
14 May 2015No. 5

Dancing girl, Krystyna, Year 6

In this issue

Amelia in Regionals

Visit from Oscar-winning

documentary maker

HCH finish 2nd in the Canbury

invitation athletics meet

Easter Quiz

Nursery and Reception

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3 & Year 4

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Year 9

Year 10

Design & Technology

Photographer Mimi (Y10) in


The Launch of Form Seven

Parents' Forum

HCH Leaders' Debate

Anja completes 5000 metre


Art Gallery

Substitution Cipher

The Maggini Quartetat

Hampton Court House

Formed in 1988, the Maggini Quartet is one of the finest British string quartets. Its acclaimed

recordings have won international awards including Gramophone Chamber Music Award

of the Year, Diapason d’Or of the Year and a Cannes Classical Award, and have twice been

nominated for Grammy Awards.

programme Mozart Quartet in Eb major K428

Brahms Quartet in A minor op.51/2

date Wednesday 20 May 2015 at 19.30

Wine & Cheese Interval Refreshments

Suggested donation £30 per person.

All funds go to charity:

UK Friends of the Felix Mendelssohn

Bartholdy Foundation.

Registered Charity No. 1112819

Patron: HRH The Duke of Kent KG, President: Maestro Kurt Masur

Cheques payable to:

UKFFMBF, Tom Tress, The Red House, 29 Palace Road, East Molesey, KT8 9DJ

Gift Aid form available


Megan Tress, [email protected], 020 8941 8532

Ruth Cecil, [email protected], 020 8783 1998

HEADLINES 14 May 2015

Doubtless like many of you, I have a burgeoning pile

of ‘books to read’ by my bed; this month I finally got

round to reading a slim volume which had been staring at

me for months – The Schoolmaster by Arthur Christopher

Benson, written in 1903. And what an utterly delightful

read it is.

The Schoolmaster is a discourse on the purpose of education

as fresh as the latest retweeted TED talk. Benson writes

with warmth and great clarity (‘like a window pane’ as

Orwell puts it). In a chapter entitled ‘Intellect’, Benson


What should be aimed at is that people should have interests,

views, subjects; that indoor life should not be a series of

tedious hours to be beguiled with billiards or bridge, or with

anticipations or recollections of open-air amusements.

My idea of an intellectual person is one whose mind is alive

to ideas; who is interested in politics, religion, science, history,

literature; who knows enough to wish to know more, and to

listen if he cannot talk; a person who is not at the mercy of a

new book, a leading article, or the chatter of an irresponsible

outsider; a person who is not insular, provincial, narrow-

minded, contemptuous.

I have been so struck by this delightful book, as here

are thoughts which chime so resonantly with my own

as to what I believe we all strive to achieve at Hampton

Court House. I warmly recommend this slim volume to

all parents. Chapter titles include ‘training of teachers’,

‘originality’, ‘praise’ and ‘time’. It is a remarkable insight

into a reflective Victorian mind.

Finally may I take this opportunity to let you know of

two very special events coming up soon. Many of you will

know Michal Kaznowski as the school’s ‘cello teacher and

that he is also the ‘cellist in the Maggini Quartet, without

question one of the finest string quartets performing

today. There is to be a charity recital, complete with a

wine and cheese interval, at the school on Wednesday 20

May to which you are all warmly invited to attend (see the

previous page for details).

Please also note the date of Sunday 7 June (12 to 3

pm). Hampton Court House is hosting a Summer Fête,

complete with fairground games, live music, a dog show,

traditional French market, craft stalls, beer and Pimm’s

tent, BBQ, cream teas and cakes, face painting, art

exhibition, tombola, raffle and so on. Do please bring

your friends and family and join us.



@GuyHolloway_HCH [email protected]

View on Amazon


Amelia in NationalsAmelia (Y6) has just competed in the nationals gymnastics tournament as a member of the

South East team. Of thirteen teams, Amelia's squad finished 4th overall.

The South East finished their round in third place but then had a nervous wait as the rest of

the regions competed in the next two rounds to see if the bronze medal would be theirs....

Alas, the competition was of an extremely high standard and the team from the South West

shot to the top of the board pushing the South East into 4th place.

