Page 1: no th - DigiFind-It · will resume w ork. llr. X J. Gebhardt has cloesd his grocery store la Metuchen, and wilt cep ted si the date of toe given on Monday night by Welter L imit,


U M e i U H i n o t h * .

Mk-SPiteldsat Olevetoad la WritingPERSON A1.8.

OBDBOII c m a a

"Glory to God la tko Vifart. BMMI on earth, good vtU to Mato** ' J1P1

The Sunday School G h aM aad w C cues are arraasad as IsMoeei l.

Maroonnlor Chapel G h itd a m M a '« * « • Friday aean tasm ik , •

. . ? ^ K S f c K 2 . T SReformed Chuien, UhnttMd m 5 2 ■ St Lukes, knday night. Agfa;- hajntown, Thursday algid. nth. '

The zsth m ueooMoor Ma faail da-

The ‘ public aahool kaa eloaad until after-New T w i t

The coanMtSb Of tha truateea ban made aome Internal improvements to the Fraabyteiiaa mania.

The Quiet Hour Club «U t meet at Mr*. Oorblne next Tharaday altar.

Mrs .0 . L. Crampton la eutertaiuing her sister, Misa Cook, o f arentou.

Mr. A. B. Cornish ia enjoying a visit In New York tSate.

Rev. C. W. Demmtnjpj was In town last week.

Sheriff I. D. Barclay was in Me­tuchen on Tuesday,

Mrfr. Elizabeth Acken Is enjoying a visit at Bonhamtown.

Mies Irene Mason is at homo (nr the


to* question of the day eince he left tho White House. Hr. Clerelnad a opening paper, which to to appear la «ha SUMrday Evening Poet -of De umber U, dleeuoeee lq e auterly (Danner n moet Ha portent phase of our unUonal balltleu.‘ MeGiure'i utogaalne for January will oontnln the Snt inttoilment In the Memolnr -at Clara Morrl*. wntltM“Bprnllsntlins rtf lha (M n« nnJ u.

wtu soon begin operation at Menlo Park. . - .....

The Cbrtatmaasrereleee of tbpholidays.

Rev Dr. Nugent, Perth Amboy, called upon Dr, Mason on Wednesday.

The young child of Mr. W. T. Mc­Adams Is quite 111.

Mr. F, W. Kernan, o f New York, waa in town this week.

Dr. Andrus, who baa been In U v tuchen a few weeks le ft on rrlday.

waa In town

Presbyterian -Sunday School warn ho., mat night

Mr. J. N. Platoon hga haoaO otug a Hiio place o f wort on a Saw drop iwr- -aln for Waahiagtno Hall.

The (team ahorel at the railroad digging [la to he removed, and a new machine had new crew of workmen will resume w ork.

llr. X J. Gebhardt has cloesd his grocery store la Metuchen, and wilt

cep ted si the date of toe L imit, u is a .Meal appedgtgiven on Monday night by Welter

f orce. A large number of hie friendswere present, some from Oak Tree andMetuchen.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Tappen, of Mb Pleasant, were given a surprise party on the fifteenth anniversary of tbatr marriage on Monnay night Nearly all of those present were of the Amity,. Many handsome presents were receiv­ed, and el wished them many return* of the happy occasion.

‘‘Reconmwus of tba Stags and It* PaopW. '/Thla chapter describes the Mtruiiar Snt appearance before a New York audience and tails vividly, of all the trials tad trlauaphn on that ottetal oooaaioo. Apart from Ita senti­mental value as the autobiographical wprk of our greatest eotraaa.-lha dra matte Intenttty of the writing gives

Mrs. Mix, of •Rahway, last Tuesday. ’•

Mr. Abraham Vanslckle has been 111 this week.

Mr*. Whitfield Mundy spent Wed­nesday In New York.

Mri. C. A. Prickltt returned from Washington on Thursday.

Mra. R. O. Arnold was In town this week.. .............- - — -

Rev. Mr. Simmons and wife were guesta of Mre. Wm Vanelclen last week..R«V. K. E Robersons, of White

House, made a tew calls upon Metuch- au friends last week.

Mrs. W . p. Compton, tsachsr of piano, organ, harmonv and composi­tion. t

A large number of articles suitable for Christmas gtftp, can be found at -he Metuchen pharmocy.

Mr. Isaac 3. Payne, who has been Halting bis brother, T . H. Payte, has retaraed home to Rafway.

Mlto Helen Mallory, apent Thursday »nd rrlday vlaltlmg frlaada la New fork.

Mre. M h a Mini sunk tar. who has

s w ^ s s s . 'S kM»ae m Newark on Thareday

WUm i Morris, ana e f Mr, Mean Mortis, was throws frown the carriage >1 «k» Jumping of tha hones last Mos- tay sight, and striking -upon Ms head.

approved with keen built dur­al a series 01

MWtalnmenta itto the article a literary charm Worthy of Ita high historic interest.-~A careful character study ef theEmperor William will HUE la Me* Clure'a magantne for Jaarnry. la this article the author, Mr. Hay Stwaara Baker, ahowe that he baa givaa to bta work equal Sgre and dUoernment. H e raeutt la an illuminating account ot (he maa and the sovereign.

Thu aweuad luataUment of Mr. Rud- ytld Kipling's new novel, "Kim," will

Bostb Plalaleld. ,Alfred Young It sick and unable to

Chrleiaae aaytm. ' —Our readers have, no doubt, given

nuch thought to the perplexing yet pleasant subject of Cbristmae gtfta liven at this late hour u little advlee nay be helpful to many; for It I* it.kue latest -»----—a.___ ___ a ____s , »

1 evwr all the earth Wader Meg.MurMf give back the

kanoed at their beat. The charm of the fl°tlon la eahuncad by the page draw-i T i . f 00*,.1*” ,1* 1 by “ r J L^kwoou KipHBs, tw father of the author w <i by Mr. Edwin Loed Weeks

AU artWa of not In the January “ * 5 2 ™ *le®lBr?u mugaalna wtfl he tautled. Great Achievements 1a Mod-

WJU Bridge Building," by Mr. Prank W. Skinner, of the Evening -

leeded. Thera nade ofr the g tnd our edyertii ul terms drank irlco* of the bm

Qeteg UoeihT lu going Boats tor the wiat

Northjrn people aft ttlh*Ht way ground before going ho

■ — — -----.-g Record.era sketched vividly the chief M of noaot tlmee and the man- r thstr hulldlng. The text la en- I by WEtettaHaae from yhoto- ! * • * * ■ » * ¥ *


Brother af Alderman Eankia of Peril Amboy Killed.

Alexander O. Rankin, dockmaster at the Perth Amboy drydocka, waa killed while At work Wedaeeday aaonr tag anperthUodiag the docking of the four-masted schooner George at Grant

Mr. RuRln waa plaolng u heal block upon which the vassal recto when out of water. In order to move too blocs mbre quickly ha took e bitch with the

lean county twenty-three. » patronise Ihrte ef these Amboy, one * ■ Brunswick, ihd Raritan .ted showing •tare worse Ml Re saloon t I tfca poputa-

amlUea agaraMMf -hem. Ono kwadtadM hlooaa being fat Pad laadred sad two la Ii&d ton in Hi Ii A m ownshlp. While tbitvitae. -___ SI__I. xLx

tola' board at OM Point Comfort, and by regular indue

rtthln ala days, will he aoiu it rate of 11S.OO from New York; *11.M from rrenton; |11.50 from Phllaule.phlt, and iroportionate rates from other points

For Itineraries andfutt InforiaaUou apply to Ticket Agenta: Tourist Agast. lIM Broadway, New York; t Court Jtreet, Brooklyn: H I Brood Street, Newark, N. J,; or Oeo. W . Boyd, Ale itatant General Paasenger Agent.AmBfl ° * a QlsSIww w iu iia j . i- l i. *

- . — agave m UP WVM, m OILCO WllQ UlC2K L 12222 ! rep* eroued n revolving shaft wbtea

niMrmtM tha mimrm las Cm blow i s . vther counties la the n>la county hna luaaa ilghteen per emu, m

operates the pumps In taking tne water out of tho dock, lu so doltto hla eoM CAughr between the rope end the shaft, whirling him ground wltn the machinery. At eaeh revolution hie head struck agntust the Umbers, battering his ukull almost to pi sees.

Mr. Rankin was aUU alive whoa car­ried Into tha oflke. Dra. W. M. and J , O. Wllaoa man aummouua, but ha died within a half hour, being con* •clous until within a few minutes o. the end. H* leaves n widow, but no ehUdrau. Hu was a brother of Alder- maa William J . Rankin and of J. o.

