  • ONLINE LEARNING Ph: 604-903-3333

    Fax: 604-903-3334

    Non-NVSD or Non-Enrolled Student Course Selection/Enrollment

    School Year: 2020-2021

    23-Oct-2020 3100-99-58 Page 1 of 4

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Please submit all 5 pages of this form via one of the following: e-mail to [email protected]; fax to 604 903 3334; mail or drop off at 3365 Mahon Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7N 3T7 International students please note: course registration is not complete without payment of course fee(s) through School Cash Online.


    Parent Email Address (please print clearly):

    Parent/Guardian Information (if under 19):

    Address (if different than the one provided above):

    Parent Phone:

    LEGAL Last Name: LEGAL First Name: LEGAL Middle Name:

    USUAL Last Name (Preferred Name): Usual First Name (Preferred Name):

    Birthdate (dd-mmm-yyyy):


    PEN # :

    Student Information (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY)


    Age at Time of Registration:

    Student Address:

    Postal Code:

    Canadian Citizen Work Permit (min 1 year)

    Permanent Resident Refugee

    Study Permit

    International Student




    Please Specify Condition:

    Special Needs (with potentially life threatening condition) Anaphylaxis (Extreme Allergic Reaction)

    Blood Clotting Disorder Severe Asthma Serious Heart ConditionSeizure Disorder Diabetes



    Current Grade:

    International Student Payment Information: Please submit this completed form together with your payment receipt from KEV School Cash Online.

    Choices IEP

    Relationship to Student:

    Cell Phone:Home Phone:

    Preferred Start Month:

    Student Email (please print):

    MyEdBC Pupil #:

    Have you attended school in BC previously or are you currently attending a BC school?

    NoYes If yes, School Name :

    Location :

    Have you met high school graduation requirements? NoYes If Yes, Month and Year of graduation:

    If No, what year did you last attend:

    Acknowledgment of $1000 fee per course associated with OL registration for International student

    PLEASE NOTE: A student email address is required for registration. For Non-NVSD enrolled students, the email address provided on this registration form must match what is on record in MyEd at students' home school. Email address changes can be requested at the main office at students' home schools.

    mailto:[email protected]?subject=Non-NVSD%20and%20Not%20Enrolled%20Student%20Course%20Selection/Enrollmentmailto:[email protected]?subject=Non-NVSD%20and%20Not%20Enrolled%20Student%20Course%20Selection/Enrollment

  • ONLINE LEARNING Ph: 604-903-3333

    Fax: 604-903-3334

    Non-NVSD or Non-Enrolled Student Course Selection/Enrollment

    School Year: 2020-2021

    23-Oct-2020 3100-99-58 Page 2 of 4

    SECTION A:If you are CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN A NON-NVSD SECONDARY SCHOOL, please select your school name:

    Please provide your current school name: School District #:

    Please provide the following Identification with your registration form: A) Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport or Permanent Resident Card for student AND parent/legal guardian (if applicable) AND B) Proof of Resident (i.e., current BC Driver's License, Utility Bill or Rental Agreement) for student and parent/legal guardian (if applicable) C) IEP (Individual Education Plan), if applicable D) Most recent Transcript or Report Card


    Please provide your previous school name: School District #:

    Please provide the following Identification with your registration form: A) Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport or Permanent Resident Card for student AND parent/legal guardian (if applicable) AND B) Proof of Resident (i.e., current BC Driver's License, Utility Bill or Rental Agreement) for student and parent/legal guardian (if applicable) C) IEP (Individual Education Plan), if applicable D) Most recent Transcript or Report Card


    Please select and complete the applicable section from those shown below:

  • ONLINE LEARNING Ph: 604-903-3333

    Fax: 604-903-3334

    Non-NVSD or Non-Enrolled Student Course Selection/Enrollment

    School Year: 2020-2021

    23-Oct-2020 3100-99-58 Page 3 of 4

    English 8 Math 8 Science 8 Social Studies 8

    GRADE 8

    English 9 Math 9 Science 9 Social Studies 9

    GRADE 9



    Creative Writing 11 Composition 11 Literary Studies 11 French 11 Marketing & Promotion 11

    Chemistry 11 Earth Sciences 11 Life Sciences 11 Physics 11 Science for Citizens 11

    Workplace Math 11 Foundations of Math 11 Pre-Calculus 11 Explorations en Sciences Humaines et Sociales 11

    GRADE 11

    English Studies 12 Anatomy and Physiology 12 Chemistry 12 Physics 12Français Langue Seconde - Immersion 12 (Nov. 6, 2020 start)

    French 12 20th Centrury World History 12 Law Studies 12Physical Geography 12

    Apprenticeship Mathematics 12

    Foundations of Math 12 Pre-Calculus 12 Calculus 12 Photography 12 Active Living 12

    Career Life Connections 12 Philosophy 12 Social Justice 12

    GRADE 12

    GRADE 10

    English 10 Literary Studies

    English 10 Spoken Language English 10 New Media

    English 10 Composition

    English 10 Creative Writing

    Career Life Education 10

    Éducation aux choix de carrières et de vie

    Français Langue Seconde - Immersion 10 (Nov. 6, 2020 start)

    French 10 Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10

    Workplace Math 10

    Physical Health & Education 10 Science 10 Social Studies 10

    NOTE: English 10 must complete 2 options in order to fulfill 4 credit requirement

