Page 1: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

NO.3 17.11.18

Design: Konrad Sileński

Page 2: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

Photo: Jola KiełbikPhoto: Jola Kiełbik

WHORevenge is a dish best served cold


There’s nothing better at the start of the day than a good lap dance of the Chairs! To follow that positive start, the Delegate of Denmark showed off her Da-nish speaking skills while apologising to fellow Dele-gates for not speaking Danish. That’s very clear, right? Another Delegate that did not manage to avoid some punishment was Ireland, with their magical reenact-ment of some Harry Potter movements, however, he did not seem overly into it. After the Delegates were all properly disciplined one thing was noticed - four Delegates were absent. Huh, wondering why was that?The professional part of the day started with the con-tinuation of the work on the amendments to the cho-sen resolution. The amendments consisted of adding specific requirements of who would qualify for the eu-thanasia and the fact that minor’s opinion has to be taken under consideration while deciding on whether the euthanasia practice should be performed. This sparked a heated debate of whether people under 18 should have this kind of say in the matter. The amen-dments have been added and the resolution passed. This brought on the second topic of the committee - in vitro fertilisation. One of the Chairs started the discussions with great sense of fashion, sporting a green, glittery top hat - style always comes first. The conversations started with the speeches supporting the in vitro fertilisation, however the process was in-terrupted by a sudden crisis. The growing problem of the developing civil war in Yemen, where the port city has been taken, needed the intervention of World He-alth Organisation and Economic and Social Council. The delegates worked hard to establish the written decision on the problem. The points made were that food resources and medical supplies would be needed and the aerial way would be the most helpful in this situation, because of the port blockade. Many coun-tries have stated their will to help out. The argument arose when the military help has been suggested by the Russian Federation, which not all countries agre-ed with. But in the end, the decision has been made, that would bring help to the country of Yemen. After the crisis had been averted, the Delegates were able to come back to their topic. However, when eve-ryone settled down, we couldn’t help but notice that the representative of Paraguay had stolen someone’s country placate - suddenly instead of a black text it was a fancier one, with the flag on it. If someone lost one, just letting you know where you might find it. The di-scussions were resumed, and today it has been almost unanimous, except for the Delegate of El Salvador. The Delegate continued mentioning the Bible teachings in explaining the government’s stance on the topic - No man can choose whether to have a child, it is the God’s role. But the Delegate of El Salvador was not the only one feeling blessed today. The representative of Para-guay has also jumped on the holy train - however, her stance was completely different, because she used re-


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ligion to explain why the country supports the in vitro fertilisation. She said, God said clearly, Go forth and multiply , and this should be done in any way possible. Since the majority of the room supports the in vitro fertilisation, the issues arose in a different aspect. The problem was that many countries allow the practice in a limited way, and the discussions touched on the topic of single mothers, surrogates and homosexu-al couples not being able to be granted these rights.Another surprise came at about 3 pm, when the lost Delegates of Russian Federation and Sweden, who had not shown up in the morning, found the-ir way back to the WHO at last! Don’t worry, they got what they deserved afterwards. But while we were on the topic of punishments, the committee had a guest appearance from the Social Council, though not for the debates, but for the dance-off of the „Tetris Dance”. We admit, it was pretty good, but nothing can ever beat our Delegates - pure talent. At the end of the meeting, karma finally came - since the Delegate of Malta made sure to point out every time fellow Delegates and Chairs broke the rules, the Chairs decided it wise to get revenge with some lo-vely lap dancing to „Lady Marmalade”. What a show!The final resolution was in support of the In Vitro Fer-tilisation. The discussion upon the resolution proved to be a very heated discussion - the unmoderated caucus took the Delegates over an hour of conversations/screaming - the Chairs might have felt a bit useless then, since their Delegates did just perfectly on the-ir own. One of the more important point of the final voting on the amendments included the funding of the IVF treatment for the ones that need it, the time of cryopreservation of the embryos set to no longer than 5 years and the inclusion of the single mothers as well as homosexual couples as those allowed to start the treatment. And with that, the resolution passed!