I. Plant ft Co., number 707 to 7*1 Mroad street, and at Hahns A Co-, alec, m Broad street, and everything tn tho urnlture Has at Am H. Vaa Horns, .amber 71 Market street

BwltdtegT At the last meetti

Building nod Law •ecretary read tie y report The npi isaoetatlon wm tw MUdlUon. All the * tested In Iqaafc, uaouuting to $10,M

•h e r ire ls lH .Toe following sales were made by

he Bhertl yesterday:Gertrude R. Bchenck re. Sarah »

rotte, house had ; torm of *0 acres lecrae and ooata I.M4.I4; sold to jLbrahjua VJHt Dora cf Jataoy City for

William Kllfolt va. Richard Lewis. * * Jwamburg, de­ad# and aeate *A*Mt: eolH o Richard l»ewle, Jr far Wtt.

IM a a B. r ro ateaa at a t, aaacatora, « ■ t t thmaa. farm at Me- “ hen. daepm aad, cotta, tt.tH .tt ;

Copper Mlno.The Copper Mining Company at Hen- 0 Park have shut down being satis- led that the ore la rich In copper. Jpertttoh* will not he resu med until melting works have beam established,

:he machinery for whlca has been or- lered. This la what the abut down la Attributed to by Dame Rumor,

idered by the hi The th ird amfia

wholly.cured liar, dtomach, L iver Ml Curas Dyspepsia. I i t only I t eta. 6



Llgnt Company, the Ediaon kteetrte' lUununntlag oompaay o f New Bnne- *rt«h, tho Hallway Ileotrtc Cmpany aaa.toe M|l> lmaa H eetnc Oeapaay lato one Cantnl Elactme Con pan and incraaatag tha capital stack ef the latter from to fiSa,Mt. r

The oOtoera of the consolidated company are: Philip N . Jacktoa.

TRBEH QOW had toou torming liemle. totodre Temateh

_ * £ « . b t o l e n -

^ ’Ew'iraas

aeagk.aad not only

m S h S T Mrary*

Page 2: no th - DigiFind-It · will resume w ork. llr. X J. Gebhardt has cloesd his grocery store la Metuchen, and wilt cep ted si the date of toe given on Monday night by Welter L imit,

“A Gentle Wind of Western Birth'

r<JIl no eeoeeter fiery to hum ility thinha announcement ihzi f :u- hc.iIth-ffivatvnt huUh-bringrr, H ood's S.irsaptrilla. aOi o f the birth o f an e?a o f good health, t b the one reliable sp ecific for the core f a t blood, stomach and Umar troubles.

+ m n rolw t* ^ eow <n th. IM N M 'tV M toM fit South He

.Mat u Mr. who ta riattlag Hu

lor a mining

f t fit uteg eabuna fou, ,'gp tte f »0 a t the coutan

.M M M th|re. < *»' at Statehood

to reportiig the cob fito teh ltew Tort JoaraaL

W f Chrtotmw H l W l e k w

» M « I n i M I to UMLn o .

M d Will to

m o. waited with reference to the ride relation! between the United itetea and Germany. The trade re- trlctlone proposed In Germany have iOt interrupted the commercial rela- .lons between that country and the /nlted Staten, and have not decreased jur acrlcultural exporta to that coun- ry. Figure! lust Issued by the Treas- try Bureau a fitatfstica show that our sports to Germany, in the ten months ending with October, 1900, were *27,- .00)000, greater than those in the cor­es ponding months o f last year, in In­reale of about 20 per cent, and that mr imports from Germony show an ncrease of *8,000,000, a gain of over ,0 per cent

renewed attmept will be made thlr. vinter to ratify the reciprocity treat- ee negotiated last year, and hung up mtll after the election. The Preeideut as sent to the Senate a number oi resiles with Great Britain extending or a year the time for the ratlflcm- ion of the treatlee affecting the Brit- ih Vest Indian possessions. He also as forwarded reciprocity with Nl- aragua, Ecuador, the Dominican Re­unite and the governement of Den­mark, the last named affecting the iland of 8 t Croix only. The concur- ence or the House as well as ol the easts is required in these treaties, i d ft U most unlikely that they will i ! approved at this session.

A W ide-Awake Paper.The New York TriDune has produc-

d la Its Daily edition a newspaper Vfcicn Is certainly attracting the at- eatton of Intelligent readers far anu ride. Within- tne past 10 or 15 yean icturea have gained a large place oiong the contents of many newspa- ers., In some cases they are inserted rarely to amuse. The Tribune em- toys pictures in a sound and sensible an hough moat entertaining) way, at o ilm an lliastretinas of toe news. / ------- o f which it gives a vlvin


, Prudence and kfndncfsn y «

th* d»y of, hetrof, ttMFHlt

r » ib A Y : t h it w in t y -iiq h t h day o r DE­CEMBER, IN tUK YKAK NINETEEN

HUNDRED (1100),it the hour of two o clock in the afternoon ol thatrfi). ou the preniiMh here!naiter deecnbv<t

All thoee certufu two trmett of latnl and pr n-laee MluAtv awi being in the To > nship of Kart tan. couuty of liktdle* x and Bute of New Jer *ey. v l«.

r 1 KcT—A trect of land containing ten arree. more or leee, bound'd on the north by land of kl U ftojwr and 1 fill irthon Mundy, on the eact be land of Hll law jduuujr, on the a-uih by the public road leading fro.u Talmage’k ro»d to the Pucataway roau, anti ou the woet by laud a ol

ejEuvNl>— A tract of laud containing twelve

i d west oy lauds of Michael tracts of land b* lng the eai

dictate that the future of your family should be protected by Life Insurance. The policies issued by The Prudential protect every mem­ber of the family.

Together with ail and rtn»u’ar the rtgtrta.ilbertlta. wlvi'«■*:«•, henditauienU and appur

thereuntobelonging or inanywiae ap- ) iiuueiotu article* of t>eiaona

i t * HUH DUNHAM, Administrator. 4e I*atcd No?, is, ltoo.

Pr s fee

B H K R ir ra s a l s .

Insurance Company of America,B «m t O S e s : Wewnrk, I J.

b iei, individually and as trustee, et ala., de feud nts, Ki la., for sale of mongagtd premise*.

By virtue of the above stated writ to uwdi- d and delivered, 1 trill ex oae to tale at

is * a t many things whies could not Hhsdlla words. Tan Tribune

g l n M cartoons, mnny oi capital hits on pnhuen nnu . W n d

In tbn Unttsd 8 U t « York Trlbuns, sad it u nm nrk that that Bewa­

ils drculntlos v Ths Tribnnn has an tks particular


public vctkdme onAEDNI8DAY. TH IT WENT Y-8JXTJ

DECEMBER. NINETEEN hUNI at 2 o'clock Id the afternoon of the said day,

DU R B. WARD, *1 V. Pie»t and Counwl. FuKKEB* ►. 1*H\DIN. •veretary

OHN g D»HlRT. B |<ertn»endent,People’s Ketia el Rank Bui ding • hnr hand George

__t*berir» oAoe in tbeeity of New BmaawWkSe# Jersey:

All tbuev certain tracts nr parcels of land and ..rt-mircs he einafter particular y described, situ ■te, 1) lng an being iu he village of Metucheu, i'owitohip of HsHtaa, iSbw IW tU j ol MiddU- v x Slid Mate of New Jet>ev which taken to {etin r compiiae a portion of the tame premise* juuveyed by HiUUuu Martin and wile to Cath- line N. \ reeland %y need dated November 80,

is7., and tvcUded m the ofbeeof the clerk oi me County of Middle*-* on the tw tay-ttfUi da> •f FeUuary, 1*79, In Liber of Desna, pag<

. anu which said several tracts, pieces oi parcel* o f taua are designated on a • ei tarn ma| iuUt efl “ Man of property of Mill am Martin * d others, aim fed In Metucheu, Middleees bounty. New Jeisey 1977." ami Bled in ibe oflk« »f the clerk4>f the L'otu.ty of Middlesex, M rci- il, 1x7thas numbers oUb. two and three, reui* ne same premises cooT^yed by refer Q. Pul he iius tu John McNally by dee d .ten January *th ,M«, and r o rued in the oAoeof the clerk ut he UHlMt of Middles*.*, la uouk of Deeds, Vol.


nits, pn.ikgw, hemlitssMfiiis ant) spptim ■sut-tw UtertrtiU: . bciolislus ur lu mn. wlw Sppw. sluing.

