the native's relationships will be an important channel through which her experiences of foreigners, spirituality etc manifest.

A simple way to say this is " Her primary relationships will be connected to foreigners" or even "She will marry a foreigner"

We can look at it from the other direction "Who will the native marry?"

Step 1. Look at 7th House. Taurus. Contains Moon. Located planets are more immediate than lords.So, An immediate effect on relationships will be spirituality and foreigners because the Moon rules the 9th.

Hmm I would have said, the marriage will be highly emotionally fulfilling, andsatisfying (Moon - emotions -exalted).*then* would have gone to (since Moon will use Seventh to satisfy 9th house imperatives) - Marriage will be to a spiritual person, a foreigner or someone who is 'culturally' very different.Ok this is dealt with in the next paragraph.

What can we say about partners?

Partners will have some lunar characteristics - will be lunar type people - a refined, elegant, confident, respected person, or at least the native will have such experiences via her partner

Note: we have been able to say all this by looking at the lord of the *ninth*, without looking at Venus who rules the seventh.Since the Moon as exalted lord is *in* the house, Dykes wouldn't look at Venus too much because, the Moon 'takes over' for VenusBut if we do look at Venus, we see she is in the third house (Capricorn)In Traditional Astology the third is also a spiritual house, and therefore is afurther indicator for spirituality.So perhaps (the native is?) someone who values the Earth and/or is involved in nature religions

or perhaps she meets her spouse through third house circumstances - siblings etc

***** DETOUR ends

A. Delineation questions:

When delineating a house, we need to exercise clarity and conciseness, but we also need to know how to translate the astrological effects we see into the rightsort of astrological language.we can't simply plug words and phrases in

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e.g: first house lord in 10th - "the native (1st) wants to achieve recognition (10th)first house in 8th = "the native wants to die?" does not necessarily make sense

Some helpful questions to frame clear statements about the house (especially when encountering an unfamiliar configuration)

1. "What is the experience of this house like?"

Look to nature/state/aspects etc of planets in house. If no planet in house, look to nature/state/aspects of ruler of house

E.g: afflicted malefics in the 1st show that the native's life is difficult andhard, or his health will be poorA dignified Sun in the 7th shows that native's husband will be influential and powerful(SA : Note focus on concrete effects and events)

2. What other house brings about the activity of this house? And why?Look to the location of the house ruler and its nature/state/aspectsE.g: ruler of 1st in 10th. Native will thrive (1st) when she is achieving (10th)

3. Where do the people and topics of this house find expression?Look to the location of house ruler and its nature/state/aspects

Example: ruler of 6th in 3dIllness and servitude (6th) manifest in native's siblings and short travelsput more directly "your siblings will be ill, and you'll encounter difficultiesin short travels"

Note: This seems the same as the above. Lord of House brings about affairs of the house via house he is in.Then 2 = self identity manifests by 10th house activity3 = illness manifests via 3d house factors etc

Skipped the rest. Dykes seems to be repeating the above pattern in different words

Comments on rulershipNo planets in house + ruler in different house is a common situation.the strongest ruler of a house (by location, by having a nature analogous to the house, by dignity etc) will make the cusp's *Sign* produce (??) matters relating to the house. (??)iow a well situated (the most well situated) ruler will allow the matters of the house to be realizedA good domicile ruler beats a good term ruler, and a good exalted ruler beats aterrible domicile rulerEven if a ruler is afflicted by aspect with a malefic, it can still make the house produce something if it is in reception with it.If afflicted and without reception, its ability to produce is impeded.Especially so in horary astrology where an aspect to a malefic can still show su

ccess if reception is present.

Since the ruler is responsible for the house's matter being realized, its nature condition and location will show where and how that matter is realized.i.e the native or querent will eventually develop the given house's topic in the direction of the house the most powerful ruler (usually domicile ruler by default) is in.

These are general principles but,a. Not always easy to tell which planet is strongest/will be most produc

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tive.b. unclear in which direction the causality flowse.g: Ruler of 9th in 7th. -> = relationships will cause foreigners, <- f

oreigners cause relationships

When house rulers of all types are weak this shows1. they can't manifest house matters2. trouble comes from this house.

Even though we are mostly concerned with the strongest ruler, all rulers make something happen. The weak rulers are just overshadowed by the strong.

Some guidelines from these principles:

1. (some unclear writing here but what I understood is, essentially reverse engineering the example)

Look at each of the multiple rulers of the house. Choose the strongest.E.g: the the 6th house in a chart has Mars as domicile ruler, who also r

ules the ascendant (Scorpio), and is in the 10th (Leo). The 6th House also resonates with the nature of Mars(this seems to be rephrasing of planetary joys)

the same house has the Sun as exaltation ruler, who is in the 9th, but conjunct the MC.

Among these Mars is the 'stronger'. (essentially multiple 'rulerships' and other 'dignities' (like joy here) are cumulative. So understanding Mars will

be more effective in delineating the 6th house than the Sun.