Roksana Marjańska & Klaudia Łuczka

Page 3: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

A long-awaited lap dance almost ends tragically at HRC (or maybe at ECOSOC?)


In the room number 79 far far away, where the Chairs become the Delegates and the Delega-tes vanish during the Debates, the second day of discussions passed with plenty of drama and ongoing difficulties with keeping the committee serious. Even though the Debates began late (what caused your delays, dear Delegates?), the members of the council had the help of energy drinks and painkillers to help them regain the energy to tackle the next issue of HRC - the death penalty. After noticing that the Council’s Chair, Alicja, was mentioned in yesterday’s issue, she was ready to do anything for another paragraph in the newspaper. Fortunately, the Chair Marta kept the House under control, whilst Alicja be-came engaged in the discussion as she disguised herself as the missing Delegate of Germany.

We do understand that human rights can be con-troversial, however the Delegate of China asto-nished us with his questionable attitude. Refer-ring to refugees as “it” or “whoever” did not put him in good light - especially considering that he was a member of HRC, of which the main aim is to protect human rights. At least try to avoid calling them “a worse kind of humans”? The De-legate of Myanmar reacted to this, though, and demanded an official apology for this statement. We hope that the Delegate of China will chan-ge his attitude towards this issue in the future. In general, there seemed to be some confusion concerning the role of HRC, as the Delegate of Mexico had to pose a question to the Delegate of the USA, whether he was in the Human Ri-ghts Council, or maybe the Economic and Social Council. Too much focus on the economy, USA?

Nevertheless, we have to admit that the second day of HRC Debates was fruitful, and even though the topic of capital punishment was a tricky one, two opposing resolutions were proposed. The committee had some difficulties finding a com-mon ground while agreeing to the resolutions.

Despite the difficulties with the issue of capi-tal punishment, the committee managed to have some fun. I think we all agree that the most spectacular part of the Debates was the lap dance as the punishment of the Delegate of

Photo: Natalia M


Iran (not Iraq, despite some doubts) and the De-legate of the USA. We could tell that their rela-tionship was more than just strictly professional during Day One when they kept exchanging lo-oks, but who knew that they awaited an oppor-tunity to have a dance like that for so long? As the Delegate of the USA proudly sat down in a chair and the Delegate of Iran started to ca-ress his hair, he admitted: “I’ve always wanted to do that”. We certainly enjoyed the rest of the show, even though it got so intense at one point that the Delegate of Iran fell down on his cha-ir and landed on the ground. For anyone con-cerned - we think he’s alright, despite the fall.

We are waiting for the Closing Ceremony to-morrow to hear the final resolutions. By the way, did you know that you can only refer to Donald J. Trump by “Trump” if you are his friend or family? The Delegate of the USA was pro-tecting his president firmly when he thought that other Delegates were offensive by simply using the last name of the American President. We’re not sure how many of us are Donald J. Trump’s friends, so be careful when speaking abo-ut him next time. You never know who is listening.

