Page 1: North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune. (North Platte, NE) …...Cody & Dillon ditch and the flow is found amply sufficient to water all land under the ditch, Dr. Butt does crown and bridge

"5 -rj". -

. "'.'ill.

"iOmvTpaartV vi J

Exclusively to tl

Million People

. i mmm Fair umxaa&

Unhrsaliy accepted o ttsFlac Coffee ef the WOfid

JOHN HERRODSells tlie above Coffee

together with a complete line of

m AID FilCT EMIPrices Always Eeasonable.


Paid For Country Produce.

PEALE'SWall Paper.Paper Hung by Peale.Paper Cleaner at Peale's.


-- The Schrambling- - restauranton Front street has been closed onaccount of lack of trade.

B. I, Robinson is improving"his residence in the west end by theerection of a picket fence.

Mr. and Mrs. John Minor werehost and hostess at a pleasant cardparty given a few evenings ago.

Major Lester Walker, who wascritically ill with pneumonia for aweek or more, is now convalescing".

Several land buyers were intown yesterday, but whether theyinvested in irrigated tracts, we didnot learn.

Water has been turned into theCody & Dillon ditch and the flow isfound amply sufficient to water allland under the ditch,

Dr. Butt does crown and bridgework, also metal and vulcaniteplates.

- Alex Adams went toXexington"Wednesday to have an examinationmade by the board of pension ex-min- ers

with a view of getting apension, He was accompanied byW. C. Elder.

Tickets for the Engineers' MayParty are selling" rapidly and thereis no doubt but this event will belargely patronize. The concert

6(iMby,;Bartlinsr's orchestra, which pre- -'Pn??- - - -

- - - ......m' s the grand march, will be

worth more than the price of admission.

Watchman Sawyer claims to havedriven thirty-nin- e tramps out oftown night before last. This ac-

counts for the present scarcity oftourists around town. If "Buck"keeps up the good work during thesummer season he will deserve thethanks of bur people.

Last Saturday evening one of'M.. C. Harrington's children ranagainst and knocked over a pianolamp which resulted in igniting thewindow curtains. Prof. Garlicks,who was present at the time, ex-

tinguished the flames, but in doingso had his hands somewhat burned.

Dr. Butt, dentist, willloca.eiuNorth Platte about April 15tthOffice in McDonald's block.

A telegram was received fromdeputy secretary state Evans Wed-

nesday stating that he had sold the$8,000 warrant, drawn in favor ofLincoln county by the state, at par.The brokers have raised a questionas to the validity of the relief billelse the warrants would sell at apremium.

At a meeting of the fire depart-ment Wednesday evening S. L.Bristol was elected chief and W. H.C. Woodhurst assistant chief. Itwas naturally supposed that H. O.

Evans would be re-elect- ed, but hefailed to secure the necessary num-

ber of votes. The new officers arethoroughly competent and the de-

partment will in no way suffer bytheir election.

Every man and women in NorthPlatte should attend one of the sev-

eral churches next Sunday. Thisjournal can assure them that suchaction will result not only profitablybut pleasantly, bermons appropriate to the day will be deliveredby the pastors, and as is alwaysthe case, specially prepared musicwill be rendered by the choirs.Another attraction will be the newgowns and hats worn by the ladies.

The Tribuxe of May 3d willbe issued solely by the members ofthe ladies' auxiliarv of the Y. M.C. A. Not only will the ladies havecharge of the local and news col-

umns, but of the advertisingcolumns as well, and all revenuesfrom the latter source will go intothe treasury of that organization.There will be local, telegraph andsociety reporters, advertising soli-

citors and proof readers, and theisse of May 3d will undoubtedlyeclipse any paper ever issued inNorth Platte. We trust our busi-aeo- s

--ate will respond liberally to

ike iraqHtstsJor special advertise- -

Have you seen that $50 LadiesBicycle atI.e.-M- . Newton's.

The,, bright sunny days thathave caused, the merchants toresurrect their canvas awnings.

Wm. Hayes, head push of theNorth Platte broom factory is visit-ing friends in Peublo this week.