2. Seems to be a repetition of planetary nature, then state, then aspect table,but seem to use 'quantity' to mean house angularity, cadency etc. Quality is also thrown in without being defined, with 'quality' also seeming to indicate 'state' 1. Quantity generally beats 'state' (== angular planets generally beat cadent planets etc) but occasionally a succedent planet (say) which has very strong zodiacal state (say in domicile) can beat an angular but peregrine planet2. Poor states promise more than they can actually deliver. 3. Strong quantity + strong quality gives realization 4. Strong quantity + weak quality shows realization with poor quality results.

 5. Weak quantity + strong quality shows problems with realization. 6. Weak quantity + Weak quality cannot realize 3. All rulers + almuten are weak and/or cadent => the native doesn't have an outlet for the house's expression, or will have problems in that area.

a. However, even if a ruler is weak/impeded, it still has an influence,we may just be distracted (?) by another(stronger?) ruler's influence

b. likewise, a malefic plant will retard and/or make unpleasant but (asa ruler?) still produces something

c. Native behaviour,self reports, and other's reports about them will often correspond to angular planets, because angular planets proclaim themselves boldly.

Other planets will be present, but be muted and less obvious.

Ptolemy's and Arabic methods skimmed.

(sa: Summary == calculate each planets dignities + reception + transfer of light + house strength etc). Likewise for each, get all rulers, select top one or two influential ones. These + occupying planets (and their ruled houses) will provide a set of inputs.

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Chapter 7: Delineating Houses - Details

What to expect of a house (?) in more detailMost house delineations are 'standard' and have common patterns. Some house have special comments.

When delineating a house by the common method, there are only three things thatneed to be considered.1. Are there any planets in the house?2. Which houses are the rulers(note plural) of the house in, and what is their zodiacal state (= dignities + reception + transfer of light etc)3. If the house is angular, any aspects to the cusp need to be considered

More on rulers.If domicile or exalted rulers are in the house, then they take precedence over everyone else.House ruler in the house = measure of freedom and independence in house matters= good things, increase and so on for whatever the house signifiese.g: ruler of 2nd in 2nd = income is strongruler of 6th in 6th = health is strong (though 6th house shows illness and servitude)

(key) If the ruler is in another house, it is like someone heading out to accomplish something. He wants to accomplish the matters of the ruled house via anothe

r house.This happens in two senses.- The ruler makes his own house manifest in and through the new house, s

o he leads his house's matters to the new one. (note: the two halves of this statementh have different directions of causality)

- The affairs of the new house cause (sa: affairs of ) the ruler's house to come into being (note: seems to be identical to the first half of the above sentence)

Factor 1. one or more planets in a house- Contained planets testify as to how matters of the house will turn out

, in two ways1. By nature and state. Nature = benefic or malefic. state = in

some dignity, peregrine, etc (note: BD says the effect of peregrine etc have been detailed earlier, these need to bought into an easily accessible table etc)2. By ruling a house (including the containing house. By rulersh

ip a planet indicates (one or more of)- who is experiencing affairs of the containing house.  e.g: ruler of 3d is in the 9th. So effects of 9th will

 be felt by people corresponding to the 3d. So "kin of native will travel" is aconforming interpretation

- why the (containing) houses issues are manifesting, or what led to them. So (sa) kin (3d house) from foreign lands (9th) will appear.

- what sort of things the containing house's affairs are responsible for .(sa) the other direction of causality. kin cause travel

- what the containing house's affairs are like (sa)

- kin are scattered all over the world, in foreign lands, and have some kind of revelatory, expansive effect.

- malefics in the 1st = life is difficult andhard, health maybe poor.

Factor 2. Ruler of the house in some other house.If ruler of House A is in House B, House A's activities will be

realized in House B, lead to House B(when actively pursued) or focused on HouseB

e.g: Lord of 11th in the 2nd .

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Hopes (11th) will be fulfilled in terms of gaining wealth (2nd) = native will have fortuitous good luck in terms of access to money - House A matters realized via house B

Native's friends (11th) help him gain money, perhaps by sending him clients, lending him money, sending business his way(sa: I think ruler of X in Y only shows there is *some* connection between X and Y. Causality can flow both ways, or maybe just a correlation between some significations of the house)

Next, house specific details on- what the houses signify and other details- what planets in the houses show (*** assuming planets in a fairly good

 state***)- what it means when ruler of the house is in another house

First Housesignifies

- health (what it is like)- life (what it is like)- what native wants and seeks- what native is like(key) all these are distinct issues.

Planets in the house show what native seeks and is like(?)

Planets in the house show1. by their nature

a-malefics show life is difficult, according towhat they typically signify

b-benefics show life and character as exhibiting (in a good way) whatever they typically signify

  e.g: Sun (in 1st house) glory, fun and pleasure (Venus), technical knowledge, sharp mind (Mercury)

2. by rulership of other house Xa-what comes to the native or what he experience

s, especially without any effort.

e.g: Planet in 1st rules 2nd = money comes easily; rules 10th = honors will be bestowedb-what sort of people depend on or look to him,

 or on whom he has authoritye.g: Planet in 1st rules 3d = he rules h

is brothersc-what native seeks and gets- money (rules 2nd),

 pleasures (5th) etcd-what native enjoys- travel (9th)e-what native's life is like (sa- the flavor or

tone of his life) - happy (5th), servile (6th), short (8th) etcf-native's bodily health- poor in 6th, 8th etcg-what native is involved with or encounters - j

ourneys and relatives (3d), diverse people and lawsuits (7th), happiness and friends (11th) and so on

My question: ok so far so good, but given a random chart and having ruler of house 1 in house X.How do I decide between these possibilities?