Wiktoria Kurasińska & Iga Sokół


Page 4: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

The Delegate Of The Baguette


As the empty room at 9 a.m. suggested, the previous day must have been truly tiring for everyone. Once the Presidency honoured the Delegates with their presence the ses-sion opened at 10 a.m., with the missing De-legates arriving minutes after that and causing the roll call to be repeated more than twice.During a moderated caucus about the MI-NUSCA programme, the Delegate of the CAR called it an utter failure that had only resulted in the abuse of his countrymen. China’s proposal was the demilitarisation of the region, while the UK proposed a joint command of the MINUSCA units; the USA agreed with neither. China also accused the US of “never achieving any peacek-eeping” and “single-handedly destabilising the Middle East”, adding to it by denying democracy any value. The quarrel was raised to another le-vel when the Delegate of the UK mentioned the infamous Mao Zedong, the communist leader and creator of the People’s Republic of China between 1949 and 1976, whom the Delegate called a murderer of tens of millions of people, deeply offending China. The active Delegate of the UK, being very certain and proud of his lin-guistic and oratory skills, spoke again and tried to correct South Africa for incorrect pronuncia-tion and Iran for “not being charismatic enough”.With new moderated caucuses, the rivalry be-tween the Delegates of the UK and the USA in raising their placards the quickest proved to be a slightly amusing alternative to the less and less lively sitting, with the UK unconscio-usly imitating Hermione from a certain series of books by raising his hand the quickest. Still, the impartial Presidency chose the USA to spe-ak before the UK. As the Delegate of the US commented - “America First”. The moderated caucuses grew in number and the mood was becoming grimmer and grimmer, making the la-ter unmoderated caucuses a welcome ‘break’. Before that, however, the permanently absen-t-minded Delegate of Iran and the Delegate of South Africa had been brought to the attention of the Presidency, which ended in South Africa being censored until the dinner. The wording here caused quite a lot of emotions in the Dele-gate since his understanding of it differed from that of the Chairs, and rightly so. To avoid con-flict, the final choice was to censor the Delega-te for 15 minutes and move on to the caucus.The unmoderated caucus provided new allian-

Photo: Natalia M


ces enabling the Delegates to prepare their working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim of supporting South Africa in efforts to implement educational and economic support. The second one (draft B), proposed by the USA and UK, focused on the placement of more MINUSCA troops in the regions of CAR. When the committee was enjoying their lunch break, the Delegate of the Russian Federation had finally made his grand and long-awaited entrance, making it possible to hold the P5 ca-ucus, after which the draft A of “the Delega-te of the Baguette” was accepted as the SC’s draft resolution. Amendments were swiftly di-scussed and passed and only the Delegate of Iran was again not involved and was thus cen-sored by the Presidency. Before the final vote upon the resolution, the whole committee was punished to loosen up the atmosphere by dancing in the centre of the room – Sma-sh Mouth’s “All Star” proved to be unchangin-gly perfect for such occasions. Afterwards, the resolution was passed and the Security Coun-cil of 2018’s StetiMUN closed its session with a success, “blessing the rains down in Africa”.

Michał Szałajko & Julia Patynek


Page 5: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

Photo: Jola KiełbikPhoto: Jola Kiełbik


War path leading to peace


Today’s debate in Counter Terrorism commit-tee started with 5 minute delay, because of absence of 10 Delegates. When most of them showed up, unmoderated caucus had started in order to finish writing resolution to topic regarding lone wolves from yesterday. The re-solution was sponsored by Pakistani and Ca-nadian delegates and signed by the rest of the committee members. It was about increasing cooperation between countries and placing greater emphasis on the programmes reffe-ring young people and education. Debate about the amendments was full of emotions. Delegate of Denmark objected to the motion of Switzerland by saying “The point is clear for everyone EXCEPT the Delegate of Swi-tzerland”. The Delegate of Canada was a little aggressive towards Switzerland too, decide-dly stating her point regarding the Swiss law. After an hour later, he resolution was finished, most of the delegates were satisfied with the result. The most surprising thing was the fact that Delegate of Russia resigning from his pre-vious demands, which stated “put terrorists into gulags” and agreeing on the non-violent solution. The discussion went smoothly into the next topic sounding: ”Human rights or na-tional security- is invigilation necessary viola-tion of human rights as a way to fight terro-rism”. Most of the Delegates in their position papers stated that they were for the invigi-lation. Later on they decided it should work only in places where terrorists attacks happen frequently. During having moderated caucus on topic „Finding the solution to the commit-tees problem” Delegates censored Russian Delegate for intending to break human rights (he mentioned locking terrorists up in gulags). The discussion was interrupted by Secretary General’s arrival. He announced that there is a crisis situation – blockage of the main se-aport caused by the rebel forces in the main city in Yemen. Delegates were encouraged to