Ben Dikeman a few days agopurchased 320 acres of railroad landin town 15, range 32 northwest oftown.

The Cody Guards are having alittle tempest in a teapot with - oneof their officere, which will probablynot end every seriously.

Prof. Garlichs has organized afive-pie- ce orchestra and will soonbe in position to furnish music fordances and entertainments.

. C. P. Boss and Prank Mc-Chesn- ey

are in Keith County thisweek surveying, an irrigation ditchon the rancli of M. A. Daugherty.

The bicycie dealers of the cityseem to be having a good trade,and the fellow who does not have awheel is not in the swim to any ex-

tent.W. N. Gooden, ot Eaton, Colo.,

passed several days in town thisweek and while here sold the "coun-

ty relief commission five carloads ofseed potatoes.

It is semi-official- ly announcedthat one of our most pleasant youngladies will be wedded on Mondayevening next to a young manliving in Cheyenne.

Walter Ross, 'formerly con-

nected with the Sidney Telegraph,passed a few days in town thisweek. Mr. Ross will start for NewYork next week on a bicycle.

A director of the agriculturalsociety informs us that it is a ques-tion whether a county fair will beheld this fall. If the season provesa favorable one for crops a fair willbe held, otherwise not.

Miss Mazie Cunningham andAsa Fairchild completed theircourse at the business college yes-

terday and were given diplomas.The latter will go to Denver sometime next week to look up a posi-

tion.Dr. Vorhees Lucas, who grad-

uated last week from the Omahamedical college, arrived in town afew days ago and will locate herepermanently. The Doctor, it willbe remembered, formerly clerked inLongley's drug store.

Easter at the Methodist Epis-copal church will be an interestingoccasion . Besi des the morning ser-

vice with the usual offering to mis-

sions, there will be. a special s'ervicein the evening conducted by theSunday school. Everybody is wel-


Don't forget that a new dentistwill open an omce in McDonald sblock about April 15th. Give mma call.

The annual parish meeting ofthe Church of Our Saviour will beheld on Easter Monday evening atseven o'clock. The usual reportswill be made, and a new vestryelected. A full attendance, notonlv of communicants, but of allmembers ot the consrrecation, is.earnestly requested.

On the evening of the 19th inst.a public ball will be given at theopera house in connection with agift presentation now being pre-

pared by several young men. Prof.Stuff will have charge of the dance,which insures an excellent timefor all participants. Prof. Garlichs'new orchestra will furnish themusic.

It is hoped that the attendan.eeat the concert to be given by the Y.M. C. A. next Monday evening willbe largely attended. Not only be-

cause the programme is an excellent one, but for the reason that thefunds thus received are badlyneeded by the association in orderto make improvements in the rooms.The price of admission is placed atso low a nsrure that anybody canafford to go and hear this musicaltreat.

Dr. sutt, who win open anoffice in McDonald's block, doesfirst-cla- ss dentistry m all itsqranches.

Sunday, Easter day, therewill be the usual Easter services atthe Church of Our Saviour. Holycommunion at 7:45 a. m. Full Easter service with holy communion at10:30 a. m. Children's service withcarols and missionary offerings at3:30 p.m. (the two Sunday schoolsuniting in this) and evening seviceand sermon at 7:30. There will bebaptism of children at the afternoon service. Everyone welcome toall services.

Messrs. Spaudling & Jennings,of Gothenburg", have been in townfor several days with a view of pur-

chasing H. S. Keith's stock of hardware. Up to noon to-da- y the dealhad not been made, but it is likelythe transfer will ocoir. Mr. Keithwill retain possession of the stockof furniture and continue ia thatbusiness. Messrs. Soandlinsr &Jennings are energetic business awnand as such Tms Txnrojte


the. NOiim-- m

The city council will meet inregular session nextMonday even-m- g.

The home, of Geo. G. McKay onWest Third St. was gladdened onTuesday of this week hy the ar-

rival of a bright new girl baby.

