Page 1: Noah and his people!

8/8/2019 Noah and his people! 1/1

 We sent Noah to his people: "Warn your people before some painful tormentcomes to them!" He said: "My folk, I am a plain Warner for you: serve God andheed Him, and obey me! He will forgive some of your offences for you and post-pone things for you until a specific deadline. God's deadline will never be post-poned once it comes, if you only realized it." He said : "My Lord, I have appealed to

my people night and day and my appeal has only made them flee farther away fromme. Each time I appeal to them to ask You to forgive them, they stick their fingersin their ears and try to wrap themselves up in their clothing. They persist in that andhave become so overbearing! "Next I appealed to them publicly; then I broadcast itto them and confided with them privately and said: 'Seek forgiveness from yourLord; He has been so Forgiving. He causes the sky to send torrents down uponyou and He supplies you with wealth and children, and grants you gardens and evengrants you rivers. "'What is wrong that you do not expect God to have any dignity  while He has created you over and over again? Have you not (all) considered how God created seven matching Heavens? He has set the moon as a light among them,and set the sun up as a source of light. God makes you grow out of the earth likeplants; Later He will return you to it, and bring you forth once more. "'God has laidthe earth out as a carpet for you, so you may travel around on highways which leadthrough mountain passes.'"Noah said: "My Lord, they have defied me and followed after someone whosemoney and children will only increase [their chance of] losing. They have hatched agreat plot and said: 'Do not forsake your gods: do not leave Wadd, nor Suwa, nor Yaghuth, nor Yauq, nor Nasr!' They have led so many astray; just let wrongdoers goeven farther astray!' Because of their mistakes, they were drowned and dispatchedinto the Fire. They did not find they had any supporters apart from God. [Qur’an 71:1-25] 

اقابط تاوامس عبس هللا قلخ فيك اورت ملأ.اجارس سمشلا لعجو ارون نهيف رمقلا لعجو.هللاو

اتابن ضرألا نم مكتبنأ.

اجارخإ مكجرخ يو اهيف مكديع ي مث.

اطاسب ضرألا مكل لعج هللاو.

لتسلكوا اجاجف البس اهنم.اراسخ الإ هدلوو هلام هدز ي مل نم اوعبتاو ينوصع مهنإ بر حون لاق.اركم اوركموارابك.ارسنو قوع يو ثوغ ي الو اعاوس الو ادو نرذت الو مكتهلآ نرذت ال اولاقو.الو اريثك اولضأ دقو

الالض الإ نيملاظلا دزت.اراصنأ هللا نود نم مهل اودج ي ملف اران اولخدأف اوقرغأ مهتائيطخ ام وقال.مارا يد نيرفاكلا نم ضرألا ىلع رذت ال بر حون.ارجاف الإ اودل ي الو كدابع اولض ي مهرذت نإ كنإ

ارافك.ملاظلا دزت الو تانمؤملاو نينمؤمللو انمؤم يتيب لخد نملو يدلاولو يل رفغا برني ارابت الإ.

[email protected]

ميلأ باذع مهيتأ ي نأ لبق نم كموق رذنأ نأ هموق ىلإ احون انلس قال ي ا قوم إني لكم نذير.إنا أر


نوعيطأو هوقتاو هللا اودبعا نأ.

هللا لجأ نإ ىمسم لجأ ىلإ مكرخؤ يو مكبونذ نم مكل رفغ ي نوملعت متنك ول رخؤ ي ال ءاج اذإ.اراهنو اليل يموق توعد ين فلم ي زدهم دعائي إلا.قال رب إارارف.اورصأو مهبايث اوشغتساو مهناذآ يف مهعباصأ اولعج مهل رفغتل مهتوعد املك ينإوواوربكتسا

ارابكتسا.اراهج مهتوعد ينإ مث.ارارسإ مهل تررسأو مهل تنلعأ ينإ مث.هنإ مكبر اورفغتسا تلقفارافغ ناك.اراردم مكيلع ءامسلا لسر ي.مكل لعج يو تانج مكل لعج يو نينبو لاومأب مكددم يو

اراهنأ.اراقو هلل نوجرت ال مكل ام.اراوطأ مكقلخ دقو.

Noah said:

"My Lord, do not leave any 

disbelievers with homes upon

the earth. If You should leave

them any, they will lead Your

servants astray and will only 

breed loose-living disbelievers.

My Lord, forgive me and my 

parents, as well as anyone who

enters my house as a believer,

plus believing men and believ-

ing women! Do not increase

 wrongdoers in anything except

destruction." [Qur’an 71:26-28]

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