  • ONLINE LEARNING Ph: 604-903-3333

    Fax: 604-903-3334

    Non-NVSD or Non-Enrolled Student Course Selection/Enrollment

    School Year: 2020-2021

    23-Oct-2020 3100-99-58 Page 4 of 4

    Your signature as a representative of the school of record (home school), verifies that: (Please check all that apply)

    Principal/School Counsellor Signature:

    School of Record: School Phone:

    School Acknowledgement

    Commitment to Learning / Declaration:I understand that as a North Vancouver Online Learning Student it is my responsibility to:- Understand the policies and procedures of the NVOL as outlined on the website - Ensure that all work submitted is my own and to properly cite any outside sources used - Use the Internet safely by employing appropriate language and web tools when completing my coursework and submitting assignments - Provide accurate and complete information on this form, and - Provide a copy of a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable, and - Understand that I have a legal right to cross-enrol between schools and/or BC School Districts

    The Applicant hereby authorizes the release of all previous records to the North Vancouver School District (NVSD), and authorizes NVSD to report to schools, school districts, or post-secondary institutions where records exists.

    Student Signature:

    Parent/Legal Guardian Name:

    Principal/School Counsellor Name (PLEASE PRINT):

    Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (if under 19):

    In order to provide appropriate student support, North Vancouver Online Learning requests your permission to obtain and share information regarding your student's academic and social/emotional learning needs between the student's home school (school of record) and NVOL. It is understood that information regarding assessments, learning needs, Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and any other recommendations for support will be exchanged confidentially between school personnel.

    To be completed by the Administrator or Counsellor: Students who are applying for any Grade 8 or 9 NVOL course must be referred by their Administrator or Grade Counsellor. Referral reason: (why this student is an ideal candidate for online learning, e.g. needs enrichment, advanced placement, is involved in provincial level sports and needs flexiable timetable, or other)

    A Permanent Student Record is on file for this student, including proof of identity and residency for both student and parent/legal guardian

    A Student Learning/Graduation Plan is on file for this student

    This grade placement on this form is accurate and course pre-requisites have been met

    This student is not currently taking this (these) course(s) at your school

    Date signed:



    Ph: 604-903-3333

    Fax: 604-903-3334

    Non-NVSD or Non-Enrolled Student

    Course Selection/Enrollment

    School Year: 2020-2021



    Page  of 

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Please submit all 5 pages of this form via one of the following: 

    e-mail to [email protected];  fax to 604 903 3334; mail or drop off at 3365 Mahon Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7N 3T7


    International students please note: course registration is not complete without payment of course fee(s) through School Cash Online.

    Parent/Guardian Information (if under 19):

     Student Information (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY)




    International Student Payment Information:

Please submit this completed form together with your payment receipt from KEV School Cash Online.

    Have you attended school in BC previously or 
are you currently attending a BC school?

    Have you met high school graduation requirements?

    PLEASE NOTE: A student email address is required for registration. For Non-NVSD enrolled students, the email address provided on this registration form must match what is on record in MyEd at students' home school. Email address changes can be requested at the main office at students' home schools.


    If you are CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN A NON-NVSD SECONDARY SCHOOL, please select your school name:

    Please provide the following Identification with your registration form:


    A)  Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport or Permanent Resident Card for student AND parent/legal guardian (if applicable)


    B)  Proof of Resident (i.e., current BC Driver's License, Utility Bill or Rental Agreement) for student and parent/legal guardian (if applicable)

    C)  IEP (Individual Education Plan), if applicable

    D)  Most recent Transcript or Report Card



    Please provide the following Identification with your registration form:


    A)  Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport or Permanent Resident Card for student AND parent/legal guardian (if applicable)


    B)  Proof of Resident (i.e., current BC Driver's License, Utility Bill or Rental Agreement) for student and parent/legal guardian (if applicable)

    C)  IEP (Individual Education Plan), if applicable

    D)  Most recent Transcript or Report Card


    Please select and complete the applicable section from those shown below:

    GRADE 8

    GRADE 9



    NOTE: English 10 must complete 2 options in order to fulfill 4 credit requirement

    Your signature as a representative of the school of record (home school), verifies that: (Please check all that apply)

    School Acknowledgement

    Commitment to Learning / Declaration:

    I understand that as a North Vancouver Online Learning Student it is my responsibility to:

    - Understand the policies and procedures of the NVOL as outlined on the website

    - Ensure that all work submitted is my own and to properly cite any outside sources used

    - Use the Internet safely by employing appropriate language and web tools when completing my coursework and submitting assignments

    - Provide accurate and complete information on this form, and

    - Provide a copy of a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable, and

    - Understand that I have a legal right to cross-enrol between schools and/or BC School Districts

    The Applicant hereby authorizes the release of all previous records to the North Vancouver School District (NVSD), and authorizes NVSD to report to schools, school districts, or post-secondary institutions where records exists.

    In order to provide appropriate student support, North Vancouver Online Learning requests your permission to obtain and share information regarding your student's academic and social/emotional learning needs between the student's home school (school of record) and NVOL.

It is understood that information regarding assessments, learning needs, Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and any other recommendations for support will be exchanged confidentially between school personnel.

    To be completed by the Administrator or Counsellor:

    Students who are applying for any Grade 8 or 9 NVOL course must be referred  by their Administrator or Grade Counsellor.


    Referral reason: (why this student is an ideal candidate for online learning, e.g. needs enrichment, advanced placement, is involved in provincial

    level sports and needs flexiable timetable, or other)

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