The show'window of the Fairstore has attracted a great deal otattention this week by the splendidmanner in which it has been drapedby the clerks.

We are requested to invite allmembers of the Grand Army of theRepublic to attend the funeral ser-

vices of Wm. "Emerson to be heldto-morr- ow afternoon.

As some of the members of thecornet band will be out, of town,,and other wise engaged the proba-bilities are that a concert will notbe given to-morr- ow night,expected.

as wasi

H. S. Stuff will resume his in-

structions in dancing next week.Quite a number are desirous oflearning the new dances which willbe introduced at the May ; Partyand have secured Mr. Stuffs ser-

vices."From the manner in which

nursery stock is being received thisweek it is evident that an unusualnumber of trees will be planted inand around the city this spring. Alarge part of the stock received con-

sists of fruit trees.

By one of those annoying littleerrors which occasionally will creepinto even the most carefully editednewspaper, the types made us sayin Tuesday's paper that "Fred'kBarber" would sing a solo at theY. M, C. A. concert. It should haveread Fred'k Baker.

A telegram received from Nor-folk yesterday announced the deathof Wm. Emerson the night before.The deceased was adjudged insanelast summer and taken to the Nor-folk asylum. The remains will ar-

rive here to night and the funeralservices will be held at the Metho-dist church to-morr- ow afternoon.The funeral will be in charge ofthe Grand Army of the Republicof which the deceased was a member. Mr. Emerson wss a residentof North Hlatte for many years andwas well known in the city andcounty.

It is believed that a large num-

ber of farmers of Iowa and the east-ern part of this state will take ad-

vantage of thei excursion rateswhich the Union Pacific offers fromOmaha to western Nebraska. Theselow rates are offered land seekersin order that they may investigatethe irrigated lands of this section.It is therefore likely that we willhave a number of the excursionistsin town the early part of next week,and it is only proper that they beshown the country by our citizens,and especially by the owners ofditches.


Mrs. D. W. Saxe went to Omahathis morning.

Lester Eells went to Omahaterday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hershev

yes- -

arein town to-da- y.

Fred Marti left the early part ofthe week for his old home in NewYork state.

Rev. J. C. Irwin spent severaldays this week in the eastern partof the state.

The family of Receiver Doolittlewill arrive in the city next week toremain permanently.

Dr. Hatch, a recent graduate of aChicago medical college, has beenthe guest of H. V. Hilliker for sev-

eral days.George Goodman, who had been

visiting his father for a week ormore, left for Philadelphia Wednes-day night.

Mrs. H. V. Hilliker, who hadbeen attending a church conventionat St. Paul, Neb., returned homelast night.

Miss Maud Hinman, who is at-

tending the Convent of the SacredHeart at Omaha, will be home Sun-day for a week's vacation.

Wm. Killion an old time meatmarket man and crack pistol shot,of this city, but now of Big SpringsIdaho, was in our city yesterday.

Dispatcher Croxton left to-da- y

for a brief visit in Omaha. Hiswife who has been visiting in thatcity will probably retnrn with him.

Mrs. Warren Lloyd and MissNellie Donahue, who were called toCleveland by the death of the lat-ter- 's

mother, returned home lastnight.

Frank Murphy and family, whohad been visiting North Plattefriends for ten days, left last nightfor their home at Medicine Bow,Wyo.

E. B. Warner returned Wednes-day Iroat a business trip to Omaha,the nature of which was to assistin making transportation arrange-ments for the meeting of theNational Faaeral Directors' Asso-ciation to be lield" at Little Hock.

; - - a- i; . : - ,ir . . s H .

faster Tide netfb to Qfyrishmas.,


si i'Iff


is the most appropriate for making, yourfriends an elegant and appropriate, presetuita--

.ble to the occasion. Cwnton the Jewelerwishes to fix the attention of the upon thefact that he has an unusually large and handsomeline of Silver Novelties adapted to those insearch of something of this kind. His pricesupon the would almost lead one to believethat we are approximating the of free, silver g

to all, rich and poor. r K c

CLINTON, The Jijweler. .

