Download - Non Attachment

  • Non-attachment

    Nothing is ours. No one belongs to us. Mentally, we should make a

    bonfire of our love for God, and cast into it all attachments, all desires, all hopes and disappointments.

    It helps mentally to examine ones heart every evening, and liberate it

    anew of all desires. Pluck out from your heart any burrs of new attachments that you find clinging there. Cast them joyfully into the

    fire of devotion.

    Pray to God energetically, I destroy all my attachments. They are no longer mine, Lord. I am free in Thee!


    Nothing on earth can hold me! My soul, like a weightless balloon, soars upward through skies of eternal freedom!


    I destroy all my attachments. They are no longer mine, Lord. I am free

    in Thee!

    From Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda

    Crystal Clarity Publishers

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