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come up with the ideas of how to solve pro-blem the peaceful way. Their solution impro-ved the one presented before the talks. The Delegates’ proposition included: sending me-dical help, food and water; asking the Securi-ty Council to send the troops to protect the civilians; asking for readiness of all UN coun-tries. Everyone voted in favour of presented solution, except for Turkey’s Delegate, who decided not to vote. The last point today was continuation of the disrupted caucus. Dele-gates proceeded to write a resolution regar-ding invigilation and surveillance. In the final resolution stated creating United Nations Of-fice for Joint Mass Surveillance, approval of invigilation in order to fight terrorism threat. At the end the Delegates decided to present their resolution regarding the lone wolves on tomorow’s General Assembly. Everyone can’t wait for the last day of the conference. Of course we couldn’t finish without men-tioning the funny parts too. The punish-ments: classic butt spelling, singing and dan-cing caused as much laugh as always. This time also press member and Chairs were punished. Will everyone handle the pressu-re or will the general assembly be a huge fiasco? We can only hope it won’t turn into a huge dispute between the Delegates…

Monika Raczyńska & Ewa Sulisz

Page 6: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

The naughtiest committee


The second day in the Historical Security Coun-cil began in an extra-ordinary way, because at 9 a.m. the room was almost empty… The previo-us evening took its toll on the Delegates. The debates finally started at 10.30, however, they were going incredibly laboriously, mainly for the reason that the participants seemed to feel a bit “tired”. The Delegate of the United States of America came up with a proposal about the investigation of war crimes. The subject of the treatment of Korean soldiers as well as the issue of the amount of killed ones were moved. It was said that Korea didn’t treat the soldiers well, be-cause of lack of resources to support over one million of fighters. After a fruitful discussion everyone agreed that the Council of War Cri-mes should be created. In the meantime, late Delegates came in and were disgruntled with the debates taking place without them which the Delegate of German Democratic Republic expressed with words: ‘ The debates began without the Delegation of German Democratic Republic and the Soviet Union, because the De-legation of Republic of China is afraid that their statements won’t be adverse for their country’. The Delegate of Republic of China answered this sentence was untrue and the country was interested in protecting Chinese people as well as not accepting regime as the one in the Soviet Union. During this debate, the Delegate of India provided an argument not related to the topic: ‘ We are still talking about the problem, but we should stop fighting and find a solution’ after which the President of the Historical Security Council asked him about his mental state. The interested one put his sunglasses on…. Then the Delegates started to discuss the place for the POW( Prisoners of War). They took into consi-deration mainly islands, like Jebudo, Seongmodo and Ulleungo. They couldn’t choose the proper location, most of them were too small or not in the demilitarized zones. Finally, Ullegundo won with the biggest amount of votes in favour and was renamed Trailando . After the break, the-re were talks about the creating demilitarized zones and peace. The Delegate of Federal Re-public of Germany proposed a formation of a peacekeeping force created from all members of the Security Council which would help Korea. Ultimately, the Common Council on Korean Pe-ace Negotiations was established. The present delegations there were Security Council with

Photo: Mateusz Sem


the Peoples Republic of China. The HSC called for a truce between The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea, including the states supporting the sides, esta-blished the borders, proclaimed the creation of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Violations of Internatio-nal Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territo-ry of the Korean Peninsula, brought into being an UN Commitee responsible for the investiga-tion of possible crimes and Common Council on Korean War Peace Negotiations. The HSC also created a Demilitarized Zone on the boarder. There was also time for punishments for the Delegates who were behaving in an inap-propriate way. The Delegete of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic had to sing the czech song ‘Jožin z bažin’. The Delegate of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics was punished for using unsuitable words by singing Boney M’s ‘ Rasputin’ which he performed in an extremely professional way. There were also three pu-nishments for the Chair and Delegate of Re-public of China who had to sing ‘ Internatio-nale’ in German and two ‘ Gucci Gang’ songs. The debates in the Historical Security Co-uncil were very fruitful, various discussions took place, new resolutions were esta-blished and important decisions were made. Moreover,the Delegates as well as the Chairs had great fun and these two days of the HSC deba-tes will be remembered by them for a long time.