Thmembers ot the Gordoncornet band will be entertainednext Wednesday evening at theresidence of J. J. Sullivan. SomeOmaha friends of the family are ex?peered to be present.

Rev. A. W. Graves went toOgalaila last week to deliver anaddress before a Sunday-scho- ol

convention,, but on account of thestorm the convention was


poned until the 19th and 20th inst.Appropos with the bright spring

season the dental parlors of Dr. F.J. Morrill are undergoing a siege ofhouse-cleanin- g and remodeling andwhen the decorators have finishedtheir work the Doctor may wellboast of .one of the coziest littleoffices in the state. The rapidlyincreasing patronage of this pop-

ular jourig dentist demands morecommodious quarters and increasedfacilities. By strict business in-

tegrity and superior workmanshiphe has built around him a remarkable practice in a short time,- -

necessitating the securing of anassistant in the person of Dr. E.E. Northru'p, of Chicago, an ex-

pert in mechanical dentistry. Timewas when people thought it neces-sary to go to Lincoln or Omahawhen in need of the" services of a

tfrfirst class dentist but those dayshave passed. With, an equipmentot the most modern and "up-to-dat- e"

style and the services of acompetent assistant anything inthe way of dental work may berelied nponAto be' handled in alegitimate, responsible and satis-factory manner.


E. F. Gibbens took a trip toKearney Mjonday... ..J. H. Giffinand Wm. Mclhtyre drove- - dpwn toGothenburg --Wednesday MorrisyanTylenttde run.ito Cozad andoacK on :niSWAci:- - &ursaaY n.lima;liciting"aidreturned.ceived aboa

part of




undaisbeen, so--

Antelope precinct,He re--

bushels of oatsspent the-latt-er

atXKearnev A.W. and GDQCatliewson attendedan lrrigatiottjfBeeting at Maxwellon Monday Mrs. J. Hr Giffinvisited friewrjlat GothenburgWednesdyj'Cn Miss Shade, ofGothenburgiSAvisiting her sister,Mrs. Erick'this week... Thehigh schooljif closed this week,Prof. Culleneing laid up with therheumatism ii .E-- L.L. Matthew-so-n

spent Monday and Tuesday inMaxwelii .Jjrs. Erb, of Gothen-burg, wasaJ guest of J. H. GiffinWednesdayjvfVG. D. Matthewsonwas in theftatte ThursdayHearty and aairphy snipped a carof cattle to --Oakaha on Wednesday.

Easter Scryices will be held attne jvi. Hi. cawrcn ounaay nignr.

Wiggins. .


Rev. Frankan, of this circuit, of-

ficiated at 'thkfuneral of Mr. andMrs. E. E. Gibbeas' little baby onTuesday of !ithis week.....S. W.yanDoran', ife North Platte, whohas been plastering the Paxton &Hershey tenant houses, returnedhome with his tools the fore part ofthe week.. ..Stock is doing fairlywell on the oung and tender grassat the present' time Mr. andMrs. J. O. Cbft are rejoicing overa new son who arrived Thursday

Will Brooks shelled corn for N.B. Spurrier Friday, of which 400bushels were sold to the county re-

lief commission at seventy-fiv-e

cents Ben Lay ton came up tromBrady yesterday and purchased

bushels of seed potatoes of N.B. Spurrier 'at "seventy-fiv- e centsper bushel v'PK'BL-W- . Brown has-re- -

turned to the; McPherson countyranch Mrs. ,R. W. Calh oun visi-ted her parents'north ot the Plattethe fore part of the week AlDavis and WillPark, two of thrPlatte's jolly, nimrods, tried theirluck a few davs,asro shootinsr craneand brant in this vicinitv a fewdays ago This week will aboutwind up the seeding of small grainin the vatfeVU.VWiiare told thatLew Hoover will takea to Col-orado in the near futre. . . A bandof hunters awaJonV. drawn by ateam of mules passed through' thislocality Wednesday evening. , Theycrossed theBridge --and went overinto the southfhilIs.-..T-Kev- . Gravesof a. North PJatte church, upon