Second Housesignifies

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- native's moveable assets and possessions (not real estate -(?what is the concept?))

- increase in assets that are lasting and stable -> good for house. Decrease in such -> bad for house

- Most of the time location of house lord shows areas that produce money

- Certain houses tend to show loss -e.g LoH in 6th(weak revenuestream), 8th(shows debt, expenses, financial anxiety).

- BUT if Lord of 8th is in 2nd and strong, can show financial benefit from others

Planets in this house show- by their nature, what the native encounters wrt moveable wealt

h.,who he gets it from or encounters it with, its stability/changeability- Benefics testify to wealth, and lasting wealth- Malefics testify to expense and carelessness with mone

y (Mars), avarice/little cash flow (Saturn)- by their rulership of another house

- what people the native's money is connected with, forgood or ill. kin (2HL is Lord of 3d), servants and illness ((2HL is Lord of 6th), children (5th), Spouse (7th, 8th), Dead people (8th), enemies (12th)

The ruler of 2nd in house X shows- native gains money *easily* (in 1st, 2nd)- from what (house's significations) the native

gains money, *assuming it is in good condition* (? do *houses* have strengths?)e.g: short travels and kin (3d), from real estate and parents (4th), children or being self employed (5th), will, legacies, business partnerships (8th), travels, merchandising, clergy,inventions (9th), important people/profession (10th), friends or good luck (11th), enemies/prisons/large animals (12th)

(note 7th not included, and included in malefics - because 6th from 2nd?)

- from what native loses money - servants, small animals, disease (6th), spouse,lawsuits (7th), his own spending or debt (8th)

Third House

signifies- short journeys- neighbours- kin

Good things for this house include profitable journeys and goodrelationships with kin (and neighbors?)

Bad things = unprofitable journeys, poor kin, bad relationshipswith kin

(note to self: this is a weird house. Look up what 3d means in Vedic/Greek astrology)

Planets in this house show

(by their nature)what types of siblings the native has and their mutual r

elationshiptypes and associations of journeysbenefics and luminaries show good results wrt kin and jo


(by rulership of other houses)what areas of kin or short journeys are *responsible* fo

r - profit (lord of 2nd) property (4th) delight (5th) etc

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what native's kin or short journeys are *like* - sickly(6th), indigent (8th), friendly (11th) ,inimical (12th)

Ruler in another house showswhat the kin do or try to do, for good or ill. (contend for good

s -2nd, enrich themmselves with parents (4th), treat children well (5th) etcwhat kin and journeys are like: kind (in 5th), indigent (in 6th)

 etcthe relationship between native and kin - hatred (6th ) etcwhat areas of life the native has to travel for - controversies

(in 7th), estates in 8th etc

Note: At this point, I conclude that planets in house X ruling Y, or rulers of house X in Y only mean there is some kind of connection between the houses.At best, one can try, ruler of house X in Y will try to bring about matters of X (ruled house) via matters of house Y(occupied house)

So noting significations of other houses and skimming the details

Fourthparentsfamily property (inherited property?)domestic scene in general

relationship to death exists, but shouldn't be considered primarilyangular house, therefore has a role to play in 'special techniques' delineation - eg social standing

Fifthchildrenhaving fun - hobbies (stamp collecting), partying, entertainment

Sixthan unusual house with two primary significations - servitude, health (bu

t inclining to illness)as a cadent house, weakens any planet in it

small animalsdelineation is tricky.

Seventhspouse, other people generally, partners, opponents (SA: peers of all ki

nds)social and romantic life in general

Eighthdeath, fear, stressother people's moneyinheritances, wills, partnerships

Ninthreligion, quest for wisdomlong journeys (another kind of quest!)spirituality and attitude towards ultimate truths are delineated using s

pecial techniques

Tentha patchwork of distinct ideasachievements, reputationauthorities and honors granted by them

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Eleventhfriends (who can assist), (secondarily) hopes,dreams, happiness

Twelfththings that restrict independence/ability to be his own personhidden enemies who work against nativeprison

Sample Delineation1. ruler of house in detriment(distorted) and cadent house(weak)  so distorted and weak in producing 1st house significations - life, h

ealth  in 6th = native's life is largely spent in 6th house things - servili

ty/illness 2. Venus square JupiterJupiter in domicile, rules 9th and 12th, in 9thnative can expect good things wrt 9th house significationsnature of aspect

Venus applies to Jupiter, but she is cadent and in detrimentJupiter is in domicile, superior planet and elevated.So Jupiter's effect will dominate. J in general provides freedom

, abundance, growth\(key) So we expect Jupiter to release this Venus from her degraded position,

by (9th house issues) of law, religion, wisdom,long journeys etc.

and (12th house issues) prison etc

native has worked in the criminal justice system,inside a prison, in a rewarding job

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