Wanda Slendak & Maja Fałczyńska


Page 7: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

Photo: Jola KiełbikPhoto: Jola Kiełbik


One taught me love, one taught me patience and one was the USA delegate


The conference begun after a short delay. We were still missing our Chair but one of our De-legates was the true star as he arrived a half an hour late. The Chairs proceeded to kick start the topic of multilateral space governance with the Luxembourg Delegate’s opening speech.All countries were focused on the common im-portance of cooperation to achieve security and safety by peaceful governance of outer space. The-re were quite a lot of opinions that space should remain undivided between any countries. What surprised us were the claims of South Korea’s De-legate, who expressed openness to a peaceful re-lationship and future cooperation with Democra-tic People’s Republic of Korea. Another interesting view was the indication of the Delegate of South Africa, who said that all Delegates from the Office for Outer Space Affairs should form a union that would administer space together. The spaced out Delegate of USA simply claimed that “all research is good” and refused to elaborate on his statement.Thus, we reached our first moderated caucus. A large group of Delegates thought that they sho-uld create something special together, share their ideas and make space a safer place. Others pre-ferred to keep the competition between countries as it will help with moving forward and developing the countries. Russia, as always, voiced a slightly controversial opinion, that all countries which don’t want to cooperate must be sanctioned.During the second moderated caucus on the to-pic of space safety, surprisingly, every country showed different views on keeping space safe and peaceful. The definite star, as previously, was the USA’s Delegate. Still lost in his own thoughts, he seemed to not care about space safety at all. The Delegate of France lost his focus too, as his reflex was so bad he wanted to get another De-legate’s vote explained a solid minute after the voting had ended. Lastly, the poor, sleep-de-prived and dehydrated Delegate of USA voted against the amendment that would have made his dreams about an undivided Mars come true.


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Our conference was also full of punishments, as we got to see four in total. The USA’s Delega-te lap danced on one of our Chairs and Kanye West was yet again the local favourite musi-cian. Then, four Delegates sang and pretended to be different kinds of fruit. We also got to see a dramatic performance of the Russian song „Kalinka”, as one of our delegates came back from the lunch break 35 minutes late. Yes, USA’s delegate, you never fail to amaze us!As we might know from previous debates, our Delegates love having long and consecutive ca-ucuses, so it didn’t surprise anyone that they wanted to introduce the third moderated caucus in a row, this time on the topic of colonization of Mars. The Delegate of Russia expressed that we should not commercialize technology at all, a bold statement. The Delegate of Israel com-pared Iran to Nazi Germany, which caused a huge controversy. South Korea, defending Iran, said that it is outrageous that Israel could com-pare such different countries. Germany also felt offended. Tell us, Germany – how come?We, as the UNOOSA’s press team, are thank-ful for the possibility to be a part of this gre-at committee and wish all Delegates fruit-ful debates during the Closing Ceremony.