Amelia scored 61.00 (a distinction), finished 27th out of 51 competitors and came 11th on


Well done, Amelia!

Amelia in her starting position on the floor.

HEADLINES 14 May 2015

Visit from Oscar-winning documentary maker

BritDoc talk – 27 April 27 2015, by David Lydon

An absolute treat was delivered to Years 8, 9 and 10 during a recent Perspectives session

- Beadie Finzi of the documentary production company BritDoc gave a talk that will be

well-remembered by all who witnessed it. Speaking primarily about the recent Oscar winning

documentary ‘Citizen Four’ and the Oscar nominated ‘Virunga’, Beadie spoke with passion

and expertise about themes dictating our daily lives. ‘Citizen Four’, detailing the adversity

faced by American whistleblower Edward Snowden, has provoked significant conversation

amongst governing bodies; a conversation most definitely worth having and one our students

warmed to immediately.

Perhaps the most prominent theme discussed was that

of privacy. I know from experience as a form tutor and

through the debate club that this is an issue our students

are preoccupied with, so to have an expert in the field

deliver such a thought-provoking debate was nothing short

of inspirational. There were some excellent questions

from Brynley, Rollo, George and Gerard to name a few,

especially once the topic of ‘Orwellian thought police’ was

offered. The concept of a ‘profile’ existing of each of us in

the room was, frankly, chilling.

Beadie skillfully allowed the discussion to move onto

another key concept - the role of documentary in our

celebrity-obsessed society. It was refreshing to see our

students respond so well to the subject of ‘real’ filmmaking

in an age of superhero blockbusters and special effects extravaganzas. It soon became

apparent that documentary is more than simply ‘non-fiction’; it is an attempt to engage the

public with choices that have to be made.

A final topic of talk was the insight

behind the creative process, from funding,

‘authoring’ a film, and bottling the zeitgeist

with urgent storytelling. I for one wouldn't

be surprised if a handful of HCH students

embark on a career in documentary-making,

such was their enthusiasm as they applauded

what was a brilliant discussion. We hope

to have Beadie return soon for another

enthralling discussion.

Year 10 and 11

Team: Brynley, George, Chris, Lotte, Charles, Tom, Tim, Calvin, Mahdi, Lucas, Meg and


HCH took a team of 12 to the Canbury invitation track and relay meet at Kingsmeadow.

Each member took part in a graded 100m, graded 800m and graded 4x100 relay. Each

member of the team performed well with notable performances in the 100m from Tom and

Chris finishing 1st, Charles, Calvin and Tim finishing 2nd and George and Lotte in 3rd. In

the 800m both Charles and Chris finished 1st and Madhi and George in 2nd. HCH 1st relay

team came second in the 4x100. Well done to the team and yet another fantastic experience

for all.

Year 7, 8 and 9

Team: Stephanie, Saule, Clarissa, Rahman, Ben, Ava, Rollo, Dhelia, Asimina, Sam,

Danial, Miles

Another trip to Kingmeadow but this time it was the turn of a team of 12 selected from

year 7, 8 and 9. Once again the years were put into graded 100m, 800m and 4x100 relays.

In addition to the track events, two pupils were selected to compete in the shot put and long

jump. In the 100m all athletes finished in the top 3 with Ben, Ava and Saule finishing 1st.

Miles and Rollo came a respectable 2nd and 3rd in the 800m. The teams performed very

well in the 4x100m relay with coming 1st in the 2 slower races and 3rd in the fastest. Lastly

congratulations to Ben and Rollo who performed fantastically in the long jump and shot put,

with Ben recording the

longest jump and Rollo

getting the longest shot

put throw. Over all the

HCH came 2nd in the



Canbury Athletics meet

HCH finish 2nd in the Canbury invitation athletics meet.

HEADLINES 14 May 2015

Easter QuizResults

This year produced the best ever result crop of results, with some truly astonishing


Amongst the younger entrants, Albert R (Y5) put in an exceptional performance with

98/100. Amelia L (Y6) scored 99/100 repeating her success of last year. Gully (Y7) went up

from 98 last year to 99 this year. Imogen (Y7) had a second year on 98/100.

