Page 1: Not Flashlight or Cell Phone, Hootoo Stun Guns Surprise Your Attackers

Not Flashlight or Cell Phone, Hootoo Stun Guns Surprise Your Attackers

It’s not normal and even legal for common citizens to use an

electroshock weapon in our daily life saving for some police

stations, military soldiers or warriors in your Cross Fire.

Electroshock weapon technology uses a temporary high-voltage

low-current electrical discharge to override the body's muscle-

triggering mechanisms. The recipient is immobilized via two

metal probes connected via metal wires to the electroshock

device. The recipient feels pain, and can be momentarily

paralyzed while an electric current is being applied. It is

reported that applying electroshock devices to more sensitive

parts of the body is even more painful. The maximum effective

areas for stun gun usage are upper shoulder, below the rib

cage, and the upper hip. High voltages are used, but because

most devices use a high frequency alternating current, the skin

effect prevents a lethal amount of current from traveling into

the body. The resulting "shock" is caused by muscles twitching

uncontrollably, appearing as muscle spasms. Therefore, though

muscle spasms will happen, you can protect your safety but

Page 2: Not Flashlight or Cell Phone, Hootoo Stun Guns Surprise Your Attackers

hardly to commit a crime by electroshock.

Electroshock weapons are characterized by stun guns. Due to

the prominent self-defense feature, stun guns, in most of

countries are popularly available in case to any possible attacks.

For some sufferers, one thing much more important than

having a stun gun is to skirt it from noticeable by scoundrels., who is one of the best suppliers in CA, USA,

overcomes this problem with peerless covers for those self-

defense stun guns like flashlights or even cellphones.

High Voltage Stun Gun in Cellphone Shape

Shock an attacker to a

sudden stop! This cell phone-

looking stun gun delivers 1

Million Volts of lightning

protection at the push of a


This Cell Phone Stun Guns has a unique design which will gives

you a tactical advantage. It looks just like a normal cell phone

but it will be easy to surprise an attacker. This cell phone type

Page 3: Not Flashlight or Cell Phone, Hootoo Stun Guns Surprise Your Attackers

stun gun is a non-lethal self defense products, the most

important usage is to give you time to quickly escape. Using this

mini cell phone stun gun and

then run for safety.

Multi-function Stun Gun with

Flashlight Outline

This is multi-function stun gun with both alarm/siren and

flashlight features, for the siren part, it’s up to 150db, loud

enough to attract attention from far apart and can also be

functioned as a calling tool for emergency help.

As for the lighting, this superior and multi-functional stun gun

features three different levels of lighting, including high flux

level, medium level, and flashing.

All in all, the above stun guns from are the must-

haves for all people who are looking for the best when it comes

to self defense products with a feature of perfect emulation

figure and high-power function. All in all, this superior stun gun

is a great product for emergency calling and self defense!

Page 4: Not Flashlight or Cell Phone, Hootoo Stun Guns Surprise Your Attackers

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