


North Carolina North Carolina Department of Public InstructionDepartment of Public Instruction

Standard II: Teacher Handout

Standard I ReviewUsing the Standard I Review sheet,

discuss the process of collecting evidence and marking the rubric

• Standard I Element A indicators• Sample evidence collected by principal• Standard I Rubric for Element A was

marked based on the evidence

A good deed is never lost: he who sows

courtesy reaps friendship; and he who plants kindness gathers


Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for

a diverse population of students.

A. Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults:

Encourage an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive, and flexible

Element A Sample Evidence

1. Teacher uses a sarcastic tone2. Teacher yells regularly3. Teacher apologizes to a student

for making her cry

Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment

for a diverse population of students.


Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a

diverse population of students.

B. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world:

Demonstrate knowledge of diverse culturesSelect materials and develop lessons that counteract stereotypes

and incorporate contributionsRecognize the influences on a child’s development, personality, and performance

Consider and incorporate different points of view

Element BSample Evidence

1. Teacher has read the book The World is Flat which has made her aware of worldwide cultural diversity

2. Teacher has become interested in researching Indian culture because she has a Hindu student in her classroom

3. Teacher continues to use outdated materials that show gender bias

4. During oral questioning, teacher calls on boys more than girls

Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment

for a diverse population of students.



Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of

students.C. Teachers treat students as individuals:

Maintain high expectations for all students

Appreciate differences and value contributions by building positive, appropriate relationships

Element CSample Evidence

1. Teacher does not give zeros for late assignments. She requires students to complete all assignments.

2. Teacher is friends with students on Facebook

Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment

for a diverse population of students.


Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful

environment for a diverse population of

students.D. Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of

students with special needs:

Collaborate with specialists Engage students and ensure they meet the needs of their students

through inclusion and other models of effective practice

Element DSample Evidence

1. Regular education teacher refuses to meet after school for IEP meetings

2. Regular education teacher does not apply IEP/504 modifications

3. Regular education teacher has literacy centers in her classroom, but these centers do not reflect differentiation for students with special needs

Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment

for a diverse population of students.

3See comment

Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of

students.E. Teachers work collaboratively with the families and

significant adults in the lives of their students: Improve communication and collaboration between the school

and the home and community Promote trust and understanding and build partnerships with

school community

Seek solutions to overcome obstacles that prevent family and community involvement

Element ESample Evidence

1. Teacher establishes website2. Teacher does not return parent emails3. Teacher does not contact parents

about student work or behavior issues4. Teacher does not participate/attend

extra curricular activities5. Teacher refuses to send notes home in


Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment

for a diverse population of students.

See comments

Comments• Element D: The teacher was rated as

“Not Demonstrated” because the teacher’s unwillingness to apply modifications for students with IEP’s and 504’s demonstrates a lack of knowledge of effective practices for students with special needs

• Element E: The teacher was rated as “Not Demonstrated” due to the lack of response to parents

Standard II Summary Sheet

• Completed at the end of the year• Rate each element• Determine overall rating: Could be the principal’s

call if the principal decides to go with a rating that was not reflected by the majority of ratings

• Remember, the principal completes a rubric following each observation, but fills out the summary sheet using the cumulative ratings from the entire year

• For example, the comments on the summary sheet may reflect improvement that has been demonstrated in a particular element

Standard II Activity• In your groups, use the Standard II Pre-Activity

sheet: Individuals share the evidence for each element Mark your group rubric for each element Groups complete the rating portion of at the top of their

summary sheets

• When time is called, have a reporter: Share how the group marked the rubric and why,

including the evidence used Share how the summary rating sheet was marked

• Facilitator has as many groups share as time allows.

Reminders• To maintain consistency throughout

the county, teachers are being trained in the same format for each session of the training

• Complete the Pre-Activity for Standard III before returning to the next training session

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