But this year the top position this year goes to Oscar H (Year 7), who achieved a

perfect 100/100. This is a splendid achievement and has not been achieved since 2010.

Congratulations, Oscar!

1 Oscar H(Year 7) 100

2= Amelia L (Year 6) 99

2= Gully D (Year 7) 99

4= Albert R (Year 5) 98

4= Edi T (Year 7) 98

4= Imogen M(Year 7) 98

4= Oscar V(Year 10) 98

8 Paul A (Year 6) 97

9= Kit G (Year 10) 95

9= Finn R (Year 9) 95

9= Sabrina P (Year 9) 95

12= Katie S (Year 6) 94

12= Haydn R (Year 11) 94

14= Bella H (Year 9) 93

14= Theophile M (Year 6) 93

14= Asimina H (Year 7) 93

17= Mohak M (Year 8) 92

17= Kit C (Year 8) 92

Prizes will be awarded to all of the above at the end-of-term Prize-giving ceremony.

Amongst the other high performers are: Laurie D (84), Marie-Sol G (83), Daniil E (79),

Ashley R (76), Isabelle P (73), Chloe G (73), Scarlett W (72). Very well done!

HEADLINES 14 May 2015


Nursery and Reception

This term the children are studying ‘Mini-Beasts’ and ‘Sea Animals’ and are exploring all the

insect and pond life within the school grounds.

Then on Thursday 30th April the Early Years welcomed Joe from the Zoolab team to show

children different types of animals such as a cockroach, a tarantula and other mini-beasts.

The children enjoyed looking, touching and listening about how important all these fragile

creatures are and how they help to maintain a balance in our environment.

Year 1

Sebastian has participated in a video for Amnesty International to fight

against discrimination. The class watched Sebastian’s film and discussed

this topic in a Life Skills session and it made the children think. “If this

word exists in the language, it means that discrimination does exist” said

Alanna, but one day “we should delete it even from the dictionary!”

Veiw Sebastian’s video on YouTube

Year 2

Year 2 have had a few extra faces in the classroom over the past couple

of weeks! They have been digging for insects and bugs that they then

create a habitat for, watching their movements for two days at a time.

So far, they have found various species of beetles, centipedes, woodlice

and ladybirds.

Their next project will be to watch the transformation of caterpillars

morphing to butterflies!

HEADLINES 14 May 2015

Year 3 & Year 4

On the last day of term, Years 3 and 4 took part in a very exciting Easter Egg Hunt. By

teams, they received a map of the school grounds and had to look for the eggs marked with a

cross on the map. Once they found one, there was a question inside to answer.

Every team did really well and won chocolate eggs and Easter prizes!

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

from Dominique

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been rehearsing actively for their Junior Drama Showcase which will

take place on Tuesday 19 May at 5:15 pm in the Main Hall.

Year 9

Computer Science

Cisco visited Hampton Court House. Year 9 listened to colleagues from

Cisco regarding their Little Big Awards Competition review.

HEADLINES 14 May 2015

Year 10

Visit to the Houses of Parliament

In light of the general election Year 10 visited the Houses of Parliament. The group were

treated to a fantastic tour by a charismatic guide. We visited the robing room, the lobby,

St Stephen's Hall and the House of Lords, learning about the passing of bills, peers in

comparison to MPs and the passages of the building's history.

Design & Technology

This term the Years 6 and 7 have begun a Design & Technology project with Josep making

marble labyrinths out of wood. The students are creating their own mathematical mazes by

sawing and joining parts together.

HEADLINES 14 May 2015

Photographer Mimi (Y10) in action

Mimi had a busy day at her local Golf club where three famous Formula One cars were

driven over. Mimi was constantly on the move, taking team photos, photos of people teeing

off and much much more. She was joined by former Formula One driver Johnny Herbert

who won the Le Mans 24 Hour Race and Sky Sports Formula One presenter David Croft.

It was a busy fund-raising day and £10,000 was raised. Congratulations to Mimi for her

contribution to the day!

The Launch of Form Seven

This term Hampton Court House branched into adult education with a new series of talks

and courses. ‘Form Seven’ launches in earnest in September, with evening events on arts and

sciences, languages, entrepreneurship, parenting, food and wine.