ISAIAH D. BARCLAY, (Hurt* Jasm Bccrasas SoilcUof. hut. J r * - Pr’a lets. ISM

Tbs prettiest o f sugar baskets art shown by ths silversmiths this sea. son. They a n e f rich eqiored glam) with a network e f ffligree sliver cover­ing them for their protection. H is bandits a n all o f stiver.

How to Cniw Croup.

Mr. R, Gray, who lives sent Amanla. Duchess county, N. Y „ says: “Chnae oerisln's Gough Remedy is ths bust medtdne I have ever nsud. It k a Skit chHdsnn's remedy tor croup aid never fnlla to cun.1* whan glvugran soon as i l child bncomss hours* nr o ra ■ attar ths croupy snu*»han f ivHi|U, n w fl

TWt should M a botUs of thi

“About *ve yean ago I wms troubled with catarrh of ths lower bowel,” says G. T. Chisholm, 4*4 Dearborn Avs^* Chisago, had although I coatultod lev en l umlnsat physicians who prw cribM for ms, I found their re

failed to in any way relieve m ilia trnubli slmnal hsmma ikrsals ATI ter suffering several moat he, I oae day concluded to try Chamberlain-* Colie Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy mad beg to aware you that I waa mo agreeably surprised to tad after tab !* two dotea o f tba1 remedy that l completely relieved of the diewse tha had cost me so much trouble and aw - ooyance. I am thankful to say that ~ have not suffered from it stoew-’ sale by the Met aches Pharmacy.

ML A N ti I H Q B ttO A .F u r n i t u r e !

The oldest and most n tiaU a rural te

m m **** * * * tM i■•i-y OkrrbHi, on-onm •it lb* low«wt ntrtrt — wnnniintlp

*8 4 -38 6 m m m r s t r e e t

Kaiiml Bait ct Kti Jane?,REV ItVBVRTCK, R. Ju

O ffer lo depoeitnra every facility tlieir buriieea, Balance aud

reepouaihiiity warnuited.

Issues Foreign Exchange

■ ■ ■

-i ;t .h

Christmas Gloves Giftsbe Holiday Glnva Dieplaya ban abound in suitable Christmas oB ariaw hr Woman and Child. Tit - Uaee of NnveMer rich hi taskioa's ffaaas smd the

The I Man.arorid’e beri amkee and apedal advunlagei o f salected apaciai chnoaiage a g ____ale ooei. Tha fuiiowiag an a lew ideas thoroughly in innnli irlth M h a ifl» wiehea:Mew’s Mocco Gloves—Silk lined and nnlined, gray and reiMea'e Aamrima Giori ........................... ” ”Men's Wool laatd Gio'

Pique mart'<>*1 Glovw

Men's Aetnehaa Gloves K id palms, Iwavv wool Blillft .1 •Tan si a tee, silk plush liasd d

Fownea” Children's Wool Glovw-Plain tad Tasty <Children’s Bncliali CaehmenUi-ves-Silk liasd. ..ladies1 Milk Msecs Lined Gioree—soft and warm....____ __Ladiw' Eaaiisb (Mahmem Gtavaa— Imitation reindeer leathgr....

1 %Mi Taltta Ghivaa—eulf-lined, Jersey wriete, full tehglh.riMmw Ghivee—Rani Kid, Paris Points, detf»£a wrest elianaa, .

whits and blask...................................... ............... ........ .

PlW OaRwwwik

707 TO 721 BRm SIReET.

is not a aaw tabirc*. Keen tha old Bomaw made tl t lw But the eueiiat hathaprtaeipst f—t im i l ttfir hum**

ere uut adapted to umdern in mas*. What people waulto-day ,Ja binary (a a aundtuwd apace dui w mudanto wet. We have fitted up in our Mora ail Kwh tniaa*. iliowing all tb« ntweat features. Drop iu sad seeMmw —not to buy, hut Jam to be putted.

m sftCUKKi


»nd will contidim until3£ 8t“ m«. Saturday, Dec. i sth,

Monday Night (Xmas Eoe), Dec. 24f/»,Rum aart DxroeiT aozza

B O U C I T M A C C O U N T * Large and Small.

Capital, *3M,*M- iarpln, |2H M hlk w i* r. non ell,

B. O. PARKKK, Cahlan.March 2R1H0.

Edvard Hingtier'sThu W h ite Front

Lcadlnt Fnrattorc Ho ree. 116-122 Neilson Street,Great Sale of Furniture in Qeu-


We hftndlg [the only f^nuine col tun full Uattruw; Will not pack, Colne iu aud let ua tell you ahoul it.fiepefriag aid Cphelaferthg,

Fanltare Pecked tat Shipper,

j,-;*,* F«r months we have been preparing for this in tereeting period, »nd now have all departments filled to over­flowing with-cbofce Holiday Merrhandifie. The Big Store has been converted InM * Grand Holiday Bazaar. Not a section in fhe atov- hut It with in holiday offering*. ThingsUseful, thing|4)rfwr*-ir,v*—and remember that in addition to having the to select from the Greatest Stock ofHoliday Good* «v*r fihown, our prices-during this sale will be

' a small outlay will bring big returns. ‘ 9-JP-

so muen lowef/- dMt Stoie open----

Ahllqac Parnliarc ktflalihcd

a*4 tn w e lc f .

Salim at es cheerfully given.

Stturday, Dec. 15th, and con- buainesa day until

D«e. 24th.

X i f t z i d a b e r f f ,Block, New Brunswick, N. J.

Real Estate and InsuranceAgent and Commissioner a/Deeds,

would morn mpaeafully call the attention of tbow wiahhq Ii p m an Inwnmea, Mum ha to prepared to give you w low rale* w SUM be obtained elsewhere, representing twelve selMeaUel tM | U i iy f l * ■ESt III THE aOKLfi, who have alwayi daub lioaorabiy wish She insured, bines December lit, extremely low rillte toge4toted,awd toll boesuet ol tbajutenmehig Midland Water Ouwpoay aadaur «wenoble fire eompaaica, eqaipped, ready and, willing to atwgil to Skate dutiea at fireman, that the tew rates of iatumaw aw mUfii to m u fin

iV *7 -

Vtotor Hue a Flea*, Organ, or Made Boa, fbr it daaH teMaamoeh/Itaepiafaim the wwteof anyriorlm rad «toge-the aldfuaUtorhymaa et walUw

togam w all dadta, w NA1W U L

Page 3: no th - DigiFind-It · will resume w ork. llr. X J. Gebhardt has cloesd his grocery store la Metuchen, and wilt cep ted si the date of toe given on Monday night by Welter L imit,

McADAMS, |.Groceries.


T R E E T , nETU CH EN .

B L I N D .Probably not, but whv run the rink of seriously injnrini

KMtr *?«• by the un o f incorrectly fitted. QU i k i , wh«u y0i to m to m •klllfuliy adJuwWd by


One5 Moment!

H ead ach ek= etaas-w WSNtnr tBIU the liver 'll" torpid or Inactive. Mo re serious troubles b iy tallow. For • prompt, efficient enn <A Headache sud all Uver t run bias, taka

H ood's P ittsWbU* they roaaa the liver, restore tall, rafutar tctiac of the bowels, they ds not gripe or pain, do not llfiteSsor Inflame (be Internal owns, bat have a poaltlve tonic efleet, zk . at all druggists or br iwail of

O. L Hood A Co., Lowell, Maw.

379* «•* Qforge St.,R A M I * euiLD W O .

Every Saturday.■ HOURS, 10.30 TO 4.

* t 4 M East Front St., Plainfield,

An Ordinance.

We tab Tour attention Just to re­

mind you that among oqr Winter

•inee of Shoe* wa have tha fineat

aud moat complete line of




day, Wrdnradav •nd Friday, l* hi r allty a flw, fn*h • V «ry other-day D'lly. fiTiiiff the krturt new* mi day of tour, and cot- ertnf dawft^f the otto# Itcoo alnaalT 1 rpor- Uiit fmvtgn cable DeWl which ap peart in TH K DAILY THIbU ' K Of aaoio data ft Iso DooMffttio aud Pur- el I u Unrestmii- deuce, Short fltor to, ijtlrwaot Hftif tone Utoet^at ons,



United 'tales as i

TRIWEEKLYlio n . f * ih t a n | •N3» i i ’ AfifWuitdr | | | p r i| / | w

“*u,r‘ *d WEEKLYend reliable Finan­cial aud Market reports.

Rffutar •uberrio-lion prior, f l M per year.