Karolina Białczewska & Joanna Kraus

Page 8: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

Delete Ukraine


After long night always comes hard mor-ning. So it was the second say of deba-tes in the NATO Council. The sessions were full of unmoderated caucuses and tremendous work on the communiqué.In the morning the Council wasn’t full, but the attendance was pretty high. As soon as the Delegates arrived they proceeded to wri-te the communiqué on the topic of Russian influence in Eastern Europe. The Delegates started to be really committed to the topic. The Italian Delegate was wishing for com-plete peace and not fighting fire with fire, he was finding diplomatic solutions very ac-tively. Delegate of Ukraine was demanding help in order to fight Russian aggressions, he mentioned that only Poland and Ukraine are truly aware of how dangerous Russia is and what it is capable of. Most of the Delega-tes agreed on the idea of developing NATO defense programs as well as training troops, however, they had different views on issu-es such as where such troops supposed to be stated. But the most frequently discus-sed topic was definitely a question of Ukra-ine joining NATO. Some delegates said that Ukraine joining the Council would mean war, others disagreed and stated that it wo-uld actually prevent Russia from attacking it. Finally the Delegates came up with a com-promise and implied into the communiqué a point stating that NATO will do its best to make Ukraine become its member. When the draft communiqué was finally ready to vote upon, it passed with 100% votes in favor what was for sure a great success.During this day the Council was a specta-tor of some funny situations. One of them was for sure the idea of Mister Chair to de-lete Ukraine. He refered to deleting Ukraine from the voting list, but deleting the state itself sounded much funnier for the Dele-gates. Another entertaining accent of this day’s sessions were the punishments. The Council spectated two lap dances- one per-

Photo: Ania Padiasek

formed by the Delegate of a Canada with the Delegate of Ukraine and the second one by the Delegate of Italy with Madame Chair.They were all really good dancers though!Although due to time constrains the Council did not manage to discuss both of the plan-ned topics: Russian influence in Eastern Eu-rope and Modern technology in military, and it focused only on the first one , the debates were really satisfying for the Delegates, as well as for the Chairs. At the end of the day we heard the last speeches of the conference full of gratefulness for what have happened during the past two days. StetiMun 2019 was apparently an exceptionally fruitful one.Note from the Press: We would like to apo-logize for the mistake made by us in the article in the previous, 15 October 2018, Elmundo Issue. The Delegate who confu-sed the word genocide with homicide wa-sn’t the Delegate of Turkey, but the Dele-gate of Italy. We are sorry for the Delegate of Turkey who felt offended in this article.

Marta Dziarkowska & Oliwia Kurlej


Page 9: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

Photo: Jola KiełbikPhoto: Jola Kiełbik


House, please come to order!


Debate on the second day started with only 13 Delegates present, so the action was a bit slow, at first. A recommended resolu-tion regarding yesterday’s debate was drafted and voted for, ending in its acceptance, and also, thankfully, more Delegates coming in..Motion for moderated caucus was passed and was followed by the Delegates saying their opi-nion on the draft resolution. Although most of the Delegates agreed with the presented solu-tion the Delegate of Russian Federation strongly disagreed with what was said. We could see an argument heating up between the Delegates of both, United States of America and Russian Fe-deration. Facial expressions of both Delegates showed a clear and strong disapproval to what was being said, accompanied by laughter from the Delegate of the United States of America.After Delegates of USA, Russia and UK expres-sed their opinion on the presented draft reso-lution the motion to discuss amendments was passed. Many Delegates gathered to discuss the issue, although Delegates of Australia, Bulgaria and Zimbabwe did not seem to be interested in participating the discussion on amendments. After the break there were some particularly ro-mantic punishments. First the Delegates from Po-land and France sang the duet from High School Music and moved the entire room with their vo-cals. Next the Delegates of Russian Federation and China recreated the iconic ballroom dance from Dirty Dancing, and showed incredible vigor while doing so. And that passion! Then, the De-legates from Saudi Arabia and Ukraine sang Ca-reless Whisper that really set the romantic mood to the fullest. Another punishment was the infa-mous butt-spelling from the Delegates of Canada and the United States of America, which strayed a little bit from the romantic mood, but it all de-pends on the individual, right? And, then came the punishment for one of the Chairs! The roman-tic mood was….set in full swing with one of the Chairs giving the Delegate of India a lap-dance!