On 30 April we enjoyed a witty and erudite talk by the historian and television presenter

Jonathan Foyle on the Tudor history of Hampton Court Palace.

A week later staff and parents enjoyed a

delicious meal, prepared by Junior Lopes,

in the Main Hall at the first ‘Supper Salon’,

during which Dominic Smith delivered

a riveting two-part lecture on the life of

Elizabeth I – presenting her as ‘Bloody

Elizabeth’ and advancing the argument that

she was every bit as despotic as Mary.

For further information do see formseven. and please register for further


Parents' Forum22 April 2015

The annual Parents' Forum was a relaxed affair and was notable for the illuminating two-

way Q&A between parents and the school leaders. Headmaster Guy Holloway opened

proceedings with a brief summary of the key events of the last year and outlined the

challenges for the year ahead.

HEADLINES 14 May 2015

The topics that Guy covered included:

• the process of transferring to and from other schools

• the emerging features of Hampton Court House

as ‘all-through school’, specifically interaction/

friendship between the year groups

• the school's commitment to investment in teaching

staff in terms of professional development

opportunities, and HCH's professional links with

Kingston University, Roehampton, Institute of

Education, National Education Trust

• Junior Lopes' work with government on the School

Food Plan

• strong links with other schools, and the development

over the last 12 months of ‘cluster groups’ in which

schools meet to share practice.

• the continual need to share and discuss HCH’s

philosophy directly with the parent body and to be

open to feedback, both positive and negative

• new evidence from the field of neuroscience in

terms of children's and teenagers' brains, and how

knowledge of this impacts on our teaching, and their


• the impact of mindfulness in schools

• the development of a comprehensive well being

programme as a goal for the next 12 months, bringing

together various strands which already exist, together

with elements from mindfulness, yoga, nutrition

advice, time management skills, and so on.

• the value HCH places on relationships,

acknowledging others and so on… one of HCH's


Wellington College cited by a parent as a forward-

thinking school… HCH agrees and values its long-

standing links with the College.

HCH can be an important player, at a local and national

level, despite its modest size, by being agile and perhaps

on some issues ahead of the curve (eg. the proposed later

start for A-level students).

Importance of working together with parents to clarify

our joint values (eg on our Sex and Relationships

Education policy).

The evening continued with Adam D'Souza, the

Director of Form Seven, outlining the adult education

programme, ‘the setting is perfect; and the breadth of

expertise at Hampton Court House means that I'm spoilt

for choice in choosing exciting talks and courses to offer.

In Form Seven, we want to create a place where people

and ideas meet.”

Jon Hind then spoke about GCSE reform and the new

grading system, and how this may affect HCH's internal

grading system.

Daniela Mingham spoke about the intensive eight-week

mindfulness course undertaken by her and other HCH

staff Kathryn, Jose, Raul, Graham, Caroline, Jon,).

Daniela went on to talk about mental health in young

people (she now sits on a local mental health board), and

explained how studies into the effects of mindfulness

programmes among young people show improved

emotional regulation, sleep and self acceptance.

Kathryn Sumner spoke about the physicality of learning

– the value of what used to be called ‘deportment’.

Kathryn also spoke about yoga, Alexander technique,

and how young children often have naturally good

posture, but that for a variety of reasons, children can

and do tend to slouch and to carry themselves poorly.

A fascinating exchange developed on how parents and

school can work together in this area.

Finally Ben Ruddin spoke about the summer fête on

Sunday 7th June, and how we shall all be basking in

the summer sun with plenty of entertainment for all the


Once again plenty of ideas came out of the Parents'

Forum – ideas which are now finding their way into the

School Improvement Plan.

For any who were unable to attend the evening, but

who would like to contribute on any of the topics

mentioned, please do contact the Headmaster directly

on [email protected] or telephone Reception on

020 8943 0889 to arrange a meeting.

HCH Leaders’ Debate

7 May 2015, by David Lydon

The anticipation was palpable; five HCH students presenting the views of the party leaders

in a packed Main Hall. With remarkable dedication to both appearance and speaking style,

the party leaders were represented by Brynley (Ed Milliband), Oscar V (Nick Clegg), George

(David Cameron), Cassandra (Nicola Sturgeon) and Haydn R (Nigel Farage).