TRIBUNE with T H E ^ K - CoKDIK for |i u* P«ryi»r

" 5try merchant*. and it> ch an, uptodatr. lMrr. sung aud in

Ytfnti price

We furnish Ii with THK Rh. COKDKR fur 11.26

t o all ( H e n toto


Old Lamps ii Made New*

SHOES,ever seen in this citp. New

•hapee, bandiome cat, mod noS )

•hoddy M th «r

N o ' " S h o d d y

in theft-make-up. Durability aud

ttyle are so oomMhed ls^ these

Siloes, we feel confident they

will pleaae you and asm you money. 8top in and m them.

Mansfield,Factory and Be tail Store,

No. 0 Peaos Street,

An ordinance to grant consent and permission of ths Board of Chosen Freeholder* of thl County of MI<Mlc: 3ex In the State of New Jersey to the Raritan Traction Company, to con­junct, operate anf maintain an elec­tric street railway over the New Brunswick turnpH* from Crows Mills toad In the Township of Woodbrldge westerly thiough the said- Township >f Woodbrldge a A the Township of Raritan to Main sheet In the Borough it Metuchen, all la said county, to oe iperated by the overhead or trolley jystem and to tocate the route thereof tnd the tracks of mid railway comlor- nahly to said routA " -

Whereas, The Raritan Traction Co.,i orporatlon organised under theprovl-

I dons of an Act of the Legislature of Ihe State of New Jersey entitled "An Act to authorise the formation ofTrac- ,km Companies f(f the construction ind operation ofTstr*et railway! or railroads operated*, street railways tnd to regulate tfs tame." Approved March 14,1898, and of the several, acts .upplementayy thefeto and ameoda- lory thereof havlig drat died In tile tide* of the Secrcjpjf, of Bute of the Rate of New Jenly, a description of he route of extension to be made by .he said company at the existing rail­way of The Perth Aagboy Railroad Jompeny, from the Intersection ot imlth street with the westerly bound­ary of Perth Amboy through the rownahlpa ofWoodbrldt* and Harl­an to Mam atreat, Metuchen, and bowing the tarinlat tbaptaf, together wltn a map axbtbitlng the aama, and;.

Whereas, A part of said routs la laid* tpon a portion tff the highway known as the New Brunswick turnpike from a pont where tha; Crows Mills roan :roa»es ths aama fat tha Township or Woodbrldge westerly through the rownahlpa Of- Wbodbrtdge and Rtn- sn and tba BteWBgh ot Metuchen to

' which_____ road ittoBoard of Choeeu

Ihlrd day.uf— l 'L-y-, a;> the-yesr of utir Lord, one thousand nine hundred, at the tame place at the hour of eleven o'clock In the morning, when ant. where a public hearing was given to all parties InteresUxuiicrein, and the -aid hearing was; further continued and adjourned niitli Wednesday, the hist day of Angutt, in the year of our Lord one thousand nluehundcr, at the hour and place aforesaid, when ami where a public hearing was given to all parties Interested therein, and the said hearing was futher continued and adjourned until Wed­nesday, the fifth day of September, ir. the year one thousand nine hundred, at the same hour and place last afore­said when and where a public hear­ing was given to all parties Interested therein, and the Eaid hearing was fur­ther cont I ued and adjourned until Wednesday, the third day of October, in the year one thousand nine hun­dred, at the same hour and place last aforerald, when and where a public hearing waa given to all parties In­terested therein, and the said hearing w ,th further continued and adjourned until Wednesday, the seventh day oi November, In the year one thousand nine hundred, at the hour and place latt aforesaid, when and where a pub- bllc hearing waa given to a II parties interested therein, and the said hear ing was further continued and ad­journed until Wednesday, the twenty- first day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred, at the same hour and place last aforesaid, when and where a public hearing was given to all parties Interested therein, aud said hearing waa continued until Wed­nesday the fifth day of December lit. the year one thousand nine hundred, when and where a public hearing waa given to all parties Interested therein,' at the same hour and place last afore­said, and said application or petition waa duly considered by this Board.

Now, therefore, be It ordained by the Board of Chosen Freeholders or the County of Middlesex, In the State o f New Jersey, as follows;.

SeCtlonM. That consent and per- misatuu of the Board of Chosen Free­holders of the County of Middlesex, are hereby given and granted to tne R&rltan Traction Company, lta succes- sora, leasees or asslgna, to construct operate and maintain a street railway of single track, four feet eight and one halt inches gauge, to be operated by motors driven bl electricity from over­head wires suspended on poles nfid commonly called the overhead or trolley system, in, over and upon a certain afreet, road, highway and pub­lic plaCe in .aid County of Middlesex, hereinafter particularly metdloned and described; and aim* permission and consent to construct the necessary sidings, crossovers, turnouts end switches along said 11ns o f railway and to erect the necessary and proper

I otherpoles la said road/highway and public place far sustaining the neces­sary Wire* to courey tbs electricity to the motors to drirs tha can of said company, and also coassmt and pef- mtmton to erect and String the neces­sary wires upon the afBn a td poles.

Sectloa !; Be lt further ordained,

TrirSS& iSrSBS 1“ J J - g - ;*- ■ 'i iS t o w m i 1* 1* '

_____ "BJUar. r u i t ndri nrHie make of Lorain Steel Com ply•■tee No. 96 No. 357 or one of exMtiy similar pattern of the weight of not ess than ninety-six pound* to theyard .

vCi) The cars shall beiighted by ’ .ectrlcjty and properly heated In wln- trr aud In cold weather,

(1) The said cars shall be provtfieu with proper fenders to protect life and property, and shall also be pro­vided with headlights to be lighted at night, and proper gongs to be rung at

side streets and crossroads, so give proper warning of the a

<>rbach of the car.15) The current shall not be ot

greater potential than flve hundred uid nrty votts.

(6) In the Townships of Woodbrldge- and Raritan said Raritan Traction*Company, Its successors, lessees or u - dgn8 shall pave between tbs rails of , iald tracks and of all sldtdgs and tutor, juts and for two feet on each side, dutslde of the rails, with macadam pavement, and In the Borough of Me- uichen said macadam shall be con-,, tructed from purb to curD.(7) The tracks shall be ao laid at

not to interfere with the flow of snr- .ace water.

(8) Whenever the tracks crass gut­ters, streams and ditches, the* shbn oe laid over Iron pipes or cdfvarta; ..uch pipes and culverts shall be lata under the direction of ths Hoard, ana rhsll be extended by ths saiu company at Its own expense to ths gutter tins' of the road, aud said pipes and cul­verts so laid and extended shall be' -urever thereafter malnta^ied by the company at lta own expense.

18) The cars shall be run at igter- rals not greater than thirty minutes each way, between the hours of e o'clock a. m„ and 8 o'clock au m. and‘ from 8 o'clock a. m. to 6 o'clock p. m., the raid cars shall run at Intenkisj not greater than 60 minutes sash day net ween the hours of $ o'clock p. m, and 8 y ciock p. ra the satis & S k be run at intervals not greater tbaa- thtrty minutes each way. BAwssn ihe hours of 8 o'clock p. nr. and i f o clock p. m. the can shall be run si intervals not greater than sixty mla- utes each way

(10) The cars shall not bw run |t a higher rate ot speed tuaa flftatn miles per hour,

U i) The said road shall bw oom- pleted and In operation with­in twelve months tram thedate of the acceptance o| this ordi­nance,company ta enjoined with the work of equipment by shy person m ai or by any legal proceedings or •sw br la sqalty, or If hay M g ceedlngs are aeseseary to or^ta sole said' company to siuM of any other perthstohl it* tranks

You have igid sorts of ( dies but it

eHj it M Bted. it may y

itself out in t* it i r more produce ia jdppe; pneumonia or a sefl- ous throat dfcxXm. You need that will jive strength and



, . ta tha mstoh I bava It

Ir nods of using tbs

OMFetvYftU'* FftmnM WftHhln* Machin*, which to* ■ c*i«clty fut»,onB cverv t«n houn.UlnopermUnninour NEW .I <r« will wank, iron wKt tolln>r o ■« doacn piece*, ooiwiitlnn ef TftbleCl<4ha, Pillow S!l«,J<ftp»iiln*,Bed Spr««rt«, ShMM, Towel* ftod UAUtorchtaf*. lor K Cuuu. aud •* i*ftfly more to tlie iu h race

j CAN YOU AFFORDto Hava your Doom ftau— J up and the maw ftfnuod to Hk h r»lw? KOI Thou call «nd wt-

j tow nica w« do it and f*t prlc« Uat or aend u* » , trtal ordar. Not film rw*iv«d in this depart- i «wnt for Wm than t< cunts. RnOib dry, & cam* [parpound. AjiflfilttoxaUouoCL

O m I Ttom s a d i e f f s ssh.Kild be served in every hoses ia thiscity.

iECAWW WHY T We sell si esosllsnt qns'Uy of Uaole

Rain’s CuBre at 36c part pmia I ; an ex wllent quality of Ties at 80u. per portnd. KUher oseof tkess articles'are tlis best. Why drink impnrs Tes and Oofles when v.m can gut ths best at prices qqnted ihoveT Thev are simply delioi n*. care­fully picked tram ths choloett plants.