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During the discussion, the crisis committee was urgently summoned and consisted of EcoSoc and WHO. The urgent meeting regarded the Civil War in Yemen and sudden information that was presented by the Secretary General. After a long meeting a mutual solution to the crisis was found as every country declared what they are going to do in order to help people of Yemen survive the Civil War and the committee came back to di-scussing the draft resolution and its amendments.Many amendments were suggested and passed due to Delegates voting and added to the draft amendment with some difficulties in writing the name of the United States of America by one of the Chairs. The Delegate of Russia also seemed interested in Asterix and Obelix, stealing India’s tea which for the Delegate of China seemed inappropriate and unprofessional after receiving a negative feedback from the fellow Delegates for making a joke about South Korea themselves. While voting on the resolution a few Delegates had to explain their votes, which led to many argu-ments among the Delegates and Chairs that final-ly led to an agreement on a final draft resolution.

Aleksandra Jabłońska & Marcin Matković

Page 10: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim


An amazing event, to which we have been preparing for the whole year. This year's MUN proved to be an even better experience than our previous ones. This is second and unfortunately the last time of us being Heads of Press. What can we say after those two years of such a wonderful colla-boration?First of all, we are happy and grateful that we were given such an honorable job to lead a group of devoted and supportive people of Press Team. Our amazing journalists, staying up late and doing their best so the articles are interesting and professional. Graphic Managers, staying even longer, to prepare ElMUNdo for printing. Photographers, who did a great job preparing a perfect material for the articles and StetiMUN social media. They were running from one part of school to another whenever we called them to capture important moments. And of course our genius and mysterio-us Gossip Girl, keeping everyone entertained and informed during the last few days. Without all of your engagement and a huge passion to our tasks our ElMUNdo would never exist, so THANK YOU. The cooperation with all of the organisers of this conference was nothing but a pleasure, even though MUN is not an easy event to prepare. But our work would not have a purpose if not for the Chairs and Delegates, their passion, commit-ment and great level of preparation. We want to thank you for your involvement, a friendly atmos-phere and a FRUITFUL debates, which gave us the memories and emotions - the content to write about.On behalf of all Press Team members we would like to thank as frankly as it is possible to our best Press Director, Mrs Krystyna Kwiatkowska, who was always very helpful and full of great advice no matter how late in the night it was. The same enormous thanks are directed to the StetiMUN’s main organisers, Mrs Edyta Ostapkowicz, Mrs Karolina Brzezińska and Mrs Magdalena Janikowska-Ga-bryel. Without their involvement and perseverance the StetiMUN would be impossible. Such an amazing adventure will be remembered by us for a long time and all of Press Team will stay in our hearts. The collaboration with all of you brought us a lot of happiness and we are very proud of the results :)Thanks again!

With love,Sara Jawad & Weronika Skoneczna


Wow, is the StetiMUN really over?


Page 11: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

An excercise to kill some time


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Page 12: NO.3 17.11 - Stetimun · working papers, later accepted as the draft re-solutions to be voted upon. The first concept (draft A) was presented by France and Germa-ny, with the aim

Meet our team !

Press Director : Mrs. Krystyna Kwiatkowska

The Team: Weronika Skoneczna Head of PressSara Jawad Head of PressWiktoria Knobelsdorf managementKatarzyna Azarkiewicz mediaKonrad Sileński editorJakub Łozowski editorMateusz Semeniuk photographerMarta Łuniewska photographerAleksandra Stankiewicz photographerKamila Kierczuk photographerJolanta Kiełbik photographerZofia Kowalska photographerNatalia Michalska photographer

Iga SokółWiktoria KurasińskaKlaudia Łuczka Roksana Marjańska Julia PatynekMichał Szałajko Wanda Slendak Maja Fałczyńska Ewa SuliszMonika RaczyńskaMateusz ChrościelewskiNicola Mazurkiewicz Ola Jabłońska Marcin Matković Joanna Kraus Karolina Białczewska Oliwia Kurlej Marta Dziarkowska

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SPECIAL THANKS TO :Bronze Partner: Silver Partner:

Photo: Marta Łuniew


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