Chaired by Dominic, each leader was allowed a two-minute opening address, outlining his/

her views and visions for the United Kingdom. It was immediately apparent that we were in

for a treat – all five speakers were well-prepared and drilled in the rhetoric of the party. Once

the first questions began – focusing on the ever-important topic of the NHS, the real debate

began. Barely an opportunity was missed to score points and gain momentum over their

political adversaries – truly capturing the spirit of the ‘authentic’ Leaders' debate.

Brynley (Y10) in full flow advancing the cause of the Labour Party.

HEADLINES 14 May 2015


Anja completes 5000 metre Swimathon

Anja took part in this year's Swimathon in aid of the Marie Curie Cancer trust. Says Anja,

“the support I got from HCH staff, parents and the children was overwhelming. From

encouraging emails, tips about eating lots of pasta and not drowning, to people commenting

on the good cause, the feedback I got was amazing. However, it made me feel quite a bit of

pressure and I went into the water far more nervous than I thought could be possible for such

an event.”

Anja swam the 5000 metres in 1 hour 46 minutes – a tremendous achievement.

“But I am even more proud of the sum I managed to get together for Marie Curie. At the last

count my supporters had donated £444 and almost all of it came through HCH.”

Anja raised £444 for the Marie Curie!!!

Thank you to everyone who supported


Once the pre-selected questions had been answered, the floor was given the chance to

throw political hot potatoes at the fast-thinking leaders. Topics raised illustrated the range

of interests amongst our student body; the Environment, Housing, Immigration and the

EU were just a few of the issues posed. Particular mention should go to the discussions

of Education and LGBT within any future Government, further illustrating the political

engagement of the students we teach.

On a personal note, it was heartening to see so many of the techniques honed in English

classes and Debate Club in action. It was somewhat fitting that, as voters are making their

voices heard around the country, our own students were voicing their opinions in such a

remarkable manner.

You still have chance to contribute to the

Anja’s fundraising efforts for Marie Curie

Cancer Trust. Just scan the QR code or use the

link below:

Rupert, Nursery: Marbling with floating paint.

Eliana, Reception: Lines and patches of colour.


HEADLINES 14 May 2015

Sophie, Nursery: ‘Spotted Dog’ – cut and stick collage.


Savannah, Year 3: ‘Wasp’ – colour pencil on paper.

Lily, Year 3: Drawing costumes.

HEADLINES 14 May 2015

Selina, Year 4: ‘Eve the Greek Godess’

Ulvi, Year 4: ‘Olympic Games’

Finn, Year 9: ‘The Kiss’ by Gustav Klimt – study, oil on canvas and mixed media.

HEADLINES 14 May 2015

Prints available – send enquiries to [email protected].

©2015 Hampton Court House. All rights reserved.

Thomas, Year 11: GCSE art.

The GCSE art exhibition will be on from the 7th to the 8th of June.

Substitution Cipher

This message is in French and encoded using a simple substitution cipher using a deranged


Can you crack it?









In French, E is the most frequently occurring letter. 18% of letters used on average are Es

The next four most frequent letters are A, S, T, and I. Each of these account for 7-8%.

The next five are N, R, U, L, and O. These tend to occur 5-7% of the time, but this is quite


D, M, C, P, and V only tend to occur 2-4% of the time, but this is highly variable.

The remaining letters (H, G, F, B, Q, J, X, Z, Y, K, and W) tend to occur 1% or less of the


Hint: In this particular text R appears more often than average.

Extension: This second message used the same encryption: FRUQ HUIZ UQ UI ZIYHUQR

Fairground gamesDog showLive bands

Traditional French market

Lots of fun to be had by all!Take a tour of the Shell Grotto or bring along your pooch for the Dog Show.

Summer Fête Summer Fête


Craft stallsBar, Pimm's tent and BBQ

Cream teas and cakesFace painting

Sunday, 7th June, 12 – 3 pm

@HCHSchool @HCHFete

To enter the dog show, please register by 1 pm on the day.

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