Our Stock ..1 Qrooeriee is replete with iverytiiing st tbs lowest prioea.

Hotel Brunswick.ft. H . Btexts. Prop.

Maala at all Hour*.

VS- tinghes Laundry, Campbell & Morris,Car. Un. STnEKT tM MBOIIIKMIB,


verhea* or trollt. ilsslon And eor- of Chosen Frdr-

t t » asssssbrr idlngs, u Bkdajbm turwosts and wltehebi anASo'srast, «sa aad oMa- ala such pnlsa, wlras. conduits, an*" — ' appliances, n

necaMkhj to 'iy wirtrtbei

lit aforesaid; sad- location of the1

laidraliwsy' lonfunakblp W iidPplMHs'filed in themice o fthe Secretary of Stabs, so fart is tbs tom* tp Wd .Jtpon said high­way; whfoh sal* pstmbn for the co n- tructlon, operation an * . msinensuce it Said street railway waa accompani­st with a map or *sse»lptlon of the- routs of tbo said laftway over "said. Highway, abqwtngaM tb* proposea

and the said map

at adoreaald on la the yetr oi alaw hundred ,

Of Chosen ill adopted

on the sail, did of June

ousc In the Htld county. In ths ater-

ocatlon of the ocatlon of tbo ind petition were the ninth day ot vur Lord ons thi

skid county o f MM-

Bsgtnhlng st ths Intersection of Crows Mlllt road and tha New Bruns­wick turnpike In ths Township of Wuodbrtdgo; thence , In and along the New Brunswick turnpike, crossing the boundary Uno between the Townships* of Woodbrldge nhd Raritan north 68 degrees 10 minutes west, 1.071A test; thence In ths Township ot Raritan and In and along the New Brunswlc . turnpike north M degrees U minutes west, I.J8.7 feet; ’ thence In nnd along the said turnpike, north <S degress 40 minutes west SM.f fest. thsnce la and along the said turnpike, north 64 de- trees 2! minute* west *40 feet; thence in and along the said turnpike, aorta 54 degrees 04 minutes west 1026 feet thence In snl along the said turnpike, north 66 degrees 26 minutes west 1874 feet; thence in and along the said turnplkq north 14 degree* 24 minutes west 1025 feet; thence In and along the said turnpike, north 70 degress 0 minute* wett 2498.1 feet; thence In and along the said turaplks. north 7* degrees 56 minutes west 1101.1 feet; thence In end along the aald turnpike north 74 degreea. 47 minutes west 1068.5 teeet; thence In and along tha said turnpike, north 74 degreea IV minutes west 1867.1 feet to the center line of Main street, (n the Borough ot Metnchen, and ehdTig there.

Section 1, And be it further ordain­ed, That the location 01 the tracks ot said railway in and* upon said route shall be as follows; Upon that por­tion o f said routs within the townships* of Woodbrldge and Rarltan.the south­erly rail of raid track shall be laid at 1 distance of two feet northerly from the northerly edge of the macadam as (atd on saM turnpike, and within the limits of ths Borough of Metuchen the rails of the tracki of saM railway s!)*.. be placed at an equal distance on tun­er tMs of the ceBUr ltae of said high­way.

Section 4. And be It further ordain­ed, Thai the hidings and turnouts shell’

wo hundred and' forty feet land ehatl be placed and located trow mid track]

allneatod upon the* office™, agents, 1 mey filed with the Clerk of this Board, or. as near thefeto is ■ Is practicable,

Med that saM std!*|s and tnro- I b f i t o beplacsl so ah to Inter-

fare wl tftbw present macadam, nor Ip ,t of any rasidacca or b lgh bank1

Page 4: no th - DigiFind-It · will resume w ork. llr. X J. Gebhardt has cloesd his grocery store la Metuchen, and wilt cep ted si the date of toe given on Monday night by Welter L imit,

toj point in, WOO*a>nu«« TWjOUu

'umup oi ttanUu 0*[ MetuiiutU tniui uot ca- i u l ir e xor i^couuuu-

i ru i«b »a r Uwj tiort*&m nuc* w*tu- uB iU rifTn lowusmp oi vvoou-

<|t>aii iuauOliOl ejccetsu uve ceuo.Barter iour >wu® oi bu»..

nu« u m wneu accompauiea oy nu ftcOOOl ucteu tOiU uy

mi sypucatioo uy uie tcuooi comm** &or uM oC cuuurtu atteau.ub

4tMoi UL'tOOrt*-rtsfip^Cwive di8U*cuJ, *v • nut uoi tra iler u*au tniri/-iuiu t»c|||g [g f UuM UUlilT, U> Us litycii UtJlWco.

HOI yuvrt iu« lore is ml a * *.* i*o Oi aucor tu:»te..a may

ottWMUi lK)iiiitt wuoitj cue lore itft Y* n («u CoaU, btiu beaooi ituOoi-£uu uft uiittkl otffcweeu uie uours oi i.-c t. m. auQ b p. UL oa the uoya oa wm u tcbwui i» open.

io«i iuio uiaintnce shall noi go lnu. •fcaa UuUi Vue ttoncau iracouu uo tVt-t juk«a eaecUKKi to dUPti^oie unne* iu tx>Tpom* beai ir8 aoieeuitm uuij

m pruvea or ocouowjeiigci. Attbt ML oi a copy oi tu*® uiu h u - u , 1b U e l ouowiug terms: me Kan

i im io n uoompaay Hereby agree*, t t tU til* tenps, condltiou® anti re gMonnst I t toe foregoing ordinauc, MttflOrtfc," UMl than have thetl one o MM ttplksate agreements with thiCivrk o l thla Board and another w iu

Clffrt of the VJounty of taiddiesex. «|thln twenty days after tne passag*

^ p t2 *d at a meeting of the Board ol (fawen Preeboldera of the County o- Middlesex held on thla Fifth day "■ December In the year one thousand nine hundred.


Attest:D. W. CLAYTON,

Clerk. »

aia.Tke (res t mss horse, eon of Bamr

Cherry Croft M I 1-4, eon ol______ A ll, and Red Lake H i >-<

■N th* lending stations st Olen Moon f e c k n m tkis yvar. Baron Dillons fro la *1 * but anyone having s man «S t hrsd Is trattiag or paclix lines. (A W sr With trotting and running blooo

sen breed te ike two utisi kept hj

(hs ysar tor (TAM. BMtxe you breed •M r lbs b m or writ* lor deecrlptlv. Itla rtiU M. A W ILLS , (Hen Moon. Marcsr Os.. N. J., on PhlU. ft R. By., i l l s sMIrt north o f T issios.

" “ ’ K IA A C L X O l H IA U N Oeel of'heeling, cures sn,

ML Me- si drugtsv. a .1 W ILLS , Chemist

Trsst s M le ie .o f gossip smonrM in t is t te ris.

irsebolor trtrai

tb it a t ib,M arbslnistra elrcnaatanru office* yount

ited aurriri connect st

of form the tit often ■W Voorhssa Private Bern*m a r r^neT.

.M a ts Comptrolls Dhitsd States Bans i Barker Oommars

i la Eepubli, were aaaanrted. * 1 ok waa not at all aaeour

. The baehsloi » o f bantering

Tuttle ally married

■ drela. La 0. Watklaa. aatieled thai

at llksly to ha mads s rea ■ a n b is contrsns tbs sill

be trsst by attending a (am


Wc never did; but we h»ve *een t^e clothing *t this tirne of the yccr so covered Mtn dandruff thct it looked ns if it had been out in a regular snow­storm.No need o f this snowstorm. As the summer sun would

melt the falling snow so will

Ayer’sHairmelt these flakes of dandniff In the scalp. It goei further thanthis: it prevents their formation.

It hss still other properties: it will restore color to gray hair in just ten times out of every ten esses.

And It does even more: it feeds and nourishes the roots of the hair. Thin hair becomes thick hsir; shd short hair be­comes long hair.

We have a book on the Hair and Scalp. It ia yours, for the asking.