Baptism" in ia the Maccabee hallat Hershey next. Sunday evening attne usual hour,. . .Mr? tsimpson, ofLogan countjiwhb rented a farm of

axton & Hershey" has thrown it upand will remaMinthe sand-hill-s

another seasoaT'Mr. Magnetsonwin wonctne sa make tblimn .TmltAtrFewertlob






UKanp vm





Horses for Sale.A number of horses and mules of

all ages, among the assets of theNorth Platte National Bank, arefor sale. These horses are of allkinds, suitable for farm horses,drivers, or saddle ponies. Will besold very cheap. Also for sale, alot of second hand farm implements.Enquire at the bank,alas Milton Doolittle, Receiver.

ONE MOREHomeseekers' Excursion. One fareplus two dollars to all points southor west in Nebraska, Kansas, Colo-rado, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho.Tickets on sale April 23d, 1895,limited to continuous passage inboth directions. Extreme limit of20 days from date of sale.

For rent, for cash, a well im-

proved farm under irrigation, apply at this office.

Overshoes good and cheap atOtten's Shoe Store. Ftf

rRemember in order to get pure,clean and healthy spring water ice,contract with Harry Eamplugk.

Studebaker Wagons atHershey & Go's,

FOR SALE.My residence and all my personal

property. G. R. Hammond.

All accounts due H. Otten &Co. are payable at Otten's Shoe,Store. The firm having dissolved,a settlement is urgently requested,tnat books may be balanced.

r u

HORSESFor. . .



. linnrTinTT.,.'n "WA



Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied urnmilling machinery the product of the hard,'

excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using theWashburn Flour, try it. It is sold by





I to sell the crop foron the

at2, 3, 4, 5, town 13 and

33, 34, 35 and 36, in14 all in 34 tothe forwill be up to 1st,

and the toany and all N. B.

The and best Seedin 500 on

for sale by&

Will be forto the and

of the who poimy at the

ruary. , jj . cody..

When BuyingMinneapolis


Washburn's Superlative






Notice.desire hay

1895, large Sidney DillonIsland located Sutherland, sec-tions north,sections town

north, range west,highest bidder cash. Bids

received July1895, reserve right reject

bids. OLDS.

Early Seed Potatoes!

Vick's Earlu Jtfarket,Trovillo's Favorite

earliest Pota-toes America. bushels hand


$25 Rewardpaid anyone giving in-

formation leading arrestconviction partiessoned greyhounds Scout's.Kestancitnejatter pjirtptrjebjj



Why get the


For Sale or Trade,The White Elephant barn. Also

several vacant lots. Will trade forditch or hay land, or cattle. Theabove property is clear of incum-brance. Inquire of


FOR SALE OR TRADE.Two houses and lots, one is situ-

ated one block east of HotelCentral, and the other in Miller'saddition; for sale after April 27th.Will sell cheap for cash or will tradefor stock of goods, cattle, horses orchattels of any kind.

Snelling Bros.

In search of a good cigarwill always find- - it at J.F. Trythem and judge.

For sale, a six-roo- m house on

school house. . For priceand 'tefms'apply'tb Mrsr-F- .






Of the Season is here, is unpacked, is markedlow, and is ready for anyone who likes agood thing. We are for busi-

ness that will save buyers money. Just look:

All Business at - -

Imported Worsted Suits,



simply asking

Wool Suits $6.75.

Clay $10.00.(In Black and Gray.) .

Boys' Suits from $2.50 up to $10.00.Mothers, we '

can sell you a Child's Suit for ONEDOLLAR that is worth double the money.

Boys' Knee Pants at FIFTEEN CENTS a pair.

Wood working Shirts for TWENTY-FIV- E CENTS.

A good solid pair of Shoes for ONE DOLLAR, worth-

at any time one-ha- lf more.

Hats 'and Caps at all Prices.

We have not space to quote you all, but all we askyou is to call and see us and we are

. . .. sure we can save you money. s

The Model Clothing louse

Foley"s Old 3ttxi.cL




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