II ron So net "btnln »tlro« •xpeeiftd r .ably

«M diflcult; with yriiir g«ait nyatAfri Which (M y bw iM ily r« )TH. AddrMl,DB. J L. AYES. LmU, Mam.

i.1 young 's— cnorcK cnitrarsiAS cttancm— a t TBOnoV

BU S IE R AMD B U SIER booms our bustling Vula-tide trade as weapproach Chrislinns. We attribute port o f the raahto tile attractive crowd-compelling price list published in our netwapare. W e give

i few more pricing' to day ; and in so doing are congratulate the people 'f New Brunswick that such opimrtunilies are theirs without the necessity/ go in g out o f town in search o f them.

i Is n ich ing the i o f a lt tsanrs, and anaouaces tbs.

Bbaaba la tbroogh being Oovernor tu V a t e e back to his law office, and wa nam ia there, as some predict, until ha la ta iled to put on the judicial er-

r Tbts leaves UnUfd BUtea Senator XMB Bad delator Stokes tbe only m w ilisn o I the trust, and they tuna

/■Wady tar matttH dissolution.

£ •oaks or Spider Bite.,Mssgultn and all laaoct bkes, 'wounds Sr Mmlehca by say Mlmal, cured by Veils ' -Miracle of Heeling" Powder. AMS Ivy Poison, Itch, Balt Kheum, Be Mas; Miraculous la boiling power Qanaalesta, skin d u tie s , felons, bolls Was, scalds, eruptions. Dlsinfeclam

Curst say sore do man oi tie . bottles at drugiMs, oi

l bp mail promptly on receipt o' t. t A W IL L * . Chtmist, Jersej

y, M. J. ______

A n Ton on Ynor Peer t i$ you walk or staad much, and your

*Hi. (a t tired, pals and ache; If ibey - tsnrisb or sweaty, “ Rough

- will give site and comfort < hardens tbe feet to stand

mads apon them. Alec i a id Coras Ask toi

oa Baalott." JSc. at druggists by mat. I . A WELLS. Chem

City, N. J.

kaadbury Is again free from diph-

pb yet dans of Mlllrllle have __ a aalon.

- vM bffiaa Oron, It la said, la to get Mdustry a shirt factory

The Brains of the Middle States,


T U R E A1SD C A P IT A L ,\

are e a rn e stly enlisted



Tbs Nsw York Tribune la the lead- up exponent In tbs United States oi ue development or mines, f&rma, fac- Jrtaa .milts, railroads and trade, ano .11 other practical sources of the com- -loa weaL .

ik e Dally and Sunday Tribune. Re i year, la par axcelleace the edition at atari ami wido-awake men am, nelr families. In tnit part of tht ountry. U la fcanutome, printed in xr(e type and, todar as Its news coi- jnna are concerned, w.thout a super - or and with tew «iuals. its cable d>s atchea are considered so dedantiy bean of the foreign news service o. ,ny other Battern Journal that a urge number of Western papers pur base them from The Tribune for mm- iitaneous publication. Tne Sunday aper is accompanied with a most an mrsble Illustrated supplement.

The Weekly, issued every inursday, a a compact news, agricultural sun amity paper, unexcelled for cultiva ora of the soil and their families, iu aarket reports have given that edi ion a special reputai.on. Numerou: peclai departments are projected ano uanagea so as to attract every house- lOld and all the members thereof evnrSj half-tone pictures appear il acn number . 1-rlec, 11 a year.The Tri-Weekly, printed Monday,

V edneeday and Friday, is a handsome plnted and conuenaed every-other- iay dally newspaper, easuy tne bes, ubilcatlon of .ts class In the Uultea lutes, It has ail the special featuret if the Weekly and the important newt if the Daily, and Is printed and mall- d at hte same time as the Dally. Tni

tews—clean, accurate and fairly pre­sented—ts admirably displayed ac- lordlng tl IU value, and Is never dls- .orted. For political newB you cau- aot find any better newspaper, and

news Is tgven without any politi­cal bias. The editorial page breathes the spirit of purest patriotism ano croadett charity, uUInted by any coni, ^deration save the welfare of tbe nome ana tbe country, its reviews ire pungent, wise end witty. Tbe iri-vyeekly, a year Sample cop- iei free

Don’t you thing that such an admir­able national newspaper should be in your own home 1

Don t you think tbe Tribune, hand­some In appearance, iu,i of the best news and reviews, t all illustrated, a purchase for yourself and family ?

iour order can be handeu to the lo­cal postmaster or sent to tnis office rc ct.

Tribune Almanac, 1901, an End o tue Century number. Ready in Jan­uary, Enlarged, carefully reviseu, with a rich budget of new features. .. cents, postpaid.

T a k e O u r F u r S h o w in g .W e know what

we’re t a l k i n g

about when we

s a y that y o u couldn’t dol>etter in the New York

Markets e v e n , can do right here if yon

want a stylish

outfit o f furs.

See here:

Fur Scarfs, $3.48 to 115.F,.r Collarettes and Storm Collars,

*4.98 to *22 50.W omen’s Mufl>, t l to $25.Children’s and Misses’ Fur Sets,

*1 48 to *5.50.

Women’s Garments.Percale Wrappers, with blue, red,

grey and black grounds, variously figured, 83c. and 98c.

Flannelette "W rappers, 89ci' to *2 26. -

Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, 98c., f 1 .25,1150 and *2 25.

R ipple Eiderdown Bath Robes, M 50 to *6.50.

W’ liitb Skirts, 50c. to *3.75.S ilk Petticoats, *4.50 to *8.50.Children’* Woolen Dresses, 93c.

to $0 48.

Medallions J, in exquisite gravussand color eftecta, 25c.. 48c., 76c., 98c* *1.19, *1.48 up. Mirrors. -

Dainty hand Mirror*, 50a, 75c, 98c. to *1.48. “

Standing Mirra**, tingle, $1.48, *1.98; triple, *5.50, *6.50, *7.50.

Comb and Bnnsh Sets, *1.25to *3 50. j ;

Men’s M ilitary Brashes, pair11.25, *1 48, *1.75 to *3.50.

Toilet Trays, 48a to *1.48.Luudborg’s Perfum eries, 5c.

to *2.98. 25a to 50c.

Collar and C aff Boxes, *1.43to *3.75. ^

Handkerchief Boxes, 25c. to 98c.

Sweet Grass Baskets in scores o f dainty shapes and *ixe* for every use, 25a to 98a

Scrap Baskets, #8e. to *1.76. Vases, 50c.. 78a, 98c., *3.60. Pocketbooks* etc.

Pocketbooks, 25a to *2.25.Purses, 25c. to 60a >Finger Purees, tSa to It. Children’s Puress and Bast, 25a

to 50c.Chatelaine Bags, 65a to IS 25.Silk and Satin Shopping Bags,75a

CHAT.B u y C om m on C andy

Pennsylvania Railroad. .lunauu MIINsa ol Antrim.

i on and Not. »R. IvSil. trsllU''»lll ’’iiSSiT

s. nsw

fiSfur you rself, i f y o ur (uate and ind igestion w ill stand i l , but

tvlun you m ake u g i ft se n d I.o iv iiey ’a — if any o th e r k in d is as good it costs m ore

I f you w ant Sachet Pow derto put in your dainty present*, w be liud—ami they’ re »11 fresh, ihi

Exqu is ite P e r fu m e ry

to put in your dainty presents, we have the most delicate kinds that be hud—and they're all fresh, therefore of lasting fragrance.

v stock fiom several o? the b-Mit makers, In a variety of od »r», has ar- We have them in fikecial package, or will put up any quantity a*

sish^ from our bulk good*. Toilet Trifles and necessities are uoth here.

A Sensible, U se fu l P resen tis a GUAfiANTKEl) Hot Water Kittle ’ the rubber in each of ihein, but charge yo

» give a life insurance policy on only “ a bargain price.”

Why not gi’ ‘ a box of <*000 Cigars? Here’s a sample : 2~> Cremos put up speci • ally for $1 05—and there are others, at

The Metuchen Pharmacy,Main Street, Opposite Post Office.

Metucheli M h>lk>w»: for N ewark andi k only).

2.S7, N«w *ork poly), ill, )0.M

. New York oalyl,io..v.; a. 14H, 1M, I

7.68, «.«7, U M , I*, r, (6.w». New »o rk o „■ /l. 4.24. 7.1 H, a.H7 11*4 JL 14.

kgliusv—'2.87. S.«. 7 Kb MU.IO.W • ' m.; 1.01, ‘2.M. *-17, S.S*, 191, 7.K ,

in wevk-4tav». Sumlay*—187, 111, l A v, 1.21, 4.V4. 7.04, i l .M p. n».K) Isa bell*—2.87, 6.31. 7.’A», 7.W, tU , M * .

10.M a. ni.; l.ns. 2.B3. *.17, 4.0 . 1M, T it .

lay* Sumlai*—l./i, *.«, 10.14 a. si.; 1.0 Ufc i.OH. M.Dh l*.4u |», m ’ '

For Trenton—1.27, 7.1*. 7.14. I.K. t » , IMI. 1XU6, lit*. _ *.l , _ M Ij AM1 A *l, BW,

-1.37 , * .» » . ;

__ .. .. 7.1*. 7Ji. Uk I13.08. 13.Aft, S.1S, ft. 1. n.00aad EM *

Wuml*)*—1.27, M.W1 a- <

1>. in. week-day*. HuudayiFor 1'itlladelphia

10.36. a- iu ....J *■*1weekrttayi

For bttltlinore, Waahlngtoo and th« South— 1.37, 7.18, V.36 10.3ft »■ O*.: 13.06, 12 M, 1.1*. *.0*.

Hi. w velrilalk. Huuday*— l.fff, 9.3* a. » . ; *.*•

1 For Long Brani'b, Anbury Par* and Oooan

Leave New York for Metucben—(Fro-n W#o*Tw eiii> -T h lid M’.r i t Staiiu u) « . l , 4.7ft, 7 2ft, 8.26. 9.36. lo .VS. 11 65 ft m.i 3.66. * 64, 4.3ft, 4M .0.36, 6 66. 6 66, 7 A>5. 9.64 *• u i.. and 1110 • I g k>uiMlais-6 10. h.3b .66, 11.NV a. m; l. fA.71|LON' 8 36 p. ui ; 13.10 night Fr> >i,i Pk«br*MH MidCortlaiKl* > rve s - O . ’.’O. « SO. 7 » , MO, 9| 9, I f Mа. 13-00 noon ; IvO. * 00, 4 ^ 440. *«*. M L 0.10. 7 UI, 8.00. 10 1 p m ; 13.1 nigh* FuMtajr*-*б. 16. S.30. v 00 * in ; 13.00 n o o a T l. 90.8*> |». iu ; 1 1 6 night.

For tluie-table* and further trfnr— tins asMf u> Tick ct Agenl-at the station.

J. k Wood, Own‘1 Afod*.J. B. I l i ’TcaintoM, Oeu l lia u a g a r.

Knit Underwear.Children's, 10c. to 60c.Worn* n's, 25c. to *L25.

Muslin Unilerwenr.Children’s, 10a to 11 garm ent W om en’s 25c In *3 50 garment.

Flannelette Underwear.Children’s, 45c. to 85a W omen’s, *1, *1.25.

Knit Goods.Jackete, (1 to (2 .50.Skirts, 50c. to *1.Fascinators, 39c. to 75a

Infanta’ Wear.Caps, 25c. to $1 50.Bib*, 15c. to 35c.W liite and Colored Dresses, 25a

to $2.50.Flannel Sncques, 50c. to 75a Kni t Sncques, 25c. to 60a K n it Socks, 10c. to 25a

Neckwear.Embroidered and Ltce Turnoter

Col In re, 25c. to $1 50.R i iHh. $1.25 b> $4 50.Lace Collar*. $1.25 to $2.75.

Handkerchiefs. ’ l.Otlti dnien o f the beet goods

ve’ ie ever offered ; and we’d like to mike it jilain llia t that is saying a real deal for these goods ; because ve nlwnye take** great deal o f par- tollable pride in out handkerchiefs nd strive to have the best line i lV lossible to stcure.

Plain Hemstitched, 5c. Io 50c. Swiss Embroidered. 12$c. In 60a flinen Embroidered, 26c. lo $1.25. I-nce, 12Jc. to 88c.

Men's Garments.Men’s R i )> p i e

vdcrdnwn R a t h iohee in handsome Heels; would be c r y acceptable brietmas G i f t s ,1 r'0. *5, *5.50 and


I B a n SWdiOnok RoachesAMI tpap lttt H44-

r Ooek Raaetiss, Seed s Woo*. Aats, Rats,

ibout’i with Mrs IS mos-

R It the only thing aaDlhlU’ ' lied

As S3 «X- I an ^Oaa. ’ ‘Rough

Bunts ihai sever T te f “don’t Alt f all round the

I d v . ’jsd nationsexteastvatv

ra id hss I'.i r s M re h tn i

tt dvss sstl;- Bswtst s i lu l ls-

Any reader. no„sltuated that he can eslss a elnh Jor The Tribune, win oblige us by sanding for terms nnd sample copies.


noagh on Rantons New and successful trtatmemt, only

somglstt enrs. dives arse and comfort st ones. Subdues Inflammation. Al- ! » • (over, pain, eoreneta, lendemeaa. R-dueen twelllng nnd enlnrgement of jotnta; curea both hard and aoft eorne, and to tired, non or fevered feet t< (Ivan rtllef and comfort st once. »5e. « flrngglKt or lent promptly by ma.l. It 8. WELLS. Chemist. Jerney City.

Cray Hair.

It gray, WtHa’ Hair Balium gradusl ly restores to original color, black or brawn, elegant tonic dreaalng. *0 c„ *1 DrnplrtA w -sra. by express prepaid R t. W ffiUJA Chemlat, Jaraey- City,

M en’s F a n c y -Inrls, h igh-grade percale 98c.

Outing C l o t h -liirts. 50c.

Flannel W o r k -hirts, $1 to *1.50.

Pajamas, correct style of outing ■ loll), (1.50 to (2 suit.

Ladle*’ Walntg.A Indy cannot have ton many

waists if thay’ra really pretty anddainty. There couldn’t M a more acceptable gill to a lady than oursort nl waists.

Silk Waists in old roee, red, lav ender. greV, green, blua and block. $3 98 to $098.

Flannot \Yabt% all colon, 99c., $1,25, *1.48, $2.75 to *3.76.A | (r o n a . .

Women’s, 25a to $125.A lot of garment* wa are really

proud of.Um brellna A Mackintoshes.

W e can’t apeak t o o strongly or ant h urine! i- cally of thehigh qualityof our Um­brella stock, particula r 1 y in tha popu­lar numlters from $1.48 tc •2.25, natural wood crook handles, sil

-ver trimmed.M en’s and Women’s Umbrella?

76c. in $C 50.Children’s Umbrellas, 60a tn$l 5b W om en’s nnd Children's Mnckin

toshes, *3.75 to *5.50.

Gloves.P. L, *1.Mocha, *1.25.English Walkii Electric Fleece,!M ilaneee Cashmere, 60a WoolMibena. 25c. to 50c.Silk llittens, 50a to $1.

Bella.Leather. 25c. to 60a Velvet, 2 5 a to 50a Gold, 25a and 50a

Hosiery.Children V, 12je. to 50a Women’s, I2 n. to 60a Lace Hoeiery, 50a

Hose Supporter*.Cotton, 16c. tn 25a Satin, 26a,to $11*

[K id .1.60.J


“ The Portland Range ” makes about as wekome a visitor ChHstmay Day be wanted!

(A )

Note ir*t M Bg ’V.MOS" and No "73’’ beforecotartar stora. 0*1 off awrat PlmwcIt

A JO LLY CHRISTM ASwill be yours if you come to “ No. 73” and do the gift choosing— floor after floor full of new, welcome gifts for every taste. Prjcc9 always fejow “ cash " stores— credit if you want it.

Free deliveries now—or goods reserved till later tt prsfetTed

$2.98.(W drt Oak I t c k t r i i •p4a4le back, cobbter •eat. Yalas $4.00. i kndnft other ports.

$4 .98 .Ooldca Oak Desk*. Ont drawer. Prencb leg*, mirror back, r t lu *• 7 • NO. Dozen* o f other*.

Some Hints of Good GiftsA novels Chair.A Domestic Sewing

Machiae.A Ladles* Dash.A Portland Usage.A ComMastloa Ih ik , A * Oil HtOtor,A Cocraec Chair.A , Bissett Carpet■ s m is e r----------- -

A Rood Rsdcar.A Parlor Stove.A Cobbter Seat

Rocker.A Parlor dock.A finale Cabinet A Shaving Stand.A Smyrna Rag.A Parlor Cabinet.A Costumer.A Banquet or Parlor

Lamp.A Jardiniere Stand.A Chiffonier.

$23.69■laSHfeS’& S t i d 3 C T k £ * . *

$ 1.49Fo6t Rest, for Morris Chair, in o a k o r cherry. Value *2.00.

$3.69.Poll abed Oak P | » « tfcftorri* Chair*. Srfll- uad«. reveraibW cash- ion*—value a third ?.°re, NfWirk'1 larg**t Morris Ch*lr *tock.

Det a Domest ic Sewing Machine- Cash or Credit—Old machines allowed for.


Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. 7 J Market St.,LOW PRICES- EASY TERMS. I *1 Near PUne St.,

Note first name “ Amot." Newark, N. J.

Tell[,hone 680. Goods delivered Free to any part at State.

LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.Tina Table in effect Nov. 3*. U00.

Leave RriUtiieu M lollow*:Dally exce|4 buudaya

. Local fur Mauvb Chunk.

H a ilellmIntermediate station*.

tt.47 |a oi., Local lor ] lid \ eallbule a *

ff ISrtott., OouMcts wish > for DuA akk Mlasafm H j S

ft. 47 a

6. IS. 9.25 a.

Chicago, atul jH-inv^aTi___ ______Train* for Perth Amboy,10.10 a. a»; s 17, ft. O and s.lft a. la.


For Saw Y ork 1.44 4.41, a a d 0.47 *. ■ . SUNDAYS.ft.IS a. in.. Exons* tor M uflalo, Hla«ara PUUa

'liitag o and |>riut lual In w n u u a ia te giaHona.6-61 l>. u»., Local for kaotuli. UmumuI* With

olid VestilHile E a |« tM fur Buffalo. K t a ja ra

r Perth Amboy—10.* r New Y ork—8. I I a. .. . . . .

For further Inforuiatioti applr *D Uckat •*•»« L'HAKLIhh H. LUC. ^

Uao'l Hm*. Aff*t,3* Uortiaiedl itrsK, M. Y.

KOLLIN H. WILBUR,Ovlierai HUpt.,

il uortlaafft Mrssl. (fs« Tort


Piest PansYtKAiaiiMaooti, D.D., la ik iM a l__a. ui. aad 7,M p. m.; HaU«U*

V. K.. 2.30 p. ■ *.; Y .Wednesday ntgtit, prajrar aaa

Bf. Luas aOiiiaoa. M»v.A Keviur. duuday-' day HctwoT, f w :10;aS; kv«uln( Hraysr 4__ ______ _-miautir <M WoutL—Uofty Ommrnumm, • UM®. Wedkwday- ktawlB^ Hersr, 4fL, day—LKai.y and Buffdftf arboOt jSMn®, uo-r Day* Uolv loaam toi, sffka.m. „ffT. Fkabcw’ li V. m vm m t ftsv. IL ■l lo u n o f aerriaa am wm aitd *0*0 a. Catsekte i school u d Mbit bhsoffy i al U I a at.; wnari as Blisssit users— m, k.00 p. i

% C K i L r_______s s f .p. ■*.; huttuivn of kauthBuiiday of tftw ia union Sunday-*-For tmiudsy ol the susMh; __hstaftav of tbe soMh : «uf liMt ssevod Hear*. tWt t ___*laa» on week day*, 7.*8 a. na' .................................. “ It. Alhsff*

^ S. ®( w s -

i S C,:r^ .A ,-3 u n y g.iraaday PVelilM •« 7.0ft. AiT— OPbeOSa

t. i’ctui’* a. M. il Mcnrsi. Biius. Wsr m a Cioter, iMMiflir: h s itffid fh ry ’ *— .

^ 14' P ■ 1•*i»»4|r dsksolMl IB»’ “ » ***** “Matls* Frtd *y ulffut* ffsrrsas*»t the Lord’* Supper In id d l - f TTrliff m b uMtteU. Ail aaiouAo. -

Kuruiaiu tMLBcu, Row.

MetsehN hsl OffHe tdwMtOrev. 7 « ■ cu m u tar. k

. „ . S.ite AanivsFrom Newark and puints boat.__ |,i>. m.From New York*anu nniuta test ....... 5!*® ft. mFrom buitoo and yufut* W ot._____ a. mlFr«iso South and ......... ....... ... ..lift s. m.From Rahway and i«4m » Kaat ... . . ujff a. m.From btelton and joiuMWW-.... ..... I k k aFrom Meakj Park mmI |MftAa fai*t..... **| p s * .ro Menlo Park and MutsRftat_____ i , , .To Biel ton and toints South SSd W p * l . / N * .To L ah way ana point* C a s t ...... ITo New Brunswick South and West... f "M p . m . To Menlo Park, p’t . KaM and rbrd«ii...4Jff a. m . To Skelton and |oiiits South sod W«wt„ ft ft aAll kastern point*................,.a t ___rAil iApaten* point*........... . ■*.

— r i L n m l m u f


Jossph Burnmgb. t proBUBeni r»ri7 mer. nwr Merchsntvlll*, had his thumb esught In the coga of s hores power fodder cutter lu t night tnd the member wss Iltermliy pulled out of h.e socket. It was necessary to amputate a portion of nit hand. Just s. year ago T * Pasture J; — he had sn arm broken by the tame i I JIlllVC

E . K r a m e r ’s Big Store,MAIN STREET, METUCHEN, N. J.

Mcn!s Heavy Merino Nhirlg or Drawers, At 29c. ’Men’s Heavy Ontin* FUnuei Sliioa, av 25c.Indies’ Fleece Lined Sliirte or Drawer., st 25c.Ledie«’ Oming Flannel Wrapper., st (19c.Boy*’ H.avv Hei.ool Pant., rotible 8eai and Double Knee st No Hoy*’ Rclinoi Kttit. from *1 2o up. ’Hoys’ Scitool Caps, st 10c. t

Heel Qtiailiy Colton Baiting, 10c per lb.Columtl Calicoes for Quilting.Alc per yard Full aisr. Bed Siieets st 45c each.Full Pillow Cases, st 12<J each.

Bovs’ Heavy School Shoes, ’ ’ A Special," at 79o.Extra Heavy Misses' School Shoe., at I t .10.Ladies’ Fine Shoe., at *110.

AFull Line of Quilts and Comforters Just Received.

NEW S NOTES. . Th« Bpworth Leagua of the Trinity______ “ • “ ■ Church, Mnlrille, w ill give s

dinner to the poor on Chrlatmas day Morris la threatened .with s A total weight of 10,45* pound, ol

tool totalis. The supply is now nearly pork has bean killed at the OloucesUr 0UC County Almshouse the past two waekt

The anniversary exercises of the A band of gypsies have taken nr ML Holly Presbyterian Sunday ecbool their winter quarters at Middle Run will ho hold }n the church on Wednee- near Cedarvllle * “ * * ’day sOfnlng. December I*. | _ , ,

I Constable Lora took ooint.m n. ~ 5 W M ThdffiU in s o e c n e Cox. flyho to Bridgeton y e e u r d i r f Z two youths were sehteoeed yesterday Philadelphia. He was wanted for su3 to thirty days in >11 each for stealing log a bore, and buggy press pips A t Atlgntlc City. , , .

T h . eollsstor of taxes st Bridgeton ceotown, U “ “ iW u rU n ^ o S 'c iiM ty “ » '™ ^ )r r' C,1'’<Kl \ “ uc^ U r* « r Hospital suffering from blood potaon

proportlok .o f taxes at this Urn. than the result of neglecting , j * * Injured toms time gga toisssssse. P. a

Special in AllaM S.The route o l th * -ftWants f t s t o f la

Via the Seaboard A ir Llaq t a l fw iy , "Florida and West lad la Short L ia o ," with through Pullman drawing room and buffet sleeping care from N sw fork . Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wank- ington and ..lchmond to atbsaa a n d Atlanta, where aireox eonssetloss a re made In Union Depot for Montgomery, Macon, New Orleans aad all potato South and Southwest. Tu la* aretvn and depart at Pennsylvania flt l lr o a * itattoos For further lalonastloa d o ll on or address W. O. Shoemaker, Oam- sral Eastern Posungwr Agent, Broadway, New Yorn; C. L torf. New Rngtond 106 Washington stroot, ,W. M. McConnell, OeaerSl AgSSU, I t New York avenue. Wasaiagtoa D. , or tbe Oeneral Pa sponger Agent i Portsmouth, Va. ■ tB. BTj JOHN, L .*. ALUR4,

V.-P. ft CRM. & Rea. HIM. Agt.

enroll MO.Winter exsuralon tlcheta are

on salt to Southern Plana aad nurst, and similar tlakato to 0 many be purchaatd a t priaelpal mmth ol and Including ~ ’ D X". Double datiy sorvll .’ultman drawing deeping ears from Net ■his, Baltimore,Alchmoad. 'm ias •t Pennsylvania Raliraa llreet connections vt* uw mads at Norfolk v a Por further or address W. C.

way. Nsw York; C. England ngton street, UcConnsll.• ork avsnus, Wl 3«norel ■oath, Va t t ST. JOHN,

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